Poems to the criminal investigator of Russia. Poems to the criminal investigator of Russia Short congratulations on the Criminal Investigation Day of Russia

Every year on October 5, employees of the Russian criminal investigation department celebrate their professional holiday. Criminal investigation is one of the main services of the internal affairs bodies. The activities of this unit are very broad and multifaceted - this is a comprehensive analysis of the operational situation, and the search for people hiding from justice, missing citizens, and the implementation of measures aimed at preventing, suppressing and solving crimes.

Postcard: Congratulations on the Day of the Criminal Investigation

The Russian investigation, even under the tsar, had its own significance and strength. In 1918, the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR approved the Regulation on the organization of criminal investigation departments. The Central Criminal Investigation Directorate - Tsentororoisk, was established in October 1918. Since then, special units began to operate at the local police "to protect order by secretly investigating crimes of a criminal nature and combating banditry." For many years this service has developed and improved.

Today Ugrosysk is one of the most important structural units of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. His tasks include the identification, prevention, suppression and disclosure of crimes of a general criminal orientation, the search for persons, as well as the organization of operational-search activities.

Congratulations to all the detectives on their professional holiday! We wish you health, happiness, prosperity and may luck always smile at you!

Congratulations on Criminal Investigation Day in verse

The criminal search rushes,
  Sweeping everything in the way
  He is a criminal to anyone
  Will never let go!

He will put the guilty
  He banning him from jail
  To a malicious intruder
  Do not disgrace the whole country!

Congratulations! Today is a holiday
  Criminal Investigation
  All employees must
  Full day off!
  Happy Criminal Investigation Day
  I congratulate you today!
  I know your work is not easy and dangerous,
  And there is heroism in it without embellishment!

I want to wish you more peace
  And family pleasures,
  May you be lucky in all your endeavors in life,
  Let everything be done without hassle!
  Find anyone
  And punish the case,
  Criminal offender
Hardly able to escape!
  Yours, friends, today is a holiday,
  You have earned the honor
  Praise and respect
  Thank you people!

To serve in the criminal investigation department,
  You need to be strong and smart,
  Special knowledge to have
  And burn to your profession!

We wish courage, honor, strength,
  So that everyone’s path is successful,
  Justice and right decisions
  Happiness and love are wonderful moments!
  UGRO celebrates its day today,
  And combines all the work at the same time,
  After all, you don’t know the fear, peace and sleep,
  At any time of the day, both in winter and in summer.

And still it’s necessary sometimes
  Let it seldom relax
  Otherwise, you can get such a syndrome,
  With which, it’s better not to meet in life.

Better to always meet
  Good luck, happiness and all the luck!
  You’re not only successful on holiday,
  The mood reigns in the soul of smiles!
  Those who seek day and night
  All the criminals of the country,
  Congratulations and wish
  Happiness, blessings, in the soul of spring!

Criminal investigation is important
  The labor of workers is hard
  They wish everyone
  Joy and love to find.
  In UGRO, work is not for the faint of heart,
  Weak character for UGRO will not work!
  Profit thirst is not permissible here,
  Such an employee will not live here for a long time.

Let everything go smoothly at work
  And the punishment of the criminals will find
  There’s always a good clue
  With disclosures of affairs is always lucky.

And may your greetings be on your holiday,
  From relatives and colleagues with a big soul!
  All urgent problems will be solved,
  And the days will be insanely good!

Criminal Investigation Happy Birthday Congratulations

We respect the criminal investigation department.
  We celebrate this holiday of yours.
  We all wish you to solve the problems.
  Do not let life outrageous.
  We congratulate you, we wish you
  So as not to leave joyful courage.
  You have such an important job.
  Let your bright mind not fail.
  UGRO goes hunting
  And prepared the sight,
  A gangster shot right in the face
  He is dead, and our worker is intact.
  Bracelets brush brush
  The grid holds the monkeys
  The killers run away fast
  But your gun is ready.
  UGRO guys fighting
  I wish you well, love,
  So that the stars fall golden
  Strong on your shoulders.
  The criminal investigation department does not sleep day and night,
  A dirty thug is shaking in a corner
  And she’s afraid of you, like a fire
  I respect the criminal investigation department,
  Wondrous courage, courage in the soul,
  I wish you happiness, health to you,
  Bullets fly by into milk
  Sometimes it’s very difficult
  But UGRO seeks to help people,
  I wish you the best in UGRO to become.
  Handcuffs are ready to hug your hands
  You know how to bandit you to calm down the phrase,
UGRO, recalls that the main thing is the law,
  And if you break, then be a "friend" is ready.
  You are working hard, risking yourself,
  And strive for purity for happiness and peace,
  I wish not to be afraid and defeat the malice,
  Defend oneself from anger and get the truth.

