Married to a Spaniard, what husbands? Marry a Spaniard: Pros and Cons

And romance? I want an understanding, but no one to talk to? Married to a Spaniard you will receive a man who is in love with his ears, passionate looks and kisses, a housework and more family feast. An ideal way to learn how to just enjoy life and not rush anywhere.

It is customary for mothers to adore and obey in everything, and to indulge children and allow them a lot, without denying anything.

How the Spaniard cares

They often can afford to appear on a date with a delay and not apologize, because they simply are not used to rushing somewhere and doing everything on time.

On one of the Spanish dating sites, the questionnaire even included the question of whether the girl would wait for a guy on a first date for more than 30 minutes. Answer: “No, I won’t” the Spaniards can sincerely not understand and even be offended.

Inconstancy is also a characteristic feature of these handsome, swarthy men. Spaniards can easily change their minds, give and take away words.

They are sure that life is created for their pleasure and will not do anything that could prevent them from enjoying life. In addition, most of the promises the Spaniards make under the influence of strong emotions, which pass over time.

Spanish husband and Spanish wife - who is in charge?

Although the Spaniards are very fond of children, they are in no hurry to start their own families. Early marriage and especially early children in Spain are not common.

Even for women to marry before age 30 is considered reckless and unreasonable. The family is too responsible a matter for which one needs to be prepared both materially and psychologically.

The Spaniards can meet their future wife for years, while introducing her to all their girlfriend. And only acquaintance with numerous relatives indicates the seriousness of intentions.

A woman worships a woman in a Spanish family, and she is usually regarded as a mother and shrine to her wife.

Most often, Spanish women pursue their careers before marriage, and after giving birth, they no longer return to work, fully devoting themselves to household chores. Despite everything, the Spaniards remain very independent and self-sufficient.

On the one hand, men like this independence, but on the other hand, they would like more tenderness and more often feel the main thing in the house.

Spaniards are sensitive and caring fathers.

Each nationality has its own characteristics, which we somewhere once read or heard from friends or on television.

We know that the Germans are too practical, even sometimes a little greedy, the Italians are passionate, full of feelings and emotions and a little frivolous, the French are gallant, polite, and the Spaniards are real machos, passionate and hot. But to find out what they really need to live in this environment, and here you can find that they are not at all what you imagined.

I have been living in Spain for 3 years, and to every girl who has doubts about the Spanish life partner I can say: “don’t even think about it!”.

Yes, he is passionate, but he will most likely demonstrate his passion in private in the bedroom, and the rest of the time he will be caring and loving. The only negative that I found in absolutely all Spanish men is that they don’t know how to care for a girl, they don’t even suspect that you would not mind getting a bouquet of flowers, a bottle of perfume or an adornment. And over the years this does not change. Therefore, such differences in our cultures must be pronounced without embarrassment. Otherwise, you will not see a bouquet on March 8.

But the Spaniards are faithful husbands (this, in principle, can compensate for the lack of signs of attention) and stunning fathers who share their responsibilities with the wife at home and caring for children. More often you will see a man walking with a stroller and bottle-feeding a child than a young mother. And having arrived home after work, the Spanish husband will be happy to cook dinner.

In general, if you want to know in advance how your chosen one represents family life with you, ask him about his parents, because most likely he will use the same scheme in creating a family and family structure. Because if his mother never worked and was engaged only in home and children, then you will probably be offered a similar type of family life. And then you decide.

But despite the fact that they participate in family life, the Spaniards, more so than the Spaniards, love to take care of themselves, play sports, dress up.

Almost all the men I know go to the gym or run in the mornings, go in for cycling, tennis, and play football. By the way, I should warn you about this in advance. Football here is not just a sport, otherwise they would not have been champions. This is their passion!

They are ready to talk about it for hours, during the match the streets die out because everyone watches football at home or in bars, and in the news every day they talk about football for at least half an hour, including all the details about the life of the players. They are national heroes here. I remember about a year ago, in the news, for a week they were discussing versions of why Ronaldo was sad.

Here's another thing that is important, regardless of gender, Spaniards are big gossipers, this is part of the culture, they live by it. Therefore, do not be surprised that you will be told all the known details from the life of your new neighbors, and the most popular programs will tell about the personal lives of everyone who at least once appeared on the screen. And get ready that you and your every step will also be supervised, because your neighbors should also have something to talk about)).

In general, it is difficult to deduce a general formula for Spanish men; they are as different as the Russians. Someone likes to spend time in front of the TV at home, and someone prefers to sit in a bar with friends, discussing the last goal of Messi, and someone will suggest you spend a romantic dinner in a restaurant in a neighboring town. Everything is individual here.

