Official congratulations to teachers on Preschool Worker's Day. Congratulations on Preschool Worker's Day in prose. Examples of funny poems to congratulate familiar preschool workers on Teacher's Day

Dear teachers! Congratulations on your professional holiday! We wish you endless patience, because you are the first people after parents with whom children spend a lot of time. It is you who make a huge contribution to their upbringing. Thank you for that! We wish that what you give to our children returns to you threefold. Happy holiday!

First of all, I would like to thank you for the enormous work you do every day. You understand our children, teach, prepare for school everyday life, and this costs enormous effort. After all, for every baby you find individual approach, making him happy and meaningful. Today is an unusual day, on which I sincerely want to wish each of you health, patience, joy, favorable everyday life and a fun, relaxing weekend. May each of you be well. Happy professional day, Happy Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers’ Day!

Our dear kindergarten workers, happy professional holiday to you! Only sensitive, kind and attentive women could choose this unusual, but such a responsible profession. After all, raising a child requires considerable work, philanthropy and fortitude. We wish you a strong nervous system, excellent mood and good health. Let our kids give you their radiant smiles, charge you with irrepressible energy and childhood.

Being a teacher is a real calling. And even though your work is not at all easy, you do it perfectly. On your professional holiday, I would like to thank you for your warmth, care and attention to our children. I sincerely wish you good health, prosperity, patience, success, happiness and joy.

Thank you for your work, difficult and sometimes invisible. Thanks to your love for kids, your sincere care and professionalism, it is much easier for us, parents, to raise children. We wish you an inexhaustible source of strength, health, inspiration and creativity! Happiness, warmth, prosperity to your families!

Dear teachers and all kindergarten workers! Today we celebrate your professional holiday and want to wish you to always be healthy, so that your spirit is cheerful and cheerful! A kind heart to you, great patience and great love for our little mischief-makers! Let your souls not harden, your optimism not grow old, and friendly smiles not disappear from your lovely faces! Be happy, live in abundance, joy and prosperity! Warmth and understanding, love and respect, beauty and joy to you for many years to come!

Our dear teachers and everyone who takes part in the lives of our children! We cordially congratulate you on your professional holiday! We wish you wonderful students, loyal parents, prosperity and success in your hard work! Dedication to you and patience, love and understanding! Let your work be appreciated, and let your payment be high and stable!

How many kids have you raised? How many times have you read “Moidodyr”? How many times have you comforted, pitied, praised, loved? Dozens, or even hundreds. Each child found in you an assistant, adviser, teacher. Today we want to congratulate you and thank you for your kind heart, sincere smile, kindness, love and care. Happy holiday, dear educators, grateful and obedient pupils to you, worthy payment for hard work, health, patience and all earthly blessings!

Congratulations on the Day of the educator and all preschool workers. I wish that work would not be a troublesome task, but a complete pleasure, I wish that life would go without difficulties and failures, I wish that every day brings cheerful smiles of children, strong hugs from loved ones, sunny weather outside the window and sure success in business. Be happy and raise wonderful people in each of your children.

Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers! Let it be in your beloved kindergarten There will always be beautiful weather, let the rains of joy fall, let the sun of happiness shine, let the rainbow of fun shine, let every day in your life be amazing, filled with bright feelings and positive emotions. Health to you, childlike immediacy of the soul and inspiration of a kind heart.

Congratulations on the Day of the Educator 2019 and the Preschool Worker in prose

WITH Today, on the day of the teacher and all preschool workers, I am very happy to congratulate all the employees of our kindergarten. All of you: teachers, assistant teachers, cooks, music workers, nurses, housekeepers, and everyone else - work for the benefit of our younger generation. Your work is noble. You make an invaluable contribution to the education of the younger generation, giving them the opportunity to grow up as smart, capable, healthy, physically developed people. Thank you very much for your selfless work, for your love for children, for your patience, for your desire to work. I wish you all the best: good health, happiness, luck, family well-being!

IN our work is so necessary for all of us. Every morning, people of different professions entrust you with the upbringing of their children. You fully cope with your mission, giving children not only knowledge and skills, but also care and warmth. Your pupils feel your kind attitude towards them. And, believe me, with warmth in their hearts, they will remember the years spent next to you, many years from now. Thank you for everything!

