It turns out to walk in heels. How to walk in heels: balance and willpower. The main thing is practice. Train

This humorous guide will not leave indifferent any woman who ever wore high heels. And for girls who are just trying on their first high-heeled shoes, it may also bring practical benefits.

High heels, like an expensive race car, are a real work of art, a cross between luxury and necessity. They were specially invented to present your figure in the most favorable light. Why go under the knife or tear in the gym, if there is a much easier and more enjoyable way?

Naturally, walking in heels is not very convenient, but over time any shoes wear out. The thicker the heel, the more comfortable. You feel insecure - start with shoes on a platform or wedge heels: the effect is the same as from heels, but how much more comfortable!

Walking in heels is like riding a bicycle: once you try it, you will never forget. Like a bicycle, certain safety precautions should be observed: of course, you will not wear knee pads, but stretching does not interfere.

How to learn to walk in heels

First, it’s best to choose medium-heeled shoes with an ankle clasp. Sandals and clogs will have to wait until you gain more experience.

Sit on the edge of the chair: the back is straight, shoulders are straightened, head is proudly raised. Lift your right leg, stretching out your toe, like a prima ballerina, and carefully place it in the shoe. After making sure that your fingers slipped into the very toe, try moving them and only then fasten the strap. Feel the ankle tighten first, then the calf. Now put on your left shoe.

The toes are pulled forward, the ankles back are a little strange, but you have to get used to it. Now bend slightly, take a deep breath and try to get up.

Oops, be careful! Hope not to fall?

The legs are shoulder-width apart, the back is straight, start turning the hips! .. This exercise is not at all as stupid as it seems: it will help you find a new center of gravity.

The calves, knees and lower back are tense, the weight is transferred to the socks.

Now cover your buttocks with your palms and walk around the room, trying not to wag your hips too much. It seems that the movements are vulgar - squeeze your palms slightly.

If tired, bend one leg. Nice pose, right? The point is not only in its attractiveness, it is much more important that the second leg relaxes. Learn to relax by bending your legs alternately. Has it become easier? Try walking again.

Raise your right leg, stretch your fingers and transfer the weight to the toe. In no case on the heel - he could break. Take your time, remember the cat-like smooth movements of fashion models on the podium. It’s better to take small steps: it’s easier, more elegant and safer.

Transfer weight from one leg to another as carefully as possible. Remember: the lower and thicker the heel, the more boldly you can rely on the heel. Imagine that you are walking along a tightly stretched rope: the step starts from the hip, the buttocks participate in the movement, describing the eights.

I felt the heaviness in my legs - it was time to take a break and change our shoes into comfortable spaced sneakers.

Do you want to reach the middle level soon? Train your calf muscles. The best result will be given by the treadmill in the gym. Well, if the last savings were left on the designer shoes, do not despair. There is a more affordable way - running to the supermarket.

How to hone your walk in the supermarket

In fact, super- and hypermarkets are not much different from treadmills in elite fitness centers, and given the smoothness of the floors, they are even more useful for you. The food trolley will play a supporting role. Don’t pay attention to ridicule: women are simply envious, and men are amazed that such a beautiful girl goes shopping herself. You probably have a driver!

So, take off your sneakers, put on your shoes, trolley in your hands and ... march in sections. Right foot - left foot, movement from the hip, do not forget to write out eights. At the same time you will buy products for a week and, perhaps, you will make useful contacts.

Your task: in sections 1-5   Get used to the shoes and try to find your own rhythm. Well done, if at the same time you manage to look at the shelves!

In sections 6-10   try to change speed, make stops and turns: first smooth, then sharp, in full swing. Do not let the cart out: it’s better not to take risks and do not force events.

In sections 11-16   admire your reflection in the mirror. Like?

Last sections and cash desk   - enjoy the success, but while standing in line, alternately relax your legs.

Stack bags in a car? At this stage, the appearance of a whole army of people who want to help is likely.

