Harry and Lisa's birthday is 5 years old. Lisa and Harry Galkin are five years old: how did the children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin conquer us. Garry Maksimovich Galkin

The second pregnancy of Elizabeth Boyarskaya was officially confirmed. The star goes on maternity leave and will no longer perform on the stage of the Maly Drama Theater in St. Petersburg. Today the gender of the unborn baby has become known. The second boy will be born in the family.

The actress is going on maternity leave soon.

About the pregnancy of the actress. But the husband and wife did not give any comments and avoided appearing in public places. Elizabeth wore loose clothes, carefully hiding her rounded figure. The artist uploaded photos to her Instagram account from her own archive or shot from good angles.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya is not the most active user of social networks. She prefers to spend time with her family rather than in the virtual world.

Shortly after the “position” of Boyarskaya became public, an ultrasound showed the sex of the child. There will be a boy in the family again. Most of all, the grandfather of the future heir was delighted with the news about his grandson. For Mikhail Boyarsky, the baby will be the fourth grandson.

Lisa and Maxim are happy with the arrival of their second baby

Mikhail reacted with humor to the news of the replenishment. In an interview with one of the printed publications, he expressed the hope "for a change" in the future to babysit the girl. The honored actor also noted that the name for the child has already been chosen.

Son of Maxim and Lisa

No less than others, the first son of the family, Andrei, was delighted with Boyarsky Jr. Now he is 6 years old. He loves to design and understands technology. Parents prefer to protect the boy from curious paparazzi and rarely take him out into the world. For the first time they showed it to the public last fall at the children's film festival in Evpatoria.

The clinic where Elizabeth will give birth has not yet been chosen. It is likely that this will be the St. Petersburg maternity hospital, which was loved during the first pregnancy. After the actress does not plan to stay on maternity leave for a long time, and in a few months she will again enter the stage of the theater.

Alla Borisovna Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin have been the most discussed couple for many years. This was facilitated by an unexpected romance, which ended in a wedding, although many "well-wishers" claimed that this was PR. Yes, they had many difficult moments, but they survived them safely, maintaining love and mutual understanding. After the marriage, the rumors subsided until the message that Alla and Maxim were expecting a baby. And in 2013, the "star twins" were born - Elizabeth and Harry.

Elizaveta Maksimovna Galkina

Alla Borisovna's daughter is a real princess, like her mother. She has the same oval face and blond curly locks. The public first met her in 2015. Parents together with their children visited the birthday of Phillip Kirkorov's daughter. Until that time, Lisa's photos were not publicly available. Maxim and Alla carefully protected the twins from annoying paparazzi.

Now Lisa is a popular media person. Her photos and videos are constantly circulating on the Internet. Everyone who talked with the girl claims that she is a sociable child. She is attached to her parents, which provokes outbreaks of childish jealousy. But at the same time, he loves his brother and constantly concedes to him.

Elizabeth adopted the talents of her star parents. She sings and dances, recites poems, is not embarrassed by video cameras. He knows how to keep up the conversation and thinks sensibly for a young age.

Children are guided by her in the style of clothing. Presumably, in just a few years, she will become a bright fashion icon. Her outfits are unusual and look stylish. Of course, Alla Borisovna and numerous stylists have a hand in this. But the girl already has her own preferences. Lisa loves reds and blues and puffy skirts that look amazing on her.

The baby is photogenic and loves to pose. The most commented photo was taken at the Gryazi estate, where the family organized a stylized photo shoot, during which the brother and sister acted as royalty. Also attracted attention and the first exit of Elizabeth on the podium. The girl in the image of a little bride showed the highest class for her age.

The baby even decided on her interests. She claims that she wants to become an artist, a singer like her mother, or seriously engage in dancing. Who knows, maybe over time the preferences will not change, and in the near future a new young star will appear on the screens.

Garry Maksimovich Galkin

Harry looks like his father, fans immediately noted this after the first photos appeared in the press. This is a serious and reserved boy who adores his sister and constantly strives to protect her. This is not surprising, because before my eyes an example is a father who cares about Alla.

The boy is also not deprived of talents. He sings and dances and also plays the piano. But Harry is not interested in show business yet. He is attracted to skates, crafts and firefighters. The kid has not yet decided on a profession. Unlike his sister, he does not look so far into the future yet.

