Learning to read by syllables in a playful way. How to explain to a child how to combine two letters in a syllable? How to teach a child to put letters in syllables

Gone are the days when the baby, being a "clean slate", entered first grade. The child was taught everything at school: letters, numbers and other tricks, and parents could only help and control the development of little Einstein. Today, not even in all kindergartens they give the basics of reading and counting, and the conditions for admission to an educational institution are tightened and without knowledge, the kid’s diplomas can not be credited. Therefore, dad and mom have to arm themselves with various training manuals and begin independent training of the child. And if you somehow manage to master the letters, then reading is very difficult. We will talk about how to teach a child syllables in our article.

Everything has its time, or hurry up slowly

There are hardly any parents who would not like to proudly boast about their acquaintances that their baby, at the age of 5, easily “swallows” Lev Tolstoy’s four-volume “War and Peace”. But such a desire, rather, from the world of fiction. Each child is unique, and to expect that reading will be his favorite pastime, at least presumptuous. Better not try to make your child catch up with and overtake neighbors or friends in the development of children, and in search of an answer to the question of how to teach a child syllables, try to trust only him: sooner or later, the kid himself will declare his desire to learn to read.

You ask: how to understand that the child has "matured"? We list several signs:

  • The baby is able to coherently retell the movie you’ve watched or the fairy tale you’ve read: he easily draws up sentences and expresses himself clearly;
  • The child easily recognizes sounds by ear. In order to verify this, invite him to repeat the syllables you uttered: “ma-ra”, “pi-ni”, “za-na”, “bu-zu”, etc. If there are no problems, the task can be complicated adding one more syllable (“ka-ta-ka”, “zu-bu-zu”, “la-ta-la”). Control the correct pronunciation;
  • The kid easily navigates in space, knows where "right", "left", "top" and "bottom".

If this simple exam is passed, you can safely start learning to read. By and large, even a five-year-old peanut with the proper level of development will not be difficult to master this wisdom.

How to teach a child to read syllables?

Before teaching a child syllables, it is important for parents to understand: the whole process should take place in a playful and entertaining way. In no case can it be forced - it can discourage the baby from reading for a long time.

Teaching a child to read syllables is usually not so difficult if you approach the issue creatively. Where to start? Naturally, with the mastery of vowels. There are usually no problems with them, but consonants require more thoughtful study. In order to avoid problems with compiling syllables in the future, it is important to pronounce consonants in sound form, that is, not “be”, but “b”; not “en,” but “n."

Exercise should be no longer than 15 minutes a day, gradually increasing the time. The main thing is to do this every day so that the information received is not forgotten and is firmly entrenched in the memory of the baby.

As soon as the letters become familiar to the perception and the child easily learns to recognize them, you need to start reading syllables. This is also nothing complicated. You can make cards, or even better, use a primer and start learning with the simplest. We find or write the letter "m" and together with the child we pronounce it. Next, we do the same with the letter “a”. Now you can tell a story about how the letter “m” is in a hurry to take the letter “a” by the hand, and when they meet, it turns out to be very melodic “m-a”. It is better to choose simple syllables, which include only two sounds: “ka”, “yes”, “na”, “ha”. Take your time - constantly repeat the material you have learned. Then proceed to the study of complex syllables: “cabbage soup”, “chew”, “not”, etc. After them, move on to mastering syllables beginning with vowels: “en”, “od”, “mustache”, etc. And only when the baby has learned the material reliably, can you move on to combining syllables into simple words: “ma-ma”, “re-ka”, “la-la”.

The entire learning process can be quite lengthy, and sometimes it even turns into a multi-season series “How to Teach a Child Syllables”, and in very difficult cases, parents “watch” the last episodes after the peanut enters school.

Some methods suggest learning syllables by reading them as if in a chant, and this is a rather gross mistake: the baby, accustomed to “singing” syllables, eventually continues to do the same with reading whole sentences, combining them into one infinite word, without punctuation marks and pauses. Therefore, it is advisable to learn to read with the expression, pausing after each word or punctuation mark.

How to teach a child to combine syllables?

When the baby can confidently manipulate the syllables and pronounce them clearly with expression, it is time to learn to read the words. They should consist of two-letter syllables, be short and understandable to the child (“ry-ba”, “zu-by”, “me-so”, “mo-lo-ko”).

Teaching children to combine syllables, according to teachers, is very convenient, using books for preschoolers, where words are correctly separated, many illustrations, and texts are quite short.

