How to make a butterfly from beads. DIY bead earrings with diagrams, photos and video DIY bead butterfly

Greetings, dear homemade crafts and needlewomen! I am glad to welcome everyone back to my beadwork workshop. Today I want to introduce you to the manufacture of bright, summer butterfly earrings using the brick technique. Such, as well as possible, will suit both a summer dress and jeans. And so, I propose to start.

To make the presented earrings, prepare the following materials and tools:
- Czech beads No. 10 - black, purple, lilac, pink;
- crystal beads 4 pieces in diameter 3 by 4 millimeters;
- monofilament;
- bead needle;
- shvenzy;
- scissors;
- lighter;
- platypuses.

Before you begin, consider the pattern of weaving a butterfly. The arrow marks the first row with which we begin weaving the butterfly’s canvas. From the initial row we will move up, at the end of the upper part, we will move on to weaving the bottom of the canvas. A red circle marks a loop that does not weave, but is strung and sewn (in the course of work, I will show and tell everything in detail). The circles at the bottom of the butterfly indicate where the beads will be sewn.

First stage. First row.
To begin, cut the fishing line about one and a half, two meters long. Pass into the needle and string the first bead of purple color. Holding the edge of the fishing line at a distance of about five centimeters, walk the needle into the bead two more times to secure the bead to the line.

Then string the remaining beads of the first row, marked on the diagram with an arrow. Here we have seven purple beads, one black and again seven purple.

Now we will sew them together. To do this, skip the first bead, insert the needle into the second from the side of the larger number of beads to the first.

Tighten the little forest, we get two beads tightly interconnected. Next, insert the needle into the third bead towards the second. Tighten the little forest.

Second phase. Web weaving up the pattern.
We pass to the second row. In the second row, we have beads more by two things than in the first. To expand the row, we should immediately string two beads of the desired color at the beginning of the row and insert a needle under the small forest connecting the two lower beads.

Tightening the fishing line, insert the needle into the second bead of the second row up.

Next, sew on one bead. Having strung the bead, pry the line, which connects the next pair of lower beads and pulling up the fishing line, bring the needle up through the newly strung bead.

In this way, we sew one bead to the end of the row. Now you need to sew the bead again to expand the row. String the purple bead and insert the needle into the last bead of the previous row, then withdraw the needle through the last bead of the second row up.

Remarkably, the second row turned out.

The next row, according to the scheme, we are expanding again, so again we sew immediately two beads of the desired colors.

At the end of the row, we also sew the last bead expanding the row.

The fourth row is narrowing, so we sew the beads one at a time from the beginning to the end of the row.

Here are the fourth and fifth rows ready.

The third stage. Weave individual elements.
The next step will be the weaving of individual elements on the canvas. Here we have two short rows of wing, the head of a butterfly and again the wing.

It's time for the loop. When they reached the last row on the butterfly’s head, string six black beads and sew them to the head.

Walk around the loop of the needle again and secure the fishing line by tying a couple of knots between the beads at the bottom of the head. Then bring the needle to the place where weaving of the top of the second wing begins.

So the upper part of the butterfly is ready.

The fourth stage. Weave the bottom of the butterfly.
For convenience, turn the canvas over and continue weaving according to the pattern.

In the second row of the bottom, we need to expand the row, one hanging bead. To do this, sew on two beads as in the usual expansion of the row, and then to the first one weave another hanging bead. Take the needle to the third bead of this row and continue to weave one bead to the end of the row. At the end, sew the hanging bead to the last.

The fifth stage. We weave the beads.
Having finished the main canvas of our butterfly, string two beads, one bead and one bead. Sew them to the last beads.

Weave the second butterfly in the same way.
Do not forget that securing the ends of the fishing line is very important. Enter the remaining fishing line through the beads through the canvas and, in the course, tie a pair of knots between the beads. So they must be knitted three, four times in a way. Being sure that the edge of the fishing line is fixed very securely, you can cut the line and burn the edge with a lighter.

Sixth stage. We attach the accessories.
It remains just a little - to attach the little shvenzochki to our lovely butterflies. Separate the rings of the swanza with the platypus and pry the woods in our loop. Gently clamp the rings.

In my opinion it turned out very romantic! Thank you for attention. I hope that your earrings have turned out even more beautiful than mine. Remember, you can always change the color of the beads and the product will shine in new colors! Pleasant to all homemade!

In this master class we will learn to weave earrings in the form of butterflies. The idea and colors are Wicholskie.

They weave like flowers. Before weaving these butterflies, take a look - the first three rows in the butterflies are the same as in the flowers.

