Cute rabbit from trash bags. "Funny rustlers" Workshop. Toys from plastic bags. Polyethylene Toys

2. For the manufacture of the pompom you will need cardboard rings, in the amount of 2 pieces.

3. To get the strips with which the rings are wrapped, you need to cut the handles of the T-shirt package, the sealed bottom, fold the package 4 times in length and cut across the strips 1-1.5 cm wide.

4. Take a few strips, attach to the edge of the rings and fasten the ends with several turns.

5. If the stripes ended above the rings, then you just ...

6. Cut off flush with the rings.

7. Apply the following strips to the same place.

8. Align on the edge, fix the previous and new strips with several turns.

9. We continue to move in a circle, so shaggy rings do not threaten.

10. Continue wrapping the rings in a circle.

11. The result should be a chubby blank, the hole in the center is small, so that it is easier to tighten the ball.

12. We proceed to the most critical stage. Cut a small piece of edge to get to the cardboard rings.

13. We cut the blank in a circle.

14. We pass a strong thread between 2 rings and tighten it tightly so that the hole closes.

15. Remove cardboard rings, straighten the pompom, shake. If you need to do a haircut, remove the outstanding parts.

16. And now the pompom is ready-made.

17. We simply bind the head with the body with the remaining ends of the threads.

18. The result.

19. We make out the head - ears, if the little rabbit is small, it can be made of pens from the bag. If a large copy, then we cut out a double strip of the right size from the package - this is just our case.

20. Twist the handle in the middle 2 times.

21. Fold in half. straighten ...

22. and tie.

23. Glue the eyes, nose, ears and the head is ready.

24. The front legs are connected, but not close to each other, but at a distance, we wrap around the neck. Rear just glue. Do not forget about the tail.

25. Rabbit in all its glory, even with carrots. All as expected.

26. A little sideways.

27. In the process, you can improvise. The beast is like a koala.

28. You can make a snowman.

29. And you can portray a cat. I wish you exuberant imagination and creative success. The work will not be difficult for those who knit, pompons are similar. I really hope that everything is clearly stated. First experience.

For joint creativity with the child, you can use any improvised material. Mom can offer her child to make crafts from plastic bags, of which in any apartment is in sufficient quantity.

At first glance, it seems that crafts from garbage packages are easy to do, but this is not so. A 3-year-old child may not be able to do anything, for example, knitted crafts from garbage bags. Therefore, it is most preferable to offer this type of creativity to a child from 7 years old. Young children can create crafts from animal trash bags.

To create a rabbit, you need to prepare materials:

  • two cardboard rings with a slot inside;
  • scissors;
  • plastic bags;
  • tight thread;
  • three beads - eyes and nose.
  1. Cooking pompons. First, we make long strips from a plastic bag, we bind them together. From cardboard we cut out two circles with a slot inside.
  2. We start wrapping cardboard rings in a circle.
  3. If the strip is over, then cut off under the root of the ring.
  4. Put the next strip.
  5. We wrap the strips in a circle until the moment when the cardboard ring completely closes.
  6. Scissors cut off the resulting workpiece.
  7. Between two rings we stretch a strong thread, tighten.
  8. We remove the cardboard circles, straighten the resulting pompom.
  9. We make the second pompom in the same way.
  10. The remaining ends of the thread from both pompons are interconnected. The head and body turned out.
  11. We make the rabbit’s ears from a strip no more than 3 cm wide as follows: twist the strip twice in the middle.
  12. Fold the strip in half and straighten.
  13. We knit just below the middle.
  14. Glue the ears, bead eyes and nose.
  15. From small pompons we make paws and legs, glue. The rabbit is ready.

Similarly, you can make other animals, varying the color scheme of the packages.

The technique of creating balls from plastic bags

For the convenience of making crafts from packages, you must first make skeins.

  1. We take a bag with handles, fold it with an accordion along the entire length.
  2. Cut off the bottom and handles.
  3. Cut the packet across the pieces.
  4. Unwind the resulting pieces and combine them into a single thread.
  5. We wind up in balls.

There are a huge number of ways how to cut plastic bags: in a spiral, diagonal, along, across, etc.

Crafts from cellophane bags: master class

On the eve of the new year, you can offer your child to create a Christmas tree as an crafts from packages with his own hands, which you can give to someone from your loved ones, for example, grandmother. The following materials must be prepared:

  • ruler with stencils-circles of various diameters;
  • compass;
  • a simple pencil;
  • green plastic bags;
  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • threads
  • needle;
  • beads or bugles;
  • white paper;
  • ball pen;
  • flat button.