IN A teacher or other preschool worker, if he works not only according to instructions, but also puts his heart into his work, becomes almost a family member for the child, and his behests will be remembered by the child for many years, and his warm affection will remain forever! Thank you for taking care of the kids! Happy Teacher's Day!

D Our dear teacher! Exupery wrote in his fairy tale: “We all come from childhood.” And how right he was! Everything that is important in us, adults, was laid down in childhood. And how lucky is the one with whom a kind and wise mentor stood next to him at the very dawn of his life. We are happy that our children have a person like you! Every day you give our children your warmth and energy, childlike spontaneity and passion! You open your heart to them, and the children are drawn to you, just as timid spring shoots are drawn to the clear sun. So may God grant you health, patience, inexhaustible creativity, kindness, and all the brightest things in your life! May your days be filled with the same light that you give to our children every day and every hour! Happy Teacher's Day to you! Be happy!

P Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers! There are many children under your supervision, and everyone is surrounded by attention, everyone spends their days with smiles and cheerful laughter! You take care of children not only according to the instructions of pedagogy, but also to the dictates of a kind, bright soul! Happy holiday! Happiness and love!


P the first years of a child’s life, it is very important to teach him a thousand things, to help him perceive correctly the world and just grow strong and develop! So that parents do not give up because of their troubles, there are you in the world - teachers and other preschool workers, whom we trust as ourselves and today, on your professional holiday, we warmly congratulate you and wish you happiness and many years to come!

ABOUT Why doesn't the child want to go to kindergarten? Ours is in a hurry, and all because you work there, wonderful people, for whom children are the main wealth that requires the most attentive attention! On Teacher's Day and all preschool workers - please accept our congratulations and best wishes!

WITH words of gratitude and warm, sincere wishes - that’s all for you today, our dear teacher! You lead your children through the beginning of their life’s journey, holding their hands tightly, making sure they don’t stumble. You are always ready to explain, show, help with advice and, of course, forgive pranks. Thousands of apologies and tears of repentance were real only thanks to your fair decisions, which at times are not easy. We wish you on your professional holiday, Teacher's Day, Have a good mood and gratitude from the students! Be happy, healthy and successful! Share your wisdom, teach children to be fair, honest, and reliable, so that they can confidently enter life as real people.

IN Our difficult and very responsible profession requires enormous dedication and attention - after all, you work with children. Today I want to congratulate you on the holiday - the day of the preschool education worker! I wish you good health, endurance, and inspiration in your work for many years to come! Your daily contribution to the development of our children is invaluable work! Thank you for everything!

TO When parents are rushing to work or on errands, someone must look after the children, and then you, the educators, come to the rescue! By surrounding your kids with sensitive attention, you make sure that they are well-fed, healthy and develop harmoniously. On Teacher's Day, please accept my congratulations!

TO Every year, at the most romantic time - the end of September, Teacher's Day is celebrated. Even nature itself gives these wonderful people who raise our children dances of fallen golden leaves. And on such a wonderful day I would like to wish you the same bright mood and the same beautiful life. May your work be only a joy to you, the children will be obedient, and their parents will be just as grateful. I also want to wish you the patience that you so need. Love that will help cope with the most restless pupils. Good luck, which will send you only the best children, and hope for the best.

D Our dear teacher! On this day, allow me to congratulate you on the professional holiday of all who are rightly called the blacksmiths of human souls and creators of new people. Your work is immeasurable and incomparable with other types of activity: someone deals with soulless machines, someone with empty words, and you deal with living people, and thanks to you they become cleaner, brighter, better. Those who came to you foolish and cocky now proudly say that they were your students. Let the flow of their gratitude, which you deserve in full, not become scarce! Happy holiday! Happy Teacher's Day!

TO Each of us gets to raise our own children. But there are people for whom education is a calling. A teacher is not just a person with an appropriate diploma. A teacher is a person endowed with colossal patience, immense talent and boundless love for people in general and children in particular. Wisdom and kindness, condescension and understanding, enthusiasm and inspiration - these are the traits that amaze people in this profession. On your professional holiday, I would like to wish you not to lose all this valuable baggage, so that each new student can draw from this source, like from a well, what is good, wise and eternal. And may fate thank you for such hard and useful work, because we entrust the most valuable things to educators. Be happy!

