How to write to a girl about an offer to date. How to ask a girl to date - the best phrases and original ideas. Original phrases for dating

Millions of guys around the world are worried how to start relationships with girls correctly.

Many people are afraid to take the first step, to be rejected, or worse, ridiculed.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to know how to hint to a girl about a relationship so that...

This skill is also important for those who find themselves in the friend zone, but their friend doesn’t even know about it. You can hint about your sympathy to the girl you like carefully, but it’s clear - she will demonstrate with her behavior that is it worth acting openly? or slow down for now.

How do relationships between a guy and a girl usually begin?

Typically, relationships between the sexes start with a spark when one or both of them immediately realize that they are attracted.

But it also happens differently - people have been friends for many years, and then the guy begins to be interested in his girlfriend, or vice versa.

Then the one who fell in love either hints at it or remains silent and remains in the friend zone. The second option is definitely not the best, so it’s always worth a try.

Sometimes relationships start out very easily, for example, a guy approaches a girl on the street in order to, and his goal is quite clear. He takes a phone number, then calls, and the two go on a date, where they decide whether to continue the relationship or not.

If a guy and a girl already know each other, then letting her know that you like her can sometimes be difficult. It's good when relationships flare up on their own, when two people suddenly realize mutual passion, but this is a very rare case.

Typically a guy shows the girl signs of attention, cares for her, and then she begins to show sympathy for him.

It is important to be delicate at this stage, because too active actions can frighten or repel the lady. But you shouldn’t be inactive either - as you know, women don’t like uninitiated men.

What's the first thing you should know?

First of all you need find out if the chosen one is single, whether she has a boyfriend or, even worse, a husband.

If everything is fine here, then you need to ask yourself the second question: are you ready for a closer relationship with this person than you currently have?

Suddenly you act with a hormonal mind, and then you regret that you ever started it. Imagine that you are already dating, are you satisfied with everything, do you want something else? aren't you bored? If everything is fine, then you can act.

Before taking the initiative, it is advisable to find out what the girl is interested in, what music she listens to, how she lives.

Suddenly she loves active recreation, skiing, mountaineering, and you sit in front of the computer with a burger all weekend and are terrified of heights? Then you are unlikely to succeed. If you not ready to change radically, Certainly. But this can be very difficult.

How to show initiative?

For the most part, women love initiative coming from men. Everyone dreams of a determined and interesting gentleman who will take the first step. So here's what you should do:

How to talk to her?

How to ask a girl if she wants to date? If you don't know how to ask a girl if she wants a relationship, then remember: sincerity is also important here.

When starting this conversation about relationships, tell her directly what you feel, what you want, what is happening in your soul.

Not necessary talk straight away about super serious relationship, love to death and marriage in a few months.

You can simply say something like “I feel so good with you, I’m very interested in you, and I want to spend more time with you. How about we see each other more often?” After this, you can ask what days she is free, and then everything will go on its own.

If you want then There are a few questions to ask yourself:

If it’s difficult for you to talk about such a serious topic one on one, you can write to a girl on a social network. Nowadays it's quite common method start a relationship.

You need to write sincerely and preferably competently, because not every lady will want to date someone who makes several mistakes in the word “relationship.”

Write to her, for example, like this:"I like you. How about seeing each other regularly?”

You can write directly:"I want to date you".

But all this sounds quite strange if you already see each other often.

Much better in this case act not with words, and for example, or hug her at the right moment, then everything will start by itself.

A humorous relationship sentence, such as “Does your mom need a son-in-law?” often works well.

Funny phrases will do, for example: “There is such chemistry between us that the TV series Breaking Bad can’t hold a candle to us!”

If communication with a girl was short-lived, you should not rush into a conversation. It is better to be patient and evaluate the level of compatibility. And only after that proceed to decisive action.

Before you propose to date, you should tell the woman about your attitude towards her. If she is convinced of the seriousness of the interlocutor’s intentions, this will help the couple get closer and the girl decide to take a responsible step.

If a young man is ready for a conversation, then he should not waste time - it is recommended to immediately talk about his feelings. This moment should be special and remain in the memory of both interlocutors forever. Correctly chosen words will allow you to remember this event and return to it again and again.

So that the girl does not refuse, it is important to create the right conditions for conversation. You can come up with something original. But if the interlocutor does not like surprises and extravagant behavior, preference is given to the classic path. To meet, you can book a table at an establishment she would like to visit, or arrange romantic dinner. In the summer, you can go on a picnic or walk in the park. Choosing a date that is important for both, for example, the day you met or Valentine's Day, will set the girl up for a conversation.

A modest gift that hints at the man’s feelings and the future topic of conversation will be a romantic attribute of communication. For example, a bouquet of her favorite flowers. You can inflate a bunch of balloons or present a small one Teddy bear, putting a note in it.

A romantic letter is a way to express feelings for those who are embarrassed to speak in person. You can write it at English language, if the level of knowledge of the guy and the girl allows it. It’s easier to say that you like a woman on paper. You can hand over the letter during dinner and wait for her reaction.

Teenagers can afford to send SMS “Let's meet.” Adults should refrain from this method and decide to have a face-to-face date with their chosen one.

Phrases for conversation

For a girl to agree to date, the words must be sincere and come from pure heart. It is important to use as few abstract phrases as possible: the guy should only talk about specific relationships.

