It is true that our thoughts are material. Materialization of thoughts. Fulfillment of desires by the power of thought. Thought Materialization Techniques

Thoughts materialize. This statement has firmly established itself in people's lives in recent years. However, even now, when humanity is all imbued with the concepts of the Universe and the cosmos, there are people who deliberately ignore this statement. And this is understandable. For a long time, people were brought up in the era of materialism, when it was believed that there is only what can be seen and touched. And yet, if a person does not know or understand something, this does not mean that thought does not influence and does not act.

In this case, thought is something that acts unconditionally and always. This law works.

Thoughts tend to materialize and transform. How does this happen?
In this article we will try to consider and find answers to some questions. What are thoughts anyway? What does "thinking is material" mean?

Such a curious question causes a lot of controversy and is of interest to many. There are, of course, people who believe that the materiality of thoughts is nonsense. But there are also those who are serious about such an idea and quite actively use it throughout their lives. And this is most likely the right decision. Thought is a part of human consciousness, existence without which would be impossible.

Do thoughts materialize? Of course, they somehow affect human consciousness. As a rule, when a person thinks about something good, the mood improves. Thoughts about the bad, on the contrary, upset and lead a person to depression.

Definitely, it greatly affects the state of the human psyche. If it is true that thoughts materialize, then more questions arise. Is it possible with their help to determine or build the future or achieve some goals? And can any thought materialize?

Scientific rationale

If we turn to the Bible, then it follows that in the very beginning there was a word. And it is the thought that was spoken aloud.

Thomas Edison, who invented the simplest incandescent lamp and many different necessary things, did not come to this immediately and not simply. First, a great engineering idea appeared, which gave rise to a powerful field (torsion), constantly fed energetically (the idea was condensed, overlapping one another).

Thanks to thought, intangible energy turned into a tangible physical object.

Thought materializes. It is simply necessary to accept as a truth (axiom) the fact that it is a tool that turns energy into matter.

Academician Gulyaev E. A scientifically formulated it as follows: matter is a form that receives energy, according to the information that consciousness generates (the principle of a torsion field in space).

The process of materialization of thoughts and words takes place every day, regardless of whether a person believes in it or not. It happens unconsciously.

A person, thinking all the time that there is no time, that there is little money, gets it in reality.

If you constantly scold your unfinished life in your thoughts, think that the people around you do everything out of spite, you can get a lot of factors that irritate and complicate life.

If a person constantly catches himself thinking: “I will always be alone (or alone) and no one will love me anymore,” it is highly likely that he will remain lonely.

Such facts from life can be cited endlessly. Everything that happens in thoughts someday becomes part of reality. In this regard, you should think about it, take the materialization of thoughts under constant control and turn it into conscious actions.

Where to begin?

So, human thoughts materialize. To check this, where do you need to start?
You have to start with awareness. It is necessary to be aware and feel every thought, try to control it, and if suddenly it begins to have a certain negative character, you should try to replace it with a more pleasant, positive one.

The task is very difficult, given that in 1 day a lot of thoughts arise in a person’s head, and they flow smoothly one into another. And they repeat many times throughout the life span.

We must try not to let all the thoughts in a row turn on the green light, but it is very difficult. If this is learned, concentration of attention can increase and the level of “white noise” (obsessive thoughts that haunt many people) will decrease.

Ultimately, words and thoughts materialize. Only at the beginning of the process of work and struggle on oneself, on the very first day, there will be more thoughts not caught than conscious ones. But over time, the process of controlling thoughts will get better and better. And positive thinking will eventually become as automatic as negative thinking used to be.

What kind of thoughts materialize well?

To find out whether it is true that thoughts materialize, some rules must be established.

If the process of tracking and stopping negative thoughts is already going on in the usual mode, you should think about what kind of thoughts they should be replaced with. Here are some rules for working on it:

1. Best remembered and perceived short. It is necessary to formulate a new thought accurately and briefly, then periodically repeat it throughout the day.

2. There should be only positive. The wording should be only optimistic, without any negative particles. For example: “I am a charming person, people listen to me,” or even simpler: “Everything that happens to me is for the best.”

3. For the initial stages, simply pronouncing new thoughts in the head is allowed, but for the subsequent ones, for their successful materialization, one should connect emotionally. In other words, you need to believe in what is being said, and in the fact that thoughts actually materialize, even if the results are not yet noticeable. When thoughts are reinforced with emotions, they are fueled by the energy of desire and quickly become real.

Proof of

Why do thoughts materialize? The famous Russian psychiatrist V. Bekhterev devoted almost his entire life to this issue. He came to the conclusion, after numerous studies, that thought is one of the types of energy, and determined that the brain directly affects matter.

