Quest for notes on the birthday of adults. Ready quest with riddles to find a gift. Ready-made scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the picture of interest

Home quest   - a way to present any gift in an original and fun way, turning it into an interesting, exciting game. Why such a name? In general, a quest is a type of game with various ciphers and riddles that lead to the main prize in a chain.

Main idea:the surprise is hiding in a secluded place, and the player is presented with a certain message-riddle-instruction with a hint where to look for the next note. Solving all the puzzles leads the player to the place where the gift is. The easiest option for this entertainment is an indoor quest.

Ready-made scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the picture of interest.

The original birthday greetings - an exciting adventure with the search for a hidden gift on notes


So, your task is to make the player find the gift in the right place after solving a series of puzzles or completing mini-tasks. To do this, you need:

  1. Decide on a secluded place where you will hide a gift.
  2. Make a chain of objects in your house that will lead to a hidden gift (the final point in it is the place where the gift will lie). Tips-tasks can be hidden in a variety of places - from the washing machine and oven to the mailbox in the entrance. The chain needs to be carefully thought out so that objects do not intersect along the path and lead ahead of time to a gift.
  3. To invent and beautifully design messages-riddles-instructions.
  4. Put all the messages in their places. In order not to get confused, you can number them and make up a layout diagram for yourself.

The optimal number of stages is from 6 to 10: a larger number can make the quest tedious, and a smaller one is too transient. But this, of course, is a general recommendation - perhaps you will get a wonderful quest consisting of 5 stages (if the tasks are difficult) or, conversely, of 15 stages.

The quest can be made even more pleasant and exciting if there are several gifts in the course of its execution (let the tasks be accompanied, for example, by chocolates or small souvenirs).


Where to get riddles? The easiest option is to find puzzles on the Internet, but you can also compose them yourself, since they do not at all correspond to poetic canons. And if they contain humor or something individual, personal (for example, associated with some kind of funny event) - then this will certainly be very nice for the birthday man! To facilitate your task, we offer a selection of puzzles to help you create a quest in the room:

Daily at six in the morning
  I crack: time to get up!
(Alarm clock)

Who walks the night and walks the day
  Not knowing what laziness is?

Discover your secrets
  Ready for anyone
  But you are from her
  You will not hear a word!

There is a leaf, there is a spine,
  Although not a bush and not a flower.
  Kneeling down on mom
  He will tell you everything.

Not a bush, but with leaves,
  Not a shirt, but sewn
  Not a man, but a story.

She speaks soundlessly
  But understandable and not boring.
  You talk more often with her -
  You will become four times smarter!

By the wall, big and important,
  The house is multi-storey.
  We are on the lower floor
  All residents have already read.

There is a portrait in the room,
  In everything similar to you.
  You will laugh - and in response
  He will laugh too.

And it shines and shines
  It does not flatter anyone
  And he will tell the truth to anyone -
  Everything, as it is, will show him!

I look at everyone silently
  And they all look at me.
  The merry ones see a laugh
  I cry sad.

This eye is a special eye:
  He will take a quick look at you
  And will be born
  The most accurate of your portrait!

What this eye will look at -
  It will transmit everything to the picture.

In this small subject
  A warm wind settled.
(Hair dryer)

Two abdomens, four ears.

She will flush her sides
  Its four corners
  And you, how the night will come
  All the same, attracted to himself.

I am comfortable, very soft,
  You are not hard to guess -
  People love me very much
  Sit and lie down.

There are hangers and shelves here,
  Like floors in a house
  Trousers, blouses, t-shirts -
  Everything is in order!

I love wandering around the carpets,
  On soft sofas, in dark corners.
  There I always find delicious dust
  And with pleasure I loudly buzz.
(Vacuum cleaner)

Though he often breathes dust
  Does not get sick, does not sneeze.
(Vacuum cleaner)

I’ll see the dust - grumble,
  I will wrap up and swallow!
(Vacuum cleaner)

I sleep on matter
  Everywhere a sharp nose pop.
  Oh, and I'm angry, and hiss.
  I do not really like crumpled ones!

Stroking everything that concerns
  And you touch - it bites.

Lives without a tongue
  Doesn’t eat and drink
  And he speaks and sings.
(Radio, TV)

What a miracle, what a box?
  Himself a singer and himself a storyteller,
  And besides
  Demonstrates a movie.

Expand the sheet as soon as possible -
  There you will see many lines,
  In the lines - the message of the whole world
  What kind of sheet is this?

Not a house, but not a street.
  High, but not scary.
(Balcony, loggia)

He is both at home and not at home,
  Between heaven and earth.
  Guess my friend
  What encrypted the rhyme?

He supports the window
  We put flowers on it.

We always walk together
  Similar as brothers.
  We are at dinner - under the table,
  And at night - under the bed.

I'm with legs but not walking
  With the back I, but not lying
  You sit down - and I stand.

I'm a little bit like a table
  There are in the kitchen and in the hallway.
  I’m rarely in the bedroom
  And I’m called ...

Bread protects
  Staling does not.
  For bread, a house
  Good to him in it.
(Bread box)

On the stove is the pots head.
  Fat, long-nosed ...

Iron mouth
  Grabbed a sandwich
  Browned the sides -
  And bye!

She got a mouth full of meat
  And she chews him
  Chews, chews and does not swallow -
  He sends everything to the plate.
(Meat grinder)

And fritters, and omelettes,
  And potatoes for lunch
  And pancakes - wow!
  Fries everything ...

Fries meat, cooks soup,
  Pies bakes.
  She and there and here
  Very hot.

I have a big belly
  It contains sausages, cheese, compote.
  If you want, don’t be shy,
  Open your stomach soon!

He is beautiful and cold
  You won’t be hungry with him!
  Where even in summer it snows
  You still have a clue!

Admire, look -
  North pole inside!
  Snow and ice sparkles there
  Winter itself lives there.
  Forever to us this winter
  Brought from the store.

Where delicious dinners, where family conversations.
(Kitchen table)

A close relative of the broom,
  The house will sweep the corners.
  He is certainly not a loafer,
  Litter will help to clean ...

Want to find the answer soon -
  Look for a clue where there is a bright light!
(Chandelier, floor lamp, sconce, table lamp)

You will always find a hint
  Where the water splashes noisily.

There is a box in the bathroom room,
  He looks with a transparent and round eye.
  It’s interesting to look into the eye when
  Water is bubbling in this box.

I’m related to Moydodyr,
  Turn me away
  And cold water
  I’ll wash you alive.
(Crane, a note is hung from him)

There are many teeth, but eats nothing.

In our house under the window
  There is a hot accordion:
  Not singing and not playing -
  She warms the house.
(Heating battery)

I'll let you into any house
  Knock - I'm glad to knock.
  But I won’t forgive one thing -
  If you don’t give me your hand!
(A door)

There are both in the house and in the apartment,
  Often more than four,
  And without them we cannot enter
  Always get in the way!
(A door)

One handles everyone
  Another pen - escorts.
  Doesn’t offend anyone
  But only everyone is pushing her ...
(A door)

On the squares of the board
  Kings brought the shelves down.
  No for battle at the regiments
  No ammo, no bayonets.

Look, the house is standing,
  Poured water to the brim,
  Without windows, but not gloomy,
  Transparent on four sides,
  In this house tenants
  All skilled swimmers.

Round, smooth as a watermelon,
  Color - any, for different tastes.
  If you let go of the leash
  Fly away for the clouds.

In the school bag I'm lying
  How do you study, I’ll say.
A diary

On New Year's Eve, he came to the house
  So rosy fat
  But every day he lost weight
  And finally completely disappeared.
(The calendar)

Turn it up - wedge
  Expand - damn it.

He reveals himself
  He closes you.
  Only the rain will pass -
  Will do the opposite.

The house is made of tin, and the tenants in it are news.

He hangs in a conspicuous place
  Year-round swallows news.

