Events for the holiday. The script for the ransom of the bride is cool for youth in a private house The coolest ransom of the bride is the scenario

The time for traditional buyouts is over. Less and less often, modern girls are waiting for their betrothed at the window of an apartment in a high-rise building. Bridesmaids are increasingly making the place of action of the ransom not the entrance, but almost the whole city.

The purpose of these experiments is make the ransom a valuable part of the wedding, interesting and memorable.

We offer several options for cool scenarios for the ransom of the bride.

"These people don't live here"

The ransom begins quite simply: the groom arrives at the house of his betrothed, but neither the girlfriends of the future wife, nor festive posters on the entrance doors meet him here. And in general, there is no activity near the house.

The groom goes up to the apartment of the girl (or her parents), where a completely unfamiliar woman in a dressing gown and curlers opens the door and claims that such people do not live here and never lived, she knows nothing about the wedding.

When the discouraged groom is about to leave, the woman is interested in his name and, as it were, remembers that a letter had arrived in his name the day before.

The letter contains instructions for finding his future wife, which can be:

  • In the form of a map that will lead the groom to the place where the bride is hiding;
  • The encrypted address of the girl's location;
  • Description of the place where the bride is located, indicating the distinctive details - an unusual advertising sign, a memorial place for lovers, etc.;

When the groom solves the riddle and finds his beloved in the house of a girlfriend or the wedding suite of the hotel, several competitions from the traditional ransom can be arranged for him already on the spot.

To implement this idea, several conditions are required:

  • Iron nerves and / or the groom's sense of humor;
  • An artistic relative who can believably play the “resident” of her apartment and not “split” in the process;
  • Enough time before the registry office.

"Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends"

It is worth doing the preparation of this ransom the day before.

Late in the evening, the groom's friends receive an SMS from the bride with a request to call at a certain address before the ceremony in order to pick up some small change, say, to decorate wedding cars. Each of the friends in SMS has its own address.

In the morning, at the appointed place, one bridesmaid waits for each of them, who hands him a piece of the card or part of the encryption. The girl herself can discreetly hide another part of the card in one of the pockets of her future husband's wedding suit.

Only by collecting a card or encryption in full, the groom will be able to understand where to look for his beloved.

In case one of the groom's friends does not have time to arrive at their destination or loses their part of the map, one of the bridesmaids should be delivered to the place where the men gather. She has the right to tell the groom, she has copies of the card or encryption, but she also has nicely designed receipts.

In the receipts - the promises of the future husband regarding the joint life:

  • give money for clothes;
  • carry abroad;
  • wash dishes and others.

The groom receives a hint only after he signs one of these papers. How many tips - so many receipts.

Ideally, the groom collects a card and goes to meet his beloved. If time permits, before the young couple unite, you can make the groom a few more tests for stamina and generosity.

This one is especially effective and organic. the ransom fits into a gangster-style wedding which is now gaining popularity. Then the card should be accompanied by an action-packed legend that, for example, the mafia leader stole a beautiful bride for a ransom.

A complex prop is not required to implement this ransom scenario. It is only necessary to competently and interestingly think over the map, as well as work on the design and content of the receipts.

Cool ransom of the bride "Crazy day, or Marriage ..."

This ransom requires a long and careful preparation, as well as a few friends who are adventurous and have at least modest acting talent.

The bottom line is that on the segment between his own house and the threshold behind which his beloved is waiting for him, everything tells the groom that his wedding day is the most unusual and crazy.

This path may not necessarily consist of a road from the groom's house to the bride's house. It may be a path of one entrance, but what a one!

For example, at the exit from the house, a girl (or grandmother) selling flowers can stick to the groom. Her task is to persuade the groom to buy flowers for the bridesmaids.

At the entrance to the house of the betrothed, the groom's wedding cortege is stopped by a traffic police officer and, after inspection, asks to pass sweets for the bridesmaids, after which he lets go.

At the entrance to the entrance of the future wife, there are two supposedly gypsies who pester the groom with an offer to “see fate” and, prophesying a lot of good things for him, demand to gild the pen.

