Strong conspiracies against toothache: forgotten folk techniques. Self-made conspiracies for toothache Plot to return a tooth to its place

When the first symptoms of toothache occur, you should immediately visit the dentist. If this is not possible, you can resort to folk methods- spells and prayers. They will allow you to get rid of suffering for a while. Since ancient times, there have been many spells that help with tooth pain. Conspiracies can be read directly on a sore spot or on water, food, or any objects. Slandering is allowed not only for oneself, but also for others.

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    How do conspiracies work?

    Conspiracies and prayers should be resorted to only if you urgently need to get rid of severe pain. Justified use traditional methods and when the baby is teething. The impact of magical means on each person is individual: witchcraft words do not work on some people.

    The plot is chosen based on subconscious desire and previous successful experience. We must remember that most folk remedies only relieve symptoms and help only superficially - they reduce inflammation.

    Only a doctor can cure a bad tooth forever.

    How to read correctly

    There are several ways to influence toothache through witchcraft words. Conspiracies can be read:

    • on oneself;
    • to a sore spot when you need to help a child or loved one;
    • for water or other drink;
    • for salt;
    • for various items.

    It should be remembered that the strength of the influence of the hex depends on the lunar cycle; rituals to get rid of pain work better during the waning moon. If you urgently need to relieve pain with the help of white magic, and the moon is in the waxing phase, you need to perform the ritual during sunset - this will compensate for the influence of the waxing moon.

    Before reading, take a deep breath and exhale slowly; while reciting, imagine how heat collects in the center of the chest and, together with the words, flows through the hands to what is being slandered. If salt, water or an object is spoken, you can take it in your hands. It is believed that a conspiracy read by a mother against her child has special power. Before and after the ritual, it is useful to clear the room of harmful energy. To do this, walk around the room three times counterclockwise, reciting the “Our Father” prayer.

    Methods of Natalia Stepanova

    Siberian healer Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova offers in her book a universal conspiracy for toothache. You can sling water with it and give it to the patient to rinse, but it is not forbidden to recite the slander directly on the sore spot. Text:

    “Martha, Mary and Pelageya, all of you, three sisters of Lazarus, come, help me in my trouble, remove the aches, ailments and all sorts of trouble from my teeth. Brother Lazarus’s teeth don’t hurt, and his gums don’t burn, so would my teeth and gums did not hurt and did not grieve. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. "

    The magic begins to work from the first words of the spell, and the pain subsides for several days.

    For strong teeth

    If your teeth are loose, another plot by the same author will help strengthen them:

    “Son of God, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. The mountain is not simple, not stone, not golden. There is a holy church! In that church the funeral service is held for the deceased, the deceased do not suffer from dental pain, they do not cry, The devils don’t shake their teeth. I put them in their places: not iron and not gold, but strong and bone teeth. The wind cannot shake them, the witcher cannot knock them out, just as the glory of Christ is strong, so all my words will come true. . In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. "

    On the waning moon

    If the moon is in its waning phase, a short spell from a Siberian healer works very quickly. Looking directly at the night star after the full moon, you need to whisper:

    "A moon in the sky, a fish in the sea. The sun is in the oak tree. Freeze, a worm in the tooth. Amen."

    The pain will go away almost instantly after three repetitions.

    To the rising sun

    If the pain tormented you all night, you need to wait until the sky turns red and read the plot for toothache at dawn:

    “The month in the sky is covered with a cloud, the sun is gathering, it’s dressing up at dawn, seabed white flammable stone. When I get this white flammable stone in a month, only then will this tooth start to hurt again. I count amen, and there are exactly five of them, No one can take away my tooth pain, and the sixth amen, hurry to take away my pain. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

    If you are cutting teeth

    To alleviate the suffering of a baby, they read a spell when teething in children. To do this, choose a harder dryer, thread a red braid through it, and tie it with three knots. After this, place the dryer on the left palm, right hand cross three times and say three times:

    “The teeth are cutting, they are cutting through, the pain goes away and will not remain, it gnaws itself and gets sick, and the servant of God (the name of the child) bypasses. Amen. Amen. Amen.”

    The dryer is hung above the crib so that the child can easily reach it.

