Invitation of parents on February 23. Invitation for dads to the holiday "February 23

Natalia Gorina

23 February our whole country celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day. At all times, Russian people loved their homeland, made friends, helped each other, united when the homeland was in trouble, and together defended it from enemies. In the name of the native side, they performed feats, composed songs, proverbs and poems about it. In anticipation holiday February 23 the guys and I got acquainted with military professions, we did not forget the history of Ancient Russia. The coloring brought by the children to the group on the theme of the heroes of the Russian land served well.

The result was a collective work "bogatyr invitation" for invitations parents for sports entertainment.

At the 1st stage, the background was prepared - half of the easel was painted green.

.Invitation printed out and painted in the colors of the Russian flag.

Placed in the middle of the green rectangle.

Here's what we got.

On our holiday dads and grandpas came.

We believe that any event depends on every little thing, interesting invitation performed with the participation of children guarantees the success and positive response of parents.

Holiday for dads and boys

(Prepare invitations for dads)

Girls read:

Winter says goodbye, it's time!

She leaves the yard.

In the last days of winter

We will arrange a holiday with you!

Today all mothers and girls know

That they congratulate dads and boys,

After all, the February holiday is always for men.

There are many reasons for this holiday.

We send our congratulations to the defenders,

Let them be our pride.

We wish men strength in everything,

After all, they need to protect the house from all troubles.

To grow up brave, reliable fighters,

We set the boys as an example of their fathers.

From dads, we, of course, are all crazy,

We want to say simple words to them.

Dear dads! You are our most...

And what? You will hear for yourself today.

Our dads obviously

Very busy people.

Disappear at work

Daily all year round.

6. The closet is heavy, who will move it?
Who will fix the sockets for us,
Who will beat all the shelves,
Who sings in the bathroom in the morning?
Who is driving in the car?
Who will we go to football with?

All children in chorus: Dads are very important to us!

We really need our dads!

My dad is handsome and sweet

My daddy is the best.

He always raises his hat

Meeting a lady on the street.

Dad has a job! Dad cares!

And he has no time to play with us!

And we love him, and we are waiting for him!

But if our dad takes the day off,

How cool to be with him! He is so groovy!

All children in chorus: Dads are very important to us!

We really need our dads!

Can he play football?
Can I read a book
Can you heat up my soup?
Can watch a cartoon
He can play checkers
Might even wash the cups
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures
Can give me a ride
Instead of a fast horse.
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
Always a hero for me
My best dad!


All men - our protection

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts

We will respect guests now

We'll make you laugh.

Perform ditties.

We begin to sing ditties,
Please don't laugh.
Don't look at us like that -
We can laugh!

We sing for you today
And we have one motive
Congratulations on the twenty-third
We really want to!

My father, like all dads,
He also served in the Army.
Button with a star
He sewed it to my fur coat.

Dads ran to school -
Wow, how many people are here!
Where will the competition be?
Where are the awards given out?

I love daddy

Like sweet candy.

I won't replace him

Even chocolate.

If dad is sad

I look sad.

Well, if he smiles,

The heart beats with joy.

Better than a man's dad

In the whole world not to be found

He can beat a carnation

And rinse the clothes.

And my dad is the coolest

Business is booming

And so my mother and I

He gives gifts.


cute daddies

Our dears

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts

We wish you all the best.


And now _______________________________ will tell us about his interesting find.

I found my father's school

Broken diary.

With a football table

With a touring singer

control page,

Where the fat stake originated.

And I walked happy -

The diary is so cute!


Now listen and imagine how difficult it is for dad:

It's hard for dad to live in the world:

He turns on the TV

Children will come running from a walk,

The chime starts.

Only dad for the newspaper -

Daughter Tanya seems to be waiting

Draw me a rocket here -

And the leaf is vanity to him.

Kept a secret on the closet

Dad chess, but in vain:

They were found by son Petya -

Can't find the Queen now.

It's hard for dad to live in the world:

Just lie down to lie down, -

How to get it off the couch kids

pulled to play with cubes.

Good in the kitchen mom-

Silence and peace there:

Take care of the pies

pickles, mushrooms

And wash the dishes quietly.

Our daddy is the best

He is an example for us in everything.

We are talking about daddy dear

Let's sing a song now.

The song "There is no better friend than dad"

Teacher: Now, we will see if dads have lost their dexterity, ingenuity, dexterity and what our boys can do.

The victory of the brave is on the shoulder, Waiting for THAT great success Who, without flinching, if necessary, Will enter the battle, one for all.