By the way, if you practiced honestly, you can quite reach the parking lot without a cart; heavy packages will play the role of ballast.

The secret of the exciting walk of Marilyn Monroe is that the famous actress ordered to make one heel a centimeter shorter than the other. Hence the sensual movements of the hips: it was necessary to somehow maintain balance. However, a centimeter is perhaps too much. Better find a good workshop and ask to grind one of the heels literally a millimeter.

How not to fall off heels on any surface

Remember, each surface has its own secrets.

Carpet:   the longer the pile, the more dangerous. Look for bald spots and lean on your heels like spurs. But if your carpet is wiser to wear ballet shoes.

Sidewalk:   in London, cracks are usually from the outside, so go along the inside, closer to the shop windows. In Milan, the opposite is true: move on the outside, otherwise you risk getting into the hatch. In Paris, there is no sidewalk as such, mostly pavements, so stay on the edge of the roadway. In New York, do not go on foot. Do you want to seem like a black sheep? Catch a taxi.

Tar:   Ideal for winter and deadly in summer. Feel that you're stuck? Call for help. You can’t get out on your own anyway.

Marble:   very dangerous! It is worth losing balance, and the consequences can be completely unpredictable. Feeling insecure? Keep close to the walls (cabinets, railings) - to anything, just to grab hold of it.

Bridge:   death heels. On uneven slippery pebbles it is impossible to maintain balance. After rain and frost, it’s better not to appear on the pavement at all. Go along the edge of the roadway. In less than a minute, someone compassionate would offer a ride.

Wooden floors, bridges, ramps:   step on the center of the board - the rotten tree begins to crumble from the edges. Move as quickly as possible, preferably in a straight line. It is terrible to think what will happen if the heel gets into the hollow! At least you are guaranteed splinter. In Paris, be careful with "romantic walks" on wooden bridges, Pont Neuf, for example. Do you want to see the sights? Put on your sneakers!

Lattices on hatches and ditches:   dangerous, especially small ones. Only step on your toe. The thinner the heel, the greater the risk.

Escalators:   on the rise it is tolerable, especially if you hang the heels off the steps, but the descent is a completely different matter. When the first escalators appeared in England, passengers had to give out smelling salts. Now everything is far from so scary, the main thing is to hold onto the handrails, stand on toes and make sure that the heel does not get stuck between the rubber grooves.

Rugs and mats: new, that is, well-forgotten old enemies. On slippery mats it is as hard to walk as on ice or flying saucers. Anyone who has scattered floor mats clearly wishes you and your heels dead; try to get around them. If you often come to this house, ask the owners to nail, stick, or at least temporarily attach the floor mats.

Dance floor:   here you and your shoes should sparkle in all its glory. This is where the sensual hip movements you learned in the supermarket come in handy.


I haven’t walked in high heels for a long time, but today I walked, I sit - my legs are buzzing. But it’s beautiful.

Thanks! Super! Here, I think, to suck in shoe repair to file one heel per centimeter!)))

is it really that hard? :))

Comment on the article "How to walk in heels: user manual"

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As it was with us, at first we went for 1 pen, then we began to stand on our own, then only then, little by little, to walk. So walking by one handle is still far from independent walking.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that every self-respecting girl should know how to walk in high heels and not look funny or ridiculous at the same time. Heels are not only beautiful, but also useful. In such shoes, the girl feels more confident, forgets about the shortcomings and complexes. Moreover, she visually raises her chest, straightens her back and gives the gait a special charm. Not everyone can walk beautifully in high heels, but everyone can learn how to do it right. In addition to patience and practice, knowledge of the basic rules that are set out in this article will not hurt.

The first rule. Choose the right shoes

Before you go in high heels, you need to choose the right shoes. Perfect shoes are classic. The heel in them is long and thin, with a height of not more than 10 cm. At the same time, the height of the lift cannot be determined exactly, since it all depends on the size, height and fullness of the legs. Too much can cause discomfort, fatigue and not too much.

