Short poems about female beauty. Compliments to a Girl in Verses Praising Female Beauty


Quotes and aphorisms 06.06.2018

Dear readers, today I would like to talk with you about beauty. This topic has never been deprived of attention, so much has been talked about and discussed about it that it would seem very difficult to add something else. But we still try. Indeed, in quotes and aphorisms about beauty, one can draw a lot of wisdom that will never be superfluous.

A man needs beauty, his soul and gaze look for beauty in everything that surrounds him. After all, beauty is, first of all, the harmony of the inner and outer human world. It is inseparable from art. Beauty gives birth to music, it is a muse for writing pictures, poems, prose. The Bible says that beauty is at the heart of the world.

About the essence of beauty

What is beauty? Is it possible to unequivocally answer this question? Each person sees her in his own way. And often, in order to see the real beauty, you need to be able to see not with your eyes, but with your soul. After all, external beauty is so short-lived. This is what is so subtly noted in quotes and aphorisms about beauty.

"Beauty is eternity, lasting an instant."

Albert Camus

“External purity and grace should be an expression of internal purity and beauty.”

Vasily Belinsky

"There can be no beauty in that in which there is no wisdom."


"Only pure hearts see true beauty."

Janka Bryl

"Beauty does not lie in individual features and lines, but in the general expression of the face, in the vital sense that manifests itself in it."

Jacob Dobrolyubov

Janusz Korczak

“It is amazing how beauty and death, joy and decay are necessary for each other and condition one another.”

Hermann Hesse

“The appearance of things changes according to moods, and therefore we see magic and beauty in them, while magic and beauty are actually in ourselves.”

"Beauty is not in the face, beauty is the light in the heart."

Gibran Halil Gibran

“It is difficult to keep anger in the heart when there is so much beauty in the world. Sometimes it seems to me that I see it all, and it becomes unbearable. My heart fills with her like a balloon is about to burst. And then I relax and stop resisting her. And it seeps through me like rain. And I feel nothing but gratitude for every moment of my little silly life. ”

from the film “American Beauty”

About female beauty

The beauty of women has been the cause of many significant events in the world. Let us recall, for example, how Troy paid for sheltering the most beautiful of mortal women, Elena. How many masterpieces of world literature, music and painting appeared due to the fact that their authors were inspired by women! About admiration and worship of female beauty is so clearly stated in numerous quotes and aphorisms about the beauty of women.

“Looking at a beautiful woman, I cannot help falling in love with her; I am crazy about her. It’s like a lightning strike and lasts as long: an instant. ”

Jules Renard

“A beautiful woman is listened not so much at first with her ears, but with her eyes and an enthusiastic soul.”

Leonid S. Sukhorukov

“Beauty is also a virtue; a beautiful woman cannot have flaws.”

Johann Friedrich Schiller

“Is there anything more beautiful than a beautiful woman in the world ?!”

Pierre Brantom de Burdei

“Such is her custom: beauty is always right.”

Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur

A woman has only one opportunity to be beautiful, but to be attractive has a hundred thousand opportunities. ”


Arthur Schopenhauer

“There are such perfect forms of beauty and such brilliant dignity that people who are touched by her are limited to looking at her and talking about her.”

Jean de Labruyere

"People ceased to be animals when a man began to appreciate beauty in a woman."

Nikolay Chernyshevsky

“Beauty alone conquers us by force. We, fearing death, are afraid of cute anger! ”

Pierre Cornell

“Beautiful female legs turned more than one page in history.”

However, the beauty of a woman is not only the correct facial features, a beautiful figure and expensive clothes. Oh, if everything was so simple ... Even in fairy tales, beauties, in addition to their external attractiveness, should have had internal ones: kindness, charm, and soulfulness. After all, evil cannot be beautiful. Moreover, attractiveness and youth are so short-lived ... Quotes and aphorisms about female beauty once again remind us of this.

“A woman decorates what makes her more beautiful, but not gold, emeralds and purple, but modesty, decency, and modesty make her such.”

“Silly beauty is not beauty. Look at the stupid beauty, look deep into every feature of your face, at her smile, look - her beauty will gradually turn into a startling disgrace. ”

Ivan Goncharov

“To make lips beautiful, speak only kind words.”

Audrey Hepburn

"Beauty is the queen who rules for a very short time."

“A beauty who will not grieve wisely. The mind will invent, and beauty will produce! ”

William Shakespeare

"There is a beauty over which years have no power - this is the beauty of the heart."

