Border Guard Day - funny congratulations, short, in prose, poetry, SMS. Congratulations on Border Guard Day to friends who served, beloved husband, and father. Official congratulations on Border Guard Day Greetings on Border Guard Day

Border Guard Day is originally a Soviet holiday, which, however, according to the good old tradition, is still celebrated by the countries that were part of the USSR to this day. Significant date in most of these countries it does not change and always falls on May 28th. An important part of the celebration on Border Guard Day, of course, is various congratulations. Someone can boast of having a father, a loved one or friends who serve or have served in the border troops. Someone will just find a good reason for another have a nice holiday: Well, you also need to be able to rest! In any case, we will help you celebrate Border Guard Day well - look for congratulations in prose, poetry and SMS for your family and friends in our article today!

Border Guard Day - short and long congratulations in verse for colleagues

One of the best options for Border Guard Day is congratulations in verse! Firstly, a short or long poetic form always gives a special solemnity to the moment, and secondly, a successful syllable and rhyme can please almost anyone! Whether it’s a noisy feast in the company of colleagues, or a quiet family celebration or just a sincere wish for good friend, congratulations in verse will always be appropriate for Border Guard Day. Best options– read below!

We proudly congratulate the soldiers

Happy Border Guard Day now!

We respect your title

We always wait and love you!

Let on the border of your service

Order and peace reign,

And to be alive and well

You returned home soon!

On this day we want to congratulate

Border guards, we have you!

I wish you a lot

We want it right now!

So that always at your service,

Peace and quiet reigned,

So that our enemy is on the border

Didn't bother me at all!

Be strong and brave

To defend the Fatherland!

Fast, dexterous and skillful,

To become our pride!

The border is locked, but still,

Today is your holiday, hero!

After all, even a border guard can

Quite relaxing sometimes.

And for the dog, for the service

There is a festive bone today.

To the owner - one hundred grams of magic

Life is easier in the service.

We congratulate you, dear ones,

We always wish you cheerfulness,

So that our working days

The enemy never violated!

Beautiful congratulations to dad on Border Guard Day in verse

Being the son or daughter of a military man is always a great honor! But at the same moment, for those who are through loved one is directly involved in the holiday and always celebrates Border Guard Day, congratulations to dad - a moment of special responsibility! Of course, I would like to somehow highlight this event, to show my pride and respect for my father’s difficult profession, to emphasize his high status in the eyes of his family and, of course, the country’s society as a whole. That's why we will help you choose best congratulations to dad for Border Guard Day - and make the solemn speech in poetry or prose memorable!

Day and night, in rain and snowstorm,

The border guard is always on duty,

He repays his debt to the Fatherland in full,

So that the whole country can live in peace.

Dear daddy, accept congratulations,

Let your mood be great

Let there be calm on the border,

And a new star will appear on the buttonhole.

Brave and strong border troops,

Peaceful life is always protected,

You celebrate honesty, loyalty and courage,

Faithful sons of the fatherland.

Happy Border Guard Day, father, congratulations,

I sincerely wish you success in your service,

May God give you good luck, health, perseverance,

So that there would be less sorrow in life.

My beloved daddy

Today I congratulate you

On the day of the border guard!

I wish you good service!

Good health and happiness!

Take care of yourself daddy!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations

On your border guard day!

I congratulate you even more

Bright emotions, true love,

Joy, happiness, good luck and great strength!

So that you can always protect our border!

Congratulations on Border Guard Day to your loved one in verse

Congratulations to your loved one on Border Guard Day are extremely important if your significant other is involved in such responsible military service! A woman who cares about the warmth of her relationship, of course, really wants to choose the right, important, touching words that truly come from the heart. It’s not always possible to come up with them on your own - it seems that all the best has already been said before you. We decided to prudently help the girls with this: celebrate Border Guard Day with pleasure - you will find congratulations to your loved one in various variations below!