If you take several multi-colored garbage bags, you can make such a Christmas tree:

Creating crafts from packages, not only creativity of thinking develops, but also creative abilities. This kind of crafts can be done with older children. This will teach them that from any improvised and, at first glance, seemingly unnecessary material, you can create a work of art.

If the master has a desire to make a beautiful decoration for his home or to please a child with a new toy, crafts from packages will be an excellent choice. It can be children's toys, and decorations for the interior of the house, and even beautiful accessories for fashionistas. For all this, it is enough to have only scissors and a roll of new garbage bags.

One of the simplest handicrafts from do-it-yourself bags, but a very interesting decoration for your home will be roses, which can be made of bright polyethylene. For this you will need: several new packages of different colors, wire and scissors. For decor, you can take a braid, as well as a green thread, but this is already needed if the flowers will stand in a vase, and not be attached to any surface.

First you need to cut the wire into even sections. A ring with a leg is twisted from each element. For one rose, you need 6 long and 5 oblong short petals. That is, we cut and twist the wire base in exactly this quantity.

One of the simplest crafts from plastic bags is a rose

Then we take a garbage bag and cut out 11 squares from it. They need to carefully wrap the rings, and on the leg, which turned out when twisting the wire, fix everything well. This procedure must be carried out carefully so that the petal does not tear and is held very tightly on the wire base.

One rose is collected from the finished petals. First, oblong petals are twisted, and only then larger elements are attached on top of them. Everything must be carefully fixed and straightened so that the craft from plastic bags (a rose) becomes like a real flower.

Further, it all depends on where exactly this flower will be used. If to decorate the walls or your favorite casket, then you can leave everything in this form and simply attach it to the right place. But these flowers can be put in a vase, if you attach them legs. To do this, you need to attach a dense wire to the base of the flower, and then wrap it to the very petals with green thread. Additionally, the stem can be decorated with braid. In any case, it turns out very beautifully. From such roses you can make a whole bouquet. To do this, call for help to children who will be very interested in spending time creating crafts from garbage bags.

Petals of a rose should hold very tightly on a wire base

Polyethylene Toys

Trash bags can also serve as an excellent basis for cute toys. You can work on them together with your child, so that the baby learns how to handle scissors and improves his creativity, which in this case will be very relevant.

Important!   Experts recommend classes on creating crafts from plastic bags for children who are already 5 years old or more, since at an early age the child may not understand the principle of work and will quickly get tired of such a process.

So, for making toys from polyethylene you will need: a roll of garbage bags of the color that the toy itself is supposed to be, thick cardboard, scissors and additional accessories, that is, eyes, a nose, or just beads of suitable colors.

Regardless of which toy animal is planned to be made from bags, it will be assembled from pompons. It is very easy to collect such crafts from garbage bags with your own hands. To begin with, we need to prepare the foundation, which is made of two cardboard disks. They must be exactly the same, and their size will coincide with the diameter of the pompom. Cut a hole in the center of the cardboard circle.

Trash bags can be a great base for cute toys.

Next, you need to take the garbage bag, unfold it completely and cut it into strips along so that they are longer. Now these strips need to be wound on 2 cardboard circles folded together. You can wrap in any direction, but so that there are no gaps in the circle. This is important, otherwise the pompom will turn oblique. If the strip of polyethylene is over, take the next one and wrap it along the same principle. The more polyethylene can be wound onto a cardboard base, the more fluffy the pompom and the toy made from it will be.

This work can be done by the child himself, since there is nothing complicated here. But the further process should occur exclusively under the supervision of an adult. We need scissors to cut the pompom around the edge. Next, take a plastic strip and fold it for strength several times. It must be wrapped between two cardboard discs so that the pompom is fixed in the center. Then we remove the cardboard, and we still have a beautiful ball, which must be spread so that it becomes more fluffy.

Similarly, you need to make a pompom larger than the size. If the small one is the head of an animal, the large one will become its body. In addition, you will need 4 more small pompoms for the legs of the animal. To assemble the animal completely, it is necessary to tie 2 large elements, and small ones to stick to the large pompom. Next, we attach the eyes and nose to the animal with glue, and then you need to take care of the ears.

Thus, you can make many crafts from garbage bags with your own hands, not only a bunny, a cat or a dog, but also a snowman for the New Year. There is nothing complicated in working on such a craft, so it is imperative to involve a child in this work. It will be not only very interesting for the kid, but also useful.