Eastern wisdom

“I prefer to see an ugly form ten times a day in which there is brilliance, originality and intelligence than to see once a month a beautiful insignificance in which the soul is barren.”

Amin Reyhani

“Not the one with the praise of her hand or foot, but the one whose whole appearance will not allow admiring individual features.”

Lucius Anney Seneca

Beauty is in simplicity

Simplicity, naturalness, genuineness always went hand in hand with the concept of true beauty. Is a wildflower less beautiful than a luxurious orchid? After all, tinsel jewelry only interferes with the whole essence of beauty. In quotes and aphorisms on the theme “beauty in simplicity” it is so precisely said about this.

“In character, in manners, in style, in everything beautiful is simplicity.”

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

"Beauty is like a gem: the simpler it is, the more precious."

Francis Bacon

"Simplicity, truth and naturalness - these are the three great principles of beauty in all works of art."

Christoph Willibald Gluck

“Only that which is natural is beautiful.”

Francois-Marie Aruet Voltaire

“Beauty is in simplicity and pristine. The constant pursuit of excellence and therefore incompleteness. "

Japanese wisdom

"Beauty in music does not consist in a heap of effects and harmonic curiosities, but in simplicity and naturalness."

Peter Tchaikovsky

"Beauty does not need additional decorations - most of all it is colored by the lack of decorations."

Johann Gottfried Herder

"Simplicity is the highest form of sophistication."

Leonardo da Vinci

"Beauty is when there is nothing superfluous."

Fashion Queen Coco Chanel about beauty

I really love to re-read the statements of the great Coco Chanel. A woman who has made a real revolution in the world of fashion, with such impeccable taste and style, has something to say about beauty. Coco Chanel's quotes about beauty are as concise and eloquent as her famous little black dress.

"Caring for beauty, you need to start with the heart and soul, otherwise no makeup will help."

"Not every woman is born beautiful, but if she has not become so by the age of 30, she is simply stupid."

"We need beauty so that we are loved by men, and stupidity - so that we love men."

“If a woman struck you with beauty, but you cannot remember what she was wearing, then she was perfectly dressed.”

“There should be no handsome men, but there are no ugly ones. There are only few flowers and warm champagne. ”

"There are no ugly women, there are lazy ones."

“If you want to be beautiful, wash your hair.”

“At 20, you have a face that nature has given you, at 30 you have a face that has fashioned your life, and at 50 you have the face that you deserve.”

“Silly women try to hit men by dressing eccentrically. But it scares men, they hate eccentricity. They like it when they look back at their women because they are beautiful. ”

"Living cannot be ugly."

“Adoration is science! Beauty is always a weapon! Modesty is the flip side of elegance! ”

And beauty is in the details ...

Truly happy are those people who know how to notice beauty in the details! Or maybe everything beautiful just consists of trifles? One brush stroke on paper is just a stain. And many will make a beautiful picture. Quotes and aphorisms about the ability to find beauty in small things once again remind us of this.

“Happy is he who can discern beauty in ordinary things, where others see nothing.”

Camille Pizarro

"Beauty is in everything, but not everyone is given to see it."


"A man is beautiful in the details."

Disana Kumykova

“Until we learn to admire man as the most beautiful and wonderful phenomenon on our planet, until then we will not be free from the abominations and lies of our lives.”

Maksim Gorky

“Perfection is made up of little things. Trivia creates perfection, and perfection is not a trifle. ”

Michelangelo Buonarroti

“In vain they disappear: moonlit night, if you sleep; beautiful places if you don’t admire them; wife of a young rake. "

Huang Yun Jiao

"Forests teach man to understand the beautiful."

Anton Chekhov

"There is always a flaw in true beauty."

Francis Bacon

Beauty is a terrible power

We all, of course, are familiar with the aphorism of the genius Faina Ranevskaya that beauty is a terrible force that instantly became a popular expression. However, the author of this statement was not the esteemed Faina Georgievna. These are lines from the poem "The ugly girl" of the poet Semen Nadson. But it was the comic talent of the great actress that gave this phrase an ironic expression. And that means that we can also afford to joke on the topic of beauty.

“- Why are beautiful women more successful in men than smart?
  - It is obvious! After all, there are very few blind men, but a dime a dozen. ”

Faina Ranevskaya

“How does beauty save the world, if it only does what requires sacrifice?”

"Loving a person for beauty is like loving chocolate for a wrapper."