Short congratulations on the Criminal Investigation Day of Russia

Threatening worker,
  He is always on the alert.
  He is smart and logical,
  He never sleeps.

On a professional holiday,
  I hasten to wish you
  The work is not hard,
  And do not know the problems!
  “And the scent of a dog,
  And the eye is like an eagle, ”
  The phrase is about you guys!
  We wish you well, warmth!
  Your work is intense.
  Criminal investigation is not a joke,
  The matter is serious, important!
  We wish you good luck, success, luck
  And so that the authorities praised more often!
  Find a needle in a haystack
  You guys from UGRO, given!
  You are knee-deep today
  Drink vodka and wine on holiday.
  Congratulations pouring over the glasses
  And UGRO will not shed a drop.
  To meet a morning without a hangover -
  Pour until the morning, go ahead!
  Criminal Investigation Day
  I hasten to congratulate you, friends!
  Evil machinations are not afraid of our enemies,
  And especially in the days of October!
  You stand guard
  I wish you happy days
  Happiness, joy, prosperity in life,
  There is no one brave!
  We need your dangerous work,
  And his burdens do not scare you.
  Find a dangerous criminal
  For you, not a feat, but an ordinary job.

Good luck and happiness, opera!
  Let trouble pass you by!
  We wish you no feathers, no feathers,
  And relax - at least sometimes!
  Whoever broke the law knows
  Whatever you run away
  No options overtakes
  The search for those whose trail he took.
  May you be lucky
  To help in every business,
  Well, in the capercaillie, much less
  A series of evidence will begin to pop up!
  Your service is dangerous and difficult
  But such a trifle does not scare you.
  And therefore, of course, the whole country,
  Congratulations on your holiday today.

We know about UGRO employees,
  Though their service is not visible,
  They are on duty both day and night.
  Sleep peacefully huge country!

Criminal Investigation Day Greetings to Colleagues and Friends

Happy profession day
  From UGRO congratulate
  I want, and their work is difficult
  From the heart to glorify.

May fate save
  From a gangster bullet.
  To the criminal world
  You bent into an arc.
  All workers today,
  Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
  Criminal investigation is important
  After all, calm days with you!

You will come to the rescue instantly
  And you will save from evil
  And the criminal is not dangerous
  If you are friends nearby!

I wish you good health,
  Let everything be on the shoulder
  Let the troubles pass by
  Take care of the country!
You have chosen a dangerous profession for yourself,
  I wish that God helped you all.
  We congratulate all employees,
  We wish success in everything.
  May the criminal investigation flourish
  Let every person he knows know it.
  And the criminals will be afraid of you,
  And they will just be honestly corrected!
  You reveal all the crimes in an instant,
  You are very necessary to all of us - don’t you know?
  Hangouts, drugs and thieves in law,
  You are forever behind them in the struggle and pursuit.
  May the Lord save you for your patience,
  And may you be rewarded with family happiness.
  Let neither grief nor trouble concern you
  And God helps in everything and always!
  There is so much crime in the world today
  And people become very cruel.
  We wish the road to become light
  And you were never alone.
  We glorify you on the day of the criminal investigation,
  For you, we raise glasses of wine.
  We welcome all detectives and their superiors,
  And we wish only the best in life!
  On the day of the criminal investigation officer
  May there not be even a day of guilty.
  Let thieves quiet down at least that day
  So that at least a good day would be in their fate.
  After all, you will spend your work on time,
  And all the criminals will get a lesson for themselves.
  We wish courage, patience, honesty,
  Go up the career ladder.
  Look attentive, keen eye,
  The detective will not miss the falsity.
  No matter how confused the criminal is,
  Anyway, he will find him.
  He’s ready to stay awake at night,
  Have a bite to dry
  If only not to give the will to the bandit,
  And at any moment to enter the fray.
  So let it not let you down
  Intuition and ingenuity.
  Let the results bring
  Your endurance and training.
  This day, not a day, but a holiday
  All who work with me
  I congratulate you colleagues
  With our difficult fate.
  Looking for those who violate
  Living quietly does not allow
  We catch and plant them
  When the time is right.
  Criminal investigation needed
  'Cause without us, like without a hand
  Impossible to live normally
  And work masterfully.
  I wish you colleagues
  Never lose heart
  So that relatives do not think
  You are jealous of the work.
  Threat of hard workers, gentlemen,
  Today we congratulate you on a holiday together.
  Wash away all evil spirits, as if you are water,
  At the same time, while remaining clean, we wish.
  Let the criminal world tremble -
  On guard, you are always and everywhere.
  The threat is your servant and your idol
  He knows only the subtlety of your souls.

