Congratulate mommy with the birth of her son in her own words. Beautiful congratulations on the birth of a son to parents in verse. Congratulations to parents on the birth of a son in verse

When preparing congratulations on the birth of a son to mom, you need to try to make your text special, as well as the holiday itself. For a woman, the birth of a son is an amazing and absolutely stunning, "cosmic" event. On such an important day, she will be pleased to hear words of support and congratulations from loved ones.

Each loving caring mother is looking forward to the treasured day for all nine months. The closer the day of birth, the more worried the fair sex. Her excitement reaches a peak at the time of the birth of her son. When a young mom finally sees her baby for the first time and can pick it up, she will surely feel completely happy. Moreover, the birth is behind us, and now you can relax and enjoy the company of your long-awaited baby. During this period, the fair sex especially needs to communicate with loved ones, their support, kind words.

It will be very pleasant to hear my mother's birthday greetings to her son. And it doesn’t really matter if they were pronounced to the girl in person, by phone or simply sent in a postcard.

I congratulate the happy mommy on the birth of her beloved man, on the birth of a dear son. I wish mom to get better soon and enjoy the wonderful minutes of motherhood every day, I wish your son to grow up healthy, smart, beautiful, smart, kind, cheerful and brave. Peace to your home, happiness to your family and a wonderful childhood for your son!

Congratulations to a happy mom on the birth of a wonderful son. I wish your boy all the best, joyful, bright, beautiful and cheerful in his life. Let the son grow up a strong and strong hero, may the boy gladden his mother every day with his love, strong hugs, tender kisses and confident steps to success.

So this long-awaited and special day has come - you have a little hero born, your wonderful son! Let your little angel know no sorrows, grows kind, courageous and healthy, every day delighting you with his wonderful smile. You are now a mother, and this is a very responsible and happy burden, so I wish you patience and joyful moments, from which your life will be full from now on.

How to congratulate a parent in your own words

To congratulations for the young mother turned out sonorous and beautiful, it is not necessary to turn them into complex long poems. Even in my own words it will turn out to tell the woman all the most important and pleasant. To do this, you do not need to be a poet or have literary talent. Simply write on paper everything that you want to say to a young mother.

First of all, of course, congratulations on a wonderful event: “Our dear (NAME), you became the mother of a wonderful son. We want to congratulate you on these joyful changes! ”,“ Honey, I congratulate you on the birth of a hero! ”,“ Accept our congratulations on the birth of a charming baby! ”. You can choose any other suitable options.

Then you can collect the most relevant wishes for a young mother: “Let your baby grow strong, healthy, beautiful and, of course, happy!”, “We wish the little hero to continue to please his mother with his smile, cry less, eat well and grow by the day, but by the clock! ”,“ What to wish to a young mother who already has everything she needs for happiness? Of course, health. It is never enough. And plenty of restful sweet sleep. All of this will definitely come in handy for both of you. ”

Dear, we congratulate you on your newborn son, we wish the baby to grow strong and healthy, to be a real mom’s protector and the pride of the family.

I congratulate the beautiful mother on the birth of a wonderful son, a lovely angel. I wish you family happiness and eternal blessing, high prosperity and good luck. Let the baby grow to the joy of mother, be healthy and strong, courageous and beautiful, funny and mischievous.

With all my heart I want to congratulate you on the birth of a beautiful baby. May the son always be true pride and faithful support, may the baby's life path always illuminate a ray of happiness, parental love and good luck.

Short greetings and short poems

When you can’t write your own wishes for a young mother and her little son, you just need to find a ready-made version among those compiled by professionals. The text is suitable both in prose and in the form of a poem. You can even choose a personalized name for a particular girl or slightly redo the finished wish, adding personality to it.

To make it convenient to congratulate mom in verses at a distance, it is worth choosing short versions of texts. If a woman had a difficult birth, the best solution would be to send her a gift home on the day of discharge with the courier, and go to visit on her own after all the family members come to their senses and return to their usual life rhythm.

As an original presentation for the youngest mother and newborn, you can choose, for example, a “cake” of diapers. This design, reminiscent of dessert in design, but consisting of essential hygiene products for the baby. The gift will be unusual, interesting and at the same time practical.

Right on the packaging of the gift you can allocate a place for congratulations. And in it write down your beautiful warm wishes.

Congratulations on a huge event, on the birth of a beautiful baby, the long-awaited little son! We wish the baby to grow up active, healthy, inquisitive and happy. Let your family always have prosperity, prosperity and harmony. Patience to you, peaceful nights and great achievements at each subsequent stage of the baby's life!