I have the right to summarize -

I have already become close to you;

The whole country can sleep peacefully:

After all, you are always on the line,

And the enemy, whether obvious or invisible,

He will fall on his face before you...

Happy Border Guard Day, beloved!

Let feelings have no boundaries!

You stand at the border, and I'll wait

Until the deadline, beloved defender!

You will understand - I love you with all my heart

And I'm looking forward to returning!

I wish you health and good luck as a soldier,

So that the service goes smoothly and smoothly,

To have fewer dashing misfortunes,

So that everything is in order!

Let the heart beat in unison with fate

And let the wind give you warmth,

And the service will pass like a minute, like a dream,

Leaving good luck as a memory!

May he protect you, my beloved, at the border

Faithful Angel of my sincere love!

And on every page of your life

Take care of your luck!

I congratulate you, my border guard,

Happy Profession Day! I wish

So that the first to be an excellent student in his work,

May fate spoil you every day!

Funny and funny congratulations on Border Guard Day to friends who have served (poems)

Cool congratulations on Border Guard Day could not be more appropriate in the company of comrades and colleagues! Of course, this event is a reason for pride and solemnity, but sometimes you really want to defuse the situation, take the moment lightly and certainly in a cheerful mood! Who else will support you in this if not your close friends, with whom you have gone through a lot of life’s most important ups and downs side by side? Don’t limit yourself to just “proformas”; congratulations on Border Guard Day – cool, funny, humorous, unusual – it’s time to put them to use!

The border guard is a prominent guy,

He stands at his post like a bayonet.

Not even a mouse can pass by

The border guard is a real man!

This is not a simple matter -

Then guard the border.

Run fast, see sharply,

Be persistent and shoot,

Like James Bond is our border guard

Let's be an example to everyone today.

We invite you to a bachelorette party...

Protect! What did you want?

A cloud is moving along the border -

Promises a gloomy day

This is not a man's business

Celebrate the holiday at home

A real border guard

Like Indiana Jones

Will raise glasses

And also have a snack.

A group of friends

It may not be nearby

After all, we only have friends:

A faithful dog and a sharp bayonet.

But these are only advantages -

Less spending on cognac,

And it’s clear who screwed up

All the hidden kebab!

On the border the clouds move gloomily,

Well, you are quite the opposite.

I know that you are friends with words

And you are always respected everywhere.

You are a joker, a cheerful joker,

But also, of course, a hero.

You can even make chickens laugh

And you stand up for your homeland.

Always be the same as you are now.

Bring a lot of joy to your family and friends.

Now, let's sip some whiskey!

After all, look at it - the hour is not exactly right!

Border Guard Day - SMS congratulations in short verses

For transmission festive mood for those with whom, for certain reasons, it is not possible to directly celebrate Border Guard Day - SMS congratulations in your own words will come in handy! Not too voluminous, but no less pleasant text messages can be sent to friends, colleagues, distant relatives - or anyone! In this section of our article, we have specially selected the best SMS congratulations on Border Guard Day - choose any you like!

I can always rely on you,

You are a responsible and kind person!

May you be appreciated for your merits!

And respected by comrades!

All the best to you!

Happy Border Guard Day!

Our brave border guard,

You will not let the enemy pass you by!

After all, you defend the border with honor!

Let it always be in your life

A place to relax!

We wish you happiness in your personal life!

Live in abundance and love!

Today we congratulate on Border Guard Day the guys who, despite the weather conditions, despite the political situation in the country, steadfastly stand at their post day and night and guard the borders of our country! The border of our Motherland is reliably protected by the watchful gaze of a brave and courageous soldier, thanks to his responsibility and attention, our children sleep peacefully! On this holiday, we wish you excellent health, patience, endurance, clear reaction, quick response, unity among colleagues, moral support from family and friends! Appreciate your service, because it brings invaluable benefits to the entire Fatherland! And the people will be eternally grateful to you for your service, because the border troops are the calm future of our country! May God grant you a happy destiny, easy service and longevity! Happy Border Guard Day, heroes of our time!