I will show on green butterflies. 1st row:  collect 12 brown beads, lock in a ring.
2nd row:  we distribute our six stitches as follows: one on the head, two on the wings and one on the tail. You can start with any loop. We pass the needle into the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th beads.
  I started with the upper wing. Weave two loops of 5 dark green beads. For ponytails 2 brown - 1 black - 2 brown. Again, two of 5 dark green for the wings. For the head, the same as for the tail: 2 brown - 1 black - 2 brown.
3rd row:  For wings, 5 green beads each, between wings, tail and head for expansion, 1 black. Head and tail: 2 brown - 1 black - 2 brown.

4th row: wing  5 light green beads; expansion  between wings 1 green - 1 black - 1 green;

expansion  between the lower wing and the tail 2 green - 1 black; tail  5 brown; expansion  between the upper wing and the head are 3 black ones.

Now you need to draw a mustache on the head of the butterfly, and at the same time a loop for attaching the earrings to the earrings.
  Collect 6 brown and 1 black bead. Return the needle through the first four from the black one.

Dial 1 or 2 brown beads (for attaching the shvenza between the antennae) + 4 brown and 1 black for the second antennae; go back through the last four brown beads. Our antennae is ready.

Collect 2 more brown beads in order to finish the butterfly’s head.

5th row:  for the upper wing 5 light green + 3 light green to expand, go into the black between the wings; pick 3 lettuce green to expand the lower wing and instead of a new loop on the wing we immediately weave 2, 3 and 4 beads (as we did in the flowers).

Now the most interesting, we draw up the lower wing. It can be a short or long tail, or it can be a bead (as in red butterflies). A variant is possible without marking on the lower wings.
We have short ponytails. Therefore, we collect, instead of expanding between the lower wing and the tail of the butterfly, 1 light green - 1 green - 1 dark green and 3 black. Go back with the needle through these three different green beads.

Since we no longer need to build up the tail of the butterfly itself, we pick up 2 more lettuce leaves and pass with the needle several beads of expansion at once in the tail area, namely: green and black (expansion between the wing and tail), brown, black and brown on the tail, black and green (extension on the other hand between the tail and the lower wing).

Perform the second tail on the lower wing. Coming out of the green, dial 3 lime - 1 green - 1 dark green and 3 black. Return the needle to the first three different greens (from light green only to one). On the lower wing, immediately weave 2, 3 and 4 beads.

Next, expand the lower and upper wings: type 3 light green, go into the black between the wings and again 3 light green (for the upper wing). Then perform the last loop on the upper wing of 5 light green beads. Our butterfly is ready.

It remains only to walk several times along the weave in the head area at the place of attachment of the shvenza, to give reliability. Fasten the shvenza.
  You can connect several of these butterflies in a bracelet or sew them on the base, as I did in

Before spring arrived (in April), summer had already crept unnoticed - it was not hot in the season. As expected, everything blooms in summer, and a lot of butterflies (well, and other insects, of course) circle around the flowers.

So, I offer a workshop on butterfly earrings and again in the Huichol Indians style.
  The idea is not mine - peeped at Ebay and Etsy (via the search “Huichol”). There I found pretty earrings in the form of butterflies with pendants. Upon closer examination, it turned out that they are woven in the same way as flower earrings, i.e. mesh in a circle, one needle. Given the features of the work of this tribe, namely the awesome color transitions (they believe, it was not without chewing the famous hallucinogenic cactus), we select shades of beads for our earrings.


- beads of different shades + black required (richer choice from Czech, but I worked with Chinese) 10/0 or another size;
  - beads, not more than 5 mm, if you want to decorate the wings with their ponytails (red butterflies);
  - monofilament or fishing line (I work with monofilament), perhaps a kapron thread will also work;
  - earrings for earrings. Or ... a clasp for a bracelet. It depends on what you want to do after this workshop.

Materials provided by

Beginning of work

1st row:  collect 12 brown beads, lock in a ring.

2nd row:  as in the flower earrings, our second row also consists of six loops of 5 beads. Only they are distributed in two loops on the wings, one on the tail of the butterfly and one for the head with antennae. You can start from any, for example, from the head. We collect 2 brown-1 black-2 brown beads, go to the second of the previous row. The subsequent loops weave through one bead - in the photo the key beads are marked in red: two loops of 5 dark red beads; eyelet for tails - 2 brown-1 black-2 brown; again two of 5 dark red. Close the row by passing the needle through the last key and the first two brown beads of the head.

3rd row:  2 brown-1 black-2 brown for the head, go into the key, fourth in a row bead of the loop of the previous row, dial 1 black bead for expansion, go into the key bead, second in the row, of the next loop - marked in blue - dial 5 red beads for wings 1 black, 5 red, 1 black; 2 brown-1 black-2 brown for ponytail; 1 black, two 5 red each for the second wing, 1 black, close the row.