IN In childhood, more than anything else, a child wants to have fun, however, he also needs to gain knowledge about the world around him and slowly prepare for school... On Teacher’s Day, I want to warmly congratulate you and thank you for your equal care for all your little charges!

R Not everyone is capable of being a teacher - it is difficult daily work and a great responsibility. Before parents, the state and the pupils themselves in the first place. After all, what is invested in the development of children in childhood affects their personal development in future. With you, we don’t have to worry that they won’t learn something and won’t fully develop their abilities. You are an educator by vocation, thank you for everything you do for our children! May God grant you health, strong nerves, strength and all earthly blessings! Happy Preschool Worker's Day!

D kindergarten - the first team little man. Here he will find new friends, learn a lot of interesting things, and simply having a good time during his childhood, he will grow up strong, smart, well-mannered and happy! Happy Teacher's Day! You are real wizards helping our children grow up with a happy smile!

N and the kids play happily on the paths, and you watch over them, take them to lunch and nap, and in the evening - return them to their parents safe and sound, happy and matured for another day! On Teacher's Day and all preschool workers, we want to congratulate you, say thank you for your excellent work and wish you all the best!

P Please accept my congratulations on your professional holiday! Teacher's Day is perfect occasion I sincerely congratulate you and wish you new success. You were not mistaken when choosing a profession, you managed to find your calling - and that’s wonderful! How children are drawn to you, how they love you, and what warmth and pleasure your eyes radiate when you play and study with the kids. It’s nice to look at you, you feel comfortable among children, and they feel good, happy and calm with you. I wish you to continue to enjoy your professional successes and enjoy your work. Let your students love you, your parents support you, and your management appreciate you!

D Our dear (name, patronymic), we congratulate you on Teacher’s Day! We would like to say “Thank you” to you for teaching us to draw, sculpt from plasticine, make crafts and applications. We love it when you read us fairy tales, play with us, go for a walk. We wish you to always remain as kind, caring and patient.

IN Years are carried away by words, and years are carried away by memories. We wish you that they are only light, bright and long - for life. I wish you, dear, patience, good luck, happiness. May dark clouds never darken the sky above your head! Let all children's smiles turn into an unforgettable bright bouquet! Let children never upset you! You are the kindest, most sensitive and caring person, so we are very glad that you are leading this group. We wish from all parents family well-being, good salary, excellent health! We are always ready to support you - in any business or endeavor. Always remain so active and cheerful!

IN Raising children is the most difficult, labor-intensive, but at the same time, the most rewarding process in this world. Seeing how your students grow, how they apply the knowledge, skills and abilities that you gave them - what could be better for a teacher? Today is your holiday, and on this day I sincerely want to wish you great happiness, health, prosperity and joy, as well as love and kindness. Let only the best be in your destiny, and let life be so affectionate and kind to you that you will always be lucky! I wish he finds on the path of life great gifts, and may your students remember you for many years to come!


P Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers! And in a quiet hour, and when they are learning to draw daisies, and when they are eating semolina... You do not take your eyes off the pupils, and they are quite happy to listen to such a wonderful teacher, they are growing by leaps and bounds, to the delight of us, their parents! So may happiness always accompany you for your important, good work!

IN kindergarten is the kingdom of kids, and you are its wise rulers, and while you are at work, parents can safely go about their business, knowing that there is someone to take care of the restless boys and girls! Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers!

Happy Teacher's Day!
Thank you for your sensitivity, kindness,
For daily activities, walks,
Caring that can be seen a mile away.

We wish you peace of mind,
Patience, health, long years,
Development in the profession and growth,
At competitions of well-deserved victories.

We wish you goodness, warmth, smiles
Your pupils, preschool children,
Good relationships in the team
And, most importantly, the love of your guys.

We wish you peace of mind on the holiday,
Always enjoy everything
Always only joy and positive,
At work - patience and creativity.
So that your quiet hour is really quiet,
So that everything works out beautifully and dashingly.
And so that discipline, and so that obedience...
So that happiness knocks on your door without delay,
So that life would be sonorous, like children's songs,
And every year was interesting!