It should be remembered that high-heeled shoes can be very diverse. In one model, a heel of 10 cm will seem too high, in another - low. When choosing such shoes, pay attention not to beauty, but to convenience.

The second rule. Learn the basics of high heel walking

Agree that a girl who barely waddles with bent legs and lowered shoulders looks both funny and sad at the same time. If you do not know how to walk in high heels, or do not have enough experience, first learn to do it, and only then go out into the street. No need to put on high stiletto heels right away - start with a smaller option. A new pair of shoes can be first mastered at home, then in a walk to the nearest supermarket. Increase the distance over time. Pay attention to your steps and remember that:

First you need to step on the heel, and then on the toe (but at the same time do not lean on your heel with all the weight);

It is necessary to straighten the legs;

The foot should be pushed forward and rearranged as if you were walking in a straight line;

The steps should be soft and smooth;

The chin and shoulders should be straightened;

Better to avoid roads with sand, ice or gravel.

The third rule. Give your feet a break from heels

When you get home do not be lazy: give yourself a massage and a relaxing foot bath. This procedure does not require much effort and energy, on the contrary, it will give you pleasure. In the summer, you can wipe your feet with ice, which will save you from fatigue and swelling.

If you are aware in advance that you are planning a long party or meeting with friends, and you don’t know how to walk in high heels for so long, follow our advice and make it easy before bedtime It will not be superfluous to use a foot bath. By the way, experienced top models and ballerinas are sure to do this every day.

Do not wear high heel shoes all day. If you feel that your legs are tired, take a rest, because a walk in this state will turn into flour. For example, in the office you can take off your shoes and stretch your feet. You can also carry extra low-heeled shoes with you to give your feet a rest from time to time.

Thus, shoes with large heels, in particular their toe, require a lot of attention, if, of course, the girl wants to look beautiful and confident. Stick to the above rules, and be sure that you will not go unnoticed!

Heels can make the silhouette slimmer, legs longer and graceful ankles. That is why, choosing shoes "on the way out", most girls will prefer a stiletto heel. But if in everyday life you prefer sneakers or ballet shoes, you can inadvertently embarrass at an important event or a romantic date, wearing unusual shoes. You met such a miracle on the street - the girl cheerfully paces on bent legs, leaning her shoulders forward, staggering on the roughness of the asphalt. But then in huge heels.

High heels, stilettos, even just square heels 5 centimeters high require a special gait that will not appear by itself in a day or two. And this is not a vulgar wagging backwards, not a "sweet club foot" from too high heels, not a peppy bounce in the style of "gymnastics-hello", not a heavy thump on the heel from all over. This is an easy and graceful gait, in which the steps are small, the posture is as straight as possible, the stomach is pulled in. Such a walk leaves the impression that the girl is perfectly balanced, walking along a narrow path.

If you have never worn high heels (or worn but forgot what century it was in), simple tips and exercises will help you achieve an easy walk.

The right choice of shoes

Do not start the victorious procession in heels with a 12-centimeter hairpin. Such a heel is good as a weapon of self-defense in a dark lane, and not for beginners to comprehend the magic of the heel.

The optimal solution would be to choose a stable rectangular heel with a height of 5-7 centimeters. This height of the heel is quite physiological and corresponds to the natural height of the foot in an average woman. This means that wearing such shoes for work or school, you will not curse by the end of the day the one who invented the heel, the one who invented that the heel is fashionable, and the rest of the world.

When choosing the first heeled shoes, follow the simple rules:

  • The wider the heel, the more stable. On a thin hairpin, keeping balance is much more difficult than on a square heel; hairpins require perfect balance.
  • A round toe is more convenient than a pointed toe.

In terms of the convenience of shoes with heels, the shape of the pads is a big deal. There are terrible Chinese-quality shoes that will not be convenient for any woman. High-quality shoes usually boast a shoe, more or less comfortable for most women. You should not be shy to measure a few pairs, some models will sit on you much more convenient than others with the same heel height and similar shape of the model.