I invite dads and boys to come out and split into two (three) teams.

Competition 1 - "Minefield".

Dads carry the children to the other side of the hall, bypassing the cubes lying on the floor, the children sit on the shoulders of the dads.

Contest 2 - "Who will quickly carry the potatoes in a spoon."

Transfer all the potatoes with 1 spoon from one bucket to another, standing on the other side of the hall.

Contest 3

- In the words "whim" and "fun" make a word related to the army. (order and infantry)

Competition 4 - "The strongest".

Who will inflate the balloon faster.

Competition 5 - "Overcome the swamp."

Each participant overcomes the distance on two sheets of paper.

Competition 6 - "Encryption".

Each team is given a card with an encryption and a key. For the allotted time, who will decipher faster and more correctly.

Card 1.

25, 19, 1, 2, 3, 12, 6, 18, 20,

18, 12, 6, 3, 1, 15, 19, 4, 15, 17,

15,.22, 17, 1, 14, 31, 30, 19, 5, 3, 6,

16, 20, 25, 11, 9, 15, 5, 9, 14, 19, 1, 14, 11.

(The encrypted text of the card: the headquarters in the forest, to the left of the mountains, are guarded by two guns, one tank).

Card 2.

15, 22, 17, 1, 14, 1, 13, 15, 18, 19, 1

5, 3, 1, 19, 1, 14, 11, 1, 8, 1, 17, 6, 11, 15, 10,

18, 12, 6, 3, 1, 3, 15, 3, 17, 1, 4, 6, 15, 5, 9, 14,

19, 1, 14, 11.

(The encrypted text of the card: guarding the bridge - two tanks across the river on the left, one tank in the ravine).

Cipher key card:

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31.

Competition 7 - "Soldier's porridge".

Cereals are on the plate. The team stands in a column one at a time and passes an empty spoon. The last one in the line picks up a spoonful of cereal and passes it to the beginning of the line. Pours into a plate and runs with a spoon to the end.

Teacher: And now boys are against dads.

Blitz is a tournament of questions and answers.

For dads:

    The outcome of the battle in our favor (victory)

    Fighting vehicle (tank)

    What a soldier thinks and eats from (bowler hat)

    The one who is always right (commander)

    2 araps, siblings, knee-deep in height, walk with us everywhere and protect us. (boots)

    2 heads, 6 legs, 2 arms, 1 tail (rider)

    Hearer and informer in the army (radio operator)

    One of the main weapons of a soldier (spoon)

    Sea cook (cook)

    Grand Naval Chief (Admiral)

    Finish the proverb "A bullet is a fool, (well done bayonet -")

    "Hard to Learn - (Easy to Fight")

For boys:

    A person has 20 of them. (fingers)

    What is the name of the physical education teacher? (Mikhail Sergeevich)

    How many cm in 1 meter? (100)

    Male chicken. (rooster)

    Underground railroad. (underground)

    House for a dog. (kennel)

    You and I, and we are with you. How many of us? (2)

    Who lies in the sun and moves his ears? (lion cub)

    A piece of ice hanging from the roof. (icicle)

    Part of the face that needs to be kept shut more often. (mouth)

    Lined horse. (zebra)

    Fingers clenched together. (fist)

We have competed
And we wish you goodbye
Strengthen everyone's health
Muscles are stronger to pump up.


Don't watch TV
Sweat more with kettlebells.
Don't lie on the couch.
Jump on a skipping rope.


We wish all dads
Don't get old and don't get sick
Do more sports
Have a sense of humor.



Our dads are very important, but we haven't forgotten about the boys either.

5. We congratulate the boys And wish them good health, To grow up big And be excellent students.

6. To our pugnacious half We send our congratulations. There are reasons for congratulations - Hooray - to the defenders of the country!

7. When we look at your fights At recess, We believe that with your preparation, we will always protect the Country!

8. Let the purple-blue bruise bloom under the eye. It's hard to learn, the battle will be much easier.

9. Therefore, friends, let's From the bottom of our hearts, without further ado, protect us from all adversities, But only, mind you, without bruises!

Teacher: Our dear boys, the girls have prepared a surprise for you.

Watch, listen and participate.

"There on unknown paths"

(lights in the hall dim)

Baba Yaga 1: Well, girlfriends, stumbled, swooped in?

Baba Yaga 2: Finally, we are at home, in a dense forest.

Baba Yaga 3: After all these grandmas - Ezhkin's presentations and meetings. It's time to lie down in the hut on the stove.

Baba Yaga 4: For me, you should first refresh yourself, and then fall on the stove.