4th row:we immediately carry out the antennae. Dial 5 brown and 1 black, return the needle to the first three brown from black, dial 2 or 4 black (the future loop for attaching the shvenza), 3 brown, 1 black, perform the antennae as described above, dial 2 more brown, go to the key. Our head with antennae is ready.

To expand, type from the head to the wing 3 black; make a loop of 5 light red beads on the wing, between the wings dial 1 red-1 black-1 red. Between the wing and the tail, type 2 red-1 black from the wing; for tails 5 brown beads.
  When closing the row, dial from the wing to the head 3 black beads, go through three beads of the head at once, as indicated in the photo, or you can go through the loop for schwenza to give it strength. Then go through three black beads and, finally, wing beads.

5th row:  in the last row we only weave wings. On the upper wing, spin 5 light red beads, having passed the key, to expand the wing itself, dial 3 more light red and go into black, again dial 3 light red and draw the needle into three beads of the lower wing at once.
There can be several options for decorating the lower wing and the bottom of the earring: for example, in the original Huichol earrings, pendants go on both lower wings and the tail of the butterfly. In my reds, these are glass bicones, and in blue, just bead horns.

After completing the suspension on one wing, go through the beads of the tail of the butterfly, complete the second suspension; expand the lower and upper wings. If desired, go through the beads of the head, strengthening at the place of attachment of the earwig.
  Run the second earring, attach the ear hooks. Our Huichol butterfly earrings are ready!

Tip:  in the process of work it turned out that the collected 4 black beads between the antennae slightly twist the earring. So try to dial a smaller number or do one antennae, dial 3 black ones and close them with a ring (I did this on blue earrings), then do the second antennae.

It is also possible to connect these butterflies into a bracelet: a ponytail, with ponytails on the wings and antennae, through beads or a chain between each other.
  Head experiments: longer antennae, two large beads (as eyes) + antennae. In a ring of beads that form the body (our 1st row) weave large beads.
  Earrings are woven in 20 minutes each, so that within one day you can weave all the options you like. Then wear the collection all season :)))

The beaded butterfly looks amazingly airy and elegant. From small multi-colored beads the lightest wings are made, such that it seems as if they are now flapping - and the butterfly will fly into the air. To make such an ornament with your own hands is not at all difficult: even a novice can do it. Only a certain attention and accuracy will be required.

Detailed instructions for making beaded butterflies can be obtained from our selection of video tutorials. Repeating the steps for the instructor and listening to his instructions, you can get no less beautiful jewelry, which will soon decorate your outfit. You can choose a butterfly that you like the most, and learn how to make it with your own hands. Consider a brief overview of our video tutorials.

DIY butterfly bead.

For the butterfly you will need:

  • beads (the color of the beads depends on your taste);
  • wire (0.3 mm);
  • thread, needle and scissors.

To start, cut off about 50 cm of wire. We take 2 black beads and thread the wire through them so that they are in the center of it. Then we pass one end of the wire through the bead. After that, we take 18 beads and put on the wire, we pass through the black bead with the same end to form a wing, we carry out the same operation with the next wing.

The next step will be large wings, take 26 beads and put on a wire, thread the same end through our black bead, do the same with the other wing.

Video lesson:

Beautiful butterfly made of beads and beads.

To begin with, we will make a rhombus from beads; the beads can be of any color, size and shape. We draw our action plan, as shown in the video. We will have four wings, two large and two small. We are doing something like a rhombus, it will be our wing, a big one. We also do with the little one. We connect our wings into one.

We do the same procedure with other wings. After that we connect the wings, twisting their wires together. Half of the work is done, it remains only to make the body and antennae. We put beads of any shape on the wire, above and below. We put beads on the upper wires and twist.

Video lesson:

Butterfly brooch.

For the butterfly we need:

  • 0.4 mm wire;
  • czech beads 2 colors;
  • large beads;
  • 2 black beads

and we make the body of the butterfly from large beads, on average 15 beads per body of 5 cm are needed. After we have made the body, we make the antennae, for beauty we wrap them with a spiral. To make a wing, we need a 40-50 cm wire, which will need to be passed through the center of the body. Then we put nine Czech beads on one end of the wire and make a ring, repeat the operation 3-4 more times and do exactly the same manipulations with the other wing.

Video lesson:

Beaded Butterfly.

First we need wire and beads. We put the beads on the wire and at the other end we pass the other end of the wire through the same beads, we do these manipulations several more times. Then we pass one end of the wire with the beads into the last bead of the body, this will be the wing of the butterfly.

Do exactly the same on the other side of the wire. We put on another bead and thread the other end of the wire. Now we put on both wires of beads of any color, this will be the eyes of a butterfly. And in conclusion, we will do a mustache. It is necessary to put beads on the ends of the wire and simply twist, and cut off the excess.

Video lesson:

Beaded butterfly for beginners.