According to the scientist, any activity, even mental, is capable of flowing from one state to another and cannot disappear in any way, according to the well-known law of conservation of energy. Thus, any thought that is expressed by a gesture, word, and even facial expressions or a look cannot disappear, disappear.

There is a very common expression: "Trouble does not come alone." Many people have such periods in their lives when it seems that the world is collapsing around them. For example, some kind of misfortune or unpleasant event occurred, and after it came another, third. In this case, the law of attraction operates, which attracts things that correspond to the vibrations of a person at that moment. The result is a chain. How? If something happens, the person naturally reacts negatively. Such a reaction is again approached by a similar reaction in the form of some event, and again - a negative.

Until the person himself consciously stops this flow, you will have to row against the current all the time.

A complex approach

A thought materializes if you follow this advice: there is no point in doing this during the day, giving free rein to your old habits (thinking unconsciously). This is ineffective.

It is easy to work with thoughts positively while in solitude. While meditating, one should try to cultivate the habit of wishing well to everyone around, even those who are rude or unfair. Thus, it will be possible to learn to choose thoughts consciously, just like clothes, work or a life partner. Consciously cultivating positivity in yourself will greatly change your life for the better.

How to strengthen the materialization of thoughts

For the process to be successful, it is useful and important to lead a correct lifestyle. It is not for nothing that the well-known phrase once appeared: "A healthy mind in a healthy body." It perfectly demonstrates the meaning of the materialization of thoughts.

Another important point in the transformation of desires is to use the “visualization method”. A person must first imagine in his imagination what he wants, while feeling the presence of this desired in the present, and only then you need to think, and in the end it comes.

But, before practicing this method, one must first study it and learn how to use it correctly.


Be sure to follow your thoughts and dream of good and kind, because, be that as it may, the thought materializes and transforms!

If optimistic thoughts are beneficial, then, of course, evil ones are only harmful. Negative thoughts of criminals lead them to illegal actions. It turns out that people themselves give birth to evil with their negative thoughts and desires.

Nothing in the world happens by chance, just like that. All thoughts and actions are interconnected.

We must take care of ourselves physically and morally, learn to think only positively. The result is a change in life for the better. Good always attracts good, and bad always attracts bad.

Only positive thoughts in combination with real actions can lead to the desired result.

😉 Greetings to new and regular readers! Friends, in the article "Thought is material: evidence" facts are given that thought is material. So, try not to keep dark thoughts in your head and think only positively! Your current thoughts create your future life.

What is thought? This is the action of the mind, reason, reason. The final or intermediate result of thinking.

Thought cannot be isolated, concealed, hidden. It controls energy - directs, collects, structures. This is a huge force for which there is no time and distance! It is capable of instantly being transferred to any point in the universe and influencing it.

Thinking forms the events of my life, I can control my thoughts, and therefore my life. The strength of positive and negative thoughts is the same, the thought of an optimist and the thought of a pessimist are equal in strength.

About the power of thought

What is matter? The nucleus is made up of quarks. Quarks are quantum particles, strange like everything else in the quantum world. There are also "Photons" - carriers of electromagnetic forces and "Neutrinos" - particles formed during radioactive decay.

At the elementary level, no other matter exists. Everything that surrounds us, and we ourselves consist of precisely these particles. It turns out that thought is the movement of one matter inside another.

By thinking positively, you add positivity to the outside world. Thinking negatively, add negativity. The saying "What you sow, so you reap" acquires a direct, scientifically based meaning.

Beware, thought is material! What you think about the most will appear in your life. Your thoughts become reality. Words are the clothes of our thoughts, and the energy of words has an even denser structure. This energy many times faster (compared to the energy of thought) forms matter.

The Law of Attraction and the Power of Thought

The great secret of Life is the Law of Attraction, which says, "Like attracts like." This means that when you think about something, you attract those thoughts to you.

Thoughts act like magnets; they have a certain frequency. When you think, they fly into the Universe, attracting what is on the same frequency. Whatever is sent into the world, it returns to its source - to you. The thought is material!

According to the law of conservation of energy, we must give in order to get something in return. And if the received does not suit, then the problem is in ourselves. After all, from a bad tree we expect corresponding fruits. Why are not very positive thoughts bound to create prosperity in return?

Materiality of thought

Thought is material: evidence from life. For many years, actor Savely Kramarov fanatically took care of his health. He scrupulously studied all the prescriptions and recommendations of nutritionists and the basics of oriental medicine. Savely Viktorovich did everything possible to live to a ripe old age without getting sick.

