The first photo from the wedding of the pelagia. Pelagia secretly married a hockey player Pelagia married in the year

She married hockey player Ivan Telegin. The couple keeps their personal lives a secret, and even many friends of Pelagia and Ivan found out about their wedding some time after the celebration.

The fact that Pelagia marries the hockey player Telegin became known in April. Fields wore a gorgeous engagement ring with a diamond without taking off, but at the same time not commenting on her upcoming wedding.

Pelagia chose a not too magnificent dress for the wedding.

Pelageya and Ivan Telegin got married in the Kutuzovsky registry office in the presence of only a few guests. The guys arrived at the ceremony in two executive cars. After painting in the registry office, Pelagia and Ivan went to a restaurant in the ruble, where several more guests pulled themselves together. The wedding date of Pelageya and Ivan Telegin was not chosen by chance, because it has some kind of magic of numbers - 06/16/2016.

In the photo: the secret wedding of Pelageya and Ivan Telegin.

The last time Pelagia could be seen at CSKA matches, it is for this club that Ivan Telegin plays. Pelagia met with all the wives / girlfriends of hockey players. Paula especially made friends with the daughter of actress Vera Glagoleva - Anastasia Shubskaya - the beloved girl of Alexander Ovechkin and Lera Kudryavtseva - the wife of the hockey player Igor Makarov.

By the way, after the wedding, Pelageya and Ivan went to Greece with friends - Ovechkin and Shubskaya. This is a photo from Nastya’s Instagram:

In the photo: Pelageya, Nastya Shubskaya, Alexander Ovechkin and Ivan Telegin

For Ivan Telegin this is the first official marriage, for Paul the second. In 2010, Pelagia married Dmitry Efimovich, who worked on Comedy Woman and Our Russia, the marriage lasted two years.

In the photo: Plegia with her ex-husband Dmitry Efimovich.

Ivan Urgant, of course, could not miss such an event and commented on the combination of the name of Pelagia and the name of Telegin in "Evening Urgant":

Not only the age difference (Pole - 29, Van - 24) did not embarrass the young people to tie their fates, but the fact that in February Ivan Telegin had a son Mark.

For more than two years, Ivan Telegin lived with his beloved Eugenia Nour. When they first met, Eugene had a relationship with another young man, and they even prepared for the wedding. But Ivan Telegin was very persistent, courted beautifully, convinced that he loved and that Zhenya should only be with him. In the photo, Ivan Telegin makes an offer to Evgenia Nour.

The guys wanted a child, but they did not succeed, then they decided to let go of the situation and plan a wedding. Eugene even left for Ivan’s homeland in Novokuznetsk to prepare a wedding there, as Ivan wanted.

But suddenly Zhenya became pregnant and due to toxicosis, the guys decided to postpone the wedding.

In the photo, the once happy Eugene Nour and Ivan Telegin.

A few weeks before the birth of her son, Zhenya learned from the media that Ivan was dating Pelageya. Wife had to write Mark in his last name - Noor, because the child needed to draw up documents, and the father was at the training camp and could not come.

The son of Ivan Telegin Mark is very similar to dad.

Ivan has already introduced his parents and Paul. Elena Telegin, Ivan’s mother, commented on the situation with the wedding as follows: “It’s my son’s choice, it’s my business to love her just like my child loves.” At the same time, Elena calls Eugenia and is interested in the health of Zhenya and the baby.

Pictured is Pelagia in Greece on her honeymoon.

Eugene Noor was invited to the Live Stream program to find out what really happened.

  • Ivan Telegin turned out to be a scoundrel who abandoned his wife and child, or did their relationship with Zhenya fall apart long ago?
  • Pelageya stole another man’s husband or was she deceived by Vanya?
  • Did Evgenia Nour (a former strip dancer) exhaust a rich athlete as a child or was a victim of circumstances?

Judge for yourself - watch the live broadcast online with Eugenia Nour.

The public learned about the novel of the popular singer and mentor of the Voice project of Pelageya and the famous hockey player Ivan Telegin at the end of April. It was then that the lovers noticed journalists in one of the capital's restaurants. Only the closest couples knew about the relationship between the famous athlete and the artist. But by the time everyone knew about the union, fans noticed that a chic ring flaunted on the ring finger of the star. Fans began to look forward to the wedding day.

