Craft Christmas toy from cones. Christmas tree toys made of cones. Christmas toys and decorations made of fir and pine cones

A lot of home decorations and fun toys for the New Year holiday can be made from ordinary pine and fir cones.

On New Year's Eve, you first need to put a Christmas tree. Or maybe out of cones? Surprise all the guests. To make such a Christmas tree as in the photo below, glue the cardboard base cone and starting from the bottom with hot glue, attach small cones to it. You cannot stick many rows at once, let it dry completely and continue to make the tree the next day.

For beauty and reliability, wrap such a Christmas tree with thick jute twine.

Pine cones and candles are a good combination.

Such fir-tree cones in candlesticks will decorate any table when there are lit candles, festive garlands and champagne-filled glasses nearby.

Be sure to decorate a chandelier with beads and cones for the New Year holiday.

Such pendants from the cones will not fade, do not crumble, do not break.

A chandelier is always in the spotlight, in addition, all the decorations that will be placed on it are well lit.

Ordinary cones from any trees, even completely unprocessed, are very decorative.

The many advantages of this material over others:

  • natural
  • safe
  • universal for any crafts
  • free (if you just collect it in a forest or park)
  • easy to glue
  • gives off a pleasant smell of needles
  • keeps its shape dry

It is checked: if ordinary pine cones are folded into a transparent glass vase before the New Year, the festive mood will come without fail.

You can not be too lazy and work with cones. One option is to soak the bumps in the bleach. Take the usual whiteness, do not breed and fill it with cones placed in a glass jar. Be sure to cover. Leave for 5-6 hours. Then pull out the cones and dry. Must whiten.

You can paint the bumps with a thin brush using an ordinary tooth powder, diluted to the consistency of thick sour cream. You need to paint the tips of the scales, then the cones will be "in hoarfrost."

To get silver, gold or cones in colored spangles, use spray paint.

Or take a hard brush, use it to apply PVA glue to the cones and sprinkle generously with sequins. See the result when the cones dry.

Try making the bumps colorful. Brush gently paint the bump with different colors.

To paint the bumps, it is not necessary to brush through each flake with a brush. There are several other ways. Here is one of them: take the bump by the edge with tweezers and lower it into the paint, then immediately pull it back out, hold it a bit until the paint drains and put it to dry.

Use acrylic paint, but will be cheaper emulsion for painting ceilings. It is easily diluted with water to the desired consistency. Pour paint into several containers and add different color dyes to each of them, mix thoroughly. Paint the bumps with these paints, let them dry. Dyes in small bottles can be bought at hardware stores.

Another way of coloring the cones: pour paint on a plate and roll the cone on it, coloring only the tips of the scales.

Another way: you can quickly paint a bump with a foam sponge.

Painted bumps look elegant in transparent vases.

But not only in vases, but also in baskets, the cones look great.

This dish with colored cones reminded me of Easter colored eggs.

And look what unusual and elegant colored cones turn out to be, if thin strips cut from tinsel are glued to them with the help of a glue gun.

Thin sections of trees and cones can serve as the basis for creating New Year's candlesticks. But be sure to take care of fire safety: reliably place candles in glass or metal candlesticks and fasten cones with a glue gun around.

Such a Christmas composition evokes romantic feelings.

Of course, if you put candles in deep jars, then there is certainly nothing to be afraid of. Tie such "candlesticks" with a harsh thread and decorate with cones and needles.

If you made up a lot of cones and do not know where to attach them, make a large candlestick.

And this luminous basket is just a New Year's garland, complemented by cones and a bow, but how beautiful!

Use the bumps in their natural form, bleach or dye, decide for yourself. Any bumps are wonderful material for decorating a home.

Do not forget to hang such toys on the Christmas tree.

Ordinary pine cones on New Year's Eve can turn into lush turkeys or peacocks.

And aren't such amazing creatures amazing creatures? It is not difficult to make them, the main thing is to glue the eyes, and the nose can be made of plasticine.