As soon as your child masters the wisdom of simple words, you can safely tackle the more complex ones: “weight-on”, “doll-la”, “cat”, etc. Try to choose words where the first syllable consists of three letters and the second of two.

Answering the question of how to teach a child syllables, it is worth emphasizing that systematic and constant repetition is important here. For this purpose, use pre-made cards with the syllables: "ba", "bo", "boo", "ba", etc. You need to make them for each consonant and vowel letter. Using cards it is very convenient to compose the words: “va” + “za” \u003d “va-za”, “ly” + “zhi” \u003d “ly-zhi”.

Parents should understand that each child is individual, and the rate of assimilation of new knowledge is different for everyone. It is quite possible that you will encounter the following situations:

  • The kid knows absolutely all the letters, but for some reason does not want to combine them into syllables;
  • There are no problems with letters and syllables, but there is absolutely no desire to learn to read with a peanut.

Take a closer look at the child: it is quite possible that he wants to cope with the task faster, so he is in a hurry to answer; the baby forgot or mixed up some letters; he is just scared to master the unfamiliar and move on to a new stage of training.

In any case, it is unacceptable to crush, let alone shout and scold the child in the learning process. With this, you will permanently beat off his desire to study. Interest the baby, learn by playing - and you will succeed. And when you meet a friend who complains that her child does not want to learn to read, you can say with a clear conscience: “You don’t know how to teach a child syllables? Come on, I'll tell you. ”

Text: Tatyana Okonevskaya

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You will need

  • - cubes with letters;
  • - split alphabet;
  • - plasticine;
  • - A computer with a text editor and voice simulator;
  • - an album for drawing;
  • - felt-tip pens or colored pencils.

Instruction manual

Explain to the child what sounds are in Russian speech. Tell us how vowels differ from consonants. Vowels can be pulled and sung, consonants are pronounced briefly, they cannot be stretched, but they can be voiced and deaf, hissing and whistling. If classes are conducted in a playful way, the child will quickly remember everything that the snake is “shhhh”, and this zawu is called hissing, and the fabulous Nightingale the Robber makes a whistling sound “hhhhhh”.

Learn to make and draw word models. This can also be done in the form of a game. For example, ask him to come up with a cipher that only you can understand. Designate vowels with one symbol and consonants with another. Then it will be possible to mark in the models soft consonants, hissing, whistling and others.

Show the child how different sounds are sometimes indicated by the same letter. For example, a voiced consonant at the end of a word or before a deaf person can be stunned, instead of the one that is written, another. When reading some consonants are not heard at all, they are "" among others.

Start teaching your child to add that begin with vowels. Choose those that make sense to him. Choose the appropriate pictures and sign the necessary ones under them syllables. For example, the baby eats porridge and says “am”. The circus dog is going to jump through the hoop, and the trainer says: “up!”. You can write letters in syllables not near, but at a certain distance, and connect them with an arc. Invite your student to pull the vowel and draw a finger along the arc at that time, and then briefly pronounce the consonant.

Gradually move on to other types of syllables. First, take those that are written in just two letters - "ma", "pa", "tu", etc. Show what happens if you add one more to the simple syllable or add it to another letter. From the syllable “pa”, the baby can understand the word “dad”, and if you add the letter “p”, then you also get the whole word, which is like “steam”.

Require some attention syllablesconsisting of several consonants. Even if your student reads pretty simple syllables, he may not immediately realize that two consonants must be pronounced in a row. Invite him to read the letters individually, and then divide the word so that the child understands what fragments it consists of. For example, in the word “rook” suggest first read “g”, then the syllable “ra” is understandable and finish reading again with one letter “h”. Then show the other reading options — gra-h and g-rach. Do the same with all the other words that are not very familiar to the young reader.

In parallel, teach your child to put words from cubes, a split alphabet. You can sculpt letters from plasticine or cut out of colored paper. On plasticine, you can show that letters can be blinded with each other and pronounce the sounds indicated by them. Words are best folded on a limited plane. For example, it could be. It allows the preschooler to focus better. Invite the child to stack the letters in the order in which he wants. Read what he did. Alternate this exercise with “pattern writing,” that is, folding syllables and words from the alphabet.

Use computer programs - for example, a voice simulator. Type a simple text) (you can at first from several syllables) and run the simulator. Then offer the same procedure to your student. This exercise is likely to arouse his interest, and he will ensure that the simulator reads something meaningful.

