How to choose a high-quality mink coat. How to choose a fur coat from mink fur and not regret the purchase: tips and tricks. How not to make a mistake and choose the right mink coat

In principle, now many do without a fur coat. This is especially true for young people. A warm and comfortable down jacket helps many. But many girls and women want a more expensive thing, like a mink coat, and there's nothing to be done about it! Moreover, now the bulk of consumers use such types of payment as installments and credit.

Are all the fur coats Chinese?

The market of Yakutsk was filled with mink coats from China. According to experts, the share of Chinese fur coats on the Russian market is about 80%! Almost everything that is sold in our fur coats today is somehow connected with China: it is either sewn there or made from raw materials bought in China. And labels with the words "Made in Greece" or in another country - only a tap away from the eyes. According to statistics, out of 10 fur coats on the Russian market, 8-9 fur coats come from China.

On how best to choose a fur coat, we asked the seller-consultant Anastasia Fedorova to answer.

- Anastasia, how to learn to choose such an expensive thing?

Only a specialist can choose a high-quality mink coat. Because it is a very difficult matter. But try to figure it out. The cheapest mink is walnut, that is, light brown, then comes dark brown. Then - a variety of redheads, from juicy golden honey to light amber. Black mink, beige, gray and blue is also more expensive - also gray, but with a grayish-blue tint. In the next price category - the so-called “tourmaline”, it is beige undercoat and brown long hair, which creates an interesting smoky effect and white fur, sometimes with gray hair. The most expensive is the “black diamond” mink, black with a blue or purple tint. An inexperienced buyer can find it difficult to distinguish it from just black. In addition, the furrier craftsmen learned how to paint cheaper fur so deftly that you can not distinguish it at first glance: the fur also sparkles and shimmers.

- And what to do?

Method one: to spread the undercoat with your fingers - it should be purely black and check the skin color. If the skin is not subjected to hairdressing procedures, it should remain white. Then stroke the fur “against the coat”. Long hairs should not break, and the downs should be thick enough.

The easiest way to check the quality of mink fur for durability is to grab a few hairs with your fingers, as if you take a pinch of salt, raise a fur coat and shake a little. If the hairs do not break out, there is a reliable fur coat in front of you. You can also shake the fur coat and see how the villi show off. If the process is clearly not intensive - after drying procedures it will “fly” from any fresh coat, then everything is fine.

- What else to look for?

Well, and, of course, the fur should be the same in length over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe fur coat, hollows and especially bald spots are unacceptable. If the fur is dyed - pay attention to the color, it should be uniform on all details. Swipe your hand over the fur several times - you should not have a feeling of greasy in the palm of your hand, high-quality fur is always elastic and silky to the touch.

Unscrew the lining and look at the leather fabric. In a good coat, it is soft, smooth and elastic. If the leather fabric is stiff, rustling or rattling at hand, then the likelihood of poor quality and fragility of the fur coat is high.

- And which mink coats are considered the best?

Of course, mink coats made in Greece are considered the best and most solid. But their price in Yakutsk is very high, there are fur coats from 200 thousand and above. The most inexpensive are fur coats from China, but they must be chosen very carefully. Because there are also good quality fur coats, but there are also very low-grade ones. These fur coats will not last you long. And in general, my advice is to buy a fur coat in a well-recommended salon. Such salons value their reputation and, as a rule, will not sell low-grade or poor-quality fur coats.

What is worth paying attention to?

Carefully study the fur - it should be shiny, smooth, soft, with a thick undercoat.

How to distinguish quality from fake? Swipe the product against the direction of the mink hairs. If after this manipulation the hairs returned to their original place and the appearance of the fur coat area did not change, then the fur quality is good, if the hairs bristled after your action, then the fur is of poor quality.

