Placental cosmetics (cosmetics based on the placenta). History of placental cosmetics. What is placenta extract used for? Placental cosmetics Placental cosmetology

The main area of ​​application of placenta in cosmetics is anti-aging. Many manufacturers of placental cosmetics add it to all their products: from shampoos to foot creams, but its main focus is anti age.

Advantages of placental cosmetics

The placenta is a rich natural complex that includes proteins and amino acids that promote the production of collagen fibers, as well as elements that soften and moisturize the skin, heal wounds, and accelerate cell metabolism.

The use of placental cosmetics does not cause allergic reactions, side effects and addiction, since it is not perceived by the skin as something foreign and is perfectly absorbed by skin cells.

Disadvantages of placental cosmetics

Opponents of placental cosmetics believe that its effectiveness is associated with hormonal effects, since it is extremely difficult to completely clear the placenta of hormones. In addition, if the placenta is not properly cleaned, hepatitis and AIDS viruses can be transmitted through placental cosmetics. That is why high-quality placenta-based products are very expensive.

In addition, scientists fear that accelerated and uncontrolled cell division, which makes it possible to achieve the rejuvenating effect of placental cosmetics, can provoke cancer. Scientific studies of the long-term effects of placental cosmetics on human skin have not yet been conducted.

Unique properties of placenta in cosmetics

The placenta contains nucleic acids, proteins and hormones that control the functioning of cells and are responsible for the continuation of life. All the elements necessary for the human body are concentrated in the most harmonious manner in the placenta. Therefore, cosmetologists claim that the placenta has not only a wrinkle-smoothing effect, but also powerful anti-inflammatory, regenerative, stimulating and wound-healing effects.

Where do placentas for placental cosmetics come from?

Materials for creating placental cosmetics are taken from the placenta obtained after birth in a person, pig, sheep or cow. The “human” origin of the placental components of cosmetics is indicated by the word “allogeneic” in the description of the cream’s composition. For the production of placental cosmetics, abortifacient material is not used, since only a mature placenta is saturated with valuable elements not contained in the placenta of an abortifacient fetus.

In Europe, the use of human organs and waste products in cosmetics, including the placenta, is officially prohibited. And “animal” placenta is prohibited in a number of countries for ethical reasons. There, for example, placental cosmetics (with plant placenta) SALERM (Spain) became popular.

What is plant placenta?

In flowering plants, the placenta is the place where the future fruit is formed and attached under the pistil of a flower. The placenta of the plant plays the role of a nutrient fluid, providing energy to the fetus during its growth.

When biochemically comparing the compositions of plant placenta and human placenta, it was revealed that they have an identical composition. Plant placenta contains amino acids and peptides that act as natural biostimulants and at the same time do not interfere with the natural restoration of the skin. Of particular importance is the high content of proline amino acids in the plant placenta, which help synthesize collagen and enhance regenerative processes in skin cells.

How long have placental cosmetics been known?

Myths and legends of many peoples have long told about the connection of the placenta with the cosmos, which gives it enormous energy value. The placenta was dried, crushed, steamed, and used as lotions for wound healing.

The history of scientific and applied study of the placenta began in 1912, when Professor Kahr from Switzerland discovered an active substance in the sheep placenta that can restore cell life. For this discovery he received the Nobel Prize. In 1934, professor at the Odessa Medical Institute N.F. Filatov used frozen placenta components to treat wounds and burns. In 1943, the Japanese scientist Shan Dao was able to isolate an extract from sheep placenta, and in 1980, the Swiss professor Caroling for the first time gave a person an intravenous injection with a sheep placenta extract, which made it possible to activate the division of skin cells in the patient.

Brands of placental cosmetics

Among the most famous companies producing placental cosmetics are the international cosmetic corporations WING HOP FUNG GINSENG INC., SHANGHAI PHOENIX DAILY CHEMICAL Co. LTD., ROSA BELLA COMPANY, ROYAL COUNTRY, INC. These companies produce entire series of cosmetics with placenta: creams, lotions, shampoos, milk.

They offer a wide selection of placental cosmetics Russian manufacturers: for example, tissue preparations of the “Placerosis” cosmetic series, the “Source of Life” medical and cosmetic line of the “Yalma” company, etc.

Placental cosmetics are in favor today, it is considered one of the best means skin rejuvenation. However, it would be incorrect to call such a trend in cosmetology a modern discovery: o healing properties Placentas were known back in the time of Queen Cleopatra. Scientific confirmation of the ability of placental tissues to activate the process of cell regeneration was given by the Swiss professor Kahr, who received the Nobel Prize for this work.