Baba Yaga 5: Well, where will you find dinner at this time?

Baba Yaga 4: Yes, in such darkness you will break your neck!

Baba Yaga 6: Wait, my nose never fails me ... Yaguska! I smell the human spirit!

All: Hooray!

Baba Yaga 1: There will be someone to put us on a shovel.

Baba Yaga 2: Salt, pepper and pour over the gravy!

Baba Yaga 3: Turn on illumination in the vicinity, start a search operation.

(lights in the hall turn on)

Baba Yaga 5: And here they are! Get it, doves!

Baba Yaga 6: I'll take this simpampunchik for a roast.

Baba Yaga 1: Hey, and who's on the barbecue? Quickly line up in twos.

Baba Yaga 2: Well, what are you crying about, little Baba Yaga?

Baba Yaga 3(mournfully): Sisters, I invited them here. I sent them an invitation!

All (terribly): How dare you? Without permission?

Baba Yaga 4: I'm tired of goblin, water and other devilry. And here we have future men in the clearing.

Baba Yaga 5(contemptuously): Or rather, the boys ...

Baba Yaga 4: Eat this and you'll burp!

Baba Yaga 6: Why eat? Let's test them

Let's have fun and play.

Baba Yaga 1: So! So! Good fellows! Get ready for challenges on unknown paths. For victories in competitions, we will give you precious chicken legs.

Baba Yaga 2: The trouble happened, dear girlfriends, stumbled over a bump and our dilapidated hut fell apart!

Baba Yaga 3: And these (point to the boys) for what ?! Let them work with axes. And they will show themselves as masters!

Competition 1.

Teacher: We will not work with axes, but we will have to build a house. From the details of the designer you need to assemble a house.

Baba Yaga 4: Come in, let's heat the stove hot, cook soup from dried mice, smoked frogs.

Baba Yaga 5: In the meantime, water is boiling in the boiler, maybe you want to wash in the bathhouse? Not? Then, for fun, a game called: "Ivashka, it's time to go to the stove!"

Competition 2.

The boys stand in a circle. One has "Ivashka" on the shovel. The boy runs around the circle and stands in place, passes the shovel to another, etc. (until Ivashka falls down)

Baba Yaga 6: Yes, you are far from us. To put it bluntly: being dishonest is not easy! Yagulki, and who wants soup?

All: To me!

Baba Yaga 1: - Here is another job for you, irises!

Competition 3: List what you need to make soup.

Baba Yaga 2(stretching): After a hearty dinner, according to the law, how is it there? (Boys prompt). Even in fairy tales, you are supposed to sleep.

(Grandmothers - hedgehogs sit on benches)

Baba Yaga 3: And for sweet dreams, we ask you to read a fairy tale.

Competition 4.

You need to tell your own story.

(The boys are talking. Grandmothers Ezhka are falling asleep.)

Baba Yaga 4: Wow! Relax, listen. And, of course, hungry.

Baba Yaga 5: So, we select a dozen well-fed and on shovels, brown them for dinner.

Baba Yaga 6: Are you back to yours again?

The boys and I had a lot of fun and even, I think, became friends. In parting, our present. Now ditties for you. Legs will be torn to dance.

Grandmothers Ezhka sing ditties.

B. - Me. Congratulations, guys!
You deserve an award!

Giving gifts to boys.

You print out invitations on a regular laser printer on the most ordinary A4 paper. After that, you need to "age" the paper. To do this, take a cotton swab moistened with steep tea leaves, generously lubricate the surface of the sheets and let them dry. Don't worry if the wet paper warps, that's even better. Now carefully scorch the edges with matches, while not forgetting the fire safety rules.

And now we proceed to the last stage - folding the triangles. We will turn off not anyhow, but according to the rules - the way our grandparents did during the Great Patriotic War.

The algorithm for folding a letter into a triangle:

1. Put the sheet with the text up. We take the upper right edge of the sheet and fold the sheet diagonally so that the top of the sheet clearly coincides with the left side. Here's what you should get.

2. Now we take the upper left corner and fold it again along diagonally so that you get something like a house.

3. The remaining lower part of the sheet you need to push into top pocket. For convenience, the tips of the lower corners must be bent.

You sign the finished triangle approximately in this way: “To Private Ivanov I.I.” For color, you can also stick a stamp of those times (find on the Internet and print). And for a corporate party, you can make a brand with the company logo using Photoshop.

Everything, the invitation letter is ready. It remains only to solemnly hand it over. How to make it beautiful, read everything in the same