As it turned out, the couple still does not intend to let outsiders into their personal lives. The long-awaited wedding of Pelagia and Ivan took place on June 16 and was secretly from many. The couple registered their relationship in the Kutuzovsky registry office, and then went to a restaurant on Rublevka, where they continued the banquet. Only a few guests were invited to the wedding. The lovers gathered only the closest ones - the celebration was attended by parents, closest friends, as well as several Telegin hockey teammates. According to eyewitnesses, the bride looked beautiful in a wedding dress. Pelagia decided to choose a not very magnificent outfit. Many friends learned that Ivan and Pelagia changed their status only after some time, and therefore hastened to congratulate the newlyweds on a significant date.

“Paul’s proposal was received in the spring, and, of course, she immediately accepted it, because she and Vanya have crazy love,” says family friend Valeria. - She didn’t take off the engagement ring with a several-carat diamond, but she was in no hurry to shout about the status of the bride. Quietly came to the game, got acquainted with all the wives of hockey players. She made friends especially with Nastya Shubskaya and Leroy Kudryavtseva. ”

When the dreams of the wedding turned into preparation, the singer for a long time could not decide on the dress. Friends advised the classics - magnificent from Vera Wang, but the girl wanted to look modest and elegant, without a pump. That is why she chose a fitted outfit.

The future family arrived in Kutuzovsky registry office in two executive cars on the morning of June 16. The invitees could be counted on the fingers. After painting, the circle widened a bit: friends arrived at the restaurant on the Rublevo-Uspensky highway.

The celebration ended after midnight. Flowers had to be taken away in two cars. Exclusive details from the wedding of Pelageya and Ivan Telegin read in the latest issue of StarHit magazine dated June 27, 2016.

Even before the wedding, Pelagia met the relatives of the chosen one. Telegin's parents happily accepted the celebrity into their family.

“This is my son’s choice, it’s my business to love her as my child loves,” Elena Telegin told StarHit. - I often visit Vanya in the capital, as soon as his schedule allows. True, I couldn’t come to the recent World Cup, so I was worried about him at home. ”

The former lover of the athlete Eugene Noor brings up their common son Mark. Thanks to mutual acquaintances, she learned that the father of her child married Pelagia. Not so long ago, a young mother could not hold back her tears on the TV program "Live", when she asked the former civil spouse to pay attention to their baby. Nevertheless, the athlete does not refuse to support his son - he allocates 50 thousand for the boy and pays for other expenses.

Before the former lover of Telegina found out about her pregnancy, the couple was preparing for the wedding. They decided to postpone the triumph. Eugene said that her lover had an affair with a famous artist a few weeks before the birth of their son.

// Photo: Shot of the program "Live"

Pelagia and hockey player Ivan Telegin arranged a closed wedding, where only the closest were invited. The celebration took place on June 16, 2016, but it became known about it only a week later.


Registered the relationship of Pelageya and Ivan in the Kutuzovsky registry office of Moscow. Then the newlyweds went to a restaurant on Rublevka, where a banquet was held. The marriage was attended only by parents, closest friends, as well as several colleagues of Ivan on the hockey team. They say that the celebration turned out to be hasty due to the singer’s pregnancy.

And now, after more than six months, a photo appeared on the Internet, which shows the bride and groom. Pelagia for the registry office chose a tight white dress with transparent inserts on the sides. A gentle, sophisticated image was completed by a long veil. “It looks like a princess from a fairy tale”, “Beautiful which”, - netizens were delighted.

It is noteworthy that the first official shot from the wedding of secretive lovers was leaked by someone from their close circle. A photo of the kiss of the newlyweds was published on the Pelageya fan page. And only then the picture was disseminated by the media.

As they wrote website, recently about the personal life of Pelagia very little is known. After the singer married the hockey player Ivan Telegin in the summer, the artist disappeared from the field of view of journalists and fans. It was then that information appeared that Pelagia was expecting a baby and therefore was hiding from prying eyes.

Pelagia secretly married hockey player Ivan Telegin. The event was closed and was held in the circle of only the closest people. It is reported by StarHit.

The talent for conspiracy of the singer and her lover can only be envied. The couple, whose novel was vigilantly watched by numerous paparazzi and fans, managed to sign so that they found out about this only a week later. The wedding took place on June 16, but it became known about it the night before.

The wedding ceremony of Pelagia and Ivan was held in the Kutuzovsky registry office, after which the newlyweds in the company of friends celebrated the celebration in one of the restaurants of Rublevka. Among the guests of the banquet were several Telegin’s colleagues on the hockey team.

According to the source, the singer who had lost weight before the wedding looked great - a tight-fitting white dress with open shoulders favorably emphasized her figure. The singer had fun from the heart, circled in a dance with her fiance and performed several of her hits. It is noted that the newly-made husband and wife were so happy that they didn’t go a step away from each other all evening. According to rumors, the couple decided to spend their honeymoon on the Greek island of Crete.