Finally, in front of the door of the apartment, the groom meets girlfriends who demand flowers and sweets. The groom's friends should be aware in advance that many surprises await their friend, so their task is to assist all met people in their requirements.

The tradition of ransoming the bride has come down to us since ancient times. The whole village took part in a peculiar performance, especially if the groom was from another village. This was accompanied by singing, shouting, fun, ditties, sayings. At first, the groom was not allowed into the village, blocking the road, he had to pay off everyone. The bride's relatives arranged various trials for the groom, and when he overcame them with the help of his boyfriend, they showed respect to the winner by offering water for washing. Bolted gates, demands for sweets by children, riddles of relatives, ransom from bridesmaids, guessing the bride among veiled female figures - this is not a complete list of all exams for the groom. In this he is helped by a friend and volunteers from the audience. Money, sweets, and various trinkets were used for ransom. At present, the ancient tradition has undergone changes, modernized, but has not lost its meaning.

In contact with

The ransom of the bride is, first of all, a comic performance that creates a festive atmosphere. Therefore, when organizing it, some details should be provided so as not to spoil the holiday.

  1. The organization of this part of the holiday is usually carried out by the witness and the bridesmaids, but it may be better to consult on this matter with the bride, who knows best of all what her future husband is capable of, so as not to get into a mess.
  2. It is necessary to carefully calculate the time of the competition, so as not to rush then to the registry office, having crumpled the solemn exit, take into account the time of the road so that the perpetrators of the holiday have time to solemnly, slowly get out of the car.
  3. Redemption does not have to be tedious and long, its task is to create an atmosphere of celebration and fun.
  4. Think about fallback buyback options in advance in case of unforeseen situations, if something goes wrong.
  5. Think over all the little things in advance, make a list of everything you need according to the scenario, up to a beautiful folder with the scenario, a bag for money, sweets, i.e. buyout results.
  6. It is better to let the friend of the groom know what they need to prepare for the ransom, so as not to completely stun the groom's retinue with your imagination. If, for example, a bunch of carrots is required to ransom the bride's eyebrows, then it will be funnier when the groom presents one than he will pay a banal fine in his absence.
  7. The genre of the performance must be determined in advance so that there is time for preparation. At the same time, it is good to take into account the tastes of the bride, who will be able to rejoice from the bottom of her heart watching the action in the recording, providing, by the way, for her.

Scenario 1. “Flower shop”


  • flower shop sign
  • paper daisy with questions on the petals
  • certificate of "amateur grower"
  • empty flower pots
  • flower pots
  • paper flowers with different scents

The groom should take care of coins, sweets and other little things.
The groom approaches the entrance of his beloved, on which there is a sign "Flower Shop", next to him sits a witness or another girl with the inscription "sales assistant" on the badge. She displays and advertises her product. When asked what the groom wants to buy, he calls the name of the bride. The girl says that this is the most expensive item in the store, released only upon presentation of the document "amateur gardener". The groom doesn't have one. Then the consultant offers to pay a fine. The groom has sweets and champagne ready. He is asked to take another exam. The girl takes turns asking questions written on chamomile petals, the questions relate to the floral theme. For example, where did Thumbelina live, what flowers are the messengers of separation, etc. etc.
Now task number 2 is practical. They approach the stairs, the consultant invites the groom to climb the stairs, naming affectionate compliments to his beloved. The task was completed, the groom was not taken aback. He is solemnly issued a certificate of an amateur gardener.
He then proves that he loves his flower. The lover is offered several paper flowers sprinkled with various perfume scents. Among them are the bride's favorite perfumes. The groom must guess this smell. When he does, they must go to the doors of the bride's apartment, which are locked. The host is pretending to be looking for the key. Then he sees several flower pots filled with various little things. She hints that she can let the lover look for the key to the treasured door himself if he pays for the key. The groom presents the girl and her assistants with gifts. Then he looks for the key in the pots. Moreover, you can offer them to him in turn, demanding a fine for each mistake. Finally, the key is found. The presenter, admonishing the young man, saying that he bought a rare flower that cannot be returned or exchanged, he needs to be looked after, to give affectionate words.

Scenario 2. Treasure Island.