Hello, Eugene!

Perhaps you’re just in a hurry, you just have to wait a little while and your child himself without any special programs and techniques will be able to easily and quickly add syllables into words.

Ways to add letters to syllables

Today, there are two main ways of folding letters into syllables:

  • This method is perhaps familiar to many who have at least once taught a child to read. With him, it is supposed to simply name each letter and combine them into a syllable. For example, take the syllable "RA". You can use one of three auxiliary methods:

An adult with a pencil, pen or pointer shows the baby the first letter, after which he slowly moves the pointing object to the second letter, as if connecting them with a "path". At the same time, the adult pulls, pronouncing the 1st letter until the child himself “reaches” the 2nd letter. Say the second letter so that the “sound track” does not break.

Write large all the letters of the alphabet on separate cards. The adult holds one letter in one hand, the child reads it. Meanwhile, while the 1st letter is pronounced, from afar the adult brings the 2nd letter. The first is sharply removed (it seems to “fall”), and the baby proceeds to read the next, shown letter.

Make cards where different letters will be written on both sides. An adult holds the card with one side to the child. He reads the letter on it, after which the adult immediately turns the card over on the other side and the child begins to read the second letter.

  • The following method is based on the age characteristics of children and on the use of the properties of their memory. It is easier for children to learn to read by memorizing systems of reading units, the so-called syllables-mergers. Namely, syllables that consist of a consonant and a vowel following it. Even for the articulation apparatus, such memorization seems easier, since the lips and tongue, teeth and vocal cords form a syllable as one unit, without pausing between “P” and “A”, for example, but simply and easily pronouncing “RA”. When using this technique, syllables need to be simply memorized just like you memorized letters with a child:

Many times an adult calls syllables: MA, MU, PA, PU, \u200b\u200betc .;

The adult instructs the child to find a specific syllable and paint over it;

To give the baby the opportunity to name-read the syllable.

Which of these two methods to choose is up to you. You can try both of them in order to understand which one is the best for your child. You can also combine both of these methods. To make the learning process easier and faster, use game situations - play the construction or transportation of goods, a store or a pharmacy. And in these games, use ready-made cards with syllables or just letters. Try not to scold the baby, not to force or read notations. Then learning will be a joy.

On the Internet, of course, there are many techniques and just games with which you can easily teach your baby to read. For example, you can see "Fun Lessons"

In today's world, parents have to deal with the need to teach their children to read at home. Far from always in kindergarten, children can learn this. Collective classes are not always fully absorbed by the baby. Additional classes with teachers are quite expensive, not everyone can afford them. Therefore, parents try to do it at home.

Consequences of early reading and developmental stages

Now many are striving to start developing and educating their children as early as possible. However, this approach can be not only useless, but also harmful to the health of the child. The results of the early start of training may not be immediately apparent. They can appear after several years and come to light in a completely unexpected form: stuttering, tics, obsessive movements, neuroses.

In order to understand why such consequences occur, it is necessary to know about the main stages of the development and formation of the child.

  • From the very beginning of pregnancy and until the baby is 3 years old, the basis for his future physical and mental health is being formed. At this time, the emotional sphere is actively forming, and the child’s body and its cognitive interests are also developing at an accelerated pace.
  • In the period from the age of three to 5-8 years, there is an active development of the senses: hearing, vision, smell, touch, taste buds. Up to 5-6 years, the ciliary muscle of the eye is strengthened, which is responsible for visual acuity. That is why, ophthalmologists do not recommend giving large loads on the eyes during this period, it is dangerous for the development of myopia.
  • At the age of 7 to 15 years, the conscious psyche of the child is actively developing.

   Do not rush to teach your child to read

In order to avoid the negative results of early learning, all these factors must be taken into account.

Preliminary preparation

It is necessary to start preparing the child for reading long before the learning process. It is necessary to actively develop the child's phonemic hearing and sense of rhythm. These are important components for successful reading instruction.

Sense of rhythm

You can begin to develop a sense of rhythm during pregnancy.   Sing lullabies to the baby, which is still in the womb, this will help the future mother to develop his sense of rhythm. The baby will remember their rhythmic pattern and, having been born, will be much quicker to calm down to the sounds that he has already heard. You can not only hum lullabies, but also recite poems, stroke your stomach, observing the rhythm of performance.