First you should talk about your feelings, and only then make an offer. At the same time, you need to avoid pretentious cliches “I can’t live without you!” ” or “You are the love of my life! " Phrases should be simpler, for example, “I like you”, “I want our relationship to grow into something more”, “I have warm feelings for you”. Women, regardless of age, love beautiful but simple speeches.

If a man wants to be romantic, he should avoid the clichés he finds on the Internet. They will only alienate the interlocutor.

Of the common expressions, preference should be given to the phrases “Be my girl!” " or " Be my soul mate! "

Openly offering to sleep is a common mistake men make. With a high probability, the girl will immediately refuse, no matter what they say. When it is clear that the chosen one is in love, the task becomes easier, but even in this case, a lot will depend on the words that the guy says.

  1. There are examples of phrases that can be used to romantically and originally ask a girl to meet:
  2. 1. “I’ve liked you for a long time, I want to spend more time with you.”
  3. 2. "I feel something more than just sympathy for you. Let's start a relationship."
  4. 3. "We've known each other for a long time, and I think it's time to take our relationship to a new level."
  5. 4. "We've been friends for so long, I like you and I want more."

5. I should have spoken about my feelings a long time ago. Let's meet?"

If a girl does not immediately agree to a relationship and asks for time to think, there is no need to “pressure” her. A proposal to date made to a friend radically changes communication, so she will need time to weigh everything.

As a preface, I would like to note that I am always against memorized templates and prepared material. Therefore, do not use the material in this article as a magic pill. Always learn to generate the right words


1. Initially, it is better not to hint, but to tell it like it is (the girl is not a telepath)

The best thing is to always say it directly and as it is. For example, tell her: "»

  • You `re cool. You are super! I like you!
  • Tell her why you chose her over other ladies. And then later she will feel chosen by you! And then she will feel special to you! And it's super attractive and powerful.
  • It’s better not to hint, but to speak directly! The girl is not a telepath and cannot read minds.

Here is the first point on the topic of how to tell a girl that I like her.

2. If you are really attracted to her appearance (hairstyle), voice it

For example, you can compliment her hairstyle if she has really cool hair:

  1. « I like your hair».
  2. « Wow, I love your hair!».

3. Hint at a future together where you are already a couple in love

You can use phrases to project your future together, where you are already a couple in love:

  • « What are you doing on February 14th?».
  • « What are you doing for Valentine's Day next year?».

These are such subtle hints of sympathy for a girl.

4. You can compliment her on her cuteness if she's really cute.

You can come up with a lot of different compliments about how cute a girl is.

If she's really nice, this shouldn't be a problem.

If only because she reads the charm of her femininity from your face.

For example: " You are so cute. I will definitely give you a New Year's gift».

This way, I don't worry about how to hint to a girl that I like her.

5. Let her know what's going on inside you because of her.

You can tell her about this indirectly, thereby creating some kind of intrigue.

« Why are you doing this to me?“- ask her this, thereby making it clear that she is very attractive to you.

6. Hints about her style at the beginning of dating

« Hello, I like your style“- you can start getting acquainted with these words.

I'm talking about a case when a beauty is completely unfamiliar to you, and you make your first approach to her.

7. Offer to play funny roles like in a novel, voice your script

« Let's play a romance game where you get pregnant from me and then we have to get married“- with this phrase you invite her to play different roles for funny topics.

Having said something like these words, I no longer ask questions about how to let a girl know that I like her.

8. Use this phrase to show sympathy and emotional closeness to her.

« Do you want to be my soulmate?“- a phrase of sympathy for her and spiritual closeness (an example of an opener for starting a conversation with a stranger).

Under no circumstances should you say these words from the position that you cannot live without her, and she supposedly will somehow complete you.

9. We give her compliments and blame her for it at the same time.

« You are so cool and pretty. What are you doing to me?“I compliment her and blame her for it at the same time.

For example, these words close the dilemma on the topic of how to confess to a girl that I like her.

10. Be as close to her as possible.

« I want to be closer to a nice girl“- say this if she doesn’t understand what’s happening, and you sit closer to her.

Thus, she feels your condition better, and it is transmitted to her. This also happens in cases where the guy knows everything about.

11. In case you want to ask her to date

Let's look at the question of how to hint to a girl about a relationship correctly.

  1. It is not necessary and not at all necessary to hint about a serious relationship.
  2. The relationship will only begin when you spend the night in bed together. And you need to think about them only after that. Not before.
    Therefore, there is zero point in offering to meet before that!
  3. I usually tell a girl I like that I want to see her more often. It is not necessary to copy my words word for word.

It's something like this: “Listen, you’re cool, and I feel good with you. Let's see each other more often and have a great time together!”

Then I usually ask what days she is free most often.

I never have problems with how to tell a girl that I like her and ask her to meet.

For those who want to confess their love to her

For those guys who are wondering about how to tell a girl that I love her.

To start, ask yourself:

  • Did you sleep together before or did you have nothing? If not, then it is foolish to rush into such statements.
  • Do you want to tell her this because you feel not self-sufficient and you think that the girl will somehow complete you?
    If the answer is “Yes,” then most likely sooner or later she will leave you.
  • Is this feeling mutual according to your feelings?
    If the answer is “No,” then why rush to make such statements again? It’s better to say your approximate words as in point 11 just above, or go through and choose the words that suit you from all 23 points.

For those who want to confess their love to their passion, they should remember realize the following.