Knitting from garbage bags

What needlewomen do not come up with. Even elementary garbage bags, and those have become excellent material for the manufacture of unique crafts. Fashionistas came up with knitting from polyethylene. Thus, there were all kinds of handbags and backpacks that are strong enough to withstand a considerable load. Moreover, knitted handicrafts from packages look very interesting, but to create them you need to prepare balls, that is, turn packages into a thread for knitting.

To do this, we need a clean garbage bag, which is cut across into even strips. It should make polyethylene rings. Now the task is to assemble one chain from the individual elements.

Knitted crafts from garbage bags look very interesting

Important!   To make knitting comfortable, and the finished product turned out to be beautiful, it is necessary to do this work so that knots do not form.

To avoid their appearance, we take one ring of polyethylene and thread it into the second, which we bend in the middle and thread one end to the other. Then tighten it and get a strong connection of two elements. So do with all the plastic rings. We twist the finished thread into a ball and use it for knitting.

It is worth noting that for the execution of knitted crafts from packages, soft polyethylene is necessary, otherwise it will be difficult to make thin details. The work itself is extremely simple for those who know how to crochet. It will not be so convenient to carry out a product on knitting needles, but also quite realistically.

With the help of polyethylene threads, you can knit not only a handbag or a nice backpack, but also a basket for storing little things, as well as a convenient cosmetic bag. If you take tight bags and a thick hook, it is quite possible to create a rug. It can be knitted round or rectangular, decorated with a pattern, etc. Such rugs look good and at the threshold, in general, the hostess will certainly find application for this useful thing.

If you have a desire to create an unusual craft for home or a toy for a child with your own hands, then craft packages will be a good choice. From garbage bags you can make jewelry, home decoration, accessories. All you need is polyethylene, scissors, fantasy and the best ideas for crafts from packages.

How to make roses from packages

This workshop on crafts from packages is one of the easiest, but no less exciting. Bright roses can be a great decoration for your home or garden. To make crafts, you need trash bags, wire and scissors. As a decor, you can use a braid or green thread.

How to make a similar craft out of packages with your own hands? Cut the wire into identical pieces. Each of them will be required for twisting into a ring with a leg. For each rose, 6 large and 5 small petals are required. Next, we cut out 11 boxes from the garbage bag. These pieces need to wrap the rings, securing everything to the leg. At this stage, accuracy will be required to avoid damage to the petal and to create structural strength.

From the prepared petals we collect a rose. First we twist the small petals, and on top we attach the large ones. The main thing is that everything be firmly fixed and straightened.

The further stages of creating the craft depend on where the craft will be located. As a wall decoration, we leave the roses in their original form.

If you want to place them in a vase, then you need to attach them legs. To do this, twist a tight flagellum from wire and attach it to roses. For greater naturalness, the base can be wrapped with green threads and braid. From such roses you can create a whole beautiful bouquet. This process is very simple and exciting, therefore, you can introduce children to it.

How to make a toy from a pack

What other crafts can I make from packages? From them you can create simple and cute children's toys with your own hands. It is best to create such a craft together with the baby so that he develops motor skills and increases his creative potential.

Important! To create such crafts is best with children aged five years or more.

Prepare garbage bags of the color that you would like to make a toy from. You will also need: cardboard, scissors and additional accessories to create eyes, nose (for example, beads or buttons).

The very appearance of the toy does not depend on the principle of its creation. One way or another, making such a craft is necessary by creating pompons. First, prepare the basis of two disks of cardboard of the same size. Their diameter will be equal to the diameter of the pompom. We cut a hole in the center of the circles.

Then the garbage bag cuts into long strips. We wrap them on two discs made of cardboard, which we first fold together. The winding direction can be any, but be sure to avoid spaces, otherwise the pompom will turn out to be uneven.

If the strip ends, then continue to work next. The more garbage bags you can pull on the workpiece, the more magnificent the pompom will be.

The previous steps are quite simple and even a child can do, but then the help of an adult is necessary.

Scissors cut the pompom along the edge. Then we fold the strip from the garbage bag several times and wrap it between the cardboard mugs so that the pompom is fixed. We take out the cardboard and get a beautiful fluffy ball. Further, according to the same principle, we make another ball, but of a larger size. He will act as the body of a toy, and a small one as a head. It will also take 4 small balls to create the animal's paws.

To assemble the toy, you need to tie two large blanks, and small ones to attach to the largest ball. Using glue and accessories, we decorate the toy and create eyes, a nose, etc. for it.

By a similar principle, you can create a toy not only in the form of an animal, but also in the form of a snowman or Santa Claus. The craft is quite simple, so it will be interesting for the child to create it. This will be excellent crafts from packs, for example, for kindergarten.