   Singing songs for the baby still in the womb, in the future, will improve its development

In infants and young children can read nursery rhymes, jokes.   While reading, pat it, stroke it, clap it with small hands, throw it on your lap, stomp your legs at a given pace. Such simple games with the baby will greatly contribute to the development of his sense of rhythm. You can also use small songs-songs, combine them with massage. Starting from 4 months, you can combine songs with rhythmic movements.   As an example, you can use the song “We rocked on a swing. Download, download, download, download! ” Combine singing songs and swaying the child at a given pace. Teach the baby to dance, move to different melodies - waltz, polka, march.

Use the “sounding gestures” of the body: clapping, loud and quiet slapping on the body, stamping, clicking your fingers not only in the air, but also on the body. Teach your child to knock on various objects: spoons, cubes, toys. When he can walk on his own, rhythmic gymnastics can begin.

Develop a sense of rhythm with speech. Slam and trample words, poems, songs, nursery rhymes in the rhythm of reading. Long syllables will be rare claps, short syllables will be frequent. Use smooth hand movements. Learn to reproduce the rhythmic pattern that you depicted. Use the simplest musical instruments: rattles, maracas, bells, drum, spoons, metallophone, metal triangle.

All these simple games will not only be interesting and fun for the child, but will also greatly help in developing a sense of rhythm.

Phonemic Hearing

With the help of phonemic hearing, or speech, we distinguish and recognize sounds, perceive their succession in a word, understand the meaning of the spoken, distinguish words that are similar in sound composition. If he is not sufficiently developed, then the baby will have problems in pronouncing sounds, in speech development, in the ability to build coherent stories, and writing and reading skills will not be developed.

You can begin to develop verbal hearing in crumbs from the moment it is born.   Talk with him, pronounce the sounds that he makes and which he still does not know how to pronounce. Sing him songs for children and lullabies, read poetry, nursery rhymes.

   Conversations with the baby, singing songs to him, reading fairy tales, rhymes, forms the ear's speech in the baby

The period of very great importance in the development of speech hearing is the age from six months to two years. But its final formation ends by the age of 7, when the child’s speech becomes similar to the speech of an adult.

Useful activities from 6 months to 2 years:

  • When the baby is older, you can offer him to "listen to the silence" by closing his eyes. Let him then tell you about those sounds that he heard (ticks, dripping water, noise from neighbors), and then compare them with those sounds that you heard.
  • Invite your child to find a sound. To do this, hide any thing that makes a sound and let it find it. You can play "blind manners", blindfold and ring the bell.
  • Show how different objects sound (knocking a spoon, knocking a ball on the floor, rustling polyethylene, rustling paper sheets, creaking doors, dropping something on the floor). After that, blindfold the child and ask them to guess which object is making a sound. Play this way with musical instruments.
  • Make noise toys with your child. To do this, fill small jars with various loose objects (sand, stones, semolina, millet, beans, small metal objects). Make a pair of each species. Then ask the baby to close his eyes and make a noise. Let the child find a pair, a jar with the same filling.

   Games with objects making sounds develop a child's phonemic ear

Games for developing a sense of rhythm can help in the development of phonemic hearing:

  • Play the game "Loud and quiet." For loud words or the sound of some objects, agree to perform one action, for a quiet sound - other actions.
  • Find the right one. For the game, select words with similar sounds (dot-night) and the corresponding pictures to them. Name the item, and your baby should find it in the picture as soon as possible.
  • Ask your child to clap or stomp only when you name the item correctly. Make a mistake in pronunciation, replace the first letter: grillok, drilavok, trilavok, counter, shrimp ...
  • Let the baby find mistakes: We lit a sheep (candle). A house (catfish) floated in a river.
  • Agree to pronounce only the same syllables, and if you make a mistake, the child says “stop”, claps or stomps. Ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ba-ra-ra.
  • Use onomatopoeia to develop phonemic hearing. Ask to say how a cat says, a dog, how a fly flies, a mosquito ...
  • "Whose house". To play, draw houses with a different number of windows (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). Choose words with the corresponding number of sounds (mind, mouth, tiger, mouse, magpie, gift). Explain that each word has its own house and in order to find it, you need to calculate the number of windows in the house and the number of sounds in the word. For one sound - one window.
  • "Runaway letter." Ask the child to guess which letter has escaped: _orona, _agon, _orobey, _areny, _arezhka. (The letter B escaped).