Let's talk in more detail about what placental cosmetics are...

What is valuable in placental tissue

The placenta is an organ that female mammals have only during pregnancy; it transfers nutrients from mother to fetus. Placental tissue contains about a hundred substances necessary to ensure intrauterine development: proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, minerals, immunostimulants, vitamins.

Such a unique storehouse of active components could not but interest scientists, and since the last century, placenta extract has been included in elite cosmetic preparations. The effect of its use is really great, and even high price creams, lotions and masks does not reduce their demand.

Placental cosmetics:

  • moisturizes and nourishes the skin,
  • relieves the sensitivity of the epidermis to allergens,
  • reduces the production of melanin and ensures its release to the surface of the skin, from where melanin is removed with the exfoliating epidermis,
  • blocks the provoking skin aging activated oxygen,
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • activating peripheral blood flow, accelerates the removal of toxins from skin cells,
  • stimulates cellular respiration.

Where do placental tissue come from?

At the end of the last century, when placental cosmetics were at the peak of popularity, some media frightened with terrible details that the raw material for the production of placental creams is abortifacient material, which is allegedly obtained from unfortunate girls who earn their living in this way. This is a myth - embryos are not used for placental cosmetics.

In fact, the “baby place” is used, the mature placenta remaining after the birth of offspring, and in most cases this is the placenta of animals - sheep or horses. If the placenta is human, the description of the cosmetic product contains the term “allogeneic”. Animal and human placenta do not differ in the content of bioactive substances.

Placental tissues are subjected to hydrolysis, during which they are broken down. Then hormones are removed from the hydrolyzate: although these substances have rejuvenating action, causing the active formation of new cells, their excess is dangerous for the skin. Then the placenta hydrolyzate goes through several more stages of processing, which results in a small bottle of the finished extract. It is clear that such a product cannot be cheap.

Who is placental cosmetics intended for?

Contraindications to the use of placental therapy and in at a young age does not exist. But since the main effect of cosmetics containing placenta extract is to eliminate factors that provoke skin aging, it is recommended for older women 35-40 years old. At this time, the body reduces the rate of production of such important components for the skin as collagen and elastin, and placental preparations activate their intensive production.

Such cosmetics should be used with caution by those who have problems with excess facial hair growth. The placenta is a very active biostimulator, and therefore, by promoting rapid cell renewal, it can also lead to increased hair growth.

The best samples

The most popular brands placental cosmetics today are considered:

  • Japanese companies White Label and GHC Placenta Cosmetic. They produce premium cosmetics containing 100% placenta extract. Placenta Cosmetic products contain low molecular weight collagen, hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10 and squalane, derived from shark liver.
  • Korean company Tony Moly. Among its new products is Timeless Placenta cream, which, in addition to placenta extract, contains natural gold and ginseng.
  • Swiss company La Prairie. Offers a line of luxury placental cosmetics at daily skin care.
  • Popular Russian “placental” brands include Texal, Evinal, LADY U, Yalma and Plazan, which is used by Jennifer Lopez.

This is such an interesting and promising placental cosmetics! Have the “horror stories” disappeared from your sweet little head? Is it clear now where the material for these cosmetics comes from? How do you like the efficiency, dear reader?

Would you like to try it? By the way, If you decide to try it, keep the following in mind:

  • DO NOT mix your cosmetics and placental products! Don't set up a chemical laboratory on your face.
  • If you decide to try one, wash your face with your cleanser and rinse thoroughly with warm water. AND THAT'S ALL! And then apply the “test” placental cosmetic product to the skin.
  • When you want to try new cosmetics, you should essentially be interested in just 3 means:
  1. night face cream
  2. eye cream
  3. mask for the face
  4. and a mask for the area around the eyes (if available)

And all other means - later! Gradually you will add and/or “approve” or “refuse”.

I wish you success in your rejuvenation and beauty!

P.S. If you already use placental cosmetics, dear reader, then please share your impressions in the comments! What brand of cosmetics are you and does your skin like them? What can you say about your feelings and results?

This is very interesting for blog readers and me!

Placental cosmetics are lines for the care of mature skin, the composition of which is based on placenta extract. These products are in demand mainly among women aged 35-45 years. Doctors and researchers have concluded that numerous growth factors contained in placental tissue have a beneficial effect on the growth and division of healthy skin cells in all its layers.

That is why placental cosmetics are a revolutionary product of the third generation, and deserve a certain recognition among professionals - aestheticians and dermatocosmetologists.

