How to make an Easter egg with your own hands from threads. Craft Easter product modeling design openwork Easter egg glue threads. DIY egg from paper using applique technique

This Easter egg made of threads is perfect for a holiday gift. Inside it you can put small toys, bird figures and other decor. This technique even makes an egg with a yolk. To create such a craft is very simple, and it is not necessary to look for some special materials.

For work you will need:

  1. Small If you are lucky to find balls in the shape of eggs, use them.
  2. Mouline thread or yarn.
  3. Sugar and water in equal parts. Can be replaced with starch or diluted glue.
  4. Small toys to put inside the crafts.

Necessary tools

To make an Easter egg from threads and a ball, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • paper clip;
  • a newspaper;
  • a pin;
  • small capacity and a spoon;
  • ball inflation pump.

Having collected everything you need, you can get to work.

Cooking the sticky mixture

To fix the threads on the ball is best with a sugar solution:

  • To make the mixture, dilute in a saucepan a quarter cup of sugar in the same amount of water and put on the stove and stirring constantly, bring to a boil.
  • Then remove from heat and let cool.
  • Pour the prepared solution into the prepared container.

It can be used for several days if covered with plastic wrap and left at room temperature. The only drawback of this composition is that it can attract insects, such as ants. Therefore, it is sometimes better to use a simpler method: dilute PVA glue in water (3 parts water and 1 part glue) or use a starch solution (1/4 cup corn starch per 1 glass of water).

How to make an egg with yolk

A white Easter egg made of thread and ball can be made with the yolk inside. To do this, partially inflate one of the balls so that it is approximately ¼ filled with air, and then tightly tie the end.

We make the yolk:

  1. We cover the working surface with a newspaper to protect it from pollution.
  2. We take yellow yarn or floss threads and begin to wind them on a ball in any order.
  3. We attach the ball to the tweezers with a clamp and lower it completely into the sugar solution.
  4. Then put the workpiece in some kind of warm place to dry. Do not forget to lay the newspaper under the ball so that drops of solution do not stain the table.
  5. Wait for the yolk to dry for 24 hours. Make sure the thread is stiff.
  6. Pierce the ball with a pin, pull it out with tweezers.

Easter egg from threads: a master class

Now proceed to the manufacture of the shell.

  1. The finished yolk is placed inside another balloon, stretching the hole so as not to deform the workpiece.
  2. Inflate it to the size of an ordinary egg or a little stronger.
  3. We wrap it with white thread, and then repeat all the steps that took place when creating the yolk.
  4. Leave to dry over the newspaper.
  5. Then we pierce the ball and remove it using tweezers.

That's all, the Easter egg from the threads is ready! It can be used to create an Easter tree by decorating a street shrub. Or make a real art object at home by painting a painted snag with white acrylic paint and decorating it with holiday attributes. Sometimes handmade Easter eggs from threads are hung on branches with unblown buds.

How to make an easter egg with chocolate

Another option for making such a craft is with chocolate filling. It is best to purchase small candies wrapped in foil for this purpose. Hollow chocolate without filling can break. And sharp toys will tear the ball.

We begin to create an Easter egg from threads with chocolate candies:

  1. Stretch the hole in the ball and place toys or sweets inside.
  2. Inflate it and tighten the end.
  3. Wrap the ball with thread, as in the previous version. Choose a floss or yarn to match the wrapper of sweets.
  4. Dip in sugar solution again and let dry. The place you need to choose is not too warm, otherwise the sweets are deformed and lose their attractive appearance.
  5. Remove the ball when the egg is completely dry.

You can cut a hole in the product and fill the bottom with plastic grass or green sisal. If you make a large egg, it will become an Easter basket. Sweets and toys are placed in it and presented to children for a holiday.

An Easter egg made of threads is used for decoration - just make a loop of satin ribbon or beads to hang several of these crafts on the window.

Thread egg

This egg made of threads will be a creative element of decor or an original gift. You can make it using a simple technique that is widely used among hand-made fans. We’ll look at several ways to create this article. crafts from threads .


  • balloon;
  • threads
  • pVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • brush;
  • decorative fittings.

1. Inflate the balloon to a suitable size.
  2. The surface of the ball must be greased with oily cream or petroleum jelly.
  3. Apply glue to the surface of the ball and start wrapping it with threads.
  4. Grease each layer of thread with glue. The transparency of the craft will depend on the number of layers and density.