The sunny month of May is coming to an end, and on the 28th we celebrate Border Guard Day! A worthy reason to devote all your attention to these brave daredevils! Night and day, morning and evening, in snow and rain, in frost and heat, border guards stand guard over the borders of our country like tin soldiers! I would like to give you a low bow to the ground for not being afraid to take responsibility for the peace of our great Motherland! We are immensely grateful to you for the peaceful existence of the Russian people, for the future of our children, for the opportunity to see the dawn of tomorrow! So may your good service return to you with the health of your families, the well-being of your life and longevity! Know that your family is incredibly proud of you and is waiting for you to return home from service safe and sound! We raise a glass to you today, drink while standing and to the bottom!

On a beautiful spring day in May, a wonderful holiday worthy of the attention of the whole country is celebrated - Border Guard Day! Heroes of our time, brave fighters, defenders of our border protect the native lands of our Motherland around the clock! We express our nation-wide gratitude and respect to these brave guys for their choice of profession! Congratulations on your professional holiday and wish your service to be safe, easy, calm, without risk to life! We wish you not to lose heart at your post, and let thoughts of your family warm your soul in bad weather! After all, your service has no days off or breaks, the country’s borders are under surveillance every minute and every day! May your horizons be bright, may your nights be starry, may your thoughts not be anxious! Peace in your soul and peaceful service!

Happy Border Guard Day, friends! A courageous choice of profession, worthy of the admiring glances of the people, an important and good deed in the name of the Motherland! Border guards, happy holiday! You are real men, real defenders, you are a guarantee of the peaceful existence of the Russian people! The borders of our country are both the beginning and the end of our lands and spaces. So here is the beginning and the end - reliably protected thanks to you, border guards! This is an invaluable service for the future of our children, for the quiet life of the elderly, for the smiles of mothers and the hugs of beloved women! Our borders are under the careful supervision of responsible soldiers, and this is the main thing! Border guards, we wish you stable peace of mind in your service, career prospects, personal growth, spiritual development, family well-being, spiritual comfort, love and care of your loved ones! We are proud of you!

It is difficult to choose the most necessary one from all the professions, but one thing is absolutely clear: the border guard is an important service, responsible for the peace of our country! The border guard is a guarantee of a peaceful present and future for our children! A border guard is masculinity, attention, courage, endurance, courage, fortitude, patience, invulnerability, devotion, patriotism, willpower, fortitude! And most importantly, a border guard is a calling from birth! These guys knew what they were doing and were not afraid to shoulder the enormous responsibility for the well-being of the Russian people in the name of our country! Honor, praise, glory, honor, respect, admiration, pride - all this is for you, dear defenders of our Motherland! Behind your strong backs we really are, like behind a stone wall, our children see colorful dreams, our parents are confident in the future! Health and longevity to you and your families, border guards!

Dear border guard! Today is yours professional holiday, and all the laurels are due to you! Accept congratulations and remember, the Russian people are very grateful to you! We are proud that the soul of the border guard is brave, devoted and invincible! We are calm for the future of our children and for their peaceful sleep! We are grateful to you for the peaceful sky above our heads, for the opportunity to see the sunrise every morning! I bow to you for your courageous choice of profession, for courage, for courage, for patriotism and devotion! Let the borders breathe the calm that you instill in them! May your service be risk-free and may you have only joy! May enemy invasion never come, and may your soul be filled with harmony and silence! We give you sincere gratitude for your faithful service to the Russian people, we are proud of you and love you, border guard!

