Lace wedding - gift ideas and decoration. Lace wedding (13 years) - what kind of wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, SMS 13 year wedding as they say

So 13 years of life together flew by as one instant. What wedding is celebrated by spouses? Husband and wife become truly native, and between them there are no longer any omissions or secrets. Time-tested relationships have become very strong.

So 13 years of life together flew by unnoticed. What wedding is celebrated on the day of the wedding, the memory of which is carefully kept photos? This wedding anniversary has two names:

  • lily of the valley wedding;
  • lace wedding.

It is called lace for such reasons:

  1. The fates of spouses who have lived together for so many years are intertwined like threads. Which pattern you end up with depends on family relationships.
  2. Lace weaving is a long, time-consuming process. So it is in family life: harmony comes only after a while.
  3. Lace makers should be very careful, as one wrong move can ruin the whole pattern. Similarly, on the thirteenth anniversary of family life, a couple should realize that both must protect the relationship, because they have been weaving for so many years.

The 13th anniversary of the ulterior motive is called the lily of the valley. Our ancestors believed that the number "thirteen" is a symbol of a new life. Lily of the valley is a perennial; it blooms every spring with renewed vigor. So it is in the family: if feelings fade away, then the lily of the valley anniversary is an occasion to reflect on renewing a former passion or even having a baby.

How to celebrate

This anniversary, like others, is best celebrated among the closest and dearest. Some believe that the visit of strangers or not the closest people can harm family happiness and bring negative energy into the house.

Celebration room  decorated in bright colors. The use of lilies of the valley would be ideal, but since they can be found exclusively in warm May, the option of replacing them with any other white or cream flowers is quite acceptable.

Also in the design of the room you need to use lace. It can be a new tulle or a tablecloth.

The festive table can be covered with oilcloth imitating lace or tulle over a bright canvas. You can use beautiful lace napkins.

A table on this day is usually served with silver cutlery and crystal glasses. From time immemorial, it is believed that this metal, as well as crystal ringing, repels evil spirits.

Worth paying special attention to festive dishes. Salads can be decorated with lace patterns from mayonnaise, bake an openwork pie, and also make an appetizer of eggs in the form of a lily of the valley.

All guests and heroes of the occasion should be dressed accordingly. White color and floral details should prevail in the outfits.

Girls can wear guipure blouses or dresses, and tie an openwork ribbon or bandage with white flowers on their heads. Ladies aged can complement their look with an openwork shawl.

Men can insert a lace shawl in their jacket pockets or simply pin a flower buttonhole.

Jewelry should be made of pearls, silver and crystal.

Traditions of the holiday and rites

For every important event in human life, there is a tradition that has developed since ancient times. On the 13th wedding anniversary, you need to protect your family hearth from hostile forces. Let's talk more about the symbolic rites that our ancestors performed on this significant day.

  1. "Interweaving hearts". Spouses pull out threads from any woolen clothes and interlace their wrists with each other. It is generally accepted that such a ritual helps them to “bind” good and love and drive away all the bad.
  2. "Coaxing Brownie". One way or another, it refers to evil spirits, although it is considered a domestic spirit. That is why our ancestors gifted the brownie on their thirteenth anniversary. They believed that he would continue to faithfully and faithfully protect their home.
  3. One of the old traditions is to slip a lace shawl under the oven. In the modern world, not every house has a stove, so you can get by with an ordinary battery - this is the warmest place in the house.
  4. Wreath weaving. The main concept of this holiday is knitting and weaving, therefore, from time immemorial, the housewives weaved amulets from nettles and aspen. This is not a very pleasant occupation, but it was believed that such wreaths reliably protected the home from evil spirits.
  5. Knitting brooms. A man knitted a nettle broom and swept the house, while cleaning the room from bad energy.
  6. Planting a birch. It is believed that this tree drives away evil spirits and is also a symbol of renewal. Since ancient times, on the thirteenth wedding anniversary, a couple planted a birch tree near their home. On a young seedling you need to tie a lace ribbon.