6. Threads can be dyed with acrylic paints in any color.
  7. Cut a hole in the ball to the side. Decorate it with flowers or buttons.
  8. At the bottom, you can put cotton, paper or foam. The result was a small house for a soft toy.

  9. At the top of the ball, fasten the thread, then the finished egg-shaped craft can be hung in the room.

We make a decorative egg from threads from a foam blank


  • styrofoam;
  • thin threads;
  • food wrap;
  • pins or needles;
  • ribbons or lace.

Stages of work on the manufacture of crafts - eggs from threads

1. From the foam, it is necessary to cut out the shape of an egg and grind it.
  2. Cover the mold with cling film so that it is then easy to free the threads from it.

  4. The craft will consist of two parts, which will then need to be glued together.
  5. We proceed to wrapping one side. When the half is filled with threads, grease it with glue and leave to dry.
  6. When the half dries, free it from the mold and proceed to the manufacture of the second half. Repeat step 5.
  7. We glue the finished halves.
  8. To hide the connection, use a ribbon or lace.
  9. At the top eggs of thread  make a loop of tape so that it can be hung.
  10. You can seat the chicken inside.

Craft - an egg decorated with threads for knitting

  - a plastic egg;
  - threads for knitting different colors;
  - glue;
  - scissors;
  - colored paper.

Decorating master class

1. It’s convenient enough to work with a plastic egg, but if you don’t have one, you can blow a regular chicken egg and make a craft out of it. In order to blow an egg, you need to carefully make holes in it from two sides and then blow into one of them. Do not forget to rinse and dry the egg.
  2. Lubricate part of the PVA egg.

  3. We take a thread of any color. Hold the tip with your finger and wind the thread. It is not necessary to make an entire egg in one color. To make the craft more fun, use multi-colored threads.
  4. Continue to grease the surface of the egg with glue and wind the threads to the bottom. After that, leave the egg to dry.
5. Now you can start making pens, legs, and the muzzle of an egg. All these details are easy to cut out of colored paper or cardboard. It turns out quite a funny craft.

With your own hands you can do many amazing things and that will pleasantly surprise relatives and friends. Use the tips from our articles and develop your abilities in the arts and crafts.

Decorating a house for Easter has already become a good and good tradition. Previously, all preparation for this bright holiday was limited to painting eggs, cooking and cleaning, but now, inspired by interesting ideas, you can create an original festive decor. We offer you and will be inspired by this wonderful idea to create a festive composition - an Easter egg made of threads, a ball and PVA glue. The technique is quite simple and is familiar to many from the lessons of labor. Before we move on to the master class, we suggest admiring the crafts in this technique.

Easter egg of thread and ball

You will need:

  • balloon
  • threads
  • pVA glue
  • acrylic paints
  • ribbons, artificial flowers, animal figurines for decor

Making an Easter egg out of threads is very simple: soak a skein of thread with PVA glue

Wrap them with a ball

Leave the workpiece to dry for a day, and then pierce the ball

Using a pair of scissors, make a hole in the side of the egg and take out the ball

To ensure that the Easter egg made of threads is stable and does not fall to the side, make a weighting tab for it. Sew a round base from the fabric, leave a small hole unstitched.

Unscrew the base from the fabric, pour any cereal through the hole to weight it and place it inside the egg

It remains only to add a decor of ribbons and an Easter egg of thread and a ball is ready! The threads can be dyed in any color using acrylic paints. Fill the egg with sweets, cherries, gifts and gladly give such an original gift to your relatives and relatives or decorate your home with it to create a wonderful festive mood.

    It depends on which egg you want to get in the end. I suggest you make an egg from threads as in the pictures

    To do this, you need a base: either an egg shell without contents, or an ordinary post-mass egg from a kinder. Just take the threads of any color, soak them with pva glue and wrap the egg, let the glue dry.

    As for wrapping with threads - here you can dream up.

    In order to do such crafts, you should take an egg, draw out its contents with a syringe, making two holes at the top and bottom of the egg, threads (woolen, acrylic, linen - for your taste), PVA glue and prepare the workplace.

