Holy evening January 6 congratulations. Christmas Eve: postcards, greetings, dishes and what cannot be done on Holy evening. Gifts for loved ones on Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, Christians celebrate Christmas Eve. In other words - a holiday of "carols". In ancient Russia, this holiday was one of the most significant. Christmas Eve also ends on Christmas Eve. Why was this holiday called just Christmas Eve? The name comes from food that could be taken during fasting. Well, this is softened wheat grains with fruits and honey. On a festive evening in January, before sunrise in the sky, no one sat at the table and ate. The appearance of the first star was associated with the birth of the Savior. From this moment, the celebration began. On this special evening, the table in each house was covered with a pure white tablecloth. The number of dishes (exclusively lenten) must have totaled 12 (the number of apostles). Date, celebrate Christmas Eve - January 6.

So Christmas Eve has come -
Christmas Eve.
Spruce covered with snow.
White triumph.
Pinches frosty ears.
Families of stars are whispering.
And intoxicates the soul
Joy is a welcome guest.
I’ll warm my blood with tea
In the channels of frozen veins.
And save, vouch
The fabulousness of change!

Congratulations on a wonderful Christmas Eve,
Let the evening holiday be remembered
We are with the coming of Jesus Christ
Congratulations on Christmas Day.
Outside the window, in the courtyards songs are heard,
And the kids are visiting you,
Congratulations on wonderful Christmas Eve,
Let the carols kids sing.

January sixth, Christmas Eve,
In anticipation of the appearance of Christ himself,
We celebrate Christmas Eve, preparing to congratulate
And rejoicing blizzards, throw snowflakes.
Before the joyful supper, I will pray with you
Frosts cleared up, and I will say - “And let”,
Together we are so comfortable, so clear and warm,
So let the holiday be bright, go into every house.

Someone with Christmas carols at home
Who wonders at the window
Who is for the Nativity of Christ,
Prepared already at home.
And Christmas Eve on the doorstep
All the sixth of January,
Gathered to drive away the alarms
On the day of Christ's appearance.
Congratulations to our families,
Let your house know no troubles
There will be joyful children
I wish you happiness and long years.

May expectations come true sooner
And on Christmas Eve there will be happiness
Pray for sins and repentance
To you will come with compassion.
The star of Bethlehem will rise in the sky
And the path will show to the astray in life,
With a clear light the earth will illuminate
And Christmas Eve will notify us.

I want for Christmas Eve,
You fell asleep to the sound of a blizzard
Let the frost draw patterns on the window,
And only conversations sound pleasant.
I want people to pray
The children in the yards frolic again
Treats lurked on the tables
And there was enough for everyone and in an excess of mood.

Star beads on the carpet of heaven
From ancient times scattered by the creator,
Flickered with a wonderful radiance
Decorated with a month-crown.
And under this canopy airy
Drowning in the blue snow
The dense warrior is innocent
He hung his beard on the trunks.
Chained hands of flowing rivers
Numb in ice captivity
And covered with snowdrifts, exactly
Fold into a large sheet.
They doze, spreading the edges of the tablecloth,
A blizzard of a lulled field
And she knocked over the trees
Snow covered the whole district.
And on this white towel
In a silvery robe of snow
A timeless baby
Ready to descend again for us.
He is coming without time, without place,
He is above everything and everything is from Him,
And the earth-bride humbly waits
Christmas salvation.

Christmas Eve. This secret night.
How much light is magical in her ...
And outside the windows a blizzard is carried away
And not sorry for the white snow to her.
It’s getting party. We go to the carols, to guess.
Someone with a candle at home, with a grain
And trying, coming, to understand the truth,
Predict what will happen to fate.
Who walks - guesses on the windows of houses,
In the yards where the dog barks ...
This is an evening of cherished dreams
This evening is Christmas Eve, who knows ...

Christmas Eve is a lot of good and mystery,
We are waiting for Christmas
Guessing and this is no coincidence.
We expect magic.
And we wait for happiness all the time,
And I want to wish you:
To fulfill all the plans,
Put a candle in front of the mirror.

On January 6, according to the Julian calendar, a unique two-week period begins in the life of Orthodox Christians - the winter Christmas time. They last 12 whole days - until the Baptism of the Lord.

Orthodox Christmas time did not arise from scratch. According to many researchers, our ancestors had their own beliefs about these two weeks. These beliefs, combined with the Christian tradition, created the explosive mixture of holiness and magic that we can still see in some places today.

In the old days, Christmas time was very peculiarly shared: the first week was called “holy”, the second - “terrible”. People believed that this was the time of transition — when the old year had already ended and the new one had not yet begun (recall that until the Bolsheviks arrived at the beginning of the 20th century, the new year in Russia began on January 13). It was believed that the spirits of the dead came to the earth, and not only them - in some places of Russia it was believed that God opened the gates of hell so that demons with features could enjoy Christmas. Young people and seniors were actively wondering about the future - it was believed that at this time it was easiest to guess.