But if you decide to connect your life with a Spanish man, I’m almost sure that you will not regret it, because for sure, despite all the differences between you, you will find not just a husband, but a friend, a loved one, support, in a word, a real life partner.

Spaniards - how much we heard about them! Hot macho, temperamental ladies have become a byword. But what are the actual gender relations in this country?

You can often notice that a prominent Spanish man is next to a seemingly quite ordinary woman. Perhaps this may surprise some, as local representatives of the stronger sex are really noticeable, attractive. For the most part, they can boast of correct facial features and a good figure, even if you can’t call them tall. Perhaps the key to understanding this phenomenon lies in the fact that the Spaniards know how to make every lady feel the embodiment of beauty. But how could it be otherwise if the unattractive women, according to these seniors, simply do not exist? In addition, unlike Italians, the Spaniards are more smiling and affable, which also attracts ladies. True, with age, such a smiling "dream man" can significantly deteriorate in character.

A significant role in such damage, however, is often played by the chosen ones, experiencing the nerves of their admirer with enviable tenacity. They do not rush to the crown, enjoying freedom in full, and thereby forcing their soul mate to be on the alert. And God forbid, harassment - a false statement to the police about rape may well be the result of persistence. And this despite the fact that some couple of decades ago the Spaniard could not take any serious step without the permission of her father or husband.

As you can see, the Spaniards are quite unbalanced, even if they do not differ in amazing external data. This was largely due to emancipation. She led to the fact that even if a lady gets into trouble, a man can sincerely consider that his intervention is inappropriate. What is a housewife, also in this country is not entirely clear. But at the same time, Spanish husbands readily help their soul mates to perform household chores and raise children. Perhaps the unpopularity of such activities as a housewife in this country is due to the fact that the stronger half are more interested in those women who can manifest themselves somehow, to reveal their personal qualities in any activity.

How do the inhabitants of a sunny country care? Romance is their second "I". Men try their best so that every minute of the meeting does not go to waste and is remembered for a long time. A woman will certainly feel like a center of attention, an exceptional person. Gallantry and good manners, of course, are not found in 100% of Spaniards, but many of them are enthusiastically found by the fair sex. Such attributes of dates as flowers and gifts also have a place to be, but at the present time they should not be counted on for their long-term gift. The fact is that Spaniards do not really like long-term manifestations of courtship.

How will the gentleman appear on a date? Appearance, most likely, will be magnificent, as Spanish men are distinguished by good taste in the choice of clothing and accessories to it. However, in this country it is not difficult to make such a choice, since the clothes here are made very high quality and are available to almost everyone. Often among the Spaniards metrosexuals. But you should be prepared for the fact that a tastefully dressed gentleman will arrive with a decent delay. Which, however, our ladies would have considered indecent, but the Spanish women would not pay such attention. And is it any wonder, if punctuality is, in principle, not in the price of this nation? Like promises of something, the Spaniard will just as easily take his word back as he will give it.

Therefore, the easiest way is to react indulgently to the fervent promises of a gentleman that local women have long understood. With obscene proposals, if anyone addresses a woman, then most likely it will be a Basque. It can be determined by some similarities in behavior with Georgians. Basically, the communication of the Spaniard with the chosen one will be refined and delivering aesthetic pleasure. For example, her name is unlikely to be called, replacing it with beautiful epithets.

It is unlikely for anyone to discover the information that the Spaniards are passionate natures. They quickly fall in love, surrender to the feeling selflessly and with indispensable flashes of jealousy. However, the partner should always be prepared for the fact that such emotions can fade out as abruptly as they arise. Locals are accustomed to this state of affairs, but our compatriots are not always able to get along with the Spaniard due to differences in mentality.


I’ve been following your wonderful site from the very opening. I am very glad that he has become so popular with you and you are doing such a noble thing. I am sending you a story about Spain. Please publish it, I was asked by many girls. I hope you enjoy it. If you want, include it in the newsletter, it would be great!

I recently married a Spaniard, I live in Barcelona and am very pleased. She used to live in St. Petersburg. I am 26 years old. At the request of many girls, I express my opinion about this country and its inhabitants. Someone may disagree, but this is his right, but I write my personal impressions.

From the point of view of Russian women, most Spanish men are pretty handsome. They have dark hair, beautiful big eyes, regular facial features. This is not to say that they are very tall, rather average. Men, even in adulthood, are beautiful, with such a noble gray hair. They look after themselves very much, dress elegantly and tastefully.

Speaking of character and other qualities, I will talk about men from 30 years old, with an average and high level of education and income.