    A honey spell is read so that teeth grow strong and do not hurt in adulthood. When the baby starts teething, they smear honey on his gums and say:

    “A month, a month, you have a brother Antiny, his teeth grew easily, they never hurt, and the servant of God (the name of the baby) does not have gums that bruise, his teeth grow and do not hurt. May God grant that my child’s teeth grow easily, They didn’t hurt, they didn’t hurt. Amen.”

    The teeth will erupt without pain, grow strong and healthy, after the loss of milk teeth, this spell will need to be repeated so that the permanent teeth grow healthy and do not deteriorate.

    Rituals for the moon

    To quickly get rid of pain, stand for a while at night near the window through which the moon is visible and massage the space between the thumb and index finger. If the jaw hurts on the right, then on the left hand, and vice versa. They read the following plot:

    “Mother Moon, come down from the sky, take away my toothache and send me beyond the clouds, your strength is strong, my pain will calm down, take me beyond the clouds, my little pain in the sky has been lost and gone from me.”

    Words and massage are repeated over and over again until the pain begins to subside. This usually takes a few minutes. At the first signs of relief, stop reading the plot and say “Amen” three times.

    To prevent dental diseases and get rid of pain in advance, read a conspiracy for healthy teeth on the full moon:

    “Just as the moon in the sky is large, clean and full, so my teeth are large and clean, protected from any waste, by the power of the moon.”

    On the waning moon, a hex is read for severe pain and gumboil:

    “Just as the moon in the blue sky wanes and dissolves, so my toothache subsides, just as the moon does not grow, but subsides, and the ridge on my gum disappears.”

    Ritual from Belarus

    The Belarusian rite applies to everyone, regardless of nationality. It is suitable if the grandfather of the person reading the plot has already died. They go out into the street and, looking at the new moon, read:

    “Young young man, you have a golden horn. Have you been to the next world? I have! Have you seen my grandfather? Saw! Does his teeth hurt? They don't hurt. Let me stop getting sick too! »

    You can look at the moon through the window, and if grandfather is still alive, name any other deceased person in the conspiracy close relative, but then the ritual will act somewhat weaker.

    For spring water

    Water from a natural source (spring or stream) has a very strong energy, it is good to use for healing spells. If it is not possible to obtain natural water, you can improve its structure by freezing it very quickly and thawing it slowly in the refrigerator. Pour water into a glass and read on it:

    “Four sisters, Macarius and Zakhary, sister Marya and Daria, and sister Ulyana, said that the servant of God (name) should not have a toothache, her cheeks should not swell for centuries now and forever. Exactly.”

    Water should be drunk in small sips, keeping it in your mouth for a long time. This remedy will have an even stronger effect if you add a little salt to the water - one teaspoon per glass. After stirring well, read for water and salt:

    “Just as salt dissolves in water, the pain in the teeth is relieved, just as salt does not become a stone, so there is no pain in the teeth.”

    Rinse the aching tooth with the resulting infusion until relief occurs.

    On the door and door lock

    The old and reliable ritual with the door is good for relieving even long-term pain in the teeth. To do this, wash your hands in a basin, wipe the door and the lock on it with the same water: the door bracket or lock. Water is thrown over the threshold. While the hand is wet, draw in the place where the crosses hurt and read:

    “Dawn-lightning, red maiden, midnight owl, in the field there is a hare, in the sea there is a pebble, at the bottom there is a limar. Cover, lightning, with your veil my sorrowful teeth from the damned limar; under your cover they will remain intact. Enemy Limar, leave me alone; If you continue to gnaw my white teeth, I will hide you in the abyss of the underworld!”

    This ritual will be most effective if performed early in the morning, before sunrise.

    To the nettle

    They find a wild nettle bush and carefully, so as not to break it, tilt it to the ground and press it down with a weight. Then they read the plot:

    “Mother Nettle, I didn’t come to you for the sake of mockery, but out of trouble, there are worms in my teeth, they are eating my nerves, save me from the painful pain, kill the worms, if in my opinion I will free you in three days, but there will be no relief for me, I will kill you from the light, as I said, so it will be.”

    After three days, if the pain has passed, they return to this place and remove the load, help the nettle straighten, and water it with water. If this does not help, the plant is broken and moved to a neighboring bush.

    On the window

    This is a quick ritual without preparation; it only requires the presence of an opening window or vent. You can read the plot at any time of the day or night. They open the window and say into it:

    "Cain! Cain! Cain! Ask your dear brother Abel: do his white teeth hurt? No. So let the servant of God (name) not hurt. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen."