"A beautiful woman pleases the male eye, ugly - the female."

"Beauty requires sacrifice. But more often it requires money. ”

“- Tell me, what is more important in a girl: mind or beauty?
  - A clever question.
  “A beautiful answer ...”

“Only by marrying a beautiful woman does a man realize that beauty requires sacrifice.”

“There is no harder work than trying to look beautiful from eight in the morning until midnight.”

Brigitte Bardot

"If you introduce a tax on female beauty, no state will have problems with the budget."

Boris Trushkin

“The survey showed that Russian women are the most beautiful. Only Russian women were interviewed. ”

"Beauty can be compared to a layer cake: a layer - good genes, a layer - care, a layer - a good wardrobe, a layer - manners, a layer - charm."

On the beauty of the soul

Initially, the soul of every person is pure and beautiful. And then it depends on us ourselves how long it will keep its light and purity. Can we not accumulate in it the negative that accompanies us in adulthood? In quotes and aphorisms about the beauty of the soul and about internal beauty, their value and importance for a person are so accurately noted.

“To be beautiful does not mean they are born,
  After all, we can learn beauty.
  When the Man is beautiful in soul -
  What looks can compare with her? ”

Omar Khayyam

“The true beauty of the soul has a striking property: they see it in old age, admire it and value it, because it is not an example of bodily beauty, it never fades.”

“No external charm can be complete if it is not animated by internal beauty.”

“External beauty is even more precious when it covers the internal. The book, whose gold clasps close the gold content, gains special respect. ”

William Shakespeare

“Everything that you look at with love seems beautiful.”

Christian Morgenstern

“Spiritual beauty is infinitely more beautiful than all others, and therefore bodies, being only the shadows of existence, must possess charm that speaks of spiritual beauty. This type of beauty belongs to nature and surpasses the art created by man. "

Jonathan Edwards

Marsilio Ficino

Makeup and beauty

Any woman wants to look attractive and fresh. One of the main assistants in this difficult matter is, of course, cosmetics and makeup. The whole point of this art, in which women have reached perfection, is reflected in quotes and aphorisms about makeup and beauty.


Many men often argue about female beauty. Some argue that a woman must have beautiful legs, others say that a beautiful face, give a gorgeous bust to the third, give a smile to the fourth, a fifth prefer a full, sixth are thin, seventh are blondes, eighths are brunettes, some are only interested in their financial situation !
  My neighbor recently got married. Yesterday, he moved to the apartments of his newly made wife.
  You wouldn’t see a house, but a fairy tale! The penthouse is called!
  Four floors. With a botanical garden, a tennis court, even a helipad with a swimming pool!
  In general, the most ordinary house of the average person, “honestly” living only on one salary.

Every month in the Canaries, resting, travels to the seas .......
  For some reason he doesn’t take his wife for a vacation ....
  For that she helps her with housework all day long. Switch the TV there to another channel, put the whiskey in the fridge, spread the bun with black caviar, wind it into the store on the 600th Mercedes, since it’s not far, around the corner.
  In general, enough worries!

And before, when it was already painted with its first one, then everything was in the communal apartment, on its 12 meters huddled.
  All complained that the wife supposedly brings home money from work too little!
  And she was so worried about him. At the fiftieth anniversary he bought a motorcycle with a cradle. An old truth, without a motor. They are alone grandfather, a mechanic from the Housing Office on this motorcycle chain with pedals, from some old moped attached.

For a long time, of course, you won’t ride on it, it’s too heavy for you to hurt, your legs get tired quickly, and just buying a bottle or bread is just a nice thing, unless of course the store is not far.
  However, of course not a Mercedes!
  But this is all nonsense! When I saw his new, newly minted wife, I was almost missed! After such an “exhibit”, offer me at least the 800th “Merce”,
  I’d better before old age on the mother-in-law Zaporozhets I’ll dissect!

His first wife, although a witch-witch, was not a beauty, for at least she was placed in a cradle!
  This one! Under two meters tall and the same in girth! I'm not talking about her blue wig!
  It is clear why he doesn’t take her anywhere by car and doesn’t take rest on the seas!
  Not a single sensible airline will risk on board a sort of imbalance!
  Yes, and the German auto industry has not yet developed Mercedes with such a payload!