The action can take place in the apartment of the bride, her neighbor or girlfriend. The groom is given a card, according to which he must find his treasure - his beloved. The young man goes through a series of tasks on this card, which are given to him by the bridesmaids. With each task, he approaches the cherished goal. Competitions can be:

  • to dance to music, for example, the dance of little swans
  • guess the bride's handprint from several offered to choose from
  • one of the friends asks questions regarding their shared dates, events, the bride's favorite things, her favorite flowers, etc. For each wrong answer, the groom has to pay a fine.
  • the lover is offered three glasses, in one of which the drink is sweet, in the other - sour, in the third - salty. You need to drink the contents, and the facial expression should be happy, because. the test subject is told that this is a test of love: with what face will you drink, such a facial expression will be in family life
  • the groom is given an apple pierced with matches. Among them there is one short one. The young man is looking for a short match. With every mistake, he must name a compliment for his beloved
  • several hands are extended to the lover from behind the screen, one of them is the hand of the betrothed. Guessing her, he gets his treasure

Scenario 3. “The youngest and most beautiful”

A ransom is demanded from the groom in front of the bride's door. But the size of the ransom does not suit the girlfriends. A young man is led out with a girl of about 10, dressed up as a bride, and they say that this is his bride. The groom claims that his bride is older. Then the girl is replaced by a woman in years, dressed as a bride. The groom says that his bride is the most beautiful. Then he is given a task.. For example, an apple is hung on a rope. The young man must take a bite from an apple without the help of his hands. Then he is offered several children's photographs, among which there is a photograph of the bride. The lover must guess where the bride is depicted. After that, the bride is taken out to him.

Scenario 4. “Human Resources”

The groom approaches the table with the inscription: Cool Brides LLC. At the table, the bridesmaid is the head of the personnel department (1P). Nearby is her assistant (2P). 1P addresses the lover with the question of whether he really claims to be the husband of Anastasia (bride's name). He answers in the affirmative.
Then he must pass an interview-check for the necessary qualities for this:

  1. Eloquence. Call the full name of the wife. 2P shows in turn cards with the letters of the name. For each of them you need to name a word-characteristic of the future wife. If problems arise with one of them, then it is replaced by another, while the groom pays a fine.
  2. Memory. The subject is shown numbers that are somehow related to the bride. You need to answer what each of them means. For example, 12 is the day of dating, 25 is the age of the bride, etc. Wrong answers will result in a fine.
  3. Foreign language skills. The groom is given cards with gibberish written on them, saying that this is a declaration of love in different languages. It is necessary to read loudly and with feeling what is written on the cards. You can, however, use cards with a real declaration of love in foreign languages. It all depends on the groom's ability to read them.
  4. The groom will have to carry his beloved everywhere. Therefore, a test of his driving skills follows. The young man is offered to show the skill of parking. There are several toy cars on the table. There is a gap between them where you need to bring a small car on a rope. If the groom fails to complete the task, he pays a fine.
  5. Groom's vocal test. After all, he will need to sing lullabies to children. The tested young man is given a lollipop as a microphone, he must sing a lullaby, you can make a comic alteration of a song. The lyrics of the song must be prepared in advance.
    Tests passed. The head of the personnel department, after consulting with his colleague, hands the applicant an order to enroll him in the LLC for the position of Anastasia's husband (wife's name).

Scenario 5. “The key to family happiness”

There is a padlock on the door that says "family happiness". You need to find the key to it in order to get to the bride.