Funny sms congratulations on Criminal Investigation Day

Everyone who will work in Ugra for a long time will be
  Today I send my congratulations to all of you!
  May the force be with you and the law will come,
  I wish you happiness and love!
It’s very necessary to congratulate you on Ugra Day,
  After all, work tirelessly!
  I wish to receive for all awards,
  And a lot of merit!
  Today I want to congratulate you on Happy Day
  All those who work together a hundredfold!
  And send all my congratulations,
  To punish all who are to blame!
  To you, my friend, I bear my congratulations
  To congratulate you on the Day of Ugro!
  I wish you joy, luck in life
  And the achievements of the sweet peaks!
  On Ugro Day with great excitement
  Congratulations to you!
  And I wish with admiration
  Only joy in fate!
  I want only one message in one
  Send you congratulations today!
  So I wish you growth in your career
  And so that life is a century, everything is simple!
  Happy Criminal Investigation Day
  Everyone who is always on the alert.
  Looking around the clock
  Read the law line.

You are simply tireless
  The country is proud of you.
  Let bullets go by
  And so on the chest of the order.

Happy holiday to you, dear ones!
  Happiness, good luck, good.
  Always come back alive
  After all, they are waiting for you through the days and years.
  Good luck! Let the epaulettes shine!
  Health, career, duty without a chase!
  Fortune let a smile illuminate
  And gives luck - without the right to make a mistake!

Merit, respect, attention of the authorities,
  Let the service go without fraud and arrogance,
  And let life be calm, I will be long
  And let the criminals go away!
  Your life is solid prose
  Lived in eternal tension:
  Detentions, interrogations,
  And threats, and funny things ...
  Is a criminal investigation
  Didn’t you deserve your holiday?
  The calendar doesn’t lie to us by date,
  And squinting slyly
  From the bottom of my heart I am you guys
  Happy Congratulations!
  The work of a real man -
  Day after day fight crime!
  And often you substitute your backs
  The dangers that echo out!
  And they are always waiting for you at home,
  Let your family hearth prosper!
  The profession is famous and not new,
  After all, everyone knows the criminal investigation!
  I want employees UGRO
  Wish "customers" would be less ...
  Only with fists to be good.
  Still obliged ... Of course
  You are always on the good side
  And you still have it - with brains,
  With logic, the desire to know rights
  And analyze the details ...
  They don’t just take into the threat search:
  You are both conscience and courage, strength.
  Happy holiday! So let the "things" not wait,
  Like nuts, click fast!
  Happy Criminal Investigation Day
  I heartily congratulate you.
  On the holiday of the detective staff
  I wish good health and good.

Pros in serious work,
  A day goes by without problems,
  Forces, attention on the platoon,
  But optimism does not fail.
  Criminal investigation is a difficult task,
  Here you need courage, and even recoil.
  Every day to collect evidence, evidence
Moreover, while meeting the deadlines!
  We wish the wanted people
  Let the work be at least a little pleasant.
  Let the technique be successful, and flexible!
  Let them meet at home with a joyful smile.

Happy Criminal Investigation Day!

Criminal Investigation Day official greetings

Who works in the criminal investigation department -
  Will be worthy of rewards and praise!
  May your wish come true
  To start your day with a smile!

Your service is not easy, serious!
  Not everyone can handle it!
  To fight the menacing crime
  You need to be many wiser and bolder!

Let everything work out in the profession,
  In fear of bandits and thieves to keep!
  May you always like your business
  And you won’t have to lose heart!
  We glorify the criminal investigation,
  And we are in a hurry to congratulate you today!
  We never break the law
  And we want to wish everyone the same -

After all, the criminal investigation into sleep does not know
  And about peace does not know forever!
  He always achieves his goals!
  Let everyone know this!

May all good things happen to you
  And let you be lucky!
  Known be good deeds!
  And let UgRysisk save us from troubles!
  You are the master of investigation, the guru of evidence!
  And I hasten to congratulate today!
  Yes, you have a lot of obligations -
  You know how to perform them perfectly.