    Having said these words, the window is immediately closed, the pain will go away in a few minutes.

    For 40 repetitions

    In order to remove the most severe toothache, it is enough to learn one short spell. Before reading the sacred words, you need to read the prayer “Our Father” and then whisper 40 times:

    “The moon is in the sky, a worm is in the earth, a fish is in the water, and when the three come together, only then will my (name) teeth hurt.”

    You can enhance the effect of this method if you look at the waning moon while reading. These words are also suitable for speaking water, healing decoctions or tinctures. Even ordinary painkillers will work more effectively and longer if you first use these words.

    For strawberries

    For the ritual you will need to find three stems of wild strawberries with flowers or berries. They must be dug out of the ground along with the roots, washed thoroughly and placed in a glass with clean water. They read a curse on strawberries:

    “Just as a strawberry dries without soil and sun, so the worm in my tooth dies, just as a strawberry will no longer grow or bloom, so my tooth will no longer hurt and will not rot, the word is molded, the deed is tenacious, it will be strong. Amen.”

    The water from the glass is completely drunk, and the strawberries are left in a dark place until they dry out. To prevent the pain from returning, dried plants are buried in the ground with the words: “Leaf to root, worm to ground.”

    After this ritual, toothache will not bother you for a long time.

    To the mountain ash

    They find a rowan tree and gnaw the bark on the branches with the words:

    “Behind the mountains, behind the valleys, behind the wide seas there is a wide oak tree, around it three demons sit, gnawing the roots, so I will gnaw you, the rowan tree, as long as my teeth hurt, let those demons fly, take away my pain and sadness, and when they stop my teeth hurt like this and I will leave you, rowan, my word is firmly as it is said, so it will be.”

    The plot is repeated three times and they leave the mountain ash; on this day they do not touch it again. The pain will subside in the evening.

    For radish

    In order to remove pain, you can use a ritual with radish. The root vegetable must be washed well, peeled, cut out a small plate slightly larger than the diseased tooth and said to it:

    “On the sea-ocean, on the quiet island of Buyan, there is a cathedral church, and in it the Most Holy Mother of God and the dental healer Antipius. They ask the saints of God for the servant of God (name): “How are you, pleasers of God, your teeth don’t hurt, even if God’s servant (name) is not in pain." In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

    A piece of radish is placed behind the cheek at night, on the gum where there is inflammation, and they go to bed. In the morning they spit out the radish with the words: “Get out the bite and get out of the pain!”

    And they spit over the left shoulder three times.

    Runic plot

    Rune "Isa"

    The magic of Scandinavian runes shows good results for getting rid of pain. You should draw the Isa rune on your left palm with your blood; it will not only freeze the pain, but also stop the inflammation and prevent it from developing further. The palm with the rune is pressed to the sore spot and the plot is read:

    “By the will of Odin, by the grace of Freya, the breath of the hrimturs froze the pearls of the mouth. And the roots inside the food grinders were forever freed from pain.”

    After the rune is erased from the hand, the pain will resume, but in emergency cases this method is convenient.

    Whispering at an elderly woman

    If your teeth suddenly hurt while walking, you can read a spell on someone passing by. Look out along the way an elderly woman, the older, the better, overtake her, go to meet her and quietly, so that no one hears, whisper:

    “I walk not by water, not by earth, but by a fragrant field and a clean meadow. An old woman meets me, - Old, old woman, where are your teeth? Give me your fallen ones, take the wolf’s. , and ever and ever, Amen."

    This method allows you to quickly get rid of pain, but does not have healing power; inflammation must be treated using other methods.

    Slavic slander

    Ancient Slavic conspiracies still work to this day. In spells for health, the activating word is the exclamation “Goy!”, meaning “be”, “live”. This final word must be pronounced especially energetically, imagining inner strength emanating from the mouth. You can read it both for yourself and for your family. For toothache, take a small piece of black bread and read on it:

    On the Okiyane sea, on the island of Buyan, the Bel-flammable Alatyr-stone lies, A man sits on the white-flammable old stone. Just as an old man’s bones don’t break and his teeth don’t hurt, so Dazhdbozhy’s grandson (name) wouldn’t break his bones and his teeth wouldn’t hurt! From now until forever! Goy!"