Anniversary gifts

On this "mystical" date, it is customary to give that which protects the house from evil spirits, and also symbolizes love and prosperity

It is customary for a woman to give lilies of the valley. They personify purity and tenderness. It is only necessary to consider some points. Lilies of the valley poorly coexist with other flowers and quickly fade. In addition, lilies of the valley are not recommended in the bedroom, as they tend to cause headaches.

A wonderful gift will be any wicker, knitted things. For instance,

  • a crocheted tablecloth or napkin;
  • openwork bedspread;
  • decorative lace pillowcases;
  • wicker baskets, etc.

You can give a young wife a lace shawl or scarf. The head of the family will like a knitted sweater or scarf.

You can give souvenirs made of birch wood.

If a couple gives gifts to each other, then this is a great opportunity to demonstrate their half attention and care. Of course, it's best to choose practical giftthat the recipient really needs. This is a kind of frontier - a lace wedding. How many years have lived together side by side, and there are still many happy days and holidays ahead.

Attention, only TODAY!

A lace wedding is a tangible period, showing the strength of the couple's love, theirs. It is believed that the patterns of family life are woven more and more skillfully every year, this is no less difficult work than the works of craftswomen. If a couple copes with difficulties, it will be as beautiful as the lilies of the valley. Therefore, the second name of this anniversary is a lily of the valley wedding.

How many years is a lace wedding?

The lace wedding anniversary is considered mysterious and mystical, since it falls to the number "13". There is a sign that on this day there are quarrels between husband and wife, as demons check the stability of the marriage, so many couples are afraid to celebrate the date, and very in vain. Indeed, on such a holiday since ancient times they held special rites to protect the family, protecting from the machinations of evil forces. Those who are too superstitious should remember that the 13th anniversary of life together is also a lily of the valley wedding, a flower of love and beauty.

What to give for a lace wedding?

It is customary to celebrate the 13th anniversary of family life with family or close friends, it is advisable to invite guests who were present at the wedding. Wedding anniversary also provides gifts, it is customary to give the things you need for the house, in which there is lace. What can be given for a lace wedding - the guests have a wide choice:

  • souvenirs or vases with ornament;
  • wood products, it is worth choosing aspen, which is considered the best amulet;
  • bedding sets;
  • tablecloths, bedspreads, napkins with lace.

What to give friends for a lace wedding?

When choosing a gift, it is best to start from the name of the anniversary - a lace wedding, then the present will become not only memorable, but also symbolic. If you show your imagination and not be too lazy in search of a suitable one, you can find a very interesting gift and please friends. What are friends giving to a lace wedding:

  1. Bedding with a pattern of lilies of the valley.
  2. Towels tied with an openwork ribbon.
  3. Service for 13 people.
  4. Tea set with lace napkins.
  5. Charms from evil spirits: a birch broom, a horseshoe, a figurine of a house.
  6. Wicker planter with artificial lilies of the valley.
  7. Any figurine made of aspen.
  8. A ship made of wood with delicate sails, can be scarlet.

What to give to a wife on a lace wedding?

A gift for a lace wedding should be chosen for each other and for the spouse. It’s best to buy a symbolic present, not from household goods, because the necessary utensils can be bought at any time. Light, airy, romantic - the most competent choice. What to give to a husband on a lace wedding to his beloved wife:

  1. A set of lace underwear, the main thing is to know the size exactly.
  2. Ornament with lace elements. Can be packaged in an original woven box.
  3. A tray with lace ornament, if you put a vase with lilies of the valley on it, the gift will be especially memorable.
  4. Jewelry box decorated with iconic flowers.
  5. Lace scarf.
  6. Sundress with original lace.
  7. Fashionable handbag decorated with an openwork scarf.

What to give her husband for a lace wedding?