Congratulations on the birth of a son! I wish the boy strong strength and good health, amazing moments and a generally happy childhood. May the angel always protect your son from harm, may harmony and idyll reign in your family. Peace to you, happy motherhood and the most cheerful son.

You waited nine months

The miracle finally happened

The long-awaited son was born,

Your life has changed

You became a mother today

We wish you happiness

May the Lord keep the child

From sorrows and misfortunes!

Little eyes in a blue envelope

Here is happiness, in the arms

And just recently, there was your winker,

And now in the crib peacefully sniffles like that.

And I sincerely congratulate you today

With your newborn little son,

I wish you two good health

And wishing in happiness, I grow him!

Touching birthday greetings

If the congratulator is invited to discharge, he can make this momentous event more vivid and spectacular. For example, invite actors in costumes of fairy-tale characters to the maternity hospital who will meet mom and baby, take them to the car, give flowers, gifts and cards with touching wishes.

A less costly and large-scale option is simply to hand a woman a bunch of unusual balls on the theme of the holiday. They can be in the form of a little toddler, strollers, nipples, etc.

Congratulations, dear!

You gave birth to a son!

My dear family has grown

You have become a mother for good reason.

He's a lump now, baby

You will not notice, grow up.

And you in your own hands

Joy, happiness will bring.

Able to protect you

The youngest peasant in the family.

Let it grow and not get sick,

And love gives you.

Your little little man

Near you sniffs now

He’s your little dear, blood,

Manyunya so peacefully sleeps nearby.

And recently I lived under my heart,

And she took care of her son,

But today a miracle happened,

You gave birth to happiness today!

Congratulations on the newborn from the heart,

Let your baby grow strong

And I wish you patience

Soon he will take your peace!

Affectionately to you

I call mom

With a newborn son

Congratulations today.

You are the one star

May heaven give him

Happy fate.

Above him let your wings

Angel will open

And your son

Keeps and protects.

Funny and funny congratulations to mom

Today you can easily find ready-made thematic greetings for the young mother in a funny way on the Web. A cool text will make a woman smile again and feel a little happier.

Here is the addition in the family -

A wonderful boy, son, son ...

And we are happy birthday

We hasten to congratulate you on time!

Let it grow, as if in a fairy tale,

Not by the day, but by the hour.

Surrounded let it be affectionate

And smart beyond his years.

Both healthy and beautiful

May the mother and father be pleased

And like all the boys, strong,

And ... a little tomboy.

Congratulations to the little one

With the birth of the world.

We wish you a lot of happiness

Less tears and pops.

Krohe - only health,

Let the tummy not hurt.

Let him play fun during the day,

At night - sleeps calmly.

Don’t disturb let the teeth,

The sun always shines

Mom's native hands

Protect you from evil.

Congratulations on your baby,

Peanut, sturdy.

The stork brought you happiness.

Mommy - a bouquet of roses.

Let it grow healthy

Chubby, funny.

He eats a lot, sleeps

And screams just a little

Nice little son.

And congratulations from us!

The appearance of a new family member in the house is always an important, joyful, long-awaited event. Therefore, one should not ignore it. Be sure to congratulate your parents. And first of all - a young mother. A woman deserves the warmest, most gentle and beautiful words from her spouse, relatives, friends and even just acquaintances.

Having a baby is an immeasurable happiness for parents, relatives and friends of the family. This is a particularly happy moment when one is born who continues the family and surname. Prepare congratulations on the birth of your son, with whom you will greet the appearance of a new person - a boy and a future defender - in a family of close people.

Happy son: congratulations to parents

If you learned that a son was born in a family of relatives, friends, be sure to congratulate them. Call by phone, send a message on social networks, personally visit the family in which the newborn appeared. In such cases, they are no less valuable than gifts, warm and sincere words that congratulate happy parents on the birth of their son.

If you do not have oratory skills and do not quite own the art of speaking beautifully, it does not matter. Explore the options for such congratulations, supplement them with your own words, emotions, and they will sparkle with new colors and meanings.

In preparation for a visit to the house where there is a newborn, pay attention to such words:

I want to congratulate you on a significant event - the appearance of an heir in the family! I wish the baby enviable health and intelligence. Let his heart and hands, sharp mind, solid word and spirit be golden in him.
Bright joy came to the house - a cute boy appeared in it, which will become a support for mom and dad. Congratulations on the newborn and wish him to grow strong, smart, talented. We wish that the baby had enough strength for leprosy and study, for accomplishments and achievements. We wish that the son was a reward to parents, their pride and comfort.