I wish you all the best
  And let luck await in all matters!
  Let success not leave you
  And the word fear will be unknown!

May life give the best, right,
  You deserve all the hard work!
  We wish you honor, fame,
  To always be confident in myself!
  On Criminal Investigation Day, I
  I wish you happiness
  Fear of the wicked is your work
  Let him constantly inspire!

Let every criminal always know -
  You get to him!
  You will never miss him
  You won’t be mistaken in trifles!

I wish you full success -
  Let the best happen!
  Let your life be bright
  The main dreams are to come true!
  You have an ungrateful job!
  On her hands are too frequent -
  There will always be someone in this world
  Whoever interferes with simple citizens
  Who poses a threat to the state -
  But you managed to prove more than once:
  Always on guard criminal investigation!
  And we heartily congratulate you!
  And again, October outside the window,
  And autumn has come back to our house.
  In our house - the second, in the state house.
  Work is our government house

And you keep order in it!
  You're a real wanted man, you're our pride
  Our goldman! We want to congratulate you
  You are the best, we all confirm!
  Sunny day, bright, beautiful ...
  But is this easier?
  Of course, even on your own holiday
You can’t escape from work!
  No one can imagine
  That you will rest sometime;
  And still let me congratulate you today
  With a professional date!
  From early childhood you dreamed
  Serve as a criminal investigator.
  I read about Sherlock Holmes,
  I knew that it would be boring to live.

The harsh profession is male
  There is no peace neither night nor day.
  Congratulations on the occasion,
  We give tribute to courage and strength.
  Photobots, tracks and prints,
  And a survey of witnesses in the case -
  All the brave guys have time,
  In the search they are very skilled.

On this day we wish them good luck
  And victories in the dangerous field.
  Criminal investigation - means a lot!
  He makes our life beautiful!
  Happy Criminal Investigation Day
  Congratulations, friends!
  Unsupervised Underworld
  You cannot leave for a day!
  We wish you good luck,
  Let the bullet and blade pass you by.
  We wish you happiness in the hearts of the hot
  All the flowers of the world are at your feet!
  Permanently serve the Motherland -
  Good job.
  And if you just live honestly
  Someone doesn’t want us,
  Find him and punish him
  The task is set,
  Let it help in this
  You have experience and good luck.

Congratulations on Criminal Investigation Day to your beloved

Sharapov today!
  UGRO I congratulate you!
  You are there, not remembering yourself,
  One do not go to the bandits in the pack!

Cycle chloroform, trap
  And other devices!
  And you get caught - I'm like a tank
  I will come, and there will be a crime!

I won’t give you back to the gang
  And I’ll make a serial feat!
  Recognize the revelation of the ladies -
  Pretty, noticeable, fashionable!

Sit at home today
  Have a cup of tea with me, love!
  I’ll get a medal on my chest.
  Everything else is fixable!

Brother operative

Happy Criminal Investigation Day, brother!
  Today everyone is happy to congratulate you
  Your experience will come in handy
  Everyone who is afraid of different criminals.

Let your service be so dangerous sometimes
  But for people you’re not only a hero,
  Defender, Savior, Steel Armor,
  And they think so, no doubt, not in vain,

Hopes to slip away in vain
  Criminal, but awaiting insolent punishment.
  I wish you job prospects,
  And the position of boss on the horizon.

Criminal Investigation

Happy Criminal Investigation Day,
  We want to congratulate you now,
  Highly erudite specialist,
  Your work is difficult and ruffian,

But no matter who speaks about you,
  In your prime, you are always physical
  Vigorous, cheerful, optimistic,
  Do not know the words of this - sick leave,

Able to uncover, delay, plant,
  The one who prevents us from having fun,
  There is reckoning for everything in this life.
  So be healthy, live richly!

SMS criminal wanted day greetings

For all Russian detectives,
  Lift up the glasses soon!
  And have a drink. Nevertheless, there is a reason!
  Being an opera is a great honor!
  Your profession is very dangerous
  And even, in a way, terrible!
  But you are not afraid of such work,
  We wish you the sun today, always!
  That's where the adventures are -
  Chases, conclusions,
  Detective affairs Click on "Hurray,"
  Sherlock Holmes and Poirot -
  Not in comparison with Ugro,
  All right, no hack,
  Only honest natures
  After all, order and law,
  Everyone must be considered
  Happy Holiday
  I wish you success and joy!
  To workers of UGRO vivat and congratulations!
  The children are our respect, honor and respect!
  You honor the Russian uniform,
  Thank you guys that you are.
  We are in a hurry to congratulate the wanted list,
  Hello hello to friends, colleagues.
  I want to leave it as a keepsake
  Autumn colors give you a big bouquet.
  We drink for operas UGRO,
  You are on duty in the name of the people.
  And everyone is ready for a feat
  You are a special, powerful breed.