Look at the mezdra, this can be done by blowing on the surface of the fur. If the mezdra is light, then the fur was not dyed, tinted. If the mezra is dark, this may mean that either the fur was dyed or the fur coat, so to speak, was not the first freshness - it was stored for a long time in inappropriate conditions. In this case, the coat will not last long.

Check the joints of the skins. From the outside, the seams should not stand out much. Particularly often, poor-quality seams can be seen on the shoulder, especially if a fur coat with a hood that covers these joints.

How to choose a new fur coat and distinguish it from the old? Shake off the product, if hairs fly off it, then the fur coat is old.

The fur coat lining should be made of high-quality, but not “flashy” material. Her patterns are precisely tailored to fit the size of the item. A manufacturer of good fur coats always focuses on fur, not lining.

The bottom of the lining should not be sewn to the hem so that you can see the product from the inside. Usually, if the seller is confident in the quality, he will offer you to check the coat from the inside. You can look at the color of the skin (light is good, dark is dyed). Check the stitch line - it should be neat, there should not be mink hairs in the seam.

If you still understand that the coat is colored, this is not the worst. Some manufacturers tint products, giving them more noble shades. In this case, the color quality is important. It can be defined as follows: take a light handkerchief, moisten it slightly and sweep it over the product. If there are traces of paint on it - do not take this coat.

Hair should be the same length (not considering the undercoat). If some hairs are knocked out in length from the rest, most likely, the mink was trimmed to give it a more neat appearance. So, initially the fur was not very high quality.

A bit about the Black Lama. In real Black Lama, the undercoat differs in color from the primary color of the hairs. It is dark brown in color, very dense. And the main hairs are black. Black Lama mink products look like plush. This fur is considered the most high-quality and durable. If you ever see products from this type of mink, you will understand what the real quality of mink is, and you can unambiguously determine it in the future.

About pricing

In Yakutsk, the prices for fur coats are very different. It depends on the fur, the country of manufacture, how the fur coat is relevant and fashionable.

But they try to keep fur salons pricing policy on approximately the same level. The most expensive mink coats made in Greece. The average price for them is 230 thousand rubles.

A mink coat from Canada and China can be bought in the region of 80-120 thousand and more.

We’ll also reveal a little secret: in some pawnshops in Yakutsk you can buy a new mink coat at a price even lower than in China itself.

By the way, from August 12, 2016, on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 11, 2016 No. 787 on the implementation of a pilot project to introduce marking of goods with control (identification) marks for the heading “Garments, clothing accessories and other products, of natural fur »Sale of fur products without special marking is prohibited.

But if you do not have the opportunity to purchase a new coat, do not despair. You can safely spend the whole winter in a down jacket, which is sometimes warmer than a mink coat. After all, the main thing in our frosts is to be warm and comfortable.

Today, there are many manufacturers of mink coats, but among the whole abundance of low-quality furs, and often fakes are often found. Every woman dreams of acquiring a luxurious fur coat, but how to choose a mink coat and be satisfied?

Mink coats

World manufacturers of fur products tirelessly work to improve processing and dyeing technologies. Every year, new models appear in stores with impressive design solutions. The goal of any fashionista is to buy a really worthwhile thing, not to overpay and get a quality product. Advice: “The fur should be properly looked after so that it lasts longer. Do not clean the product at home, it is better to use the services of specialized dry cleaners. "

The main features of the mink

A rather wide range of fur is used in the manufacture of outerwear, but for many years mink has remained one of the most popular materials. Quality mink can be easily identified by touch. We will show you how to choose a good, luxurious, unique fur clothing.

Upon purchase, the product should be ironed. Natural high-quality fur is very soft and pleasant to the touch. When you try to stroke the fur against the growth of the pile, it quickly takes its original form. If the pile begins to stick out in different directions, this indicates a low quality or a fake.

At the very base of the villi, the natural mink has a soft fluff, this is the main confirmation of the naturalness of the material. In the absence of fleecy, it is worth abandoning the acquisition.

