Posters "my first year". The first birthday of a child Wall newspaper for the birthday of a child 1 year old

The first birthday of a child can be called a children's holiday with a big stretch - most often it's just a sincere family feast, which makes sense to fill with all sorts of touching moments.

I looked at a hundred articles describing a birthday for 1 year, and I can conclude that there are well-established traditions for this occasion. All scenarios are too similar...

I can’t write a universal scenario for such a case, so I’ll sketch out, as usual, a few interesting ideas, and you can choose for yourself.

How to decorate a room for a 1 year old baby's birthday

Firstly, it is the first birthday of the baby that cannot do without balloons, so get inspired in my article.

Secondly, a large decorative number "1" or the first letter of your child's name on such a day is not just decoration. These are significant symbols in the life of a little man. Here are 50 pictures.

Thirdly, I am against family photos against the backdrop of furniture, wallpaper and curtains. .

My children have already matured, but I suddenly thought that at the age of one I would decorate the room like this: the sun (a big yellow ball), clouds from bundles of blue and white balls, grass and flowers from long sausage balls and inflatable animals in this colorful forest ...

Finished paper decorations

It is now fashionable and affordable, but you can’t tell in a nutshell. All decorations are quite LARGE. If you are interested, I have a selection of pictures and decorating tips in these articles (follow the red links):

I wish you pleasant viewing (click on the red words):


Paper multi-colored

And here's another

Do you know what fantas are?

Ready-made kits for children's birthday

Fortunately, all this can be bought ready-made, the topics are very different. Let your guests be in funny caps, hang the inscription “Happy Birthday” on the wall, lay out bright napkins on the table, and stick spikes in the form of clowns, umbrellas or flags in the canapes.

Photo Madness

Young parents usually take a lot of pictures of a child up to a year old. We use these pictures to decorate the holiday and entertain guests.

When I was preparing to write an article, I looked through a huge number of man-made wall newspapers that mothers designed for their one-year-old children. Amazing fantasy and golden hands, you will find pictures without difficulty.

Here are ideas for wall newspapers:

  • a train and 12 wagons with a photo of each month of a child's life
  • palm tree marked with height and weight
  • carriage in which the birthday girl rides
  • starry sky (naturally, all photos are cut out in the form of stars and in the birthday rocket)
  • balloon on which the hero of the day flies
  • photo in the center of the flower, in the egg (instead of the chicken)
  • 12 pictures of a child on a watch face
  • film with frames
  • calendar (photo of each month)

For me personally, the design of a wall newspaper is too time-consuming, so I make computer photo presentations.

Presentation Topics:

"Everyone is 1 year old!" (Find photos of yourself, photos of siblings, photos of your parents, uncles and aunts with only 1 year olds). Firstly, it's fun, and secondly, it's easy to find out who looks like whom. Here, for example, how my husband's nephew looks like his uncle (between photo shoots - 40 years).

"How I Grew Up"(here collect the best shots from the hospital to the present day)

Another way to impress your guests!

I must say right away that it took me a LOT of time to create such a tree, but not only I am satisfied with the result, but also everyone who was directly involved in the birth of my Katyusha. I found a photo of great-great-great... who were born in the 19th century seven generations ago. From experience I can advise: do not take photos of brothers and sisters! Draws! Here it is important to gather exactly those relatives, without whose participation your child would not have been born.

Just imagine, two families (on the part of mom and dad) united in one branchy tree thanks to a little man ... I must say right away that I don’t have a template, I drew in Photoshop from scratch. In the finished version, there are also oak leaves. I removed them to make it easier for you to see the essence of the tree. Relatives of the same generation are connected by thin lines, so it's clearer.

Here is a little more expensive: with the image of the baby, souvenirs are ordered (something goes for gifts and prizes to guests): key rings, cups, T-shirts, plates and pillows, calendars and notebooks. By the way, you can simply enter the name of the child in the finished design.

Another option that touches all the guests is posing on a rocking horse. Hint to your relatives, let someone give the baby such a gift (by the way, the tradition has been going on since the time of Peter I, on such a horse the prince was jokingly dedicated to the military leaders of all Russia). My son looks amazing! Photos from an old phone, sorry for the quality :-).

Fashionable sweet table (candy bar)

If you find a place in the room that the baby cannot reach, I strongly advise you to arrange a festive sweet table. There are colors for boys and girls. Of course, we won’t offer any of this to children, but it’s beautiful how ... You can easily find many examples of thematic design for the first birthday. .