Today we want to congratulate parents on the birth of their son! Let it grow beautiful, strong, courageous and smart, touches and makes you happy. We wish your son to be playful and fast, athletic and creative, kind and generous. God gave you a beautiful child, the task of parents is to raise him as a real person, a real man. This is hard work, but decent people like you can do it perfectly!
Today the most important date in the annals of your life together is the day your child came to this world. I sincerely congratulate you on the birth of your son! Let this cute and tender baby grow strong and strong, be smart and successful. We wish him to please you more and bring less grief.

The appearance of an heir in the family is the best reward for parents. We wish him to grow up beautiful and cheerful, talented and single-minded! We wish all divine powers to preserve and protect the health and life of your baby. Let his life path be bright and open, friends - sincere and faithful, fate - supportive!

Such congratulations are pleasant to parents, whom heaven blessed with a son. This is their support and hope, their protector and assistant in all matters.

Focus on the fact that raising a son is a special mission that requires patience and understanding, tenderness and a reasonable manifestation of strength, parental control, and conviction.

Congratulations to a friend on the birth of a son in prose

If a friend has a baby, be sure to congratulate her and express warm wishes. Kind words heard from a loved one sound like a charm, become parting words, provide spiritual and moral support to the mother of the child, her husband.

Happy birthday to your girlfriend, you can congratulate your girlfriend with these words:

On a bright day, a bright little man came to earth - your son, girlfriend! I want to wish the baby a bright and joyful life path, let him have many adventures that will give knowledge about the world and people. May this knowledge be good and pure. I know that a loving mother will give him warmth and tenderness, and a courageous and successful father will teach him how to achieve his goals, to be strong-willed and courageous.
Happy birthday to my son! The first stage has been successfully completed: now in your life the most important man has appeared - a son. Let it, like sunlight, illuminate your life, give warmth and tenderness, grow smart and decent, noble and witty. Wrap him in love and attention, but remember that he is a man who must be strong and hardy, courageous, patient and persistent. I wish you to find a balance in his upbringing. Let it grow bold and responsible!

Girlfriend, congratulations on the birth of a son! This is the happiest moment in your life. A beautiful and intelligent boy has come into the world, whom you will bring up as courageous and honest. I wish him to be healthy and strong, insightful and creative. Let it become a real support and support for mom and dad!
A bright and beautiful child came to the world - your son, girlfriend! I wish him an easy life's journey, a bright guiding star in life, a kind guardian angel. Let it grow healthy to the joy of parents, be lucky and open!

The birth of a little baby is a real miracle! Congratulations, friend, with the appearance in your family of a toddler baby. May God give him a sea of \u200b\u200bhealth, an ocean of love, a bag of talents and joy to heaven. Let it grow smart and purposeful, so that it bypasses the stones that will be on the path of life. I wish your son to grow full of strength and energy, and parents - patience in raising a tomboy!

Kind words of wishes sometimes mean and are valued more than the most expensive gifts. It is important to invest in such congratulations soul. They should sound sincere, be filled with warmth and love.

Today you have another name - dad. This word will be the most precious and valuable for you all your life. With the birth of a son in your life, everything will change, but I would like to wish that all changes bring joy and happiness. Your baby will grow, and delight parents with his small, but such important achievements. We wish the baby good health, happiness and a guardian angel who will always protect him, hold his hand and support him in difficult times. Let adversity bypass your family. Wear your new dad title with dignity and pride. Today a new, but such an important page in the life of your family has opened, it will last for many years, and you will write the whole story yourself. Congratulations again on the birth of the baby.

Today is a really great day in your life, because you became a dad. Such a high and responsible title must be met, our dear. I would like to wish you wisdom, which is very useful in raising a baby, patience, because sometimes everything does not happen the way we want. A little son will delight you daily with his small successes, and you, as a good dad, must support, protect and guide him so that he grows up as a real man, like his father. The birth of a son will fill your home with light, comfort, warmth and happiness, and this is exactly what you need, let the sun always look into your windows. Do not be upset over trifles and enjoy every day with your little miracle.

