Congratulations on the holiday of Forgiveness Sunday are official, comic, funny, funny short in SMS, poems and prose. What to say on Forgiveness Sunday? Funny greetings for forgiveness Sunday Obscene greetings with forgiveness Sunday

Today offers you the IA South Federal. In the digital age, short SMS messages are often in demand, often in verse. Our editors tried to satisfy all possible requests. Here you will find various versions of verses for parents, soulmate, friends, colleagues.

Celebrate on the eve of Lent. Date changes every year. Forgiveness Sunday in 2017 is celebrated on February 26th.

In the case of Forgiveness Sunday, the use of the word "congratulations" is still not worth it. Because the sender of the message still asks for forgiveness, not congratulations. It is always necessary to answer them with one phrase: “God will forgive. And I forgive. "

Sorry and goodbye!
Have fun, relax!
If you apologize
You will be sent to sin
If, suddenly, they didn’t ask,
Sin is still valid!
* * *
This Sunday morning
I apologize to you - for insults,
For doubt and misunderstanding!
With forgiveness Sunday of you.

* * *
I want to apologize
Forget old grievances,
Start from scratch
And always live with kindness!
I beg you - I'm sorry
Forgive all my sins!
Believe me, that you owe
I can’t stay !!!
This day it's time for us to sky
Release all insults.
With the Resurrection Forgiven!
I beg you to forgive me!

Everyone needs to be forgiven today
The ancient festival says so
We wish you all only happiness
Do not hold grudges in the shower!
I write SMS with greetings
And please forgive me
If I offended you
And once offended ..
And here's another one for all occasions

Apologize on sunday
So in Russia instituted.
Forgive us, since we have sinned
And we have forgiven you a long time ago.

God gave me a day - Forgiven day
So that I can fix everything
Please, my love, I'm sorry
And let’s leave the pain in the past.

My dear husband, today I am
I apologize to you!
And let the problems be forgotten
“Leave with Forgiveness Sunday!

And here's another SMS congratulation for her husband

My husband, I'm sorry for the claims of women,
And that I’m not in the mood
And for the whims, sometimes very childish,
On this Forgiveness Sunday!

“To dear mother”
Forgiveness Sunday I ask you, mother
I'm sorry I was often stubborn
I love you and respect you
Today I forgive all my loved ones!

“Beloved girl”
Happy Sunday!
Forgive me for everything.
My dear, dear,
I love you so much!

Forgive me for everything
Evil does not hold and do not scold.
It’s a sin to be offended
Then God will forgive us all.

You with forgiveness sunday
Congratulations today.
I apologize for everything
Do not be angry at me.

God forgives us, and you forgive me. On Forgiving Sunday, I wish that the soul was easy, but light in life. And let there be no place in the heart for resentment and grief.

Forgiveness Sunday
I beg your pardon.
Forgive and smile
May life become kinder!

If something goes wrong, sorry
Just do not judge strictly.
We were all wrong in life
After all, no one is perfect.
And on holy Sunday
The time has come to ask for forgiveness.

On this bright sunday
I beg you to forgive me.
And insults all that were,
I’ll ask you to quickly forget.

Forgive me and I forgive you
May this day bring us happiness.
Congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday.
May you and I always be lucky in everything!

I beg you to forgive me
Release all grievances,
Cleansing my soul
I sincerely forgive you.
Sinful Souls Healing
Will give Forgiveness Sunday.

I want to apologize
Forget old grievances,
Start from scratch
And always live with kindness!

I apologize to everyone,
Well, the Lord will forgive you.
We wish you patience
Let the angel keep your house.

With forgiveness resurrection
I hasten to congratulate you!
With all my heart forgiveness
I ask you for everything!

To ask you forgiveness
I am in a hurry without delay.
On a bright day and at this hour
I, in response, forgive you!

Beloved, dear, close people,
Forgive me, dream of a miracle.
May God protect us and health come,
And everyone lives and does not judge the other.

This day it's time for us to sky
Release all insults.
With the resurrection of the Forgiven!
I beg you to forgive me!

Please forgive me for everything
And completely forget all the insults!
May happiness bring you every moment
And God blesses the way of life!

Congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday
Please forgive me for everything that happened.
And I wish you pure thoughts, kindness, love.
To keep the family warm, comfortable!

Sunday Forgiveness I apologize
I wish you peace, kindness and luck.
You’ll soon remove from the heart of resentment,
Good, carefree and live long.

Forgiveness has come Sunday.
Today we must forget all the insults.
I apologize to all my friends,
To continue to live with a light heart.

With Forgiveness Resurrection!
Soul - good, joy,
And thoughts - purifications!

I forgive you and you forgive me
What was bad in your soul - let go
Forget about the past, we won’t remember
We will continue to love and respect each other.

Everyone needs to be forgiven today
The ancient festival so commands.
We wish you all only happiness
Do not hold grudges in the shower!

I want to apologize
Kohl did something ineptly
I beg you to forgive me
For what, maybe, he didn’t.

Forgiveness Sunday
I will do what you want.
Drop, please doubt
Forgive me my sins.

I beg your pardon
If you did something wrong.

Forgiveness Sunday
I beg your forgiveness.
After all, malicious even intrigues
Forgiveness is never too late.

Forgiveness Sunday
I beg your pardon
For what once offended,
After all, he knew what he did and saw.
For all the words that is hot
I once said
I ask you for forgiveness
I’m hurrying to forgive you too.

Sunday saint
I will be honest with you
For all misconduct
Please forgive me.
God forgave you, forgive me
Be so kind to me
I will correct, I promise
I myself forgive all enemies.

I want to wish you this day
Ask all my friends forgiveness,
For all that you could say hurt
When they forgive you, then you will be lucky.

Sorry, please, sorry for everything.
And I forgive you for everything.
Today all mine is yours
Today we bring souls together.

Forgiveness is Sunday today.
Today we forgive each other!
Caring for my soul salvation,
Before the Lord, we cleanse the souls.

I apologize for all
What she did, she said
After all, today is Sunday
For you to forgive me.

I wish you to sit at the table,
Pancakes with caviar to eat,
Burn a woman, spend the winter
Forgive me on a forgiven day.

My mother-in-law, congratulations
Today I will come to you for pancakes
I ask you forgiveness for everything.
Once again, congratulations on the start of spring.

Today's holiday is forgiveness Sunday
And on this day I must ask forgiveness,
I sincerely apologize to everyone whom I offended,
I hope you can ever forgive me ..

Sunday is a farewell day
Seeing off a gray winter.

Pancakes are baked ... It’s a fun kid ...
On Shrovetide everywhere the conversation!
Today in Russia, as they say,
Forgiven Holy Sunday!

Come on Sunday - we will ask for forgiveness,
To remove all sins from the soul, to meet a post with a pure heart.
Come to visit us, we will be glad to guests!

On Forgiveness Sunday, I apologize to all honest people.
Do not be angry, and you, forgive me for the sake of Christ, if you are to blame for what.

Forgiveness Sunday
I apologize to everyone!
Those whom he loved and fell out of love.
To whom caused something.
Forgive everything, and I will forgive you all!
Do not take revenge, and I will not take revenge!
Sorry, but you will be forgiven !!!

Forgive me! Sorry! -
I ask my friends. -
Do not hide insults
Excuse me soon!

I’ll take the machine at the ready
I remember all the past sins
And wander off asking everyone for forgiveness ...
If they don’t forgive me, then I’m not to blame!

Forgiveness Sunday -
Day of wisdom, patience.
Forgive everyone,
Who did the sin reach for?

The soul must be able to forgive -
It cannot be otherwise!
Well, how can you live in the world,
When does resentment gnaw?
May this day be your soul
It will help everyone to forgive.
With forgiveness resurrection!
And we will continue to live!

Forgive me as I love you - a simple, in general, formula.

Seven weeks before Christ Sunday,
We can apologize to each other,
So that in fasting with purity of soul enter
To save the world and find peace.

Gracious God, I'm sorry
And forgive me sins
As I forgive people
So will my forgiveness be.

God teaches people to forgive
And do not hold a grudge,
Mercy open up
With a good heart to pray.

I beg your pardon
If you did something wrong.
Give me cleansing
Let me take a step to you.

Show wisdom and patience
To forgive all those who asked you.
Who will apologize sincerely -
That, in truth, deserved it.