  1. The groom is given a box with the first test - for compatibility. Before him are photographs, face down, turning which you need to find your image. With each unsuccessful attempt, an explanation follows why this applicant is not suitable for the bride. Having found his photo, the groom must argue that he is the best choice for the bride. Photos should be funny, for example, Kashchei the Immortal, a hedgehog, etc.
  2. Willingness to leave the bachelor life. The ball with the inscription "bachelor life" must be hit in the bucket. An unsuccessful attempt is punishable by a fine.
  3. Readiness for family life. The lover is quickly asked questions about the future family life, such as “will you bring the entire salary to the family?” etc. He must, without hesitation, answer "yes" or "no." The assistant presenter fixes the answers on a piece of paper with questions. Then the presenter reads everything in the form of a story about the future family life of the young, using the groom's answers. Mismatches cause laughter and, accordingly, a fine.
  4. Loyalty. Balloons with inscriptions of the "enemies" of family life are hung at the level of the young man's eyes: boredom, scandals, betrayals, jealousy, etc. Blindfolded, following the tips of his friends, the groom must find a ball with the inscription "family happiness". For wrong answers, as always, he pays a fine.
  5. War with life. The young man is handed a box with scissors, fishing line and pasta of different sizes. He should make a nice gift to the bride. It is supposed to be beads. In return, he receives a laurel wreath from his beloved.
    All the names of the tasks are in boxes like nesting dolls. In the smallest box the lover discovers a note with the following content: “The key to family happiness does not exist, just as there is no lock from it. All in your hands. Go to your bride."

There are a great many similar thematic and very funny scenarios for the ransom of the bride. But all of them will only benefit from saturation with their details, variations. It all depends on imagination, taste, opportunities, talents and much more. It is important that this performance be interesting, cheerful, set the tone for the entire upcoming celebration, which should be imprinted on a long, happy family life.

In contact with

Bow to you, gentlemen,
Where are you from and where?
If by - pass,
If to us - why, tell me.

The groom and his friends answer: (For the bride)

For the bride. That's great.
We are waiting for you, our clear falcon.
But the bride is far away
It's not easy to get to her.
To get her hands
You have to work hard.
Here's your first hurdle:
You need to open this door.
She creaks day and night.
What does it require? (Guilt).

The entrance door opens and the groom and guests are allowed inside.

(at the entrance) Witness: (ladder No. 1)
Here is the cherished ladder ...
Any word for each letter
You come up with love for the bride!
And if you can't, don't be offended
You have to part with your money!

Attach ready-made letters to the steps, the groom must climb the steps to say affectionate words to the bride.

Witness: (ladder #2).
What is the reason for this marriage
If only we could find out now...
You take out your heart
Read aloud solemnly!
Well, if it doesn't work...
So the next one is worth the money!

We hang a big heart in it 6 small ones with reasons, the groom must find the right one

Witness: between stairs #2 and #3
"Show your love. Tie the towel as tightly as you will love your future wife." …. "Now untie the towel as quickly as you will quickly stop your quarrels with your wife." ….
*(prepare a wet towel in advance)

Witness: (ladder #3)
Before going upstairs
Gather your thoughts.
Get up on the step
And read us a poem!
Ile people cheered
Tell us a joke...

Groom (answers something) or (pays a ransom)

Witness: between stairs #3 and #4
And now let him answer:
Where, when he met Yulia,
What are you wearing, did you notice?
How old was Yulia?

Witness: (ladder #4)
What are you going to do around the house, fiance, answer!
You go on a step and call a great deed!

The groom lists

Witness: between stairs #4 and #5.
Here, groom, a riddle for you:
Kiss Beloved Sweet
Among the lips of strangers' brides
Tell us soon

Poster on the wall with lips

Witness: (ladder #5)
And now another question
You, our dear groom,
Break your wild head
And guess all the numbers...
10 stairs -25 (bride's age)
9 stairs -17 (dating day)
8 stairs -10 (her birthday)
7stairs -6 (month of her birth)
6 stairs -35 (foot size)
5 ladder -164 (height)
4 stairs -28 (groom's age)
3 stairs -16 (bride's ring size)
2 stairs - 70 (number of guests invited to the wedding)
1st staircase - 20 (wedding day) and (application day)

Witness: (on the landing between stairs #5 and #6.)
If you want to go up, pay off richer.
And here is the name of the one about whom you dreamed so much.
You probably noticed him a long time ago?
Cover it with paper money
So that the daughter-in-law walks with her important.