Was he thinking about health? Not! He was afraid of death and the Law of Attraction worked. Kramarov died at the age of 60! And you just had to live, enjoying every day, not focusing your thoughts on health every minute.

The girl wants to get married and is constantly busy looking for a future spouse. All her thoughts are filled with only this. If she sees a potential groom in every man, then nothing good will come of it. On the subconscious, she is afraid of being alone and this will definitely work!

And you don't have to search! There will be a loved one if he sees an independent, well-groomed, positive and sociable girl! The more a girl opens her body and uses a lot of makeup, the less she is seen as a future wife. This is the appearance of "one-day butterflies". Always remain a mystery!

“As soon as you start looking for men, you will immediately have an anxious expression on your face. An obsequious curve in the spine, a prowling look, fuss - and men will instantly fly away from you. But if they see a self-confident, calm, beautiful woman, they come on their own.”

One person was annoyed when he found different utility bills in the mailbox. His neighbor took this calmly and reassured him: “You need to pay bills in any case. Imagine that there are a lot of homeless people in the world who dream of having a home.

And you have a house, the Internet, there is heat and light. Of course, you have to pay for it." Guess which one lived the longest? Correctly! Someone who didn't show too much anxiety.

Thought is strong. If a healthy person constantly thinks that he has cancer, he will be sick. Conversely, we know hundreds of cases where cancer patients were completely cured. It happened, thanks to positive thinking and self-hypnosis, that they are absolutely healthy!

Don't say "I don't want" and "I can't"

“I don’t know”, “I can’t”, “it doesn’t work”, “I don’t want”, “I don’t know how”, “I don’t understand”. Each NOT is a way back plus a spoiled mood. To think about the good with the prefix does NOT work, frankly, bad. Denial leads to a lack of motivation to do something.

Why torment yourself with suspicions that everything will definitely go badly, something irreparable will happen? Think positively, forget about NOT, and your thoughts will materialize. Fear, lack of self-confidence, one's strengths, abilities will be dissolved with the help of the correct formulation.

Think Positive

Think positive! For example: “I can't go to the gym because I won't have time. I don't know when I can get out." Compare: “I will go to the gym next week as soon as I finish the current project.” So you can rebuild any sentence to the desired materialization.

Example: Phone call in the office: “Hi, I'm from out of town. Please let me know where to go for…”

Two possible answers:

  1. "I dont know. It's not our issue." - Switch off and hang up the phone; (negative, closed)
  2. “Please wait on the line. I will find out and answer you ”(positive, openness)

Think positively, fantasize about how everything could work out perfectly. Only in this case, the desire becomes so strong that the dream comes true. It simply cannot be otherwise.

Rejoicing, a person glows with happiness. Think positive, get only good results. We think, we dream, we work - and our dreams come true! Through our thoughts, we can get whatever we want in our life. Our thoughts and desires are the basis for this.

Wishes come true

The thought is material! Many people find it hard to believe that their wishes can be fulfilled through the materialization of positive thinking. After all, for many years they were convinced that everything is very difficult, and it is almost impossible to fulfill the plan.

Everyone has their own path. The life path that he must go through in accordance with the program laid down in childhood. It is impossible to reach a new level of life if you do not have the material basis for this. For example, money, social status, etc. But is this true? Of course not!

Read the article, a lot of interesting things.

Moving forward will help you get out of established negative life situations. You just need to stock up on patience, free your consciousness from the prohibitions set by your previous life and upbringing.

Give yourself a positive attitude and your life will definitely change for the better! Remember the good moments of your life, the people you love. Do not carry resentment in your soul, forgive everyone. 😉 Smile! Life is beautiful and it goes on! Everything - the time has come ...

If you feel and behave as if you are in love with the whole world, then everything around you will be in love with you ...

If you understood how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think negatively.

What are you thinking now? Look at what you are thinking about now, this will become your future. Think positive, love, success, luck, abundance and joy. And enjoy it in the future.

Remember, you attract what you believe in.

Feel today who you want to be tomorrow.

Your thoughts are your children. You must make each of them beautiful.Every thought should be a creative force directed towards good. Always remember that the power of thought is very great. Prepare to use it to help the world.

In your life there is only what is important to you. If something is not yet in your life, it is only because it is not important for you.

What we are today is the result of our yesterday's thoughts, and today's thoughts create tomorrow's life. Life is a creation of our mind.
We attract into our lives whatever we think about.
Follow your thoughts.

It is only thoughts that make a person unhappy or happy, not external circumstances. By controlling his thoughts, he controls his happiness.

In your life, what is more in your soul always prevails.