I forgive you, but you forgive me
For everything I’ve done sometimes wrong,
Please do not blame me for anything -
I didn’t mean to offend you in any way.

I ask you to me
Sincerely forgiven
And, in the soul, keeping love,
I forgot about the bad.

Forgive me for all the bad
What I once did.
Your forgiveness will soothe
And he will exalt on a pedestal!

If there is any sin,
Kohl is guilty of something
And once offended once
Sorry on the forgiven weekend!
With carnival!

Let the days and years go by
I'm lonely, everything is empty
Sorry, my dear, for the insult,
Let's try again.

I hasten to greet you and ask you to forgive me if I offended you, if I once offended you. I sincerely apologize, because today is Sunday.

Understood not the one who saw a lot,
And the one who lost a lot.
Forgive not the one who did not offend,
And the one who forgave a lot.

I want to obey. Confess.
Ask you for forgiveness.
Saved, so as not to toil later
Forgiveness Sunday.

Forgiveness Sunday
Repentance in honor:
Like, forgive me all doubts,
And forgive all the mistakes;
I'm out of style
Absolutely not sad -
Since you have forgiven me,
So be it, I will forgive you!

Forgiveness Sunday
I apologize for the sins.
Forgive me accept my forgiveness
And these humble verses ...

Forgive me for everything
And I forgive everything
And this sunday
I invite you to visit!

This Sunday morning
I apologize to you
For grievances and doubts
And for the misunderstanding!

I apologize to you
Forgiveness Sunday
I forgive you for everything
I wish you peace and love.

See you on Sunday -
Will we ask for forgiveness
To take away all sins from the soul,
And with a pure heart, a post to meet.

Friends, please forgive me
I ask for my sins to be released
Perhaps voluntarily or involuntarily
You accidentally hurt you.

God forgive - I know that.
But all, friends, I beg:
Do not leave without forgiveness
Me Forgiven Sunday.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
I wish you everything before fasting
Not only all pancakes to eat,
But also cleanse your heart.


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All with Forgiveness Sunday
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Stock up on warmth, patience
We wish you! Do not sin!
Forget grievances right away
Do not hold in your heart for a long time,
So that they are like an infection
Could not captivate him!


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Asking forgiveness is so easy
  And forgive the one who did not offend.
  Just how to forgive those from whom
  Did you see much bitterness on your day?

Sunday is one year,
  And they call him forgiven,
  Because those who are with Christ,
  On this day, they forgive everyone from the heart.


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Forgiveness Resurrection

For a whole year we have been waiting for the day
What would cleanse the soul.
To apologize
I’m not afraid now ...
But then from others
There will be an apology ...
And for this we will get
Life changes !!!
We will have everything now
Only good in life
In the way that we live
With a light heart and soul !!!


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Resurrection forgiven

To cleanse both heart and soul,
That would not carry anger in yourself
We must hear an apology
And, as God tells us to forgive everyone !!!
And when we forgive everyone in the district:
Chef, relatives, other people,
We will feel happiness and joy
And oil spills on the soul !!!


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I apologize to you,
What more do you want?
Maybe money and food
Or Mercedes? I do not know for sure...

I also ask you for love
A little happiness with understanding
So that the eyelid lifts the "third eye",
So as not to wake up early in the morning.

I congratulate you on this day,
All be forgiven from now
May spring thunder rejoice
You are just like the heat in the desert!

Funny Congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday

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Goodbye Sunday

So it's Sunday
When everyone asks their relatives for forgiveness.
And I apologize to myself,
Like it or not, I am a family.

For not getting enough sleep in the morning,
That cheaply dressed in places
And in the morning I didn’t do exercises,
And for not tasty tea, not sweet.

Stumbled often
And that beloved earring is lost,
For beer poisoning
And she didn’t come to the hairdresser in the morning.

Forgive me dear
I love you you know
I won’t sin anymore
I will respect myself!


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Pancakes with cottage cheese, fish, meat,
Liver, porridge, caviar begin ...
Pancakes just with butter
Piles in our stomachs will melt!
We sin a week of festivities
Or fun, or Maslenitsa?
Love speeches under the bubble outpouring
Having put emphasis on the holiday!
Damn, all week, like seven days of birth,
Need to walk, everything will forgive Sunday!