Common myths about placental cosmetics

A variety of creams, lotions, serums, fluids and masks are made based on the placenta. It is also used for the production of shampoos, conditioners and hair treatment complexes. Placental cream takes up professional cosmetics a special place, however, now it is available not only to aesthetic physicians, but also “ mere mortals».

The only catch is how not to go wrong with the purchase of a surrogate, credulously seduced by the beautiful wrapper.

Myth No. 1

The main raw materials for the manufacture of cosmetics are “extracted” from abortive material.

Reality. This is wrong. And the point here is not even in the ethical considerations of manufacturers, but in the peculiar “greed” of doctors. For the manufacture of products, the placenta is used, which is quite mature and large. And this is only available after birth. The placenta obtained after an abortion, and even artificial birth, is tens of times smaller than the “needed” one. Therefore, the use of abortive material is approximately 10 times less profitable for producers.

Myth No. 2

The effect of using products in this segment helps to rejuvenate the skin to a state that can only be achieved through plastic surgery or specific injections.

Reality. This statement is relatively false. Indeed, such products contain a lot of growth factors. Some are aimed at the growth of blood vessels and capillaries, others stimulate fibroblasts that produce collagen and elastin proteins.

Due to the fact that the placenta contains nutrients and these same biopeptides, these cosmetical tools really help the skin regenerate faster, which means they increase its elasticity and awaken protective mechanisms.

But it is better to use it in courses. For example, the well-known medicine “Solcoseryl” based on calf plasma is also a kind of placental remedy.

It helps to reanimate damaged cells of the body and stimulate the processes of growth and division of new particles.

The medicine ensures rapid healing of deep wounds and small wounds on the skin, restores damaged ligaments, and even renews brain cells. But it is used strictly for its intended purpose and when there are specific indications.

No one would think of drinking or injecting medicine without a specific reason. With placental cosmetics, things are different: the only limitation here is probably the size of the buyer’s wallet. Is it worth constantly stimulating healthy cells?

Our body is a delicate system that reacts sharply to any external stimuli. The more often such stimulation and activation occur, the greater the risk of malignancy (malignant degeneration) of cellular structures increases. The immune system fights this mechanism to the last, however, if the cell is forcibly “forced” to divide through the constant influence of growth factors on it, the protective functions inevitably fade away.

Wanting to rejuvenate their face by 10-15 years, women begin to use cosmetics in exorbitant quantities and constantly. And this is fraught with health, and even vital activity of the body. And it’s better to undergo surgery once, and then maintain the condition of the skin, than to expose yourself to similar risks in pursuit of illusory youth.

As a standard, placenta-based cream and mask are used in professional cosmetology as regular intensive care. Home use Such remedies should be carried out very carefully and in doses.

Myth No. 3

Japanese placental cosmetics are developed using the latest nanotechnology, and they constantly saturate the skin with nutrients at the cellular level.

Reality. Any statement about procedures and means that includes the prefix “nano” must a priori become false in your understanding. Loud statements are almost always advertising gimmicks, otherwise, if they are consistent with reality, cosmetics are very expensive. So expensive that it's easier to do plastic surgery than to use such a cream.

In any case, there is no doubt about the effect of the first. As for the substances contained in these cosmetics - nucleic acids and polysaccharides - their molecules are very large to penetrate the epithelium. In addition, the meaning of their influence is superficial hydration, but not nutrition. By the way, molecules that bind liquid can also have the opposite effect. What is hydration based on?

The fact is that skin cells actively absorb moisture from the air with the help of cosmetics.

But if a person is in an environment with sharply reduced atmospheric humidity (for example, in a room with intense heating in winter), cells, “humidifiers,” on the contrary, will take the remaining fluid from the skin.

So moisturizers used in certain conditions can also dry out the skin.

Myth No. 4

The human placenta is many times more effective than the animal one.

Reality. In terms of the content of biologically active substances, both versions of raw materials are identical. Therefore, by and large, there is no difference in which placenta this or that product is made from.

Myth No. 5

Placental cosmetics are the youngest trend.

Reality. In fact, such products began to be used back in 1940. At the same time, the beneficial effect of placental extract on the condition of the skin was noted. The cover really became more elastic, fresh and “youthful”. But the joy of discovery did not last long: scientists soon discovered that the steroid hormones contained in the raw materials can negatively affect the cellular structures of the skin. And the hormonal imbalance in them has become the lesser of the evils on the list of probable “ side effects" Having discovered such dangerous realities, scientists began to eliminate hormonal substances from cosmetic products.

Modern technologies have taken a step forward, and today placental cosmetics do not contain hormones at all. By the way, many modern manufacturers trump with references to the 40-60s. last century. Like, it was then that the miraculous effect of cosmetics was discovered, and today they, the most “unique” among competitors, offer you the same effect.

