How to make an eternal flame with your own hands - a step-by-step master class. How to make an eternal flame with your own hands Eternal flame modular origami step by step

Helpful Hints

On Victory Day, I want to make our veterans, grandparents a gift with their own hands.

There are many crafts for such a day, but perhaps the most popular is the eternal flame.

This symbol can be made from paper and cardboard.

Here are a few options for how you can make an eternal flame with your own hands:

Eternal flame with your own hands. Option 1.

Having made such a beautiful craft, you can use it to decorate any room for Victory Day.

You will need:

2 sheets of colored cardboard

Ruler and pencil

red napkin

1. Draw a big star on colored cardboard and draw guide lines (see image).

2. Cut out the star and fold it in the places where the fold lines are indicated.

3. Make a small hole in the center of the star.

4. Glue the star to a sheet of colored cardboard.

5. Insert a neatly folded red napkin into the hole of the star, which will play the role of fire.

How to make a volumetric star:

How to make a star (kirigami)

Do-it-yourself eternal flame made of paper: eternal flame made of paper. Option 2.

You will need:

Cardboard box

Colored paper or colored cardboard (red, orange, grey, yellow)

PVA glue or double sided tape

Hydrocyanic wire

Paper molds for muffins (cupcakes)



Full body photograph of a soldier.

1. We prepare the basis. Take a small cardboard box and glue it onto cardboard (preferably gray) to create a plinth.

2. The pedestal can be pasted over with red paper or simply use the red box initially.

3. Glue the cardboard strip at the bottom so that its edges form a stand for the soldier. You can make two coasters.

4. Making a star.

Take a gray sheet of paper and draw or print some stars of different sizes. Cut out these stars and glue them to the base and on top of each other, starting with the larger star and ending with the smaller one.

5. To make fire, draw a flame and cut it out. If you want, you can make a more believable fire using three layers of paper or cardboard: red, orange and yellow.

Just glue the layers together.

6. Now the fire can be glued to the stand, which can be made by only slightly bending the lower part with your hands.

7. Cut out the images of the soldiers at the post and, using double-sided tape, glue it to a strip of cardboard that is slightly longer than the picture itself. This strip then needs to be bent like a triangle and glued to the base (see image).

8. Now you can make carnations. Take paper muffin baskets, make small holes in them and insert chenille wire or cardboard strips into them. Paint the flowers red.

For more ways to make paper flowers, check out our articles:

9. Make a flag and a helmet and glue them on.

10. Use flowers to decorate the pedestal. You can secure them with double sided tape.

Craft "Eternal Flame" with your own hands from the modules. Option 3.

How to make a module:

Start folding paper modules in a circle:

Add rows until you get a big star.

Almost all children love to do something with their own hands. it is important to encourage such a desire, because crafts develop imagination, fine motor skills are trained during the creative process, various skills and abilities are acquired. The article will focus on crafts from various materials.

Crafts from various materials are within the power of any child. The task of parents is to interest the baby and provide him with everything necessary for creativity.

Paper crafts for May 9: tank, plane, carnation, star

By May 9, a tank made of paper is perfect as a gift for grandfather or dad. Despite its fragility, in terms of realism, such a craft is not inferior to other materials.

Moreover, paper requires attention and perseverance, so it is sometimes more difficult to make a model from paper than from other materials.

A colored paper tank will not take you a lot of materials or time. You will need colored paper, a ruler, a pencil, scissors and PVA glue.

  • Make 2 rings from strips of colored paper (width - 3cm, length - 22cm). These will be the tracks of the tank
  • Cut out an 8x14cm rectangle. Draw lines, stepping back from both edges by 0.5 cm. From these lines, draw 2 more lines, stepping back to the center of the rectangle by 3 cm. Bend the shape along the lines
  • Make a model similar to the previous one. Take a rectangle 8X10cm and mark the lines, retreating 0.5cm and 2cm, bend
  • Make a triangular barrel

You can build a tank from materials that are in almost every home - from toilet paper rolls (3 pcs.) Or from a foil tube.

  1. Cut the foil tube into 3 equal parts or take 3 toilet paper rolls
  2. Glue them on the sides or wrap them with tape
  3. Make a blank for the tower. You can glue a suitable size box or fold a cardboard layout
  4. Glue the base and glue strips of corrugated cardboard on the sides - caterpillars
  5. Connect tower and base
  6. You can make a barrel from a juice straw, rolled paper, or even from a pen.