    The spoken bread is placed near the diseased tooth, behind the cheek and worn until it completely resolves.

    Prayer for toothache

    In the most desperate situations, prayer will help a believer. You can turn for deliverance from torment to the Lord, the creator, or to the holy martyr Antipas of Pergamon, who was a disciple of John the theologian, one of the apostles of Jesus Christ. Text of prayer for toothache to Antipas:

    “Oh, glorious martyr Antipos and quick helper to Christians in illness! I believe with all my soul and thoughts that the Lord has given you the gift of healing the sick and strengthening the weakened, for this reason I come to you, as a blessed physician of illnesses, as I am weak, and kiss your venerable image with reverence.

    By your intercession from the King of Heaven, ask me, who is sick, for healing from the dental disease that depresses me: even though I am unworthy of you, my most gracious father and ever-present intercessor: but you, being an imitator of God’s love for mankind, make me worthy of your intercession through my conversion from evil deeds to good. life

    Heal with the grace abundantly given to you the ulcers and scabs of my soul and body, grant me health and salvation and good haste in everything, so that, having lived a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, I will be worthy to glorify with all the saints the All-Holy Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

    You can pray both at home and in church. If pain often torments you, for a better mood you can purchase an image with the face of a saint. After the pain passes, it is not forbidden to order a thanksgiving prayer service in the temple.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight in better side. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

Toothache is one of the most severe and unpleasant. To reduce it, in the old days, healers and healers made special conspiracies. Some of them have survived to this day.

When talking about dental conspiracies, you can do without a long introduction. It is enough to experience these unpleasant sensations from pain in your teeth or gums at least once, and you can believe in any miraculous powers, especially if you have to wait until the morning or the end of the working day before visiting the dentist.

When resorting to folk remedies, remember that the disease should not be neglected. Don't delay going to the hospital. And conspiracies against toothache will help both you and the doctor in his work, and then the pain will go away, the treatment will end in success and will also not be painful.

Natalia Stepanova's conspiracy for toothache

This conspiracy is well known: it is recommended to be used by the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova. It sounds simple enough to remember and pronounce confidently. Do this as clearly as possible, without doubting the power of the words spoken:

Moon in the sky, sun in the oak, freeze, worm in the tooth. Amen.

Of course, the worm here is only a metaphor. This image conveys both illness and pain at the same time. It's like you're putting a block on it. But it is important to understand that despite the pain subsiding, your tooth is not being treated at this time, it simply does not bother you. You should not use the spell instead of painkillers all the time. Take measures to have the diseased tooth examined by a specialist.

Strong dental spell for 40 repetitions

Before this conspiracy, you need to read “Our Father”. We have provided its text separately, and you can always.

After the prayer, read the spell for a bad tooth 40 times in a row:

The moon is in the sky, a worm in the earth, a fish in the water, and when the three come together, only then will my (your name or the name of the patient you are speaking) teeth hurt.

Quick conspiracy against toothache

Tap your cheek with your finger on the side where your painful tooth is located and say:

Strong as a stone, healthy and white, but illness is not my lot.

After this, try to drink a glass of clean water.

Folk remedies for toothache

If the pain is completely unbearable, spells can be strengthened with other folk remedies. For example, an unexpected remedy works against toothache - massage. Just not a tooth or gum, but a palm. The space between the thumb and index finger during massage reduces pain. Read about other secrets of self-massage and try this technique in action.

The power of nature can also help you. For example, oak is known for its strength and vitality. Rinse your mouth with a decoction of its bark, and the disease will subside.

Finally, the last thing. Sometimes toothache is caused as punishment for words spoken. Remember if you could have accidentally dropped an offensive word to someone, slandered the person, or gotten them into trouble with your words. If so, then perhaps this is why your teeth hurt. In this case, first, mentally and sincerely ask the person for forgiveness. And then say:

What is removed from the tongue is long gone, and you go away, dental disease.

We wish you a beautiful smile. Remember that in any situation there will be folk remedies that will help you. Smile more often and don't forget to press the buttons and

Are conspiracies for toothache effective?