We recommend shaking the coat and slightly pulling the villi, if it is visually visible that it is crumbling, and hairs remain on the hands, then such a product will not last long. Most likely, during the manufacture of the product all the necessary standards were not met or the product itself was stored in inappropriate conditions.

Natural mink clothing should have a uniform pile length over the entire surface. If there is a visible difference, then the product can be made of cheaper material.

It is impossible to determine the quality of the fur from the photo, so when buying through the Internet, you need to make sure the site is reliable.

You can check the quality of dyeing the fur with a damp white cloth. If the napkin is painted during the product, it means that low-quality dyes were used in the manufacture of the item.

The main feature of manufacturers who are proud of their products is an open seam at the bottom of the fur coat. Thus, the manufacturer allows the buyer to evaluate the product for quality. If all the seams are closed, then it is worth considering before making a purchase.

Tip: “A good mink cannot be cheap. If you were offered fur at a ridiculous price, it’s worth considering. ”

How to determine the color and length

The fur coat should be chosen not only by the quality of the fur; it is also necessary to determine the color, style and desired length. A correctly selected mink will look harmoniously and emphasize the created image.

To decide which mink coat it is better to choose for your beloved, you need to remember one rule. The cost of a fur product depends on color and length. If natural fur of a rare shade was used in the production, such a fur coat will cost much more than dyed. Accordingly, the longer the product, the higher the price.

Value for money:

  • The lowest price - the mink of the classic, brown color from light to dark shades is least valued.
  • The average cost is a slightly more expensive fur, painted in red, blue, gray or beige.
  • High price - fur with a transition of shades is very much appreciated. One of the varieties, “Tourmaline”, has an unusual transition from beige to dark brown along the length of the hair.
  • Very high cost - natural white mink is much appreciated.
  • Elite, exclusive fur - black shades with unusual cold tints of blue or purple.
  Advice: “It is better to buy a fur product in a proven place and on the recommendation. You need to make sure that you are paying the real price, not overpaying. ”

To know exactly how to choose a mink coat, you should remember that this product comes in different lengths:

  • Short length - suitable for lovers of jeans and trousers, also for women who prefer to drive a car. A short fur coat will be a great addition to an evening outfit.
  • The average length is the optimal length, goes well with trousers, skirts and dresses, in such a fur product it will be warm and comfortable. A mink fur coat of medium length is one of the most relevant models.
  • Long - suitable for women who prefer elegance in everything.

Fur clothing itself is a luxury item and does not need additional accessories to look even more elegant, but still sometimes you want to complement the look with details.

Headwear - for a model with a hood, a hat may become superfluous, but a beautiful shawl or shawl is perfect. As for models without a hood, in this case, you can give preference to a fur beret or a fur hat. A short fur coat from a mink crosshole looks great in combination with hats a la gangster 40s.

Bags - in combination with fur it is better to use two handles, bags, briefcases or clutches. But the bags on the belts over the shoulder or on the shoulder can ruin the fur, so you should refuse them.

Jewelry - mink looks perfect in addition with precious metals and stones.

Boots - when buying a new pair, it is worth remembering that shoes should harmoniously complement the created image. Treads are perfect for a short model, but ugg boots or tractor-soled boots look perfect in combination with a fur vest. For visual perception, you can view photos in magazines and on the site.

The answer to the main question, how to choose a mink coat, is quite simple. You must be careful and not rush with the purchase. Not always the best price offer is the best, because quality is above all. A cheaper model may turn out to be a craft or deteriorate by the end of the season.

Mink coat is the dream of every woman. Before buying this expensive thing, you need to think over absolutely everything: how to choose the right quality thing; what size to buy; what color to choose; what should be the fur. This is very important if you do not want to soon be disappointed in your purchase. Especially today in the markets and stores they sell a lot of fakes.

How to choose a mink coat?