Border guards, thank you! Congratulations on the solemn day of your service and we wish that your Motherland does not forget you, that your superiors appreciate you, that your colleagues and friends respect you, that your family warms your souls with a warm thought, that your health never fails, that your career path strives upward! May your service be carried out without risk to life, may your attention never weaken, may your vigilance never lose power! We wish that a loving family will always be waiting for you at home, and that the borders of your home will be as reliably protected as the borders of our Motherland! May you never have to face the enemy, may your strength and serious intentions be clear to him from a distance! We wish you border guards to enjoy your profession and be duly rewarded for your faithful service, devotion and patriotism!

Hooray! Congratulations, brave fellows! Physical and moral strength to you, ironclad health, unshakable patriotism, readiness to repel the enemy’s attack, a close-knit team, a worthy commander, high awards, career highs and confidence in your superiority! After all, you boldly placed the peace and peaceful existence of the Russian people on your broad shoulders! Firmly bear this responsibility and protect the borders of our country around the clock! This invaluable and invaluable service of the border guards evokes endless pride, respect, honor, praise and glory! May your hearts remain so sensitive and brave forever! We wish you a million opportunities to prove yourself in the service, but without risk to your health, because they are looking forward to seeing you at home loving hearts! Border guards, we are with you mentally, across distances, across cities and regions, we feel your protection, and we wish you to feel our gratitude!

Everyone who served! Everyone who serves! There are no former border guards! Triple Hurray! Glory to the Border Troops! "You are the First, the Motherland is behind you!" I wish you all the best from my heart! Happiness, health, joy and blue, clear skies above the borders of our country! I wish you safe service, reliable friends, iron health, excellent sensitivity and advanced work results! Peace, order and tranquility! I wish you to maintain your health strong and steely, I wish you to remain with courage and courage! May the service bring you pleasure! May attention and responsibility never dare to leave you and your colleagues, may there always be peace and harmony on the border, and may no one ever be able to encroach on our native land! Thanks to you, our border is locked! Happy Border Guard Day, brothers!

Happy Border Guard Day, brothers! We wish that this solemn day will be spent in the circle of colleagues, close friends and comrades, with memories of service and songs with a guitar! We wish that the shine of your stars on your shoulder straps will be an example for young people, so that your stories about your service will not be kept silent by the history of the country! National recognition to you, border troops! We are endlessly grateful to you for the courage you showed in choosing a profession, for your courage and bravery, for your outburst of patriotism! I bow to you deeply from all generations of the country, from all the Russian people! May your life be happy and long-lasting, may your family and friends be happy, may fate spoil you with luck in your service and love in your personal life!

Today, for all border guards of our great country, a solemn day has come, a professional holiday - Border Guard Day! With great pleasure, joy and pride we join have a wonderful day and raise a glass to these brave guys! For their health, for ease of service, for courage, for responsibility, for vigilance, for attention, for unity, for endurance, for patience! For choosing a profession! Standing to the bottom! Border guards, you keep the borders of our vast Motherland locked, so may no one ever be able to open them! Remember that the Russian people admire your courage and recognize you as the best troops! We wish you that the green beret will be your talisman in the service, and that the expectation of your family and friends will always bring you home from service into the arms of love and care! Be the favorites of fate, dear border guards, you rightfully deserve it!

Happy Border Guard Day! I wish you to always keep the boundaries of personal happiness locked, stop the intrusion of problems and troubles, and let only love, success, wealth and joy through the checkpoint!

Happy Border Guard Day! Calmly, bravely and confidently move towards success and prosperity, without giving up your positions, and do everything possible to make your happiness truly limitless!

I wish you to guard your borders confidently and boldly, because the security of your state depends on you! Let your health not fail you, be full of strength, vigor and energy! Achieve your goals easily and without much difficulty!

Let the boundaries of your prosperity stand reliably, indestructibly, based on your courage, fearlessness, inspiration and confident look into a cloudless future! Happy Border Guard Day!

Honor and glory to you, valiant defenders of the borders of the Motherland! On Border Guard Day, we wish you quiet, sunny sunrises and sunsets filled with harmony, cheerful mood and inexhaustible energy, successful service, brilliant victories and a reliable rear!