Several factors influence how well and how long a plot will work, and not all of them depend on the person:

  • the more severely the diseased tooth is affected, the more likely it is that no magic other than dentistry will work;
  • the more often a person resorts to this method, the less likely it is that toothache will be relieved;
  • It is possible to treat children’s teeth with spells very successfully, but it is much more useful to accustom them to visiting the dentist;
  • Toothache conspiracies are ineffective if the sensation is accompanied by different types ;
  • The causes of toothache can be different, so conspiracies aimed at eliminating toothache do not always work.

To alleviate the consequences of going to the dentist, you can also use a spell that will be useful. In this case, it is guaranteed to work and there will be no negative health consequences.

How to correctly read conspiracies for a bad tooth

There are basic rules that should be followed when performing the ritual:

  1. It is advisable to read the spell on a waning moon; if the reading occurs on a waxing one, the wording should be changed so that it is not about getting rid of toothache, but about improving health.
  2. In order not to violate the plot, you cannot be distracted while reading it.
  3. When casting spells with water, it is important to pour it out or use it before others do.
  4. Whatever the cause of the pain, you cannot use unverified conspiracies or those that imply increased pain due to certain manipulations.
  5. If the ritual is performed for someone else, you need to make sure that it worked before the person goes about his business.
  6. It is easier to talk about a toothache to yourself than to another person, but you need to be careful, perhaps taking a painkiller first to have a clear head.

If a person seeks help not from a doctor, but from a healer, it is recommended to check in advance whether he can be trusted, at least by reading reviews that are available on the Internet for literally everything that has been invented by mankind.

Important! If toothache constantly returns, you should stop any use of spells and painkillers. Too much damage to a tooth can turn into inflammation with infection (for example, gumboil), and then not only removal, but also more serious treatment will be required.

How to talk toothache to yourself

There are several conspiracies for toothache that you can read yourself. All of them are quite simple and do not require any special skills. The main thing is to clearly remember your goal. Otherwise, either nothing will work out, or something different will happen than expected.

Strong spell for toothache

One of the most effective spells for toothache is using nettles. It can only be done in summer. Required:

  1. Find a place where there are dense thickets of nettles.
  2. One of the bushes is bent to the ground and tied.
  3. They read the spell “Mother Nettle, holy herb, take away my pain, if you do, I will let you go, if not, I will kill you in 3 days.”

When the pain subsides, after the agreed time you need to fulfill the promise and release the plant. If the plot does not help, it is permissible to lime the used bush within the agreed period. But it is not recommended to try this method again immediately after this.

Conspiracy for toothache Stepanova

In order for the plot to work, you will need a small piece of well-salted bread. He is spoken to by reading the following words:

“On the island of Buyan, in the sea-ocean, there is a white stone. The old man lies on that stone and not a single tooth hurts, and his heart does not ache. So let me (my name), now as an old man, have no pain, no pain anywhere, may my health not fail me. May it always be like this!”

After this, the charmed bread is applied to the tooth. Please note that this action may cause a more severe attack. In this case, the ritual is stopped and the mouth is rinsed with warm water.

Important! Although Natalya Stepanova is considered a significant figure when it comes to conspiracies, many advise being careful.

The reason is that not everyone is 100% sure that this is a real person, and not a collective pseudonym for a group of authors who have not conscientiously reworked folk rituals.

A spell to prevent toothache from drinking water

When the moon is visible in the sky, a ritual is performed with water. Having filled the glass clean boiled water, looking at the moon, read the plot:

“Lord of heaven, master of all things! Help in performing the ritual, intervene in it and fill it with energy. Let my mind be filled with healing power, be merciful to me - save me from terrible toothache. Forever and ever, may the pain of my teeth never return. Let it be so".

You can rinse your mouth with enchanted water, drink it, or lubricate aching teeth. If water is charmed a certain person, it is necessary to ensure that no one uses this liquid and it is not wasted.

Conspiracy against toothache on an aspen knot

If you are worried about severe toothache and it is possible to find suitable wood, read the following for an aspen knot of any size:

“On the island of Buyan, in the distant ocean, there are three trees. The first tree is Petrius, the second is Cunning, and the third is Cypress. The hare lies under those trees, and all the pain goes to him. Let it be so!"

After this, the knot is either put away in an inaccessible place or burned immediately after it arrives from the dentist.

Spell for tooth pain on a sliver

A sliver of any wood can be spoken and applied to a sore tooth. They say the following spell for toothache:

“There is no more toothache for those who pray to me, the pain will never return. The lock is my mouth, the key is my tongue. My word is stronger than stone. Let it be so".