Develop phonemic hearing with the help of educational games. Many of these games can be played not only at home, but also in a long line, for a walk, during a trip.

It’s good if you teach a child to divide words into syllables early. How to do this, says teacher Svetlana Orochko in the next video.

How to understand whether a child is ready to learn to read?

  • the child builds connected stories, does not get confused, making sentences, meaningful and intelligible speech;
  • he pronounces all sounds, has no speech therapy problems;
  • everything is fine with hearing;
  • the development of phonemic hearing at the proper level;
  • has landmarks in space, can show where left-right, top-bottom.
  • he is interested in literature and maybe even asks you to teach him how to read.

If all of these factors are present, then you can start reading instruction.

The choice of teaching methods

If earlier everyone used only the traditional technique, now there are many of them. You need to take a responsible approach to choosing the right program, because each of them has not only advantages, but also its disadvantages. Tyulenev’s training, Zaitsev’s cubes, Glenn Doman’s training methodology and his cards are all fashionable methods that do not yet have long-term studies.

Often you may encounter the fact that the child can read as early as 3-4 years. However, speech therapists, teachers and neurology specialists may not like this very much. Children, whose parents' choice fell on memorizing syllables, may have problems with sound-word analysis. Pupils learning in an unconventional way may have difficulty dividing words into syllables, and “swallow” the endings of words. Retraining of such children is given to teachers much harder than learning from scratch.

From the side of neurology, problems with hyperactivity, increased excitability may appear.   Socialization of a child can be very difficult. Reading can be mechanical. The child quickly composes words from syllables, can perfectly read sentences, but at the same time does not understand what he has read.

   Children who learn to read early may have problems from neurogia.

See the next video for more details on choosing a technique.

Learning letters

To begin to study letters is with the vowels "a", "o", "y", "e", "s", "and". Tell your child why these letters are called vowels. They can be sung in a voice, consonants to sing will not work.

After studying the vowels, we begin to learn voiced consonants - “m”, “l”, “n”. It is necessary that the child fixes his attention precisely on the letter, its graphic spelling, and not the picture associated with it (A-Stork, B - hippo).

After the kid has carefully studied the vowels and voiced consonants, one can start learning deaf consonants ("t", "p", and others) and hissing "f", "w", "h", "u".

Remember, when learning letters, never use their name.   The child needs to memorize letters using sounds.No “ER”, “DE” “EM”, etc., only “P”, “D”, “M”. It’s still difficult for the kid to understand that if the letter is called “EM”, then why in the word MAMA it is not read so. He will read EMEAEMA.

Fix previously studied material each time.   When studying letters, be sure to remember those that the baby already knows.

Show calm and patience. Even adults are not given anything right away.   Understand that the world of letters for a baby is very complex. If today he cannot remember the letter that was studied yesterday, then it is necessary not to scold him for this, but should repeat it again, and be sure to remember it the next day. Repeat the material until the child is well-versed in it.

Learning to read syllables correctly

You need to start learning to add letters almost immediately.After you learn the vowels and a couple of consonants, you can already merge the syllables.

Very accessible for children, how syllables are formed from letters is described in the ABC Book by N. Zhukova.

Cheerful boy runs from letter to letter. The first sound lasts until it reaches the second. Instead of a cheerful boy, you can use any favorite toy of the child. It may be a boat sailing from one port to one port; a teddy bear traveling from one letter to another; a machine that moves from one parking lot to another ... There are many options, the kid himself can tell the plot.

Begin teaching syllable reading with a combination of two vowels: AAAUUU, OOOUUU.   When the child understands how to combine sounds, go to syllables with the combination of consonant + vowel (BA, YES, BUT). Study the letter and add syllables with it. It will be more difficult for the child to add syllables with hissing consonants (ZhU, ZhA, ChA). This will be the next learning step.

After the child has learned how to add open syllables (consonant + vowel), go to closed syllables (vowel + consonant). You can please the baby that he learned to read the words (AH, OX, YES, AL).

At the initial stage of learning to read syllables, ask the child to sing them, so he will not make individual sounds. Chanting will help you learn to read syllables together. Always repeat what you learned earlier.   You can use ready-made video tutorials or presentations. This will add a touch of variety to your activities.

An example of how letters need to be combined into syllables, see the next video.

How to teach syllables to read correctly?

After the child has memorized all the letters and learned to read syllables, it is time to learn to read syllables.