Spanish men are very attached to their family and children. They never abandon children, even after a divorce, they are required by law to support them and it seems that they do it with great pleasure. I saw how such divorced daddies take their children to Disneyland to Paris and to America, not counting all the pleasures in Spain. In modern Spain, families usually have 1 child, and treating children as kings, they are very much allowed and spoiled. Traditional husbands usually do not start novels on the side, the society extremely condemns such actions and all this is in plain sight and it is very difficult to hide something, and are faithful to their wives.

The attitude towards a woman is very respectful, a woman acquires a completely different value than in Russia. In modern Spain, a woman commands in one form or another. She used to be very crushed, now it's the other way around. Spanish women are loud, emancipated, there are beautiful and well-mannered women, but most are not so attractive and would greatly lose to the Russians. Almost all brunettes, but some dye their hair. They dress and comb their clothes quite untidily and unforgivingly (95 percent wear only trousers, even in the heat), many smoke, speak loudly and non-stop (men are silent). Young people don’t especially care about clothes, and sometimes you see very strange outfits, for example, a girl in trousers, and a skirt up to the knees is put on top. I somehow don’t understand this and I can’t get used to it. In the daytime, they are almost not painted. On the contrary, women aged and elderly dress elegantly, make beautiful hairstyles, take care of themselves.

Many Spanish men are disappointed in young Spanish women because they lose their femininity and want to compete with men in everything, and very often they care more about career and money than family and husband, and you will not get tenderness, care and understanding from them. They lose their traditional family values. In modern families, usually both spouses work. The average age for marriage is 29 years for women and 30 years for men. It is very difficult to get a Spaniard to marry, many people prefer to live for years without registering a marriage. Divorce is not easy, costs money and takes at least 2 years. But if he decided to marry - he will do it without fail. In general, I heard about the optionalness of the Spaniards, but I did not meet with this, and all the promises were clearly kept.

A bit about the concepts of beauty. A woman whom no one paid attention to in Russia can be considered a beauty in Spain, and she will be reminded of this every day, making compliments, starting with the seller of newspapers and neighbors, and ending with her husband's parents. Blonde, blond or with bright eyes is already considered beautiful.

The standard of living is quite high, maybe the average salary is not as high as in northern Europe or the United States, but the price level is also different. In addition, the average is the average, and there are many people who earn much more than the average and can afford to live just fine. In cities, Spaniards live in apartments, in villages and small towns - in their own homes. The apartment usually has more rooms than in Russia, but the rooms are small. Usually in a large apartment there are 2-3 bathrooms. Many apartments have large balconies or terraces (maybe even 100 meters), where you can sunbathe, have lunch and relax, even put a small pool. There are flowers on the balconies. There are also buildings with private pools. In most of the entrances - a concierge, many residents know each other, greet each other. Many Spaniards have "second residences" - a house (apartment) in the countryside or in a village on the beach, where they go to rest.

Many have servants in their homes and apartments (at least for all my friends), her services are inexpensive. As I understand it, in other European countries such as Germany or England this is not typical, here it is normal. My husband also captivated me by saying that I shouldn’t wash the dishes when I tried to do this, because I’m not a servant, but a “senior”, and I tried to do everything myself (things like washing toilets, floors, ironing, dusting and other unpleasant work is done by the incoming housekeeper).

There is a very large selection of quality products and they are cheap. These are huge supermarkets, where there are so many that you are shocked at first, there’s no choice of 300 types of cheese. Oranges and lemons are sold in bags of several kilograms. For example, they sell 5 different types of potatoes, one for cooking, another for frying, etc. In my opinion, all the same, just different varieties. Oranges, too, are written directly on the nets, which are for juice, which are for other needs. There are also small family shops, bakeries, vegetables, perfumes, etc. The same thing with clothes and shoes, all this is much cheaper than in Russia and there is anything, of excellent quality.

The Spaniards travel a lot, both in Spain and abroad. Very many (at least in Madrid and Barcelona) were in Russia, oddly enough.

People in Spain are friendly, calm, welcoming, because life is settled here, there are no stresses and such experiences as in Russia that embitter people and make them constantly nervous and unhappy.

Nature and ecology are wonderful, almost always warm and the sun shines. I really like that this country has an ancient history and culture, and at every step there are all sorts of historical places. But then again, no better than the sights of St. Petersburg, for example. But they are much better concerned about their history and culture, all houses are restored and looked after. But probably it is easier because of the climate again.

Also, if someone has specific questions about Spain and the Spaniards, write, if I can, I will write more for this site.