The groom answers

Witness: (stairs #6)
You know everything about the bride... but can you guess the questions?
1. What are the bride's favorite flowers? (Roses)
2. Full name of the future mother-in-law? (Svetlana)
3. What color are the bride's eyes? (brown)
4. What is her favorite season? (Summer)
5. What is her shoe size? (35)
6. Where did the first meeting take place? (To rebellion)
7. Do you dream about your bride in a dream? (Yes)
8. What is your bride's favorite perfume? (Christian Dior or Miss Dior Cherry)
9. What will come first for the wife: family or work? (A family)
10. Name her favorite car brand (Mercedes)

Witness: between stairs #6 and #7
Prove you are the groom to us
What is smart beyond his years.
Put you in the basin for honor
Everything that is dear to the bride.
Wrong suddenly, my friend,
So get your wallet ready

The groom must stand in the basin

Witness: (stairs #7)
"Stop, groom, don't move, your bride lives here...
Only the key is here for now .... You get it first "... (the balls lie on the stairs to the door of the apartment)
*Put pieces of paper with some kind of ransom into the balloons, the Groom bursts the balloon after the balloon until he finds the balloon with the "key".

Found the key ... the witness opens the door, everyone enters the apartment

Witness: (in front of the bride's door)
Here is the last hurdle
And all you need
Say the magic words
The door will open by itself.
Groom ... (Julia I Love You)
*(someone from the bride's room opens the door and the groom comes through... you can blow up the boom-feti at this moment)
Your fiancé promises - He will be gentle, he will be quiet.
He won't forget this day
He will carry money into the house.
No longer looks at others
Do not offend, do not deceive.
He took everything, as they say.
How do you like the groom?
Take care of the bride, groom,
From adversity and dashing storms.
To flourish, to bear fruit,
Well, let's go to the table
Let's pour some cups together.


Hello beautiful fellow!
Why are you as quiet as a rainy day?
Where have you been and what have you found
And why did you come here?

For the bride.


For the bride, you say?
Well, what will you give us?
Get ready to ransom
To take the bride!
Did you bring good?
Answer my question
Who are you called, who are you?
Why did you complain to us?

The groom answers.

First friend:

We do not know the groom at all
And we want to know everything about him.
Let a friend witness slowly
He will list the merits of the groom.
If a friend does not name ten qualities in advance,
There will be a full turn from the threshold to the gate.
The witness names the qualities of the groom.

First friend:

And you, friends, what are you worth,
Come on, praise your friend!
Friends praise the groom.

Second friend:

And how friends suffer
They know neither sleep nor rest.
If we give them a drink,
Then, come on, let's persuade.
A tape is stretched across the corridor.


Well thanks, come on in
But neither jump nor crawl
You are not allowed! And no scissors...
So think how to go!
The groom must burn the ribbon.
If you don't guess, you pay.
The groom enters the entrance.
He is met by the husband of a friend.

Posters on the walls:
"(Groom's name) Stop! Well-wisher"
“Remember, all future children are yours. Neighbor"
“Now they put a collar on you too. (Name of the bride's dog)."

Friend's husband draws the attention of the groom
on posters and dissuades him.
They reach the door to the bride's apartment.


Well, (groom's name), you didn't give in
And he was going to get married.
So that no one doubts
You confess your love!
Shout loudly, do not melt:
“(Name of the bride)! I love you!"
The groom must shout so
For the bride to hear.

First friend:

Something bad he screams
Maybe a sore throat?
If so, then pay
You put down her name!

They give a tray, and you need to put a name on it with money.


Here you stand at the door
How to open them sooner?
Here are the hearts
They have the keys
To get them - pay!
Choose patches -
Pick the right key.

When the groom finds the key, they go into the corridor.

There are three glasses on the table. In one - salty water, in the other - sweet, in the third - sour.

Second friend:

Here are the glasses! Choose
And drink some water!
With what face do you drink it,
So you will live life with (name of the bride)!

The groom drinks and pays for each next glass.

Third friend:

To have a sweet life -
Make it so that from a glass
The water has flowed!

The groom is given an almost full glass, the groom must guess to throw in coins. He then enters the room...

First friend:

We ask the groom to stand on a stool.
Now let's see how he is dressed.
Yes, the suit is great
It's just lovely how it sits.
White shirt, eyes with fire,
And he has a mobile with him,
In general, we can be calm
The groom looks quite worthy:


Or maybe you're not the one
What are you called?
Are you seeking a bride with malicious intent?
To prove your right
You must describe the bride.
The groom describes the bride.