It’s a little harder to pick a present for a man, but the task is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Remember the hobbies of the “newlywed”, for example, an avid fisherman will be pleased with a new fishing rod tied with an openwork ribbon. There are other options in the same design:

  1. His favorite toilet water.
  2. A blanket complete with a book.
  3. Wicker furniture for a summer house or porch of your own home.
  4. Painting with painted lilies of the valley.
  5. Sweater with original lace patterns.

Lace Wedding - Ideas

Lace wedding design provides for a special one. The sign has long been preserved: laced tablecloths and napkins are certainly laid on the table. Since lace was called the best amulet, guests and hosts wore things with ornaments or brought such handkerchiefs. Celebrating the date is accepted in the family circle as the most cozy anniversary, but you can arrange a picnic for relatives and friends. The theme party will be original when guests come to congratulate them on a lace wedding with lilies of the valley or in lace clothes.

Many traditions have been preserved that have been observed for the 13th wedding anniversary; they can become the highlight of a modern party:

  1. The wife puts on a lace scarf, and the husband - the same collar.
  2. A couple presents a lace handkerchief to the house and asks to protect the house from demons. Previously, a present was attached under the stove; in a current apartment, any kind of warm place will do.
  3. Spouses plant a birch and tie a lace belt on it. There is a sign, supposedly this tree protects from demons.
  4. The house is decorated with a wreath of aspen or nettle branches, the Slavs called it the strongest. The women of the family weaved it in advance, and the men collected a broom from the remains of the branches and swept the rubbish out of the house - along with possible misfortunes.

Superstition associated with the number 13, there is a great many. But all of them are not a reason to fear such a wonderful date as the 13th anniversary of married life. Today we find out 13 years of wedding - what kind of wedding? What traditions, greeting and gift, are associated with this date?

Lacy anniversary or 13 years of marriage

This date has two names at once: lace and lily of the valley wedding.

  • Lace is a symbol of not only tenderness and beauty of relationships, but also a kind of pointer to the fact that from the intricacies of the threads of fate, from problems and their solutions, from a joint search for ways to live together, beautiful and easy lace is obtained. So much labor and effort has been invested in it, as in 13 years of marriage between spouses. That is why lace lacy became a symbol of this anniversary.

  • The second name is lily of the valley wedding. After 13 years of marriage, the first, most serious crisis of relations can be considered overcome. And again, feelings flourish, as after the cold winter the first lilies of the valley appear on warmed glades. That is, it is a symbol of renewal, the beginning of a new stage of relations.

  • There is another name for this wedding: woolen. It symbolizes the special warmth of family relationships. After all, a couple over 13 years of marriage went through many difficulties, problems associated with their own feelings, and with raising children. And now the first storms give way to more pacified days, for which tenderness and concern for each other are especially characteristic. Therefore, the 13th anniversary is the name of the “woolen wedding”.

13 years of wedding - gift traditions

Like any other anniversary, the 13th anniversary of married life has its own, deep-rooted traditions. They relate to gifts and the holiday itself.

  • Spouses exchange lace gizmos. It was considered very favorable to give a wife a lace scarf or bandage, and her husband a lace collar, or bow tie. So the couple kept each other from the influence of unclean forces, and the weaving of threads in the donated things helped to keep thoughts clean and clear.
  • From relatives and guests, the most appropriate gifts will be lace elements of home textiles, for example, tablecloths, openwork curtains, sets of napkins or bedspreads of thin weaving.

  • Floral arrangements must include lilies of the valley. You can give spouses a picture with the image of these flowers, or an original lamp with an embroidered lampshade, on which all the same lilies of the valley will show off.
  • Woolen or knitted items are also great as gifts. If gifts are given individually to each spouse, then for this anniversary it is better to prefer paired items. For example, sweaters with the same pattern, a set of scarves with hand-knitted gloves and other cute woolen items for personal wear or home decoration.
  • On this anniversary, hand-made things will be more appropriate than ever. A set of lace wraps for armchairs or a real lace picture, a lamp made of thin lace, which is quite easy to make with your own hands, warm knitted slippers - these are great gifts for the 13th wedding anniversary.

