New Year's scenario for children of the senior group of kindergarten "Journey through fairy tales" material (senior group) on the topic. Scenarios of the New Year holidays in the Dow

Who do you think is most awaiting the New Year holidays? Of course, children! They make wishes and write letters to Santa Claus, waiting for gifts, a decorated Christmas tree and fabulous surprises. And so I want to live up to their expectations! Therefore, it is very important to choose an interesting scenario for the New Year's party in kindergarten and arrange a real holiday.

When choosing a scenario, remember that it is better to take into account the desires and hobbies of children. Someone likes the adventures of Emely and Baba Yaga, and someone wants to see Superman or Batman at home. Perhaps you will spend a little more time preparing the New Year's Eve party in kindergarten, but how can this compare with the enthusiastic eyes of the child during the performance? A beloved hero can become both a part of a fairy tale, and a host who will play, read poetry and call the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus along with the kids. The scenario of the New Year's matinee should not only entertain, but also involve the children in a magical game.

Having remade the script for the kids, do not forget about the funny, beautiful decoration of the hall and the parade of costumes. And let this holiday become unforgettable!

A universal script for the New Year's party in kindergarten: "New Year's fairy tale."


Here comes the New Year!
Outside the snowball is sweeping!
People celebrate this holiday
And they buy gifts!
Today we are with you
We will make gifts ourselves!
We will sing, dance
We will decorate the Christmas tree!
So let the New Year come,
After all, the people are waiting for him!
The host calls all the children to the center of the room.
What is the New Year?
This is a friendly round dance!
Children hold hands
Around the Christmas tree and curl,
Chasing away the evil blizzard
Driving sadness and boredom
Inviting jokes, laughter,
Round dance is now for everyone!

Children dance around the Christmas tree, singing the song “A little Christmas tree is cold in winter”, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, “An elegant Christmas tree - a lot of lights” and other songs learned beforehand.


Round dance - well, just lovely!
Do you hear the needles rustling?
This Christmas tree is tired
She told us all to rest!
Come on kids, let's sit in a circle
And look around!
Our Christmas tree glistens
Why is she sad?
She lacks toys
And she knows about it!
We will help her now -
We have an idea too!

Presenter:   Guys, let's dress up our Green Beauty! Oh, where are our balls? Where have you gone?

The light flickers, the villain appears.

The villain:   Basta, karapuziki, your songs are over! I stole your balls! Will the Christmas tree stand sad, sad! And I will pick up the colored lights for my collection! (The lights on the tree go out). I got tired, I'll go take a nap.

The villain is leaving.

Presenter:   What do we do, how to be? Really, has our holiday gone? Who can help us?

Children shout out the names of different heroes, knights and heroes, but everyone flew somewhere and cannot help. Here Hero appears.

Hero:   Aegean! Forgot about me? They left me in charge here, now I follow the order.
Presenter:   Bad watch, darling. Look, the villain has stolen our holiday!
Hero:   This cannot be! Well, I'll show him a prankster! Only I will need your help! Will you help me children? We will find the lights, cheer up our Christmas tree and return the holiday!

Maybe paint
Hid in fairy tales?
In the thickets of the forest
And the colors of the field?
In the old huts
In red freckles
Those who, to the stars
Looking not sleeping?
In the warm windows
In smart nesting dolls
A brush and a palette will help along the way
Paints for the Christmas tree to find.
The Fox appears:
I'm a good fox
Simplicity itself ...
Orange paint
At the tip of the tail.

The fox leaves the Hero an orange circle, runs away, wagging his tail.
Snowflakes appear, dance and give the Hero a blue circle.

Hero:   Something has become dark for us. Hey sister Luna, show yourself, light our way!

The moon appears, dances and gives the children a yellow circle.


Thank you moon
You know one
Where do we go
Where to find the paint.


Away the light.
Your path is not far
Help along the way
You moonlight horse.
The little horse leads everyone to the fire.


Red cheeks burn in the cold.
Red poppies and red roses.
Red sparkles in the field sparkle
Traveler red bonfire warms
I will give you this sparkle.
Its color can color the dawn,
Red feathers of bullfinch birds ...
A holiday with me is always more fun!

The fire gives the Hero a multi-colored sparkle that shimmers in several colors.


Look guys, how many colors are on the palette. I think the villains of the villain are no longer afraid of us. It's time to conjure a sad Christmas tree! (Shouting "Christmas Tree Burn"). No lights come on! Let's call the Snow Maiden! (Name).
The Snow Maiden comes and sings:
With his magic wand
I will light thousands of lights.
My wand, spin
Fir-tree, quickly light up.
The lights on the tree light up.


Let every little light on this tree
Fulfill your best dreams.
Make friends with a fairy tale for a long time,
When you know how to believe in miracles!

The Villain Appears:   Oh you! Bring back the lights! They sing songs, they don’t let the old man sleep! Take your balls, a snowstorm swept them white, I do not need them anymore!
Presenter:What about us with the balls?
Hero:Are there any colors? There is! Snow Maiden, bring a shiny snowball! We need to make decorations! We will paint the Christmas tree balls ourselves!

The host herself shows what can be drawn on the ball, and then offers the guys to try themselves in drawing. To the cheerful music, the children paint balls and decorate the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden:Ah yes Fir-tree, ah beauty! So the holiday has come! Time to call my grandfather! Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

Santa Claus appears. Children read poems to him.

There is a lot of light in every house
New Year is coming!
Snow-white carriage
Santa Claus will bring.
At midnight exactly flashed brightly
In heaven, garlands of stars.
Doesn't come without gifts
On this holiday Santa Claus!
Will gather near the Christmas tree

Cheerful round dance:

Foxes, hares, squirrels, wolves -
Everyone is celebrating the New Year.

Santa Claus carries toys,
And garlands and crackers.
Nice gifts
It will be a bright holiday!

Walks the street
Santa Claus,
Hoarfrost sprinkles
On the branches of birches;
Walks a beard
Shaking white
Stomping a foot
Only crack is coming.

Santa Claus:   Thank you, pleased grandfather! And what a beautiful, elegant, cheerful tree you have!

I wanted to give you presents,
But I can’t lift the bag!
But I know who will help.
I'm ready to take helpers.
The hero and the animals help bring a bag of gifts. Santa Claus congratulates the children.

Santa Claus:

Well, now I tell you
See you again, my friends!
In a year we will come to you again
And the Snow Maiden and I.

Together:   Happy New Year with a new happiness!

Music plays, the holiday ends.

Your kids will definitely like this scenario of a children's matinee, because they will not only watch the performance, but also take part in it themselves. You yourself can choose a name for the Hero and the Villain, come up with who will be the leader and what other colors the kids can find at the holiday. And even more New Year's tips, fun contests, practical jokes and ideas for relaxing your children and friends you will find in our section!


(senior group)


Adults: Host Santa Claus Snowstorm Snowman Children: hares, squirrels, foxes, blizzard, snowflakes, fire Snow Maiden

Children run into the hall to the jolly music, become a round dance around the Christmas tree.Leading:

A wonderful day is coming

The New Year is coming to us!

Holiday of laughter and venture, Holiday of fairy tales for children! Happy New Year! Let the fun come to you. We wish happiness and joy to all the children and guests.Child : Our cozy bright room sparkles with a golden rain. The tree invited guests, the hour for the holiday has arrived!


How beautiful in our room

We called our friends

Our people are having fun.

All. We celebrate the New Year!


Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

With a song, a Christmas tree, a round dance,

With beads, crackers,

With new toys!


Congratulations to everyone,

We all wish from the bottom of our hearts:

To clap your hands

To stomp my feet

To make the children smile

Having fun and laughing.

Child. Hold hands tight

Become a wide circle,

We will sing and dance

We will celebrate the New Year!

Children lead a round dance "New Year Comes to Us", muses. V. Gerchik 3. Petrova.

Leading: New Year, New Year,

And Santa Claus is not going.

He lingered on the road ...

Child.   Maybe go to the forest to him?

Leading: Only a long way, friends

What about us, children?Leading:   I propose to send a Snowman-mailer for Santa Claus and give him a Christmas tree toy from our tree so that he hurries to the guys for the holiday. Guys, let's call the Snowman out loud.Children: Snowman! Snowman! (A Snowman enters the music. A mail bag with newspapers is on his shoulder)Snowman:   Hello guys, did you call me?Leading:   Hello, Snowman. Yes, we called you.Snowman:   Did something happen to you?Leading:   Happened, Snowman. Our New Year's holiday has begun, but Santa Claus is still gone. Could you go to him and give a Christmas toy from our elegant Christmas tree with an invitation to the New Year's holiday? After all, our guys have been waiting for this meeting for a whole year!Snowman:   Yes ... The task is not easy ... The road is far into the forest, Well, oh well, little by little I will find the way, the road. That's just ...Leading:   What is it, Snowman?Snowman:   It’s only that the Snowstorm got so angry this winter that it sweeps all the paths and paths, forbade the New Year’s letters and parcels to be delivered, ordered the holidays not to be spent, no fun, ordered the silence to be respected, not to disturb her peace ... She said that she sees everything from above, wherever I neither went ...Leading:   What do we do?Snowman:   Don’t worry, I’ll still tell Santa Claus that you’ve been waiting for him. Whatever happens, I'm not afraid of the Snowstorm. You will have Santa Claus! You will have a happy holiday!Leading:   How brave you are, Snowman! Have a nice trip. We will look forward to Santa Claus! (To the music of the Snowman leaves)Presenter: Guys, so that the road seems to the Snowman as an easy fun dance at our New Year tree.