You are at the post in the cold and in the heat
  Sometimes you go fearlessly under bullets
  People of honest peace
  Keep you steadfast, reliable, courageous.

The threat, we must admit,
  Decently solves any problems
  Criminal offender!
  And to you - prosperity, health, good luck!

Congratulations on Prosecution Day

Criminal investigators are people of great willpower, brave and conscientious guys. They never lose heart and achieve their goal no matter what, no matter what. Today, guys, your holiday. I congratulate you with all my heart. I wish you easy service, great inspiration for the discovery of new affairs. Less sleepless nights for you. I wish you great luck in your hard but necessary work, enormous professional growth, and material well-being. May God grant you good health, peace and happiness in the family nest. Let a good mood, a sense of humor never leaves you.
  Dangerous and difficult work for criminal investigators. Based on knowledge of the law, the investigator requires a guilty plea to the criminal. Evil must be punished. Today is your professional holiday. May he bring you peace and peace. May civilians thank you for your service. There are many outstanding cases, and I wish to complete this difficult task as soon as possible. Let poems be written about you as a hero. I wish you happiness in your personal life, cloudless skies, prosperity and comfort.
Criminal investigation officers are dedicated to their work. They often forget what day off and holiday are. And the guys’s work is difficult and dangerous, responsible and important. Today is your professional holiday. First of all, I wish you good health, great willpower, patience and courage. May this holiday bring you at least a little peace of mind. May the Lord protect you from troubles and evil. May luck always accompany you. More happy, successful days for you, more open cases. Huge professional skill, family happiness and luck.
  Today is a wonderful day. We all celebrate the holiday of criminal investigators. Very responsible and hard, but what an important job. How many skills, dexterity is needed to solve crimes. We thank you for your work. Because thanks to you, we work and sleep peacefully, knowing that such brave and smart guys as you can always protect us. Allow with all my heart to congratulate you on the holiday. Let only luck and success accompany you in your work. May you always be lucky in achieving your goal. Peaceful victories to you, happiness in your personal life, good health and long, long years of life.
  Criminal investigation is, above all, the protection of civilians from the criminal world. Work here people of a strong nature, courageous, conscientious, honest. They are always ready to help. Today is a professional holiday for criminal investigators. I want to sincerely congratulate you on this holiday. I wish you success in your work. Let a reward be sure to find you for your work. A quick upgrade to your career ladder. Let your colleagues appreciate and respect you at work, love and wait impatiently in the family circle. May the crimes uncovered by you bring great benefits to the country. I wish you good health, let the bird of happiness definitely choose you! Welfare and prosperity to you!
  I congratulate you on the occasion! Today is the day of criminal investigation, and on this day all the criminal elements are sitting and are afraid of you and your dexterity. I wish you to always get to the bottom of the truth, exterminate crime and, of course, believe that as a result you will achieve your goal! May luck be on your side!
I want to congratulate you on Criminal Investigation Day, who has served in this structure for more than a year! I would like to wish to always disclose complex matters and get the desired increase rather soon. Let the criminals themselves come into your hands, afraid that you will find them yourself and get angry. In general, I wish you good luck and I want to thank you so much for giving a calm life and a peaceful sky above your people, ordinary, ordinary people! I wish you happiness and peaceful living on this Earth!
  Congratulations on Criminal Investigation Day, buddy! The old song says: "Your service is both dangerous and difficult." And I want to wish you easy service, good mood, big bonuses, a successful career, government awards for the service. I dream to see you healthy, rich, lucky, happy and beloved!
  There is no weak character in the criminal investigation department. Only strong-minded people work here! You are one of those! Let this day bring you good luck and inspiration to discover new things. Let fate advance you through the ranks. Let the stars shine on your uniform. Health, success, material well-being! I wish you good practice and irreplaceable experience! Happy Criminal Investigation Day!
  Criminal investigation is a truly responsible professional activity, which requires a serious warehouse of character, numerous opportunities and abilities in order to successfully display the potential. Let any task be available for its execution, and numerous opportunities allow you to show strength of character, masculinity and a real fight for justice.
  Accept sincere congratulations on your professional holiday, which allows you to understand how important it is to successfully move in the right direction. May the Lord grant you protection from all kinds of obstacles and allow you to believe that everything will turn out only as planned. Remember that I believe in you and wish you success in your professional career. Accept sincere congratulations on the upcoming holiday!
Criminal investigation is a field of activity only for responsible and courageous people. I know that you can successfully show your potential by trying to search for criminals. I want to express my admiration and gratitude for what you do for the stability of the country and the tranquility of civilians. I wish you only good health and a lot of energy, strength, activity and determination. May you be delighted and delighted with something by all means, present numerous opportunities for rapid development. Dear person, you can be trusted in many matters, understanding how important is the chance for the successful development of potential and skills, the desire to reach heights in your chosen job. Accept only the most sincere congratulatory words! Let fate reveal numerous horizons to confirm the inherent potential. Congratulations on your professional holiday!
  Criminal investigation always requires a lot of effort and striving for justice, the peaceful life of many people. I want to congratulate you on your professional holiday, which may be another support for true professionals trying to successfully develop in the chosen direction. Accept only sincere congratulations on the Day of Criminal Investigation Workers, which should be noted not only with your close people, but also with colleagues who can provide worthy support in many endeavors. I believe that the Lord will provide protection from all kinds of obstacles and problems, will allow you to find real happiness, which can be valued in a special way. Remember: the Day of Criminal Investigation Workers is your professional holiday, which must be celebrated actively and successfully among like-minded people. I wish you longevity and perfect health!