Just as we will not have a pleasant dwelling until we let fresh air and sunlight into our rooms, so our body will not be strong, and our face happy and clear, until our mind is open to good thoughts.

James Allen

How long do you think about good things?
That's how much good you will get.

There are no weak people.
We are all naturally strong.
Our thoughts make us weak.

Act as if failure is impossible and success is guaranteed. Drive away from yourself the thought that you will not achieve your goals, whether material or spiritual. Be bold and do not hold back the game of your imagination. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Be the architect of your future. You will never be the same again.

What you feel is what you radiate.

What you radiate is what you receive.

The voice in your mind is like a wild horse that carries you where it wants to go. Once you tame a horse, you can ride it, and then knowledge becomes a tool to take you where you want to go.

Miguel Ruiz

Your mind is what creates your heaven and your hell. It creates happiness, it creates suffering. Once you realize the power of your own mind, your life will begin to change. Be responsible for what you fill your mind with, that is what your life will be filled with.

As soon as we get rid of negative and harmful thoughts, the whole world will soften towards us and will be ready to help.

We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.

Jubran Hamil Jubran

No one will heal the diseases of the body better than a cheerful thought; benevolence is an incomparable comforter, dispelling all traces of grief and sorrow.

James Allen

You can emphatically say: “This is a beautiful universe, it brings me only good. The universe is at one with me in everything. The universe supports me no matter what I do. The universe responds to my needs immediately.” Feel that the Universe is friendly to you.

Rhonda Byrne. Secret

Do you know about the Cosmic Law -

Richard Bach


Your relationship with life is always a mirror

how do you feel about life

this is how life will treat you.

And why is it so?

Because you and her are One.

In reality, there are two magicians - nature and our desires.

Limitations exist only in our minds. But if we use our imagination, our possibilities become limitless.

Thoughts are the main source of your good mood. Clear your thoughts - and all adversity will go away.

Everything that happens to you is a change in your internal states. Try to understand that their manifestation depends entirely on how you set yourself up.

Joy and suffering depend on your mind, on your interpretation. They do not come from outside, from others. All happiness and all suffering are created by you, your own mind. lama sopa

When people say: “I am limited, I am suffering, I am unhappy”, they do it without any difficulty. However, no one says: “I am free! I am immortal!”... Whose fault is this? Whatever you say, whatever you think, it will happen. Tomorrow or now your wish will be fulfilled. And if you think, "I am free," then you are free.

You change yourself, the outside world changes with you - there are no other changes.

Everything you need is already inside you. I believe that people create their own heaven and their own hell. It's a personal choice... Karl Logan

Your thoughts always come back to you like a boomerang.

If you are constantly working on something with all your heart and soul, then it will happen, because that is the function of the mind - to make things happen. Nisargadatta Maharaj

Your thoughts become your life.

Wherever you go, you will only find what you brought with you.

It doesn't matter what world you live in, what matters is what world lives in you, because the inner world will become the birth of the outer world.

Paradise is not a place. This state...

What you get from life is what you give to life.

If you believe, - there is; don't believe it, no...What you believe is what you are... Maksim Gorky

What you pay attention to will grow. If you pay attention to the fact that something is missing, then the lack of this will increase even more.

Speak mentally and aloud only those words that should become the seeds of what you sow.

1) Your imagination creates your reality;

2) All your thoughts are things;

H) What you think about grows and condenses;

4) You become what you think about;

5) Your thoughts or assumptions shape your world. Therefore, always keep your mind on what you want and do not think about what is undesirable for you;

6) You can change the world by transforming your thoughts;

7) If you cannot change the situation, you can change its effect on you by changing your attitude or assumption about it. And, in the end, you may be able to change this situation.

It's all about thoughts. Thought is the beginning of everything. And thoughts can be controlled. And therefore the main thing of perfection is to work on thoughts.Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Everything we are is created by our thoughts.

The whole world inside a person is outside only his reflection.

With each thought, ask only one question: "Will this thought, if I follow it, make me noble or will it make me cruel? Will it make me stone, or will my fragrance be all over the world? Will it give me the strength to make people happy or will it make others miserable?"

The world, like a mirror, reflects your attitude towards it. When you are unhappy with the world, it turns away. When you fight the world, it fights you. When you stop your battle, the world comes forward.

Cultivate in yourself an unshakable faith in your strengths and capabilities. By the power of your thoughts you determine your own destiny. Just as clouds are the main source of rain, controlling one's own thoughts is the source of steady prosperity. You yourself become your own friend or enemy. Swami Sivananda.

I will see - I will believe, - said the man.
"Believe me, you'll see," said the Universe...