A woman doesn't want to be an adventure, she wants to go on an adventure with you. She wants to go to a more meaningful and bigger event than herself. Otherwise, if your focus is entirely on her, she will lose interest in you and you will become needy in her eyes.

Keep this in mind, this way you will not need phrases on how to hint to a girl that you want to date her, and will remove all doubts.

12. Invite her on an adventure with you

« Do you want to go on a date? Do you want to have an affair with me?“It’s better to say this to an unfamiliar beauty when you first saw her.

By doing so, you are inviting her on an adventure.

And I’m not even saying this with the intention of inviting or calling her somewhere, but simply finding any reason to start a conversation with her.

This is all done playfully and the words should correspond to your state, that is, there should be.

Otherwise, this point will not suit you.

Then you can continue the conversation by changing the topic to any other topic.

13. Use jokes with hints about bed

« I just posted on Facebook that you and I made love“- rapprochement through positive emotions and humor.

Ideally, there should be no filters at all. Know everything about communication and life in general.

14. Be the chooser, not the one chosen

« I choose you, I like to communicate with you“- with this phrase you show that you choose her.

15. If you see her for the first time

« I just saw you and couldn't help but come over"- use when approaching a stranger.

You don't have to be mega-charismatic to know everything about...

16. Tell her that she is better than all the other women around

“I like you better than those girls.”– and point to any random girls nearby.

One more words as an addition to the discussion of the topic about how to tell a girl that I need her, beautifully.

This can be done both in a club, if you just met her, and on a date.

17. Jokes about the wedding and her mother

“Can I call my mom and tell her I met my wife?”- hints at your marriage as a joke.

18. We voice our feelings and sensations towards her with humor.

The chemistry between us is so strong, like in the series "Breaking Bad"– voice what you feel about her with humor.

It is always better to talk about your feelings towards her in your own words without memorized text.

Thus, you will upgrade this ability in yourself, you will not need any prepared material and you will know everything about it.

19. You don’t have to name the reason why you are attracted to her.

“I’m really drawn to you. I do not know why- voice your strong attraction to her.

20. Let her know that she is the one you want to be with most now.

“I like being in your company more than with my friends.”– you chose her among others and you want to be with her most of all.

21. Kiss her

On the question of how to hint a girl for a kiss:

  • Start from the position that you give a kiss, not take it away.
  • I usually kiss myself and not verbally I don't ask permission.
  • If you initially positioned yourself correctly, then there will be no resistance to the kiss.

How I did it

I had a case when one woman deliberately began to dodge my kiss. Initially, I did everything right and saw no reason to resist.

I didn’t want to play this cat and mouse game and immediately said directly: “ I want to kiss you".

To which she replied: “ What if I don't know how to kiss?"(and everything became clear right away).

To which I replied: “ I will teach you".

And there was no longer any resistance. This is how you can easily hint at a girl’s first kiss without any games or other nonsense.

Video of my approach

In addition to the topic, I decided to show my video where I meet a hot woman in a shopping center.

In it you can clearly see what I wrote about in this article.

In it you can also find answers to the topic of how to tell a girl that she is beautiful, in your own words.

About finding a topic for talking to women on dates I have a site.

22. Use the role change feature

A trick for changing roles between you and clues for a future together:

  • “If you take me on a date, where will you take me?”
  • “Where will you take me on our date?”
  • "Stop seducing me"- a cunning phrase with a role reversal, with which you will relieve yourself of responsibility.

Even if it is not she who seduces you, but you who seduce her, this will remind you that you are a man and a woman.

23. Subtle, non-repulsive words about her figure and face at the same time

“Take your breasts away, hide them from me, I only want to see your beautiful face".

This is the kind of compliment you can give to her figure and appearance at the same time, which will help you admit your sympathy for a girl.

Key Important Points to Remember

  • You let her know that you make her stand out from others and why you like her.
  • When you tell a girl about your crush, looking straight into her eyes.
    It’s stupid to look away, look away and talk into nowhere.
  • Keep it as simple as possible!
  • Be silly, don't be serious about everything.
  • Enjoy the process.
  • When expressing yourself, don't try to impress.
  • Don't be afraid to touch her and touch her. She herself is waiting for this.
  • Never consider your openness in liking a girl as weakness. This is always a plus and it’s strong. But at the same time, don’t think that she will immediately swim after your words and want you.
  • Be honest and congruent. Say what you think (don’t forget about adequacy).
  • Let your emotions come out and they will attract her.
  • Don't focus on prepared words! Let you say it ugly, but from the heart.
    And it will be yours best words than borrowed from someone or prepared in advance.
  • Don’t try to act like James Bond or another movie character by voicing his cool phrases.
    You will only be able to be a cheaper and unnatural copy of a movie hero, whose life you will not be able to live anyway.
  • The best thing you can do is be your best self.
  • You need to understand that many of the phrases were spoken in a state of flow, and there is no need to expect unrealistic reactions from the woman and quick acceptance after these phrases.
    In any case, you need to continue communication and not depend on prepared phrases.
  • The sooner you let her know how you feel about her, the better.
    The longer you wait to figure out how to show affection to a girl, the more awkward it will be later.
  • Talk about your sympathy in places where there is no social pressure and unnecessary judgmental glances of people. Better - alone.

Why the Internet or SMS are the worst ways to show sympathy and feelings

If this is the first time you want to confess to a girl about your sympathy and intentions, then never do it over the Internet.