We have all the asphalt in the yard, so all the holes from her fashionable “studs” are stuck!
  Its not one asphalt in the city does not stand up!
  And how embarrassed he was! I can’t imagine! What did he see in her?
  Yes, they say correctly: "Another's soul - darkness!"
  But no! In this story, it turned out to be much simpler!
  This large woman - a heavyweight man found herself!
  And who do you think helped her in this? Dating club Not!
  Any underground matchmaker? And here you are mistaken!
  Never guess!

Her ex-wife helped her a new husband!
  She was tired of the stupid life with this parasite, and decided once and for all to remove this excessive burden from her neck.
  She advertised in a local marriage newspaper with such non-cunning content:
  "I’ll give it to the caring hands of an adult cable of the“ parasite ”breed, from its former bitch,
  subject to payment of compensation for moral damage caused over twenty years of stupid service! Have you ever heard that ?! ”
  So, I don’t know who the hell out of there, but each of them ultimately did not miss!

Well, if you seriously talk about female beauty ...
  Here we take mine, for example ...
  Fifteen, and she, that young woman! The face is round, the snub-nosed snub-nosed, you will not find wrinkles during the day with fire, your eyes are huge, like plates! Just like my deceased mother-in-law, when that “Nightmare on Elm Street” first saw on TV!
  Some there need to put all kinds of pedicures in beauty salons, pluck eyebrows endlessly. And mine don’t have them at all! No eyebrows!
  Her father her deceased left such an inheritance!
  In his youth, she mined uranium in her North!

This means when she puts on her red wig on her rare “career”, well, such a beauty right away, well, straight - Murlin Munro!
  Especially when smiling!
  Sometimes it smiles so much that at least stand, even fall! Just start to smile, wait all, now, some fortel will throw out!
  I come home early one day. And she has a smile right up to her ears! Only, for some reason, the front teeth are not visible!
  I told her: “Listen Man!” - I say.
  "Teeth then where?"
Well, I definitely remember you in the registry office thirty years ago so come with gold products! ”
  And she told me: “Here are those on! So my grandmother had teeth! I then fastened them, so that means it was painted! There they are on the windowsill in a jar and they are lying - they are warming themselves! "
  “If you really want to, I can put them on!”
  “Fuck yourself!” - I think.
  “Well, come on,” I say.
  "Do not!"
  "Damn it, because people live with other people's teeth and it seems nothing!"
  “You are the only one; smile less in people without them!”
  “Yes, I’m Vanyush just for you!”
  “And for me it is not necessary!”
  And that only costs - it is smiling.
  No, Manya is beautiful with me!
  Well, not Edith Piaf, of course, but she has a figure and everything “is like that”, and God didn’t offend her with a bust, she’s all with herself!
  If we go with the market, then these people of Caucasian nationality do not let us pass so calmly!
  Immediately everyone is straining so ...
  Fruits begin to wrinkle with hands! Her eyes are red, drooling from her mouth in streams, and right now, my whole village with raking hands will attack my Manya!
  They don’t want to understand in any way that it’s all mine, legal, in the regional registry office

Somehow we were riding a bus crowded with a May demonstration.
  Around the people, crush. The people, like mad, push and push!
  And they’ll almost climb on my Manya, right on her breast virtues!
  The old man, too, bald, such a little one, with flags, climbed under Mana’s chest and stands like a bunny under a fungus, only those commercials look at her very virtues from under her forehead, she opens her eyes!
  And the bus still, as luck would have it down - shakes up. From pitching at Mani in these places, oscillations of varying degrees were formed.
  This old man did not miss! It’s worth it and just like that, “bald” of his Manin’s chest, down - up, down - up, with his head like a ball, like juggling!
  And here I was already seriously at odds that I even began to sentence: “Left!” - says: “One!”
  “Right - two! The left is three! ”
  And when it misses.
  "It says.
  "Doesn't count!" - and begins to juggle again!

The whole bus, as if he had taken water in his mouth, is standing, looking, what will happen next!
  I could not stand it and tell him: “Well, the horseradish juggler, finish your coinage and let's get out of here!”
  "The training is over today!"
  He realized that they had exposed him and, in my opinion, they would now beat him, right away with a pike and to the door! "

After the bus, we go with Mania down the street, and I already have such pride for my wife!
  All the same, I chose a beautiful wife for myself!
And all that she has with her face and chest and waist, God forbid each such!
  Look at Shurka’s, our neighbor’s waist is thin!
  With her strap, for some reason, at the last hole, how to tighten it!
  Neither breathe nor ...
  Sorry ...