To make a butterfly, we need about one and a half meters of wire, beads (the color of the beads depends on your taste). To begin with, you should make a scheme according to which you will work. This is very important, because in the process you will not get lost. A butterfly can be used as a brooch. A butterfly made of beads can become either a decoration of your room, or a pleasant gift for your loved ones, friends and colleagues.

So, for a start you should make a body, the next step will be a pair of wings. To make the butterfly more beautiful and natural, we will make the antennae and twist them with a spiral. Here the butterfly is ready, let it please the eye of you and your loved ones.

Video lesson:

Decorative bead butterflies.

If you sew a clasp to such a butterfly, it looks elegant on clothes and can serve as an elegant brooch. Small butterflies can be used for necklaces, if it is decided in the floral theme. Each wing is woven separately, their color is arbitrary, having nothing to do with real patterns.

The pattern of weaving butterfly wings is compiled on a regular checkered notebook sheet. An axis is drawn diagonally, the wings of the butterfly are drawn on it the way you want to see it. In this case, you need to decide how to make a butterfly, what color of beads you are going to work with.

Video lesson:

The bow tie.

We make a decoration for men's wardrobe - a fashionable and elegant bow tie. For its manufacture used black and silver beads. A 0.14 mm thick thread is inserted into the needle and fixed. A butterfly consists of several parts, their size is determined by the number of beads collected.

The technique of mosaic weaving is used. It is described in detail and shown in the video how to weave a butterfly element, how to move from one row of beads to another. The interweaving of silver beads creates an effect close to costume fabric. Then the second fabric is knitted, which is the second layer of the butterfly.

Video lesson:

Dragonfly from beads.

To make it you will need:

  • wire;
  • scissors;
  • beads yellow, orange and black;
  • blue beads for the eyes and yellow for the antennae.

Weaving begins with the tail. We take a wire 50 cm long and string one black bead on it. We fold the ends of the wire together, and on two ends we immediately string eight black beads. We lower everything down and string one black bead on one of the wires. She captures the previously worn beads. A strip of black beads depicts the body of a butterfly. Then, one by one, the wings are tied out on the basis of the ends of the wire spread out to the sides.

Video lesson:

The embroidered butterfly.

To make a butterfly, you will need 3-4 mm larger beads and beads, Chinese beads, smaller No. 10 beads, bugles and chopping, as well as gold colored sequins. As large elements, drop-shaped cabochons and large beads or natural stones can be used.

The butterfly is heavy, you can make an interesting pendant out of it. According to the pattern, wings are marked on the fabric, cut with an allowance. The first are large elements that are arranged symmetrically, then they are sheathed around the perimeter with beads or glass beads. Beadwork is a simple but beautiful job.

Video lesson:

Butterfly bead, simple and fast.

We need beads of three colors, a wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm in an amount of 50 cm for one wing. Having folded the wire in half, we put on one half a bead, which will be a lock. Then two beads are put on two wires at once. Further, it is described in detail in what order to string the beads and how to connect them together.

Weaving techniques for beginners are very simple. When both wings are made, the body with an antennae is tied out, at the ends of which single beads are installed. The butterfly comes together, the video details how this is done. The remaining ends of the wire are cut off, the butterfly is aligned.

Video lesson:

Bright bead earrings are a great decoration for a girl. In this master class, we will weave bright butterfly earrings from beads with our own hands. All details from the photo below.


Before you begin, prepare:

  • elongated beads in deep blue and orange;
  • round white beads;
  • silver earrings;
  • fishing line;
  • nippers;
  • a needle;
  • round pliers.

Step 1. Cut a piece of fishing line. String one orange bead on it, and then eight blue beads in pairs, placing small white beads between them.

Step 2. Form a circle from the resulting row.

Step 3. On the sides of the orange bead with a fishing line, fix two white beads.

Step 4. Carefully passing the fishing line around the resulting circle, fasten the second one between the two blue beads one more blue, over the round white bead - two orange and one blue again between two identical ones. The result of weaving will be the likeness of a butterfly wing on one side of the product.

Step 5. In the bottom of the butterfly, also the second one, using a fishing line, fix four white beads.

Step 6. In an already familiar way, weave the second row of the butterfly wing from the opposite side.

Step 7. On the sides of an orange already framed by white beads, weave one more white bead.

Step 8. Weave the second row of the butterfly wing. You will need two white beads, two orange, two white and two more orange. You can see how the beads should be located in the photo.

Step 9. In a similar way, but placing the beads in the reverse order (two orange, two white and two more orange) and starting weaving from below, form the opposite wing of the butterfly.

Step 10. Add two white beads, one orange, three white and one more orange.

Step 11. At the bottom of the butterfly, add two more white beads at the edges of the row of white beads at the bottom.

Step 12. On the opposite wing of the butterfly, add also two orange beads and white as the edging.