It will take quite a bit of time to make a corrugated cardboard tank. To do this, you will need: corrugated cardboard in different colors, scissors and glue.

  • Cut into long strips 1cm wide
  • Twist the dark stripes in a circle. Make 4 small wheels (from one strip) and 4 large ones (glue two strips before winding)
  • Glue 4 wheels to the green strip - 2 large and 2 small on the sides
  • Coat the strip with glue and wind it around the wheels in several layers
  • Make a rectangular platform and glue caterpillars to it
Craft - a tank by May 9
  • Glue dark stripes 1.5 cm wide on top of the base
  • Twist the tank tower from 4-5 strips glued together
  • Finish the details - fuel tanks and muzzle

The origami technique is much more difficult. In order to make such a tank, first understand the scheme yourself, and then explain to the child.

  • Fold A4 sheet in half and mark the fold lines with all corners

  • On both sides, fold along the fold lines and smooth

  • Bend from the sides to the middle
  • Next, divide the sheets folded into the middle in half and bend to the outside

  • Bend the corners of one of the triangles to the top and turn the workpiece over

  • Divide the workpiece into three parts and, along these lines, first bend the edge with curved ends, on top of the second

  • In the untouched triangle, bend the ends inward

  • Connect the corners by tucking the ends into the formed pockets

How to assemble a paper tank?
  • Make a barrel and stick it in the tower
  • You can decorate the resulting tank

Even the smallest designers can make an airplane out of paper and a matchbox. In addition, such a craft will take quite a bit of time.

  • From colored paper or cardboard, cut 2 strips the width of a matchbox
  • Cut a long thin strip and fold it in half, glue the edges to the matchbox
  • Make a tail out of two small strips. Round off one strip and insert it into the fold of the part glued to the box. Glue a second small strip on top, having previously folded it into a triangle
  • Round off the wide stripes and stick the box on top and bottom

Surely you remember the glider planes that flew around the classroom when you were in school. I offer you some simple schemes on how to fold a glider.

Or try a more complicated scheme:

Crafts from dough and plasticine by May 9: tank, plane

Children love to sculpt from plasticine. So why not immortalize some crafts by replacing plasticine with salt dough. You can decorate such crafts in finished form or add food coloring to the dough in advance. The recipe is pretty simple:

  • Mix flour and fine salt in a ratio of 2:1
  • Dilute with water and knead until the consistency of plasticine
  • You can add a little vegetable oil for plasticity

Use a brush dipped in water to join the pieces of dough.

Important: For a longer life of the product, heat it in the oven at a temperature of up to 100 °. It is important not to bake the work, but to dry it.

So, the dough or plasticine is ready, but you will also need a board (you will sculpt on it) and a knife (when working with the dough).

  • Sculpt individual parts of the tank: 6 wheels (make a sausage and cut it), hull, turret and muzzle
  • Connect the parts: attach 3 wheels to the body on the sides, a tower on top, and a muzzle to it
  • Roll up a thin long sausage and wrap it around the wheels, forming caterpillars

Plasticine or salt dough tank for kids

You can make the tank bigger by preparing the necessary parts. You can make things easier for yourself. For example, to make the tower a regular rectangular shape, take a matchbox as a base, wrapping it with plasticine. And the stability of the muzzle will be given by a tube or a rod from the handle in the middle.

Plasticine or salt dough tank

Modeling an airplane is no less exciting activity:

  • Sculpt the details of the hull, wings, cockpit
  • Connect the details. For realism, you can pre-mix the parts of the hull and wings with a sausage made of yellow plasticine - this will turn out to be a camouflage
  • Blind propeller and stars

Another version of the plane from the test (you can use plasticine)

  • Blind the body of the aircraft, bend the part up a little at the base
  • Make wheel and fender parts
  • Connect the details
  • When working with dough, secure the parts additionally with toothpicks.
  • Make a few parts of the propeller, connect and attach with a toothpick

Craft eternal flame by May 9

The easiest and fastest way to make an eternal flame layout:

  • Cut out a star from cardboard according to the template below (star by May 9th)
  • Make a hole in the center
  • From orange and red crepe paper, randomly cut out pieces of different sizes and collect them in a bundle
  • Pass the paper through the hole in the star so that the base of the bundle is on the inside, straighten the paper. If necessary, sharpen the edges with scissors, like flames
  • Stick the star on the base

You can make an arrangement out of a toilet paper roll.