Oh hot Spanish men !!! How many articles and comments can be found on the Internet on the topic of Spanish temperament ?! How many myths exist about their ardor!

Here at my leisure I decided to read what they write about Spanish men on the Internet and I was so surprised by what I read that I could not restrain myself and decided to write this article, so to speak, to reveal the truth about what Spanish men really are. In most articles you will find the opposite of my information. To whom to trust and whom to listen is up to you. As far as I understood, the articles that I read were written by tourists. And, as I already said in one of my articles, tourists will never have the right opinion about the country and the people in it if they chose to visit or lie on the beach 2 meters away from their own, instead of wandering on the outskirts of the city and visit the local bars there. You need to live in the country to know her. In general, I tell you.

The article is called “Spanish Men,” but I will still talk more about Valencians. According to the results of my survey of girls who have visited different cities of the country, Valencians are less attractive to them, muscular and well-groomed. Whether it’s true or not, I won’t judge, it simply informed you that they answered me.

So girls, it's time to find out the truth and come down from heaven to earth.

OPINION 1.  Spanish men are tall, handsome, and muscular.

Reality: Dear ladies, where did you get this from? From the tv? From the Internet? From newspapers and magazines? Here is a photo from the cover of the article - do you really think that Spaniards are like that ?? You understand that all of the above is the media, and their task is to attract your attention, and not to tell the truth. Before my first visit to Spain, I also believed that the Spanish macho will conquer me at first sight. I have to upset you, girls. For the most part, Spaniards are not at all attractive, sometimes even too much. Of course, everyone has different tastes and does not argue about them, but ordinary Spanish men, so to speak, “from the street”, have nothing to do with the muscular handsome men from the cover.

First of all, they are very low, an average of 170-175cm. For the most part, they have the usual physique, sometimes “with a beer belly” (although, it should be recognized, Russian men are beaten out as leaders in this respect), their facial features are not always attractive and their appearance leaves much to be desired. They have dark eyes and black hair - that's true. But this is not always enough for beauty. It seems that due to the genetic characteristics of the nation, hair in men in some parts of Spain begins to fall out quite early, and many already have a shiny bald spot on their tops by the age of 30-35 (usually there is hair on the sides). This goes to someone, but not to someone. With all these qualities, the Spaniards consider themselves to be high-blooded handsome men. In Valencia, these “beauties” are darkness.

Now many of you will cry out that I am not right and that Spanish men are watching and dressing with a needle. What can I say. Firstly, it depends on the city. Madrid, Barcelona - the cities are popular and, of course, men are there, and people in general dress up one level (although, to be honest, I did not notice this). Secondly, I say again, do not compare a dozen Spanish men in the resort area on the “hunt” for easy prey - “tourist” - with the total mass of Spanish men living in the country. This article is about the men of Spain as a whole, and not about a bunch of machos who sit on the beach for hours, looking for “booty”, and spend the rest of the time in boutiques, beauty salons and a gym. You will find such kindness in every country. However, they do not characterize all the men of the country.

Conclusion: If I came here for permanent residence, I would not be able to find a life partner here. And the question is not only in appearance, but also in mentality, culture.

OPINION 2.  Spanish men know how to care for women.

Reality: MYTH to all myths is the worst misconception of all! This is NOT THE TRUTH, girls. Compared to Russians, Spaniards have no idea how to care for a woman. Again, we are not talking about a handful of “beach and club hunters,” we are talking about ordinary average Spanish men. To make sure of my words, it is not enough to twist a spa romance with the Spaniard, you need to live here. At the resort, all men are good and gallant, and all the girls are doubly sensitive to the slightest attention. However, if we dig deeper and talk about serious courting to create a lasting relationship, then it will reveal in all its glory - the art of the Spaniards to look after ....

Once there was a case: we met with my husband relatives at the airport - two young girls. It turned out funny. When we met them, the girls automatically transferred all the suitcases to the only man who was with us, i.e. my husband, and then we all, joyful from the meeting, went out. At home, my husband expressed everything to me that he thinks about Russian customs. He said that he felt insulted, because all things were hung on him, like a slave. That such behavior is unacceptable and stuff like that. An interesting point of view for me ... It offended him instead of feeling like a man. Now I make sure that this does not happen again and that he does not feel uncomfortable. Although, to date, he does not need to say anything, he automatically takes the suitcases from all the ladies without talking. Of course, I help him.

Conclusion: Like a Spaniard? We will have to teach him manners of behavior and courtship. If the relationship is serious, he will do it. If not, you do not need it.

OPINION 3.  Spanish men are generous

Reality: ....... ..

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