Better ask yourself: “What prevented you from doing this in your first minutes of meeting when you met?”

What stopped you from hinting to a girl that you like her when you saw her for the first time?

Why is the Internet so bad for this:

  1. A girl might read your message and just leave from online mode, without even answering your deep lines about crazy love.
  2. The Internet is very beautiful women On social networks, sometimes several dozen men write letters of declaration of love in a day.
    Do you want to be one of these gray fans?
  3. All the sincerity and honesty of your sympathy, you can convey all openness to a woman only through your gaze when meeting face to face. But not through the monitor.
  4. A woman might think you're lying or just kidding me after reading your message. And already there is a wrong positioning and a wrong understanding of you.

How to choose the right words to better ask a girl to date? Every guy probably asked himself this question. Don't get lost: there are plenty of ways to make it romantic and unusual so that she agrees. Let's share the most win-win ones.

How to ask a girl to date. Tips and rules for men

How can a guy prepare?

How to propose in prose

How to propose in verse

What not to do

Selection of a dating site

In modern times, the cherished words about the beginning of a relationship are spoken less and less often: the relationship begins on its own, a rapprochement occurs, and it is already clear to both that they are together. This is not good or bad, it's just a fact that is taken for granted.

However, the phrase “let's be together” has not completely and irrevocably disappeared from life. It is needed in cases where you do not know each other very well, but are confident in your intentions, when you see each other too rarely, when there is little clarity in the relationship. Formalities are fading into the background, but not for everyone, and many are still more comfortable clarifying the status of the relationship in order to be sure of it.

If you and a girl are at the stage of rapprochement, and everything is going well anyway, it is quite possible to do without a verbal start to the relationship.

It’s enough just to wait until the moment when you are close enough to regard each other as partners. You should resort to verbalization in two cases: if you want to add romance or if you are not sure about the relationship and want to more accurately determine its status.

Taking such a step requires courage and: not speaking out loud is much easier and safer. But girls, although they often now do not wait for an offer to date, do not react negatively to it and enjoy such a slight old-fashionedness. Especially when it comes to relationships that are already close to romantic. So don't be scared and try to treat this moment as an adventure or a game, and not as an event on which your fate depends.

  • Remember the main rules:
  • be confident in yourself
  • be original

be romantic.

The proposal itself can be almost anything, but these three components will significantly bring you closer to success.

Guys often find it difficult to understand how to hint to a girl about a serious relationship. There is a lot to think about, so proper preparation is half the battle. It is important to think through both the words themselves and the setting and moment if you plan to do this in person. Sometimes everything happens spontaneously and the moment finds itself, and the right words come up when the situation is conducive to it.

But this does not always happen, and if you decide not to wait for a successful opportunity, then you will have to prepare properly. First, make sure it's appropriate now. After how many dates you can ask a girl to meet is an important question.

  • Make sure you are already close enough and not seeing each other for the second time in your life. Don't wait too long:
  • if you are already in a fairly obvious relationship with several dates a week and even sex, the moment has passed, and now the proposal will look at least ridiculous. Unless you're trying to make it intentionally funny. Take care of balance and accents:
  • a setting that is too romantic or dynamic can distract the girl from the evening’s question, or, conversely, a setting that is too casual will look unconvincing. What is special about your offer:
  • in beautiful wording, in presentation, in what is happening around you at that moment? Think it through:

place, time, words, setting. Take a look and choose what you need. And then think about your appearance. It is important to be neatly dressed and take care of hygiene beforehand. Don't dress up like you're going to prom, but emphasize the importance of the moment with at least accessories or perfume.

All four options have a chance to be winning, but you shouldn’t interfere with everything and more. You can give a touching and catchy speech about your feelings and desires, just swinging on a swing in the yard or sitting in a cafe. And you can sing about it anywhere. Or watch something beautiful, be in an incredibly romantic environment and simply take a girl by the hand with the phrase “I want you to be with me.” Another important point is to prepare for her refusal.

At what point can you act?

The ideal time to propose dating is a period when you have already become quite close, but are not yet completely accustomed to each other. Usually the right time comes after two to five dates. But if you already see each other several times a week, introduce her to friends and make joint plans, it’s too late to act.

And vice versa: if you only exchanged a few messages online or saw each other only once, don’t rush things. Get to know your chosen one better and let her get to know you better - this way there will be much more chances of agreement. And the proposal itself will be many times more appropriate.

The moment itself should ideally be romantic. But you don’t have to wait for the moment when the romance will be concentrated - it’s enough to cut off the inappropriate moments. Don't do this in public or when the girl is busy. Try not to do this during sex - it doesn’t always end well, both sex and the idea.

There are many suitable moments. You can act in almost any of them. The main thing is to exclude moments that are obviously inappropriate. Identify them by empathy: imagine whether you would like to receive such an offer in a particular situation, whether it would be appropriate, whether it would be convenient to respond to it.

The best phrases to ask for a date

Ideally, the formulation should be born independently and in accordance with the situation: beautiful and original words or something simple but touching. There are no ideal pre-prepared phrases; they appear along with the right moment. But if you are not a master of graceful expressions that melt hearts, take a look at our selection of poetry and prose.