How to knit from garbage bags

Surprisingly, simple trash bags can be an interesting and practical material for creating DIY crafts. With the help of them you can even knit. That is how a variety of bags, backpacks and baskets appeared, which, in turn, are very durable and able to withstand considerable weight.

In addition, they look interesting, and it is very easy to make them. Below we present step-by-step instructions on how to make a craft. To begin, cut the garbage bag into long, even strips. Next, it is necessary to assemble a single chain from the prepared elements.

Important! For aesthetic beauty, try knitting without knots.

To prevent them from appearing, take one ring made of a strip and thread another into it. It must be bent in the middle and threaded into each other. After tightening, you get a firm connection without knots. So you need to do with all the blanks and twist them into one ball.

Note that the most soft polyethylene is suitable for knitting. Otherwise, there will be difficulties with knitting thin parts. The easiest way to crochet. On the knitting needles it is not so convenient, but quite feasible. Inspire photos of interesting crafts from packages and you will surely succeed!

Photo crafts from packages


On the site you can find many interesting materials devoted to different methods of making unique crafts and jewelry from improvised means . From unnecessary waste material you can create beautiful flowers and women’sdIY hair accessories . Plastic bottles, corks, cotton buds, old CDs, natural materials can be successfully used for manufacturingeducational toys and crafts . And your child will be happy to take part in the creative process, helping to create beautiful home-made things.

Use any available tools and junk material in collaboration   to create crafts. Invite your child to make original toys from plastic bags, which are likely to be in large quantities in your home.

From this article you will learn how to make crafts from garbage bags in the form of different animals. You will also find here workshops with photos, diagrams and video tutorials, with the help of which you will learn how to ... yarn from plastic bagsfor crocheting useful household items , rugs, handbags. Knitting from plastic bags is a wonderful way to create useful household items and beautiful women's accessories!

Be sure to bring your kids to this interesting work! From unnecessary plastic bags from the store and garbage bags, you can make beautiful decorations for the children's room. And it will be interesting for girls to make fashion accessories for playing dolls out of plastic bags.

One of the most popular women's accessories that our needlewomen knit with their own hands from polyethylene yarn is a handbag . It is very easy to make yarn from packages (we will tell you about the technique of making such yarn below), and the bags crocheted from it are very modern, beautiful and durable!

Garbage bags are different. One of the parameters that manufacturers indicate on the package is the volume of garbage placed in a package in liters (20l, 30l, 35l, 60l or 120l). The second parameter is density. Bags with a higher density are stronger and tougher to the touch.

The higher the density of the garbage bag, the finer it is necessary to cut the thread from it to make bags and rugs. With experience, you will learn how to quickly choose the right hook for knitting products from such homemade yarn. It is advisable to tie a small sample of the canvas before starting work from which the product will be formed. For beginners, it is advisable to choose plastic bags for trash with a capacity of up to 50 liters. Yarn from such a material is softer and easier to crochet a fabric. But do not use too thin plastic bags for knitting bags - the product will not keep its shape very well.


If you are going to make a bag or rug made of polyethylene with your own hands for the first time, choose soft matte bags for making yarn.

To form the threads, you need to cut strips of bags (the width corresponds to the number of the hook) and connect into a single thread. Try to cut strips with the same width so that the surface of the crocheted product is uniform;

To speed up the process of making yarn, fold the pads in an even pile (5-7 pieces) and cut the strips with scissors in a ruler, marking the width with a marker;

Straightening each polyethylene strip, we get a ringlet;

We connect these rings from the strips in one of the following ways:

  the first way - we connect all the elements immediately into a ball. To do this, we lay the segment on another, pass through the ringlet, stretch it to the sides, forming a knot. We twist a double thread into a ball of yarn;

  The second way is a little faster. We fix each thread after knitting the previous one. That is, the next ring must be passed through the remaining tail.

- straighten the plastic bag and fold it carefully so that the bend is even along the entire length;

Then you can cut off the handle of the bag and the lower part. We cut it into ringlets about 2b5 cm thick;

The edge of one ring should be placed under the edge of the second and tie a knot. So we form yarn for knitting products. We wind this thread into a ball.


Master class 1:


Master class 2:


Master class 3:


Master class 4:

From garbage bags we cut blanks in the form of squares, we stretch them from a wire frame and form petals for elegant roses. VERY BEAUTIFUL CASES ARE GIVEN IN THE FORM OF FLOWERS!

Master class 5:


Master class 6:


Master class 7:


Master class 8:


Master class 9: