How to make a jumping frog out of paper. How to make a frog out of paper: schemes and description How to make a frog out of paper without glue

In school years, my sister and I loved to create jumping paper frogs, color them and arrange competitions: whose frog will jump further, higher, faster. Time passed, the frogs remained in distant childhood. But with the advent of children, much of childhood comes back, and today the forgotten jumping frogs returned, which we did with the children.

There are many options for making frogs, in today's article I will tell you how the kids and I made a paper frog. If you don’t know what to do with your child, when the weather outside is not suitable for walking, and the kid doesn’t want to play with purchased toys, I suggest you take it with such a frog. The manufacturing process takes a little time, but then you can play with the resulting crafts for a long time, arrange frog races and just have a good time.

The secret to making origami a jumping frog that jumps far is its size. The smaller the frog, the better and the further it jumps. For the manufacture of crafts it is better to use hard, thick paper.

  1. A4 sheet. We took white paper and then painted the frog with crayons. To facilitate the process, you can take colored paper.
  2. Scissors
  3. Crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens or watercolor paints for coloring a jumping frog, if you decide to take a white sheet of paper instead of a colored sheet for making paper crafts.
  4. Desire and good mood

How to make a paper craft a jumping frog is our actions.

  1. From a rectangular sheet we need to make a square. To do this, it is necessary to bend a sheet of A4 format diagonally so that the opposite corners touch. Carefully smooth the bend and cut off the extra “tail”. Thus, we have a white (or green, if you use colored paper) square, with which we have to work.
  2. The resulting square is added in turn along the diagonals. First, on the one hand, then on the other. Thus, we should get the same folds in the square, as in the photo. We lay out the square on the table. The resulting folds are useful to us in order to more accurately fold the frog.
  3. We use the obtained lines in the previous step in order to add the angles inside the figure. To do this, add two nearby corners together, as shown in the photo. Do the same with opposite angles. As a result, we should get a triangle. We carefully iron all bend points.
  4. We bend the lower corners of the upper part of the triangle up to the upper corner.
  5. We bend the same details of the triangle in the same direction again (as shown in the photo).
  6. In order for our jumping frog from paper to see where to jump, we need to make her eyes. Bend out the upper corners, as shown in the photo. Later, the eyes can be painted.
  7. The top of the frog is ready, proceed to the manufacture of legs. We turn the frog back. And we bend one of the sides, as indicated in the photo.
  8. After the bend is well ironed, bend again the same leg.
  9. We do the same process with the second foot of a future jumping frog.
  10. The frog legs are ready. Next, bend the frog in half.
  11. And there was the last touch in the manufacture of paper frogs. We place the frog on the table and make a bend on the trunk towards the legs.
  12. The jumping frog is ready. But she turned pale due to the fact that they used a white sheet of paper. So that the frog does not feel so sad - we take pencils / crayons or felt-tip pens and paint our frog, do not forget to draw eyes.

That's all origami jumping frog out of paper is ready.   In order for the frog to jump, you need to click on the back. Now you can arrange frog competitions. The children and I made 4 such frogs, painted them, gave each one each - dad, mom, daughter, son and arranged competitions between the frogs, who will jump further, who is higher, who is faster. At first, our frogs tumbled more than jumped, but then they learned to jump, and time was spent fun and interesting :)

Paper figures can be made for pure pleasure, as well as professionally. In addition, this innocent hobby improves fine motor skills in children and adults, and helps to train not only imagination, but also accuracy and logical thinking. Children love animals and most often make them. Today we will look at two different ways to create a frog.

Origami can be not only static, but also have their own functions. For example, this frog will jump. The secret of her jump range depends on the size, so she is quite capable of becoming a child’s favorite toy.

The first way to make a frog out of paper

To make it, we need a square sheet of paper, best of all green, and carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Fold the square sheet in half by turning so that the fold line is on the right.
  2. Bend and straighten the resulting rectangle so that the fold line is visible.
  3. The fold line should also be noted on the upper square, so we bend it in half and bend the right and left corners to the opposite lower ones. We get two diagonal lines intersecting in the middle.
  4. Fold a double triangle from the top square, bending it so that the diagonals bend away from you and the side lines toward you.
  5. Fold the bottom square in half.
  6. Then bend the corners to the middle at the bottom rectangle, even if they slightly do not reach it.
  7. Fold this rectangle in half again.
  8. Bend the upper corners to the middle and pull, giving the bottom of the boat shape.
  9. Bend the ends of the boat to the sides.
  10. Lift the ends up on the upper triangle.
  11. Lift the part with the tabs up and bend down again.
  12. Now you can turn the frog over and click on the ledge to make it jump.