The birth of a new, very tiny person is a real miracle, with which, probably, nothing in the world can be compared. Today, such a miracle happened in the life of your family. You are now dad. This is a very responsible title that you must carry through your whole life. I would like to wish the little son health, strength, happiness, and let him daily please his parents. Now in your life there will be a completely different meaning, which is now sweetly sniffing in its crib. His smile will be the highest award and praise, and the first word is simply precious and long-awaited music. Anything can happen on the way of life, but you, happy dad, need to be strong, wise and courageous. After all, you now have a son.

Dad is such an expensive and significant word for every man. Today in your family a little son has appeared who will call you that very soon. This is probably the greatest happiness that can be in a man’s life. You have an heir and a successor to the clan and surname. I wish you to educate him as a worthy man, a real defender and support, and while he is still very small and can only smile at his parents, become his support and support. Let your son feel your great love and affection. Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your son. Let him grow up a healthy, strong and happiest boy, and his parents will help him in this. Be proud that you are now a father, be happy!

Can there be anything more valuable in this world than your own children? Today, dear friend, you also became the owner of this. I congratulate you on the appearance of a son in your family. Another beautiful man will grow up, a real dad and mother's pride. On such a wonderful, bright, memorable day, I would like to wish you great patience and endurance, because now everything will not be so simple. A kid will fill your house with laughter, light and happiness, but for your part, you simply must become a real example and friend for him, and not just a father. Let the son be the real pride of his parents and together with his father become a wonderful and reliable support for mom. Of course, it is very important that there is health and strength for daily accomplishments. You as a family will go forward today. I wish you happiness!

Today, dear friend, one of the happiest days in your family is your son’s birthday. Now you know exactly with whom soon, in a couple of years you will go fishing and play football in the yard in the evenings. Now you have the most devoted and best friend, for whom you should become an example of courage and strength, let the son glad with his successes and achievements every day. Of course, the child would like to wish good health. Let all your plans come true, because despite the fact that your son is still quite a baby, you definitely planned ahead several years in advance. In addition to mom and dad, there will be an attentive guardian angel next to the baby, who will close his wing from all hardships and problems.

Is it possible to imagine something more expensive than the smile of your baby. Today, a stork flew into your family, my friend, he gave you a beautiful son. Now his eyes will shine brighter than all the stars on the planet, and his arms and legs will become the most dear and beloved. Now you will constantly think not about yourself, or even about your beloved wife, but about a little son, who will very soon begin to smile, agitate and utter his first words. Of course, you will feel the whole avalanche of happiness when he first says dad, and maybe your eyes will be filled with tears. I wish you courage and strength, because now you have the responsibility for a beautiful little angel who peacefully snuffles in a cradle. It is you who must make every effort so that your baby becomes a pride and a support for your family.

Today in your family a small but precious sun has appeared. This sun is your long-awaited and beloved son. With this joyful event, I would like to congratulate you, the best dad in the world. Yes, you are now dad, and this is so responsible and important. It is you who should become the unconditional support and indestructible support for this still very young boy. It is in you that he should see his main superhero. No one said it would be simple, but there would be happiness. You will be the happiest when your son takes the first step, smiles and utters the first word. Your heart will simply break when the first scratch on the knee or a bump on the forehead appears. Dear young parents, you have so much new and beautiful ahead, these minutes will never be repeated, so catch them.

A small nose, eyes - beads and very small arms and legs, and also this touching and still quite innocent look. That is how, my friend, you first saw your son. Your family has now become a little bigger, along with the child the house will be filled with light, emotions, constant excitement, troubles and unlimited happiness. This little man in you will seek protection and support, but how else, because you are his daddy, so strong, big and very beloved. It is you who must help him cope with his first problem and teach him how to overcome obstacles. In a different way, my friend, now it simply won’t be, but the reward will be a beautiful son and a happy, friendly family. Happiness to your family and well-being.

Today I was told that my friend became a father, let me congratulate you on such a significant event and wish the newborn a lot of strength, good health, more energy. Let the smallest member of your family make you happy every day, and try to please him. Daddy, now it’s your direct responsibility to teach your child to be a real man, so I wish you joint victories in the first fishing trip, on the football field and in many other real men's activities. Learn to accept not only his victories, but also defeats, always be near and learn how to cope with difficulties. Stay in constant motion and become not only friends, but also a wonderful team that will stand for well-being in the family as a united front. Please your wife and mom. I wish you happiness and success.