The grain is invisible in the ground, and from it grows a huge tree. Thought is just as imperceptible, and the greatest events of human life grow out of thought.

What you carry in your mind is what you see in the world around you, then you attract to yourself.

We ourselves cause failure in our lives. What you fear will happen to you. Think positively, attract happiness.

Everything begins within you, and then everything external responds to you in return ...

Light is in man. And the surrounding world of a person is illuminated by his own, inner Light. The world around us is the way we make it. Man is a kind of lamp. His inner Light, his love and true goodness is the power that illuminates the world around him. And around each of us there is always exactly as much Light as we gave it away. The more you open up, the brighter it becomes around you.

Thoughts are material. Our consciousness is everything. You become what you think.If a person speaks or acts with evil thoughts, he is haunted by pain. If a person speaks or acts with pure intentions, happiness follows him, which, like a shadow, will never leave him. To live right, you need to fill the brain with the “right” thoughts. Right thinking will give you whatever you want; wrong thinking is an evil that will eventually destroy you.

We get out of life what we believe in. You believe that life is beautiful - and it is beautiful. You believe it's terrible - it's terrible. You believe that there is no way out, and you will not find a way out. If you believe that there is a way out, you will definitely see it. You are waiting for trouble - it will definitely come. You are afraid of getting sick - you will get sick. You believe in success - you will create it. You are waiting for happiness - it is already on its way to you! Our faith creates our reality.

You are where your thoughts are.

Make sure your thoughts are where you want to be.

Whatever you direct your attention to becomes more powerful in your life.
Everything that you deprive of your attention fades, collapses and disappears.

This is the tyranny of exhausted thinking. People who think in the same categories every day - mostly negative - are in the thrall of bad mental habits.

Instead of focusing on all the good things and thinking about how to make things even better, they became hostages of their past. Some worry about lost relationships or financial problems. Others suffer, remembering their far from perfect childhood. Still others sadly reflect on much more trivial things: about unfriendly notes in the voice of a salesman in a store or an employee at work. Those who think this way let worry destroy them. They themselves block the huge potentialities of their spirit, deprive it of its ability to work miracles and bring into their lives the possibility of the fulfillment of any desires. These people don't realize thatto control your mind means to control your life.

If you don't understand yourself well, you won't understand anything in this world. Because the world is you. Mikhail Veller

Only that which corresponds to your inner state is attracted to you and emanates from you.

Always expect the best - for you always get exactly what you expect.

Thoughts rule the world

Thought is energy, the power of which has no limits. Our universe was created by the thought of an entity that many call God. The same thought created a man who was given the power of the Creator - Thought.

Your thoughts are much stronger than you think, and every mental image is a real force that can affect your life.

Thought is energy, the power of which has no limits. Dreams always come true if a person believes in the power of his own thought. Thought + Faith = Intention. Intention is born by a thought that gives a command to the subconscious, which, in turn, begins to create the necessary conditions for the realization of thought in the physical world.

The time of the materialization of a thought depends on the speed of the thought that creates the intention. The speed of the intended person's thought depends on the amount of his personal power (Spirit) - the energy of the person's Soul. This energy is collected during a person's life through his chakras, food and air. If a person lives in harmony with the Universe, he speeds up the process of gaining energy. If a person lives inharmoniously, he loses energy.

Your world is just a reflection of yourself.Stop looking for flaws in the reflection.Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

The universe is a projection of our own "I", our likeness, which is no more real than the reflection of our face in a mirror, but - like this reflection - has a certain form, which cannot be changed without changing ourselves. Aleister Crowley

Remember: you attract what you What do you believe and what do you think.


You have a much more powerful ability to create and influence your life than you yourself realize. In fact, at any given moment, you are creating your life with the thoughts that you have chosen for yourself. Your thoughts and beliefs are not just internal perceptions and attitudes, but physical vibrations of energy, as real as the floor under your feet. They are the main life-creating forces that shape your being and determine what will happen in your future. Being only declared, your thoughts are the most important factor in your life, and the only one over which you have complete and comprehensive control. Yet most of us give our thoughts little, if any, attention.

All your complaints, all your problems are happening just because you think about it. They continue to manifest because your thoughts materialize, they become your reality. When you accept everything as it is, accept your identification with the physical form, your life situation can take a quantum leap. We always return to the same question. Who wants to know all this? Who says all this? Who is this storyteller? Who is the king of tragedy? Who is the questioner, who is the doubter? Look at it and it will disappear. Then all these tragedies, stories, fairy tales will disappear. You, as a person, will dissolve. Your sense of individuality, your sense of ego, will dissolve. And then you are happy. Caesar Teruel

The greatness of the world is always in accordance with the greatness of the spirit looking at it.
The good one finds his paradise here on Earth, the evil one already has his hell here.