The second way to make a frog

Video lessons

Working with paper is the best tool for developing motor skills. In order to captivate a child with various types of paper creativity, it is necessary to offer him to make interesting moving toys, for example, to show how to make a frog out of paper. Interesting moving models of this amphibian can be created from paper using the origami technique.

Working with paper is the best tool for developing motor skills.

In order to amuse children, it is enough to make an interesting toy with them, for example, a simplified paper jumping toad. To create it, you need an A4 sheet of green color. How to make the simplest jumping frog in stages?

  1. The short side of the sheet is applied to the right long side. Then the triangle extends, and then the same step is repeated with respect to the left long side.
  2. Further, a part of the sheet is folded into a “double triangle” shape.
  3. The lower corners of the resulting triangle are applied to the upper.
  4. Both lateral short sides are applied to the centerline of the craft.
  5. The lower straight side is applied to the middle of the upper triangle, and then folds in half in the opposite direction, forming an accordion.
  6. On the back of the accordion eyes are attached.

  In order to amuse children, it’s enough to make an interesting toy with them

To make a simple frog leaned on the legs, the upper corners must be slightly bent down.

Gallery: paper frog (25 photos)

How to make a frog out of paper that jumps: step by step instructions

This scheme is a complicated version of the previous craft.

  In order to make a jumping frog, you need to prepare a whole sheet of A4 green

In order to make a jumping frog, you need to prepare a whole A4 leaf of green color.

  1. A square is cut from sheet A4. To do this, you need to attach any short side of the sheet to the long one, and the resulting excess edge must be cut off with scissors.
  2. The resulting square is added to a triangle. And then the triangle folds in half again.
  3. The resulting small triangle is expanded to the state of a square, which immediately folds in half with a “book”. The resulting rectangle folds again in half into a small square.
  4. The entire sheet expands to its original state.
  5. Then the whole shape is folded into a “double triangle”. Folding takes place on two diagonals with the connection of near corners. Moreover, the middle part of the figure should be pressed inward. It turns out an isosceles triangle.
  6. The equal sides of an isosceles triangle neatly fold to its midline (one on both sides).
  7. Then the sides bend back in the opposite direction.
  8. The model is flipped so that there is an even triangle at the top.
  9. The lower corners of the triangle are applied to the upper corner.
  10. The future frog flips upside down once more.
  11. The lower straight part (with protruding legs) stretches toward the corner so that the fold line passes at the thinnest point of the figure.
  12. Further, the bent element is turned back, folding in half.
  13. The frog turns over, eyes are glued to the area of \u200b\u200bthe head.

This frog jumps if you use your finger to press on the area of \u200b\u200bits legs made in the shape of a carved accordion.

Jumping Frog (video)

How to mold a toad: a simple scheme for children

To make a volume frog with your own hands you will need:

  • 1 sheet of green cardboard;
  • 1 sheet of green paper;
  • glue.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The frog’s body is cut out of cardboard, resembling a figure eight with eyes protruding at the top. It is also necessary to make a small ledge at the bottom of the eight, which will act as a stand. In order for the frog body to be bleached on both sides, it is recommended to cut 2 of these bases, and then glue them together.
  2. Next, an application is made: white circles are glued to the head at the eye site, and smaller circles of blue color are placed in them.
  3. A white circle is glued to the abdomen.
  4. In the lower part of the head, with the help of a felt-tip pen, a mouth and nostrils are drawn.
  5. In order to make movable legs, you need to cut 4 strips half a centimeter thick from green paper.
  6. Each foot is made of 1 strip, which folds into an accordion.
  7. The result should be 4 harmonica.
  8. Next, you need to fold the fingers of the frog. To do this, you need 4 rectangles with sides of 3 and 5 centimeters. Perpendicular to the long side, these rectangles are folded in accordion.
  9. Finger accordion sticks to the limbs by wrapping a small amount of green paper strip.
  10. Each spring with fingers must be glued to the region of the upper and lower extremities.
  11. To make a base, a circle is cut out of cardboard on which the made frog is glued using the stand left on its body. Previously, the stand must be bent in the opposite direction.

  Kids will love the toy.