Waist should be in sight! By the waist, for example, you can determine who is eating.
  My godfather’s wife is such a fashionista, she also wears everything that is tight, she’s going straight, she’s not breathing!
  Not the waist and not the belly! One continuous hollow! Thin! She would have been with such a slender waist during the war, not in any concentration camp, even by thieves!
  Although of course, the waist waist is different.
  I’m for a reasonable waist, for a normal, healthy, well, albeit not very healthy,
  Well, that would be so to speak, though for what to hold!

And of course, the most indispensable attribute of a woman is of course her legs!
  Only have time to look around. Legs are long, legs are thin, legs are thick, legs are crooked ...
  Look at my place ... legs are slim-fit - I will attach slim-fit, well, even-sized - are trimmed ...
  It’s a pity only painfully short! Although I’m used to it already, it wouldn’t hurt to be more authentic, of course!
  Look, when we’re upstairs with her, we’re going to work ...
  I then walk in a normal step, and she constantly has to jump two steps forward in order to keep up!
  He taught, taught her how to ride down the railing on the ass properly so that she won’t be late for work in the morning, so she caught hold of the nails sticking out of the railing during the next training session, could not resist, and she went through the opening! Yeah!
  It is good that the underwear was durable, domestic, the flight held back!
  She would not have sagged for five minutes at Levante alone!
  Nails are good too!
  Find out what kind of special steel they are made of.
  After all, more than a hundred kilograms hung, and even a henna with a nail! As sticking out, and sticks out in the railing, did not even bend!
  It’s clear that bad nails will not drive into the railing!
  In general, long legs, it’s certainly good ...
  To fix the traffic light there, fix the birdhouse on the tree or screw the bulb in the staircase ...
  Not in long legs then happiness!
  Happiness is when they love you, understand when a good person lives with you.
  So, that you can argue about issues of female beauty for a long time, not to forget the main thing ....
  And what else does a woman have, besides long legs? That is the question!
  To which not everyone is sure and knows the answer!
  I know ...
  The main thing in a woman is her soul!
  And everything else is like that ...
  Adjoining, in a word!

I knew, I believed, I always looked
Throughout the world that I would admit
That only she is a wonderful ideal
Which is finally found.

And so everything has developed in you as it is ...
I will never tire of admiring!
I am only a mail for true honor
Sing praises to your face and I will become!

After all, you are more beautiful than beauty!
Tender than tenderness and delights are more charming!
You are just a dream come true!
No, and it cannot be more wonderful than you!

Woman of Heaven.
A dream come true.
Cloud of impossible dreams.
The wind of goodness and beauty.

How much effort has nature spent
Creating a Woman for the Light !?
What invested good and evil
In this many-sided silhouette?

The serenity of summer dawn
The purity of a cold stream
The heat of sunlight
Fresh breath of rain.

The strange mystery of the fog
Sensuality from the morning dew
Rampage of an Angry Volcano
And the unpredictability of a thunderstorm

Your delicate gentle hands
Eyes - emeralds, gait - Venus.
Beautiful at the time of meeting, sweet at the time of separation,
You are good: both soul and manners.
You are the woman of my dreams, the muse of the poet
Spring in the desert of quicksand.
You are God's best creation, a ray of light,
My breath, extraterrestrial love!

Odes are made of female beauty
She will captivate the strongest of men
She is a creation of nature itself
And above, the largest quantities.

I really admire you
And how I see so embarrassed
You are very beautiful and very smart.
charismatic and sweet

Freedom is strong and tireless
hot and indispensable
Attentive, affectionate and inventive.
always welcome and dreamy!

You are my beloved Universe from feeling
Beautiful and tender as light
Miraculous, like a work of art
Lovely, like a colorful dawn!

My darling, you are my bright angel
What helps me learn again, fly,
For others, sometimes invisible,
But without which I can’t live, do not dream!

My love you are in my heart
i do not see the future without you
i really liked you
and my life introduced itself as a fairy tale!

Talking with friends, empty words
and thoughts only about you from now on
Be near, I beg you
I'm in a hurry to see you!

I want to always smile
only to meet with you.
I dream of your look tender
and serene happiness!

Near to be and not to be bored,
do not notice empty problems!

Smart, beautiful and tender.
I need you like air here
always welcome and so good!
I want to enjoy you slowly

You are like a star in my fate
beautiful light in my soul
All dreams come true with you
gently embodied in reality!

Thank you I will not tire of fate
For the happiness that came to me with you.
I’ll always stand up for you
If something suddenly happened to you.