In public, Harry is in no way inferior to Elizabeth. The journalists appreciated not a childishly sharp mind and the ability to answer even unexpected questions. She is excellent in dialogue, knows how to interest in conversation, confidently poses in front of cameras.

The boy is restrained in clothes. In public - classic suits in which he looks like a real prince, in his free time - sports style. Prefers bright colors. Here you can draw a parallel with the sister, red and blue colors, but darker and deeper shades.

In the family, parents note the great affection of their son for Lisa. Yes, children argue, are jealous of each other for their parents, but Harry always feels responsible and does not allow himself stupid whims even at that age. Of course, this is facilitated by upbringing, which is quite strict. Despite the presence of a nanny for each child and incoming workers, the kids already have their own responsibilities - to collect toys, fold clothes, put the beds in order.

Often Harry covers Lisa in petty pranks, but this does not depress the parents, but rather touches them. Alla and Maxim after the birth of children became softer, therefore, such trends are treated with philosophical calmness.

Where and when were the children born

The birth of the "star twins" immediately stirred up the public. After all, Alla Borisovna was far from the age to bear a child without consequences. But the couple did not hide their appeal to the services of reproductive medicine.

Maxim has long dreamed of children, and Alla always wanted a second child. Therefore, given the age, I previously used the services of cryogenic egg freezing. After the couple matured for common children and gained confidence in each other, it was decided to turn to the Mother and Child perinatal center in Lapino, to Mark Kurtser. It was there that the "star twins" were born. This event happened in September 18, 2013.

Surrogate mother of children

Due to her age, it was difficult for Alla Borisovna to carry and give birth to children on her own, despite the latest achievements in the field of reproductive medicine. Yes, and Maxim was not eager to subject his wife to such a difficult test, which no one knows how could end. Therefore, the couple resorted to the services of a surrogate mother.

The woman, whose name is still unknown, despite the efforts of the paparazzi, was observed in the clinic from the first day after the artificial insemination procedure. She had a contract with her. According to the terms, the surrogate mother must disappear from the life of the children immediately after their birth and never mention this fact. As you can see, the conditions are still met.

Alla Borisovna and Maxim closely followed the development of the twins. The prima donna was personally present at the birth, immediately took the children in her arms and stayed with the kids in the clinic for 10 days. All this time, she herself carried out the necessary procedures, changed diapers, bathed, fed, sang lullabies. After the clinic, mother and kids went to the Mud estate, where all conditions had been created in advance.

There are a lot of rumors and gossip about children, but not all of them are true. Babies don't get expensive gifts or act like spoiled youngsters, so much of the information is greatly exaggerated or exaggerated. And here are the real facts from the life of children:

  1. Strict upbringing. Lisa and Harry know how to behave both in society and at home. They completely lack "lordly manners". Children respect not only their nannies, but also the attendants.
  2. Moderation in everything. "Star Twins" is not picky about food. Their menu consists of only healthy dishes, often kids have breakfast with ordinary oatmeal. There are no delicacies on the children's table; they do not overeat cakes and sweets from morning to evening. Parents carefully monitor the nutrition of babies. The same can be said about gifts. Not so long ago, Harry was delighted with ordinary roller skates, and Lisa was delighted with a doll received from her godparents.
  3. Availability of responsibilities. Maxim and Alla do not want their children to grow up to be idlers. Therefore, from an early age, they were taught to do simple household work. Now the kids are quite coping with putting things in order in their rooms.

If we compare children's photographs of Maxim and his children, it is difficult not to note a rather striking resemblance to his son. The same high forehead, a specific cut of the eyes, a neat, slightly snub-nosed nose and a stubborn chin with a cute childish dimple. As the years go by, Harry will become more and more like his father. These photos clearly show how similar they are.

The similarity with her mother is insignificant, more related parallels are manifested in character traits - perseverance and the ability to achieve goals.

Alla Pugacheva in childhood - photo

Lisa is more like her mother. The shape of the face, eyes, nose, and even similar facial expressions. Here you can at first glance say that this is a mother and daughter.

But by nature, the baby is more like a dad, impressionable and soft. Although when necessary, she knows how to persevere.

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0 18 September 2018, 16:15

Today, Lisa and Harry Galkin, daughter and son of 69-year-old and 42-year-old Maxim Galkin, are five years old. Perhaps not a single star children cause this in the public - fans of the famous family always look forward to videos with their participation. Which is not surprising - kids grow up not only as very cute children, but also very talented. We talk about interesting facts from the life of Lisa and Harry and remember how they have already managed to conquer us.