NEW YEAR'S DANCE “Good that every year”

(A snowman enters the music, shakes off the snow)

Snowman: Well, finally got it. The snowstorm swept the paths so much that they couldn’t pass or pass.Leading:   We were so worried about you, Snowman. Well, what?Snowman:   Of course. He even wrote an answer to you ... Well, where is his letter? (looking) (the music includes the great Metelitsa)Snowstorm: Snowman! Snowman: Huh? (startled) Blizzard:   How dare you disobey me? I forbade you to deliver New Year's letters and parcels!Snowman:   But the guys have a New Year holiday. And they are really waiting for Santa Claus.Snowstorm:   You still dare to argue with me ?! Have you forgotten why I blinded you, your snowy head?Snowman:   Right now I’ll remember ... Silence to sweep ... guilty, to observe silence.Snowstorm:   That's it, and what are you?Snowman:   Blame, gape, played in the snowballs.Snowstorm:   Yawning, mean?Snowman: Yeah. Snowstorm:   Tune up, mean?Snowman: Yeah. Blizzard : Well, beware. Do not be your holiday! I can destroy all and turn into an icicle. No fun, no laughter, just silence ... Snowman, circle, circle, And turn into an icicle! (Snowman whirls and freezes in place. The snowstorm laughs coldly and leaves)Snowman:   (sadly) I want to please all the girls and boys - there will be no New Year, you can disperse.Leading:   Well, no, do not be this! Guys, you need to come up with something soon!Child:   Can we call the Snow Maiden?

The children’s name is Snegurochka. (They sit down on highchairs) The scenery changes.New Year's scene.

Fire (exits): In the icy big hut,
On a snowy edge
Where does the Snow Maiden live
The mystery is which year.
I want to know the secret
I’ll hide here and be silent.
(The Snow Maiden comes out of the house, sings and dances to the music.)
Snow Maiden: Here again, winter has come,
Snow and Blizzard called
My house is in the meadow
Grew up again by itself.
Only the stove is not at home -
From the heat I have a lot of troubles.
Fire (viciously): Now I know the secret -
From the fire the Snow Maiden is melting! (hiding)
Snow Maiden: I have a lot of friends,
I will call them soon!
Hares, squirrels and foxes
Come and have fun!
(Beasts rush to the music and dance.)
Fire (viciously): I don't like fun,
I’ll disperse everyone in a flash.
(He waves a red cloak on the animals and immediately hides.)
Hare 1: Oh, how painful!
Hare 2: Help!
Fox: Save my fluffy tail!
Squirrel 1: Who prevented us from dancing?
Squirrel 2: Who has offended us now?
Hare 2: I have not seen anyone!
Fox: I haven’t seen anything!
Snow Maiden: Something here, friends, not so!
Someone wants to interfere
Celebration fun to meet!
Fox: We need to call for snowflakes,
Light white fluffs.
Squirrel 2: Wind carries them everywhere.
Squirrel 1: Maybe one of them met
Stranger on the way.
Hare 1: Well, Snow Maiden, call!
Snow Maiden: Hey snowflake girlfriends
Come here soon,
Help us with advice.
(Snowflakes fly in and dance.)

Dance of the Snow Maiden and snowflakes.
Snowflakes (in chorus): We arrived at your call,
What do you want to know?
Lisa: Someone wants to interfere
Celebrate us with the children.
On the way to us here
Have you seen a stranger?
Snowflakes 1: We flew along the roads,
Snowflakes 2: We have not seen anyone
Snowflakes (in chorus): After all, a cold blizzard
All roads swept!
Hare 2: But someone was bothering us,
Hare 1: I didn’t let you have fun!
Snowflakes 1: Call a Blizzard
Snowflakes 2: Our old friend.
Snowflakes 3: Maybe she knows
Snowflakes (in chorus): This mystery will be solved!
Snow Maiden: Blizzard! Winter storm! Arrive!
Guess what happened!
(A blizzard flies to the music and dances.)
Blizzard: Why were you shouting in the forest?
Squirrel 1: We called you to help!
Hare 2: Someone wants to interfere
Celebrate us with the children!
Blizzard: I flew over the fields
Copses, meadows.
There is no trace anywhere!
Apparently, everything seemed to you!
Fire (joyfully): Blizzard wasn’t interrogated either,
From whom the trouble comes.
Blizzard: Feel free to get ready to visit!
Fire (viciously): I’ll burst now with anger!
(The animals endure to the musicfrom under the Christmas tree gifts).
Squirrel 1: We are gifts for kids
We collect slowly.
Squirrel 2: Here are the nuts. (shows)
Hare 2: Here is a carrot. (shows)
Hare 1: Stack everything.
Fox: I caught a mouse under the snow!
Snow Maiden: What did you, fox, say?
No no no! No mice needed!
Fox: Sorry! I thought everyone was happy
Will be my gift.
Fire (viciously): Oh, well! Now it will be hot for everyone.
(The fire throws off the black coverlet and begins to wave to the Snow Maiden with a red cloak, the animals scatter.)
Snow Maiden: I'm afraid of fire, I'm afraid!
I will melt, melt.
Squirrel 2: We will protect the Snow Maiden,
And no offense!
Squirrel 1: Hey snowflakes, fly
And extinguish the fire instantly.
(Snowflakes fly to the fire to the music, the fire waves its hands, the snowflakes run back and sit down.)
Snowflakes (in chorus): We can't handle the fire
We will melt, we will die.
Fire: You can't kill me
You can’t extinguish me!
I will melt the Snow Maiden,
I’ll quickly turn it into water.
You can’t get on holiday!
(A Blizzard with a white veil, a Squirrel, a Hare and a Fox with snow creeps up behind the Fire.)
Fire (turning around): What else is there to attack?
(A blizzard throws a white blanket over the Fire and blows, whirls around, animals throw snow at him.)
Fire: What is happening to me?
I go out, and the smoke comes out! (runs away)
Blizzard: We won the fire together
Snow Maiden released.
Snow Maiden:   Thank you dear friends!
Now i'm hurrying on holiday
And you soon pack up
Go to the tree to the children.
(Artists bow + applause.)
It's time to celebrate the New Year
In the hall to light a Christmas tree!
Santa Claus is waiting for us
New Year leads with itself.
HEY! Grandfather Frost, where are you?
Santa Claus (due doors): Snow Maiden, I am hurrying to you!
(Santa Claus sings a song and enters the hall, addresses the characters of the fairy tale.)
Santa Claus:   We have to go to the tree for the children
Waiting impatiently for kids
All of us. Let's hurry.
Beasts (in chorus): And how to get there?
Santa Claus: Decide!
Now I wave the staff
Everything will plunge into the dark.
(Santa Claus knocks with a staff, the light goes out in the hall and the light comes on again).
Santa Claus:   We are now in a spacious hall
I see the guys waiting.Hello guys!Girls and boys. We lingered a bit.So difficult was the road Beyond the mountains, beyond the forestsEverything dreamed of meeting you.Every day I remembered you.   Yes, I collected gifts.Snow Maiden:   Last year we had you,
They have not forgotten anyone.
Grew up, big steel.
I see that you recognize us.
Leading:   Santa Claus we were waiting for you, but there was a trouble, a snowstorm flew by, a snowman bewitched. He stands still, silent, doesn't even move a carrot.Santa Claus:   But this grief does not matter, the Snow Maiden will cope with this. Granddaughter get your magic handkerchief, help the Snowman!Snow Maiden:   Grandfather gave me a magic scarf
And here is what he told me in secret:
"Snow Maiden, granddaughter, wave your handkerchief
And whatever you want, you revive them! ”

One, two, three Snowman go to the dance!

Snowman Dance.

Santa Claus: The snowman returns to the forest, and the children continue the celebration. (The snowman says goodbye and leaves).Snow Maiden: Santa Claus:   It doesn’t matter!
1,2,3 - smile
And our Christmas tree - light up!
(The tree does not light up).
Santa Claus
(The tree lights up).
Child:   Lit on the Christmas tree
There are countless lights.

Snow Maiden:   The lights burn, blink
We are invited to a round dance.
Round dance "Santa Claus" Host:Santa Claus: The presenter says:Santa Claus: Hey people get out
Turn the circle wider!
And the Snow Maiden is not timid,
Dancing with Santa is more fun!
  Santa Claus: Feet are shaking
Do not stand still.
Hey let's friends
Let's dance together!

Santa Claus : Oh, tired, oh, I'll sit,
I’ll tell everyone in secret:
I love poetry very much.
Well, who’s brave, come out,
Tell me your poem.
  Reading poetry.