Yes, and we are in this very place.
We swear that the bride
Cheerful, slim, sweet,
And the mind, and all took.
We value the bride
We just won't give it up!

Second friend:

And the bride is far away
It's hard to get to her
To get her hands
You have to work hard!
For the brides ringing laughter
Give us candy for all of you!
For the bride's smile
Give us a bar of chocolate!
For the bride's muzzle
Give me the green paper.
For beautiful legs
Give each friend a three.
Give us copper money,
So that we can see that you are not poor!
For the bride's gait
Give me a bottle of vodka!
For (name of the bride) clear eyes
Give beautiful poetry.

Third friend:

Poems are well read
Are you dancing well?
You dance to us more cheerfully
"Dance of the Little Swans!"
To get the bride
You must jump like a goose.
Yes, ask your friends
To go along with you!

The groom and his friends perform the "Dance of the Little Swans" to their own accompaniment.

First friend:

And the bride is beautiful today,
You will love her dress.
So what a smart bride's dress
Give us grape wine!
The groom serves wine.


Yes, the wine is not Khukhry-Mukhry!
You must call the council
Name eight brands of wine!
The groom names the brands of wines.

Second friend:

How do you know so much?
Maybe you use it?
We don't need drunkards
Rogues, drunks
Go back or sing a song -
We leave the choice to you.
There is only one topic here.
About love and everything.
The groom sings a song.


Well, (name of the groom), well done!
You are a real singer!
We like your songs
Well, let's move on together.
Sang us a song about love -
Where there is love, there are kisses.
You kissed the bride
Enjoyed that moment
Now you look here
Find the kiss you need!

They take out sheets with imprints of lips, and the groom chooses a kiss for the bride.

First friend:

Are you an artist by any chance?
If today you are a hero -
Draw with your hand
Portrait dear!

A sheet is brought out, and the groom draws a portrait of the bride.

Second friend:

That's it, the bride is waiting for you.
She is a beauty.
you painted a portrait
And portrayed her.
We found it for you
Take it and take it to the registry office!
Everyone enters the kitchen.

In the chair is the husband of a friend, disguised as a bride. The groom says that this bride is not suitable.

Third friend:

Doesn't fit? How so?
Okay, pay up.
Let's try to find it!
But first show us
How do you know everything about (name of the bride).

First friend:

What do all these numbers mean?
Come on, answer quickly!
Give money for mistakes.
Bring out the poster.
It has different numbers on it.
The groom guesses what they mean.
It could be the date of the bride's birth,
her apartment number, foot size,
passport number, date of acquaintance, etc.


Figured out the numbers
Questions have been taken!

- Mother-in-law's favorite fruits.
- The station where the bride's dacha is located.
- Favorite flowers of the bride.
- The bride's favorite soft drink.
- Favorite color of the bride.

First friend:

And in infancy, do you know what a beauty she was?
It is necessary to quickly guess, and kiss the portrait!

A rope is hung from the ceiling in the room, on it (on clothespins) there are five photographs of babies, one of which is a bride in infancy. The groom must first guess his sweetheart, and then jump and kiss her photo. If he can’t, then his friends give him a lift so that he gets to the photo. Each failed attempt is penalized.

Second friend:

Here's another task
Money to us, since failure.
There are many notes with different names in the hat.
Among them is the name of the bride.
It is necessary, without looking, to find a leaflet with her name.
For each wrong - a fine.

Third friend:

Well, everyone was pleased...
We announce to the people:
We have such a girl.
Go straight ahead, turn left here.
Here she is, her light,
Here the bride languishes.

The pelvis is taken out.

First friend:

Here you see this pelvis.
Put in it now
Neither goat nor lamb
Not a bad pig.
For the bride, put
What does she need for her soul?

The groom himself must stand in the basin.

First friend:

The cevesta lost her shoe,
And she punished her girlfriends
For you to save her
I found a shoe before the wedding -
Three packages in front of you.
Choose any one.

Three packages are being taken out. In one - slippers, in the other - a man's shoe, in the third - the bride.