For the light in your beautiful eyes
Put the whole world at your feet
I will make your day clear
And I won’t give you to anyone, dear.

Love knows no infinite meaning
Love means only one thing to me
It's you and there is no doubt
Thank you i sincerely for everything

For what I get up, your image in thoughts
For the caress that you give me sometimes
And the rest does not make sense,
For the rest, I wave my hand!

What are you doing with me?
I'm fascinated by your beauty
I want to stay alone soon
I must confess my feelings to you.
I only dream of you
And life without you I can’t imagine!

My feelings cannot be expressed in words,
You were the one in my dreams.
And now you are there, you are with me
I am forever fascinated by you!

Lips - sweet raspberries
Eyes - diamonds bright shine,
It looks like a rare picture,
And all this is undeniably there,

You are just lovely - perfection
You're the girl of my dreams,
And our intimacy is like bliss
You are an angel of pure beauty!

You sit next to me
I admire your gaze.
You are a heavenly creature
excite me consciousness.

Cute face, clear eyes,
A smile shines like a star:
Know you are a princess, as if from a fairy tale,
You can conquer all without difficulty!

How beautiful your camp and gait are
Kind heart, soul is so pure!
You, in a word, are just a beauty
Your beauty beckons me so!

Can I while you read
With a smile these lines,
I will say that in the world all the flowers
Only one point grows in one?

And that point is your soul.
You may not believe me
It blooms there slowly
On any day of the week.

You are in the heart again. So May!
And in fiery excitement
Love is calling: "Wake up, get up,
I’m just looking forward! ”

You captivate your tenderness
As soon as you know how.
And if you're just silent
Warm eyes warm.

Any guy will say this:
You give a ray of light.
But I'm lucky for a reason
After all, you are my planet.

I definitely can’t find one.
Look like? Do not!
Though sometimes I, like in delirium,
I rage like a tornado.

Excessive feelings, I'm eager for you
And I am not indifferent.
I am flame, I am fire in darkness!
Thank you for not putting out.

You are feminine, gentle as silk
And the facets of sapphire
You shine. God i found
The only one in the world!

And the smell is subtle not perfume
In my imagination -
Spring wind sweet dreams
You smell like lilac.

Also, you know, I’ll say ...
Well honestly you don’t laugh.
When not near, I wander
At home, at least kill yourself.

Already miss you imagine
I'm five minutes to one.
And if ten - leave it all,
I lost my mind.

I don’t know the truth why
Is that power in you?
I’ll step behind her and into the abyss
You saw through me.

Your walk, profile, camp
Crazy, of course.
I'm glad, I'm proud, I'm like a kid
In love forever.

Therefore you are dear
You do not know how priceless.
And let there, outside the window, a blizzard,
I'm awesome with you!

You are the best, cool, cool!
You are tender, sweet, just beautiful!
Unbeatable and incomparable
You are the brightest and awesome!
Spectacular, fashionable, irresistible,
You are the most beloved with your heart!

You are as beautiful as a star
What is created only for heaven!
Enchant everyone with your gaze
Any outfit suits you.

You should be admired
It is impossible to look away.
Make you obey
To carry flowers at your feet!

Mysterious, tender
Like an ocean, vast
And bright, alluring
You are a true fairy!

Desired and passionate
Airy beautiful
And strict, playful -
My unique!

Your eyes are like tender poison.
Beckon me even more
When you look so playful
And you speak slowly ...

Your figure is just “ah”
You are good in front of your eyes!
Lovely Waist Bend
Will drive you crazy! Oh, I'm dead!

You certainly admire
I tell you seriously.
Your kiss is hot as if
Beautiful chic of Dutch roses.


You are the most beautiful,
And just stunning
And you'll be happy
After all, you are charming!

You are an angel sent from heaven
This heart whispers to me
You are just a miracle of miracles
It seems to me that I'm in a dream!

In your eyes my world shines
You are as beautiful as a dream!
Let your heart know:
I am yours now forever!

The most beautiful girl
Fate gave me!
Your beautiful smile
Every night I see in a dream.

You are not only beautiful in appearance
You are still beautiful soul.
Combine in yourself: tenderness,
Beauty and mind with kindness.

You are like a scarlet flower
Magical and irresistible.
Like a warm, sea breeze
It blows from you when you pass by.

Your eyes are like a mirror of the soul
Reflect only love, warmth and tenderness.
Such a thing in the world can no longer be found,
You are the greatest value in the world.