When inspecting shoes, pay attention to centering the heel. The most comfortable heel, which is located directly under the heel. A heel that is too shifted under the foot or vice versa, balancing somewhere on the edge of the shoe, is not the best solution for beginners.

Select a few pairs and walk around the store in detail. Twist in front of the mirror, practice turning around its axis. Try to go slowly at first, then a little faster. Imagine you are late for an important meeting. Is it comfortable for you in these shoes, do you feel yourself about to collapse on your side, like a leaning tower of Pisa? Can you speed up a step without breaking your ankle? Are your fingers too squeezed? Or maybe, on the contrary, the back of the shoe is too loose and will subside when walking?

If the shoes seem comfortable enough to you, imagine that you carried them without taking off for several hours. If now shoes “rub your thumb a little bit,” believe me, after half a day these sensations can become unbearable. Still confident in shoes? Then you can safely go to the cashier.

Take the first steps in heels

If you are preparing for an event that is still a few weeks away, or just decided to master the art of wearing heels without being tied to any event, you should gradually prepare your legs for unusual shoes.

Start with short distances. Ideal to start walking in heels at home. The advantage of home training is a flat floor, and at any time you can throw off your shoes and relax.

Wear heels at home for an hour a day. Your ankles will gradually get used to the load, and your legs will not get very tired. The calf muscles will strengthen, and you will become more confident in walking.

Now the time has come to "go out into the fields." Schedule a short route for yourself - this may be the nearest store. You can even just go to take out the trash. Do not rush, for the first time stepping on asphalt with new heels. Hiking path bumps, small bumps, and pebbles can make your outing a little harder than expected.

You can plan the "first fashion show" somewhere in the supermarket. There is a fairly flat floor and it is possible to use a small life hack - to take a shopping trolley, which will help maintain balance.

Heels Walking Technique

When walking in heels, oddly enough, the most important thing is good posture. The additional load on the spine often forces lowering the shoulders forward and retracting the “fifth point”. Standing on heels, you artificially create for yourself a seductive bend of the lower back. If at the same time you have weak abdominal muscles, it can fall out treacherously. Therefore, an important rule is that the stomach is always pulled in.

So, the chin is raised, the shoulders are straightened, the stomach is pulled up, the pelvis is slightly brought forward. Try walking like this. Most likely you will feel that you want to lean forward a bit to compensate for the shifted center of gravity. Instead, try to keep the hips slightly in front of the hull when walking. Do not swing your shoulders when walking, try to keep them as stationary as possible.

As for the legs, the best way to walk is when you step as if in one line. But at first, such a gait will be unattainable, and trying to achieve it, you most likely will begin to unknowingly claw together. Therefore, mentally draw two lines in front of you, the distance between which will be 10-15 cm - these are the lines on which you will place your feet. It is important to guide the socks slightly outward.

When walking, do not put your feet on the heel with all your strength. Try to go “from the toe” as the dancers walk. It is not so easy in heels, but leaning all the weight on the heel first, and then transferring the weight of the body to the toe, you make the gait difficult. Imagine that you gracefully go “on tiptoe” and try to control this moment, so you gradually learn to walk “from the toe”.


You will need a large floor mirror to control your gait. First, stand in front of the mirror with your heels on. Look at yourself - the figure seems more slender, the ankles graceful. Shoes are worth the effort, aren't they? Now, inspired, move away from the mirror to the maximum distance and walk towards it, paying attention to the setting of the legs.

For beginners, it is recommended that you use the “baby step” technique. Your steps should be very short, like the first children's steps. Step slowly, taking small steps, and control your movement in the mirror. Do you put your foot right? Are your socks turned outward or are you unconsciously trying to “claw”? At first, it will be difficult to control the body, the position of the pelvis, and the setting of the feet. Having thoroughly practiced, you will develop an automatic habit of maintaining the correct position of the body when walking in heels.