Happy Border Guard Day! Let every new, bright, extraordinary day expand the boundless boundaries of your great possibilities, revealing the wonderful sides of fantastic luck!

Bravely guarding the borders of the Fatherland, remain confident and cheerful, unshakable and calm! May happiness smile on you, may luck be nearby, may success inspire and delight you! Happy Border Guard Day!

On Border Guard Day, I wish that you no longer have to face the difficulties of defending the security of your native state, and that your personal borders are protected as reliably as possible!

The border guard is decency, courage, pride, determination, ambition, reliability, sincerity, sensitivity, originality, intelligence and sociability. I wish that these qualities will lift you to the highest level of valiant service!

Happy Border Guard Day! And let today only explosive happiness be smuggled in, which can cover the whole world with a shock wave, so that purely by chance, upon confiscation, it will scatter like bright fireworks!

On Border Guard Day, you, glorious warrior, have our gratitude and pride. Let the borders of the Motherland be locked, let your hand be firm, your eye sharp, your steps confident, your service excellent, and your love inspiring to deeds. Happy holiday!

On Border Guard Day, I wish that guarding the borders of the Motherland brings boundless joy, service in the fresh air strengthens your health and strengthens your morale, and a green uniform cap makes you irresistible in the eyes of the opposite sex.

Happy Border Guard Day! You already have courage and bravery, confidence and perseverance, all you have to do is wish to maintain these valuable qualities in any situation! Be happy and contented, cheerful and cheerful!

Let your holiday be filled only with positive moments and new successes! I wish you to faithfully guard the borders of your state and always love your job! Let your life be comfortable and happy!

Congratulations on the enviable and honorable calling of being a border guard! May the domains entrusted to you always be sunny and bright days, quiet evenings and fabulous starry nights.

Alina Ogonyok

Dear border guards and border service veterans! Heartily I congratulate you on your professional holiday - Border Guard Day !
Border service is not just work to protect the land and water borders of the state, it is an honorable duty. And those who guard the state border are special people. In all centuries, they were on the front line, the first to engage in battle with the enemy and courageously defended the borders of our Motherland.
In the second half of the 14th century, due to frequent Tatar raids on Russian soil, border guards were stationed on the southern and southeastern outskirts of the Moscow Grand Duchy. Then small detachments of mounted observers from servicemen and Cossacks began to be sent to guard the borders in the steppe. In the 16th and 17th centuries, Zasechnye Lines began to be built on the borders of the Russian state - systems of defensive structures and border fortified lines. During the Civil War and military intervention of 1918-1920, border regiments took part in battles with White Guard units and formations. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the soldiers of the border posts were the first to engage in battle with the Nazi troops and offered them heroic resistance.
Today, fortunately, we are not at war with anyone, but this does not make service on the border any less dangerous or responsible. Before the border guards Russian Federation There are no less ambitious tasks than before to protect the economic interests of the state, its national natural and biological resources, to counter international terrorism and organized crime, to combat smuggling and illegal trafficking of drugs and weapons. And Russian border guards cope with them very well. Our borders, thanks to border guards and modern weapons systems, are under a vigilant eye, day and night, under reliable protection. And this despite the fact that the length of Russian borders exceeds 60 thousand kilometers.
Thank you, border guard soldiers, for your loyalty to the Oath and military duty, for your hard work fraught with danger and risk, for the strength and reliability of our borders, for the territorial integrity of Russia and its economic security.
I would like to say special words of gratitude to the border guards for preserving the continuity of generations, continuing the glorious traditions of this worthy and heroic military class, and experiencing a sense of well-deserved pride in belonging to the brotherhood of people in green caps.
My dears, please accept my sincere congratulations on Border Guard Day ! Eternal memory to all those who died defending the borders of our Motherland! And I wish today’s military personnel a calm service, days and nights unclouded by emergency incidents. May your life and the life of your family be happy and joyful, successful and fruitful. I wish you good health, success in your service and work for the benefit of the state, prosperity and stability, reliable friends and colleagues, of course, luck and good fortune.