First of all, I would like to thank you for the enormous work you do every day. You understand our children, teach, prepare for school everyday life, and this costs enormous effort. After all, you find an individual approach to each child, making him happy and meaningful. Today is an unusual day, on which I sincerely want to wish each of you health, patience, joy, favorable everyday life and a fun, relaxing weekend. May each of you be well. Happy professional day, Happy Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers’ Day!

Preschool workers
All the teachers, all the nannies, cooks,
Today is your holiday, and we congratulate you,
We wish you prosperity and goodness.

We wish you a good mood
Working with kids every day.
Come up with activities with enthusiasm,
To fill children's souls with beauty.

We wish you happiness in your personal life,
Success and recognition in work,
Love and joy - just limitless,
Prosperity, harmony in the family.

Good days we wish you a lot,
So that there is enough strength for everyone,
So that the kids understand
Didn't cause much trouble.

Lasting health, success,
Personal happiness and laughter.
We wish you blessings in abundance
AND extra reason for a smile.

Parenting -
It's not an easy matter.
There are no people in the world
Who would have said otherwise.

We congratulate you on the holiday
You are friendly today,
May all your dreams come true,
Everything you need will be there.

May yours be successful
Every day of the week
You are our teacher -
The best in the business!

Kindergarten is a huge organism,
Indestructible mechanism.
We will congratulate everyone together,
Your work cannot be separated.
Nannies, the coolest teachers,
And our wonderful cooks,
All management, staff,
We cannot count all the praises.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Good luck, happiness, warmth,
And in a collective of understanding,
Prosperity in your career.
Your work is priceless...
There is always a path, fate smiles on you.

When parents are busy
They have only one hope for you!
Always in caring hands
The baby is as beloved as ever!

Thank you for coming again and again
You have patience and effort.
Thank you for all the love
And a huge contribution to education.

For those who work in kindergarten
It would be easier and simpler in the army.
Thirty kids, and everything in sight -
Nerves become stronger and tougher.

We understand everything. How can you not understand?
Today is your holiday - relax, girls.
A good reason to pour wine,
Eternal plans thrown aside.

We want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts
In families of peace, huge salaries.
By your example, kids grow up.
The world begins in kindergarten!

Happy Day of Kindergarten Workers!
Let your dreams come true
May patience and joy
Gives more warmth.

May success and victory
They will come to you quickly
To have more light
In the eyes of your kids!

All kindergarten workers
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Let your salary grow
It’s like kids in groups.

Let the children bring joy
We know that your work is not easy,
But you got it from God
Bring them out into the big world!

Let your parents appreciate you
They will be with you for one!
Let success await you in your work,
And the family will be warm!

Childhood is the most amazing time in the life of every person. Indeed, kids have a lot to discover and learn a lot in such a huge and interesting world. Of course, in the first years of life, children are inseparable from their mothers, from whom they receive protection and care. However, time passes unnoticed - and now "yesterday's" little one goes to kindergarten. Many, even as adults, remember their teacher and other preschool workers with warmth. After all, it is these people who lay the first “bricks” in the formation of the child’s personality and character. Profession of teacher and children's teacher requires great patience, love for children and wisdom. Therefore, Teacher's Day is considered a national holiday, which we celebrate annually on September 27. On this autumn day, teachers and other preschool workers receive congratulations from colleagues, parents and children. We offer a variety of congratulations on Teacher’s Day - beautiful “official”, funny, in prose and in poetry, in pictures. Let's heartily congratulate our teachers on their professional holiday!

Beautiful congratulations on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers

For the first time, the Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers was established by the Russian government in 2004. After all preschool education the child is considered the basis for his further development and education. Therefore, on such a day, educators rightfully receive sincere words gratitude from parents for their sometimes difficult, but such important work. We have selected the most beautiful congratulations Happy Teacher's Day, which, together with a bouquet of autumn flowers, will be an excellent gift for teachers and other employees preschool. Happy holiday!

Who leads early in life

Our very first lesson?

Well, of course, teacher,

He is our first teacher!

We want to congratulate you all

On this holiday from the heart,

Thank you very much

We will announce it on this day!

September twenty-seventh,

We are happy about this date!