After the toothache has passed, it is advisable to burn the wood chips or dispose of them using other methods. Some advise using birch, ash or juniper. The best species are not known for certain and therefore any wood chip available for use is acceptable.

Important! The chip must be clean so that the diseased tooth does not become infected. Otherwise, the ritual will not only not work, but will also cause serious harm.

How to spell a sore tooth on wax

A strong spell for toothache is suggested to be read on wax. To do this you need:

  1. At sunset, a piece of pure wax is incanted for three evenings in a row. It is necessary, and this is very important, that it be a well-cleaned material, light yellow or honey-colored.
  2. Place it on the aching tooth. At the same time, it must be applied in such a way that it does not cause increased negative sensations.
  3. After the problem is fixed, the material is disposed of in any reliable way.

The plot goes like this:

“Three dead people are lying on Buyan Island; their teeth haven’t hurt for a long time. Let me not have pain, let it go wherever it wants, and leave me alone. Let it be so".

Ritual with the door

This is a more complex ritual. You will need a bowl of water in which to rinse your hands first. Then the front door, especially the handle and lock, is wiped with its contents, and the rest is poured out. In a city apartment into the sewer, in a village house further beyond the threshold. Then run your index finger along the cheek where the tooth hurts, drawing a cross. At the same time they read the following conspiracy:

“Beautiful maiden, Zorenka-lightning, maiden-midnight! A hare gallops across the field, and a stone disappears into the sea, with a limar at the bottom below it. Cover my sick teeth with your veil, Dawn, from the ill-fated limar, let them remain intact and not spoil under your protection. Enemy Limar, get off me, if you continue to sharpen my teeth, I will send you to the underworld! Let it be so".

To enhance the effect of getting rid of toothache, it is permissible to read the plot while lighting a black candle. It is also recommended to correlate the ritual with the phases of the moon, but the information is contradictory. Some advise performing the ritual on a waxing moon, others on a waning moon.

Important! If during the ritual a cat comes and begins to actively interfere, you should pay attention to this and stop your activity. Cats warn of danger.

Other conspiracies and prayers for toothache

Among the alternative spells for toothache, there is a relatively new type - a spell for pain when wearing dentures. It does not require additional attributes, but it is permissible to read it on flowing water, for example, by turning on the water in the kitchen. The words you need to say are “the annoying pain goes away, like a nightmare, dissipates, like flowing water flows away, even if it’s not your teeth that hurt, I still don’t need ailments.”

In addition to this, there are other methods, although it is important to remember that Christian prayers work best for sincere believers. For example:

  1. Prayer to Matrona of Moscow for healing. It sounds like this: “Look now with your merciful gaze on us, sinners and sick, living in the temptations of sinful people. Heal our severe illnesses that God sent to us because of our sins. Deliver us from troubles, beg the Lord to forgive us our sins. Amen".
  2. Prayer to Antipas, Hieromartyr. Her words: “Oh, glorious martyr Antipas, helper to Christians in illness! I believe with all my heart and know the power God has given you to heal. For this reason I am turning to you - through your intercession, ask me for healing from dental disease. Grant me health and salvation, forgiveness of sins. Amen".
  3. A spell for toothache in a child, which is especially important to read when teeth are cutting. A stale dryer is hung on a scarlet ribbon, the mother takes it in her left hand, baptizes the child and says three times: “The teeth are cutting through, the pain will not remain, it will gnaw itself and destroy itself, and the child (name) will bypass. Let it be so". The amulet is supposed to be worn until all the teeth have erupted.
  4. Spell for pain on the moon: “The moon has horns made of silver, legs made of gold. Come down from heaven, calm my pain, take it far, beyond the cloud. My grief is not small and not heavy, but your strength is great. I can’t bear such sadness alone, here’s a tooth, two, three – take them all. Let it be so".

Important! In addition to spells, rinsing with propolis tincture or sage decoction is useful. This does not relieve pain, but it helps maintain health and prevents germs and various infections from developing.