The concept of “defender of the Motherland” can be interpreted in different ways. Young soldiers of the Russian Army, men, and all military personnel are called defenders. However, among them there is a special category of people who have made the defense of the borders of the Fatherland their profession and their life.

These are border guards - those who literally, without closing their eyes, monitor the inviolability of our borders. The glorious Russian border guard is worn by thousands of young guys and already experienced specialists. This title has lived in our country for almost a hundred years. Border guards are proud of their families, the country, and all of us. A separate holiday on May 28 is dedicated to the enormous work and courage of these people.

On this day, congratulations on Border Guard Day are accepted by everyone who serves or has once served in the troops guarding Russian cordons. Mothers, fathers, and families of border guards convey congratulations to their loved ones. Border guards who have already served meet and exchange funny cards, short humorous poems, jokes. On this day solemn congratulations on Border Guard Day, prose is heard from the government and from the leaders of the regions of Russia. The whole country congratulates its permanent defenders of our peace and guarantors of a peaceful sky.

Cool congratulations on Border Guard Day on May 28, 2018 to the guys who served in verse

A sense of humor helps a border guard cope with stress and the constant pressure of work. Anyone who knows the costs of constant concentration, vigilance and observation of minimal changes around will understand why “border guards” value rest, humor and relaxation so much. Jokes and cool congratulations Happy Border Guard Day to each other - The best way relieve stress.

You took care of yours
You served at the border,
And today he deserves it
Thirty congratulations! I want to wish you
There is only positivity in life,
Always be on top
Let troubles pass by!

One morning, at dawn,
The border guard went out into the garden,
There are two dushmans at the net,
Grapes are harvested.

He blushes, he turns pale,
I wanted to give in to them
But he spun them in a second,
Our border detachment.

These are the guys, that's how it is,
Be a brave border guard
And believe on this day,
I’m not too lazy to congratulate you!

Put on your cap quickly
And quickly grab your phone!
Make an appointment with all your colleagues,
Border guard's day - here it is!

Don't forget to take your guitar with you,
After all, there’s nowhere without your song!
And give those around you some heat:
To remember the day forever.

May you be surrounded today
Only better lives Friends,
Only best girls near,
Live this day for yourself!

The best congratulations on Border Guard Day to your beloved man in verse

Almost every border guard who is serving or has already served has a woman closest to him - a mother, wife, sister, friend. They are the ones who worry and worry about the guys who vigilantly guard our cordons more than anyone else. On Border Guard Day, they send congratulations to their loved ones.

Border Guard Day in spring
And on the border with summer!
Let the joys flow like a river,
And happiness is a bright light!

May luck be with you
Always - both day and night,
I'm proud of you, my hero,
I love you very much!!!

You are protecting my peace,
My border guard, knight, my hero.
You stand up for me like a mountain.
And I don’t know a better hero.

Today, on holiday, I want to wish
Not only the sky is bright blue,
Not only more mercies from God,
But also get your star from heaven!

Darling, you serve on the border,
Which means he is an honest person,
You are truly on friendly terms with our law,
Let this verse, like a talisman, protect you during the service,
Will bring you good luck
I wish you real service,
Don't forget - the bride is waiting.

Solemn and official congratulations on Border Guard Day in prose to colleagues

The responsibility that lies on the shoulders of Russian border guards is incredibly great. They are the ones who make sure that the enemy does not penetrate our country either from the air, from the land, or from the sea. Hundreds of terrorist threats were prevented precisely thanks to the attention and vigilance of Russian border guards. The defenders of our borders accept solemn congratulations on Border Guard Day in prose. Words of gratitude are heard from the government, the media, and military units.