  • Remember that the main thing in the proposal is sincerity. Speak from the heart, don’t be shy to express emotions, don’t be afraid to bare your feelings. The girl will appreciate it. If the resulting proposal is also original, compiled only for her, this will become an additional sign of attention that will certainly touch her and become an additional reason to agree.
  • Do as you feel. The proposal will not only be about her, even if you shower her with compliments, but also about you - because you make it or choose it. And not being shy to express yourself in such a matter is great and valuable. Not only for the girl, but also for your personal experience.

How to propose in prose

You can ask a girl to date in prose.

These phrases are convenient to use to sweetly write to a girl “Let’s meet”:

  • We have become so close that I can no longer imagine my life without you. Let's meet?
  • I’ve never had to be so confused and worried before, worrying about what seemed like stupid things. But I love that I can be like this with you. Be my girlfriend?
  • Our meetings and communication are one of the greatest joys in my life, one of the most pleasant moments. I want there to be more of it. Lets be together?
  • Next to you I feel like a different person. I think there's something special going on and I want to take it further. Will you be my girlfriend?
  • I am amazed at how strong, gentle and cheerful you are at the same time. It's old-fashioned, but I want to invite you to date. You agree?
  • I feel more than friendly sympathy for you. Let's meet?
  • You are even more wonderful than I could have imagined. I want to spend more time with you. Be my girlfriend?
  • It seems to me that I feel something more than ordinary friendly feelings for you. Will you be my girlfriend?
  • Everything gets better with you and I want more of you in my life. Lets be together?
  • I feel like we are very similar. Let's become more than just friends to each other?

How to propose in verse

How the thread follows the needle,
Like waves rushing behind a steamer,
That's how I would like to be with you,
And always be, not in passing.
Sakura petal flies
Catching up with the other one
To continue the journey together.
Love will pour out like a bright starfall,
Be with me, my treasure!
Air is not air, water is not water,
Breathe only next to you always
So I thought it would be nice
Offer you a date!
And even though we have only recently met,
I want more than to be friends
I don’t dare sing serenades
I'm under your windows, but still,
You need to take my word for it,
As for the rest, I'm good to everyone.
Laconic from excitement,
Today I decide to tell you -
Accept the offer quickly
Become my girlfriend.

Examples of how to suggest meeting by correspondence

Increasingly, proposals to start a relationship are transferred to the network, as is the majority of communication. Many people are interested in how to sweetly write to a girl “let’s meet,” but there are no secrets here. It’s enough just to write and wait for a reaction.

There are many advantages: the girl will read the message and respond to it at a convenient time, you can avoid the anxiety that will arise during a personal conversation, and the beautiful moment will remain in the correspondence history. Let's suggest a few phrases to suggest meeting on VK and other messengers.

  1. - Thank you for a great evening!
    - Thank you!
    “I haven’t been so happy for a long time, and each of our meetings is a great reason for me to rejoice.” You will be a my girlfriend?
  2. “I didn’t expect that we have so much in common.”
    - Yes, I’m pleasantly surprised too :)
    “It’s incredibly interesting to talk to you and it’s just a pleasure to be around.” I want to be closer to you. Let's meet?
  3. “We just went home, and I’m already looking forward to the next meeting.” This hasn't happened in a while :)
    — I would also be happy to see you again :)
    - I like you so much that I would see you more than once. I’m worried even when I write, but I want to spend more time with you, and with every meeting and correspondence this desire only grows stronger. Lets be together?

What not to do

There are several prohibitions that will help you not to stumble on the path of establishing relationships and bring things to the desired result.

These prohibitions are not at all difficult to keep in mind, and they will increase your chances of success:

  1. Don't suggest meeting before the fifth date or after the seventh.
  2. Don't think about how to persuade a girl. There is no need to persuade, you need to offer correctly.
  3. Don't push, and accept rejection if you get it.
  4. Don't do it as a trifle: at the wrong moment, in the wrong environment.
  5. Don't propose while the girl is busy.
  6. Don't do this without preparation unless you expect spontaneity. Don't forget about appearance, wording and setting.

You know how to properly ask a girl out and what not to do. Now choose boldly and start winning hearts!

Hi all! Today we will talk about such an interesting topic as the relationship between a guy and a girl, namely how to invite your chosen one to start a serious relationship. However, today's article format will be slightly different from previous ones. The fact is that our editors have received a lot of questions on this topic, so today we have put together all similar questions and are answering them at once. We hope that after this post you will not have a single question. So, let's begin.

What does the sentence mean?

The very phrase “dating a girl” means starting a relationship that is based on such tender mutual feelings as sympathy or love. In adolescence, these relationships consist of evening walks together, trips to cafes, discos, cinemas, walking home, kissing, tender hugs, in a particularly serious relationship, even sex is possible. First of all, you must understand that your step imposes not only rights, but also no less obligations. For example: now you will be obliged to protect the girl, standing up for her in disputes and not allowing her to be insulted. Now you will fully understand what jealousy is and how to deal with it, you will realize your attachment to a person. In addition, you will meet, see off and take your girlfriend to study, training, and visit relatives (if they live on the other side of the city). Lose the right to make advances and flirt with other girls, otherwise you will simply betray your chosen one.

How to offer it beautifully?

Let’s say right away that in this case the chance of a positive answer naturally increases. This is quite easy to do if you know the girl’s character, her tastes and sense of humor.