Seeing a wedding dress in a dream means that soon you will participate in pleasant community service and meet new friends there. Seeing a dress soiled or in a mess - portends that you will lose a close relationship with the person you adore.

According to Miller's dream book, to see a wedding dress in a dream means an early participation in a public project. What attracts you more - charity, environmental movement or the organization of city shows? In any case, in the course of joint work we will meet interesting people.

I dreamed of buying an outfit for a newlywed - that means the marriage will be postponed indefinitely. For the man who bought it for the bride, the plot also does not bring anything good - the appointed celebration will not take place.

Ideally, if the girl dreamed that the groom gave the outfit: then it would be possible to accept congratulations in reality. A gift from her ex-husband, like a Trojan horse, will bring some problems.

An unusual shade makes you think: why dream of a fabric of a rare color? It is no coincidence that a creative solution has attracted your attention.

  1. Blue - soon there will be a reason to dream about the beautiful.
  2. Blue is a premonition of danger that rarely deceives.
  3. Yellow is a sharpening of intuition, less often a gift of foresight.
  4. Beige - long-awaited calm after storms and anxieties.
  5. Red - there is a threat that needs to be recognized.
  6. Brilliant white - mutual trust.
  7. Black - events full of drama: separation, disaster.

You dreamed of a wedding dress what it is - you see a wedding dress in a dream - you will make new friends. The girl dreams that she dirty her wedding dress - some act of this girl or some of her words will turn her beloved away from her.

Wedding dress - feelings and hopes. Dirty or messy - doubts about the partner’s feelings; the bride in other clothes - unpreparedness for family life, changes; buying a wedding dress with her mother is a way of thinking and behaving in her family from her.

You dreamed of a wedding dress what it is for - Soon you will participate in a big celebration. Imagine a dress in all its splendor. Silk, jewelry, furs - everything is in this outfit.

Wedding Dress - Expensive or modest wedding ceremonies mean a long-term agreement between two people and usually involve something unusual in clothing. The common color for a wedding dress is white, especially if the wedding is first for the woman; color in this case can symbolize innocence and virginity or a new page in life that began with a clean slate. What a dream is about: The meaning of sleep depends on what happens in your real life. Are you going to move into a new phase, for example, enter into a marriage or a long-term agreement, enter a new job or enter into a new contract? If you wear a wedding outfit for no apparent reason, then maybe you are tired of the current circumstances and suppress the desire to start all over again? See also Wedding,; White

Remember the feature films about the time of the establishment of the criminal investigation department in Russia. Chases, skirmishes, ambushes - all this, of course, takes place in life, but the main work is the painstaking work of catching the criminal on the insignificant details of the crime. This is an exhausting and dangerous job that only strong-minded and physically capable people, dedicated to their profession and ready to come to the aid of those people who need it, can stand it. Criminal investigation operatives are professionals in many fields, capable of making responsible decisions promptly and accurately. The history of the criminal investigation began in 1918, when the Central Office of the Criminal Investigation was organized on October 5. That is why October 5th is considered the Day of Criminal Investigation Workers.