It is both decoration and treat. If you are in Moscow, call, we will do everything in the best possible way :-). Here are examples of the work of our decorator (general design and candy bar in the same style):

Birthday script 1 year

You can start with the "official part". It is always interesting to know which famous people were born on this day. For example, on September 2, in addition to my son, Valentin Gaft, Proklova, composer Andrei Petrov and the brilliant Leonov were born. And Keanu Reeves is also nice. This information can be beaten: “Probably, Vova has a great acting future ...”

And with their daughter Katya, Galileo Galilei, Savva Morozov and Mikhail Naryshkin were born on the same day. It already smacks of ingenuity and entrepreneurship ...

All interesting information about the day when your child was born can be found at (Just find the day you need in the calendar on the left. By the way, it will be interesting for guests to find out about yourself, entertain them too).

The most solemn part

As you understand, a long feast is tiring for a baby, and shooting toasts looks rather boring. My suggestions: in order for the memory of the event to be preserved for many years, wait for the moment when the child is cheerful and full, take him in your arms and stand in the center of the room. We will place all the guests around with a beautiful candle in our hands (symbolizes 1 year of a child’s life and just sincerely). Point the camera at the first guest, he says a concise congratulation, blows out the candle. Move the camera to the next congratulatory.

This is a chance to shoot a beautiful family video and listen to all the wishes in a row in a compressed version. Let some famous melody arranged for kids (bells) sound in the background. In my opinion, any song from the Beatles for Babies - Yesterday is very suitable, for example:

The child will look with interest at the candles and the very moment of blowing out. By the way, later, when you need to blow on a candle on a cake, he doesn’t need to explain anything :-). It remains only to help, since the forces to pay off on their own are still not enough.

Choir and orchestra

I offer a sincere performance of the song "Sleep my joy, sleep." Turn on karaoke, distribute “musical instruments” to all guests: spoons, rattles, bottles, rustling baby food packages, and so on. Something that the child used all year. The main thing is that objects can make a muffled sound.

During the performance of this song, people begin to imitate the famous moment from the movie "Garage", give out charming echoes and losses. The kid, of course, also needs some kind of "rattle".

Folk dance

For some reason, it seems to me very important on such a day to emphasize the connection with the ancestors, and guests of all generations immediately come to life, leave the place at the festive table for the sake of an incendiary national dance.

Let the child in the arms of an adult be imbued with "Lady", "Lezginka", "Hava Nagila" or "Gopak", which is closer to you. Both adults have fun, and the kid stomps a couple of times under the folk hits that have been proven over the years.

And if you are not too lazy to do folk costume according to the size of a one-year-old dancer… it will be unforgettable!

or this dance...

Until now, I will not forget the tears of emotion when, in the first minutes of the celebration of the girl’s birthday, I turned on Antonov’s song “Anastasia”, and in front of all the guests who had just sat down at the table, a wonderful couple appeared - a young handsome dad with a baby in his arms in a slow dance:

Life is wide open to me,
You came, spring is more beautiful.
Birds in the sky are chirping: "Nastya",
Herbs echo: "Anastasia."

Yes, the girl is called Anastasia, she is already finishing school, but everyone remembers this moment!

Not every name has a song, but since then, the presenters have simply turned on the “slow”, to which the couple dances: mother and son, father or grandfather with a girl, sometimes an older brother (if the difference is 15 years, and this happens). You get the gist. It must be HUGE! Ants and all...

Let's laugh a little

I confess that I found this collection on Vkontakte, I don’t know the author, but if it appears, I will be happy to indicate the name of this witty person on the site. The person imagined what topics would be on the forum if it was organized by kids under one year old. It was very funny to my guests, and, of course, I tried to read as artistically as possible.

These are the topics that could be on the forum for children up to a year :-):

  1. “Trying to feed me cauliflower: how to react?!”
  2. “I didn’t poop for only 2 days, how to escape from a straw, Dufalac, enema, etc.?”
  3. “How do you like the Chico Polly chair?”
  4. “Going to the district clinic. Boiled"
  5. “My bare-ass pictures are on the Internet. How to deal with it?
  6. "Titya is separated from her mother - is this possible?"
  7. “Do they kiss you on the ass?”
  8. "Tell me a speech therapist for my grandmother"
  9. "How many phones have you sucked on already?"
  10. “How to learn to sleep without releasing the chest? As soon as I fall asleep, it falls out "
  11. “What position to take in a dream so that everyone at home looks and is touched. Sharing experience»
  12. “Wash every day. Are there any other dirty ones?