  • For calmer, quieter and shy girls, a romantic evening by candlelight in a restaurant is suitable, where you confess your feelings to her and invite her to meet.
  • For those girls who are distinguished by a “violent” character, the ability to enjoy life, laugh and cry from the heart, an unexpected and bright proposal that will take place in an unusual environment, but at the right moment, is more suitable for them. For example, you can offer this girl to go to another city, where she can visit the places she dreamed of visiting (crazy rides, beautiful dolphinariums, etc.). At the end of this whole trip, explain that all this was done for her, because you care about her, and you want to start dating her.

What to do if a girl is busy with someone else?

It often happens that the girl you like is already dating another guy, what should you do in this case? Forget about wanting to date her?! Or should I still seek her favor until the last moment?!

Everything is simpler than it seems at first glance. Firstly, we’ll immediately answer that if you really like a girl, then you shouldn’t let her go if suddenly she’s already in a relationship with another guy. The fact is that she can date him, not because she likes him, but more out of hopelessness (she has no one else, but she doesn’t want to be alone). In addition, you should not be afraid to break their happiness, because if they have a really strong relationship (love), then no matter how hard you try, the girl will not leave him.

Secondly, when a girl is busy, you should not express loud words about your feelings for her, start with actions, provide assistance, fulfill her desires, dreams and support her in every possible way in her endeavors. You don’t have to participate in this, for example, if she dreamed of going to the concert of her favorite singer, get two tickets and let her go to the concert with her boyfriend or girlfriend. If she invites you to go together, then hint that you would love to go, but she has a boyfriend, and that you don’t want him to make a scandal for her at home about this (thus, show your honesty and nobility).

Constant good deeds will sooner or later let the girl know that you have a feeling of sympathy for her, maybe even this is love, but at the same time you don’t want to break up her existing relationship, therefore, she will think of you as a noble man, capable of loving even without reciprocal feelings and prove your love not with empty words or promises, but with actions.

When should you propose?

Many people make the mistake of making an offer at the wrong time (they are in a hurry or, on the contrary, they are late). Although, of course, it is better to be a little late than to do it earlier. The fact is that the girl should be mentally prepared for this - she would recognize you on the good side, and you would have time to demonstrate your care and feelings in your actions, win her over, and also choose the day that would be the best for her. happy (having fulfilled her dream or giving her a nice gift).

The optimal moment to start saying words of recognition is when you are standing close to each other, hugging each other, and there is no one around you (no one can interfere or interrupt). For greater intimacy, you can whisper your words quietly in her ear, but try to do it in such a way that she can definitely hear, otherwise an awkward situation will arise in which she will have to ask you again.

Why might a girl refuse?

We would like to warn you right away that a girl can really refuse you. There may be a lot of reasons for this, but there is no clear one. We will provide a list of the most popular explanations for why a girl does not want to date:

  • I didn't like your appearance. So, it's time to change your clothing style and join the gym.
  • I didn't like your character. It's time to change something in yourself! If you don’t know what might not please her about you, then try to bring all the traits to an average level. That is, to be moderately well-mannered, courageous, flexible, brave, cheerful, honest, etc.
  • They offered it at the wrong moment, hour, day, period. Here you could hurry, as we have already discussed above. Or perhaps you just chose the wrong moment, when her head is filled with a lot of other problems, and starting a serious relationship is not for her.

Often, refusal occurs not only because of one factor, but because of a combination of shortcomings, which individually may not be so serious. Your character plays a very important role; if it suits a girl, then even despite her appearance or an incorrect proposal, she will still agree to romantic meetings with you.

How to make an offer correctly?

Very often guys try to make some original, beautiful and unforgettable proposal, although in fact the positive response is 85% dependent on the character, appearance of the guy and most importantly on his actions that he has performed, and therefore it is quite simple and correct for you to propose to a girl create a relationship together.

We will not repeat that this needs to be done in a suitable environment. Let’s just make a bias on the following points: do this without unnecessary pathos and big words, much less promises. Address her affectionately by name, tell her sincerely that you are so in love with her that you simply cannot live without communicating with her, invite her to TRY to start a relationship, which in the future may develop into love for life .

I'm dating a friend's girlfriend. How wrong is this?

Honestly, it’s a strange question... Of course, this is not correct, but it’s not you who are to blame for this, but the girl who is simultaneously “fooling the brains” of her friend and you personally. It’s difficult to judge how honest she is; perhaps, in truth, she is torn between two people or loves only you, and due to her attachment, she is afraid to leave your friend. Although often such girls are not those female representatives who are capable of being faithful and honest in front of their men. Where is the guarantee that after she finally leaves your friend and goes to you, she will not build “horns” on you in the same way.

Therefore, you should reconsider your relationship with this girl; most likely, she is not worth ruining your friendship with a friend.

Should you date your ex?

WITH ex-girlfriend It’s worth dating only if you notice dramatic changes in her character, behavior, thinking or position in life. If everything remains unchanged, then there is little point in getting together! And here it makes absolutely no difference who left whom last time (she you or you her), you definitely won’t be able to build a new relationship, everything will come to separation again, which means, unfortunately, a waste of time.

If you are the initiator of repeated meetings, then you should also examine the changes that have happened to you. Remember the mistakes you made in past relationships. And the main thing is to ask yourself the question - do you need a relationship that has already led to separation once?!

Should I start a relationship with a girl who is older than me?

In a relationship in which the girl is older than the guy, there is nothing scary, shameful or abnormal. Age should not be a hindrance, because relationships are built on feelings, and not on who was born in what year. Although part of society does not have a very positive attitude towards such relationships, these are just prejudices and narrow-mindedness; no one is to blame for those people that they are so conservative in their ideas about the relationship between men and women. Of course, you shouldn’t pay attention to these reproaches. Understand, no matter which girl you choose to meet, in any case there will be people who will not be happy with your choice. Accept the opinions of strangers and feel free to date a girl older than you.

I would like to suggest starting a relationship in poetry. How to do it?

You will be quite original if you propose to meet a girl in verse. The fact is that modern world, has rather little sympathy and interest in poetry, so be prepared for the fact that you will not be understood. You are still a modern young man, and not an alien from the past. However, if you think that she will definitely like this option, then you can make such an offer in several ways: either write her a poem and send it:

You can, of course, read a poem out loud and in a personal meeting, but at the same time you must be able to read such poems beautifully.

How to convince a girl?

If the girl refuses, then you can try to convince her. But you need to do this without asking for a favor, convincing her that she will like it, promising that everything will be fine, etc. And you need to express your persuasion in the form of actions: helping in business, lessons, work, caring, giving a hand, protecting, not giving offense, trying to make dreams come true, buying gifts, etc.

In addition, try to find out the reason for the refusal, what is wrong with you, and what she did not like, strive to change in yourself, achieve ideality in everything (character, appearance, manners, conversation, etc.).

How to refuse a girl?

Often, girls refuse a guy’s proposal to date, but it also happens the other way around... This happens quite rarely, but it still happens, especially with guys whose appearance and character tend to be ideal. You can refuse to date a girl quite simply by saying the word “NO” and explaining the reason (preferably a fictitious one, but one that will really save her from the desire to pursue you). The reason may be the admission that you are not dating your classmates/classmates/colleagues. Or that your heart already belongs to another girl, so you do not intend to cheat on her, but you will not say who she is.

Never had relationships with girls. Can I do it?

Experience in relationships is not important if we are talking about serious relationships built on mutual love. All the same, quarrels, misunderstandings or resentments can arise in different couples, for whatever reason, therefore each relationship, like the person himself, is individual. If you look at meetings as easy, relaxed relationships, i.e. novels that start out of boredom or for the sake of sexual pleasures, then here, of course, you need experience, and only in this case, perhaps, something can turn out the way you DON’T want it to. But if you are constantly afraid to start a relationship, then you will forever remain a loner who will not be able to have a girlfriend, much less a family.

What's the best way to make an offer?

Honestly, one perfect or best recipe- no and cannot be. Here you should act as your heart tells you. We have already written that the pretentiousness of a proposal cannot always be decisive in a girl’s answer. Before you start speaking, you should eliminate all worries and worries, speak quietly, concisely and briefly. Use her name more often in a diminutive form, look into her eyes more, say familiar words, but they should contain all the feelings that you have for her. Don’t hide your emotions and then everything will work out for you!

How to date two people at once?

Dating one beautiful girl- this is already an achievement, and with two equally beautiful representatives of the fair sex - a whole art. Of course, for such art they can call you an ugly word and even “charge” you with their knee in a strategic place or step on your foot with a heel. However, such a risk is justified, because you will be able to enjoy the attention of two girls at once, even if not at the same time.

To do this, you will need a good memory (remember the stories of each of them and not confuse them), the ability to manage your time so that there is enough for each, and at the same time, suspicions do not creep into any of them. And most importantly, you will need Good friends who know how to keep everything secret, because sooner or later they will find out about your adventures.

Remember that each of the girls should not be deprived of attention, gifts and compliments. If you previously dated one, and then decided to have another, keep in mind that the relationship with the first girl may change in the worst case: you will become more rude, harsh and categorical, which will naturally cause a number of suspicions. As a result, you may end up alone. If you are going to build a frivolous relationship with the second “young lady,” then it is better to tell her about this in a soft form in advance, so that she does not count on a wedding, etc. If there is nothing serious between the two of you, then both of you need to lie and promise “mountains of happiness.”

How to offer via VKontakte?

We would strongly advise against doing this on the VKontakte social network. The thing is that you simply may not be taken seriously, in addition, at this time it may not be her who is at her computer, but her sister, brother or other relative who decided to laugh at you and your feelings. Therefore, our editors advise using this social network only as a way to “lure” a girl into real communication, where she can make a direct proposal.

This concludes our article. However, if you still have questions that were not described in the material, then you can write them in the comments, and we will be happy to answer them.

Not all guys who have the most serious intentions can easily and simply decide to move on to a new stage of the relationship. This is usually due to the fear of rejection.

However, you still have to propose to a cute young lady, otherwise you risk losing her, because there will be a more confident and brash guy who doesn’t hesitate, but does it.

How to ask a girl to date? How to behave if a young lady refuses or considers your proposal inappropriate? A few rules will help you prepare for such a serious step.

What does asking to date mean?

The phrase “dating a girl” presupposes the existence of a certain relationship based on mutual sympathy or love. At the age of 12 or 13 years, such relationships usually look like this - walks together, visiting cafes, cinemas and discos.

Older couples move to a more intimate level.

However, an offer to meet does not mean only kisses and caresses. You, as a guy, are required to comply with certain obligations:

  • protect your girlfriend;
  • take her side in quarrels, conflicts and disputes with other people;
  • stand up for her honor if someone began to insult her.

In addition, you will have to meet and accompany your girlfriend to study or training.