Scattered toys, a broken machine, and torn wheels from a new tractor, now all these little charms will be in your house, my friend, because you have such a long-awaited son. I know that you will definitely remember this day and these emotions for the rest of your life, take care of these moments, because time will be running very fast now. Soon you will only cross the threshold of the house for the first time, and then there will be the first smiles and attempts to explore the new house, and only then get ready to catch up with the baby on all fours, rejoicing in his filly laugh. After that there will be the first ball and a lot of bruises, well, and then the first touching love in the kindergarten and one candy for two. All this is yet to come, daddy, so try to absorb every moment of your happiness.

Like a tiny flower
  Your baby, your little son.
  He sniffs himself softly
  Moves the handle lightly

Only you do not sleep over him
  And you are sitting quietly
  Pray to God, loving ...
  Let him hear you.

As if the whole world sparkled
In glorious, gentle rays
  Your son was born that day -
  He sleeps quietly in his arms!
  Strong let it grow, playful
  Both healthy and happy!

This day has become the best for you -
  Your son was born.
  We wish him to be healthy
  And live happily for many years.

Such a wonderful holiday - the birth of a son!
  Of course, ahead without sleep, are days and nights,
  But these changes should not scare you,
  Indeed, for this reason, it’s not scary to change life.
  I wish you, parents, care and patience.
  Let children's laughter and babble give inspiration!

Congratulations on the birth of a son!
  Let twenty years later with a ponytail
  This smart, handsome man
  Conquer the light with its wisdom.

Congratulations on the birth of a son
  And we wish the family your happiness.
  So that she grows stronger year after year
  And she did not know adversity and bad weather.

What happened was what you expected
  A huge miracle happened in the family:
  You have become a boy's parents!
  May he be the most successful in the world!

Hi, congratulations on the birth of a son!
  Huge happiness to you and the child,
  Let the baby happy every moment
  And the world smiles at a miracle in a diaper!

Accept my congratulations
  With such a miracle - the birth of a son!
  May healthy and strong grow
  And from your love let it bloom
  And sweet let him sleep at night
  To the delight of neighbors and you!

I congratulate you on the birth of a son,
  It contains all your pride, love, tenderness, strength,
  Let your dear son grow smart,
  And may God always protect him!

  Happy son to congratulate
  We are all in a hurry today
  He will be able to glorify your race,
  Will succeed big,
  He will grow up smart and honest,
  Will be able to achieve everything
  We wish - may the angel of heaven
  Keeps it in this life!

Your son is happiness and joy
  We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
  This moment must be remembered forever, -
  Very fast time will fly by:
  Today - sliders, then - panties,
  Well, and there - not far to the trousers,
  We believe firmly: a little son will grow up -
  Will become a real man!

  Congratulations on the birth of a son!
  After all, you now have an heir!
  Let the baby, but still a man!
  You, parents, glory and honor!

You now have a child -
  The long-awaited baby son.
  Hello bright world of diapers
  Rattles and cars!
  We wish you patience,
  New joyful troubles,
  And may everyone be surprised
  The hero is growing in you!

The birth of a baby is a gift of life!
  Congratulations from the bottom of your heart!
  We wish you to be smart, strong son,
  Healthy and talented to grow!
  May mom and dad rejoice at their son,
  And help in the way of life,
  And most importantly, we wish to become a man!
  May happiness be
Be sure to come!

It’s not easy to raise a boy -
  First son and first grandson.
  You’ll beat yourself a lump more than once
  We wish you to master science:
  How to feed, how to walk, how to play,
  And in general, how to understand it.
  The toast didn’t happen by itself:
  A man was born into the world!
  We’ll raise a toast for him,
  So that he could live lightly!

Let your son not look important
  Be famous among people
  And the fact that all the stingy fellow citizens
  He eclipses his generosity.
  Let him be agile in work,
  But invited to the wedding.
  In appetizers, wines, in conversation
  May he also be tempted.
  And in the dance to be exemplary to him,
  But the main thing - keep in mind -
  So that he could be there first,
  Where a man was in trouble.
  May he be quick, like a bird.
  With the eyes of a mountain eagle
  With a mustache - lush wheat
  To get lost in them one day
  A goat or a goat could.
  May he give his friends reason too,
  And my inspiration
  May friendship be like a vase
  And let him not break her!

Will be your baby son
  Cute, with a fashionable haircut!
  Let it be merry, courageous
  Smart, kind and skillful!
  Let the chagrin pass
  Will be the joy of hobbies!
  Let him be sporty
  Visits the stadium!

Boy, heir! Dad - the reward!
  Grandmother and grandfather - just a joy!
  Mom tender - son - a gift!
  Let the family be bright every moment!
  Coolly cooing at the cradle
  You managed to think about the life of the baby!
  Let him in a family where everyone is happy with him,
  There will be love, understanding and harmony!

Blue balls and ribbons in the house,
  After all, you had a little boy born.
  We wish him and the sea happiness
  And joy the raging fountain.
  So that he grows up a handsome, kind boy, he
  And pleased friends and mom and dad
  And amused them with his every word,
  And he behaved only as it should.

Congratulations on your baby,
  Little pean, sturdy,
  The stork brought you happiness
  Mommy - a bouquet of roses,
  Let it grow healthy
  Chubby, funny
  He eats and sleeps a lot.
  And screams just a little
  Your son happy birthday -
  And congratulations from us!

Your flag is embroidered on a diaper,
  Pampers is your best friend
  The voice in the crib is clear
  Rattles ring there!
  Let him be in life
  Happiness, health, success,
  Let people surround me with good
  He will be happier than everyone!

So the long-awaited day has come for everyone who, with excitement and impatience, was expecting the appearance of a charming baby. Relatives of all ranks, work colleagues, friends and good friends are in a hurry to congratulate the happy mother and father on the birth of the heir.

Not every person is able to come up with a beautiful and harmonious congratulation, and even in poetic form, but I want it to sound spectacular and original to others. It is here that you will surely pick up a poetic congratulation suitable for such an event, folded in a playful or solemn form.

Video congratulations on the birth of a boy.

With replenishment! Happy heir! Health of the baby, good sleep and good appetite. Be proud of them and admire! Educate him the most-most! Give him your love and support!
  Happiness to your family, a sea of \u200b\u200bblessings, may your little angel be always happy, be surrounded by love and care! rating:39 ↓

I congratulate you on the most wonderful and long-awaited event of your life, on the birth of your son! I wish him to grow up healthy, vigorous, to all for joy and for sight! Let all the best and the brightest await him in life! Let it grow happy and make you happy with your first smile, first words and steps! 44 ↓

With the birth of a son! Now your family has a real tiny miracle! And this means that in the future another house will be built, another garden planted, another man brought up! We wish your boy success in mastering this world! 41 ↓ - With the birth of a son in prose

Congratulations on the birth of a son! With new emotions, sensations, impressions! This is just happiness! Let the son enjoy life, grow healthy and happy! We wish the boy good health, and of course patience to you! 41 ↓

Love to you all! Bright sun, cloudless sky, immense good luck! To everyone, and to the baby - excellent health! Let your boy meet only good people in his life! may his happiness be endless, may a smile shine on his and your face! I wish you a quick solution to all problems, patience and self-confidence! 38 ↓

There is no greater happiness on earth than the birth of a son! The birth of a small copy of mom and dad! On these happy days, I congratulate you on this happy event! Let the little son grow healthy! 33 ↓

Now you have a son - it means life is good! I wish the boy to grow strong and healthy! May your family be always strong, friendly and happy. Patience to you! May you have the most joyful share as a happy mom and dad! 37 ↓

Newly made parents, congratulations! Happy newborn! I wish you good nights and patience :) Let the baby grow in love and care, your future hero, mother's support, father’s pride! Let the angels protect your child! Be happy! 37 ↓

With the birth of your son - with the kindest event in life! Love to you, bright sun, cloudless sky, good luck! Good health to your entire grown-up family! 41 ↓

With a newborn you! Congratulations! Let the little son grow healthy, smile more, sleep better at night, be active and joyful! And I wish you patience and positive - because although it is difficult at times, there are so many new impressions! 35 ↓

Honor and praise to your grown-up family! Just think that you have become the creators of a new life! May your little angel be always happy and surrounded by love and care! 42 ↓

What an unusual day today - you became the parents of a wonderful son! Congratulations, dear dad and mom! Let the baby be cheerful and strong, sleep sweetly and eat with appetite, smile more often and grow faster. Patience to you, love, success in raising a real man! 41 ↓

Congratulations! Let the son grow up healthy, strong, smart, prosperous, all for joy!
  I wish you good nights, strength and superhuman patience. And let your love pass all new tests! 41 ↓

We congratulate your family on the replenishment and wish the baby to be active and healthy, sleep soundly at night, and give you a radiant smile in the morning. Let the baby’s fate be easy and life happy. Be always together, be always happy! 41 ↓

Having a baby is the greatest miracle and happiness that can happen in life! We wish you wisdom, strength and patience, and the boy health, fewer tears and more smiles! 31 ↓