For this moment, it is better to remove the festive outfit from the child.

Prepare a beautiful frame for the future masterpiece. For 3-4 saucers (disposable plates are also suitable), smear a thin layer of finger paints of different colors to get high-quality prints of a child's hand. Help dip the pen into the paint and make a print on a sheet of paper. Once dry, invite guests to write their names.


This is an old and rather fun entertainment, so it is quite possible to invite guests to guess the fairy-tale heroes and the names of the most famous fairy tales that have suffered from semantic shifters:

  • "Green Socks" - "Little Red Riding Hood"
  • "Penza Artists" - "Bremen Town Musicians"
  • "Calm Pierrot" - "The Adventures of Pinocchio"
  • "Veerzila" - "Thumbelina"
  • "Light Berry" - "Scarlet Flower"
  • "Penguins-ostriches" - "Geese-swans"
  • "Soup in a saw" - "Porridge from an ax"
  • "Vanya and the Hare" - "Masha and the Bear"
  • "Girl with a leg" - "Boy with a finger"
  • "Monochrome Fish" - "Ryaba Hen"
  • "Sunny King" - "Snow Queen"
  • "Dog Shelter" - "Cat's House"
  • "Mouse in the Hat" - "Puss in Boots"
  • "Copper Bird" - "Goldfish"

Divination and predictions

First, I propose to hold a contest among the guests “Who will the birthday boy be” (meaning the profession). We write down all assumptions. And now, according to the old tradition, lay out household items in front of the child that symbolize the occupation. Here, for example, what my imagination was enough for:

  • Money (you can have a photocopy of a banknote) - financier, economist, accountant
  • Tassel is a famous artist
  • Book (notebook) - famous writer, poet, journalist
  • Photo frame - fashion photographer
  • Jar with vitamins - doctor
  • Comb - make-up artist, hair stylist
  • Beautiful little thing (mirror, figurine) - interior designer
  • Keys - builder, designer
  • Machine - automotive business
  • Candy - confectioner, cook
  • Spoon - restaurant business
  • Seal (children's stamp) - lawyer, judge, notary
  • Lighter (preferably empty) - fireman
  • Flashlight - Cop
  • Glasses - scientist, researcher, teacher
  • Computer mouse - programmer
  • Toy dog ​​- veterinarian, trainer
  • Phone (toy, of course) - businessman, leader
  • Doll dress - fashion designer
  • Pistol (toy tank, epaulette) - military

The guest who is closest to the correct answer wins. Prize to him!

You can also give out jokes. Print pictures of cars, houses, vacuum cleaners, TV sets and pot sets. Invite each guest to draw one card with the words: I will give him (her) for the wedding .... car!"

Vase for memory

It's time to leave a memorable collective souvenir for the baby. Purchase a plain white ceramic vase with no pattern and china and ceramic markers. Pass the vase in a circle right at the festive table. Let the guests leave their wishes, signatures and small drawings. The vase can be replaced with a separate white cup, plate or tray.

I bought special markers for decor, they are in large stationery stores.


Well, everything should be traditional here, the birthday of 1 year at this moment is similar to all the other 99 :-). Song, blow out the candle. You can turn on the Barbarikov song: "Happy Birthday" for the background.

Of course, I want the cake to be the most original, beautiful and delicious. Confectioners usually say - "we will make any cake", and you and I spend hours on the Internet, flipping through pictures in search of an interesting idea.

Now in every city there are pastry shops that offer absolutely fantastic stories, you just need to find it!

Gifts for guests

My sister handed out these chocolates to everyone:

She gives everyone a template. Enter any name, insert a photo of the child in Photoshop, and the file can be downloaded on my Yandex Disk (the file is in layers, it will open only in Photoshop.

It's all! If I remember anything else, I'll add it! Happy birthday to your baby! Let him be happy!

P.S. By the way, have you thought about what to give?

Do-it-yourself wall newspaper for the birthday of a child from 1 year old is the most long-awaited gift for the favorite holiday of all children and, of course, the task of loving parents is to make this carnival fun, bright and memorable. A wall newspaper will become an excellent decoration and memory for many years.

Making wall newspapers for a child's birthday

There are many interesting ideas for inventing congratulatory wall newspapers, at least for 2-3 years, at least 5-6 years, the whole thing is limited only by imagination and time. First you need to decide whether the wall newspaper will be in handwritten or typewritten version.

For those who have artistic skills, time and desire, you can draw a newspaper yourself.