After all, the red day of the calendar is

Congratulations, teacher!

Your work is not easy, so be it!

We have enough to grieve!

May your path be joyful

Thank you, teacher!

Today I would like to wish all teachers and preschool workers not just patience, but deep wisdom, because our future is in your hands! It is so fragile, trusting and young, and so in need of your love! So let the fruits of your work and upbringing be ideal, unique and beautiful!

Original congratulations on Teacher's Day - from parents and children

Working with children is a true calling and talent from God. As a rule, kindness, patience and sincere love for children are important for such a profession. So let's congratulate our dear educators for their endless work, and wish them strength and inspiration in their future work. Here you will find original congratulations on Teacher’s Day from parents and children - each of them will touch the soul and will be remembered for a long time by our dear “heroes” of the occasion.

Congratulations on your professional holiday! We would like to wish that the warmth and care that you put into our children will return to you with good health, love, and financial well-being. No one deserves more than you for everything in your life to be stable and happy.

We learned these poems,

To congratulate you now,

Teachers and nannies,

We love you very much and appreciate you!

We wish you success

It's very good to be with you,

We are interested, not afraid,

Everyone is glad that they went to the garden.

Congratulate the teachers

On this holiday we want

On this day, with all our hearts we

We say thank you!

For care, education,

And for this kind look,

For love and understanding

Our little guys!

Cool congratulations on Teacher's Day to work colleagues

According to established tradition, on Teacher's Day, heads, teachers, music workers, nannies and other employees of preschool institutions celebrate their professional holiday. Each of them will be pleased to receive holiday greetings from their little pupils and their parents. In addition, work colleagues congratulate each other on Teacher’s Day - such cool congratulations lift your spirits and create an atmosphere of celebration and fun.

Colleague teachers, congratulations!

And on our professional holiday I wish:

Children's smiles, parents' praises,

And so that everyone loves and respects you!

Continue to give warmth to the children,

And don’t forget about your calling!

Don't shout, don't scold, but love,

And you take care of your students!

After all, kindergarten is one family.

Always remember this!

There is no more beautiful profession

At least go around the whole wide world!

Cheers to all teachers!

Good luck and full of joy!

Let the children love and honor us,

Flowers are gratefully carried,

And don’t let moms and dads sleep,

We are thanked from the bottom of our hearts!

Vast experience behind us,

And your whole life lies ahead,

Let it bring only joy,

Giving fulfillment of all hopes.

So be happy, healthy,

And never be discouraged

And of course, good spirits,

Our colleague, don’t lose it!

Teacher's Day - funny congratulations in pictures

A preschool teacher is the very first teacher, friend and mentor of a little person. And while we celebrate Teacher’s Day with great solemnity and prepare congratulations to teachers in advance, the profession of a teacher often remains “in the shadows.” But we entrust our children, their upbringing and leisure time to educators every day. As a congratulation on Teacher's Day, you can send beautiful bright pictures with warm heartfelt wishes by e-mail. Dear teachers, good mood and happiness to you!

Congratulations on Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers in prose and poetry

Every day, kindergarten teachers spend a significant part of the time with children - they teach them to explore the world, develop talents and skills, instill work and socialization skills. But this requires so much patience and sincere love for the kids. So to our dear educators and all preschool workers - bow and respect for warmth, affection, kindness and spiritual participation! We have selected the most beautiful congratulations in verse and prose, which can be said on Teacher's Day among colleagues and friends or sent by mail.

Thank you for your noble work and for the fact that, despite all the difficulties, you help our kids grow up to be real people. On the day of your holiday, I sincerely wish you happiness, good luck and all the good that you can wish for!

We hasten to congratulate you on Teacher’s Day

And wish you health and success,

Children's smiles, joyful laughter

How grateful for the goodness and light of the soul!

Kind and caring educators, nannies and nurses working in a preschool educational institution, on Teacher's Day require special attention. After all, thanks to them, kids learn to be wise, make correct decisions and strive to gain knowledge. You can send congratulations on Teacher's Day 2017 in both poetry and prose. And among the original pictures with wishes offered below, you can easily choose unusual and funny texts that will definitely delight your friends and colleagues. Parents and children, preparing for Teacher's Day, can use beautiful cards to decorate the kindergarten building. And here short poems and moms and dads can send prose to their favorite children's teachers in messages or by email.