There are several important criteria that it is important to check immediately before purchasing such a thing:

  • it is necessary to clarify from which mink the product is sewn (that is, the origin of the fur);
  • it is necessary to choose the right style and color;
  • will have to evaluate the quality of the fur;
  • it is important to ensure that there are no defects.

Therefore, before you go to the fur salon, you have to seriously prepare, study the advice of experts.

Today, there are several options for mink, depending on where this animal was grown.

  • Russian mink is the warmest skins for the harshest winters. Such fur coats are most widely represented in Russian stores. They are both more affordable and   have a fairly high subpush.Therefore, such a fur coat has a longer pile, which looks a little shaggy.
  • The North American mink is perfect for a mild European winter. Indeed, such a fur has a very short pile. However, it does not shine. It looks more like a velvet texture.
  • Wild mink is very rare. Products from such fur are the most expensive. Its distinctive feature is a natural gray-brown color and high pile.
  • Chinese mink is one of the most popular today. Such fur coats are available, but do not differ in excellent quality. Very often, Chinese manufacturers stretch their fur. This adversely affects not only the quality of the product, but also its durability.
  • The Italian mink is a fur coat which are sewn at factories of this country. Their main feature is beauty, sophistication and a wide variety of models and styles.
  • Scandinavian mink is the most popular all over the world. Fur coats from it are known as "black diamond". They look luxurious, have excellent shine and a very dense undercoat.

The main criterion for choosing a quality fur coat is the naturalness of the material. Not everyone knows how to properly assess the state of mink skins and furs.

  1. To begin with, you should stroke the product against the pile with your hand. After that, it is necessary to observe how much time it took to return the fur to its original state. Quality mink will smooth out immediately.
  2. Now you can appreciate the undercoat. It must have a mink skin. This is a small fluff that is located directly on the base of the skin.
  3. The fur should not crumble.Therefore, you can shake your favorite coat, and then try to get just a few villi out of it. That fur that crumbles is not worth buying. This means that the technology was not properly observed in the manufacture of the product.

    Attention! The fur coat may also begin to crumble if not properly stored. Therefore, having bought a good product, you should carefully consider its maintenance and care. Otherwise, the mink will not last long.

  4. It is important to compare the length of the pile over the whole thing. If it is different in some places, it’s a fake.
  5. Be sure to look under the lining. If everything inside the coat is completely hemmed, you need to beware. It is better to check the quality of all the seams.

Assessment of defects when buying a fur product

When purchasing a fur coat for yourself, it is important to assess the presence and extent of all defects. What is especially important to pay attention to.

  • Is there any color unevenness on the product. This may mean that it has faded.
  • Are there any scuffs on the product. This suggests the use of old animal skins for sewing.
  • Fur stuck? When manufacturing at the factory, some technological rules were violated.
  • Are there any rust spots? This is a common defect, talking about the content of mink in iron cells. Such spots cannot be removed by anything.
  • The uneven surface of the fur indicates the defeat of the animal itself with its teeth. It is better to refuse to purchase such a product.

The product lining should also have good quality and strong seams that do not diverge.

How to choose the right size

Any woman will be decorated with such outerwear. But how to choose the right size of the product so that it fits perfectly is a very important issue. Before choosing your model, which will have to be in shape, you will have to measure a lot of fur coats.

In each of them, you need to spread your arms on the sides to assess whether something is interfering with the movements. Beforehand, it is worth assessing what clothes you have to wear under a fur coat: will it be woolen sweaters or light blouses.

It is very important not to buy a product that will sit close to the body. And a size smaller coat will have to be postponed.   She should not be tight.Such options will look bad on a woman, look very kutso.

How to choose a style and color

It seems that choosing the style of such a product is a very simple event. However, it is not. If a woman is tall and slender, then any model of a mink coat will suit her. Miniature ladies will have to abandon voluminous, lush and flared styles. In such a fur coat, they risk "getting lost."