There are many ready-made layouts for a newspaper on the wall on a crumbs birthday, you can find them on the Internet and simply print them out. If you still want to do everything yourself, then there are a few basic points for preparing a birthday greeting poster that you need to complete.


  1. First you need to choose a layout for the wall newspaper, you can either print it or draw a poster yourself.
  2. The next step is the selection of photos, portraits and images of interesting moments in the life of a small child.
  3. Next, you need to dilute our newspaper with pictures of popular cartoons and superheroes.
  4. Now you can add funny congratulatory rhymes.

Using this template, you can create a theme for a child for any holiday date, but it is more suitable for children aged 3 years and older. You can come up with layouts for a future newspaper on the wall on a computer in any of the well-known graphic editors.

Wall newspaper for a one-year-old child

Even if the baby is only a year old, then for such a crumb you can make a cool holiday poster. From birth to a year old, children develop rapidly, grow by leaps and bounds, and change from time to time. To implement the idea of ​​​​such a wall newspaper, you can use the following ideas. Photos depicting each month, denoting the development of the baby. They can be arranged in the form of a chamomile, where each petal will be one month of life, or depicted in the form of a clock.

Images of the most important stages of development in the first year of a baby's life are popular:

  • First bath;
  • Little step;
  • Smile.

Photos with my grandparents. Graphs in the form of photos with changes in weight, height, appearance of teeth. Also prints with small legs, baby hands. For a birthday, a newspaper on the wall for a child will be an excellent holiday decoration, it will give a lot of positive emotions even at the stage of creation, it will be an original addition to the main gift. For many more years it will warm the memories of you, little one.

Most often, mothers do the design of the anniversary. But dads unobtrusively hint that the baby still does not understand anything in order to arrange a colorful show, but, surprisingly, they are happy to take part in the preparation.

But you really want to congratulate your son beautifully on his birthday, a year old. And here interesting design ideas and thematic options for holding the boy’s first birthday will come to the rescue.

Traditional birthday decoration for 1 year old

Definitely, a thematic birthday requires strict adherence to the chosen direction.

Therefore, some parents prefer the traditional festive decoration of the holiday.

An entourage made in a certain color scheme will look much more concise.

It is better to choose colors that are not poisonous, not too bright, so as not to distract the baby.

Pastel, muted tones are ideal. You can stop at white, green, brown and honey tones. It is not necessary to make jewelry in boyish blue shades.

Play with colors, combine several options.

All decorations must be large enough and safe.

Remember that the baby learns the world not only visually, but also by touch.

The child will try to touch and even taste the scenery.

Therefore, be sure to consider this and avoid the use of glass, fragile jewelry.

Balloons, streamers with congratulations, various flags and pompoms are ideal. Children really like various animals made of balls, as well as huge balls filled with smaller ones or toys.

Just keep in mind that the child may be scared if such decor suddenly bursts.

Be sure to make a play area for kids.

Here you can install a toy house, an inflatable slide, ladders, structures made of large cubes.

If the holiday takes place in the summer and on the street, a pool, a swing, a sandbox will do.

How to congratulate a boy on his first birthday in an original way: choose a theme

But if you want to congratulate your son on his first birthday in a non-standard way, choose the right theme.

After all, thematic holidays are always distinguished by their creativity and originality.

We offer several themes that are ideal for organizing a boy's first birthday.

Creating an atmosphere of mysterious space is not so difficult.

It is enough to figure out how to convey the beauty of the starry sky. You can make heavenly bodies in the form of stars, comets, planets from ordinary cardboard. Give them shine by pasting with foil or decorating with fluorescent spray paint.

These neon-effect jewelry will glow in the dark. Also, finished figures can simply be sprinkled with broken Christmas tree decorations, crushed into crumbs.

The main color of the holiday will be blue, diluted with white and silver. In tone, we make flags with the image of stars or in the form of small space rockets. The same rockets and stars will decorate treats.

And we dress the baby with a small astrologer. We prepare caps with stars for guests.

Happy birthday to son for 1 year, like a little prince

Create a real fairytale kingdom for your little prince.

To make the setting reminiscent of ancient knightly times, make a real castle out of cardboard. It can be made voluminous or used as a background by placing it on a wall or curtains.

It is not necessary to make a whole fabulous town or huge buildings - a couple of towers will be enough.

Helium balloons look cool at the birthday of the little prince, on the ribbons of which you can stick fairy-tale figurines. To congratulate the baby, we are preparing a colorful thematic banner.