Toothache spells for your neighbor

Reading conspiracies to eliminate another person's pain should be done with caution. This is only permissible if it has been requested, because such actions carried out in secret can cause harm. There are several conspiracies:

  1. Whispers. Among them are the most common: “There is a month in the sky, and the sun is on the oak tree, the worm freezes on the tooth. So be it,” “Young month, you have a brother, Julius, his teeth never hurt, and my gums don’t ache anymore. Let it be so".
  2. To the water. A glass of water says, “Clean water, let me wash my face with you, let (person’s name)’s pain go away, let misfortunes pass him by. Let it be so". After this, the one who has a toothache should wash his face with water.
  3. The following words are read to children over the bed while they sleep: “The pain is bad, leave my child, never torment him, leave at dawn without a trace. Never come back, don't cling to anyone. Scatter like the darkness of the night, because I don’t wish harm on anyone. Let it be so".

In addition, all other conspiracies for toothache can be read not only for yourself, but also for any other person. It is enough just to substitute the desired name and clearly understand who all the efforts are for.

Important! If the spells do not work immediately, there is no need to wait several hours for them to work. It’s more humane and healthier to take a painkiller pill instead of enduring it.


Children and adults can read a plot for toothache only as an additional pain reliever. The cause can only be eliminated medical worker, and if you rely on rituals for too long, you can seriously ruin the health of yourself and your loved ones.

For many years, toothache has been considered one of the most severe and unpleasant pains. Despite the fact that today there are many methods and drugs to eliminate it, many people still prefer to resort to special spells.

And indeed, their effectiveness has been proven in practice many years ago. That is why the magical analgesic effect is still relevant today.

Magical effects against toothache should not only be used recklessly, but only in special cases:

  1. If the pain appears at a time when there are no painkillers at hand.
  2. For anesthesia in a child.
  3. To prevent the occurrence of pain during dental treatment.
  4. Before a long journey, especially when there are already mild painful sensations.

Attention! It is important to understand that even after the magical effect gives a positive result, the cause of the pain itself will not disappear, and the teeth will still need to be treated. And it is worth resorting to the help of such rites and rituals when it is not possible to immediately get to the dentist.

Rituals to use yourself at home

There are many different rituals for use at home that have a really strong anesthetic effect. However, to speed up their impact, several conspiracies should be used at once, reading them sequentially, one after another.

Important! All words should be pronounced clearly and clearly, in an even and even monotonous voice.

On the water

This ritual is considered the most effective and simple and has two varieties.

The first ritual is suitable for use only on the waning moon, but the second ritual can be performed at any phase of the lunar cycle.

First rite. On the waning moon, you should take a glass of water, go to the window and, looking at the reflection of the moon in the water, say three times:

“Lord, help me in carrying out this sacrament. Help me get rid of pain, reward me with energy and strength. Have mercy on me and grant me relief from my pain. Amen".

Take three sips from the glass, pour the remaining water over the threshold and go to bed.

Second rite. It can be done any day. You should pour previously defrosted water into the glass mill and pronounce the words as close as possible over it. The plot is read three times:

“Three holy sisters and two brothers spoke words, they spoke my pain. The cheek does not swell, the tooth does not hurt. Forever and ever. Amen".

Drink all the liquid slowly and go to bed.

The positive impact of these conspiracies manifests itself within a maximum of an hour after reading them.


In this case, a direct appeal to God begins with the reading of “Our Father”:

“Our Father who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name, thy will be done, thy kingdom come both on earth and in heaven. Give us our daily bread and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation.”

After this, the following prayer should be said forty times in a row:

“The worm is in the earth, the fish is in the water, and the moon is only in the sky. They can't get together and never be. So I wish my slave (name) would never suffer from my pain, I would never know these torments forever and ever. Amen".

Then apply to the painful tooth for 1 minute. small piece ice. After which the pain should quickly begin to subside.

Stepanova's rituals

Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova is one of the most powerful healers of our time, and her rituals have proven to be highly effective in practice. In the arsenal of this magician there are two very simple but effective rituals that quickly help eliminate toothache.

First rite. With your finger, lightly tap the painful tooth through your cheek 3 times and say:

“My tooth is white as chalk, strong as a stone, and you, my pain, go away, don’t come to me anymore.”

All steps should be repeated 3 times in a row.

Second rite. You should say 9 times in a row in an even and calm voice:

“The sun and moon are only in the sky, the moon is also in the sky, and you are a sick worm out of my tooth.”