1. According to Maxim Galkin, although Lisa and Harry were born only a few minutes apart, they are nevertheless very different. The showman says that the daughter went in character to her mother, and the son is more like him.

2. Star spouses baptized their children when they were three months old. Famous musician Igor Nikolaev became Harry's godfather, and designer Mila Stavitskaya became Lisa's godmother.

3. Contrary to rumors, the son of Galkin and Pugachev was named not in honor of Prince Harry, but in honor of ... Harry Potter! The singer herself admitted that her current husband very much reminded her of this famous wizard (and there really is something!), Therefore, she decided to give the child this name.

No, we did not name the boy in honor of the prince. The first association was Harry Potter! Because Maxim, when I met him, was very similar to Harry Potter. When the son was born, it was all the more clear that this was Harry - Harry Galkin!

Pugacheva said.

But in honor of whom they named Lisa, it is not known. But, according to one version, it could not have done without the English queen.

4. From birth, Lisa and Harry had two nannies, but, according to the media, they have already changed (and maybe more than once). However, parents themselves spend a lot of time with their children and work hard with them.

5 The couple does not spoil their children, although Maxim admits that he is very soft and sometimes it is difficult for him to be strict with Lisa and Harry.

In our family, Allah is responsible for strictness. I can’t be strict at all, as I am touched with half a turn from their every word or action,

he said.

6. The children of the singer and TV presenter have not only won the hearts of a large audience, but have already begun to conquer the fashion world. This year they are in the lookbook of the Valentin Yudashkin Kids collection, and Liza is also in the show of the children's clothing line of the same brand.

7. The children of Pugacheva and Galkin have a lot of talents and hobbies. Among Lisa's hobbies are painting, while Harry is interested in real "male" activities: and construction.

The happy eyes of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, standing by the stroller with the kids and photographing her equally happy husband Maxim Galkin, are hardly seen in Moscow. In the capital, the star couple, who had twins Lisa and Harry last year, cannot be found either in the park or in the country residence in the village of Gryaz. No one has yet been able to photograph the star family in its entirety. The Super.ru editors found the main star couple of the country on vacation in Israel. Here, on the coast of the Dead Sea, in the elite village of Caesarea Alla, Maxim and their children are staying for the second month.

The family is located in one of the private villas in a prestigious area. Apartments with a swimming pool, a private garden, balconies, a garage and a quiet green park cost the spouses 15,000 euros per month.

Together with Alla and Maxim, two nannies also arrived in Caesarea. They walk with the children in the morning and evening, when the hot Israeli sun is the least dangerous. Pugacheva and Galkin with children on the streets, which are teeming with Russian-speaking emigrants, prefer not to appear. True, only the most curious know that Pugacheva herself is resting in Caesarea.

According to local residents, the 65-year-old singer leads an extremely closed life and rarely gets out of her villa. Basically, Alla Borisovna is at home - her closest friend, businesswoman Alina Redel, is resting there with her. Not so long ago, to celebrate her birthday, her daughter Kristina Orbakaite and her husband Mikhail, sons Nikita, Denis and little daughter Claudia also came here.

To meet her adorable twins from Pugachev's walk, she always goes to the pool herself. When children are brought in wheelchairs, the prima donna spends a long time on the balcony with her husband, admiring the kids. Eight-month-old Lisa and Harry are now going through the most interesting period - they have already learned to smile, sit and actively reach out to their parents.

Baby Harry with facial features and dark hair, no doubt, resembles a dad, and blue-eyed blonde Lisa is a copy of her mother. Pugacheva and Galkin are trying to fix in memory every moment of the life of their children. They constantly shoot kids on gadgets. At the same time, Lisa has already learned to pose, smiling right into the frame when she is photographed. Having played enough with the children, Pugacheva herself takes their strollers to the nurseries.

The singer spends her evenings playing her favorite backgammon. She is often accompanied by her friend Alina or her husband Maxim. As Super.ru managed to find out, the Pugacheva family will stay in Israel until July. Only then will Alla return to Moscow, then to go to Jurmala. There she will appear on stage for the first time after the birth of children.

Recall that the twins Lisa and Harry were born to Pugacheva and Galkin on September 18 last year with the help of a surrogate mother.