Start by offering simple words to read:   MOTHER, FRAME, SOAP, BABA, MILA. Watch your baby’s pronunciation.   Teach him to read 3 letter words: CHEESE, CAT, HOUSE, MOUTH. Later, move on to reading words with 3 syllables or more:   RAVEN, FORTY, MILK. Choose words that indicate specific objects or actions to read.

After the baby will be able to read individual words, start reading simple sentences.   RO-MA SOAP RA-MU. MA-MA WE-LA MI-LOU. I AND RO-MA - MO-LOD-Tsy. Make sure that the child pauses between words, sentences, respects rhythm and intonation. During this period, you can explain to the child what punctuation marks are and why they are needed. It is necessary to talk about the question and exclamation marks, how the dot differs from the comma, that the sentence contains a complete thought.

   Patience, regularity and encouragement will yield great results in reading.

How to teach a child to read fluently?

The syllabic reading is characteristic in that it takes children a lot of time and effort. The child first reads the word in syllables, then combines the syllables into a word. If he reads a sentence, then these processes occur with every word from it. Only then he combines the words into sentences and can understand its meaning. As a result, when reading a small text, a young reader cannot always reveal its meaning. There is no holistic perception of the text.

The next step in learning will be to read familiar simple words holistically, but more complex words the child will still read in syllables. At this time, he can make many mistakes when reading, because he begins to guess the words, replace the endings in them. It is very important not to miss this moment. If you noticed a large number of reading errors, you need to slow down.   This is done so that a frequent return to what has already been read to correct errors does not lead to a regression of eye movement.

Only after going through this stage, the child learn to read holistically, fluently. At the same time, the reading pace increases, errors become rare.

In order for the child to learn to read fluently, you need to pay attention to:

  • development of random access memory (information is stored in memory at that time which is necessary for performance of any task, achievement of the purpose);
  • widening of the angle of view;
  • attention development;
  • inadmissibility of regressive eye movements;
  • vocabulary expansion;
  • good articulation development.

   Give your child time to master the basics

Repeated reading trainings will greatly help you in the formation of fluent reading skills. No need to force the child to read for a long time, let him read 5 minutes and rest.Such reading five-minutes can be arranged several times during the day. Invaluable help will be provided by visual dictations. They very well help develop RAM. In the formation of fluent reading skills will help reading tongue twisters, expressive reading.

To develop RAM, the child can be invited to play the following games:

  • We consider the picture with the objects depicted on it for 30 sec - 1 min.We close it and ask the baby to name objects or write them down. By the same principle, you can place several objects on the table (about 10) and let them be examined. After that, ask the baby to turn away and remove 2 objects or swap them among themselves. Have the child name the items that have been cleaned or tell what has changed.
  • The game “Find the same cards” can help.   All cards are turned upside down. The child takes turns opening a pair of cards and looking for the same. The winner is the one with the most pairs.
  • Within a few seconds, invite to consider the picture,and then removing it, ask the child to tell as much as possible about what was depicted.

To expand the angle of view in a child, the use of Schulte tables will be very effective.

   The principle of working with the table is to focus on the central number, while it is necessary to find all the numbers in order without looking away from the center

In developing attention, the following games can help you:

  •   "Find a picture."Before the player, several bright, colorful pictures are laid out. It is necessary to show as quickly as possible on the picture that the presenter calls. The game will be more interesting if there are 2 or 3 players. Whoever showed the desired picture faster takes that picture for himself.
  •   Cross out the letter.The child is invited to a leaflet with the letters written on it. Within a few seconds, he should cross out on the sheet all the letters that the adult said (for example, APIGPYYOPARTAABDRLTSA - Cross out the letter A). The time given for strikethrough is determined based on the number of letters on the sheet.
  •   “Slam when you hear” Different words are spoken to the child at a fast pace. He needs to clap his hands when he hears a word on a given topic. Themes can be offered each time different: vegetables, fruits, wild animals, pets, dishes ...

Reading with the closed part of the text read helps to avoid regressive eye movements. Each word you read immediately closes with a ruler, bookmark or piece of paper.

Important information for learning speed reading as a child, see the next program.