Santa Claus left the house,
Frost hurried to the river
With a white cloud in hand.
To the tracks, to the paths
Where there were puddles
Santa Claus throws ice
And spinning on the ice
On the river glides, freezes,
In willows breathes back,
Throws snow under the runners
Ice Mitten,
And then, grabbing an armful,
Pouring on the porch

Mischievously dusting his face.
A catch up? Come on! Give it a try!
Frost will lead into the snowdrifts
And in the snowdrifts - a tower.
Winter itself lives there.
G. Lagzdyn

Santa Claus   Now fields, then forests,
Between the trunks of birches
To us on the top three with bells
Riding Santa Claus.
Riding trot and gallop,
Knowing what is coming
Straight along secret paths
To the people of the New Year.
Snow covered with soft cotton
Twigs of birches ...
Red-cheeked, bearded
Riding Santa Claus.
G. Tukai

The most important of the guests

With a long white beard

And rosy, and gray?
He plays with us, dances,
The holiday is more fun with him!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!
I. Chernitskaya

If the frost ends
The snow will melt white
What is Santa Claus
Will the poor do?
Water will run from him
Streams on the floor
From his beard then
Will it drip too?
Good Santa Claus,
Dear, darling!
Hide, Grandfather Frost,
In our fridge!E. Tarakhovskaya

About Santa Claus   Santa Claus for New Year
Anything you want will bring.
Make wishes you -

I painted on the sheets,
Put them under the tree
Vatoy carefully covered,
Dad and mom didn’t say

All that I wanted brought.
It’s a pity, only once a year
He cares about us.
Tatyana Gusarova

Snow Maiden   She is wearing white boots
And in a blue fur coat
Bunch of ripe snowflakes
Brings us with you.
White to the waist
Luxury braid
And warm, warm
Radiant eyes.
In the transparent ice mittens
And a hat on it.
You give us light and joy
Favorite of children.
Tatyana Gusarova

Alarm clock that bear will wake up in the spring. N. Stozhkova

Snow Maiden   At the entrance, on the site
I gathered snow with a spatula.
Although there was some snow
I made a snow maiden.
Put in the corridor,
And she ... has melted!
Yu. Shigaev

Walks the street
Santa Claus,
Hoarfrost sprinkles
On the branches of birches;
Walks a beard
Shaking white
Stomping a foot

Snow Maiden

Santa Claus:

Snow Maiden

Santa Claus:

Snow Maiden

Santa Claus:

Snow Maiden

Santa Claus:

Both the girls and the boys were very good!

Snow Maiden .: Very you guys are funny! Do you want to play with Santa Claus?

Rides “Move snowballs with a spatula”, “Find identical snowflakes”

Presenter:   It's good to play with you

And now we want to dance.

"Dance with pops" or dance

Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus . I love children very much. And whom I love - I give those gifts.At this time, Santa Claus untie the belt from his coat and sentence him.Santa Claus:
You fly, twisted lace
My helper is golden
Lengthen, bloom
Try to find gifts!
He throws one end of the girdle into the open door leading from the hall, and then slowly, so that everyone can clearly see it, pulls the girdle to himself and says: "There was a bag, I pull it, now there will be gifts." He draws the entire lace, and instead of a bag, a shoe is tied to it. Frowns at the belt and grumbles ...
Santa Claus:
What are you doing, prankster?
Do you want everyone to ruin the holiday?
Come on, don’t be lazy, come on,
Return gifts to us. Santa Claus again throws the belt in the open door, turning to the belt, and again pulls it towards him, pretending that it is difficult for him to give it. At this time, he says: “It’s already harder, probably gifts. Wow, I’m barely pulling. ” But at the other end of the girdle was a tied dad.
Santa Claus (scolding his belt):
Are you kidding me again?
Have fun behind your back?
You frost do not be angry
And give us the gifts back. He throws the belt one more time, summons several boys with a request to help him, and together they pull out a bag of gifts.

Santa Claus   (addresses to his assistant - a belt):
Now I praise you,
And I’ll tie it on my belt.
Thank you for the bag
Once again I say.
Santa Claus pulls out a bag with gifts in the middle of the hall. The children come one by one to Santa Claus, and he gives them gifts.
Santa Claus:
We give you gifts
And we give you the order:
May you all be healthy
Good day by day!
Snow Maiden:   To have in your life
And fun and laughter!
Together. Happy New Year, Happy New Year
Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!
Santa Claus:   See you next year.
You wait for me, I will come!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave.

At the end, everyone gets up around the Christmas tree and sings the New Year song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest ...”


New Year holiday script for 2 younger groups

The Magic Testicle

Prepared by:

senior teacher of the I qualification category A.V. Lukashova


Presenter Snegurochka Santa Claus Santa Baba Winter Chicken Ryaba (child from

Children: bunny boys, snowflake girls

To the music of "Christmas Tree", children enter the hall and become a round dance. Vedas. : Tell me guys, What kind of holiday awaits us all? Respond together, loudly, We meet ... Children: New Year!

Vedas. : The merry hall shines today. Flashing with many lights. On a noisy holiday, New Year's Call is friendly to guests. 1 reb : Happy New Year! Happy New Year! With a song, a Christmas tree, a round dance, With beads, clappers, With new toys. 2 reb. : Christmas tree, we were waiting for you Many, many days, nights. We thought for a minute, To see soon, 3 reb. : How the needles sparkle with a Winter miracle - in silver, As your branches wrapped up Santa Claus in the snow. 4 reb: A wonderful winter brought us a holiday, A green tree came to the guys. She was dressed up, toys were hung up, It will be very fun for everyone at the Christmas tree! Vedas: We’ll hold hands together, We’ll go around the Christmas trees, We will smile at our dear guest, We will joyfully sing a song.Round dance

Music sounds, Winter comes into the hall waltzing. Winter:Hello guys. I'm Winter-Winter. I came with cold and brought snow. On the river ice bound, Fur coat smashed to all. She covered the paths and houses with a veil, But she loves, all the same, Winter, of course, children.

Vedas:   Why do we love winter? ...
5 child: For skis and skates
Over white snow, fluffy
For the Christmas tree lights ...
6 child: For having fun
In the winter of children.
Us every day on the street
A new game is waiting.
7 children: We are throwing snow
On a sled we rush from the mountain
We hung the feeders:
Fly bullfinches!
Song about winter Winter: Attraction "Collect snowballs"Winter: Vedas. : And who is missing at the holiday? Children: Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. Vedas. : Let's call Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. (Magic music sounds, the Snow Maiden enters, sings a song, waltzes) Sn. : Hello guys, hello guests! My name is Snow Maiden. I’m the granddaughter of Santa Claus, friends came to you for a holiday to have fun with you. How many smart girls and boys are here! Vedas. : Snow Maiden celebrate the holiday, and the Christmas tree is sad, does not burn with lights.

Snow Maiden :( mysteriously). In the hall, a Christmas tree stands and, shining with toys, speaks to us. (“magic” music sounds)

But the winds closed, blew off the coverlet, It became cold for me, the Christmas tree, in the clearing! Only you saved me - you took me to kindergarten, Gave a festive, fairy-tale outfit. You sang songs to me, and I grew up, Higher than dad, higher than mom for the holiday, I became! Isn't she a beauty? Children: We all like the Christmas tree!

5 reb: Well, the tree, it's just amazing
How smart, how beautiful.
The branches rustle weakly
Beads bright shine
6 reb: And the toys swing -
Flags, stars, crackers.
Here the lights lit on her
How many tiny lights!
7 reb: And, decorating the top,
There is shining, as always
Very bright, big
Five-winged star.

Vedas: Our Christmas tree is also fluffy, and slender, and green, Just something it does not burn with lights with us! We will fix the mess, make the lights burn! Let's say loudly: “One, two, three - come on, Christmas tree, burn!” Children repeat, the lights do not light. Vedas: Nothing happens - the lights do not light! Come on, girls and boys, we threaten the tree with a finger (threaten) And now we all clap (clap hands) And drown everyone with our feet (stomp)The lights do not light.Vedas: Nothing happens - the lights do not light.Sounds magical music. Leading pays attention to the Christmas tree. He listens to the tree, pretends that the tree is saying something.Vedas: Guys, we all did wrong. Now the Christmas tree has told me in confidence that there’s no need to stomp and no clapping, and you don’t have to threaten with your finger, but just ask our Christmas tree quietly.

Beautiful Christmas tree, play with us,Beautiful Christmas tree, light up the lights!Let's say together: “One, two, three! Our Christmas tree, burn! ”Children repeat. The lights come on.Vedas: It turned out, it turned out: our tree lit up!