How to prepare for an offer?

Since such an event is considered a fairly serious step, it is not only possible, but also necessary to plan. To prepare for your proposal, please review the following guidelines.

  1. Try to make sure your own choice is correct. Some young people offer to date girls they like after the first spark that runs between them. To make sure that the action is correct, make sure that your own feelings are sincere.
  2. Try to test the waters. In order not to be afraid of possible refusal, you can clarify how the girl treats you. Once you are convinced that she has warm feelings for you, proceed directly to the proposal itself.
  3. Choose the most suitable method. Perhaps all the unusual ways to ask a girl out have already been invented. But this does not mean at all that you cannot use the traditional method. There are many options, and each of them has both pros and cons.
  4. Think over your event plan. Choosing the most suitable option How to ask a girl to meet, make a plan. Such a serious approach is necessary to make it easier for you to start a casual conversation and finally make an offer.
  5. Realize your vision. Having made sure that the choice is correct, having clarified whether the girl has reciprocal feelings, having thought through the plan of the event, it is necessary to immediately begin to act. The previous points should not take too much time, because you can simply miss your love.

If a girl refuses to meet, you should not get angry, take revenge or beg. Refused - it means there is some reason.

If she's not ready for a relationship yet, wait a little and then try again. If she doesn't like you, she'll have to look for another love object.

How to ask a girl to date? Basic methods

The chances of a positive response will increase significantly if you make the right proposal to a girl to date. This can be done in several ways, which we will talk about in more detail.

Method No. 1. VK (Vkontakte)

The simplest and, at the same time, ambiguous method is to say about your sympathy on the Internet. VK is the most popular domestic social network, therefore, most likely, your chosen one has her own page there. A message on VK is perfect if you are 12, 13 years old or a little older.

It is still better to offer boys 18-19 years old to meet in person, but this method should not be rejected.

First of all, you should come up with nice sentence phrases. Of course, you can tell a girl that you like her and would like to date her.

However, to hit the young lady in the very heart, try to choose something more original. For example, send a collage of her and your photos, videos or music.

The most daring approach (which can either work or lead to failure) is to change your status to “Dating with... (insert the young lady’s nickname here)” without the girl’s consent.

Method number 2. For schoolchildren

At this age, everything is simple and complex at the same time. At the age of 12-13, teenagers are still just forming ideas about falling in love and romantic relationships.

In addition, during this difficult period, guys often experience embarrassment and fear of public rejection (of course, these feelings can be encountered at both 15 and 20 years old).

To make your classmate guess about your tender feelings, proceed as follows:

  • write her a confession in verse;
  • write funny and pleasant SMS;
  • send gifts to VK;
  • accompany her home;
  • invite you to hang out with your friends in your company;
  • protect from any offenders.

Perhaps she will understand that you like her even without these beautiful phrases. After all, the main thing is not words, but a man’s attitude!

Method number 3. Romantic

What's the best way to tell a girl that you like her and ask her out? Try to show your imagination, remember or find out what pleases her most. Perhaps it will look romantic:

  • confession in poetry (better if it is your own creation);
  • beautiful phrases on the asphalt in front of her window;
  • performing a serenade under the balcony;
  • recognition after a romantic trip;
  • a plush toy, when pressed, an offer to meet is heard;
  • important words spoken after arranged dinner by candlelight.

Remember! Not every girl is romantic. Some young ladies are quite down-to-earth and do not dream of men of royal blood on white horses.

To understand whether your chosen one likes romance, take a look at her VK page, try to meet her girlfriends and ask them.

Method number 4. Original

If you are interested in how to ask a girl to date in an original way, and in such a way that your “queen of the heart” will forever remember this pleasant moment, it is important to show your imagination and not be afraid to experiment.

  1. Try making a craft with your own hands. For example, write down in an album the character traits and qualities for which you like her. For each reason, choose a girl’s photo with characteristic emotions. At the end of the album you can depict your proposal.
  2. Flash mob is a fashion event that looks quite unusual and beautiful. Involve your friends or ask strangers for help, explaining to them the reason. For example, a girl goes out onto the balcony, and the “helpers” let her up air balloons, from which the sentence is composed. Or, for example, ask your VK subscribers to send her a message saying that you want to date her.
  3. Quest is a popular event nowadays. Why not use it in a capacity convenient for you. Arrange a similar game for the girl, during which she will visit certain places and find clues in them that will indicate where to go next. The finale is you with a bouquet of roses and a pleasant proposal.

Other original ways You can find it on the Internet or brainstorm with friends, who will suggest the most unusual and tempting method of proposal.

Method number 5. Telephone

This method is considered the least effective, since you will not be able to see the face of your chosen one and show your joy if the girl agrees.

If you still want to make an offer by phone or SMS, you must:

  • speak clearly, with tenderness in your voice;
  • pause to wait for her response;
  • do not interrupt, even if her answer upsets you;
  • send intriguing SMS in which you confess your warm feelings;
  • Still, say important words in a personal meeting, but only hint about a serious conversation in SMS.

What is the best way to invite a young lady to date? Much depends on psychological characteristics, age (12, 13 or 20 years) of the girl and the gentleman. In addition, it is important to choose the ideal place and time for recognition, so that no one can interfere with you or, on the contrary, people can help you realize your plans.

Remember one thing: if you consider your chosen one to be the girl of your dreams, feel free to propose!