  • Wrap cardboard roll in foil
  • Cut out fire and the number 9 from red crepe paper according to the size of the roll
  • Insert the fire from above, stick the number in front
  • You can decorate with a St. George ribbon cut out of paper or cut from fabric.

Crafts pigeons by May 9

Making the birds of the world is not so difficult, just be patient and the basic necessary materials: paper, glue, scissors.

  • In order to make a voluminous dove out of paper, cut the blank according to the template:

  • Cut the feathers along the lines
  • Make folds along the dotted lines
  • Glue the triangle near the tail to the body by planting the bird
  • Glue the head and body
  • Make the feathers bent, carefully run scissors over them, stretching the paper. Be careful not to tear the workpiece
  • Glue the wings to the body

A toilet paper roll can make a great pigeon holder. For this craft, in addition to the roll, you will need pens, white paper, glue and scissors.

  • Wrap the roll with paper, wrap the ends inward and glue
  • Cut out the body of a bird from thick white paper.
  • Fold a sheet of paper with an accordion, make an incision in the middle and glue it to the body - the tail
  • Glue feathers on the sides
  • Make 2 cuts in the roll opposite each other and insert the torso
  • Draw eyes with a marker

If you wish, you can decorate the craft by gluing a St. George ribbon, and glue a twig to the dove's beak. It is very easy to make it.

Cut out a branch and leaves from colored paper. It is better to use corrugated paper, it is denser and will hold its shape better.

Dove of Peace - origami, video

Crafts for May 9 paper flowers

Making artificial flowers is easier with corrugated paper. It is easy to use, besides, some mistakes or imperfections typical for beginners are not so noticeable.

So, you will need: red and green corrugated paper, glue, ruler, scissors, tape and wire for the stem.

  • For one carnation, cut a strip of paper 45X8cm
  • Wrap the edge inward by 3 cm, stretch the paper a little - this will give the flower a waviness
  • Wind the resulting tape around the edge of the wire, straighten the loose paper, form a flower
  • Fasten in the middle or at the base by tying with thin wire or thread
  • Cut the bottom edge on both sides obliquely, forming an angle at the bottom
  • Wrap the bottom edge with green paper smeared with glue and continue winding down the wire

A carnation made in the following way looks very beautiful:

  • Cut 2-3 strips of red paper 2.5 cm wide
  • Cut them into even squares
  • Fold each square in quarters and cut the outer edges in a semicircle.
  • On the outer semicircular side, make frequent cuts
  • Prepare the center of the flower. To do this, wrap a little red corrugated paper on the edge of the wire and secure it with green, smoothly moving to the stem
  • String flower blanks, compressing each circle a little and straightening the edges
  • Wrap the stem wire with green paper smeared with glue. You can also cut leaves out of it.

I suggest you get acquainted with another way to make a carnation:

  • Prepare 6 wide strips of paper and fold them together
  • Bend the sheets with an accordion and tie them with wire in the middle (it is better to take green chenille, then you can glue the usual one with green corrugated paper)
  • Use scissors to cut paper into cloves
  • Fluff the flower by lifting the edges of the paper up

Carnation for Victory Day

Crafts for May 9 star

Surprisingly, making a voluminous five-pointed star out of paper is not so difficult.

Paper star pattern
  • Cut out 2 pieces according to the template
  • Make folds along the lines marked with a dotted line
  • Wings for gluing fold back
  • Lubricate the wings with glue and connect the parts

What else can you make crafts from - a tank, an airplane?

The tank can be made from a variety of materials, such as paper or plasticine. Crafting a tank from matchboxes perfectly develops imaginative thinking and fine motor skills. You will need:

  • A piece of wallpaper (colored cardboard, notebook cover - any thick paper of a suitable color)
  • matchboxes
  • A sheet from a magazine (you can also use the leftover cover)
  • colored paper
  • Corrugated cardboard or corrugated paper
  • bottle cap

We start making a tank with a layout:

  1. Cover two matchboxes with wallpaper or green thick paper
  2. Glue one box separately - this will be the tank turret
  3. Glue the two blanks together. You should get a tank layout
  4. Glue 2 strips of corrugated cardboard or paper on the sides - these will be the tracks
  5. Cut out wheel circles from colored paper and stick on
  6. From a magazine sheet, twist a straw (or you can cut a straw from under the juice) and attach it to the tower. It will hold on better if you make a hole in the tower box.
  7. Attach the bottle cap to the top

In the absence of colored paper, you can make a tank by simply gluing the boxes, and then decorate it.