  • Start reading instruction only when the child is psychologically ready for it. In all children, this can happen at different ages. Some will be ready to study at 4 years old, and some only at 6-7 years.
  • Train only in a playful way. It is still very difficult to perceive and assimilate information about another preschooler. The effect of boring activities will not be.
  • Do not force. With this you can discourage the desire to read.
  • Set an example. Children always imitate parents.
  • Tell your child about the importance of reading skills.
  • Responsibly approach the choice of teaching methods.
  • Exercise every day. The regularity of classes is very important.
  • Do not overstate your child’s requirements. Act only according to its capabilities.
  • Do not compare the child with anyone.
  • Dose the suggested information.
  • Securing the learned is very important in teaching reading.
  • Use different ways of presenting information.
  • Show patience, goodwill and love for the child.
  • Encourage your baby for success.
  • Follow from easy to hard.
  • Teach your child wherever circumstances permit.
  • Read to your child yourself. It is still very difficult for him to read independently, and his love of reading must be maintained.

Watch a GuberniaTV video in which Elena Kondrashina talks about how to teach a child to read.

In-game video tutorials can also help in learning to read.

Learning to read by syllables - this stage in teaching children to read is one of the most important and difficult. Often, parents simply do not know how to teach their child to pronounce two letters together and for a long time they will be stuck on this. Tired of the endless repetition of "ME and A will be MA", the child quickly loses interest, and reading instruction turns into torment for the whole family. As a result, children who already know letters from two to three years old, even by the age of five, cannot read simple words, not to mention reading sentences and books.

What to do next, when the child remembered the letters? We’ll immediately make a reservation that teaching a preschooler to read syllables can also begin BEFORE he has mastered the entire alphabet (moreover, some teachers insist that you need to switch to syllables as quickly as possible, without waiting for all letters to be studied). But those letters that we will connect in syllables, the child should call without hesitation.

In order to start learning to read syllables, it is enough for the child to know 3-4 vowels and several consonants. First of all, take those consonants that can be pulled (C, W, L, M, H, B, F), this will help to teach the child the syllabic pronunciation of the syllable. And this is a fundamentally important point.

So, we consider a few, in our opinion, the most effective methods that modern educators offer for teaching a child how to add letters to syllables.

1. We play in the “Engine”

(game from the manual E. Baranova, O. Razumovskaya "How to teach your child to read").

Instead of boring cramming, invite your child to "ride the train." On the rails on which our cars go, all consonants are written, and on the cars themselves vowels. We place the trailer on the rails so that a consonant appears in the window, and name what station we got (for example, BA). Next, move the trailer down the rails to the next consonant and read the syllable that appears.

There is a similar manual in the cards "The game" Engine ". We read syllables. ” from E. Sataeva

This game is good because the child does not need to specifically explain how to add syllables. It is enough to say: "Now we will roll the letter A, it will be our passenger, call all the stations at which we will stop." To begin with, "ride" yourself - let the child move the trailer along the rails, and you loudly and clearly call "stations": BA, VA, GA, YES, JA, ZA, etc. Then invite the child to do this in turn with you. During the game, while listening to you, children easily grasp how to pronounce two sounds together. For the third time, the child will “ride” himself without much difficulty.

If the child does not know all the letters, stop only at those “stations” that are familiar to him. Next, change the trailer. Now we roll the letters O, Y, S. If the child easily copes with the task, we complicate the task. For example, we ride at speed - detecting the time which of the trailers reaches the end of the journey first. Or another option: stopping at the station, the child should name not only the syllable, but also the words beginning with this syllable (BO - barrel, side, Borya; VO - wolf, air, eight; GO - city, golfs, guests; DO - rain, daughter, boards, etc.).

Please note that with this game you can practice reading not only open syllables (with a vowel sound at the end), but closed ones (with a consonant at the end).

To do this, take the cars where the vowels are written in front of the window, and act similarly. Now the letter on the trailer is not a passenger, but a driver, it’s the main one, it’s ahead. First read the resulting “stations” with closed syllables yourself: AB, AB, AG, HELL, AZ, AZ, etc., then suggest a “ride” to the child.

Remember that in this and in other exercises, we first train to add syllables with vowels of the first row (A, O, E, Y, Y), and then introduce the vowels of the second row (I, E, E, Yu, I) - the so-called “iotated” vowels, which make the sound preceding them soft.

When the child will be good at reading individual tracks with syllables - alternate the wagons with passengers and drivers, while not prompting which car we will roll. This will help the child learn to clearly see exactly where the vowel is in the syllable (the syllable begins with it or ends with it). At the beginning of learning to read syllables in a child, this can be difficult.

2. "Run" from one letter to another

(from the Alphabet for Kids by O. Zhukova)

This is a visual exercise that will help the child learn to pronounce two letters together.