Show congratulations

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You serious employees
The best UGRO,
On this day you can congratulate
And on holiday to give the go-ahead.

Less boredom, more life
Disclosure cases!
With your help forget
Criminal lawlessness!


Criminal investigation forever in shock
It happens that he does not sleep at night
Brave guys what to say!
For you, we will eat and drink!

We wish you a successful job,
To be forever on horseback!
There is harmony and joy in the soul
And in life there will be only sweetness!


Even if suddenly a killer
Will not show you a face.
And without too much doubt
You will find a scoundrel.

Criminal investigation is bold
Without much labor
Cleverly, clearly and skillfully
Accelerates trains.

I wish you good luck
Only joyful hassle.
Happy OMON Day Congratulations
You always go ahead!


We don’t favor people somehow, we are in uniform,
From the internal affairs bodies,
We don’t look at them for some reason, in love,
And hardly anyone could.

We call them cops, cops often
Seeking to offend for the eyes,
We see in them only representatives of the authorities,
But power cannot be loved.

But if we have problems with crime,
Stolen, hacked, burned,
We rush right there and look for channels
We call to help us.

In the middle of the night we are ready to fly on duty
I declare my dash,
We ask to catch the accursed urku
And then shoot him.

When tomorrow we do not see through the window
Erected scaffold
We can’t wait an hour, not a bit,
The pipe calls to the prosecutor.

Give a chance to the criminal investigation somehow
We can’t, for laziness we swear
We require daily acts
They made up moreover.

But remember: investigation is not a matter of minutes,
And to catch the bandit,
That detective’s business is courage and courage,
And yours is to shut up and wait.

And the chance that your abusers will be found
Then it can increase.
Let's believe our police,
Threatened, in particular, too.

Let us remember that today is their holiday,
And you need to congratulate the guys
Because they will find and punish everyone,
And your goods will be returned!


Let crime be transparent to you
Let them say about you: “Yes, this is Sherlock Holmes!”
Good health, good luck walking nearby
Yes, find someone, so there was no question!
Rogue, Robber and Jack Gutting
They are afraid and always know of arrest:
You are forever on watch
Stay on the loose
When you succeed them all is not fate!
Tracing skillfully!
Success in every business!


I breathe inspiration
And I'm writing an opera now
His confession in verse.
You are super! You are hero! You ah
What a serious man ...!
Do not get criminals off their knees.
And on the Day of Ugra employees
Let it get warm inside
From the wishes of my fries!
Well, and, of course, from the glass.
To know nothing to you obstacles
The trouble does not build let an ambush!
Love will steal the heart like a thief!
Happiness cracker will open the door
Of your soul. And in crime
You are the two without delay
Criminal Code according to, blame.
Handcuff Fasten
To myself ... And the verdict is in the middle of the lines:
Life span with you!


A thief must be in prison!
The phrase has found wings.
So about the caught crook
Today they say the opera.

Will bear the punishment
The one who dared to trample the law!
There are guys whose calling
Crimes to reveal.

And the October date
Congratulate gives the go-ahead
This ornate speech
All employees of Ugra.

We want less risk
In your search work!
Let happiness be found,
You will find love on it!

To ambushes and barriers
Wives less upset
To a worthy reward
You have received for courage!

Well, if beautiful
An agent has entered your network,
So he red lipstick
Suddenly I didn’t leave evidence ...


Let the formidable word - UGRO,
Sounds so menacing
But they work there
Useful comrades.

Let the citizen not love
Sometimes our threat,
When he presses it, he instantly
Comes out of that pose.

Let them say that in capercaillie
Often turns
Any business is in vain
Two thirds are revealed.

In the morning the track was taken by the trackers,
By night, they will seize the bandit.
UGRO do not like hanging,
But whiskey will come in handy.

Let's drink for UGRO
For the strong, brave macho
And if beer is like a bucket,
For happiness, for luck!

So that crime gets clogged
To corners and cobwebs
To forever not stain
Reporting picture!


Catching criminals is a difficult task,
But you never back down
So let luck smile
In everything and everywhere, always joyful!

May you succeed easily
The authorities give more bonuses,
Let you always scream at everything,
The road will lead to disclosures!

Health will be strong, does not fail,
Beloved meets with warmth,
And let joy, happiness in the heart come,
And will stay with you forever!


Did someone do something somewhere?
There is no limit to insidiousness!
But hurries to save the whole world,
Our valiant commander.

He’s wanted by the criminal,
The indiscreet will accept the greeting.
We want to wish him
To appreciate and love us.