Heinrich Heine

Lifestyle begins with a way of thinking. Everything else is tools.

What we see depends on how we look

By an effort of will, thought, it turns out, it is possible to influence the process of metabolism in a living organism, the treatment of wounds, and the growth of plants. And this parapsychological phenomenon has a name - telekinesis - "movement carried out at a distance." It can appear as a result of injuries, diseases, stress. But also these abilities can be developed in yourself. For example, it is recommended to try to "conjure" according to a certain scheme - up to the appearance of fatigue - with a glass saucer filled with water, in which a needle floats. It is believed that each such training is a step towards mastering telekinesis. By the way, there is the concept of "second wind", according to which a person at a certain moment seems to be exhausted, loses strength, but then suddenly switches to a reserve source of energy, manifested in parapsychological abilities.

In order for our life to become harmonious and beautiful, our ideas about it must be harmonious and beautiful, because everything that happens to us is rooted in the soul and from there grows outward.

If you are upset about something external, then it is not the thing itself that oppresses you, but your judgment about it. But to eliminate the latter is in your power. If something in your own mood upsets you, then who prevents you from correcting your way of thinking? Marcus Aurelius

Thoughts are the wings of the soul.Christian Nestel Bowie

Time paints the soul in the color of our thoughts. Marcus Aurelius.

Watch your thoughts - they become words.
Watch your words - they become actions.
Watch your actions - they become habits.
Watch your habits - they become character.
Watch your character - it determines your destiny.

Brain cells develop in response to strong desires. Where there is no desire, there is no development. Orison Marden

What you managed to achieve in life, you attracted with your mind. Your efforts were preceded by a thought. The mental plan went ahead of your achievements. Orison Marden

In fact, we are surrounded by an atmosphere emitted by ourselves. Little do we realize to what extent we are psychically poisoned by the radiation of our own careless and impure thoughts. Dion Fortune

Man is a materialized thought; he is what he thinks. To change his nature from a mortal to an immortal state, he must change his way of thinking; he must stop clinging in his thoughts to that which is illusory and subject to disappearance, and to cling to that which is eternal. Paracelsus

The difference between success and failure depends on what you think about most of the time. Dean Francis

They say that the Lord created people in his own image and likeness, in this case, with the ability to embody thoughts in reality, he soaked not like a child. The fact is that thoughts are material - the evidence of this fact will be considered in the framework of today's fascinating conversation. To complete the whole picture, it would be good to understand how in general and what pitfalls this process has.

Funny but in the 21st century, we are still looking for some evidence there the fact that thoughts are material, and still not everyone is aware of the power of their mental abilities. All this is happening in a world where technological progress has flown through the ceiling. Only now the moral component apparently got lost in the Middle Ages. It is too cruel to remain in ignorance, so they drove to be enlightened.

Why do people need proof at all?

To begin with, it is necessary to look into the essence of the problem and understand why we do not believe in our thoughts. The main problem is that the people for the most part are not able to catch the connection between the thought process and reality (most likely that is why you are reading this text now). There are four main reasons for this behavior. You need to know the enemy by sight, so a few words about each of them.

Atrophy of observation

This is the only reason from which all the others follow. The presence of eyes does not yet give the ability to see clearly. It is worth recognizing that modern man observes too little. This tradition has evolved over the centuries. Over time, a society was formed into which it is customary to fit.

As a result, your worldview is not yours at all. Most of it is borrowed and adapted to the framework given to you. This is convenient, because you don’t need to invent anything, you just take what is ready and live with it.

The problem arises because worldview should be based on observation and not on other people's opinions. Before solemnly exclaiming: “Are thoughts material?! Where is the evidence? People claim the opposite! ”, It is worth reading a little literature and making sure everything in practice.

True, we act differently: if something is not accepted in society, then this something does not work and there is nothing to try - that's all modern observation in one sentence. But it is difficult to become a man, being equal to a flock of sheep.

And the final contribution to alienating people from the knowledge they need is made by stereotypes on the topic that free cheese is in a mousetrap, and there is some kind of catch in everything good, because for most of us it is easier to believe in bad things than in good things.

Lack of culture of thinking

Your parents probably didn’t tell you in your childhood exactly how to think and why it is critically important, and what will you tell if you don’t really know anything yourself. For unclear reasons, the school curriculum does not include a course on life, in which children would learn that there is an intangible world with its own laws, what needs to be visualized, to be mentally literate, and so on. As a result there is no culture of productive thinking, but there is a lot of useless rubbish in the head, which we most likely will never even use.