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Forgiveness Sunday - forgiveness to all!

Shrovetide will come to us and will be
Monday to Sunday
There will be treats all week
To be served on a chic dish!

Shrovetide, as always beautiful,
For people to come
Pancakes with meat and jam
And with caviar black or red!

At the end of Shrovetide will be
Damn, Forgiveness to all Sunday,
We apologize to each other,
And we wish kindness to all people!

This Sunday must passionately
Everyone ate to the point of disgust,
Ask your neighbor for forgiveness
And to forgive all day all obsessively!

And then the Easter fast will come,
The most severe to exhaustion,
With faith, ask all forgiveness
Let this act of goodness be sacred!


It is necessary to be objective in life!
Admit their mistakes
Don't be so naive
You consider yourself sinless ...
Yes, I used to be wrong
Not only in the small, but in the big,
Then, of course, recovering,
But this is not the point at all.
Acknowledge a mistake
Not just this, not easy
You should be more flexible
Stubbornness, you know, is a sin ...
And so, trying to fix everything,
You must stand before all,
Say: - "I'm sorry ...". And add:
- “Ungrateful cattle ...”

Sorry brothers! And, of course, sisters!
I beg you ... Even - on this day - I pray,
For my tongue, sometimes maliciously sharp
Because I don’t like mate
For the fact that I do not distinguish between "neither" and "neither"
I try to make the string easy
In verbs I put a soft sign for "t"
According to the rules of the native language,
For respecting commas
And with many dots - sometimes I sin,
And words without meaning are thickets
I, as if possessed, do not bother,
For what is empty to me without the Hochmodrom,
And the "core" has almost become my "home",
Because I often don’t sleep at home,
What I don’t “pedestal from the lines”,
That I can’t joke over the Fatherland,
I'm with her like a sucker, laugh, love, sad ...
Sorry, sincerely and disinterestedly!
Then maybe I will forgive you ...

We offend, offend us ...
How often does this all coincide!
Muttering a harmful erysipelas -
How not to respond with disgust too? ..
Mowing our people bitch cold!
What are you sneezing into my brain, bore?
How can I catch ailment of negativity
Sweeping evil and snotty!
I will swear - there will be questions ...
Since you're into me - verbal diarrhea!
Since you are into me - a plague bubo!
I’ll get excited like copper on a trombone!
Can vaccines put everyone in the priests,
So that the thesis is dopped to the brain:
Do you want a duck with a health vessel?
So - you go ... to people with love!

Ah, goat! Sorry…
Goodbye, that is not finished!
Once "Forgiveness Sunday",
I forgive. God will forgive.
I forgive you, perhaps
Fornication with a neighbor and binge.
Your salary is godlessly small
And the pocket is always empty.
I forgive you whining
Forgive the drinking companions.
So be it, forgive me and cheekbones, -
Do you turn your head like that ?!
Kohl, a fraudster will appear -
I forget the eyebrow and the eye ...
And he’ll crap on Monday -
Oh! I will get you!
Maria Borisova-Ipokrena

Forgive me and I will forgive you then
I’ll treat you with pretzels rich tea
For the forgiveness of all sins I worship a prayer,
There is no better sincerity, I know that for sure.
For my enemies I’ll put a candle in the church,
Although in hell for atrocities they will burn forever!
From the heart, I still forgive them for everything,
All offenses from myself away I will let go!

You forgive me good people
In honor of the Good Sunday,
For words, for my deeds evil
Give at least a drop of patience.
Mozh plus someone, a graphomaniac,
Not from evil! (I am attracted to them)
Have pity on me, repentant
Do not consider these things as mockery.
I forgive you all together, each and every one,
I’ll even delete it from the black list,
Forgive everyone once (maybe twice, I)
There is no more in me like nonsense.
I’ll go out, I’ll stand, in the center, in the square,
I will beat my forehead on the floor petition ...
(Why are you laughing, foes, like horses ?!
Just ask, the phrase is insulting!)
The great sin was brought into repentance,
Annoyed, (yes, how!) Even the brain sparks!
All the words of repentance have been forgotten ...
Even I am unkind. May God forgive you!