How much to donate? About the amounts we put in envelopes. How much money to give for a birthday What amount to give for a birthday

How much is it customary to give money for a birthday? This question worries many people who go to congratulate a friend, relative or colleague. Crispy banknotes have become a universal gift - it is always a pleasure to receive them and it is not a shame to hand them over.

But the question is how much to give money for a birthday. After all, the amount should be sufficient to make the birthday man happy, but not so large as to bleed his personal budget. In fact, there is no single answer, but there are several generally accepted rules and recommendations.

The concepts of "many" and "little"

Money is a rather intimate sphere of any person's life. In our country, it is still not customary to directly answer questions about the level of income. Therefore, even best friends may not know each other's salary and often be misinformed about the real financial possibilities of their loved ones. In this situation, situations often arise when the birthday person is disappointed with the size of the gift, although the donor presented it based on his own financial capabilities.

And here we can formulate the basic rule of "money in an envelope": such a present should not be tangible for the family budget. For example, in large cities, the amount of a gift is usually 5 thousand rubles. or 100 at. e. and more or at least 3 thousand rubles. In small towns, 5 thousand rubles is 25% or even 50% of wages. Therefore, in the provinces, cash gifts are much more modest - 1000-1500 rubles.

For an anniversary, it is customary to give more, as a rule, 2-3 times. But an anniversary is an infrequent and planned event, and you can prepare for it in advance and save money for a few months.

How much money do they give to a colleague on his birthday? When it comes to collecting money from the entire team into a single envelope, then there is usually some generally accepted minimum and maximum amount, for example, an interval between 500 and 5 thousand rubles. At the same time, if not only workers, but also friendly relations are connected with a colleague, then you can present a separate envelope with banknotes of a slightly higher denomination.

Adult and children's gifts

How much to give money for a child's birthday? It's no secret that now even a three-year-old toddler has his own piggy bank, in which they collect money for some big purchase - a PC, a game console, a good bike or other expensive things. Therefore, you can give money to a child. It is even better if the banknotes are handed out along with a small present, such as sweets and a small toy. Still, the child has a holiday here and now, and not on the day when he finally saves up for the right thing.

If we talk about the amount, then less than 500 rubles. giving is not customary even in small towns. If financial opportunities allow, then the value of the gift increases to 1500-2000 rubles. As a rule, grandparents, godparents give a little more, as the closest people.

If we talk about the difference between adult and children's gifts, then it is customary to give larger amounts first. Although it often happens exactly the opposite - the child receives a pack of banknotes, which he still cannot spend wisely without the help of his parents, and mom and dad get a symbolic thousand rubles each on their birthdays. But it must be said that in this case there are rarely dissatisfied - adults are not offended by the fact that their little children are loved more than themselves.

Relatives and friends

How much money do you give a girlfriend or friend for a birthday? Here, in addition to the basic rule about financial opportunities, one more recommendation should be formulated - the amount should depend on the degree of your proximity. If we are talking about friends with whom you communicate from time to time in the same company and occasionally call up, then you can give a small symbolic amount. The best friend and girlfriend, that is, those people who are closer than most relatives, are given slightly larger amounts.

If we talk about gradation between relatives and friends, then it is customary to present a little more first. Although the amount in any case will depend on the degree of proximity.

Celebration in a cafe

How much money to give for a birthday if the birthday person invites you to celebrate it in a cafe or restaurant? This is where special etiquette comes into play. Firstly, in this case it is not customary to give anything other than money. You need to understand that a person will pay a large bill for food and drinks, and this will significantly hit his pocket.

Secondly, the amount should not be less than the cost of you in a restaurant or cafe. For example, if the average check per person in an institution is about 2 thousand rubles, then no less should be put in the envelope. Ideally, the present is calculated according to the scheme: expenses in the restaurant plus a gift, that is, when celebrating in a cafe, the amount of the present is higher. If you were invited to a birthday as a married couple, then the expenses must be taken into account for two.

When deciding how much to give money for a birthday, you need to follow a few generally accepted recommendations:

  1. The amount should not be less than the one that the birthday person once handed to you. It is believed that there can be no such mutual settlements between close people, but some people pay attention to this.
  2. Coordinate the size of the gift with your other half. This is a common contribution from the general family budget, so you have to negotiate.
  3. Do not give too small amounts. If financial possibilities do not allow, then it is better to choose a nice and inexpensive present.
  4. Don't donate too much. Many people feel uncomfortable in this situation.

If you give a large monetary gift to a loved one with modest financial capabilities, then you should not expect a similar act from him.

Tatyana, 25 years old

If we take weddings, then, in my opinion, today the unspoken tariff is 100 USD. This is from a person. Although some of the couple put 150 USD. Few people think that if a wedding in Minsk is in a cafe, then the average cost per person is $50. It turns out that they covered their "eat, drink" and 50 USD. above. And what kind of gift is this for a wedding from a couple - 50 USD? With such an arrangement, it is generally unprofitable to do a wedding. They are not something that will not pay off, you will also go deep into minus.

Eugene, 22 years old

With the guys, when we celebrate birthdays, we throw off somewhere for 50 USD. birthday boy. If this is some kind of employee at work, then we gather in a team of 50 thousand, if there is an anniversary, then more. This is for a general envelope. Went as a witness to a wedding - gave $ 150.

Maria, 31 years old

It depends on whom and on what holiday to give. For a brother for a wedding - 100 USD, for a friend's birthday - it's somewhere around 300 thousand, if a gift for a loved one who has everything, then here the amount is not important at all, here you need an interesting idea. Indeed, in fact, you will not surprise such a man with the amount in an envelope or the high cost of a gift.

Natalia, 43 years old

Well, today with less than $100, it's best not to go anywhere. But in our country, people often do what they do - they give in Belarusian rubles. Still, 500,000 is not a unit with two zeros, it seems that they gave less, but there are still more zeros. Just if you think about it practically, how much money is needed today to set a good table even at home, not to mention a cafe or restaurant. Therefore, as a hostess, I understand this, and if I go, I always try not to offend with money.

Oleg, 37 years old

It all depends on the social stratum in which you are. Naturally, if your monthly income is 500 USD, then you are unlikely to throw away half of this money for a birthday present for a friend. You can't even spend that much on a wedding. And if your earnings are 5.000 USD a month, then come invited to the wedding with a hundred bucks - somehow not status. Especially if this is the wedding of someone who has a monthly income of 10,000 USD. It's the same with the terrain. Surely 50 dollars for Minsk and for a village 200 km from the capital is different money. And the same piece of paper in this situation will have a different value. Among my surroundings there are people to whom I will surely give 100 euros for the New Year - and for them it will be a good gift, but there are people to whom I cannot come with something cheaper than 500 USD for their birthday. But these are all conventions. When people have money, they need to be gifted with something exclusive. Or extraordinary. Or made to order. And it doesn't have to be expensive. Everything is very individual.

Anastasia, 34 years old

It depends on who the gift is and how much money you have in your wallet. Can there be a limit on the amount of a gift for Mom's Birthday? How can you not just buy a mobile phone for your father, if he needs it? Is happiness from the birth of a nephew commensurate with any money at all? In such situations, you just give as much as you see fit. Once, in my childhood, my dad said such a thing: "What do you think, which ring is more expensive: the one that a man bought you, who did not even notice this money, or the one who saved up for this ring?" Then I answered that the second. And now I understand that the ring that was given by a person dear to your heart is more expensive. And it doesn't matter: it will be diamonds or cubic zirkonia. Attention is not measured by money.

Alisa Terentyeva

The fiftieth anniversary is certainly a big event. A person who has crossed this age line can be proud of his successes and achievements, of what he created and built, whether it be a career or a family. Despite the fact that the number seems impressive, 50 years is the age of a mature, but still full of strength person. There are a lot of ideas for anniversary presents: traditional gifts that men and women give to anniversaries, comic and original presentations.

What do you give for an anniversary?

Daughter gives mom a gift for 50 years

Fifty years is a kind of middle: a person is still young, full of strength and energy, but at the same time, all the global concerns that young people face are already behind. But this is the advantage of this age: a person can devote time to himself and do what really gives him pleasure.

A gift for the 50th anniversary can be original and unusual, funny, for example, cartoon dolls, and practical, because 50 years is a solid date. A 50-year-old woman can be given gifts that will emphasize her elegance and charm; for a man - gifts that will show that he is the head of the family, a person in the prime of life and energy.

You can give personalized gifts for 50 years for an anniversary, because this anniversary is considered the most important in a person’s life. These can be memorable gifts, as well as gifts chosen according to the interests of the birthday person.

Remember that jokes about age, especially the age of women, are not always appropriate.

If you want to make an original gift for your 50th birthday, bright and memorable, then these can be mosaic portraits, paintings, personal magazines, vintage gift sets.

50th Anniversary Celebration

Practical and useful gifts for anniversaries

Here are some examples:

  1. Elite Accessory Sets. You can find expensive gift sets with accessories from clothing brands. For example, it can be a set of ties for men, a tie and a shirt, even socks can become a present if they are packaged in a luxurious gift box.
  2. Handmade leather goods. Leather accessories are always an appropriate gift for women and men. So, it can be a women's wallet or a men's wallet, a handmade leather belt. Since this is an anniversary gift, the product can be personalized or engraved.
  3. Smart diaries. Only smart gifts for mature people! These can be personalized leather-bound diaries, as well as themed diaries, for example, a travel diary.
  4. A set of expensive glasses. A good anniversary gift for a man and a woman is glasses. These can be handmade crystal or crystal glass glasses in a luxurious gift box. A man can be given a set of whiskey, including glasses and a decanter, a woman - a set of elegant champagne glasses.
  5. Gift ashtray. If a man smokes, then an ashtray will be a wonderful gift for an anniversary. For example, a gift handmade crystal glass ashtray.
  6. Electric pepper grinder. An original and practical gift and at the same time a stylish accessory in the kitchen interior.
  7. Electric corkscrew with charger. A stainless steel corkscrew with a charger will pleasantly surprise the birthday boy. Such a gift will definitely be used in everyday life.

What other gifts can be given to the hero of the day? It could be kitchen utensils. Since 50 years is an important anniversary, choose products from well-known manufacturers. Do not give cheap polymer dishes.

Gift idea for 50 years - crystal vase

Present ideas:

  1. Set of coffee spoons. Such kitchen utensils will be a good present for a woman. Pay attention to teardrop-shaped spoons with a curved handle - they are the most elegant. The best anniversary gift will be branded accessories, for example, a set of coffee spoons from English manufacturers.
  2. Vase for sweets with exquisite decor. It could be an Italian handmade glass vase. Luxurious anniversary commemorative gift!
  3. Cake spatula stainless steel and porcelain.
  4. deep dish from handmade glass with decor.
  5. Crystal vase or jug handmade glass.
  6. Crystal sugar bowl.
  7. Salad bowl or set of salad plates. It can be crystal products of an elegant form of German, Italian or English production.

If you want to give an inexpensive present, pay attention to gift plates made of crystal with glaze coating. For example, a plate in the shape of a heart

Fun 50th Anniversary Gift Ideas

The woman was congratulated on her anniversary

Comic presents are also appropriate for an anniversary. Traditionally, anniversaries are presented with certificates, medals, motivators, and cups. An anniversary medal or a congratulatory letter is not only a comic, but also a rather eloquent gift with which you can express respect and admiration for a person who has achieved a lot.

Other joke gift ideas:

  1. cartoon doll- a funny portrait figurine, which is made of clay according to the photograph of the birthday man.
  2. Personal journal. For example, a Forbes-style magazine with a birthday on the cover, which will list all the achievements of the hero of the day.
  3. Name robe. The gift is both funny and cozy at the same time.
  4. Video postcard. You can give a friend a postcard with a video for 50 years, which, in addition to congratulations, includes listings of the most memorable, important and funny moments in the life of the birthday man.

How to make a gift with your own hands for 50 years?

For the anniversary, they also give all kinds of posters, crafts and comic surprises made by themselves. The best gifts for the fiftieth anniversary are memorable. These can be homemade gifts filled with the best memories. For example, a poster for 50 years for an anniversary. The poster can be family - include photos from the family photo archive, or it can be donated from the team, and then it includes photos that capture the most important career achievements of the hero of the day.

A cool birthday surprise for 50 years - an author's poem, a box with surprises, a cake with an interesting design.

How much money to give for an anniversary in 2019?

Family congratulates a man on his 50th birthday

It is also customary to give money for an anniversary: ​​this is appropriate in the case when the birthday person already has everything, and it is difficult for you to choose a gift for him. It is better to present such a present in a gift box or a postcard, including a handmade one.

As for the amount, it all depends on the possibilities, as well as the degree of kinship: close people, as a rule, give more, acquaintances - symbolic amounts. It is believed that it is optimal to give at least one thousand rubles, further - from the possibilities.

Gifts for such a major anniversary should be meaningful: either a luxurious accessory or a memorable present. A good present would be any personalized gift, from diaries to engraved jewelry.

October 30, 2018, 23:07

Here is such a sharp Temko we will analyze today. In fact, she interests me too, and not because I'm a money-hungry rogue. Not at all. Simply, if we omit all these snotty “friends and their presence is more important”, speaking of birthdays, how can you allocate this average monetary equivalent in Russia, so that in any company it would not be embarrassing to show your present?

A little research

To find out how much money to give for a birthday, my friend and I even conducted a small social survey. And the most interesting conclusion from it could be the fact that the poorer the birthday person, the more modest the financial gift and vice versa.

On the other hand, there is nothing surprising in this. After all, we will not go to a successful, decent person for some anniversary with 1000-1500 rubles as a gift. And again, why spend a lot on a birthday boy when he barely raised money for a middle-class cafe.

True, it so happens that the company of congratulators can be very motley, where the poor stand side by side with the winners in life. Then, of course, conflicts are not far away.

Focus on your budget

Therefore, the first rule that I singled out for myself is, in any case, to proceed not from the coolness of the party and its culprit, but from my own viability. Accordingly, it is much easier to calculate the amount left for a gift.

You can start by dividing the salary by the number of days in a month. For example, I get a figure of 2000 rubles, it seems not a little and not a lot. So, I understand that I can immediately put it all in an envelope, or I can, knowing the preferences of my friend, buy something for 1000 and report another 1000 on top.

Of course, there are different situations, and it’s stupid for a person who earns a million a month to use this rule, and even for someone who somehow earns a penny for a piece of bread too. So I need to come up with another formula, I said to myself.

Formula for success

And that's what came to my mind. No, seriously, really brilliant idea. If we fail to fairly equalize everyone in terms of the salaries of individuals, then let's equalize the average subsistence level of the entire region divided by days in a month.

For example, we estimate that somewhere in the Novosibirsk region this average level is approximately 50,000 rubles. We divide this by 30 and we get 1,666 rubles, well, rounded up to 1,700. These funds, I think, should not offend anyone.

Special cases

Well, in addition to this, I even came up with a gradation according to the levels of importance of the holiday. For clarity, let me explain what I mean:

  • Anniversary - the amount for the gift is doubled;
  • The wedding is tripled.

And if you are not going alone, but with your passion, then calculate the average income of each sum and divide by days. As a rule, the amount of the gift will more or less just double.

Thus, for myself personally, I came up with a meaningful system, thanks to which I can set aside my finances for a gift without experiencing any pangs of conscience or worries. Many people asked me about this issue, and I quite reasonably explained my theory to them. Maybe she can help you too.

Universal gifts

If you are going on a holiday to the fair sex, then flowers are indispensable. And what to do if you cannot, or do not want to attend the event, but consider it necessary to make a gift. The best universal way is to order flower delivery. It will always be appreciated positively. And for me, sometimes, this is a great way to avoid unnecessary expenses.

And another option is the choice of unusual gifts. Moreover, the positive side is that unusual emotional gifts can be quite inexpensive, but original.

Now I tell you goodbye.

Many people think that giving money is impolite and indecent. But often it is such a gift that will please you the most. Therefore, if you do not know the hero of the occasion well or have heard that he is saving money for a big purchase, handing an envelope with banknotes is the best option. This raises another subtle question: how much would be appropriate? The answer depends on the specific situation.

The scale of the celebration

The larger the date, the larger the gift should be. For a birthday, when the birthday person turns, say, 44 years old, you can donate a small amount, but for an anniversary of 50 years, it should be more.

Rare events that do not happen every year are worthy of more attention and spending. It is worth investing as much money as possible on a wedding gift (as far as finances allow). And if the newlyweds suddenly decide to celebrate the first anniversary, it is appropriate to divide this amount.

It is also worth considering whether the holiday is personal or general. On his birthday, a person has the right to feel in the spotlight and receive a cash gift, which is enough for a major purchase. New Year is a celebration that we share with others, so the amount may be less.

The scale of the celebration must also be taken into account. If the celebration is celebrated on a grand scale, a lot of money and time has been spent on it, it is worth investing more in the envelope. You can spend less on a modest holiday at home. But this factor should not be decisive: consider other indicators when deciding how much to put in a gift envelope.

Your financial possibilities

An important point to consider when calculating the amount of a gift is your own budget. Do not spend too much and then deny yourself everything. Decide on the amount of money that you can give as a gift and not cause serious damage to your financial condition.

It would be rational to calculate the annual budget of the family and add gifts to it in a separate line. But you need to think carefully and remember all the upcoming celebrations and all the people to whom you will give money. Even if you calculate everything, there is a high probability that you will be invited to an unplanned celebration. Therefore, take into account unforeseen expenses in advance by increasing the planned amount or adding an additional item.

When calculating, you can use special budget planner programs or just take a piece of paper and a pen.

If there is no opportunity and time for long-term planning, proceed from the current financial situation. It is not worth spending more than a fifth of the monthly salary on a gift, even if the celebration is planned to be magnificent, and the date celebrated is round.

Who is the gift for?

The closer and dearer a person is to you, the more it is worth giving. Large sums of money as a gift to almost strangers look out of place. But parents, husband or wife, children, siblings should be handed an envelope tightly stuffed with banknotes.

Family friends with whom you have many memories are worthy of a good, large gift. And colleagues, with whom relations are formal and limited to work, will not be offended by a few banknotes of not the highest denomination.

Sometimes it is difficult to decide on a gift for children. The older the child, the more you can give. But large sums, if they are given to the child himself, will be inappropriate. If the money is transferred to parents, you can give more so that they are enough for a good gift.

Do not worry if your gift is smaller than others or the one that was given to you. Gifts are a sincere expression of gratitude and love, not a competition. Do not look at others and focus only on your own situation.