How to Celebrate 13 Years of Wedding

  • If we talk about traditions, on this day the couple planted a young birch in front of the threshold of the house and tied it with lace ribbon. It was believed that such an action would protect the family from quarrels and temptations. Not every resident of a city apartment will be able to repeat this ritual, so it can be modernized by tying a lace ribbon over the door of the apartment.
  • Another ritual associated with this anniversary is that the couple tied the threads of each other’s clothes on their fingers. It was believed that this would save a couple of disagreements.
  • For those who are prone to superstitions, it is prescribed to appease the brownie on this day. He needs to pour a saucer of milk and put on a beautiful lace scarf in an inconspicuous corner. Then he will be supportive of family and home.
  • In the design of the table and dishes should be used as much as openwork and lace. Light wicker tablecloths, transparent napkins, plates with a delicate pattern and crystal with lace engraving. As for dishes, they should also be light, airy and decorated with delicate patterns. The predominant color in the serving is white, with green accents. On the table must be standing bouquets of lilies of the valley.

To follow or not to all traditions and rituals, each family decides independently. The main thing is that every day, festive or everyday, in a relationship, warmth and tenderness for each other is maintained.

The 13th anniversary of family happiness, like most other anniversary dates, has its own traditional symbol, and this is lace. Lace has a special and symbolic meaning, which is relevant for a couple entering the 14th year of marriage. Lace is an extremely complex product, especially when it is made by hand.

Lace-making, an art with an ancient history dating back at least to the sixteenth century, is to create a beautiful decorative material. The effort put into producing a piece of elegant lace reflects the work that a couple needs to put into maintaining and maintaining the marriage.

It is assumed that the individual threads of their lives will be woven into a single pattern. In addition, the lace pattern is often unique and intricate - just like the union between two people.

No two marriages are the same, and often the success of a couple’s life together can be completely incomprehensible to unfamiliar people. Therefore, the 13th wedding anniversary, despite the controversial reputation of the number 13, is a wonderful occasion for a holiday called a lace wedding.

Each anniversary year is another reason to celebrate, and the first thing that comes to mind is a party with friends and family. At the same time, 13 years of living together is not a round date, and it is not customary to arrange a grand celebration at which they give a bunch of gifts. Therefore, mainly people who are witnessing happy moments in the life of a married couple are going to celebrate the event. As a rule, they have known each other since the time of the engagement of the newlyweds.

In accordance with the number of guests, you can arrange a relaxing holiday in the walls of your home or, as an option, book a room in the restaurant.

Of course, many factors influence the choice of venue for the event: season, personal preferences, financial capabilities. There is nothing to list, but there are a few points that you should take care of:

  • the room should be decorated in accordance with the symbols of thirteen years of marriage — lace tablecloths (at least napkins) on tables, flowers reminiscent of a lace wedding (lilies of the valley, white lilac, white chrysanthemums);
  • it is desirable that the table setting also corresponds to the "lace" theme - silver cutlery with filigree, decorations on dishes, cakes in openwork baskets, a cake decorated with sweet lace;
  • lace elements are desirable in the clothes of the “newlyweds” and guests, but since not everyone may like lace, you can simply hand out lace handkerchiefs as a keepsake.

Arranging a holiday, you should take this process with all seriousness. Choosing a place for a celebration, make sure that it suits all guests. Notify them of the date so that they have the opportunity to prepare.

Perhaps this scenario of celebrating an anniversary may seem boring, especially if the previous dates were celebrated in a similar way (with your family) with minor variations.

After thirteen years of marriage, the couple is still full of strength and energy, at the same time, the children have grown up, and they can be left in the care of relatives, and they can arrange an unforgettable holiday for two. Here are a few ideas that will slightly diversify the celebration of the anniversary.