Our world is the result of our thinking. It hurts to accept the fact that your not the best life is the result of your not the best thoughts.. Therefore, we often try to protect ourselves from this world, convincing ourselves that little depends on us. After all, it is much easier to blame fate, upbringing, the education system, the state, otherworldly forces, that guy for everything - or how is it fashionable to cover up your failure now?


If you think the law of attraction was made up, have you ever wondered why anyone would need to make it up? The instillation of this knowledge into people will not bring a lot of money, recognition, power, fame or other dividends to its “creator” (otherwise we would already know about this person and hate him together).

Okay, okay, let's pretend that the law of attraction is invented. So there was some respected person (or maybe not a person) who said to people: "Guys, you are capable of anything, and your thinking will help you make your life the way you want." The author of this remark gave people hope, support and faith in themselves. Is there anything bad in this?!

And if we imagine that the law is not just an invention, but a really working mechanism, then, among other advantages, we also get a specific recipe for success. Here we should ask ourselves only one question: “What gives rise to my distrust?”. There is simply no reason to be suspicious of the law of attraction. because we have nothing to lose.

Thoughts are material - evidence

So, we figured out the problem, now to the essence of the conversation. Perhaps this will disappoint some, but science does not yet know exactly how thoughts manage to influence the material world so strongly. Scientists have noticed this effect only at the experimental level. But Newton, before discovering the law of universal gravitation, noticed how something mysterious makes an apple fall to the ground. If you figure it out any physical law was first observed experimentally and only then described in words and formulas.

Placebo effect

Thought is material, evidence #1 is a phenomenon called "Placebo". A person is given a pill, convinced that it will help him, and this ultimately allows him to overcome the disease with a drug that has no obvious curative effects. No one knows how this is possible, but this mechanism is constantly confirmed by researchers.

Perkins tractors

Dr. Elisha Perkins is an 18th-century American physician who was the first to receive a patent for a medical device ("Perkins Tractors"). These were two small metal rods, which, according to Perkins, are made of special alloys and therefore are able to magically relieve pain, inflammation, gout, and in general any disease.

To recover, it was enough to stroke sore spots with tractors for 20 minutes a day. Perkins' invention cured about 5000 people, and the effectiveness of the treatment was confirmed by other reputable professors and doctors.

How can a thing not work that is recommended by a successful and recognized doctor, for which you paid a lot of money, which has already cured thousands of people and which George Washington himself used in the end?! - It's very simple.

After Perkins' death, experiments were carried out with fake tractors made from various materials such as wood and bone, which suddenly proved to be as healing as the "real ones".

This is how the placebo effect was discovered, or rather, how the public first learned about it, and doctors used this tricky secret in their practice long before Perkins.

But what then treated people if tractors were an ordinary divorce? The whole point is that thought is a very terrible weapon. It turned out that it is quite unshakable to believe that a cure will occur, and the very presence of such confidence is capable of producing changes in our body at the cellular level. Is this not a miracle and is this not direct proof that thoughts are material?!

History of Henry Beecher

You have to at least be Jesus to turn water into wine, but Henry didn't think so. During the Second World War, Beecher calmly worked for himself as an anesthesiologist in a military hospital, until at one fine moment he discovered that he was able, with the help of the gift of speech, to turn an ordinary physical. solution in morphine.

It was enough to convincingly tell the wounded soldier that this liquid is a powerful painkiller, and after a while the soldier stopped feeling pain and successfully underwent an operation from which people without painkiller usually die due to pain shock.

After the war, Beecher conducted 15 experiments involving about 1,000 people. He then published an article called "The Almighty Placebo" which reports that the placebo has a therapeutic effect in about 36% of cases, or in layman's terms: in a third of all cases, people influenced their own health with their thinking.


There is an endless amount of information about various placebo experiments that scientifically confirm the fact that the mind is able to influence the body, up to a complete recovery from incurable diseases.

Even if you do not take placebo into account, other very interesting patterns were found. For example, did you know that people who have meaning in life live longer on average, and happy people get sick less often? This, of course, contradicts some laws of physics and once again proves that not all the laws of this very physics have been discovered and studied yet.

What makes people successful

Placebo experiments are great, but it's also clear that a person can somehow influence himself. But what if we wanted to have, for example, a car or a lot of money, or something that definitely goes beyond the human? To do this, you need to pay attention to people who have a lot of money and cars. Let's see what makes some of us successful.

Richard's Big Eight

Thought is material, evidence #2 is a study of successful people. John-Saint Richard is a journalist who once decided to develop a universal formula for success and conducted very real research, which he spent 10 years own life. Several thousand successful people were analyzed during the research.