Second girlfriend (if you chose slippers):

We didn't think, we didn't guess
What shoe are you looking for.
Secret thoughts, of course,
We know yours, my dear!
But, after all, in slippers, finally,
Not fit for marriage!
You, dear, pay off,
Grab another package.

Third girlfriend (if you chose a man's shoe):

Oh, what a grief -
This is Borya Moiseev
He presented us with a shoe.
Is that the girlfriend you were looking for?
No, you don't suffer from deviance.
You seem to know the way out.
You give us money
Choose another bag.

When the groom has found the right shoe, he can put her foot on the bride.


And now the road to the couple.
May only happiness await in life.
Well, we are all here in a herd
Let's pour some cups together.
Everyone drinks champagne.

If you want to redeem your beloved girlfriend, sister, daughter in an original and fun way, you will have to try hard. After all, in order for everything to turn out exactly as we recommend you in the scenario of the ransom of the bride, you need to make all your efforts, diligence and talent. By the way, if there is no exact number for registration yet, take a look.
In the meantime, we are moving away from traditional daisies, balls at the entrance to the bride's entrance, basins of money and laces for the groom - our script for the ransom of the bride is cool 2017, youthful, creative and modern. So, first we organize assistants who will be responsible for certain areas of the ransom. The idea of ​​holding such a ransom is good because it is suitable for weddings of different youth styles, we will involve many wedding guests in the business, and we will give the groom the opportunity to demonstrate to his beloved his willingness to do anything for her smile and consent.

groom preparation

On the day of the wedding, we send our agent with a large wallet to the groom. It contains especially important vouchers. The agent explains to the groom that this is "money" that the groom will use to pay the bride's family. The vouchers are printed with promises of what the groom promises his bride to do after the wedding.

Vouchers - promises

“Darling, I undertake to cook breakfast every morning, and on Sundays to go to your mother, and allow her to visit us once a month for three to four weeks”

“I promise you that instead of football we will watch your favorite figure skating”

“My sunshine, from now on, cleaning the house is my favorite hobby”

“My bunny, your dog is now mine, now I love animals, especially walking with her in the morning”

“Remember: on Fridays, I will conduct aroma massage for you personally”

“Honey, I agree that you have nothing to wear, especially in winter. I'm going to buy a new coat."

“My kitty, I will never let you wash the dishes”

“Darling, I will sit with our future children on maternity leave”

"Beauty salon on Sundays - from now on I pay"

We hide the bride with two or three bridesmaids in the garden, near the house, or in a house on the playground, as anyone can. Make sure she has an umbrella in case it rains.

WITNESS: Who are these gentlemen who have come here?
Beer, vodka, chocolate - whatever you want, we'll give you everything!

The groom and witnesses answer that they need a bride.

WITNESS: Oh, bride, here you go. And she is not at home - our bride has disappeared. Although, wait, maybe we can get along and help you. They say that the groom has a special currency with which he can pay for our help?

The groom says that there is a special currency. Gives one voucher to the witness.

Security questions for the groom

1. How many months have passed since the first date with our fiancee?
2. On which day of the week did you apply to the registry office?
3. What course was the bride studying when you met?
4. What is the dorm room number?
5. The sum of the numbers of your and the bride's birthday?
6. What is your mother-in-law's house number?
7. What are the figures for your father-in-law's shoe size?

If the groom answers incorrectly, he pays off with a voucher with a promise for the bride.

WITNESS: So, our fiancé answered all the questions exactly. Let's name the password numbers (numbers of answers to security questions for the groom). For the correct answers, our groom receives a letter from the bride, in which there is a hint where to look for her.

Letter for the groom

“Darling, I know that you are ready for anything for my love. Today is the last time in my life when I feel your feelings. If you pass all the tests - I'm yours forever! Take the map, it indicates the next test object! Remember, I believe in you!"

your bride

"First Family Difficulties"

The witness and girlfriends hand the groom a bundle with a roughly outlined diagram of the house and the surrounding premises. On the map, the next test object is marked in red - an alley near the house. Along the length of the alley, ribbons are stretched between the trees.