  1. Plan a one-day adventure with a soul mate - a hike, a bike ride, a balloon ride ... something fun and memorable that both will enjoy.
  2. Go on a "mysterious journey" - go to another city for a romantic dinner. In this case, select the destination on the day of the anniversary.
  3. During the day, go to local art galleries (or museums), and spend the evening at dinner by candlelight in the silence of your own apartment.
  4. Visit places that you liked at the time of dating, engagement. Go to the church where you got married. Then review the wedding video, recalling funny moments, and end the day with a romantic dinner.

Celebrating the anniversary together is a little selfish, but in everyday life it is difficult to devote time to each other. So why not do it on one of the anniversaries?

Gift Ideas for Husband and Wife

A traditional gift for the 13th wedding anniversary is lace, so a good choice for any husband who is looking for a gift for his beautiful companion for thirteen years of marriage is a wide selection of fabulously beautiful lace products that any woman will appreciate.

The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, lace underwear with its luxurious and sexy appeal, it will be a welcome gift for most women. Of course, for 13 years of marriage, a man learned about the tastes and style of his life partner, if not everything, then a lot, and he will not be difficult to choose something appropriate. If your spouse is indifferent to lace, you can give a dress of lace or a lace shawl.

Lace scarves or a lace top are also good ideas that a grateful wife will surely appreciate.

You can also give:

  • filigree jewelry - earrings, pendants, necklaces, bracelets, rings;
  • items for decorating the interior of filigree - candle holders, caskets, vases.

As for gifts for men, most of the representatives of the strong half of humanity do not perceive a lace gift as a man's gift, so it is advisable to avoid them. Focusing on the interests of a life partner, the spouse can choose a gift that matches his hobby.  This may be a pair of sneakers for the morning run, boots - a fan of playing football, a tracksuit or a T-shirt with a funny inscription.

The fact that these items have little in common with lace is not scary - you can complement the gift with a symbolic item.

For instance:

  • jewelry with elements of filigree decor - cufflinks, tie clip, bracelet;
  • original bauble from filigree - belt buckle, case for a lighter, cigarette case;
  • office decor element - writing desk, paperweight, cigar box.

Jewelry for both him and her can be decorated with various stones.  You can opt for semi-precious or semi-precious stones such as citrine, moonstone, hawk eye, blue lace agate or crazy lace agate. Although these minerals are not traditional for the 13th anniversary, they echo the theme of lace.

Men on this day should prepare a bouquet of flowers as a gift. As on any other day, the wife will be delighted with the sign of attention from her loved one.

How to congratulate spouses for friends and relatives - tips

Few in the modern world seek to maintain tradition; in fact, they do not even have a practical meaning.

And yet, congratulating the "newlyweds" on their 13th wedding anniversary, everyone thinks about choosing a gift that matches the symbolism of the date.

As for the words of congratulations, this may be the usual wish of happiness.  By the way, even if the newlyweds do not celebrate the lace anniversary, this does not mean that their mood is not festive, and it will be appropriate for relatives to support it by sending a greeting card, SMS or simply calling.


A good option for a traditional gift for the 13th wedding is a beautiful lace tablecloth, which can decorate the dining table for any family celebration.

In addition to the obvious symbolic connection with the lace anniversary, this gift will be a pleasant reminder to the couple about their anniversary and loving friends and relatives. Personal gifts will also be appropriate.

For example, a lace blouse or a scarf with lace patterns for the culprit of the occasion, donated by mother or mother-in-law. The head of the family will be happy with the gift in the form of a sweater. Of course, various items from filigree lace that can decorate the house will be appropriate. It can be a pair of glasses or a set of glasses, intricately decorated with a master jeweler, various decorative objects - vases, jugs.

Given their young age, children don’t have to worry much about the present. Anniversaries will certainly be pleased, for example, funny postcards made by the hands of their beloved children.

Congratulations in prose, poetry

Affectionate heartfelt words spoken on the day of the anniversary of the lace wedding will delight the “newlyweds” almost more than material gifts.