  • You don't even have to buy craft supplies. For example, you can make such a cute tank from sponges
  • To do this, you will need 2 sponges for washing dishes, a straw from the juice and glue
  • Peel off the hard surface from one sponge. Cut out the tank turret and the end of the muzzle from the sponge, and use the hard surface for the wheels

You can please dad or grandfather by congratulating them on Victory Day with sweets. And you can put them in the form of a tank.

An equally important symbol of Victory Day is an airplane, which is easy to make with a child, spending very little time and materials.

For example, to make very small models, you will need wooden clothespins, ice cream sticks, glue and paints.

  • Very interesting planes are obtained on the basis of shampoo bottles, plastic bottle caps, electrical tape and cardboard
  • First, wrap the bottle with electrical tape of different colors, then glue the caps to the bottom of the bottle and cut out the missing parts from the cardboard (wings and tail)
  • The parts will stick well if you do not glue them, but make suitable cuts in the bottle

You can build an airplane out of a plastic bottle. Option for kindergarten: cut out wings, tail and propeller from cardboard.

If you stick the wings, then make 2 separate parts, but if you make a slot in the bottle, then it will be more convenient to prepare a one-piece model.

Or glue the resulting model using the papier-mâché technique and decorate it after drying.

This option will take more time, but it will also turn out to be an airplane that looks very realistic.

Video: Craft for May 9

From paper with your own hands? Read on to see how you can make beautiful crafts. Choose the appropriate option, simpler or more complex. Together with an adult, every idea is implemented quickly. Absolutely available devices are used.

Options and techniques for creating

You can make an "eternal flame" out of paper with your own hands in the following versions:

  • In for postcards, wall panels.
  • Make a three-dimensional composition of flat parts.
  • Apply paper-plastic methods and create a three-dimensional layout of the monument.
  • Make a souvenir using the modular origami technique.
  • Assemble a composition from parts twisted using quilling technology.

The first options from the above list are the simplest. Even kindergarten students can handle them. For older children, more complex methods are suitable, especially if adults organize a joint creative process.

Materials and tools

To create an Eternal flame out of paper with your own hands, you will need the following:

  • Thick paper or cardboard in white, silver or gold for the pedestal and star.
  • Thin sheets of yellow, orange, red colors for making fire. It is good to use translucent crepe or
  • Material for the base (preparation of a postcard, panel or stand for a three-dimensional composition).
  • Pencil.
  • Eraser.
  • Ruler.
  • Compass.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.

From the list above, it is easy to make a simple but beautiful "eternal flame" out of paper with your own hands. How to do each way, you will learn in detail further. It is worth noting that if you want to work in an additional way, you will need to cut the paper into narrow strips. This is best done with a special cutter with markings, and you will also have to prepare a tool for torsion, for example, a toothpick, a knitting needle, a ballpoint pen refill, or something similar. Otherwise, there will be no problems.

"Eternal flame" from paper with your own hands: how to make an application

This is the easiest way to work. It is so easy to make a postcard or The sequence of work is as follows:

The craft is ready.

Do-it-yourself "Eternal Flame" from paper: master class (volumetric version)

In this way, a small sculpture-model of the monument is made. Work like this:

  1. Build on the reverse side of the sheet prepared for the base of the burner, templates of several blanks in the form of five-pointed stars of different sizes. This is done by dividing the circle with a compass.
  2. Cut out the patterns you made.
  3. Stick them on the base (stand) in layers from largest to smallest. Three elements will suffice.
  4. Cut out flat flames from plain or crepe paper.
  5. Glue paper tongues to the center of the top star. Crepe paper can be slightly stretched, thus giving the blanks a more realistic look.
  6. If desired, decorate the product additionally with paper flowers, a St. George ribbon and dates.

Work is done.

How to create a three-dimensional star

Another way is easy to make an even more spectacular and realistic "eternal flame" out of paper with your own hands. Templates for the star can be downloaded ready-made or built by yourself.

Method one:

  1. Draw on thick cardboard a triangle measuring 16x12x7.5 cm or another that is more suitable for you. Cut out the piece.
  2. According to the prepared template, circle 10 identical parts with allowances of 0.5 - 1 cm.
  3. Cut out all elements.
  4. Start connecting the blanks in pairs in the form of rays, gluing the seams inward.
  5. When five parts are ready, connect them together.
  6. Circle the resulting star at the base along the contour, providing allowances, cut it out and glue it as a bottom to a three-dimensional part.