The main color schemes of such a holiday will include a combination of blue with silver and gold. It is in this color scheme with the image of crowns, coats of arms, medals that you can make invitations for guests and cool caps.

Be sure to make a colorful candy bar where you can display sweets, cakes, drinks and cake as treats, decorating them with themed toppers.

How to wish a happy first birthday to a son - a little gentleman

Another great idea for a boy's birthday party is a gentleman's birthday party.

The main accent in the decoration will be antennae and butterflies.

We dilute the main color with multi-colored stripes and peas, which will make the atmosphere more fun.

We choose for the crumbs a festive outfit with a vest and, of course, a butterfly.

We use the same elements, as well as images of glasses, hats, canes to decorate the room and for a photo shoot.

Great classic set for big and little gentlemen's birthdays!

Let the first birthday of the crumbs be remembered for its originality and chic.

Happy birthday baby: 1 year old in a marine style

Happy birthday, one year old boy: ideas for decoration

Not only the right theme will help to give individuality to the holiday, but also ideas that can be brought to life exclusively on the anniversary.

They can be the start for traditions that can be continued on the second, third and subsequent Birthdays.

Poster "I'm growing up..."

It will be interesting for guests and relatives to see how the baby grew up, how it changed throughout the year.

Indeed, in the first year, the baby grows very quickly and not everyone had the opportunity to observe these fascinating changes. Therefore, posters with photographs of a child taken in each month of the past year, from birth to anniversary, are very popular.

You can design such a poster in the most unpredictable ways. Cool locomotives look with a photo in the windows of trailers. You can draw a clock and place a corresponding photo on each digit. Or make a flower with 12 petals and stick a corresponding picture on each of them.

Just a poster or banner will do, where you can stick a photo of the baby.

Collages with photographs look no less interesting, where you can display cool situations and child skills.

In this case, plot photos with the image of the baby together with parents, grandparents are ideal.

If you wish, you can pick up interesting captions for the plots or short rhymes.

Such a poster of achievements can be hung in the common room or at the entrance.

Slide show

If you know how to work with video programs, be sure to make a colorful slide show. Such a video will be a great addition to the birthday script and a gift for the baby. Here you can use not only the most interesting photos, but also videos that have accumulated throughout the year.

/ 5.10.2015

What is possible? This question is quite complicated, because at this age the baby, in fact, still understands little and perceives the world solely by visual images. A poster for a 1 year old happy birthday does not at all seem to be something banal and uninteresting. On the contrary, the baby will be happy to receive this kind of present for his birthday.

What to draw on such a poster? Yes, whatever your heart desires. The main thing is that the poster should be colorful, bright and outwardly interesting. It is unlikely that a child will understand intricate plots and compositions. Everything should be simple enough, but at the same time beautiful, so that the baby visually remembers this gift. If you can’t come up with anything sensible, then you can take ready-made wall newspapers for 1 year happy birthday on our website. We present to your attention various ready-made works, which, after downloading, you will only have to print and present. What could be easier?

It will not be difficult for you to choose the right and suitable option for you, because there are a lot of works here. If in doubt which one to choose, then print several at once - you will not lose. Believe me, birthday posters for 1 year old are perhaps the best thing you can give the baby himself.

Poster for a girl for 1 year

Download file: (downloads: 663)

Poster for son for the first year

Download file:

All this is a service BAMBINIK POSTER

A colorful poster for a children's room with an individual design and personal data of the child is a wonderful decor element and a great gift for any occasion. Millions of mothers around the world order expensive designer posters for their children, now you can do it absolutely free! Choose a design of your choice, enter a name and additional information about the child's achievements, print on a home printer or copy center ... everything! Let the masterpiece take pride of place in the nursery.

Use cases:

    Create a commemorative poster with a baby birth metric: it will be a great reminder of the touching day of the birth of a new family member! Share the news on social networks and print a poster in a large format to decorate the interior.

    Make a great gift for your friend for a holiday or just like that in 2 minutes - print it out, insert it into a frame - and give it with pleasure! The delight of the child and his parents is guaranteed :)

    In anticipation of the child's birthday, prepare a poster with the achievements of a grown-up baby and decorate a sweet table. Children's holiday today is not complete without this proud detail of the celebration! Do not forget to tell your friends about this joyful event on social networks.

    A children's poster with achievements (wall newspaper) can be presented to your beloved grandparents so that they always have a reason to be proud.

    Choose a minimalistic name poster design for a child of any age and decorate the nursery just like that.

We are constantly working on creating new designs and would love to hear your feedback and comments.

Happy creativity!