During Christmas time it was forbidden to work in the evenings. Girls and boys gathered for games, the most striking of which was caroling. Caroling as usual on Christmas night, St. Basil's Day and Baptism. Carolers were allowed a lot of things such that the rest of the time would have ended in failure: for example, if the owner didn’t give any presents, carolants could take cattle out of the barn or break something.

An interesting tradition of the Epiphany Christmas Eve, which is now almost nowhere to be found - to expel evil spirits. They included the blessing of water, and in many places for this purpose they smoked a house and annexes with incense, and bypassed livestock with an ax. In some places this was the task of the guys, which they performed with whips on the fences, waving brooms and screaming loudly.

For the celebration of Christmas time
Twelve days are allotted.
Let them be like a gift
Easy, quite lucky.

From Christmas to Baptism
Let fun be near
Health, laughter, peace and quiet.
We wish you happiness with all our hearts!

Outside the window, fun, laughter, carols are heard,
This means only one thing, Christmas time has come!
We will sing, and dance, and fortune telling,
Not a hindrance in this business a blizzard and bad weather!
Friends with you, today I congratulate you,
I wish happiness, joy, love, from the bottom of my heart!

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart and wish you merry and kind Christmas time. May life be gracious, may there be a great desire to share joy and love with loved ones. I sincerely wish you comfort in the house and at heart, let the front door be always open to happiness and goodness.

Christmas time - from Christmas to Baptism
Triumphs celebrates the people.
After all, a period of joy, fun
The New Year holiday opens!

Everyone wants to have fun at Christmas time,
Relax, find out your fate.
After all, this is what it is believed:
What you need to tell fortune at Christmas time.

Let us tell you without any predictions:
It will be easy and happy year
And wish to make a wish
And spin your round dance in life!

The reason is pleasant, sweet -
We all celebrate Christmas time.
For twelve of these days
There are so many cases - e-gay!
Rejoice, do not be bored,
And carol,
Congratulate everyone in the world,
Guess your fate.
You're the most beautiful dress
Have fun, have fun
Learn good from people!

Light candles and meet guests
Let them joke with amusement from the heart.
You generously treat cheerful travelers -
Their singing works wonders!

Let them sing into a family of love and harmony
Inoculated into a house of wealth for the whole year.
After all, Christmas time is a reward to us by nature,
From winter to summer the sun turns!

Congratulate you on Christmas
Today I’m hurrying from the heart,
Wish happy festivities
And I want you carols.

Get positive
You are a year ahead
Let the time for good and fairy tales
Laughter and joy will bring

I congratulate you warmly,
I wish to live forever.
To fortune everyone with wealth
Find out your fate to everyone.

Let life be good
You do not know sadness.
Regrets will all pass
Happiness, joy will find you!

Wandering Christmas
Christmas time has come
And until Baptism -
Fun awaits us!

Time to sing and dance
Time to get married
It will not be boring during the holidays,
Let's go caroling!

Have fun, help yourself
Guess the candle
Throw the shoe out the gate
If you fool around the hunt

And at the end of the holy days
Gather all the friends
Burn a stack of straw
Spend Christmas time with honor!

A hearty feast for you
And gait shaky
Walking is not a sin now
Celebrate Christmas!

Joy and adventure
I want to wish you
Sweets and a lot of money
Joke with a joke.

Let your laugh sound funny
Let the songs in the house sing
Let the family be happy
Let troubles not take you.

  [in prose]

congratulations before christmas

To son from father:
  Life gave me you
  I am very grateful for this.
  Raised you, loving
  You were in solidarity with me.
  Today is Christmas, my son,
  And I want to tell you:
  Be happy, there is only one life -
  I wish that love comes!

Holiness, light is coming triumph:
  Snowy is approaching us Christmas.
  I wish you pure thoughts
  Good deeds, and let them help
  Light forces are always and in everything
  So that only your house shines with happiness.
  To forget the worries
  On the day when the holiday is on the threshold.

I hurry Merry Christmas
  Happy New Year!
  May the year be happy
  May it bring change
  But only for the best. Let it go
  You forget what sadness means
  sadness, bad mood.
  Love and inspiration to you!

There is a great secret in this day
  In Christmas, our faith, hope,
  That it’s not accidental in the world,
  everything is thought out before
what we are born into the world with.
  But do not think that there is no choice!
  Every day and every action -
  Our choice without any concessions.
  I wish you on Christmas
  That it was right -
  Your every decision in life!
  And more victories and accomplishments!

This holiday is unusual
  To wish personal happiness in life -
  It will be too small:
  I want to come
  There’s a new era in life,
  It was like a distant year
  When Christ came to the world
  And took away our sins.
  I wish you bright rebirths
  And good changes!