WITNESS: They say that family life is not easy, anything can happen. But today you take on the responsibility of solving all family problems with ease. Now we will check if you are ready to unravel the difficult family situations and difficulties that you will have over time.

But, in order to overcome the problem, you need to purchase a tool. We will ask for a voucher for the instrument - a promise from the groom.

The groom agrees, he is handed a "tool" - scissors

WITNESS: Since you are a smart man, a well-known bachelor, we believe that you can overcome all difficulties even blindly. Therefore, we blindfold the groom, and invite you to start the task!

The groom, blindfolded, cuts all the ribbons with scissors. The eyes of the groom are untied, on the last tree a card is pinned with the following object - this is a dovecote.

"Doves of Love"

WITNESS: Well, dear groom, the next object is a dovecote. In order to get doves for the wedding ceremony, you will have to overcome all the steps on the stairs of the dovecote. Moreover, on each step you must compliment our bride. You need to start each phrase with the words: “Do you know what kind of bride I have?” And, further - your version of a compliment for your future wife.

The groom, together with the guests, goes to the dovecote, which, of course, is located on the territory of the bride's yard.

The groom begins to climb the stairs, calling compliments to his bride on each step.
For this obstacle, you should prepare the dovecote in advance, make sure that the stairs that lead to the door are as clean as possible. In the dovecote, a pair of trained pigeons in a cage should be prepared. A bundle is tied to the pigeon's paw with the following test object - the Gypsy's hut, which is located on the territory of the yard, among the trees

Gypsy Hut

WITNESS: We see that our groom is ready for anything for the sake of the bride, so he has stocked doves for the ceremony. But are you ready to visit the local Gypsy? And at the same time, and a hint on the road to buy? Great, then let's go!

The groom with the witnesses goes to the hut (tent). There they are met by a Gypsy and her friends (dressed in rags, a wig, a relative or friend of the bride with a glued nose, as well as girls in gypsy costumes. You can accompany all this with gypsy music and dances)

Gypsy: Oh, what a handsome and young man came to us! And what lads he brought! I see, I see - your mind is inexhaustible, your knowledge is great, and your ingenuity is invincible! Deftly you cope with the tasks that your bride has prepared for you!

Yes, I don’t want to upset you in advance, but ... Your bride has been greatly damaged. What are we going to do, honey?

The groom asks the Gypsy to help. Gypsy agrees

GYPSY: Okay, okay, I see you're a good guy. I will help you. But if you pay us well! Girls, bring me devices for removing spoilage!

Girls dressed in gypsy costumes carry out a basin of water and a terry towel. The gypsy begins to conjure over the pelvis.

Gypsy: “I conjure, I conjure, I cleanse the bride from dark forces, I attract to the groom. Get away dark power, stay pure love. I see in the eyes of your beloved quarrel and resentment.
Yes, the dark force took away love from her heart, hardened the heart of a girl. Oh, and it will not be sweet for you, dear! Looks like I know how to help. We'll have to use witchcraft, all your gypsy strength.
We will perform one old gypsy ritual with you. Take this towel, moisten it with healing water.
The groom takes a towel, wets it in a bowl of water.

Gypsy: And now, my dear, tie this towel tightly into knots. Look, tightly, so that it does not come loose - as tightly as you love your bride!

The groom, trying hard, tightly ties the wet towel.

Gypsy: Well done, groom, your strength is a heroic one. But this was only the first part of the ceremony. Now you need to untie this towel as quickly as you will calm down all family quarrels.

The groom, with zeal, begins to untie the tied knots. The Gypsy gives only 15 seconds to complete the task, for every five seconds of delay, you need to pay with vouchers. Witnesses can help the groom only with advice.
Having coped with the task, the groom receives from the Gypsy a card with the next test object - a darts platform.

Accuracy is the main advantage of the groom

WITNESS: We see, dear groom, that our bride did not choose you in vain. Here's another test for you - there are seven balls in front of you, they contain answers to the question why did you decide to get married after all. So, accuracy and willpower will help you!

The groom takes a dart, starts throwing it at the ball. Each of them contains a note. Each reading of the note is commented on by the Witness.

Ball 1. “Because I love my mother-in-law. All my life I've dreamed of this."