Options for possible hints and places to hide them, as well as interesting ideas on how to beat some items

  • balloon with a message inside
  • soft toy with a note in its paws
  • instead of a riddle - a set of letters from which to make a word
  • drawing with a tip inside the candy
  • a plate with a cake with an attached sign "Eat me!", with a note under the treat
  • text file or picture (photo) with a hint on a flash drive
  • sMS message or email with an indication of what to do next
  • tooltip in the camera - a pre-made photo of the next item from your chain; the player needs to take a camera and view photos
  • newspaper tip - the necessary word highlighted with a marker (circled by a pen) (or select letters in different articles from which the player needs to make a word)
  • At one stage, the player finds objects or pictures that play an important role in a work (fairy tale) - the player must guess what kind of work it is and find a book with it. In the book - the following clue.
  • In a riddle, the key word may not be the word “picture” itself, but what is depicted on it. For example, in the picture a waterfall. Then, having guessed the riddle, the birthday man will think about what the word “waterfall” means: a faucet in the bathroom, a shower or something else. Then he will guess about the picture.
  • Compose a crossword puzzle (preferably on some interesting suitable topics) in which the highlighted letters are the keywords of the place where the gift is hidden.
  • The player finds the message and sees the following: the cell phone is shown on the sheet, from it there is an arrow to your glued photo, from the photo is an arrow with the inscription "Code word", then again an arrow and some phrase (it is desirable that it be very funny). This hint suggests calling you on the phone and giving a password - in response, you also say a phrase (for example, a rhyme or a proverb) in which the following hint is encrypted.
  • Take a picture of the room where you are going to hide the gift, then print the photo in A4 format. Next, put it in a transparent file and on this file put a cross in the place where the surprise will lie. Then cut the photo into several parts. These will be “puzzles” that a birthday person needs to collect. At the end of the chain, put a blank sheet of A4 format, glue stick and a transparent file with a cross - the birthday boy will need to stick “puzzles” on a piece of paper, put it in a file and see where the “treasure” lies.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. When preparing the quest, you can use these examples or give scope to your imagination and come up with something original. The main thing is to make love during cooking, and the bestowal will surely please you!

Beginning of the game

A message describing the game and the first riddle can be:

  • Give the birthday person personally
  • Send as SMS
  • Put in a prominent place or attach to a wall
  • To pass through friends or neighbors, through the courier service - it all depends on your imagination and your capabilities

Approximate text of the message:

"Happy Birthday! A gift has been prepared for you, but it is securely hidden. Complete all the tasks, and then you will find him. Good luck "

And then you watch how a player with excitement unravels your messages and finds a gift. Alternatively, you can attract friends to participate, and then the adventure will turn into a real holiday for everyone. In any case, such a surprise will surely please the birthday man, and the memory of this wonderful adventure will warm him for a long time!

Sample scenario for a quest game in an apartment for a husband (beloved man)

(let's say you decide to hide a gift in the microwave)

Morning. Your other half enters the bathroom and sees a beautiful message attached to the wall in which you congratulate him on his birthday.

Below is written:

P.S. Take a look at the washing machine!

At this moment, you join your beloved and watch for a surprise.

In the washing machine, the husband finds the message:

“I have prepared a gift for you, but I will not hand it to you. I propose to participate in the quest game and find my surprise myself!

Kohl on all my puzzles
Can you find the answer
You will receive a gift
Or rather, you will find it yourself! ”

It’s written right there Riddle number 1:

He is beautiful and cold
You won’t be hungry with him!

Riddle number 2

In the fridge there is a plate with a cake, to which the plate “Eat me!” Is attached, and at the bottom of the plate, under the cake, is an image of a flash drive.

Riddle number 3

On the flash drive - a pre-created text file called "Happy Birthday!", And there is the following riddle:

With one pen - he meets everyone,
Another pen - escorts.
Doesn’t offend anyone
But only everyone is pushing her ...
(A door)

Riddle №4

On one of the doors is a small note folded into a tube:

The house is made of tin, and the tenants in it are news.

Riddle number 5

In the mailbox lies a “letter” - an envelope with a new riddle:

He is at home - and not at home,
Between heaven and earth.
Guess my friend
What encrypted the rhyme?

Riddle number 6

On the balcony is the following note:

I'm with legs but not walking
With the back I, but not lying
You sit down - and I stand.

Riddle number 7

A sticker with a riddle is glued under the seat of the chair:

Expand the sheet as soon as possible -
There you will see many lines,
In the lines - the message of the whole world
What kind of sheet is this?

Riddle number 8

Newspaper hint - word highlighted with a marker (circled by a pen) television (or select letters in different articles that make up this word)

Riddle number 9

A sticker is glued on the back of the TV, it has a riddle:

What this eye will look at -
All the picture will transmit.

This will be the last mystery. The birthday boy’s task is to figure out what to do next. The fact is that he needs to look through the photos and find among them the image of the microwave oven (you need to prepare in advance - take a close-up photograph of the oven). In her, something beloved and will find your gift!

If you want to please the birthday party with more interesting and intricate tasks, or you don’t have the time and opportunity to find good ideas and beautifully arrange everything, we bring to your attention. By the names of the articles you can find a suitable scenario of the quest game for any age.

Every year we give children presents with riddles - this is a whole quest, moving from one riddle to another, the child finally finds a gift.

I came up with this myself when I was little Yaroslav. Then there were no names such as "quest". I just wanted to entertain the child, make him a surprise. I took puzzles from reading books on everyday things - a refrigerator, a closet, shoes, a bathroom, laid out notes there, and handed him the first. There were delights - not to describe!

And now every year this happens with us. I already have a fantasy of riddles exhausted. And this time she asked Yaroslav to find interesting puzzles and puzzles for her brother.

Yaroslav tried and found puzzles that I didn’t even know. I spent an hour on the Internet :)

I share with you the finished design of the quest:

1. We give the first note to the child. We had it in the "hands" of an inflatable Mickey Mouse

2. The unit throws into a shiver
There is a thaw in it, then a cold,
He is very happy to work
And turn it off - it will sit in a puddle. ( Fridge)

3. In the fridge is a note about cupboard

He stands in a corner by the wall.
Oh huge he looks
But he is not punished at all.
Mom keeps things in him.

In the closet is another note. You just have to hide somewhere in a conspicuous place, otherwise the closet is big, you can look for a note for a day

4. I am not a sea or a river,
I'm not a lake, not a pond
But like morning or evening -
People are all running to me. ( Bath)

Interestingly, I inserted a note into a vase with shells on the mirror, it was directly visible. But the children searched together and could not find! Apparently, the mirror has magical properties to make objects invisible.

5. And one more rebus had to be solved in order to get to the treasured gift


She tried to arrange the notes so that Gleb had to run from one part of the apartment to the opposite: from the nursery to the kitchen, again to the nursery, to the bathroom, to the balcony.

And then Gleb asked me: “Mom, how do you manage to get in quietly and put out all the notes that they didn’t even wake me with?”

The answer suggests itself: "If you become a dad, you still can’t do that" :)

Today is the last day of the New Year’s quest for children and we will search for a New Year’s gift.

Checklist quest for children to find a New Year's gift

  1. Not far from the Christmas tree, put on the floor a hat of Santa Claus and a message from forest animals.
  2. Put the word or image of the table on the tray and cover it with decoy. Put a cocktail roll next to it. Place a tray of semolina near the Christmas tree.
  3. Put a glass of juice on the table, after gluing the word door on the bottom (from the outside).
  4. Behind the door, put the quest "path". At the last point, put the task of the tree and the green marker.
  5. Hang a task with a riddle-clue teapot on the Christmas tree.
  6. At the teapot we put the puzzle of the snowman, and hide the upper part with the hat in a bucket.
  7. In the bucket, along with the top of the puzzle, we add the puzzle to the clock.
  8. At the clock we put 3 boxes, for each we paste examples. For younger children, you can write numbers
  9. In the largest one we add materials for crafts and nearby the image of the Snow Queen herself and a riddle about the closet. If you don’t want to do the crafts, you can hide the riddle in the box. We hide the gift in the shaf.

Scenario of a children's quest for the new year to find a gift

When the baby wakes up, most likely he will run under the Christmas tree to look for his gifts from Santa Claus. My children always celebrate New Year так.

I highlighted all your possible remarks in bold italics. You can ask questions and tips at your discretion.

There is no present. How strange, I definitely heard that someone came at night. Look, Santa Claus dropped his hat. Oh, there’s a note in the hat.

We ask the child to blow semolina through a tube. This task may be dirty, so put a broom with a scoop in advance . If the baby is unable to inflate the porridge, ask him to scrape the cereal with his hands. Find the clue under the decoy

We go to the table

Strange, I don't see any more clues. I wonder where this glass of juice came from. Maybe this is a clue? Let's try to drink it.

When the baby drinks juice, we find the door hint and go to the nearest. There we find a new clue. You can make it yourself by customizing it for your apartment. For example, I had this:

  1. go three steps forward;
  2. turn left;
  3. step back one step;
  4. turn 90 degrees;
  5. climb the stairs;
  6. turn right;
  7. walk straight six steps

And the child went to the dresser, where the next clue lay.

Look, a new task. Here you need to paint over all the letters E. What happened? Right Christmas tree. Probably the next clue on the tree. We run soon

On the Christmas tree we find a riddle.

Where does our water boil? Right in the kettle. Let's go soon

At the teapot we find the snowman puzzle.

Strange, one piece of the puzzle is missing. Which one do you think? That's right, the snowman doesn't have a hat. And what is a snowman usually made of? Right out of the bucket. Now we need to find the bucket.

In the bucket we find the riddle and read it.

Us you need to inspect all the clocks in the house . The tip should be somewhere nearby. Here she is.

How many times do the clock strike at midnight? Correctly 12. Look, you need to solve examples and find a box with the correct answer.

Look, here are the materials for crafts. Let's make the Snow Queen a crown. After all, everyone likes it when they give gifts

We carry out the craft. We did this.

If there is no desire to do crafts, you can put a riddle about the closet in the box.

Look, there is the Snow Queen.

We speak on behalf of the Snow Queen: " Nobody has ever given me gifts. So I wanted to take yours. And you are such a good boy (girl). You made a beautiful crown specially for me. I will never steal anyone's gifts again and will return yours from Santa Claus. Just solve the riddle first».

Quests for quests - a very interesting and popular entertainment. Players are given various puzzles and hints, with the help of which they move from one point of a given route to the next, receiving pleasant surprises for this.

Questions asked by participants are often united by one topic, which is dedicated to the quest. The main requirement for their compilation is diversity and unusualness. The degree to which the game is fun depends on how difficult they are. But while making up tips, it’s also important not to go too far and not make them overly complicated.

Main classification

The simplest tasks for quests are the questions in the notes. They are encrypted on the sheets that participants need to find or earn at each stage of the competition. There are many varieties of them.

    1. The name of the next point of movement is cut into separate letters, correctly folded which, participants will know where to go next.
    2. Use of puzzles and charades. They can combine pictures, numbers, letters, which, when correctly interpreted, give clues about the further route of movement.
    3. Riddles in the logical series. For example: "Heat is born in the oven, and where does the cold come from?"
    4. An option in the best espionage traditions - tips written on paper with melted wax. To find out the answer, you need to paint over the leaf with colored pencils.
    5. Placement along the entire route of the signs. But it does not have to be ordinary arrows. You can use flowers of a certain type or traces of an animal. In this form, tasks are often done for. For example, you can tell them: "Follow in the footsteps of a lion cub and you will find a pleasant surprise."
    6. In the phrase that the hint consists of, words can be mixed. Players need to arrange them in the correct order. This is the only way they will know what to do next.
    7. The task is written backwards, and it must be read correctly.
    8. The tip is applied to the paper with lemon juice or milk. Together with the leaf, the participants are given a candle and a lighter, thanks to the heat from the fire of which the words should appear and guide the players to the next point.
    9. Uses digital word encryption. For example, instead of each letter, its serial number in the alphabet is written. The key to the solution must be guessed or won at one of the previous stages.
    10. As a task for a quest in the room, you can use an item that is in the room in several copies, in one of which instructions for further actions are hidden. It can be a book, a box, a bedside table and the like.
    11. Another is the use of hints written in the form Their decoding is not an easy task, but it is very fascinating and interesting.
    12. Riddles can be encrypted using pictures, each of which symbolizes a part of the name of the next point in sequence.
    13. Messages are also laid out with magnets on the refrigerator door.
    14. Notes are hidden inside cookies, sweets and other products.

In order for the participants to successfully pass all stages of the competition and get the maximum amount of pleasure from it, the tips should be interesting and original. For the victory in each individual stage and the game as a whole, prizes must be prepared.

Since tasks for quests directly depend on the chosen subjects of the competition, we will consider the most popular options for its holding.

You can get confused even in four walls

In order to conduct this game, it is not necessary to go out. Tasks for the quest in the room are no less exciting than outside. There are several varieties of this type of game.

  1. Escape from the room.  Already by the name itself it is clear where this competition is held. Its essence is that participants are locked in an entire apartment or a separate room, and they must find the key with the help of clues in order to get out of it. This is a very unusual and interesting way to entertain guests who come, for example, to celebrate a birthday.
  2. Tasks for the quest in the office  great to surprise your boss. If the company is small, each employee can come up with one puzzle for the chef and enjoy plenty, watching him rush about the building in search of a clue and his gift. The office is an ideal place to hide a lot of clues in it, solving which will become an unforgettable entertainment.
  3. Interesting examples of quests for a mall quest. And if it is also large, it is possible to organize a truly unforgettable game in it. Indeed, in large store complexes you can often get lost, even just making purchases, and what can we say about searching for clues and solving puzzles! For example, you can give participants a photo of the dress, and they will need to find out its price. But first you need to find a boutique in which this particular piece of clothing is sold. Also, as an option, hide the leaf with the next task in some jacket, which will also need to be found in the photo. But in the case of this task, it will be necessary to warn the store staff in advance so that no one accidentally sells this thing to anyone.

Turn on the brain to the fullest

Who said that intellectuals can be measured only by their knowledge? They can be no less nimble and active than others. If there are several of these “bookworms” among your friends, make them climb out of their textbooked rooms and scatter in the fresh air.

Arrange for them a quest in the style of TV shows "Who wants to become a millionaire?", "The smartest" and "What?" Where? When?" Prepare encrypted messages-clues on the knowledge of various facts from history, geography, physics, biology and any other sciences. Make sure the answer to each question is the key to your next destination.

You can also arrange a similar test for your soulmate on the anniversary of your relationship or on any other occasion. Only in this case should questions be tied to dates, places and events from life together.

If your “victim” loves the series “The Big Bang Theory,” connect his main character, Sheldon Cooper, to the case. Entangled notes written in an abstruse syllable in the style of this eccentric physicist will greatly amuse any connoisseur of intellectual humor and make him a good smash his brain over clues.

For the smallest

Children's tasks for the quest game can be no less exciting and interesting than adults. To organize such a competition for your child and his friends, use your favorite cartoon characters or computer games. Write questions on the sheets with the image of this or that hero. You can use both images from one cartoon, organizing the whole quest in his style, or from several at once.

An excellent source for inspiration can serve as a computer game "Klondike." Quests and quests, invented on its basis, consist in the search for various artifacts related to the themes of the Wild West. For greater realism, children can be worn or fully dressed in the best traditions of Westerns.

Participants can go in search of treasure, following the directions of the card. On it, you will depict several streets closest to the house, having designed in the style of the Klondike game. Quests and tasks of this type involve finding treasures, opening caches, turning to friends for help, etc. This adventure will bring kids a lot of joy and pleasant gifts. Any holiday with such a game will be an unforgettable event in the life of every child.

"Klondike", quests and tasks in which are very exciting and varied, is far from the only option. An excellent quiz in the style of the film “Pirates of the Caribbean” will also be excellent. At the final destination of the trip, a person dressed as Jack Sparrow will be waiting for them, who will hand over the treasure to the winner.

Hide answers away

You can come up with the most diverse and interesting quests for the quest. For example, use your old suitcase with Hide the main prize in it. And let the participants collect the code that will help him open it throughout the game.

To come up with quests for quests in the apartment, use a deck of cards. Scratch the instructions for the next step on its end and shuffle it well. To parse the message, players will have to fold the cards in the correct order. Give them a hint that says something from the category "Hearts, clubs, spades and tambourines will reveal to you the secrets of the future." In this way, you will make it clear to the players that they should look for cards, and also in what order they need to be placed.

We present gifts in an original way

To unusual present a birthday gift, you can also use the quest. Birthday assignments can be very different. For example, you can arrange a whole trip around the city in search of a presentation. The end point will be a dressing room with a bunch of boxes, in one of which the coveted souvenir will be hidden, and to find it, you will have to open them all.