And this, apparently, their mother is vigilantly watching their children.

And such a flock of small birds can settle in your apartment not only on New Year's Eve.

Look at this hedgehog, it’s not difficult to make it. The main thing is to stock up on a basket of pine cones. Make a nose from the top of a dark plastic bottle, and cut your eyes out of white cardboard.

Try making flowers out of cones. To do this, disassemble a few cones on the plate. On a cardboard circle with a glue gun, glue sequentially rows of plates in a circle.

Several of these gnomes can improve the mood not only for children, but also for adults. They can decorate a Christmas tree or tie to a rope and make a garland.

And such small skiers will make the company gnomes.

Do not miss the opportunity to do something with your children from natural materials. Such work is undeniably useful for both children and their parents. The first is communication. Secondly, the child will remember for a lifetime that pleasant feeling when together with his mom or dad they made toys together for the New Year. Thirdly, this lesson develops the motor skills of children's fingers. Fourth, this work relieves stress because a person calms down by working with natural material. You can continue to talk about the undoubted benefits, but it's time to end the article. Good luck to you!

What can create a New Year’s atmosphere along with real live Christmas trees? Bumps. Spruce and pine. From such simple natural materials you can make beautiful and stylish decorations for the New Year's beauty, and even the Christmas trees themselves, and not in mini format. About how to make original New Year's crafts from cones, we will tell you further and demonstrate everything in detail on the example of four master classes.

Master class number 1: a tree of pine cones

Having collected a lot of different cones, you can make a wonderful Christmas tree out of them. For the main holiday decoration to look beautiful and magnificent, you need to choose the opened cones, but at the same time strong and whole.


To create a Christmas tree from pine cones with your own hands, you will need:

  • cones themselves;
  • hot glue;
  • thermal gun;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • tinsel and toys;
  • flowerpot;
  • paint in the spray can.

Step 1. Decide on the dimensions of the future Christmas tree and cut out the base from cardboard with scissors of the appropriate size.

Step 2. Sort all cones by size and clean them of dust.

Step 3. Start laying your tree out of cones. Lay out the source materials in tiers in a circle. Start with the largest cones. Fix the tiers to each other with hot glue.

Step 4. At the very top of the Christmas tree, fix one cone vertically.

Now your New Year tree of cones is ready. You can simply install it on a cardboard base on a table or leave it standing on the floor. You can use hot glue to fix cardboard on a flower pot pre-loaded with gravel. To make the tree look festive, decorate it with tinsel, toys or sweets.

You can make the tree a little unusual. To do this, paint it with spray paint. Choose any color of paint, the main thing is that it harmonizes with the interior of the room. As a decoration, you can use berries and small figures of birds.

Master class number 2: do-it-yourself Christmas tree toy from a cone

An ordinary bump can be a great replacement for a Christmas ball. She will need to give a little New Year's gloss, but even with such a decor, such a decoration will look very harmonious on the Christmas tree.


To make a Christmas toy out of a cone with your own hands, take care of availability:

  • the bump itself;
  • hot glue;
  • wooden beads;
  • tapes;
  • twine;
  • scissors;
  • varnish.

Step 1. To make the craftsmanship look beautiful, you need to rinse the bump well, pat it with paper towels and let it dry completely.

Step 2. Take a wooden bead and glue it with hot glue to the base of the cone.

Step 3. Cut a small piece of twine, thread its end through the bead, and tie the cord in a knot. This will be a mount for which a Christmas tree toy can be hung on a New Year tree.

Step 4. To make the bump look aesthetically pleasing, you can cover its surface with varnish in a spray can. After covering the bump, let it dry thoroughly.

Step 5. Decorate the bump with a small ribbon bow. You can tie it to a bead or put a bow on a drop of hot glue.

The original Christmas tree toy made of cones is ready.

Workshop №3: mini-tree made of cones

If you don’t have time to make a big Christmas tree from cones, and you want to decorate your desktop or bedside table with a symbolic souvenir, you can make a small Christmas tree from just one cone.