There are plenty of strange ingredients in cosmetics. Some, having appeared, immediately disappear, but sometimes they return after a while. Placental cosmetics caused a stir in the market in the last century, but legislators and animal rights groups toppled them from their pedestal. As a result, everyone forgot about cosmetics with placenta for a long time. But now placental cosmetics and placental therapy are experiencing a revival. What has changed and is the game worth the candle?

Where it all began

The path to the use of placenta extract in cosmetics began in 1933 with light hand Professor Vladimir Petrovich Filatov, although he worked in a different field, was an eye surgeon. Filatov believed that many incurable eye diseases could be, if not cured, then at least alleviated by implantation of “biogenic stimulants.” In his therapeutic experiments, the professor also used the placenta. His work launched the development of placental therapy in cosmetology.

If we consider the placenta as an intermediary between the mother and the developing fetus, it becomes clear why it was considered an ideal means for rejuvenation. The placenta is a rich source of nutrients, proteins, stem cells, amino acids. But its main property is that it is responsible for the production of hormones, including estrogen and progesterone, and this is something that mature skin really lacks.

Why were placenta creams banned?

In the early 1940s, manufacturers launched cosmetic preparations, based on the human placenta: creams for the bust, eyes, face masks, even eau de toilette and soap have entered the market. The customers were satisfied: among the effects of “placental” products were the normalization of blood circulation and lipid profile, as well as the regulation of the sebaceous glands. The skin took on a much fresher appearance.

In the 1950s and 1960s, placenta creams were recommended even for young skin, because what was good for the “fetus” was good for anyone. However, it is worth noting that the extraction and purification process (especially of the human placenta) left much to be desired. As a result, many hormonal side effects were reported (for example, chest hair in teenage girls), after which human placenta was banned from use in cosmetics. And when humanity learned about HIV and a number of other pathogenic viruses, cosmetics with placenta were completely written off as potentially dangerous.

In today's cosmetics you will find, at best, placental extracts of animal and plant origin (plant placenta is plant proteins, most often a complex of proteins). Such placental extracts are mixtures of proteins and vitamins and have a certain moisturizing and nourishing effect. In the right dosages they work great, but these proteins are essentially not much different from other protein components in cosmetology. So these placentas have no special advantages.

Another thing is the “synthetic” placenta, which began to be produced at the beginning of the 2000s - a mixture of growth factors, peptides and vitamins corresponding to the content in the human placenta. Here it already makes sense to talk about a rejuvenating effect.

Anti-aging injections

The Asian cosmetics boom that began in 2014 has taken placental cosmetics to a new level. In the wake of the trend, placental care in the West has moved from the field of cosmetology to pharmacology. We have never allowed cosmetics with placenta, but placental therapy is gaining popularity within the walls of medical institutions.

Today, doctors offer injections and intravenous infusions of drugs from the human placenta for general rejuvenation of the body, skin care, and even for the treatment of individual organs. Medical journals with enviable consistency, they publish studies confirming the rejuvenating effect of drugs with human placenta extract on the body and skin: collagen synthesis, cell proliferation and differentiation, moisturizing and whitening effects, stimulation of local immunity, etc.

“10-minute” droppers with amino acids, biotin and placenta extract are very popular among Japanese businessmen - well-known workaholics who do not have the opportunity to get enough sleep, get sick and eat normally. According to Japanese doctors, it is better than multivitamins and aspirin. Some Russian clinics have already taken over the baton and recommend such immunostimulant energizers to our work-weary citizens, as well as to all mature women.

Potential threat

However, it is very difficult to understand what the cumulative effect of placental therapy will be. For example, some cytokines found in the human placenta act to increase inflammation, while others reduce it, and some may do both, depending on the environment they are exposed to, making predictions very difficult.

According to Western experts, at this stage there is not enough research to draw a conclusion about the unconditional benefit for everyone, without any side effects. In addition, scientists still fear that materials from human tissue may contain viruses and bacteria that are still unknown to modern science. Also alarming is the fact that in Japan, patients who practice 10-minute IVs cannot donate blood. Placental injections resemble a gamble: on the one hand - wow results, on the other - possible “interest on the loan”.

But modern cosmetics with placenta are really safe and seem to be effective. In addition, there are alternatives in cosmetics: from “living” sheep placenta to synthetic mixtures- you can always choose what is more to your liking and pocket.

Tatiana Morrison


Surely you have already heard about placental cosmetics and medications. There are many myths and rumors surrounding this topic - from where the placenta itself comes from to the incredible composition of such products. Which of this is true and which is fiction, we will tell further.