The greatest effectiveness can be achieved by reading these two conspiracies one after another. The phase of the moon doesn't matter.

For children

If children under the age of 16 suffer from severe toothache, then the following special magical ritual can help them:

  1. You need to take a river shell; any item containing a large number of calcium.
  2. You need to make a hole in it and thread a thin rope through it.
  3. You should read the “Our Father” prayer three times.
  4. Then say the following words 9 times:

“The power of the sea is strong, no one can ever break these shells. So let the slave (name)’s teeth never hurt and no one can destroy them. Lord bless, help me in my righteous work. Amen".

Such a home talisman should be placed under the child’s pillow after pronouncing the words. On ordinary days, it should be kept behind the icons, but before each use, read the plot again 9 times.

To the sunlight

On a nice bright day, you need to go outside and stand in a brightly lit place.

Place your index finger on the painful tooth and say three times:

“Just as the bright sun shines and shines, but with sunset it disappears behind the horizon, so my severe pain goes away with sunset, and with the arrival of night it completely disappears. Amen".

The magic of the ancient Slavs

Our ancestors often used magic in Everyday life and one example of this is this conspiracy.

It is necessary to dissolve three pinches of salt in a glass of water, then say the following words three times:

“Voditsa is a transparent sister. You wash the shores, you take my pain with you. Help me find peace and find health. Key, lock, tongue."

After this, you need to rinse your mouth with the charmed liquid, and spit the remaining used water into the ground near the tree. As soon as the last drop is absorbed into the ground, the pain will begin to decrease significantly. And soon it will disappear completely.

Reference. This ritual is suitable for both dental anesthesia in adults and children.

Appeal to the Lazarev sisters

Such a conspiracy is also considered a prayer. It should be repeated 9 times in a row, and usually all painful sensations disappear after the seventh repetition.

You need to stand in the center of the room, cross yourself and say 9 times in a row, without being distracted or interrupted:

“Pelagia, Martha and Mary, you are all sisters of Lazarus, help me in my trouble. Quickly remove the pain, aches and burdens from my teeth. Just as Lazarus’s teeth have not hurt for many centuries, so I will no longer have this misfortune. Amen".

This spell is considered the simplest and most powerful, and it can be used any day and at any time of the day.

Watch the video that tells you how to read a plot for toothache:

All these rituals designed to eliminate toothache are really effective. They were created over many years and by the best magicians, so there is no need to doubt their high effectiveness.

But it should be understood that the duration of their effect is limited in time, and they do not eliminate the very cause of the pain.

Therefore, at the first opportunity, you should definitely visit the dentist and find out what else you can do to relieve toothache.

Tooth pain, as a rule, has a habit of taking us by surprise, usually in the middle of the night, in the evening or on weekends, when the dental office is not accessible for visits, and you don’t really want to go there - it’s scary! You walk like this, holding your cheek, until it goes away or the pain gets so bad that you run to the doctor. How can you relieve toothache at home? And again magic will help - conspiracies for toothache are available to everyone at any time of the day and are very effective, however, it is worth remembering that it is possible to relieve pain with the help of a conspiracy, but it is unlikely to eliminate the cause of this pain, therefore, a trip to the dentist is only postponed until for a while, but you still have to go there if you don’t want to lose your teeth.
There are people who do not believe that a conspiracy carried out independently works. Why then are magicians asked? They? If everyone could themselves, without turning to sorcerers and fortune-tellers, effectively create magical rituals , then all individuals with superpowers would become unclaimed. Yes you are right. Not every person will be able to achieve it the first time positive result However, there is no need to give up. What one can do, another can do—you just have to really want it. To achieve results in magical actions, you should perform simple conditions

  • that will help bring you closer to your cherished goal of becoming a magician:
  • purity of thoughts and intentions. If a person is selfish, his thoughts are black, and negative emotions are overwhelming, then he should not even come close to magic - such a person can harm both others and himself; emotional mood. You need to tune in to perform the ritual - a calm and confident state of mind, lack of anxiety, emptiness of mind - best helpers
  • in magical manipulations;
  • prepare physically - take a bath with incense, relax as much as possible, rub yourself with oils, dress in everything clean, let your hair down;
  • perseverance, perseverance, patience, complete confidence in one’s actions, and belief in the supernatural are prerequisites necessary to achieve the desired result.