(everyone claps their hands). Around the Christmas tree let's go, sing a Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden : And where is Grandfather Frost, bearded and red-nosed? It’s time to come to him. maybe he went astray? (The host and Snegurochka are trying to distract the children, asking where Santa Claus can be and why he is late, because he promised to be on time and knows the address well. Everyone starts to “search” the hall, go in flock after Snegurochka, look out the door, and look at the audience. then the Snow Maiden brings the children to the window, when all their attention is occupied with finding Santa Claus on the street, he quietly enters the hall, sits down in an armchair and, leaning on the staff, “falls asleep.”) Sn. (turning around): Oh guys, look! Santa Claus is sleeping in the hall, Grandfather is sleeping sweetly - New Year, and he is snoring! (goes to grandfather, taps him lightly on the shoulder.) Grandfather, wake up, get up, Congratulations to the kids with the Christmas tree! (Children repeat the words of the Snow Maiden.) No, it doesn’t work, It doesn’t wake up at all! Maybe the song will help, Wake Frost can? Children and the Snow Maiden (hum): Santa Claus, Santa Claus, what are you sleeping for a long time? Santa Claus, Santa Claus, why are you snoring like that? Santa Claus, Santa Claus, get up soon, Santa Claus, Santa Claus, play with us! Sn : Don't wake up, let's wake him up with a dance.

Common dance

Santa Claus (waking up, stretching). Oh, excuse me, dozed off, I kept a long way. I rested near the Christmas tree

It turned out that he fell asleep. Girls and boys! Happy New Year to all of you. Congratulations. I invite you to a round dance.

Round dance "Santa Claus"

Sn (cunningly): Oh, how Santa Claus loves Pinching children by the nose! DM: Yes, I will pinch the nose - it will become beautiful, or bright red, or blue-blue!

The game "We are not afraid of frost"Santa Claus . take care of your ears, nose, frost will freeze you! “freezes” children: grabs them by the arms, legs, “nose-snub-nosed”, “water-nose-watermelon”, “ears on the top”, etc.) (2-3 times) (They sit on the chairs) D. M.: Oh, I haven’t played like that for a long time! And not so much not tired! For my own children I would be happy to dance! Sn.: Well, grandpa, all the guys are dancing!

Dance of Santa Claus.

DM: Oh, I haven’t danced like that for a long time! Something grandpa is tired! Sn : Sit down, grandpa, take a rest, Look at the kids. And the guys rest, For you to read poems!

Free reading.

Dad chose a Christmas tree
The most furry,
The most furry,
The most fragrant ...
The Christmas tree smells like that -
Mom gasps immediately!
(A. Usachev)

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Did you bring us presents?
I've been waiting for you so long
I’m not going out anywhere.

Soon, soon New Year!
Soon Santa Claus will come.
Behind the tree,
Fluffy needles.
He brings us presents
And asks us to read poetry.

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree

V. Petrova
Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,
I lit the lights on it.
And the needles shine on her
And on the branches - snow!

Mom decorated the Christmas tree

V. Petrova
Mom was decorating the Christmas tree,
Anya helped mom;
Gave her toys:
Stars, balls, crackers.
And then they called the guests
And they danced at the Christmas tree!

What grows on the tree?

Samuel Marshak
What grows on the tree?
Cones and needles.
Colorful balloons
Do not grow on a Christmas tree.
Do not grow on the Christmas tree
Gingerbread cookies and flags.
Do not grow nuts
In gold paper.
Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree
Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree -
Green needle!
Light up with different lights -
Green and red!
A Christmas tree arrived for the holiday,
Dressed up,
And on the top of the asterisk
Sparkles and glitters.

Vedas. : Well read poems, sang songs, danced. And our guys love to play!DM: I brought with me a magical cold-cold breeze. Now I will call the breeze and blow you very, very strongly.

The musical game "Children and the Breeze."

The sound of a blizzard sounds. Children easily run around the room in different directions. At the end of the music, they squat down. Santa Claus:   Oh, how much snow has poured. I’ll collect this snowball. To the dance tune, Santa Claus takes a shovel and "rakes the snow" - collects children in the center of the hall (children run across and gather in a heap) Santa Claus:   Oh, what a wonderful lump, I'll sit on it. The sound of the blizzard sounds again. Children scatter. The game is held 3-4 times.Sn : Grandfather Frost, these are not snowflakes, but our children. Take a closer look - they play with you. Santa Claus, removing his shovel, condemns that, they say, he has become old, and he has mixed everything up. Sn: Girlfriend snowflakes, go show your dance.

Snowflake dance

Vedas: Grandfather Frost And our guys love riddles.DM: We know a lot of mysteries And now we’ll guess them, Sn. : But the riddles are not simple, Fabulous - these are! DM: My grandfather went into the garden: what kind of miracle is growing there? Settled into the ground tightly big. (turnip) Sn. : He is not low, not high, He is not narrow, not wide,

Guess the kids? What is this?. (mansion.) D. M.: On sour cream, he is mixed up, On a window he is cold, Round side, ruddy side, Who is it ?. (bun.) Sn. : In this tale, the old grandfather and the woman lived together, Together with the chicken hen, they called her. (pockmarked). D.M .: (mysteriously). Do you want the fairy tale come to life? To come to the Christmas tree for the holiday? Children: (Yes) D.M .: Fairy tale, fairy tale, tell me, come here at the Christmas tree! (Sounds "fairy-tale" music, Santa Claus begins to tell a fairy tale.) Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman, here they come here! They lived together, did not bother, they were always cheerful. Why should they grieve? Why should they yearn? The chickens are with them - grandfather and grandmother are happy! KR: Ko-ko-ko yes ko-ko-ko, if I’m not beautiful, I like my perky voice throughout the village! Ko-ko-ko! Grandfather: Mischief, are you singing? When will you lay an egg? K. R.: Did you feed the chicken? Have you watered the chicken? (Grandfather and Baba, agitated, carry food and feed the chicken.) Baba: Here you have a drink and crumbs. Grandfather: You eat a little grain! (The chicken "pecks", the grandfather and the woman admire her.) Baba. : Ah, you are our dear! Grandfather: Ah, you are our gold! K. R.: Thank you, grandfather and grandmother, you’ll blow a pockmarked egg, But this isn’t a joke - wait a minute! (leaves.) Grandfather: Well, guys, let's wait, while we sing a song. Baba: Well guys, dance, show your dare! And we will sit aside, we'll look at the kids!Dance "Dance in pairs."

Sn : How did the guys dance, right, Grandpa? D. M.: Not tired? (No) Do you still want to play with me? The game “Oh, what kind of people are in the cold, coming? "(To the tune of the Ukrainian folk song" Oh, the hoop burst ".)) (Together with the Snow Maiden, the children stand in a flock behind Santa Claus. The host, the snow maiden and the children agree on who they will turn into: bunnies, teddy bears, horses, etc. on socks following Santa Claus and sentencing. "Oh, what kind of people are following the frost? oh, what kind of people are following the frost?" D.M. (surprised). Who's following me, singing songs? Children: Kittens. Santa Claus : And I’ll catch you now! Children skipping away, Santa Claus chases after them, but without catching anyone, he is “surprised” by how clever “the cat . That "Santa Claus: Well, let's play one more time, is now certainly catch up with the game is repeated, and the children" turn "in other animals, in the last turn into leverets leading wears boys cap) of the Vedas!.. : Well, what, Santa Claus, didn’t you catch up either kittens, or foxes, or a hare, it’s better to watch how the hares dance under a smart Christmas tree. A dance with the words “Bunnies came out to dance” (Sit down on the chairs) K. R.: Where-where! Where to! Grandfather, granny, come here! Here is an egg, but not simple - look, golden! Grandfather: Oh, burns, burns like heat - there wouldn’t be a fire! Baba: Oh, glitters, blinds your eyes! miracles, oh miracles! DM: Just suddenly, from a mink, a dark mouse deftly and nimble past a grandfather, past a woman, ran past a pockmarked tail, only waved her tail, and the testicle disappeared! Baba: That's the trouble, that's the annoyance! Oh, woe! Well this is necessary! Grandfather: How can we be? How to treat the kids? KR: Wipe away your tears! Let's go to Santa Claus! The tale will end in good, we will still sing with you! DM: You were upset in vain, Everything will be fine with us Magic will help us. Gifts will be for kids! Come out soon, and follow me after.

Santa Claus.

  (Children and all participants in the celebration follow Santa Claus.)

Where are the gifts? Here is the secret.

There is no right and no left! (Addresses children)

Isn’t it on the tree? (Not!)

Isn’t there under the tree? (Not!)

Not on the stump? (Not!)

For a stump no? (Not!)

No on the window? (Not!)

No under the window? (Not!)

Is there a chair? (Not!)

Isn’t there under the chair? (Not!)

Doesn’t mom? (No!) Ask?

Doesn't dad have one? (No!) Find out?

(approach the snowdrift) But isn’t there in the snowdrift? (no!) Let's see! (Find a kinder surprise big egg)

DM: Ryabushka, look here! What's in the snowdrift? So yes (Pulls an egg - kinder surprise). KR: Egg! Not Golden - Kinder Surprise - That's What! Sn : (admiringly) Yes, not an egg, but just a treasure! DM: Here are gifts for the guys! (Snow Maiden, Santa Claus give out gifts.) Sn. : Well you guys, D. M.: But it’s time for us to leave. Children: This holiday is New Year's Eve. We will never forget.


New script one holiday for a speech therapy group.


Winter Santa Claus Santa Baba - adults
Children: Snow Maiden
Gingerbread Man Wolf Hare Fox Bear Girl Dasha

Entrance: New Year's Polka

I wish you happiness, friends!

Fun, joy not melting.
1 child:   How nice is the Christmas tree!
How she dressed up - look!
Bright beads sparkle in front.
2 children:   Our Christmas tree is tall and slim,
In the evening she will sparkle

3 children:   Christmas tree in your golden pockets

4 children:   We came to a smart Christmas tree,
Waited so long to meet her
Let's hold hands

5 child:   New Year! New Year!
Music calls to dance!
Let it spin around the Christmas tree
New Year's round dance!
Round dance at the Christmas tree

Winter: Hello my friends, I'm Zimushka-winter. I looked in the mirror, I saw a holiday with you: laughter, enthusiasm, fun, songs. I hurried to your holiday, I put off all affairs.   Leading. We are very happy Winter for your coming, we invite you to our cheerful holiday.Why do we love winter? ...
6 child:   For skis and skates
Over white snow, fluffy
For the Christmas tree lights ...
7 children:   For having fun
In the winter of children.
Us every day on the street
A new game is waiting.
8 child:   We are throwing snow
On a sled we rush from the mountain
We hung the feeders:
Fly bullfinches!

(children sit on chairs)Winter: I am very glad, guys, How did you meet me? Many games in the winter I know, Let's play kids?Attraction "Collect snowballs"Winter:   Ah, yes, well done children, you helped me a lot with all the tracks. But I say goodbye friends, waiting for me in the forest business. (Winter is leaving)
Leading. The holiday continues, but the Christmas tree does not light up. I’ll ring Santa’s bell. And you guys help Grandfather Frost and Snegurochka invite for the holiday.Children:   Santa Claus! Snow Maiden! The sound of music is heard the voice of Santa Claus: "Ay! Au! I’m coming, I’m coming!" Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden enter the hall.Santa Claus.   Happy New Year to you, friends, Happy holiday! Santa Claus wishes happiness and happiness to the guys. I see you all gathered. On New Year's, light hour. For a whole year we have not met, I miss you. Hello my good ones!Children. Hello Dedushka Moroz!Snegurochka: Hello guys, girls and boys! Snow Maiden sings a song Snow Maiden.Snow Maiden:   Grandfather, look how beautiful the Christmas tree is with the guys. But for some reason, the lights are off.
Santa Claus:   It doesn’t matter!
We light the tree from the New Year's smiles of children.
1,2,3 - smile
And our Christmas tree - light up!
(The tree does not light up).
Santa Claus : This girl did not smile, and this snowflake is sad ... (Repeats): 1,2,3 - smile, Our Christmas tree - light up!
(The tree lights up).
Child:   Lit on the Christmas tree
There are countless lights.
How nice, how fun today
How joyful on the Christmas tree and bright!
Snow Maiden:   The lights burn, blink
We are invited to a round dance.
  Santa Claus, and we will not let you out of the circle.Santa Claus:   How not to release? I will leave now. (Santa Claus moves from one place to another, loses a mitten, the children pick it up, pass it to each other, and Santa Claus runs after it.)The presenter says:   Santa Claus, sply us, then we will release you.Santa Claus:   Hey people get out
Turn the circle wider!
And the Snow Maiden is not timid,
Dancing with Santa is more fun!
Dance of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden   Santa Claus: Feet are shaking
Do not stand still.
Hey let's friends
Let's dance together!
Shared dance with Santa Claus.   (based on Santa Claus)
Santa Claus : Oh, tired, oh, I'll sit,
I'll take a look at the kids. (Sits down).
I’ll tell everyone in secret:
I love poetry very much.
Well, who’s brave, come out,
Tell me your poem.
  Leading: Santa Claus, do you like fairy tales?Santa Claus:   Oh, and I love fairy tales, children. Very!Leading: Look grandfather New Year's fairy tale.
Grandfather: Soon New Year. Would you bake a grandmother of pies or something, or a loaf of some kind, well, or at least a bun. It’s kind of boring to celebrate the New Year without sweets ...
BABA: Pies, buns, cheesecakes ... If only our granddaughter, Dasha, came to stay. That would be real fun, that would be a holiday!
Grandfather: I should send her a telegram or letter, invite us to her. We would have dressed up a Christmas tree in the courtyard, you would have baked pies - we would have happily celebrated the New Year!
BABA: Yes, that would be great! But it got numb to the snow, skidded all the tracks, asked who would deliver the letter to her, the mail didn’t work?
Grandfather (thinking): And you woman, bake a bun. On New Year's Eve, all kinds of miracles happen, maybe he will help us deliver a letter to Dasha.
BABA: And that thing. Why not try ?!
Voice-over: "Baba became a bun, and meanwhile Grandfather wrote a letter to his granddaughter ..."
Grandfather (writes a letter): Dear Dasha! We miss you very much. Come to us for the New Year and take your friends - everything will be more fun. We are waiting for you. Your woman and grandfather. And Kolobok will deliver a letter to you. You do not offend him. He is good.
Grandfather: Come on, Grandma, we’ll tie a letter to Kolobok and leave it on the window. And now we’ll go to bed - it’s late. Perhaps that will come out with us.
Voice-over: "The gingerbread man lay - lay, but suddenly opened its eyes ..."
KOLOBOK: Here is the task, so the task
They asked me a woman, grandfather,
Should i deliver soon
Granddaughter fiery greetings.
Invite her to a holiday
And call her friends
Well, on the way, I won’t linger.
Granddaughter must be found!
Forest. Clearing. Near the Christmas tree a bunny jumps.
KOLOBOK: Hello, Bunny! How are you?
Why are you freezing here?
At the Christmas tree, New Year's holiday
Grandfather and grandma are called!
HARE: Really ?! How?! Wow!
I will be very happy!
Now I’ll grab a carrot,
To make them a salad!
KOLOBOK: You run rather toward them,
It will be more fun to them.
Hey wait, tell me
How can I find Dasha?
HARE: Dasha? Granddaughter? I know I know,
I love her very much
She is so kind
I'll give her cabbage.
The road to her through the forest,
The evil Wolf lives there, like a demon,
You take care of him
Faster to Dasha!
The hare runs away. Gingerbread man rolls on to music. Song for the Christmas tree.
WOLF: I have a formidable look,
But in my heart I'm not angry.
Alone in the vast forest,
I love pasta.
Not bunnies, and not birds.
I would eat a cup of pasta.
But where in the forest to get them?
From grief I am ready to sob. Oooo! ..
KOLOBOK: Do not yell, what's the point?
And run quickly to the Christmas tree!
Grandfather and grandmother maybe
They can cook pasta.
WOLF: Really ?! Wow! I'm running!
I will help grandfather with a woman.
I'll take the Christmas tree with me -
Without it there will be no use.
We will dress her
And wait for all the guests.
KOLOBOK: And I'm rolling to Dasha
I'm afraid to get lost
Show me the way
How to find her, say?
WOLF: The path to Dasha is still far,
You may not be in time on time.
You run down the path
But do not wake the bear.
He wakes up - will be angry,
Even with you.
The den of the bear. The gingerbread man looks into the "window".
BEAR: Sleep, peephole, sleep, another ...
It does not work...
Why am I in a dream
New Year's Eve, huh?
So insulting to me, to tears
Give me presents Santa Claus
Doesn't bring ... Well friends
Can't I have fun?
KOLOBOK (knocking): Full, Misha, do not roar.
You rather take honey.
Grandfather and woman invite
They collect everyone on the Christmas tree
We will sing and dance
We will congratulate Dasha!
BEAR: Dasha? I know and love
I’ll capture raspberries.
So as not to hurt in the winter,
You need to eat raspberries with tea.
KOLOBOK: That's great! Take it!
Show me the way.
I’m in a hurry to Dasha,
I'm afraid to get lost.
BEAR: Yes, the blizzard was making noise in the forest,
All roads are covered with snow.
On this path boldly
In Dashino, walk the village.
But watch out for the fox -
There is no cunning in the forest.
Kolobok rolls between the trees along the path.
FOX: Wait! Don `t move! Watch out!
Stand back, get out!
Everyone thinks I'm bad
A redhead cheat is called.
But what am I to blame
If I am rich in mind ?!
I can’t not be cunning -
It will be very boring to live.
Here come on, in order,
Guess my riddles.
Fox makes new Year puzzles . Children help Kolobok to guess.
* * *
He is kind, he is strict
Beard overgrown with eyes,
Red-nosed, red-cheeked,
Our beloved ...
(Santa Claus)
We made a snowball
A hat was made on it,
The nose was attached, and in an instant
It turned out ...
He came unexpectedly
Surprised us all
For the guys coveted
White-white ...
If the forest is covered in snow
If it smells of cakes,
If the tree goes to the house,
What kind of holiday? ...
(New Year)
FOX: Guessed ?! Wow!
Well, ride yourself then.
(offended turns away)
KOLOBOK: You're a sly fox, of course,
But I'm in a hurry.
I liked the puzzles
I’ll invite you to the holiday.
FOX: Me? To the Christmas tree? Wow!
I am very very happy.
I will decorate the tree
Here is the reward for me.
You’ll grab presents for Dasha -
Beads are beautiful, long, bright.
KOLOBOK: Tell me the way to Dasha,
I'm in a hurry
And on New Year's holiday
I'm afraid to be late now!
FOX: Nowhere to rush,
Dashin’s house is here.
Here in the forest alone lives
The forester’s daughter is she.
KOLOBOK (approaches the house): Through the whole forest I went,
I found you, Dasha.
Here, I brought you a letter.
I almost froze my nose.
DASHA: Hello, Hello, Gingerbread Man!
How could you find me ?!
Thank you for the letter,
I’ll give you a sweet tea.
KOLOBOK: We must hurry already,
To be on the Christmas tree by the deadline.
Friends are waiting for the holiday -
I invited all the animals.
We’ll drive a round dance
Tea with raspberries, sweet drink
Dress up the Christmas tree in the beads,
We will celebrate the New Year!
House of a woman and grandfather. New Year's music is heard, the noise of fun.Round dance at the Christmas tree . In the foreground is the Gingerbread Man.
KOLOBOK: How tired I am, friends!
I gathered all the guests here.
The bunny and the bear are dancing
The fox is spinning
Wolf ate pasta -
Having fun too.
Grandfather and grandmother are very happy -
Dasha came to visit them.
And a noisy holiday with you
For the little animals brought.
That's how good I am!
Here and the fairy tale - the end!