Merry Christmas to you!
  Today, at our big table
  So I want to wish you all
  In life, never lose heart
  Health, happiness, every success,
  Happy and joyful laughter
  Love each other, enjoy life,
  Let it be so forever and ever!

Christmas is on the doorstep
  And I hasten to wish you
  To you on your road
  Never to meet troubles.
  So that all your dreams come true
  Plans to be embodied - in business,
  So that luck is unceasing
  And she swam into your hands!

Christmas miracle is life
  Love hour and God's birth,
  And a pure halo in the rays of a star
  And an angel in the night touch.

May the Lord protect you from adversity,
  And generous blessings
  Christ's doctrine calls forth
  For good deeds and for accomplishments.

Solemnly and marvelously in this holy hour,
  Merry Christmas Congratulations!
  Let the people rejoice: “Praise all Christ!”, -
  The first star has already ascended into heaven.
  May the holy love in your hearts live,
  An angel inspires and protects the Lord.
  Christmas comes into every home
  This holy evening every year we wait.

On this day, love triumphs on earth,
  It's a bright day of forgiveness
  Magi proclaim the birth of Christ
  From miracles, people are delighted!

May the world under the sacred star become good
  Cleaner thoughts, wiser decisions
  And we will love our neighbor with all our souls
  And humane achievements will be!

In heaven, a star lit up

And Christmas came.

The family gathered for dinner

It became cozy and warm.

Will give joy and peace.

A smile will lie on your mouth

And the world will be enveloped in love!

May the bright holiday of Christmas
Brings smiles, happiness, joy,
May there be more magic
God will give goodness and goodness!

Let your bright father-in-law
Filled with the warmth of love
And with a wonderful Christmas
Your dreams will come true!

In Christmas
In the silence of the night
Happiness enters the house
With the first star.

Snowflakes Angels
Coming down from heaven
The time is coming
Tales and wonders.

Let it be in my soul
Clean and bright
And dreams will come true
In Christ's Christmas.

Lights the sky candles
Foreshadowing the triumph.
There will be endless joy.
Merry Christmas!

In a whirlwind of festive events
May your dreams come true
Belief in a miracle will awaken
For love and kindness!

The whole world is filled with magic
The star of love is lit
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas
I congratulate you!

Let the house fill with happiness
Giving you joy again
May along with faith be in him,
Hope and love!

Let the snow spin outside the window
Lying down everywhere.
Merry Christmas to you.
We wish to believe in a miracle
Do not lose your hopes
To the dream of finding a way
Do not remember evil, be able to forgive,
Appreciate the fate of the lessons.

Let simple joys be
And inspire again and again
For life and good deeds
Hope, Faith and Love.

Let the angel cover his wings
And protect your glorious home
A good holiday will warm hearts
Merry Christmas to you!

May Christmas night
A great miracle will come to you
Make a wish sooner
After all, magic is now everywhere!

May the Lord give you
Love, health, faith in the heart,
Moments of joy in fate
And fortunately, he will open the door!

Merry Christmas
May the Lord bring comfort to your bright home,
Be happy, always be healthy
Let everything around you be filled with good!

I wish you joy, pleasant moments only
So that the Lord takes away from you sorrow and evil,
And in life there are many different achievements,
So that the soul was calm and warm!

Suddenly the magic came -
Christmas has come to earth!
And a guiding star
Love brought to everyone's hearts.

Let her live in hearts
And will lead souls to God,
To honor God's laws
And they forgave all their enemies.

May the Lord always keep you,
Bypasses the trouble.
And a soft bell ringing
May it bring you happiness to the house.

Jingle bells.
How easy it is at heart ...
May God protect you.

On holiday, we rejoicing
We believe in miracles.
The main thing is health,
The main thing is the family.

Merry Christmas!
Peace be upon you, grace.
Learn to believe
And forgive the enemies.

The evening on the eve of the Nativity of Christ, which so many expect and love, is called Christmas Eve. There is a belief according to which the forces of good and evil walk the earth this very evening. The bright forces call people to carol, sing and rejoice, but the forces of evil seduce the girls with the opportunity to tell fortunes, collect witch covens. True or not, it doesn’t matter at all. Because this evening every person is waiting for the ascension of that very first star so that the hope of a bright future and the help of the Savior again lights up in the soul.
The advent of Christmas in the history of Christianity.
In the evening of January 6, a new star was born in the dark sky of Bethlehem, which, with its radiance, announced to the shepherds that the Savior had come to Earth. So many years have passed since then, but probably every child knows this wonderful story. Telling this magical story about the little Jesus Christ, and his mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the smell of hay, which was in the nursery of the baby, flies into every house.

Why Christmas Eve?