Mouth-opening paper frog: DIY craft

To get a croaking frog, you need to take a square sheet of green paper.

  1. The square is folded in half with a “book”, and then it is opened to its original state.
  2. Both sides parallel to it are added to the resulting midline so that a rectangle is obtained.
  3. The resulting rectangle is folded in half with the short side to the opposite side. Then the square is expanded again to a rectangle.
  4. To the middle line obtained on the rectangle its short sides are added, and then laid back.
  5. To the long midline of the rectangle are its 4 corners.
  6. Then each pocket obtained from the corner must be opened.
  7. The inner corner of one formed rhombus is applied to the outer.
  8. And the inner corner of the second rhombus folds inward, not reaching the middle, so that it forms an obtuse angle.
  9. Craft turns upside down. The two outer corners of the figure are interconnected.
  10. The template is rotated up on the side on which the slightly curved corners of the rhombus are located.
  11. The remaining upper symmetrical corners are bent back to the midline of the figure.
  12. Slightly bent corners rise, forming a place for the eyes.

  Step-by-step technology is required to create a mouth-opening toad for children.

This frog opening mouth works by bringing together and breeding its inside. By the way, this figure looks like a frog from memes.

How to make an eye out of paper?

Making eyes out of a piece of paper for a toad is very simple.

  1. To do this, print or draw a small circle on white paper. A stencil can be used for these purposes.
  2. Then a piece of paper is folded in half, then the circle is cut along the drawn outline.
  3. The result is 2 white circles of the same shape and size.
  4. Next, prepare a sheet of paper of a different color. Iris will be made from it, so it is better to take a sheet of dark or bright shade.
  5. On the second sheet, a smaller circle is drawn than a white circle.
  6. Further, the cutting technology is repeated.
  7. Then the colored circle is glued to the center of the white so that as a result a rim is formed around the iris.

To make the eyes look more expressive, in the middle of the color circle, you need to draw a small dot - the pupil. You can do it with a black felt-tip pen.

How to make a croaking frog with your own hands (video)

There are many different schemes that make it easy to create a variety of paper frogs figures. Also, using a similar application technology, a frog mask can be created. And from origami, if we take the form of a cap as a basis, - a hat in the form of this amphibian. Also, own author's figures can be created from paper, for this it is only necessary to show imagination.

Making paper shapes helps children develop creative skills. They love to create something from paper and, of course, love to make different animals out of it. From this article you will learn, With your own hands, the handmade craft will certainly improve your mood and bring joy to your children. It is known that there are several variations of paper frogs.

Let’s take a look at a few popular ways.

DIY paper frog: step by step instructions

1. Take a square-shaped sheet of paper and fold it in half.

2. The resulting rectangle must be folded in half again, and then bent back.

3. On a sheet of paper you need to mark the line and diagonals. Next, you need to collapse the upper corners, left and right, bending them to opposite lines.

4. From the upper square, fold the geometric shape - the “double triangle”.

5. The bottom square must be folded in half, until its wrapped edge comes into contact with the bottom of the triangle.

6. At the bottom of the rectangle, bend the side edges towards the center, not reaching a little to its middle.

7. Bend the bottom of the origami again in half.

8. At the bottom rectangle, you must collapse the upper corners towards the center.

9. Lower the ends and bend them out.

10. On the front of the triangle, lift the ends up.

11. Fold the craft in half in the center and flip it over.

You should get a jumping frog out of paper. Do-it-yourself crafts will bring joy to you and your children. In order for her to jump, you just need to press the back of the quack and release. It is this property of her “jumping ability” that will be interesting to apply for different games. For example, whose frog jumps farthest than all - that player won. The secret of her “jumping” lies in the fact that the smaller the frog is the size, the further it will jump.

Rectangle frog

To make this quack, take a squared sheet of paper. Fold your sheet vertically in half. Then, on both diagonals, bend at the top. Then fold along the fold lines and bend inward. You should get a triangle. To create the front legs of your frog, you must bend the corners diagonally.

Now the lower workpiece must be bent in half horizontally. Then bend to the middle from two sides. And again, fold the bottom of the workpiece in half. Then you need to pull the corners down. To create the hind legs, wrap the corners obliquely. Now bend the frog in half and bend the legs back. It remains only to turn your work.

Talking or singing croak

Take a sheet of paper and fold it twice in two diagonals. After adding on the last diagonal, you need to connect the left and right corners with the center line. At the bottom, the remaining rectangle must be raised up and bent. Bend the corners on the sides in the opposite direction. Turn the workpiece over and wrap the bottom rectangle up. Then bend the side corners.