Santa Claus:   Your tale is good. Let's play, kids?Attraction "Dress up the Christmas tree"Presenter:   It's good to play with you

And now we want to dance.

Dance "In pairs"

Snow Maiden.   Granddad! All the guys had fun today and deserved New Year's gifts.Santa Claus .
They deserve their gifts
But it’s not easy for us to find them -
You have to go far!
Snow Maiden:   Well, you are a joker grandfather!Santa Claus: Round, smooth as a watermelon ...

If you let go of the leash
Santa Claus:   You found all the balls, Well, be gifts in the hall! (D.M. turning to one of the popes) .Dad look at your feet and take out the presents! (Dad takes out a bag of presents). Ded Moroz and Snegurochkagive out gifts to children.Sneguro Chka: So the gifts are over
And it's time for us to say goodbye.
Tomorrow on the road again
We have to go in the morning.
  Santa Claus:
Because all the kids
They are waiting for gifts in the New Year,
And girls and boys
Believe - Santa Claus will come.
Let your tree sparkle
Laughter and songs don't stop
It will be joyful all year
Happiness will come to your family!
Ded Moroz and Snegurochka: Goodbye!
Heroes leave.

More fun friends and girlfriends
So that everyone laughs around you!
And so that you are not afraid of the frost,
More skiing and sledding!

(congratulations of parents, common dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest")


Scenario New Year holiday for the preparatory group.

Lead Dwarf or child of the choice of the teacher Purga Santa Claus - adults
Children:   Snow Maiden
Snowflakes - Girls
Skaters - 3 pairs
Forest animals (Squirrel, Bunny, Chanterelle, Wolf,)
Bears - Boys Dwarves - Boys

Entrance: New Year's Polka

Leading:   Happy New Year to all!
I wish you happiness, friends!
We will celebrate the round dance
Fun, joy not melting.
1 child:   How nice is the Christmas tree!
How she dressed up - look!
The dress on the Christmas tree is green
Bright beads sparkle in front.
2 children:   Our Christmas tree is tall and slim,
In the evening she will sparkle
The sparkle of lights and snowflakes and stars
Like a peacock's open tail!
3 children:   Christmas tree in your golden pockets
Hid a lot of different sweets
And she handed us thick branches
As if the hostess is meeting guests!
4 children:   We came to a smart Christmas tree,
Waited so long to meet her
Let's hold hands
Let's start your holiday soon!

5 child:   New Year! New Year!
Music calls to dance!
Let it spin around the Christmas tree
New Year's round dance!
Round dance at the Christmas tree
Sounds music. Dancing enters the hall. Winter enters.


{!LANG-9197584479b5cc0d62ffb011926d3339!} {!LANG-7714009bc4f40d5566b0b84fada740e1!}
{!LANG-4743ac5c4ce1231161082f513656509b!} {!LANG-4004dfd0378e9e0e12f887a7e16340b0!}
{!LANG-9197584479b5cc0d62ffb011926d3339!} {!LANG-4840f02f85afa5919e9ac8709567c2e5!}
{!LANG-4743ac5c4ce1231161082f513656509b!} {!LANG-c57b7574a17e0b08773479e821952698!}
{!LANG-9197584479b5cc0d62ffb011926d3339!} {!LANG-fe852e38234c3d970fe1418aec46289e!}
{!LANG-ea8ef044d87a302cde154fb97255fe1a!} {!LANG-bd8c65201371b6cd5a65554bf0088ed0!}
{!LANG-e96bb39eab2751daca7713391787dd9c!} {!LANG-4b1fa60e54803a2f364a8c669a595ee9!}
{!LANG-4743ac5c4ce1231161082f513656509b!} {!LANG-6d6b2436db5ae81e52d0781a3867a2b6!}
{!LANG-9197584479b5cc0d62ffb011926d3339!} {!LANG-ffe7f146cd3f49f7d820aecd7dfb8e18!}
{!LANG-4743ac5c4ce1231161082f513656509b!} {!LANG-9b41c32e00010cd11621286a9e0e1e2e!}
Winter: {!LANG-be25bb2a5aa223ede2cee40843d3d188!}Presenter:   Why do we love winter? ...
6 child: For skis and skates
Over white snow, fluffy
For the Christmas tree lights ...
7 children: For having fun
In the winter of children.
Us every day on the street
A new game is waiting.
8 child: We are throwing snow
On a sled we rush from the mountain
We hung the feeders:
Fly bullfinches!
(children sit on chairs)Winter: I am very glad, guys, How did you meet me? Many games in the winter I know, Let's play kids?Attraction "Collect snowballs"{!LANG-87566de3c593e5711a4245b7baf85b29!}Winter:   Ah, yes, well done children, you helped me a lot with all the tracks. But I say goodbye friends, waiting for me in the forest business. (Winter is leaving)
Snow Maiden:
{!LANG-9d89119e705760aad757c0ec61855ddb!} {!LANG-04d2fe42ad237fe2b7bdde7927aa7e6b!}
Snow Maiden

- {!LANG-904aa47cb85119fdcae2c21f43b77e09!}
{!LANG-b604b9fdbb8b459a627e1efa8e11edad!} ({!LANG-663bbda599551ea925968b11844bdb69!}):
Snow Maiden:

Snow Maiden:

Snow Maiden:

Snow Maiden
Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus:

Leading:{!LANG-eeb6149b6d9c98a25da957770ae74d9a!}Snow Maiden:   Grandfather, look how beautiful the Christmas tree is with the guys. But for some reason, the lights are off.
Santa Claus:   It doesn’t matter!
We light the tree from the New Year's smiles of children.
1,2,3 - smile
And our Christmas tree - light up!
(The tree does not light up).
Santa Claus: This girl did not smile, and this snowflake is sad ... (Repeats): 1,2,3 - smile, Our Christmas tree - light up!
(The tree lights up).
Child:   Lit on the Christmas tree
There are countless lights.
How nice, how fun today
How joyful on the Christmas tree and bright!
Snow Maiden:   The lights burn, blink
We are invited to a round dance.
{!LANG-24e4b216d2810cb9c7dae3becd3ab689!}   Santa Claus, and we will not let you out of the circle.Santa Claus:   How not to release? I will leave now. (Santa Claus moves from one place to another, loses a mitten, the children pick it up, pass it to each other, and Santa Claus runs after it.)The presenter says:   Santa Claus, sply us, then we will release you.Santa Claus:Hey people get out
Turn the circle wider!
And the Snow Maiden is not timid,
Dancing with Santa is more fun!
Dance of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden   Santa Claus:Feet are shaking
Do not stand still.
Hey let's friends
Let's dance together!
Shared dance with Santa Claus.   (based on Santa Claus)
Santa Claus: Oh, tired, oh, I'll sit,
I'll take a look at the kids. (Sits down).
I’ll tell everyone in secret:
I love poetry very much.
Well, who’s brave, come out,
Tell me your poem.
  Reading poetry.