Original congratulations on Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers 2017 - in poetry and prose

Beautiful congratulations in honor of Teacher’s Day can be sent not only to those employees who still work at the preschool educational institution, but also to all teachers who have put their whole soul into this work. Therefore, on such a bright holiday, send congratulatory words in SMS messages and emails you can also send messages to your teachers, nannies and preschool employees with whom the sender is familiar.

Original poems with congratulations on the occasion of Teacher's Day and all preschool workers 2017

Every teacher and nanny, preschool nurse will be pleased to receive beautiful congratulatory poems from parents whose children they previously raised. Such attention will certainly evoke only good and bright emotions in the recipient and will help him spend this holiday in a great mood.

Happy Teachers and Preschool Workers Day!
Obedient students, satisfied parents.
Let them respect and love immensely,
Let your vacation last approximately six months.

The salary is growing, the mood goes with it,
All your undertakings will be successful.
Illuminate your children with your love,
You will receive admiration from them in return.

Teacher's Day is the kindest holiday in the world:
It contains the light and kindness of family people.
After all, workers work for joy
Our kids are very mischievous.

Low bow to you and many thanks
And for patience and for the most difficult work.
After all, a teacher is a teacher from the first days,
Giver of knowledge, kindness, comfort to the soul!

May fate give gifts every day,
May good luck and success accompany you.
Live happily, richly, very brightly,
And let the happy children's laughter sound!

Preschool workers
All the teachers, all the nannies, cooks,
Today is your holiday, and we congratulate you,
We wish you prosperity and goodness.

We wish you a good mood
Working with kids every day.
Come up with activities with enthusiasm,
To fill children's souls with beauty.

We wish you happiness in your personal life,
Success and recognition in work,
Love and joy - just limitless,
Prosperity, harmony in the family.

Congratulations on this holiday
Everyone who, sparing no effort,
Helps our children
Explore the wonderful world.

We wish you health,
And patience and kindness,
A sea of ​​happiness and good luck,
And warmth!

Examples of original congratulatory prose for all employees of preschool educational institutions for Teacher's Day in 2017

You can send in private messages both beautiful poems and congratulatory prose. You can select it from the examples given below. They are suitable for both friendly and official congratulations all employees of preschool institutions.

Being a teacher is a real calling. And even though your work is not at all easy, you do it perfectly. On your professional holiday, I would like to thank you for your warmth, care and attention to our children. I sincerely wish you good health, prosperity, patience, success, happiness and joy.

Our dear kindergarten workers, happy professional holiday to you! Only sensitive, kind and attentive women could choose this unusual, but such a responsible profession. After all, raising a child requires considerable work, philanthropy and fortitude. We wish you a strong nervous system, excellent mood and good health. Let our kids give you their radiant smiles, charge you with irrepressible energy and childhood.

Congratulations on the Day of the educator and all preschool workers. The education of all generations is in your hands and in your power, you open the doors for children to the land of happy childhood and dreams, you give children the necessary knowledge and opportunities to show their talents. With all my heart I wish you never to lose the kindness of your heart and inspiration for your work. Be happy and healthy.

Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers and I sincerely wish that the children give their smiles and joy, that your heart is always full of happiness and beauty, that there is never a reason for sadness in your life, that every day brings good luck and gives a wonderful mood .
Cool congratulations in verse on Teacher's Day - examples of texts and speeches by children

Any teacher and nanny, nurse and cook will be pleased to receive good wishes from their students. Children can learn beautiful poems for this or prepare a mini-concert with them dedicated to all preschool employees.

Examples of funny congratulatory poems for Teacher's Day from children

You can choose beautiful and simple poems for children to learn in kindergarten from the options below. The original texts are quite easy to learn and remember. They are suitable for performances of both middle and high school students, and junior group kindergarten.

We love the teacher
And we love the nanny.
And on a wonderful holiday
We warmly congratulate them!

We wish you a lot of joy,
I wish you success without fail.
Give us sweets more often,
Taking care daily!

Today we congratulate
their teachers,
All kindergarten workers
Congratulations on their holiday.