Now expand and fold into a square. Next, bend the bottom corner up. Turn over and repeat the previous step. In the center, flip and open the sides. You will get a square again. Fold the workpiece in half along the center line. It remains to insert your fingers into two holes - and your frog is ready.

Easy to create and decorate origami

Interestingly, the manufacturing process itself takes very little time. The paper frog you created, made by yourself, will surprise you with its simplicity of execution.

All you need is a simple sheet of paper: copybook, landscape or color. You can also put into business and special sheets for crafts.

For decoration, you will need watercolor paints, colored pencils or felt-tip pens. You can paint your frog according to your taste and desire. For example, draw eyes or membranes on your paws on your frog, and you can also make pimples on your back “hoppers”.

Now you know how to make a frog out of paper with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions will help you make this simple and entertaining craft. It is interesting that the frog is useful for games with children, and you can calmly arrange “frog races” with your whole family, having fun in your free time.

Who in childhood was not amused by paper frogs made from ordinary notebook sheets? If you want to please your child and see a happy smile on his face, then a master class that describes how to make a jumping frog out of paper is what you need! Moreover, the manufacture of this craft will take only a couple of minutes.

Origami art allows you to create unusual crafts, toys. Children enjoy playing with jumping frogs with pleasure, for the manufacture of which they will need only a piece of paper. And it can be a notebook or a sheet torn from a notebook. The size of the craft will depend on the paper size. However, keep in mind that more “jumping” models of medium sizes are obtained, made from sheet A4. To make the animal even more attractive, you can use colored paper or decorate the finished craft to your taste.

The origami instructions have several options for making paper frogs. The jumping model is in 2 versions. Let's consider the first.


  1. Fold A4 sheet in half.
  2. We fold the upper corner in half so that we get an angle of 90 degrees. Extend the fold.
  3. Repeat the previous step with the second angle.
  4. Fold the workpiece with the corners inward so that an isosceles triangle forms in the center.
  5. We bend the upper side corners upwards - these are the frog legs.
  6. We bend the lower part of the workpiece in half.
  7. We bring the sidewalls to the center.
  8. Fold in half again.
  9. Pull the lower corners, directing them down.
  10. We bend the corners diagonally - these are the hind legs of a frog.
  11. Fold the lower half in half and bend outward. We turn the craft over - the frog is ready. For her to jump, you need to press her back with a finger.

For the second version of the frog, in addition to paper, you will need a marker to draw eyes.


  1. A4 sheet is folded by a right triangle. Cut off the remaining piece of paper.
  2. Smooth the sheet and fold along the second diagonal.
  3. Now we make a bend so that we get a double isosceles triangle.
  4. The corners of the base of the upper part are bent to the center.
  5. The resulting triangles are again bent in half.
  6. We bend the corners of the lower triangle outward to the base of the second figure - these are the eyes of a frog.
  7. We turn the workpiece over and bring the sides of the triangle into the middle.
  8. The inner sides are bent in half outward.
  9. We turn the craft “face” and make a double bend in the area of \u200b\u200bthe body.
  10. Colorize the eyes. The craft is ready. To test the "jumping" you need to click on the back of the body.

With such models, you can arrange entire competitions - which frog will jump higher and further.

Read also:

  • Origami from paper: bird

Another popular origami frog model is a talking frog that is worn on fingers.


  1. A4 sheet folded in half lengthwise, smooth the fold.
  2. Again bend in half, but already across.
  3. The folded sheet is folded again in half vertically.
  4. We bend the upper corners towards the center towards each other.
  5. The bottom rectangle remaining after folding the triangles is folded up on both sides.
  6. We bend corners outward.
  7. Expand the workpiece and fold the rhombus.
  8. We bend the lower corners upwards from 2 sides.
  9. Flatten the triangle and bend in the center.
  10. We turn the resulting rhombus in half, draw on the top of the eye.
  11. We put our fingers into the upper and lower pockets - the frog is ready for the fingers.

Read also:

  • How to draw a frog: tips

Knowing how to make a jumping frog out of paper in several ways, you get at your disposal the opportunity in any situation, in the most cramped conditions, to entertain the child. The main thing is that no special tools are needed for this - just paper, dexterous fingers and a little time to master simple schemes.

  Attention, only TODAY!

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