Exercise "book on the head" will help to control posture. Take a heavy thick book and lay it on your head. First try to walk without heels, thus carrying a book. Your posture should be perfect and your gait as smooth as possible. With a little practice, you can stand up in heels. In shoes, it will be a little more difficult to maintain perfect gait, but this exercise will wean you from the characteristic "bouncing" when walking in heels, which is inherent in many beginners.

When training an elegant gait on heels, put on a narrow skirt to the knee, in which your step will be shorter. If you are used to taking wide steps, such a skirt will tame the desire to take a step wider and rush a little.

Learn to climb and descend stairs. Going down, they put a foot on both the heel and the toe. When rising, they put the foot only on the toe, without touching the steps with the heel. Take your time, with one hand touch the railing slightly so that in case of failure you will not fall.

In heels, it’s important to learn not only to walk. Do not forget about dancing! Dancing in heels also needs to be able to. Work out a few simple movements in front of the mirror, pay attention to how you look at the same time, if you are not slouching your shoulders in the dance, or if you are bowing your head.

Do not forget about comfort. Use special silicone insoles, walking with them will be much more convenient for you.

From many men one can hear: "There is nothing worse than a woman who has put on her heels and cannot walk on them." But sometimes you want to feel like a top model!

We draw your attention to these tips from WikiHow, which can help you look more confident in your favorite shoes.

1. Take small steps

To look graceful, you need to take small, slow steps, without bending your knees more than usual. If you try to walk wide, as we usually do in comfortable shoes, then the gait will look unnatural. So if you decide on an extreme height, then you have to not rush anywhere.

2. Step from heel to toe

In order for the gait to look natural, it is necessary to step not with the whole foot, but first on the heel, and then slowly put the toe on. Once the arch of the foot takes your weight, move it forward as if you are going to tiptoe, and then push off to take a new step.

3. Keep your back straight

It is impossible to imagine a beautiful woman without a beautiful posture. To do this, straighten your shoulders, keep your chin parallel to the floor. Then the abdominal muscles will tighten, the stomach will retract, you will look slimmer and lighter.

4. We walk in a straight line

To achieve the gait of the model, it is necessary to imagine that a straight line is drawn in front and go along it. The leg must be placed directly in front of the other leg, the socks are looking straight, so the hips will sway a little. We'll have to work out, but it's worth it: all men will turn around afterwards.

5. Getting ready to go home

If there is a significant event ahead (a wedding, for example), some things need to be done in advance to look perfect:

* Practice walking. So that the whole evening in heels is not extreme for you, and also that small scratches appear on the sole and it becomes less slippery;

* carry shoes. Unsupported shoes + all evening on your feet \u003d nightmare. There are several ways to soften new shoes: put on woolen socks, a new pair of shoes and walk like that for 10 minutes.

* master the stairs. We get down - we step in full stop, rise - we step only on the toe.

* Use comfortable insoles and lining. If after trying on you realized that somewhere slipping, and the insole could be more comfortable, do not waste time and money on accessories. So save both shoes and legs longer.

6. Learning to stand in heels

It is important not only to be able to walk, but also to stand beautifully in heels. To do this, you need to put the heel of one leg at an angle to the middle of the foot of the other leg. Then transfer the weight to the toe of the leg, to which the heel of the other leg is attached, and as soon as the leg is tired, transfer the weight to the other leg.

7. Give the feet rest

To walk as long and as long as possible, it is better to take a break from time to time. Shoes are better not to take off: tired legs swell quickly, getting into shoes again can be painful.

8. Do not abuse high-heeled shoes

Alternate different heel heights, but give preference to comfortable shoes. Constantly wearing stilettos can be harmful to your health.

9. Choosing the right shoes

If you have worn sneakers all your life, then you don’t need to rush into the pool with your head and immediately buy yourself 10-centimeter studs. Start with a more stable and low heel (5-7 cm). Pay attention to wedges and shoes with a strap around the ankle: they are more convenient, since the foot glides less in them, and it is easier to maintain balance.