We will all be obedient
Let's eat together
Games are fun to play
Quietly listen to fairy tales.

We promise you not to cry,
And don't be capricious
On holiday we want to wish
To you happy life We.

We are pencil babies
But we hasten to congratulate you.
Thank you, our teachers,
Why are you so wonderful?

Let this day sparkle with warmth,
So that he surrounds you with goodness.
We promise to obey you,
And we wish you many bright days.

Caregivers of loved ones
We congratulate you in droves.
Coping with us all
The work, we know, is not easy.

We want to say thank you
And confess your love to everyone.
Always come to kindergarten with a smile
I just want to go.

We wish you good health,
Smile, laugh.
Your tenderness and care,
As before, give back.

Video examples of children performing at Teacher’s Day with poems

glean interesting ideas to create a holiday for the Teacher's Day, you can use the video examples below. They all include beautiful performances and cool performances by children. Such speeches will help to create original script holiday and choose good congratulatory texts.

Beautiful congratulations on Teacher's Day 2017 from parents and children - examples of poems

Touching performances of kids in front of their educators and nannies can be easily supplemented in original words from parents. These can be speeches of the parent committee with a word of thanks and congratulations, or small deviations from the main program.

Poems with beautiful congratulations from children and parents for Teacher's Day 2017

The poems below are perfect for reading to teachers from parents or children, or for sending in personal messages. Cool texts Moms and dads can send this to teachers they know who work with their children on Teacher’s Day.

Educators are a calling.
These are the ones who know how to love.
Only the best wishes to you,
We will not tire of thanking you.

To you health, kindness and patience,
Let them start paying more money,
So that you are always in a good mood
I wanted to go to work!

When parents are busy
They have only one hope for you!
Always in caring hands
The baby is as beloved as ever!

Thank you for coming again and again
You have patience and effort.
Thank you for all the love
And a huge contribution to education.

There is no more difficult job in the world -
Raising other people's children.
And you are busy all day:
Learn, play, undress, dress.

The kids are making noise and frolicking.
And he doesn’t always listen,
But self-indulgence will not work here -
Find an approach to everyone.

You are a teacher no matter what!
The kids love you very much.
And we want to congratulate you,
We say “thank you” for everything!

A teacher is not a job,
Not a measured life.
This is service without calculation,
Her calling is to love.

Calm the crybaby with affection,
To pacify the bully,
Put the fighters in a corner,
And praise the obedient.

Dress everyone, put them on shoes, build them,
Walk and feed
And your big soul
Divide without remainder.

Funny and funny congratulations on Teacher's Day to friends and colleagues - texts of poetry and prose

It is the friends and colleagues of teachers and other preschool employees who know how difficult it is for them at work, because with kids it’s quite difficult to find mutual language and only people for whom raising children and supporting them have become their life’s calling can cope with such a task.

Examples of funny poems to congratulate familiar preschool workers on Teacher's Day

For acquaintances and friends who work in preschool educational institutions, you can send not just beautiful, but also funny poems on Teacher’s Day. Such attention will be pleasant to every recipient. Original texts in verse will definitely lift their spirits and help create a pleasant festive atmosphere.

Sweet, tired smile,
Kind and wise eyes.
A poorly made postcard
But the soul is hidden in it, not the words.

A teacher is like a magician
What leads children along?
Life's unread textbook
Opens with a light hand.

Teacher, nanny, sister,
Children's laughter sounds like music to you.
Hemp, cubes of braids...
And again, no one is sleeping there.

We want to wish you warmth, patience,
May your work be a joy,
So that your luck does not leave you,
Let the kids come to you with a smile.

So that every day is like an insight,
For gratitude - a bag.
Your wisdom, education, teaching -
This is the first life lesson.

Who knows how to get along with children?
Who will find an approach to everyone?
Who is a treasure trove of kindness?
Who is not afraid of worries?
Who will feed the fussy,
Makes the bully laugh
Diligently wipe away everyone's tears
And will he make a craft?

Nice kindergarten teacher,
The teacher is the salt of the earth!
Congratulations on your main day!
We wish you to bloom,
There were no troubles or sorrows.
So that wages increase
So that your children adore you,
So that things go uphill!