Santa Claus left the house,
Frost hurried to the river
With a white cloud in hand.
To the tracks, to the paths
Where there were puddles
Santa Claus throws ice
And spinning on the ice
On the river glides, freezes,
In willows breathes back,
Throws snow under the runners
Ice Mitten,
And then, grabbing an armful,
Pouring on the porch
Mischievously dusting his face.
A catch up? Come on! Give it a try!
Frost will lead into the snowdrifts
And in the snowdrifts - a tower.
Winter itself lives there.
G. Lagzdyn

Santa Claus   Now fields, then forests,
Between the trunks of birches
To us on the top three with bells
Riding Santa Claus.
Riding trot and gallop,
Knowing what is coming
Straight along secret paths
To the people of the New Year.
Snow covered with soft cotton
Twigs of birches ...
Red-cheeked, bearded
Riding Santa Claus.
G. Tukai

The most important of the guests
With a long white beard
And rosy, and gray?
He plays with us, dances,
The holiday is more fun with him!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!
I. Chernitskaya


If the frost ends
The snow will melt white
What is Santa Claus
Will the poor do?
Water will run from him
Streams on the floor
From his beard then
Will it drip too?
Good Santa Claus,
Dear, darling!
Hide, Grandfather Frost,
In our fridge!
E. Tarakhovskaya

About Santa Claus   Santa Claus for New Year
Anything you want will bring.
Make wishes you -
I painted on the sheets,
Put them under the tree
Vatoy carefully covered,
Dad and mom didn’t say
All that I wanted brought.
It’s a pity, only once a year
He cares about us.
Tatyana Gusarova

Snow Maiden   She is wearing white boots
And in a blue fur coat
Bunch of ripe snowflakes
Brings us with you.
White to the waist
Luxury braid
And warm, warm
Radiant eyes.
In the transparent ice mittens
And a hat on it.
You give us light and joy
Favorite of children.
Tatyana Gusarova


{!LANG-5cc783da50a263810ae9d75928daf0c8!} {!LANG-77ec4d68ebf8f1acd19a800a129ccc41!}

Snow Maiden   At the entrance, on the site
I gathered snow with a spatula.
Although there was some snow
I made a snow maiden.
Put in the corridor,
And she ... has melted!
Yu. Shigaev


Walks the street
Santa Claus,
Hoarfrost sprinkles
On the branches of birches;
Walks a beard
Shaking white
Stomping a foot

Santa Claus:{!LANG-8fddfd50458010a1da1724279e32fe72!}
Snow Maiden{!LANG-ea3e3b24ba4db9e7ddb81a1ea976b00a!}

Santa Claus:{!LANG-542f2bfead7ed8fb2a7bb049073bb6cb!}


Snow Maiden{!LANG-a9ce2af678f70247cecd0542a24ea77b!}

Santa Claus:{!LANG-2e6f6cc4c14e723e2cd587e0ac1dc71c!}

Snow Maiden{!LANG-7d836b3d6c98323b3ebaac1bf1f25913!}

Santa Claus:{!LANG-2c4f41d814c6e7d4572683258c5e9770!}

Snow Maiden{!LANG-8503005cc801e35667f4a1550f83c857!}

Santa Claus:{!LANG-d08dc796d3c5d22db8fdf3db91f671d9!}


Santa Claus:

Presenter:   It's good to play with you

And now we want to dance.


Snow Maiden.   Granddad! All the guys had fun today and deserved New Year's gifts.

Santa Claus. {!LANG-b2db0b7dda3c3f5ea186b276c4ccc155!}
They deserve their gifts
But it’s not easy for us to find them -
You have to go far!
Snow Maiden:   Well, you are a joker grandfather!Santa Claus:{!LANG-e53b0d57772f52b06da4f8c4a683e26f!}Round, smooth as a watermelon ...
If you let go of the leash
{!LANG-3a5860b3505f541885263338921a40bb!}{!LANG-a4ba9474a516d1acc72b02e7e42c77f7!}Santa Claus:{!LANG-d2240ca006ed456afca304bcab650575!}{!LANG-48b960e8399df26e4fd8c41cd11ca743!}{!LANG-53d7286dc3cbcc2413a6b7dbef24d48e!}So the gifts are over
And it's time for us to say goodbye.
Tomorrow on the road again
We have to go in the morning.
  Santa Claus:
Because all the kids
They are waiting for gifts in the New Year,
And girls and boys
Believe - Santa Claus will come.
Let your tree sparkle
Laughter and songs don't stop
It will be joyful all year
Happiness will come to your family!
Ded Moroz and Snegurochka: Goodbye!
Heroes leave.



Snow Maiden{!LANG-2dfb9f8fcdfc74a7dda091a9883bdb43!}

Snow Maiden:{!LANG-72e6f31e8e223f0d7bb2697c4ae5fa98!}Leading:{!LANG-a1c477744f7f65d49c0ea064f2f9afa4!}Snow Maiden:{!LANG-98b7db9b7ad60922e502249bb3b42393!}Leading:{!LANG-8691c18e8420a6d72763b633d10f79b2!}Leading:{!LANG-13f40281712a3fb3c4fa0cbbbeb58359!}Snow Maiden:{!LANG-8eebd7ed3523527c46005941151973ba!}Leading:{!LANG-006a1bac48c4e0dffa7da9f46b43b29d!}{!LANG-e456e726033b7f2c9d5665b2ce08f796!}{!LANG-95f47e3d28870e26ad83f0c07b623e76!}Snow Maiden:
Snow Maiden:
Santa Claus:{!LANG-371f71df6918fe2b9b14d5d1d0495ba5!}{!LANG-5ae378fedb038bda525588027bfcbdb8!}{!LANG-799669781301424e3797402eb806a490!}{!LANG-d0a12c081932a18ee23b129eefd250f8!}{!LANG-5911fbf713040de1e6c079e133970d81!}   Leading:{!LANG-0106004be77aad44eadd7dd1b3135875!}   Santa Claus:{!LANG-e94284cd67aa653a82ef09575c4a4eef!}{!LANG-1ed6c9a2e5e451f4f66fd29993f7c131!}{!LANG-a2ccc0b81aa9a897583160733dfde07c!}{!LANG-1b9f69e7bafd4f2fda6c007ca2bbc0b8!}{!LANG-4da5497159c431e61ec54a2b7400392a!}{!LANG-3f01b2b1a7abf7008b8e5f286b1cbb91!}{!LANG-6b060e53e6613eac6e2b0d8685f1b632!}{!LANG-e4b69ebf8dd8ed972e24fcf110854c94!}{!LANG-2174937d11b4fba5a598a35e182953a2!}Child:{!LANG-381141143f66752aee0c651a6b8f02e6!}{!LANG-7d6ae4c9ddabc7eb8ce61fe0bc586405!}Santa Claus{!LANG-14fc09f2707ae0dd1afccd0cd9f0febe!}{!LANG-fd72253510312eb46c5db8dea8ea8e92!}

Santa Claus:{!LANG-93d02a4c7cf36576b34d35771a751a33!}Snow Maiden:{!LANG-23bd276ccab7302e9fc65b2cce26ff99!}Santa Claus:{!LANG-ce7ec55f687774644ab4285bd38656bb!}Santa Claus:{!LANG-250534ae66e488371a01a5e95d7f8cda!}Snow Maiden:{!LANG-42e87f217082ef9adf90666ec471f93b!}   Santa Claus:{!LANG-790bee3224b332853015145aa77f0580!}Snow Maiden:{!LANG-873a6d45d5222d5dfb3ea66dd14268e7!}Santa Claus:{!LANG-36a3fac16d177fb4a2bb6f63e041e19d!}Ded Moroz and Snegurochka{!LANG-54265b3f73e0e4bfeab8dbf15812fb64!}Leading:{!LANG-6b2e4754c5b7da08e3372f561cac6131!}



























































Santa Claus.














Santa Claus.











Santa Claus.{!LANG-6bce55b9a9e09c69a5b5580077116269!}


Snow Maiden{!LANG-022298f6c3af51f0b7fc0eb63f6ba9ee!}

Santa Claus.{!LANG-92bd3a2e4a8a8c5f126969bcaefc7154!}

Snow Maiden{!LANG-184beb5b515b734301dcd371ed3db694!}


Santa Claus.{!LANG-5c1d9b2137c7bd3d9d089e17b8a1bf64!}

Snow Maiden.








Santa Claus.







Santa Claus.













Santa Claus.{!LANG-b176c3acd79ecf9aa2be98306e499308!}

Snow Maiden{!LANG-2f0d0e7fb07df586c0461ddfb52eef85!}







Santa Claus.








Santa Claus.






Santa Claus.






Snow Maiden.




Santa Claus.






Santa Claus.




















Santa Claus.









Santa Claus.{!LANG-dde27f8917383c9fdbb28c600550ac53!}








Santa Claus.






























Santa Claus.













Santa Claus.

















































Snow Maiden.



Santa Claus.




Santa Claus.




Santa Claus.