Fur coats are considered ideal. They are suitable for women with different shapes. At the same time, they look quite impressive. Such models have long been classified as classic. Therefore, more than one season remains in fashion. How to choose such a thing? It is necessary to pay to all the same criteria. It is important to pay special attention to joint defects.

Advice! Be sure to measure it before buying a fur coat. Even if you have to do it 3-4 times, you should not be shy. It should be comfortable. Well, the reflection in the mirror should be guided.

Classic is always in fashion. Therefore, expert advice converges on classic colors and styles. However, its cost largely depends on the shade of the mink coat.

  1. Black mink with a blue or blue tint is the most elite. Outwardly, this material resembles a velvet surface. Products from such fur are quite expensive.
  2. Unpainted white mink is also one of the most expensive. She should not have any color defects.
  3. Smoky and tourmaline shades are also highly valued.
  4. Red, blue, gray and beige mink colors are included in the middle price category.
  5. Dyed mink coats are available.
  6. Finally, the most popular and inexpensive ones are fur coats of brown shades (from light to completely dark).

Where is it better to buy a mink coat

It is recommended to buy a mink coat only in a trusted store. He must have an excellent reputation and long exist in the fur market.It is best to go to Europe for such a purchase, where you can definitely find the most beautiful and durable option.

Attention! You can not buy mink in the market. In this case, the fur coat will be sewn from a colored rabbit, but ten times more expensive.

Even in good stores there are sometimes fakes. Better to choose good boutiques. And do not save. Only high-quality goods will last more than 10 years.

Many experts claim that without some important rules it is simply impossible to buy a good mink coat.

  1. The presentation of the fur product must be at its best. And no bundles should come out of it. Otherwise, why pay big money for disgusting quality?
  2. It is important to verify that the fur coat is indeed made of mink fur!
  3. The manufacturer of really high-quality fur coats always “allows” to look under the lining.The seams there should be smooth and neat, and the threads of high quality.
  4. The fur at the mink coat should be shiny across the entire surface. And it doesn’t matter if the product is painted or not.
  5. When buying a colored item, you need to make sure that the color over the entire surface is uniform and beautiful.

Having chosen the perfect fur coat, you do not need to buy it right away. It is better to wait a while, weigh your decision, consult with relatives and friends. And only after the purchase.

Buying a high-quality and good fur coat that will last a long time is not an easy task. More clearly the moments of the selection will show the video.

For a long time already more than a fur coat - this is a kind of symbol of beauty and sophistication, durability and status. But all this is true only in one case: if such women's fur clothing is made of high-quality materials and sewn, taking into account all the important nuances. Therefore, it is very important to correctly evaluate the proposed product! To make it easier for you to navigate in this situation, we have collected for you the 10 most important recommendations on how to choose the mink coat when buying.

Carefully study the fur coat step by step

The main advice: be careful and study the coat you like, step by step, characteristic after characteristic. If you stick to our list, you should not have any particular difficulties.

Rule number 1: examine the fur in detail

The assessment of this fur clothing should begin with an inspection of the pile. It should be flowing, with a characteristic noticeable brilliance. If the fur is dull, then with a high degree of probability we can say that the rules for storing such material were violated - and therefore it is probably less wear-resistant. Also on the question of how to choose a mink coat, expert advice always affects the density of the fur. He needs a uniform density, without bald patches (they are formed if the animal has bitten itself) - this is considered a marriage.

It is not only necessary to look at the fur - it is critically important to touch it. First of all, swipe it against the pile. He must immediately return to the starting position! Otherwise, you better refuse the purchase. Still shake the fur coat, pull it by the fur: it is unacceptable for individual hairs to fall out and especially bunches: such clothes will quickly lose their entire gloss. Plus some more advice how to choose a mink coat: Smell the fur - a characteristic musky or other unpleasant odor is unacceptable.