In order to look attractive and elegant, every woman walks in heels. They give a special grace to the gait and improve the overall appearance. But the opposite picture is often observed, when a girl puts on really beautiful shoes on, but it goes just awful - her legs are bent at the knees, and the body keeps shifting forward or backward.

In the latter case, beauty is very difficult to discern; instead, irregular posture and a ridiculous gait strike the eye. Therefore, in addition to the availability of fashionable shoes, you also need to learn how to walk in heels, and not just anyhow, but easily and feminine.

The task is not at all difficult, but it requires a little time and training. To begin with, you need to pay attention to posture, which plays a very large role in the formation of gait as such.

Correct posture is one when the back of the head, shoulder blades, hips and heels are on the same level, and if you lean against the wall, they will all touch it. Training in front of the mirror helps a lot. You can fix the correct position of the body against the wall and try to walk around the room like that. After that, you can shoe the heels and move on them with the same flat back.

When walking, legs first go, and then the body. No need to lean forward, as the main character of “Office Romance” did, as it resembles a masculine move.

Next, you need to ensure that the steps are correct. That is, with a step forward, you need to look so that the knee is straightened, and the heel (heel) gets up on the ground first, and then the foot. This is done quickly and smoothly. Otherwise, you get a jumping gait, which is very noticeable from the side.

It is also imperative to pay attention to how socks stand. In the correct position, they should be slightly to the side, and not inward, with the heels nearby. Those who put their toes in the middle begin to club up, so this aspect is also important.

According to the recommendations of many experts, when walking in heels it is better to do small steps. Optimal - when the distance between the front leg and the back is one foot size. At first glance it seems that this is too small, and you have to mince along the road, but this is not so. Many models are of the same opinion and it really looks much better than a wide sweeping step. Moreover, a regularity is noticed - the higher the heel, the shorter the step.

Speaking about the height of the heel, you must remember that everything above 4 cm can be worn only 3-4 hours a day. With longer wear, the back and legs begin to hurt, and after a while the corresponding diseases may appear. Therefore, for those who are just starting to walk in high heels, it is advisable to pick up shoes on a low rise and with a wide heel or platform. After successfully getting used to the average height, you can easily move to the heel of 7 cm, and then all 10 cm. At first, a platform, even a narrow one, can come up. She gives the feeling of a thin hairpin, but more stable.

If you look at the fashion show where models walk, swaying their hips, and walk in such a way that a figure eight is formed, we can make the erroneous conclusion that this is an ideal example of walking on the rise. In everyday life, for example, in a store or just outside, a girl with such a gait will look vulgar and defiant. Each model always produces two gait options - catwalk and daily.

So, the rule that fashion models use is that the step should not be from the hip, but from the knee. This is somewhat surprising, but more correct, you just have to try. During movement, the hands should not dangle from side to side like pendulums, but move smoothly with the entire body.

Walking on a flat road is significantly different from climbing stairs. Rising up, you need to step only on the fingers and the middle of the foot, and going down - on the whole foot. In this case, the support of the partner or at least the use of the railing will not hurt.

A woman walking confidently in heels has a straight back, straightened shoulders, an abdomen, straight legs and a slightly raised chin. Yes, not every one looks like this, but this must be sought.

Modern fitness centers offer a range of exercises to strengthen the calf muscles, responsible for the easy movement in heels. You can start to visit them or perform a set of simple exercises at home aimed at training them.

Psychologists note that the presence of high-heeled shoes positively affects self-esteem and personal perception. They are considered one of the most necessary things in a woman’s wardrobe and demonstrate her persistent character and self-confidence. But this is not the rule, as there are people who cannot afford such shoes. You can have a beautiful posture and gait, even in shoes with straight soles. So the main thing is confidence. Walk briskly, correctly and easily, then you will be definitely noticed among the crowd.