It is always nice to hear words of admiration, support and love from relatives and friends. You can say a few words in prose: “Our dear! For thirteen years, your stunningly beautiful family has pleased your loved ones with its happy, cheerful faces, your love for each other, your ability to enjoy the world around you.

For a short thirteen years you managed to weave an amazing lace of mutual respect and understanding.  We wish you to remain happy and loved for many more years. With a lace wedding, friends! ”

Or choose a poem suitable for the occasion:

“Wicker” date today is a lace wedding!

You have lived thirteen years in love.

And on this day I would like to wish you

So that happiness only lies ahead!

So that life is wonderful, joyful and bright,

And your feelings have never cooled

Fate was generous with gifts

And on this day, and tomorrow, and always! ”

Original and practical gifts

Tablecloths, curtains or other elements of home decor made from lace will be practical gifts.

As for originality, you can give a custom-made item. It will also be a useful and original gift, for example, a set of towels with a monogram or a set of bed linen.

A beautiful gift is a carpet from an exotic country.  A good idea is to send the newlyweds on vacation by giving them travel packages to the country where they have long dreamed of visiting.

For any family holiday, objects that help to equip and decorate everyday life - dishes, household appliances - will be welcome gifts.

Here you will learn how to celebrate and what to give for the 13th wedding anniversary:

When planning to celebrate a wedding anniversary, it is advisable to remember that tradition is, of course, wonderful, but it is not necessary to follow it thoughtlessly. A huge number of "specialists" categorically say to the newlyweds: on such an anniversary, you must do so-and-so. In most cases, this is utter nonsense, presented as the ultimate truth by people who are completely indifferent to someone else's family happiness. Newlyweds should discuss together what will be good for their family and make a joint decision, thanks to which the holiday will forever remain a happy and joyful memory. After all, where the will of two is united, there is happiness, is not it?

In popular beliefs, the number 13 is always shrouded in mysticism and mystery. The magic of numbers really has a very serious effect on the fate of people, and therefore it is better to celebrate the thirteenth wedding anniversary, taking into account all the ancient traditions.

The 13th anniversary of married life is symbolically called a lace wedding. The intricate lace not only symbolizes the fact that demons are trying to confuse the thoughts and plans of the spouses, but also aims to protect the relationship of the couple from everything that can be fraught with danger. Celebrating this anniversary is made quietly, in the family circle, without attracting too much attention. Perhaps this is the most cozy and delicate wedding anniversary. Celebrate it as it should - and you will have great memories of triumph for a long time.

According to ancient traditions, the neck and head are considered the most vulnerable parts of a person’s body, and therefore the spouse attaches a lace ribbon or bow on her head and puts on a lace collar not only to her spouse, but also to her children. A new lace tablecloth spreads on the festive table, and lacy napkins under the plates. The table is served with festive dishes with interesting patterns reminiscent of lace. Carved wine glasses made of rock crystal fit well into the tradition of celebrating a lace wedding - by the way, its sound, too, according to legend, drives away evil spirits from the house.

When choosing lace for a holiday, pay attention to its patterns: choose those that have images of birds (the symbol of the "family nest"), flowers (the symbol of homeliness and tranquility), and the sun (the symbol of warmth and absolute happiness).

It is quite simple to choose gifts for a lace wedding: various products from delicate, patterned textiles are perfect. Tablecloths, napkins, openwork curtains and bed linen are sure to be useful in everyday life, and handkerchiefs, gloves, collars, lace shawls and hair accessories will undoubtedly please fashionistas. Having chosen lace sponge as a gift, the husband will not only give her a pleasant surprise, but will also bring a fresh breath to their intimate relationship, which is important for maintaining a warm relationship.

Do not forget to make a gift to the house guardian of your home and family happiness - choose a beautiful lace shawl and put it where your little assistant lives. As a rule, this cozy place is located with a stove or in close proximity to the battery.