How to develop your style in clothes. How to find your style in clothes, like an independent and purposeful Jennifer Lawrence? How to create your own style for a man

As in many other things - in words (especially if these are recognized words), everything looks quite simple. Gurus say that it is enough to "listen to yourself", "trust your taste" and "do not blindly follow fashion, choosing your style." However, no one, unfortunately, can tell you specifically how to find your own style and image, explain what taste is in general, how to define and develop it. Aesthetics is a subtle feeling, a special approach to it is needed, but a few basic tips can still be distinguished.

How to find your style?

Individual style in clothing develops over time, slowly. First you need to work on the taste. Taste is yours own feeling beauty, harmony in all its manifestations: nature, culture, art, fashion. Therefore, the first advice on how a girl can find her own style can be given like this: surround yourself with beauty.

What does it mean? Go to theater performances, watch fashion shows, read autobiographies of famous artists or visit museums - everyone chooses the most optimal and interesting activity. Do you think it has nothing to do with fashion? How else has it! Thanks to the developed understanding of what is beautiful and what is not, you will no longer fall for a dubious blouse in the store simply because it is on sale. Rather, you might think: is this item on sale precisely because it has an unsuccessful model or color?

The second tip: find yourself one or more standards. Often in recommendations on how to find your own style in clothes for a woman, eminent designers, such as Donna Karan, Carolina Herrera and others, say: do not imitate and do not look for idols, go from within, start from your own desires. However, this is true only in the case when the taste is already sufficiently developed.

How to work with it? Contact a celebrity. Pick a few public people who:

  • similar to you in color type (winter, spring, summer, autumn);
  • have an approximately similar type of figure (oval, rectangle, inverted and regular triangles, hourglass);
  • about the same age as you (this is important!);
  • like you in your looks.

You can choose from both Russian and foreign stars. Follow exactly your “ideals” without being distracted by others. Pay attention to their everyday urban look. Build yourself a basic wardrobe of similar things.

The pitfall of targeting others. For the first time, try to avoid photos of fashion bloggers and just girls dressed in "urban style". In the variety of their images, it is easy to get lost and confused: you will not understand what kind of shoes you should buy and in what quantity, what accessories, and so on.

Third tip: follow fashion trends.“Following fashion is funny, but not following is stupid,” says the famous fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev. This means that one way or another, all people today live in an era that is characterized by certain things. Once it was not customary to wear jeans, but today they are an integral element of any wardrobe. Swimming suits once reached the ankles, but today they barely cover the spicy spots. Therefore, buying clothes in stores today, you, one way or another, follow fashion.

What is important to consider?

There are many people, and even more things. Styles and models are very different, for every taste. But no matter how fashionable a thing is, never buy something that does not suit you! If shoes on a thick grooved platform make your foot rough, do not wear them if fashionable dresses with a tight bottom and a voluminous top increase the imbalance of your proportions - do not wear them, even if they are at the peak of popularity!

Also, information on how to find your own style can sometimes be found in various interviews with Evelina Khromchenko - as an ex-editor of the Russian glossy magazine L "Officiel, she has vast experience and excellent practical knowledge in this area.

Even the goddess of fashion herself, the unsurpassed Coco Chanel, said that fashion passes, but style remains. That is why many people strive to find their own style, but especially those people who do not want to depend on the whims of designers.

But before answering the question of how to create your own style in clothes, you need to understand what style is.

The concept of style includes a combination of many components. If clothes, shoes and accessories correspond to each other, as well as to the place where they were put on, season, personality, character and appearance of a person, then it can be argued that this is the style. However, finding your own individual style is not an easy task. Such a search may take more than a year, but it is really worth it. But how to create your own style of clothing? In order to do this, you need to learn how to choose among the many fashionable gizmos those that will match the figure and appearance of a person, as well as his lifestyle, habits and interests.

Of course, it is impossible to solve such a problem overnight. However, the process of finding your own style can be very, very exciting. And the reward for effort will be an impeccable appearance and admiring glances of others!

On the way to your own style, you need to go through several important and mandatory stages:

  1. Decide on desires. Simply put, you need to outline for yourself the end result. Try to define the style you want to follow. Do you want to always look sophisticated, glamorous or elegant? Or maybe your goal is eccentric and bright style? Or do you strive for a strict or, on the contrary, sexual image? You should also think about how you would not like to look for anything.
  2. Pick up color scheme. An incorrectly chosen color of clothes can spoil even the most sophisticated design, as well as add a few extra years to a person, spoil the tone of the face and hair. You should determine your color type. Based on it, it is necessary to select color combinations.
  3. Pay attention to the figure. This is also extremely important. It is necessary to impartially analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of the figure. Pay attention to the height and proportions of the body. It is best, of course, to determine the type of figure (for example, "hourglass" or "pear"). Today it is easy to find information on how to visually correct figure flaws with the help of clothes. You should not neglect this information - it will be very useful when choosing a style of clothing.
  4. Analyze lifestyle and environment. In order to answer the question of how to create your own style in clothes, you need to go through this stage. Although you see the people around you very often, take a closer look at them. Analyze the environment that most often surrounds you. All of this should give you a hint as to which direction you need to go. If, for example, you are a young mother and spend a lot of time outside with a stroller, should you put on evening dresses and high heels?
  5. Study fashion trends. Although fashion is less stable than style, it is not permissible to ignore it. Fashion is a must-have addition to style. Blindly follow it, of course, is not worth it. But it is also impossible to completely ignore the recommendations of designers.
  6. Conduct a style analysis. This stage can be considered final. Find information about the characteristics of each individual style of clothing. Look carefully at the illustrations for the descriptions. Putting together the results of the research you have done so far (regarding your type of appearance, figure, lifestyle, interests, etc.), choose the style that best matches the conclusions that you could draw. Also, don't be afraid to experiment. Sometimes we don't even know what is best for us!

Professional stylists also often give their advice on how to create your own style of clothing. They recommend giving preference to branded items. But it's not just that they're better quality. Just branded brands always think through the style to the smallest detail. But stylish look must be completed. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase clothes in branded stores, take a closer look at things: you will have to correct the flaws of the designers.

All stages on the way to your own style have been completed, but you are not completely satisfied with the result? Well, this is also possible! Most likely, you did not take into account some points (for example, the features of the figure). But it is not for nothing that there is a profession of a stylist, which people have to learn for a long time. Perhaps you need to turn to professionals?

When fashion began to change too quickly, in order to somehow adapt to the incredibly accelerated time, they replaced it with style, although today it is already obvious that a static personal style in modern realities is an outdated concept! An excellent example of this is Ulyana Sergeenko and her charming images of a “peasant lady”. Having soared to the top of the fashionable Olympus, Ulyana did not last long there, the fashion changed and her style lost its relevance. However, despite the obvious changes in fashion and the world as a whole, most women still believe that the most important thing for building an optimal and functional wardrobe is the ability, ability or desire to find your style, but I will please you, you don’t have to look for a style! But what is needed?

To begin with, simple and clear as a brick questions regarding women's wardrobe - Does the thing fit or doesn't fit?, over the past 10-15 years, overgrown with so many all kinds of husks, it is not surprising why elementary concepts were lost in a pile of “images”, “expressing oneself through clothes”, “matching or inappropriate colors”, “basic wardrobes” and other similar things!

You need to look for YOUR things, and not something else! Their fit, silhouette, length, volume, color, finally! Suitable or “own” things will be combined with each other without any problems, because most of the difficulties with combining clothes arise because of the clothes themselves, and not for some other reason!

More recently, another flash mob on the topic “two weeks without repetitions” ended on Instagram, the essence of which was as follows: to dress during the specified period in only ten (or fifteen) selected items, never repeating the outfit.
The images of some participants were analyzed by practicing stylists, but that's bad luck, the guru comments on an outfit consisting of a skirt with a top:

“All the lines are in their place, you didn’t “break the figure” anywhere. Perfectly stretched the silhouette with a pendant!, and you look at the photo of the participant and cannot understand which pendant, if none of the things is elementarily matched in size and length?

Another image: the trousers in the crotch hang with a bubble, the shirt is large, and this is obvious from the folds formed at the seams of the sleeve, but talk only about the basic wardrobe (in its most concise version), shades and scarves!

In general, accessory fuss is very confusing for women. In a short period of time, the following thoughts took root in the heads of women:

-clothes can be inexpensive, the main thing is a bag and shoes
- accessories - scarves, pendants, necklaces, etc. that can refresh any look

which in general is true, but inexpensive clothes and clothes that don’t fit in size / length / volume are not the same thing!
And no strap will emphasize anything if the trousers do not fit or make the figure look fuller due to an inappropriate fabric pattern!

The rooted tendency to go from the general to the particular - from understanding oneself, one's inner self, which supposedly needs to be demonstrated, to things that embody this task, invariably fails, because the average woman does not need to express anything! She needs to have matching clothes in her closet that will be folded in actual time sets, and this can only be achieved through the acquisition of “her own” things and nothing else!

This topic puzzled me after I analyzed my latest looks. Incredibly, but far from the traditional base, clothes - a pink coat, an oversized shirt with elongated cuffs, a straight-cut dress with a tiered hem, went well with other things from my closet and took center stage in my wardrobe.

How did it happen?

- things fit well
- they suit me in length, silhouette, volume and color
- models solve problems for body shaping
- these are fashionable things, so any combination with it gives actual sets
- things are sewn from a pleasant fabric, I practically do not feel them on myself, despite the original or unusual style for me

Suitable pink coat or oversized shirt with long cuffs under standard definitions basic wardrobe? No, but for me they serve as basic units because they are 100% my stuff!

The same can be written about any other thing bought in the last year.

The bow blouse just suits me in terms of style (especially the collar), volume, length, fit, etc., so it was easy to pair with jeans that matched my model and fit,

a well-chosen hat, despite the stereotype “short people should not wear wide-brimmed hats”, on the contrary, builds a vertical image, corrects proportions and visually adds height,

and an oversized sweater masks feminine hips and, strange as it may sound, optically lengthens the legs.

And so with all things, shoes and accessories!

Don't look for your style, look for YOUR stuff! This makes much more sense and benefit. When you learn to find your things, the style will take care of itself.

Have a good day!

How to choose your style in clothes: 7 fashion tips how to look stylish.

Today is the girls' day. There will be dancing today! Pretty sure you're singing that song right now, right?

Yes, today is indeed a great day. My boss finally, after 5 long years of work, decided to promote me. The salary has increased by 2.5 times, and the position sounds nice.

Accepting congratulations in the office of the authorities, I blushed, and my face almost burst from a smile. “Lenochka Stepanovna, and buy yourself something to dress up, well, you don’t have the strength to look”, — the chef drawled after 5 glasses. I pursed my lips, and a lump came up to my throat treacherously. I adjusted my “slightly stretched” turtleneck…

My friends have hinted to me before that my style of clothing is far from ideal. And even my mother secretly tried to throw away my sneakers. I heroically defended my right to a discreet wardrobe and comfortable shoes.

Having galloped home in the evening, I clung to my husband and, not without embarrassment, told him about the disgrace that had happened.

“Lenchik, don’t be offended…”, - Dima drawled, scratching his head. “I love you and such, I don’t care what your style of clothing is. Better than nothing at all!”, - Dima tried to save the situation, but it was too late.

At night, sitting near the refrigerator with a bitten cutlet, I decided to give up. Without a fight Tomorrow is shopping. Even if my husband hints that I finally need to choose my own style, I will try.

But how do you choose your style of dress? How not to become a laughing stock when trying to dress in stylish outfits?

If you are here, then you are also interested in the question of finding your own style. Grab some coffee and we'll figure it out together.

First you need to evaluate what we will dress up. I mean our temple, our beautiful body.

It is impossible to choose exactly your own style of clothing, ideally suited to you, without taking into account the features of your figure. Adequately evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the figure. What to emphasize, what to hide, what zones to completely “dissolve” with the help of clothes. If you have problems with an adequate assessment of yourself - ask someone you trust.

IMPORTANT!!! Just do not ask to evaluate your husband's figure! You won't like any of his answers.

- Honey, your figure is beautiful, there are no flaws in it ...
- You're lying to me, I asked for an adequate assessment!

- Honey, the hips are a little wide, and the tummy can be hidden.
"I'm divorcing you, stranger!"

I put down the pen and immediately dialed my mother's number. The answer was:

“Daughter, I always told you that you are too thin for me. No breasts in your 34, butt small. You try to eat more, not to choose a style of clothing! Buy yourself a bun!"

We conclude: husband and mother are bad advisers when you decide to choose a new style. And here best friend or a colleague is a great option.

Each of us wants, having chosen our own style of clothing, to feel comfortable and emphasize not only the figure, but also our Self.

How do you feel? A cheeky tigress? A frivolous Frenchwoman (despite the fact that she was born in Mytishchi)? "His own in the board" guy?

Let me point out right away: I am against rowing the entire fair sex under one brush.

After shoveling through a bunch of fashion blogs and re-reading two heaps of fashion articles, I formed my opinion regarding the choice of style, namely:

Your clothing style is a combination of the style, color that suits you + high-quality textures and fabrics + “talking” shoes and accessories (we’ll be secret about this below).

So, if you feel free as the wind, and your best friend- a motorcycle, it's stupid to squeeze into a sheath dress and stilettos.

We are still talking about the basics.

I used to sin by buying low-quality things. There are a lot of rags and rags in the subway passage. “What difference does it make to me, from a turtleneck transition or from a fashion boutique” I thought as I stuffed my purchase into my bag. After a week, it stretched and lost color. Familiar?

Now, when I go shopping on the weekend, I will be armed: I buy only quality. After all, a quality thing looks better, sits cooler, and will last longer. is to choose a quality wardrobe that will speak of you as a successful woman.

  • silk,
  • wool,
  • cashmere,
  • quality jeans (cotton),
  • cotton,
  • tweed.

Keep synthetics to a minimum in your wardrobe. And I won’t even say how harmful synthetics are and how often my neck itched from it. Choose your style of clothing, giving preference natural fabrics- choose health.

This whole theory is very good. What about in practice?

Choosing your style of clothing is to decide on basic things which you can add depending on the occasion.

So, it could be:

For color, I, perhaps, will take the hotel section. Have you noticed that even the most stylish things can look different, depending on their color, or rather, how it suits the owner of the clothes? It is not enough to choose your style in clothes, it is important to choose your acceptable color scheme.

Earlier in my youth, when I had attempts to choose my own style, I would definitely buy a red blouse / dress / jacket. Red is associated with sexuality. That's where the scarlet lipstick went. Then, trying to choose my style, I did not realize that instead of me, boiled crayfish walks the streets.

Let me explain: my face is red from the very early age, capillaries dilate, and even Foundation does not fully help.

"Everyone has known for so long that green tint tonaka mixed with the root eliminates this problem.”- you snort.

But why should I wear twice as much makeup, which will only harm my skin, when I can solve the same problem with the right color of the dress?

For myself, I forever dismissed the red, burgundy and hot pink colors. "In them" my face looks scarlet, like a tomato. But black and beige, blue and yellow, gray and sky blue are perfect for me.

Also, when you have to choose your style, you should not forget about the following dogmas:

    Hair color.

    Those who want to choose their own style of clothing and have blonde hair, it is not recommended to abuse shades of beige or brown.

    Red-haired women should be careful with yellow and orange colors. But fair-haired and brunettes have more freedom - almost any shade suits them.

    Color of the skin.

    If you have the same redness as mine, either put on a green foundation under your main tone, or give up scarlet outfits.

    Professionals recommend that women with bruises under their eyes choose their style, ignoring purple, blue and gray.

    So, an acid pink t-shirt with a puff will look ridiculous. Yes, and acid colors generally do not look very good, what do you think?

Choosing a style in clothes is only half the battle. Shoes play a huge role. Bad shoes can ruin any outfit, even super stylish ones.

Of course, the first rule in choosing shoes is its comfort. Choose uncomfortable but creepy beautiful shoes- this is to spoil your mood, break loose on a colleague and barely hobble home, tucking your fingers. Do you need it?

The second rule is material from which it is made. I will give preference genuine leather, undoubtedly. Choose your style of clothing and choose a quality pair leather shoes- sin. ( Vegans, pardon my humble opinion).

And the third is her style. If you are a lover of heels, I advise you to choose a stable comfortable heel. The hairpin is only for evening festivals. But we are discussing how to choose a style called everyday.

Shoes say more about their owner than all the clothes. Check out Jennifer Lopez's everyday look:

Plain white t-shirt, slightly baggy jeans and lovely original shoes on a flat track. Nothing special, but looks delicious.

And what about the cutie Emma Watson? Ordinary, but what elegant shoes! The image immediately became playful.

How to find your style in clothes? Why is there always “Nothing to Wear”?!

We have already talked a little about the bag above.

For myself, I used to always choose comfortable huge “flea markets” or backpacks. And yes, I sinned walking for a long time with a bag, the edges of which were peeling off, and the handles were worn out. How can you choose your style without paying attention to accessories?

I will tell you: do not repeat my mistakes. A bag is an important accessory when it comes to choosing a style of clothing. Wealth is determined by shoes and a bag. Don't skimp on an expensive quality bag. And yes, now it’s not at all necessary to choose shoes that match the color and style of your backpack or handbag. Experiment.

And yet, choosing your style (be it classic, casual, sporty, grunge), deciding only on clothes and shoes is not enough. To dilute it with accessories is the same difficult task. For example, it’s hard to imagine any bow without a watch (even if you are used to watching time exclusively on the screen of your mobile).

Suitable for classic style: more strict models, thin and medium straps, silver or gold bracelets, small or medium dials.

A good option for a classic style of clothing.

For everyday use in clothes you can consider more free models - different colors, any style. By the way, cool on gentle female hand looks good male model hours. Well, at least measure it, right?

Of course, this list is not complete. There, if you wish, you can include both glasses and an umbrella, and definitely “your” perfume ... suspenders and bow ties, hats and gloves, cool socks and elegant underwear. All this is part of your image.

It's hard to choose your style, looking back at the abundance that stores offer us. But still, it’s worth listening to your self, burning with a desire to emphasize your character and finally throw out your old sneakers.

Let's change, are you with me?

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Every year the style in clothes is updated. There are new items from well-known fashion houses that attract the attention of women and make them doubt the choice of their own individual style of clothing.

Creating your own unique style- a painstaking and rather difficult task that requires taste and your own opinion. It is impossible to use templates and traditional solutions here. Each woman is unique in her own way and requires her own original wardrobe and high quality items.

You should not save on clothes and buy cheap things that, after a short period of time, lose their original appearance and require replacement. High-quality clothing emphasizes the refined taste of a woman and speaks of her own style.

It is important not to go to extremes and not use exalted ways to attract attention. Such an approach is not suitable for an accomplished and successful woman. When creating your own style in clothes, you must always take into account age, physiological features and anthropological parameters. You need to stick to your own style, allowing you to look 100% anytime, anywhere.

It seems to many that it is easy and simple to develop a style in clothes. In fact, the process is quite painstaking and requires care when choosing things. No need to chase fashion, aimlessly purchasing clothes in large quantities. Quantity does not always translate into quality.

The wardrobe of a girl and a woman should allow her to look different every day, but stick to a certain style. No need to mindlessly copy other people's images, they are not always better than your individual decisions. In this case, stereotype destroys individuality and does not allow your image to open up.

What to look for when choosing clothes?

Each person has an idea of ​​his own individual image. Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. Otherwise, it is impossible to decide on your own style.

It is important to consider the following parameters:

  1. visual combination. You should pay attention to the hairstyle, hair color, brightness of makeup, manicure, accessories.
  2. Behavior and communication. Gait, speech, facial expressions, gestures.
  3. Circle of friends. Surrounding people, work, life, place of residence.

Every woman has her own unique look. Clothing is able, with proper use, to hide flaws and emphasize dignity. Help to gain confidence in any situation.

The way a person dresses shows the degree of his love and respect for himself. It is not for nothing that they meet by clothes, but see off by mind. People first of all evaluate the appearance and clothing of a person, and only then make a final conclusion, after communicating with him.

Don't blindly follow fashion trends. Many fashion trends are universal and designed for a huge number of women. You need to choose your own among the abundance of proposed models original solutions, allowing you to create a complete image. How to find your style in clothes? It is important to rely on your opinion and listen to inner feelings. Clothing should be comfortable, without feeling tight or uncomfortable. You can listen to the advice of experts or make small borrowings, but you need to rely only on your own feelings and feelings.

Do not passively copy other people's trends imposed by aggressive advertising. Such an approach produces the same images that do not allow a really interesting personality to be clearly expressed. You can simply "dissolve" in a huge "sea" of facelessness and uniformity. This approach is a dead end and does not allow you to develop your own style solutions.

When creating your own style in clothes, you can follow the following algorithm of actions:

Contents of the closet to be inspected

A thorough audit of the contents of the cabinets should be carried out. See many things. You need to put aside things that have not been worn for a year. These clothes should be put away or simply distributed. It does not match your attitude and does not fit the style. It lies as unnecessary ballast inside the cabinet and collects dust. If it is a pity to give or throw away clothes, then you can try to change them. You can give the master or make changes yourself. This approach will give things a "second life".

What items dominate in your wardrobe? The remaining things need to be carefully examined and try to answer the question: why do you wear them?

Creating your own style

You need to rely primarily on your own rhythm of life, environment, work and lifestyle. When choosing clothes, you need to listen to your own feelings, and not fashion trends. Things should be convenient and comfortable. The quality of the fabric plays an important role. The color scheme depends purely on personal individual preferences. No need to drive yourself into artificial color frames that limit your imagination.

It is important not to be afraid of experiments and bold decisions. It all depends purely on imagination and personal ideas about beauty. A wide selection of items on sale will give you the opportunity to create any image and your own style without titanic efforts. You just need to listen to your own feelings and "inner voice".