    1. Take the prepared dried egg, apply a permanent marker on it.
    2. Dip the pieces of thread of the desired length into PVA glue, carefully lay out the fragments of the ornament.
    3. I'll let the glue dry.
    4. Separately, we make the legs according to the same principle and combine with eggquot ;.
    5. When the glue dries, gently, piece by piece, take out the eggshell with tweezers.
    6. The finished product can be coated with gold or silver paint from a spray can and decorated with rhinestones.
  • The easiest way to make an egg from a thread is to use a balloon. We inflate the ball of the size you need, grease it with oil or petroleum jelly, and wind the thread soaked in glue in random order. Next, dry the egg on the battery, pierce the ball and pull it out of the thread. We cut out a beautiful window with scissors and plant the chicken there. We tie a beautiful bow, the whole egg from the threads is ready.

    Here is another version of a testicle from threads, here is a step-by-step photo diagram :)

    Or here's a detailed workshop on a crocheted Easter egg

    We take eggs, then threads (different colors and thicknesses), PVA glue, beads or beads.

    First you need to remove all the contents from the egg (you can use a syringe to pierce in one place).

    Then we dip the threads in PVA glue and lay out the picture, and the extra thread can simply be cut off.

    You can attach the threads to the end of the egg, form a leg and place the junction of the egg with the threads, also wrap the threads, add beads.

    Let the egg dry, remove the shell.

    For the first time, I advise you to make threads randomly (let this egg be a sample) in order to understand what and how best to do with another.

    You can apply polish with glitter or spray paint.

    To make an Easter egg out of threads, you need to move this way:

  • I pass the threads through the holes in the tube with PVA glue, cut off the desired length, lay on the egg.

    And I form the legs on various objects, a glass, pencils, curved thick wires ... it turns out differently.

    It’s easy to make an Easter egg out of threads. Take a real chicken egg, make two holes and blow out the contents. Allow time to dry the inner shell. Take the glue and coat them with the shell. Take the thread to the thread and start making curls so that the threads cover the entire shell. Decorate with paper flowers.

    The easiest way to make an Easter egg from threads according to the good old pattern.

    We will need glue, threads and a balloon. I think so many did in childhood and continue to do so far.

    It turns out these eggs.

    On the Internet, I really liked this wreath of Easter eggs.

    For the manufacture we need cheap plastic eggs or eggs from kinder surprises. Thick thread.

    There is such an interesting idea, to make an Easter egg from threads. To do this, you can use ordinary eggs, make a small hole above and below (with a needle) and blow out the contents of the egg. Rinse with water, dry and you can do crafts. On the one hand we fasten the thread with glue and a hole and carefully wind the thread on the egg, then glue the end of the thread and fasten it to the hole below. Can be decorated with paper flowers, butterflies, rhinestones, beads. All steps can be seen in the photo.

    For such nice delicate ornaments for an egg from threads, you only need a foam blank in the shape of an egg, glue, threads (cotton or cotton), also a plastic film, needles, water glass, a brush.

1. First, we apply polyethylene to the foam blank in the shape of an egg. Further, at approximately equal distance from one another, we inject needles with hats along the seam on the egg. Now, in a random order of thread, we begin to wrap one half of the egg, clinging to the needles.

  Tip. Weaving you can do at your discretion. It can be thick or rare, you can try to create some kind of pattern. It all depends entirely on your imagination.
  2. After we created the pattern on the half of the egg, take a brush and glue and thoroughly coat the threads. Leave the craft for a while, waiting for the glue to dry completely.

  Tip. It is very important that the glue is really well dried and fixed. Do not rush to continue working, otherwise the raw egg will be deformed and lose its appearance. To speed up the process, you can use heating devices.
  3. When the weave is completely dry, remove the needle and the first half of the threads from the workpiece.
  Next, you need to do a similar procedure for the second half of the egg. You just need to consider that this half of the craft will be half-open, so that we can put a small chicken, flower or whatever your fantasy tells you inside the composition.
  To continue working, you need to make another row of needles, only slightly higher than the first, closer to the middle across the egg. This will have the following form.

4. Next, we do the same operation with glue and set aside the second workpiece to dry.

  5. After everything has solidified, remove the second half and separate the threads from the polyethylene.

  6. Now gently sew or glue the two halves together. Then the Easter egg from the threads will be ready. But it will need to be decorated a bit.

  It's time to fully unleash your imagination and design your creation with bows, borders, beads, rhinestones. Inside the Easter egg from the threads we place a chick or a flower. The composition is ready!