Before us is a path from one letter to another. To overcome it, you need to drag the first letter until the finger that we are leading along the path reaches the second letter. The main thing we are working on in this exercise is that there is no pause between the first and second sounds. In order to make it more interesting to practice, replace your finger with the figure of any beast / man - let him run along the path and connect two letters.

(“Primer for kids” by E. Bakhtina, "Russian alphabet" by O. Zhukova and others).

Many authors of primers and alphabets use animated images of letters that need to be folded into a syllable - they are friends, walk together in pairs, pull each other through obstacles. The main thing in such tasks, as in the previous exercise, is to name two letters together so that the two letters girlfriends stay together.

To use this technique you do not even need special manuals or primers. Print several figures of boys and girls (animals, fairy or fictional characters), write on each of them in letters. Let consonants be written on the figures of boys, and vowels on the figures of girls. Make friends with children. Check with your child that boys and girls or two girls can be friends, but you can’t make friends of two boys (pronounce two consonants together). Change pairs, put girls first in them, and then boys.

Read syllables first in one order, then in reverse.

These few tricks are enough to teach a child to put two letters in a syllable. And training in the form of a game will allow you to avoid cramming and boring repetition of the same thing.

4. Games to consolidate the skill of adding letters

- Syllabic Lotto

It is very simple to make them yourself, for this you need to select several pictures - 6 for each card and print the corresponding syllables.

  • The manual will help you “Syllables. Select the picture by the first syllable BA-, VA-, MA-, SA-, TA-. Educational lotto games. FGOS DO "E. V. Vasilyeva   - in this series there are several more manuals
  • “Letters, syllables and words. Lotto with verification "A. Anikushenoy
  • There are similar exercises in the book. “Syllabic tables. GEF "N. Neshchaeva

- Game to the store

Put on the counter toy goods or pictures with their images (for example, РЫ-ба, ДЫ-ня, ПИ-horns, БУ-лка, ЯБ-лocks, МЯ-со). Prepare “money” - pieces of paper with the name of the first syllables of these words. A child can buy goods only for those "bills" on which the correct syllable is written.

Do it yourself with your child an album in which the syllable will be written on one page of the spread, and on the other - objects whose name begins on this syllable. Review and supplement these albums periodically. For more effective teaching in reading, close one or the other half of the U-turn (so that the child does not have extra hints when naming a syllable or selecting words for a specific syllable).

This will help you   “Cards for sound and syllabic analysis of words.”

- Game at the airfield (garages)

Large sheets of paper write syllables, lay them around the room. It will be in our game different airfields (garages). The child takes the toy plane (car), and the adult commands - which airport (in which garage) you need to land the plane (park the car).

For this exercise, Zaitsev’s cubes or any cards with syllables are suitable (you can make them in the form of traces). We build a long path from them - from one end of the room to the other. Choose two figures / toys. You play one, the other a child. Roll the dice - take turns with your figures on the cards for as many moves as fell on the dice. When stepping on each card, name the syllable written on it.

For this game, you can also use various “walkers” by writing syllables in circles on the playing field.

5. Reading simple words by syllables

Simultaneously with the development of syllables, we begin to read simple words (of three or four letters). For clarity, so that the child understands what parts the word consists of, which letters need to be read together, and which separately, we recommend composing the first words from cards with syllables / individual letters or graphically dividing the word into parts.

Words from two syllables can be written in pictures consisting of two parts. Pictures are easier to read (a child is more likely to read words written on them than just columns of words), plus it is clearly visible what parts a word can be divided into when reading it by syllables.

Increase complexity gradually: start with words consisting of one syllable (UM, OH, EM, UZH, Hedgehog) or two identical syllables: MOM, UNCLE, DAD, Nanny. Then proceed to reading the words from three letters (closed syllable + consonant): BAL, SON, VARNISH, SIDE, HOUSE.

You need to understand that even if a child pronounces all the syllables in a word correctly, this does not mean that he will immediately be able to meaningfully put them into a word. Be patient. If a child is having difficulty reading words of 3-4 letters, do not proceed with reading longer words, and even more so sentences.

Be prepared for the fact that the child will begin to read words only after he has automated the skill of adding letters to syllables. Until this happens - periodically return to working out syllables.

And, most importantly, remember that any training should be a joy - for parents and children!

Philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher of preschool education
  Svetlana Zyryanova