To make a mini-tree from a cone you will need:

  • cone;
  • a small clay pot;
  • spray paint;
  • a star made of foil or plastic;
  • brush;
  • glue for decoupage;
  • rag;
  • sparkles;
  • hot glue.

Step 1. First of all, you need to prepare the bump itself for work. To do this, clean it from dust. After paint the bump with spray paint. You can choose any color, but if you want the mini-Christmas tree to resemble a real one, give preference to green shades. In this case, she was given a festive gloss by painting with paint of dark green color with pearl modulations.

Step 2. After painting the bumps, let it dry thoroughly.

Step 3. Attach an aluminum or plastic star to the top of the miniature Christmas tree with hot glue.

Step 4. To create the effect of powdered paws of the Christmas tree with snow or hoarfrost, cover the ends of the cones with decoupage glue and sprinkle silver spangles on top. After the glue dries, scrub excess glitter.

Step 5. Insert the cone into a small clay pot. For reliability, you can fix it with hot glue. Your miniature version of the Christmas tree is ready!

Workshop №4: do-it-yourself cones on the Christmas tree

From the cones can be very delicate decorations for the Christmas tree. For this, it is necessary not only to pick up beautiful and whole cones, but also to decorate them correctly. In this master class, cones will be covered with glitter and complemented by transparent decorations, which together will create the illusion of a cold frosty day.


To decorate the cones on the Christmas tree with your own hands, prepare:

  • well opened cones;
  • screws with rings on the end;
  • glue for decoupage;
  • silver sequins;
  • plastic container.

Step 1. Clean the collected cones from dust and make sure that all its parts are intact and nothing falls off anywhere.

Step 2. Take the screw with the ring on the end and carefully screw it into the base of the bump. If it turned out to be difficult for you to screw in, carefully drill a hole in the bump with a drill with an appropriate size drill.

Step 3. Dip a brush into the decoupage glue and grease it with all the protruding parts of the bump.

Step 4. Pour silver spangles into an empty plastic container and carefully roll the cone in them until the glue has dried. Give the glue and sparkles a good grip and then brush away any excess sparkles with a dry brush.

Your Christmas cone decoration is ready. Now you can attach a silver ribbon to it to hang a bump on the paw of a Christmas tree. It would be nice to complement such a Christmas tree decor with a plastic garland that imitates Swarovski crystals. You can use such toys as a festive decor on the chandelier.

Dressing up a New Year's beauty by making and hanging Christmas toys from cones will not be difficult. After all, it is not necessary to hang only multi-colored balls bought in a store. In fact, the Christmas tree can be decorated with almost any, made independently, from everything that is at hand! You only need to play a fantasy.

What do we need

In order to make Christmas toys out of cones with our own hands, we need:

  • bumps;
  • glue;
  • strong threads;
  • a thick sewing needle or awl;
  • shiny paint (spray) or glitter;
  • stand;
  • some cotton;
  • rags and solvent.

We collect cones in the forest, if this is not possible, then in parks, in alleys, boulevards. In those places where you met spruce or pine.

Spruce does not grow everywhere. In some parts of the country, only pine trees grow in the wild. Their bumps are also suitable for crafts.

Now, they need to be dried, especially if you collected them after the rain or searched under the snow. Otherwise, glue with paint will not fall.

Reliable glue should be chosen so that your crafts from Christmas cones do not fall apart. It will be needed to connect the seeds together - we will collect figures from them. Also, glue may be required to fix the sequins or cotton wool, which will play the role of snow. It looks very beautiful.

Threads are used to hang toys on branches. Strong, thick threads are needed so that the loop of the craft does not break. You will need a needle to pierce the cones so that you can create a reliable loop. As for the colors and sparkles, there are two options:

  1. You just paint the bumps.
  2. Cover the bump completely with glue, and then sprinkle glitter on it.

When working with glue and paints, follow safety standards. If you work indoors, then it should be well ventilated, not have open flame. Protect your face with a bandage. All that you need for the manufacture of crafts, collect and put on the table in advance. Prepare a solvent if you need to wipe your hands from paint or use gloves.