People of various professions and social classes were selected for analysis. As a result of his research, Richard came up with eight factors that were most often found in the stories of successful people. All these studies are described in his, but here we will focus on eight fundamental qualities in just a nutshell.

  1. Passion. Successful people love what they do. Passion, like everything on Earth, begins with thoughts. We think that this activity should be cool and interesting. Then we begin to practice, and this only increases the number of positive thoughts associated with this activity. But the light in the eyes begins with thoughts and is supported by the same thoughts, because it is not the actions themselves that pin us, but what we feel at the same time.
  2. Concentration. Successful people know how to focus their thoughts on one thing. Concentration allows you to direct maximum energy towards achieving goals, which makes their achievement possible. This factor is completely tied to thinking. Successful people are obsessed with ideas. and constantly keep them in mind, thereby displacing everything superfluous from the head.
  3. Creativity. Another factor that is responsible for the way of thinking. In simple words, creativity is the ability to go beyond the accepted and generate unusual ideas, which in turn is achieved by a way of thinking.
  4. Ability to overcome yourself. Of course, this skill is more related to actions, but any overcoming begins with the thought “you can do it!” or something similar to this idea. A person has never started to act after the thought “I won’t succeed”. Overcoming oneself becomes possible only thanks to a specially developed thinking.
  5. perseverance. A factor that can be formulated as the inability to give up. Successful people always stubbornly move towards their goals, no matter how much money, time, failures and other things it would not cost them. Persistence is nothing more than a mental attitude a man who was able to convince himself that you must always go ahead and never stop at anything. You can't be stubborn if you're not confident in yourself or if you're going to achieve your goals, and confidence is a product of your thoughts.
  6. industriousness. A quality that results from the three factors described above: perseverance, passion and concentration. Everything is simple here: industriousness is based on factors that are achieved through thinking, which means that industriousness itself is also a consequence of thinking.
  7. Self improvement. Any development is achieved by action, but begins with the thought of what could be better, and it would be nice to come to this “better”.
  8. Ability to serve people. The need to be helpful to other people. In general, this topic is for a completely different conversation, but in a nutshell: no one will help another if before that there was no conviction in their head that people need your help and you are really able to help them.

It turns out that all eight qualities that ensure the success of people are based on thinking. Yes, in addition to thinking, all these people act a lot, but any action is born in thoughts. What other evidence that thoughts are material do you need? Unrealistic financial fortunes, cool corporations, ingenious inventions and discoveries - all this is the result, first of all, of constructive thinking.

Opinions of successful people

Thoughts are material, proof number 3 is the opinions of authoritative sources. If you do not trust us, then this is what the great gentlemen think about the materiality of thoughts.

Imagination is much more important than knowledge, because knowledge is limited, but imagination is limitless. Logic will take you from point A to point B. Imagination will take you anywhere.

Is thought material? What does “thoughts are material” mean? And in general, what are thoughts and is it true that they can become material? The question is very curious, causes a lot of controversy and is of interest, I think, to many. Some believe that the materiality of thoughts is a complete heresy, but there are those who take this idea seriously and actively use it in their lives. And rightly so, because thought is nothing but a part of human consciousness, without which the existence of this consciousness would be simply impossible. Thinking about the good can improve your mood, but about the bad, on the contrary, you can get upset and depressed. It is indisputable that thoughts influence our psychological consciousness, but is it possible to build our material future with their help and achieve the desired goals? Is every thought material?

Why are thoughts material? Proof of

To answer this question, the Russian psychiatrist Vladimir Bekhterev devoted his entire life. After conducting a lot of research, he came to the conclusion that thought is one of the varieties of energy and determined that the brain directly affects matter. Thus, according to Bekhterev, any, even mental activity flows from one state to another and cannot disappear according to the law of conservation of energy. No thought, expressed in a word, gesture, even a simple look or facial expression, can disappear without a trace.

How to make thought material?

Every day, even regardless of our own desires, our thoughts materialize, and this process often happens unconsciously. But in order to lead it and achieve the desired results, it is necessary to consciously manage them. We will help you to realize your desires by introducing some conditional rules:

And yet, if all thoughts are material and positive are beneficial, then it is completely clear that evil thoughts bring only harm. Criminals and villains think negatively, and this leads to the criminal result of their activities. Thus, as such, evil does not exist in the world, it is born by people themselves with their thoughts and desires.

I really want to believe that thoughts about joy, happiness and peace on earth will definitely materialize. Let's strive for this together. Watch your thoughts and dream, because desires are material!