Preschool workers -
Work by calling.
I really want you to understand
I really want recognition.

They don't indulge in attention
They don't indulge in salary.
But the children are busy with them -
Calm mom and dad.

We wish what you want:
Adequate salary
Understanding parents
The boss is pleasant.

So that energy for the family
And the strength remained.
Live to be the envy of everyone!

Let us congratulate people now
One of the professions that is so important to us.
For all the “second mothers” for preschool children!
Yes, yes, that's exactly what everyone says about you.
You are our dear ones, so be healthy,
And let everything you invested become the basis
In the characters, the destinies of those very children.
They are the litmus test of the entire profession.
You don’t have to blush for them,
Guys, let us do better.
Each of them remains in your heart.

Cool prose with congratulations on Teacher's Day for colleagues working in a preschool educational institution

Beloved colleagues should also send beautiful congratulations in prose to wish good luck, success and just human happiness. You can also use the text options below to fill out holiday cards, creating beautiful wall newspapers and greeting posters.

Congratulations on the Day of the educator and all preschool workers. I wish you great respect and recognition for your hard and important work. May the mischievous people next to you be happy, may your work give this world well-mannered and cheerful children.

Congratulations on their professional holiday to people whose sincerity, warmth and kindness help the most important thing - the development of a child’s personality. We wish you spring in your soul, vigor, joyful events, health and creative inspiration.

On Teacher's Day and all preschool workers, I send my warmest and warm congratulations. I sincerely wish you universal recognition and respect for your work, great success and wonderful ideas on the road of activity, happy Holidays and important victories on the path of life.

Congratulations to teachers and all preschool workers on their professional holiday! I wish you a lot of positive emotions, easy work and great success in your favorite field. Health, tolerance, love, care and attention!

Unusual congratulations on Teacher's Day in pictures - examples of holiday cards

In order not to waste time selecting congratulations in poetry or prose, you can send beautiful pictures with wishes to your familiar teachers and preschool employees. These can be either just interesting images or virtual cards for Teacher’s Day.

Examples of funny pictures and postcards with congratulations in honor of Teacher's Day

Choose original pictures with congratulations in verse or short prose You can choose from the options below. They are great for sending by mail or mms messages. Also, original pictures can be used to decorate the assembly hall of a kindergarten before the Teacher's Day holiday.

Warm congratulations on Teacher's Day for kindergarten students - texts of poems and examples of performance

Cute performances from children at the holiday will be the most best congratulations teachers and nannies. Touching poems told by kindergarten students will definitely appeal to guests and will help to give to teachers great mood and pleasant memories.

Examples of good poems with warm congratulations on Teacher’s Day from children

Among the proposed poems you can find very interesting and beautiful works that children from any kindergarten group can easily learn for performances in front of teachers. It is recommended to include them in holiday program before dance, musical numbers or as a separate number. Short works with simple texts are great for kids to learn and will allow them to wish their favorite teachers all the best in an original way.

Thank you for your kindness and patience,
We congratulate you with drawings and singing,
Smiles, poems.
We wish you happiness, good mood and inspiration!

We love the kindergarten very much,
We're sad on weekends
No need to get up early
And we want to play!

To your favorite teachers
We honestly promise
Listen diligently
We wish you some sunshine!

For caring doctors,
Nannies for your spiritual contribution,
For tasty treats to the cooks,
Thank you, kindergarten!

Examples of performing holiday poems at Teacher's Day in kindergarten

For the holiday of Teacher's Day, you can choose not only wishes in verse, but also sincere thanks. Teachers will be pleased to hear from their students beautiful wishes. And the simple rhymes themselves will help children easily express gratitude and respect. You can choose good works for children to perform both from the options proposed above and from the following video example:

Among the proposed poems and prose, you can choose both beautiful and funny congratulations for Teacher's Day. They can be sent to colleagues or simply acquaintances of preschool educational institutions employees. Beautiful pictures and postcards with wishes are perfect for sending to teachers in personal letters or mms messages. Cool poems from children and parents should also be included in the holiday program in kindergarten. Original congratulations Happy Teacher's Day 2017 will help you create a real holiday atmosphere and beautifully congratulate your loved ones teachers, nannies, cooks and nurses.