A stand will be needed to facilitate the process of uniform painting or sprinkling cones with sparkles. You can make it from a matchbox and a thin long clove.

Getting down to fun

Now we will make the simplest Christmas tree cone with our own hands. We take the seeds of the spruce and clean them of the specks, so that later the paint falls well and the glue does not fall off. It will be enough to gently wipe each of them with a dry rag. Choose a place where we will paint the cones. Cover the surface with newspapers.

It is best to paint with aerosol enamel (car spray). It’s more convenient, cheaper, and you don’t have to brush hard-to-reach spots with a brush!

We string the sharp part of the cone on the clove of our stand and begin to stain each cone from all sides. We are waiting for them to dry. Drying time is always indicated on the label.

When all the cones have dried, remove them from the stand and take the glue with cotton.
  We cover the entire semicircular part with glue and cover with a small amount of cotton wool. Wait a little while the glue dries.

Using a needle or an awl, we pierce the upper part through and through. If you will prick a needle, then you can insert a thread into her ear in advance. We tie the thread, and hide the knot in the hole. A simple Christmas tree cone decoration is ready!

Prick not the bump, but the cotton wool that was pasted. Achene is very hard, it is difficult to pierce. Use extreme caution!

For beauty, you can still apply a few spots or dots of a different color or tie a bow from a ribbon. By the way, except for threads, a thin elastic band will do. The bump toy will be pressed to the branch like a real one. As if a silver or gold bump had grown on a magical Christmas tree.

Cone shapes

You can not be limited to single Christmas tree cones, but to collect from them whole figures of different shapes. From the inventory described above, everything remains unchanged, only a small amount of steel wire is added. With its help, we will connect the cones together.

It is best suited exactly steel wire, which will play the role of reinforcing material, a thickness of 0.5 or 1 millimeter. The copper wire is too soft. The figure will begin to deform under its own weight.

Cone star

And now we will make a Christmas toy from cones, but in the form of a star. We will need fir cones (5 pieces) of the same size so that there is symmetry. First you need to create a base of wire: bend it so that there are five rays (we will string on them). We pierce the blunt ends of the cones. An awl, a nail or a thick needle. This is necessary to create holes in which the ends of the wire base will enter, and they need to be coated with glue. We string the bumps and proceed to painting. After everything dries, make a hole in one of the rays of the star and insert the thread there.

In addition, the same star is very easily made, but for the top of the Christmas tree. The manufacturing process is the same, only you need to pick up and install a small tube so that it is worn on the top branch of the tree. Most often make nozzles from the necks of elongated bottles. The nozzle must be installed between the rays of our star, in the middle. Then securely fasten.

It is best to paint with silver, red, metallic or golden - it looks great!


Everything is exactly the same, only the wire base should have six ends. Cones will be planted on them not with a blunt part, but with a sharp one. Paint or glitter, make a loop. It will turn out a very beautiful Christmas toy from cones, as in the photo, in the form of a snowflake.

There are many options for execution, since even a complex snowflake can be assembled from large and small cones.


To make a garland, you need more seeds. Moreover, they can be of different sizes - it’s even more beautiful. There is a possibility of coloring in various colors. After painting the cones, take a long awl or needle. There are two options for such crafts:

  • cones hang end to end, one after another;
  • follow each other like a chain (transverse).

Do not use a thread: there will be many cones, the thread can break off from such a load. Better to take a fishing line.

What else can you come up with

In addition to the ideas presented, the options for making Christmas crafts from seeds of fir and pine trees, an infinite number. These are little men and figures of various animals. By the way, the symbol of 2018 is a dog. A dog figurine can also be made of cones in the same way, but only spruce ones are suitable here, since pine achenes have a different shape.

You will need cones of different sizes:

  • one big;
  • four are a little less;
  • two little ones.