The evening of January 6 is called Christmas Eve. This name was derived from the name of Old Russian porridge made from rice or grain with various dried fruits, nuts and honey. The prosperity and well-being of the family could be determined by such porridge, in wealthy families they preferred rice, and in the poor the grain that was there.

Such porridge was the first food during fasting. Christmas Eve finished the Great Christmas Lent, believers fasted on this day or ate very modest and lean food. The whole family could sit at the festive table only after the first star appeared in heaven, as at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Christmas meal is very important, so you should carefully prepare for it. The table, at which relatives and guests will gather, needs to be laid down with a thin layer of straw or hay, and on top lay a beautiful, preferably white tablecloth. Every housewife must know that there should be 12 meatless dishes on the table. When arranging appliances for guests, one should remember about one special guest who is expected in every house. The Lord is always and everywhere the most welcome and dear guest.

According to traditions, the owners always open the door to everyone who knocks on it, even the homeless and the poor. The mood of this evening is simply obliged to be festive, the guests are beautiful and elegant, and the table is decorated with a beautiful Christmas candle.
Christmas Eve is a bright and special holiday, so the hostess must think through literally every little thing, and especially this applies to those dishes that will decorate the festive table and home decor elements. A combination of twigs of spruce, bright New Year's balls and the beautiful Christmas tree will look very interesting and appropriate. It is under it that gifts for the whole family will be waiting in the wings. The mistress of the house also has to fulfill a very responsible and honorable task - to say a prayer before the meal.
First of all, guests should try kutya, and after that snacks. According to tradition, guests can be offered borscht or mushroom soup. Another option is fish soup, which can also be offered to guests. Guests are offered a dessert of poppy lean cakes, honey gingerbread, various jelly or stewed fruit. It is very important that on a festive evening the hostess stays at the table all the time. There is also no supply of hot and meat dishes.
The presence of such dishes will be appropriate on the festive table for those who have been observing the Christmas fast all this time. In other cases, the menu, of course, can change. The main thing to remember is the obligatory presence of kutya and the absolute absence of alcohol. The menu can be varied, but still it is better to abandon fatty and high-calorie dishes, choosing the simpler and lighter one.
For children, Christmas Eve is a time of holidays and gifts, because it is after the festive dinner that it is worth giving gifts to relatives and friends. You can approach this issue with imagination and arrange a theatrical performance with Santa Claus. If you follow the traditions, then gifts need to be developed and considered sitting at the festive table with the whole family. The atmosphere of such an evening must be filled with light, warmth, care and love.
If there are children in the house, then they can be pleased with an impromptu performance during which they can get acquainted with the biblical heroes. All you need for this is the desire of adults, a little imagination and a couple of white sheets to make costumes. Such an idea will forever remain in the memory of not only children, but also adults, but besides this, many will look at a familiar story differently and take something new for themselves.
Christmas Eve is a family holiday, so it’s best to celebrate the birth of the Savior along with the closest and kin. Noisy companies and fun will not be able to fully convey the spirit of the holiday, will not allow them to penetrate. Christmas Eve is an evening in which it is worth asking for forgiveness from your loved ones, utter warm words and wishes, and also forgive all those who offended by word or deed.
Christmas Eve is a time of goodness and warmth. Today, many people need help. You can make a wonderful gift for children in the orphanage, bringing them toys, some things and tasty treats. You can also go into the nursing home, and just sit next to some lonely grandmother, talk to her. Such an act will definitely be in the spirit of Christmas Eve.
Another wonderful tradition of Christmas Eve is the children’s trip home with festive carols that glorified God's baby Christ. In gratitude for such a congratulation, the kids received sweets or fruits from the owners. Today, not everyone understands this way of congratulations. Most often, children come to the house of their relatives and godparents, who have already prepared gifts for them, today it is not only sweets, but often money. The tradition has changed a bit, but you should not forget about it, because children bring joy to the house, congratulating loved ones.
After congratulations, a festive feast, the whole family can go to serve in the church. Children, as a rule, remain at home, and adults should only do this if they feel the need for it. Church service allows you to more deeply feel the spirit of the holiday, fill your thoughts with light and good, letting go of all the problems.

What to give loved ones on Christmas Eve?

The evening on Christmas Eve is special for each person, as if it is saturated with light and warmth, choosing gifts, you need to remember this. Family members can be pleased with interesting books in which you can find answers to many questions. Children will be delighted with sweets packed brightly and originally, you can add small figures of biblical characters to them, and if you wish, even books that tell and show the whole story of the birth of Jesus Christ to children. If you wish, you can put a piece of soul and light into any gift, the main thing is to try.
  Christmas Eve is a time of magic and the birth of new hopes, plans and desires. It must be carried out in warmth and comfort. A bright holiday must be met with the same bright thoughts and desires, in the circle of the closest and dearest.