Rule number 3: inspect the skin fluff

Mink fur has always been valued for its ability to warm in cold weather. Hardly not the main merit - in the presence of a thick gun near the surface of the skin. To make sure of its quality, spread the pile on the appraised clothing. Ideally, it should be light and tender, but thick. Sometimes it is permissible if the fluff is not too dense - this is possible when producing a fur coat from “summer” skins, when the mink sheds and gets rid of excess “isolation” (such a fur is less warm, but also lighter). But if there is no fluff at all, this is an occasion to look for another model.

Rule number 4: make sure the authenticity of the fur

If you want to know how to buy a mink coat, then you must know how to distinguish such a fur from a fake. After all, the market is full of clothes that are sewn from less high-quality and cheaper materials, but by painting and haircut they are trying to pass off as a prestigious mink. Most often, a rabbit is used for this: its fur is close in appearance. But there is still a difference between them. In rabbits, the pile is shorter, and the length may vary in different areas, and the fur itself is noticeably softer.

Rule number 5: learn the seams from the inside

To make sure how well the fur clothes are sewn, you need to inspect its seams. To make it easier for you to figure out how to choose a mink coat, the following tips. First: manufacturers often make these clothes unlined - this is ideal when you want to look inside out. If there is a lining, find out if there is a loose edge. It is left just to check the strength at the seam. Second tip: pay attention to the number of seams - the smaller the better. Third: avoid glued coats, they are the least durable.

Rule 6: Check the Mezdra

Meszra is called the wrong side of the skin, or more simply - the reverse side of the skins of which are sewn mink coat. By its condition, you can determine how well the fur was processed and prepared. The right mezra should be shiny, but without excess fat, soft and supple, but strong. Also, it should not have cracks, increased dryness is excluded, otherwise the skin will creak when squeezing and twisting. Plus the right color is light. Yellow, however, indicates an excessively old material.

Rule number 7: decide on painting

When discussing how to choose a mink coat when buying, one cannot avoid the question of the color of such clothes. Color itself is a matter of taste. But it’s important to decide for yourself whether you want a fur of natural color or dyed in a fashionable shade? If the latter, then you need to check the quality of the coat painting. To do this, you can conduct a small test. Take a white scarf, wet it, and then run it over the fur. If after this the fabric changes color, then the dye is of poor quality and will quickly fade and disappear.

Rule number 8: measure the coat

You cannot buy such fur clothes without trying on - this is an axiom. After all, the only way you can understand whether it suits you, whether it is convenient for you. Therefore, it is important to determine how to choose the size of a mink coat. First of all, it should not be tight, as they say, close-fitting: a suitable coat does not hamper the movements. Be sure to walk in it for at least 3-5 minutes to understand: is it not pressing in the shoulders, collar, whether the clothes are heavy. And try: it is better to spend an hour trying on all models, but find the best one for yourself.

Rule number 9: consider design

This advice is more relevant not to the quality of the fur coat as such, but to the purchase as a whole. The style of such clothes depends solely on your preferences: it can be a long, short model, trendy or traditional in its cut. But here it is important to understand how to choose the right mink coat depending on your goals. If you are going to wear these clothes for 5-7 years (and a “fur” has a quality coat for 10 years or more), then you should stop at the classics - it will not become obsolete by the next season.

Rule number 10: choose a seller

You have to be honest to the end: without certain experiences and skills, figuring out whether a fur coat and fur is good in front of you is very difficult even with such advice. After all, if you set a goal, many shortcomings can be hidden. Therefore, the main answer to the question of how to choose a high-quality mink coat is simple: choose not so much clothes as the seller. The market and little-known shops are not the best place to purchase such clothes, no matter how attractive their prices. It is better to overpay in a proven place, but be sure of the quality of your fur coat!

Any girl dreams of a fur coat and, of course, from a mink, she is able to attract the enthusiastic looks of men and the envious eyes of girls. Any girl expects such attention, acquiring a mink coat. But unfortunately, not every fur coat will be able to make a proper impression on others and bring you a sea of \u200b\u200bemotions. To make the purchase worthwhile, we will reveal to you the secrets of professionals in choosing fur coats.