Snow Maiden.





























































































































{!LANG-1bb4823ba9b833c5c47a6d44d75130b7!} {!LANG-d39162b440a3237a44ed53b623ad40af!}












{!LANG-1bb4823ba9b833c5c47a6d44d75130b7!} {!LANG-d89435d3d1e53f818c45276282f14e02!}

{!LANG-406f05f2b234992cdf5233fbb893b786!} {!LANG-effee6d48c6c830874a8b42c43d67c05!}



{!LANG-1bb4823ba9b833c5c47a6d44d75130b7!} {!LANG-1e599ce21a45c95f34fa846b7f4cedff!}













{!LANG-53d2c5beba00fe665b175794da7f4709!} {!LANG-b81f3f8db495886da906276917357eec!}







{!LANG-1bb4823ba9b833c5c47a6d44d75130b7!} {!LANG-968836e4cc2bff03380be12af04d6b6e!}






{!LANG-53d2c5beba00fe665b175794da7f4709!} {!LANG-2b34622896eda363df28521db61375cc!}


{!LANG-d8eea60483ff3d9e8d36533cde5e594b!} {!LANG-a892cd24ef4d392d349f55439b215e57!}


{!LANG-53d2c5beba00fe665b175794da7f4709!} {!LANG-218add442d5908d29c028d0bc005dd2b!}



{!LANG-d8eea60483ff3d9e8d36533cde5e594b!} {!LANG-66a11a1b39713daee1357da9007edb41!}



{!LANG-1bb4823ba9b833c5c47a6d44d75130b7!} {!LANG-05f2e80f5b5355a446e3acc98a26a8de!}


{!LANG-ce1478f49d45412444baecda1c71dc53!} {!LANG-91ef8aa555f96d26a62d34b6a4c59c4d!}


{!LANG-53d2c5beba00fe665b175794da7f4709!} {!LANG-2b34622896eda363df28521db61375cc!}


{!LANG-ce1478f49d45412444baecda1c71dc53!} {!LANG-a892cd24ef4d392d349f55439b215e57!}


{!LANG-53d2c5beba00fe665b175794da7f4709!} {!LANG-1f8453eb0f382db240f705257363038d!}




{!LANG-ce1478f49d45412444baecda1c71dc53!} {!LANG-1ef14450c287270aa25c879ec2e1c80d!}



{!LANG-1bb4823ba9b833c5c47a6d44d75130b7!} {!LANG-7686a4d98ab1ef1fd8d9d8ddcd66357e!}


{!LANG-cb607027fe979b25270a80d19d69e114!} {!LANG-91ef8aa555f96d26a62d34b6a4c59c4d!}

{!LANG-e5bbfecdea22384f70b6d6fe296017c6!} {!LANG-2818178f6330b37c8cc94db77c762795!}

{!LANG-53d2c5beba00fe665b175794da7f4709!} {!LANG-2b34622896eda363df28521db61375cc!}





{!LANG-815184bfedfc56fa6f7a6d08922e2f23!} {!LANG-75d75d4bbb33df51288b17cf1085fdaa!}





{!LANG-68a38c1db45fd4879a47908af9a7fa7a!} {!LANG-fe346bb76059ec6d447a80728a298b4b!}







{!LANG-ce1478f49d45412444baecda1c71dc53!} {!LANG-863399ee0d25de7cbbe8c7b9083a448d!}



{!LANG-d8eea60483ff3d9e8d36533cde5e594b!} {!LANG-ae72b01b869415f876c6addc2bc4863d!}


{!LANG-27c1f832bee6ad01e9bddd0334b337fa!} {!LANG-fb562808bbf12edc62567fb5ba2c08fd!}


{!LANG-53d2c5beba00fe665b175794da7f4709!} {!LANG-dc78bbda075af2316bd9e0d88f3488c8!}

{!LANG-f622c7b70eca67480bfa10dd0f0338f8!} {!LANG-6f39dcba37d153c976043dc36c520a96!}

{!LANG-d8eea60483ff3d9e8d36533cde5e594b!} {!LANG-72f07da0517a3f858427f3fc6fca16d9!}

{!LANG-27c1f832bee6ad01e9bddd0334b337fa!} {!LANG-35b05ab01175430e6569b7a285b373c6!}


{!LANG-1bb4823ba9b833c5c47a6d44d75130b7!} {!LANG-cf683a5ca8c7ce8cd0d88ec1105bb9c2!}





{!LANG-53d2c5beba00fe665b175794da7f4709!} {!LANG-245709dbd148da680d3b526c2de5d47a!}



{!LANG-1bb4823ba9b833c5c47a6d44d75130b7!} {!LANG-e4ff6e77bb9fad627aff20f8f4672c48!}





Children: {!LANG-e9bc4335b328cbfc25a0735d13584603!}

{!LANG-1bb4823ba9b833c5c47a6d44d75130b7!} {!LANG-df818950ef7722ab62f09ca20ae65022!}



{!LANG-1bb4823ba9b833c5c47a6d44d75130b7!} {!LANG-5c174dd3d7bea48b324cdd6a3d7a51ae!}






Children: {!LANG-297aaffea4b8f4321599fcf85c6bfb9c!}


{!LANG-93e9dd91b7a6b827a2daed5fc29bbe18!} {!LANG-ca239d6f019a312af9881fc5bfabbc5d!}







Snow Maiden: {!LANG-60d1f42fce6c03594a81169aa5faa54c!}




{!LANG-93e9dd91b7a6b827a2daed5fc29bbe18!} {!LANG-f5f33d1986b4d790e3169df063235b3b!}


Snow Maiden: {!LANG-10b8dbe8b1e09b61614665b9e7747774!}






{!LANG-1bb4823ba9b833c5c47a6d44d75130b7!} {!LANG-5c70a76e1f8ae128f00ab70365154183!}




{!LANG-93e9dd91b7a6b827a2daed5fc29bbe18!} {!LANG-419127a8b0927bba3f87d8f310b8684a!}






{!LANG-1bb4823ba9b833c5c47a6d44d75130b7!} {!LANG-1aac3c8b64d1eb3dfa643840dd2f88bc!}





Snow Maiden: {!LANG-ee9324c184e8501db4b5d89c666bb1a3!}


{!LANG-93e9dd91b7a6b827a2daed5fc29bbe18!} {!LANG-089080701ec603b4da6211e8f22ad29d!}





{!LANG-93e9dd91b7a6b827a2daed5fc29bbe18!} {!LANG-71a7dd0297eebe444a5d89e9a3074964!}




    {!LANG-93e9dd91b7a6b827a2daed5fc29bbe18!} {!LANG-0fa2c1e559ad6959293799f7930e7e19!}





2. {!LANG-f4dce74f20f35fd53e2eec7a426d580f!}{!LANG-76626d113c12889985503b6261b52321!}





{!LANG-74b7677a1f1138678920b6cfbc3ab861!} {!LANG-dda77fbd966c098dd9f8eb203dedab16!}





{!LANG-93e9dd91b7a6b827a2daed5fc29bbe18!} {!LANG-dcdf8faafff2878e9eba634706f88f11!}


{!LANG-69d9f2d91acde7d20387a3b756191d30!} {!LANG-33b5d11c891a84c81d33b158ed5f43da!}



{!LANG-747911b43d51310ebdd5c92fb5538e46!} {!LANG-d0a045146c36070ec9d4c80c625f49db!}



{!LANG-252620d5b07f9e0e22a198d65432cc5a!} {!LANG-8778a425095328846f2f8b4d3af81aaa!}







Snow Maiden: {!LANG-57046c2ac125ef57d7637d9c092a943d!}



















3. {!LANG-c999238737872225b2e16dcce169e758!}

















1. {!LANG-1281c46dcc69b56483d9e02d9bf6b89b!}




















5. {!LANG-16d173cce1add861bf058cdaf5482db6!}







1. {!LANG-9ddc9068775b93c760a50aecbe3f5efa!}








2. {!LANG-2048d42806eae9caae39b110e6c1eac0!}




3. {!LANG-08d73bcab62778425ae05ca8f3bb8e7c!}








4. {!LANG-455b639d00df18eeeedc21898b72a2ad!}




5. {!LANG-8677c9fa3c7977972b2eeca9eebf650d!}




6. {!LANG-9356064d274c787c15cac594e640f331!}






Snow Maiden: {!LANG-1632fc39863ca502dd29c4f6cecdc693!}

{!LANG-93e9dd91b7a6b827a2daed5fc29bbe18!} {!LANG-7309a4e4e4182b37579d970baca109f5!}
















Snow Maiden: {!LANG-9aed42dbc8ed1e8215c39f446c259fed!}






{!LANG-93e9dd91b7a6b827a2daed5fc29bbe18!} {!LANG-6f84b02712d1628d705e61d463685c31!}

Snow Maiden: {!LANG-be07edc837b3a2cd8c7c0127564530ea!}






Snowman: {!LANG-a915a590b95fa453e361a25431176f04!}









{!LANG-93e9dd91b7a6b827a2daed5fc29bbe18!} {!LANG-6097c878747b20c15d68ea2bdafae769!}



Snowman: {!LANG-e70fe5ea900af5cc9057c743dbe45be9!}




{!LANG-93e9dd91b7a6b827a2daed5fc29bbe18!} {!LANG-ee1e64e00be715d48b73eb2d4ac4b8d1!}




Snow Maiden: {!LANG-225e6cfc851f355d745a4e2fa2a493d4!}



{!LANG-1bb4823ba9b833c5c47a6d44d75130b7!} {!LANG-1092937c073f41bef21b466dd30527a2!}