The big shot is the body of a dog. Paws, tail and head will be held on it. Four smaller cones - this is the paws, they should be the same length. One small cone will play the role of the head, and the other - the tail.

We take an awl and pierce the cones. Pour a little glue into the holes and insert the matches there. Connect the cones together. Ears can be made of paper or small cones. Gently glue them to the head. Any color is suitable for painting. Remember to draw or stick the dog’s nose, mouth and eyes. This is easily done using plasticine.

Crafts from coniferous seeds suspended on a Christmas tree burn very well due to the resin remaining inside. Glue, cotton wool and paint will only accelerate the combustion process. Never use sparklers or candles near a Christmas tree.

Children like crafts from cones and their imagination has no limits. So on the Christmas tree will appear a little penguin, funny mice, squirrel and deer, sleeping beauty, owls, gnomes, Christmas wreath.

See also the video, a master class of Christmas toys from cones with your own hands:

Useful Tips

A bump is an excellent natural material from which you can make many different crafts.

One of the popular crafts from cones -tree.

There are several ways to make a Christmas tree from cones, and we have chosen the most interesting crafts on this subject for children and adults. Decorate your home and create a festive atmosphere in it.

On our site you will also find:

  • 20 little do-it-yourself fir trees to decorate any home
  • How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands

Christmas tree made of cones. A popular option.

Almost any kind of cones is suitable for such a Christmas tree.

You will need:

Thick paper or cardboard

Hot glue, superglue or liquid nails

Branches of fir trees (artificial or natural)

Spray paint (optional)

Decoration (tinsel, artificial snow)

A lot of bumps.

1. Make a cone out of cardboard.

2. Using glue, attach the cones to the cone.

3. If desired, you can paint the tree in any color using spray paint.

* Only need to be painted outdoors, away from children, with a mask and preferably with goggles, as spray paints contain substances that are harmful to health.

4. Between the cones you can glue fir branches and various decorations.

5. It remains to decorate the Christmas tree to your liking.

Christmas tree of cones (step by step instructions)

You will need:

Cardboard or Thick Paper

Wooden or cardboard delivery (can be done independently)

Duct tape

Old newspaper

Hot glue or super glue

Decorations (garlands, tinsel)

A lot of bumps.

1. Make a cone out of a thick sheet of paper or purchase a ready-made foam cone.

2. Fill the inside of the paper cone with an old newspaper for more stability.

3. Cut the crown of the cone, and use duct tape to attach a circle of cardboard to the top of the cone. This is done in order to make it easier to glue the cones on the top of the tree.

4. From the cardboard cut a large circle - the base of the Christmas tree - and attach this circle to the cone (see image).

5. Start gluing the cones from the bottom up. To avoid large gaps, you can turn the cones of each next row with the crown in the opposite direction and then glue them.

6. When all the cones are glued, you can decorate the tree with a garland and / or tinsel.

Small Christmas tree made of cones (photo instruction)

For one Christmas tree you will need:

PVA glue

Artificial snow or white (silver) sparkles

Mini pompons (can be replaced with multi-colored beads).

Here is another version of a similar Christmas tree

A small tree of cones (photo)

You will need:

Wine cork

Knife and scissors

PVA glue

Hot glue or super glue

Sequins (optional).

1. Trim the bottom of the bump so it is flatter.

2. Cut the wine cork into 2 equal parts - these will be the bases for the Christmas trees.

3. Glue 1 bump to each base.

4. Apply a little PVA glue to each bump and sprinkle them with salt. You can add a sparkle.

How to make a big Christmas tree from cones (master class)

You will need:

Wooden slats and wire (to make a conical frame)

Cardboard or plywood (for making the base of the Christmas tree)

Hot glue or super glue

Spray paint (any suitable color)

Jewelry (tinsel, bows, toys)

Many cones

1. Create a wooden frame from wooden slats and wire. Make it stable, add the bases of several sheets of thick cardboard or plywood.