Quality indicators of a fur coat is its fur. First of all, you should pay attention to it. In no case should the fur be dull or faded. A feature of the mink is its healthy shimmering shine.

Pile should be resilient. This can be checked by placing a hand on the product and pressing the pile. If you remove your hand and shake the product - the fur should take its previous shape. Also, it should not molt. This check is also not difficult. Pull the skin in several places. No fluff should remain in the hand.
  The color of the fur should be uniform, without spots and stains. If you choose a painted mink, then the paint should not remain on your hands and other materials.
  The reverse side of the skin should be light in color, soft to the touch, without cracks. In no case should there be any green and yellow shades and stains.

  1. Russian. Its distinctive feature is a high undercoat and a high core hair. Because of this feature, a fur coat from such a mink will be very warm, but it looks very fluffy and voluminous. In terms of cost, products from Russian mink come out much cheaper than from Scandinavian or North American.
  2. North American. This kind of mink is remembered for its velvety skin. The underpush and the outer hair are equally short, due to which the coats from the North American mink are very light, and the appearance is very expensive. Skins are purchased at elite auctions, due to which, the price of them is quite high.
  3. Scandinavian mink is the most common type of fur for the production of fur products. It is distinguished by a thick, stuffed underfur and medium-length outer hair. Due to its coloring, fur coats from such a mink look expensive. The Scandinavian mink's undercoat is lighter, and the outer hair is dark, such a color shimmers beautifully in the sunlight. Products from the Scandinavian mink are quite warm, even for winter in the north of Russia. Since, due to the peculiarity of the skin, it retains heat very well.

What to consider when choosing

Choosing a mink coat is not an easy task. When choosing it, it is necessary to take into account the growth and features of the figure. For example, tall slender girls have places to take a walk when choosing a fur coat because she will decorate such girls in any style and length of the product.

For girls with curvaceous forms, it is worth choosing darker shades of mink with a contrasting volume collar, if growth allows, it is advisable to choose elongated fur coats, flared downwards. Such fur coats visually hide a couple of extra pounds. In addition, on girls with large forms, fur-coats with a herringbone-like ornament will look great, he will also stretch the silhouette and give the figure even more grace.

Having decided on the choice of a fur coat, do not rush to buy it, there are too many scammers in the fur market who want to make money on you. At the time of purchase, it is better to carefully study a high-quality fur coat so that over time you do not find unpleasant surprises.

It is worth paying attention that if you decide to take a dyed mink, you need to take a white napkin and hold it along the fur along and against the pile. If pigment remains on the napkin, it is better not to take such a fur coat. After the first contact with moisture, the paint will begin to unevenly peel off and leave stains.

How to choose and not be fooled

Often they try to deceive buyers and instead of mink try to sell cheaper fur, for example, rabbit or groundhog. Remember, rabbit fur. Unlike mink, it is soft, and the groundhog pile is more spiky and has different lengths.

Another common way to cheat is to fake a brand. Expensive fur products on skins should have a label or a mark on the purchase of skins at an auction. If there are none, you have the right to require certificates of compliance from store employees. If you are refused to provide them, it means that the products in this store are of inadequate quality and will definitely not last for long.

It is also important to pay attention to the presence of the chip. Such a chip, or as it is also called KiZ, is a guarantee of the quality of the fur product. By the barcode of the chip, the buyer can track the stages of the production of a fur coat, from the purchase of skins to the receipt of goods in the store.

This method has appeared relatively recently and helps to warn buyers from buying low-quality products.

It is also very important where you get a fur coat. It is safest to buy such things already in time-tested places, not in markets, fairs and fur shows, but in fur salons and shops that have been operating for more than a year and certainly will not go anywhere. So you will have 100% confidence that you will not be deceived with a product warranty, which, by the way, should be at least 2 years.