Not everyone has the honor of standing as a reliable guard at the border, and those who are proudly called border guards carry out their service with dignity and honor. The peace and tranquility of the country depends on them, on the brave border guards, therefore, on their holiday, on the day of the border guard, all citizens honorably congratulate everyone who was and is in the border service! Border guards today receive wishes to always remain persistent, firm, soldiers loyal to the oath and the Motherland! Let your service make your family and friends proud, and let not a single enemy pass through our borders, thanks to you! Happy Border Guard Day guys!

So that the native country can sleep peacefully, brave and brave guys - border guards - perform their service at the border. They steadfastly and vigilantly monitor the border of the Fatherland and of course deserve to hear today on their holiday - Border Guard Day sincere words Thank you very much for your service! Let these guys always have peace of mind for their people and their Fatherland, let every border guard know that it is he who ensures security and peace in the state, and of course, let them feel the sincere gratitude of their citizens for their hard work, for their worthy service! Happy Border Guard Day, our dears!

Russia has more neighbors than any other country. And they are not always peaceful. Therefore, the service of a border guard is honorable. You need to know how to use the latest technology and find an approach to the dog, know languages ​​and be a psychologist, have endurance and use a weapon as a sniper.

Sincere congratulations on Border Guard Day to dad in verse

Border Guard Day is celebrated in Russia on May 28. It is in this warm spring day the most my sincere congratulations Our wonderful warrior-defenders receive it from loved ones, friends, leadership, and ordinary citizens.

The twenty-eighth of May has arrived...
Wearing a green attribute,
Listening to the raging spring,
Border guards are walking around the world...
Yes, this is forever! It's sacred
And the city cannot be avoided
Traditional parade!
Happy Border Guard Day, guys!
After all, you are still the same! Keep it up!

Happy Border Guard Day! This is destiny
And you owe her good luck.
Let her continue to support
Opening up all the possibilities at once!

So that the bright sun gives warmth,
And the sky, flowing down the roofs,
The rain knocked on your window
And it became lighter and closer.

Let everything that you have gone through light up in your soul -
Warm yourself with good hope!
Remain yourself, be true to fate
And you will become more cheerful than before!

Oh, how many years have passed since then
When in the heat, and in the rain, and in the cold,
You didn’t take your eyes off the borders,
Carrying out responsible service!

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Happy Day of Brave Border Guards,
May good luck lie ahead
Every day brings peace!

Let health embrace you,
And happiness will give you a hand forever,
May joy surround you now
The soul of a huge man!

Short congratulations, SMS and poems on Border Guard Day to dad, colleagues, friends who served

“Border guards” are people who do not tolerate either relaxation or loss of time. Even on their professional holiday, most of the guys do not leave the service, continuing to fulfill their duty and their work: protecting the state borders of Russia. Send to your dear border guards short congratulations in SMS or read a short verse over the phone, the website writes. It can be funny, heartwarming and parting words: choose for yourself.

Congratulations, friend, congratulations,
Happy truly May day,
On border guard's day I wish you
Always be the first, in everything!

You served, you paid your debt to the country,
Valiantly defending the borders,
Never stay away
Remember the life of the page with honor!

The border is always under control
The enemy will definitely not get through here.
To the border guards today
Special honor from everyone.

Congratulations on your day,
Be vigilant always
Under your valiant protection
The whole country sleeps peacefully.

Strength, wisdom, strength, tranquility,
Always enjoy your service.
Let your wife be a faithful stronghold at home,
And the work often rewards me with a bonus,
Brings you joy and will be easy.
Today is Happy Border Guard Day!

On May 28, congratulations on Border Guard Day become support for those who vigilantly guard the integrity of our borders. Don't forget to congratulate your loved ones on the holiday. Let yours good words in prose they will help serve the children. The “border guards” who have served can take great pleasure in playing pranks on each other on this day: a joke, funny short poems and messages to young border guards will amuse the current border defenders.