Method two:


This technique allows you to make an original craft "eternal flame" out of paper with your own hands. For children, this method is not only very exciting, but also useful, since paper rolling perfectly develops fine motor skills. In this way, you can make both a flat wall decoration or postcard decoration elements, as well as a three-dimensional composition. The work goes in the following sequence:

  1. Prepare strips of decorative paper no wider than 5 mm for the flame details in yellow, orange, red, and silver, gray or gold for the star.
  2. Wind the strips on a toothpick or a special one, and then form a suitable configuration by removing the part from the stick and twisting and bending a little, if necessary. For fire, drop-shaped blanks are better suited, and the star can also be laid out in dense circles that are not untwisted. Don't forget to secure the elements with glue.
  3. Assemble the composition from the created blanks, gluing the elements together. You can do this using a pre-drawn outline template in the shape of a star and flames.


This technique also allows you to make a beautiful "eternal flame" out of paper with your own hands. The photo above clearly demonstrates this. It uses modular origami. To do this, you will first need to make many modules of different colors, and then form a star and fire design from them, starting from the center of the bottom layer to the edges of the star and up, creating a flame shape. Execution options may be different.

So, you have seen how to make an "eternal flame" out of paper with your own hands. You can perform any of the presented options both at home and in an organized group. Choose an idea that matches the age capabilities of the children. Create commemorative postcards, sculptures, panels as thematic decorations for offices, as well as gifts for veterans.

May 9th? There are many craft ideas. Their main difference lies only in whether the work will be voluminous or flat. If in the case of a flat craft, everything is more or less clear (you can make an application), then how to make a mock-up of an eternal flame with your own hands so that it is voluminous? In fact, everything turns out to be simple.

How to make a mock-up of an eternal flame with your own hands?

The layout of the eternal flame must necessarily consist of a star and a flame. Large crafts also contain a pedestal, which can be decorated with appropriate symbols (for example, the years of the Great Patriotic War and the St. George ribbon) and flowers (for example, red carnations that are relevant for this occasion).

We bring to your attention a master class on how to make paper with your own hands. We will write the instructions step by step and post photos.

Tools and materials

To make an eternal flame out of paper, you will need:

  1. star template;
  2. cardboard (large sheets);
  3. red napkins or tissue paper;
  4. scissors or stationery knife;
  5. red or bronze paint (it is better to take gouache);
  6. tassel;
  7. glue;
  8. ruler;
  9. pencil;
  10. scotch;
  11. marbled wallpaper.

When you have stocked up on materials, you can start a master class on how to make an eternal flame with your own hands, gradually making every detail of the craft, and then combining everything into one.

Stage 1 - star layout

A master class on how to make a do-it-yourself star layout for an eternal flame:

  1. Take a large sheet of cardboard, scissors, glue or tape, a pencil, a ruler, paints and a brush.
  2. Put a dot in the center of the cardboard.
  3. Draw a dotted line through the point two perpendicular lines.
  4. Draw two more lines with a dotted line, which, when crossed, form the letter "X". In length, they should be half the size of the first two.
  5. Connect all vertices. You will have a star.
  6. Place a dot in the center opposite each side of the star at a distance of several centimeters.
  7. Connect the vertices and the set points with a solid line.

As a result, you should get a shape like in the picture above. Cut it out along the solid lines.

Stage 2 - star

Master class on how to make a star for the eternal flame with your own hands:

  1. Take the layout of the star and cut it out.
  2. Bend the star layout along the long axes inward.
  3. Straighten the layout.
  4. Bend the star layout along the short axes outward.
  5. Straighten the layout.
  6. Give the layout the shape of a three-dimensional star thanks to the resulting fold lines.
  7. Connect the protruding parts to each other, which should serve as a support for the star. This can be done either with glue, if the protrusions overlap each other, or with tape.
  8. Flip the star and paint it red or

Stage 3 - fire

  1. Take three napkins or
  2. Draw a fire layout on one leaf. Its shape may be different, for example, as in the picture.
  3. Fold the paper in a stack.
  4. Cut out the fire pattern along the outline.
  5. Fold the sheets together in layers. Each next layer should be slightly lower than the previous one.
  6. Cut off the rest at the bottom.
  7. Roll up the bottom of the paper and secure it with string or tape.

The flame for the star is ready!