So that there is a lot of health
To spend a little,
To years to a hundred and twenty
A million managed to find.


You have a holiday today
UGRO Workers Day.
And the family, laying the table,
Waiting for you for a long time.

Congratulations are ready
And no matter - wanted, wanted:
Speed \u200b\u200bin a dashing pursuit
And don't hear the bullet whistle!

Sunday off
Misfireless gun.
Capercaillie to neck
Not hung a couple of years!

At home waiting ... Wife on the wanted list
Criminal serves.
Now the family is already in pursuit,
To present your congratulations!


You don’t need to look for our congratulations,
We, the Criminal Investigation Department amicably,
We would like to congratulate you,
Without you, crime is a problem.

You know, the year is not the first,
Hard hand, steel nerves,
You are on the protection of our citizens,
The guys from UGRO are brave!

We wish you easy service!
Male close-knit, faithful friendship!
Greetings, to meet you with good,
Love, health, money, happiness!


A person has a choice,
Two sides of darkness and light.
Just do not count all the actions
But the Earth is spinning, the planet.

All because there is a law
And you follow day and night
So that the criminal, the thief, is caught
Congratulations for sure!

We wish you personal victories,
Let the matter be “solved”,
And let the service go without troubles,
Feats will not be forgotten!


Hard this work
Malicious criminals catch.
Judging them is not your concern,
But sometimes it’s hard not to nail.

Hold on, we know how difficult
Do not sleep at night.
We wish your urgent work
And further for us to continue.

Let the authorities appreciate
Let less busy days.
And we sincerely wish you
So that you catch everyone soon.

Fidelity, honesty and courage,
Inherent in you friends
Each of us seeks protection
Only you always.

We wish you great success in your work,
Let new stars light up on your shoulder straps
May luck always smile at you.

Criminal Investigation Day Russia believe
The main holiday of the country,
Congratulations to all of you,
You to the Fatherland, how air is needed.
God give you good luck, fortitude,
Understanding at work and at home,
So that in your life there are fewer sorrows,
So that you are lucky always, everywhere.

Happy holidays, guys, we congratulate you,
We wish you strong health and happiness,
To have fewer sleepless nights
About more bright and joyful days.
Russian Criminal Investigation - cheers,
God grant you good health, goodness,
To make you happy every day
So that things go well with you.

Congratulations to those in Russia,
Order and law observe
And if suddenly trouble comes,
He will certainly come to the rescue.
Criminal investigation workers praise and honor,
Your merits before the homeland can not be counted,
Thank you for your service,
We wish all the best.

You eradicate crime
And clearly observe the law
Criminal Investigation Workers of Russia,
Thank you and a deep bow.
Good luck to you, endurance, patience,

The Lord protects from troubles and evil.

Congratulations on Criminal Investigation Day,
I sincerely dream of you
I want to glorify honest, strong guys,
And wish them every hour.
Always enjoy life
Never forget about a family
For the sake of Russia - Fatherland,
To eradicate all crime.

Anytime, day or night,
When trouble, you are in a hurry to help
You have a special flair and the forecast is accurate,
Define a criminal with closed eyes.
Criminal Investigators Rossi congratulations,
We sincerely wish you good health,
May intuition never fail you,
All the best to you, joy, good luck and good.

Happy Criminal Investigation Day of Russia,
I want to heartily congratulate you,
I wish you career ambitions,
Realized at once.
God grant that at least crimes
Happened in our country
And so that only straight lines
Were in your destiny.

Happy Criminal Investigation Guys
Congratulations to you wholeheartedly,
May life be beautiful and rich
And dreams will come true.
Let all crime in Russia
Forever rooted out
We wish you to the highest ranks,
Be sure to earn some money.

On your holiday I wish only one thing
Always be honest and fair
And never forget that
So that I can give my debt to Russia in full.
Congratulations on Criminal Investigation Day,
Let the work bring you inspiration,
Every day, let it pleasantly surprise
Reliable friends always surround.

Criminals can never hide from you,
You will make every effort so that they do no harm,
You are a people of great mind and wide soul,
You are real heroes.
Congratulations on the Criminal Investigation Day of Russia,
We sincerely wish you great victories,
Be happy in everything, always
Let a bright star illuminate the path.

You care about our safety
Criminal Investigation Workers of the country,
You can always call a criminal to justice,
Your service is dangerous and difficult.
Let life flow like a full river
Let the career lift you up
The sun of good luck always shine on you
All sorrows and troubles let you forget.