Placenta is an organ that is formed in the body of all female mammals during pregnancy. Its main function is the transfer of nutrients, oxygen, water, etc. between the circulatory systems of the mother and fetus.

Placental extracts have antibacterial and antiviral effects. The presence in the placenta of amino acids, enzymes, microelements and unique biologically active substances, especially regulatory proteins, allows preparations from the placenta to activate the “dormant” cells of the adult body, which leads to their reproduction, renewal of cellular composition, and ultimately to rejuvenation.


“Regular placental therapy allows cells to renew and divide at the same speed as in childhood and adolescence. Thanks to this, you can not only look ten years younger, but also feel young.”

Professor Yoshida Kentaro, medical practitioner and author of The Placenta That Serves Women.

History of the placenta in medicine - from Avicenna to the present day

Even the ancient eastern peoples knew about the benefits of the placenta - in particular, they made powder from it against various diseases. Avicenna and Hippocrates wrote about the placenta and its properties.

IN modern world The benefits of the placenta were first discussed in the 30s of the last century thanks to Professor V. Filatov. It was he who created the doctrine of biogenic stimulants (which include the placenta) and released drugs with its extract. And already in the 60s of the last century, the study of the placenta covered almost all scientific institutes of the world.

Today, Japan takes the lead in studying the properties of the placenta and producing placental preparations. Back in the 60s, more than 10 thousand studies were conducted there, and the placenta itself was successfully used in the treatment of more than 80 diseases. In this country, placental therapy is carried out even within the framework of insurance medicine. It is Japan that produces one of the leading drugs in the placental cosmetology industry - Laennec.

Where do the raw materials for placental preparations come from? Is it ethical to use?

The phrase “placental cosmetics” paints rather gloomy pictures in the imagination of many people. Abortive material, embryos, animal and human parts - and all this ends up in a jar of cream.

In fact, everything is far from so gloomy.

Firstly, in medicine and cosmetology, exclusively the placenta of a healthy and successfully given birth woman is used. It is formed only after the 12th week of pregnancy and simply cannot be present in the abortion material because it is too late and dangerous period for an abortion.

- Secondly, no one uses the placenta itself completely. With the help of extraction technologies, only individual components in powder form are used.

- Thirdly, after childbirth, the placenta is no longer an organ needed by either the child or the woman.. On the contrary, by taking it away, drug manufacturers take care of disposal of the placenta.

- Fourth, in Japan, manufacturers obtain written consent from the mother in labor to use her placenta, after which a prenatal check is carried out to ensure her health and compliance with the necessary standards.

Is it safe to use human placenta for cosmetic and medical purposes? Does the placenta contain hormones?

The placenta is taken only from a healthy woman, subject to a successful delivery and the birth of a healthy child. In Japan, this program is subsidized by the state and undergoes strict control. Female donors are screened for the possible presence of AIDS, tuberculosis, hepatitis and other infectious diseases.

The first placental cosmetics actually contained hormones, but today all raw materials are completely cleared of hormones.

Will placental cosmetics without hormones be effective?

The placenta contains many substances that have a rejuvenating and healing effect (we will discuss them in more detail later). Therefore, placental cosmetics have a significant effect even without hormones in their composition.

Composition and benefits of the placenta

The placenta is often called a “treasury” of nutrients. It contains more than 100 components, necessary for cell functioning: vitamins, proteins, minerals, amino acids, lipids, hyaluronic acid, enzymes, nucleic acids, immunostimulants, growth factors, peptides, etc.

Regular use of placental preparations helps slow down the aging process, restore strength after physical activity and combat skin and hair problems. But that's not all.

The use of placental cosmetics and medications is recommended for the following problems:

1. Chronic fatigue syndrome.

2. Problems with potency.

3. Pigment spots and wrinkles.

4. Swelling.

5. Low immunity.

6. Liver diseases.

7. Skin diseases (atopic dermatitis, herpes, psoriasis, eczema, acne).

8. Gynecological diseases (dysmenorrhea, infertility, ovarian dysfunction, etc.).

9. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach ulcer, stomach cancer, chronic constipation).

10. Neuroses, migraines, etc.

And this list is by no means complete. Thus, in Japan there are more than 80 diseases for which drugs with placenta show really good results.

In the online store JapTop you can purchase the world's leading drugs from RHANA - dietary supplements based on human placenta GRACE dietary supplement, BB Laboratories placental cosmetics, as well as anti-aging cosmetics based on JUKUBI placenta

Be healthy!