2. Cones can be glued to the frame or attached to the wire (using small pieces of thin wire), or both.

3. Decorate the tree as you wish and taste. You can add aerosol or acrylic paint, tinsel, garlands, bows and / or small Christmas toys.

Here is another version of a large fir-tree made of cones, which uses a large frame for plants made of thick wire (you can make it yourself and just buy it):

Craft "Christmas tree" of cones

You will need:

Styrofoam Cone

Spray paint (brilliant effect in this example)

DIY crafts from cones do it yourself

Bumps are an environmental material to work with is a pleasure. Even a child can easily make Christmas crafts from them. In addition, you can save a lot on holiday decorations, toys and gifts for family and friends.

Also read: do-it-yourself autumn crafts from cones.

New Year's cone from cones

In order to make a festive topiary of cones with your own hands, you will need the following tools and materials:

   Steady stick for the trunk;
   Glue gun;
   Masking tape;
   PVA glue;
   Decorative branches of needles;
   Flower pot;
Decor Elements.

Topiary production begins with the crown. To do this, you need to crumple well several sheets of newspaper or paper and form a neat ball. Then the ball needs to be pasted over with a masking tape and covered with brown paint. After complete drying, use a pair of scissors to make a hole in which to pour a little glue and insert a stable stick-barrel. Gently twist the resulting trunk with twine to the lower and upper ends of the barrel with a glue gun. Now you can begin to fasten the cones to the ball. Glue the cones must begin with the crown. The denser the cones are glued to each other - the better. If, during the work, gaps appear between the cones, they can be decorated with decorative coniferous branches. Decorate the pot better with burlap, securing it with a glue gun. Then the pot must be filled with gypsum. After the gypsum is completely dry, New Year's topiary can be decorated with various ribbons, pebbles and garlands.

Christmas trees from cones

In order to get a nice Christmas tree from cones, you need about an hour of free time, a little patience and effort, and also:

   Circle or cone made of cardboard green or brown;
   Glue gun;
   Spray can with gold or silver paint.

First you need to prepare the working material: clean from debris, wash and dry the cones. After the cones dry, they can be painted with spray paint, giving them a festive look. Although, this stage is not necessary at all, if you want the Christmas tree to look more natural. Now you need to glue the cardboard circle to the base of the cone. When the base of the tree is ready, you can glue the cones. They should be glued in a circle, starting from the bottom and gradually moving up. First of all, larger cones are glued. A finished Christmas tree made of cones can be decorated with garlands and Christmas toys.

New Year wreath of cones

Christmas wreaths are traditionally customary to weave their fir branches. Modern craftswomen can make a similar craft from various materials at hand: Christmas balls, satin ribbons, paper flowers, festive tinsel and much more. A Christmas wreath of fir cones will help to decorate any room or front door. For work, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

Fir cones;
   Fir branches;
   Spray can of brown paint;
   Glue gun;
Decor Elements.

To make the basis of the Christmas wreath, you need to roll the newspaper into a tube. Then make a bagel out of the tube and fix it with a stapler. In order for the base not to lose its shape, it should be additionally wrapped with tape. The base can be painted with brown paint from a spray can, so the craft will look natural. When the base has dried, it is not necessary to glue the fir cones tightly. The finished wreath must be decorated. To do this, you can use various beads, tinsel, garlands.

Ball of cones for New Year's decor

The ball of their cones is a great decoration element for the New Year's interior. Such balls hung around the apartment create a festive atmosphere, and. In addition, they fill the space with a pleasant aroma. To make such a ball with your own hands, the following materials are needed:

   Toilet paper;
   Satin ribbon.

For work, you can use a ready-made foundation, but it’s much nicer to do it yourself. For the base, it is necessary to inflate a balloon to the desired size. Glue it on top with toilet paper, which must first be moistened with a mixture of PVA glue and water, and left to dry for 24 hours.

When the base is dry. It must be covered with brown paint, so that toilet paper does not peek through the gaps between the bumps. Then carefully glue the cones to the base and attach a beautiful satin ribbon to the ball.