Stage 4 - pedestal

Despite the fact that instructions have already been given on how to make an eternal flame with your own hands, the master class will be incomplete if you do not mention how to make a pedestal. After all, it is also part of the layout. In our case, the pedestal consists of two parts: the first will stand, the other will lie. Just on the last one, a star with a flame will be placed.

Instructions on how to make an eternal flame with your own hands - the first part of the pedestal:

  1. Take a sheet of cardboard, a pencil, a ruler and scissors.
  2. Lay the sheet vertically in front of you.
  3. Draw a strip from the edge, small in width, but long, for the entire height of the sheet. You will get the first strip.
  4. Mark a distance from the line that will equal the width of the finished star (or be a little more).
  5. Having drawn this width, you will get the second strip.
  6. Make another strip, which will be the same width as the first. Strip number 3 will come out.
  7. Draw a fourth strip, which is equal in width to the second.
  8. Make stripe #5 equal to stripes #1 and 3.
  9. Bend all 5 strips.
  10. Make a box along the folds, but without the top and bottom.
  11. Glue strips 1 and 5 together.
  12. Make small cuts on one side at the folds of the thin sides of the box.
  13. Close the box.

The first part of the pedestal is ready. It can either be painted with paint or pasted over with wallpaper with a marbled pattern.

The second part of the pedestal is made similarly to the first, only there are a number of features:

  • The width of the second part should be equal to the width of the first.
  • The height should be slightly larger than the first. This is done quite simply: increase the size of the side walls.
  • The second box should be closed on both sides.

After you assemble the second part of the pedestal, decorate it with paint or wallpaper.

Stage 5 - collecting all the details

When all the components - the flame, the star and the two parts of the pedestal - are completely dry, you can start assembling them.

Operating procedure:

  1. Lay the second part of the pedestal on a table or other surface.
  2. Put the first part on the second, close to the edge. You can secure it with tape.
  3. Make a small hole in the center of the star. It is most convenient to do this with a thick needle or awl.
  4. Insert the flame into the resulting hole. This must be done carefully so as not to tear the parts. To do this, you can help yourself with a needle or a toothpick.
  5. Place a star in the center of the lower part of the pedestal, having previously lubricated its support with glue.
  6. Spread the flame.

The eternal flame is almost ready.

Completion of crafts "Eternal Flame"

The given master class on how to make an eternal fire out of paper with your own hands in stages also involves decorating crafts with the help of flowers and inscriptions.

Instructions on how to make paper carnations:

  1. Take red corrugated or tissue paper in red and green colors, wire.
  2. Wrap the wire tightly with green paper, securing it at the ends with glue. The stem is ready.
  3. Fold several sheets of red paper into a pile (three to five pieces).
  4. Fold the paper like an accordion.
  5. Wrap the stem around the middle of the accordion.
  6. Trim the edges of the accordion, giving them a sharp shape.
  7. Gently spread each layer of accordion.
  8. Fluff up the flower.

One carnation is ready. Do a few more as shown.

Now you can decorate the pedestal with an inscription.

Operating procedure:

  1. Take cardboard, a ruler, a pencil, scissors and red paint with a brush.
  2. Draw two parallel lines on cardboard, keeping in mind that the distance between them is equal to the size of future letters and numbers.
  3. Draw the following and numbers between the resulting lines, which should be the same in width: 1, 9, 4, 1, 1, 9, 4, 5, P, O, M, N, I, M, G, O, R, D , I, M, S, I.
  4. Cut out all the numbers and letters.
  5. Paint the details with red paint.
  6. Let the parts dry well.
  7. Print out an image of the order with a St. George ribbon or find such an image on postcards.
  8. Cut out the image along the outline.
  9. Glue the numbers and letters in the correct order on the pedestal (for example, as in the photo), and also place a picture of the order and the St. George ribbon.

Put the carnations next to the star. Paper craft "Eternal Flame" is ready! So that the craft does not deteriorate:

  • Place it on a flat board.
  • It is better to wipe dust from crafts not with a cloth, but with a special brush. Then the parts will not be damaged.
  • Choose a place where the eternal flame will stand, without straight lines. Otherwise, the paper will burn out and lose its brightness.

We hope that everything is clear to you in a step-by-step description of how to make an eternal flame with your own hands. Master class is over!

Add your own ideas when making crafts, for example, print out pictures of soldiers, stick them on cardboard and cut them out, leaving a support. Place the resulting figures next to the eternal flame.