You can also arrange a fascinating quest around the city, the tasks of which will bring the birthday man to the place where he will have a surprise surprise party. You can start the trip as follows. Leave a piece of cake with a note from the night in your friend’s room that contains something like this: “Well, your birthday has arrived. Today everything will be for you, but in order to get the cooked amenities, you have to work hard. After all, nothing in this life just gets. And even your holiday is no exception. To get started, dress comfortably, eat a cake, recharge your batteries with energy. What to do next - you will soon find out. ”

If you are going to present something to a birthday man with clothes or jewelry, you can leave the following message in a can of coffee: “I hope you liked the cake and you finally woke up. If yes - well done! Now take something stylish with you and go in search of your happiness. ” Even if there is no surprise among things, you can simply hide a note in the closet with further instructions.

If you want to present a mobile phone for an unusual birthday, let the participant receive one digit at each stage of the game. They will consist of a phone number, calling on which, in the finale, the birthday person will find his gift.

Fighting insidious numbers

You can come up with a quest using numbers in a variety of ways. It can be both the most elementary tasks from the category to count the number of steps in the house, and sophisticated puzzles. You can encrypt the code in a magazine or book. Participants will first have to guess the name of the required publication, and then find the hint for the next action using the given page, line and word numbers.

Quests for quests also often consist in unraveling the phone number of the person who received the key to the next step via email. To guess the cherished numbers, you need to find information on the Internet about the growth, age of stars or dates of known and not very events as quickly as possible. A similar puzzle might look like this.

Good example

“Are you finally here? I can’t even believe that I got it! I’m sure that you won’t go any further, because this task is clearly beyond your power. The fact is that the necessary code was sent to one person whose name I will not say. You can only contact him by phone, but you will not receive his number either. Whether you want it or not, you'll have to guess it. So, the first digit is the weight of Arnold Schwarzenegger in grams, you need the second digit. Next is the fourth of the year of birth of Leonardo DiCaprio. Then - the second growth figure of his Wall Street Wolf partner. Birth month Renee Zellweger. Then - the second half of Penelope Cruz's foot size. And the last digit is the number when Jason Stetham's girlfriend was born. May a great connoisseur of Google stars help you! ”

Examples of quests for this type of quest can be encrypted as your heart desires, and you can use any language that comes to your mind. Since this task involves the help of an Internet search engine, you can ask questions of any complexity. Including it is not forbidden to mention stars in the biographies of which your friend-player is not too strong. But to make it even more interesting for him to search for answers, you can make out information about his idols.

Hollywood to the rescue!

Tasks for the quest in the office and on the street can be organized in the style of any films and series of a group of people for whom the game is being held. Puzzles can come up with countless numbers.

For example, it’s very interesting to use the topic “Men in Black” by starting the competition with the following note: “Greetings, earthling! We, Agent K and Agent J, need your help. We recorded the going but have not yet set the planet with which it was sent. This may be a warning to people about an alien invasion of Earth, so you need to act very quickly. The message is encoded. The best of our agents are tormented by its decryption, but they cannot cope without you. We have separate parts of the message, but without help we cannot recreate all its contents. Immediately start searching for the whole text! You will be agent M and you will receive all the necessary data from agent B. Do not forget that the fate of the planet is in your hands! See you! ”

Sea of \u200b\u200bthemes

An interesting hunt for monsters can be organized during the quest in the style of the series “Supernatural”. For lovers of royal intrigues, the ideal option is the Game of Thrones competition. And for fans of The Walking Dead, an unforgettable surprise will be a meeting with the zombie apocalypse on the streets of the city.

“The Lord of the Rings”, “Harry Potter”, “Transformers”, “Fast and the Furious”, “Batman” ... This list goes on and on, because any popular film is just a storehouse of facts that can be used to compose riddles. The same can be said of online entertainment. For example, the Klondike game is perfect for this purpose, quests and tasks for which will make the holiday unforgettable.

So, the quest starts in the morning, because you want to receive gifts immediately after waking up. My daughter already understands that she will not have to wait for easy ways in receiving a gift - and receives a hint where to look for the first task (under her pillow). The correct answer to each task is the path to the next stage of the quest.

Under the pillow is an envelope with a mystery.

The answer is a camera.

So, we should look for the next clue in the camera. Previously, I took a picture of the place that was supposed to be the next stage of the quest. Dasha takes a camera out of the table, turns it on - and sees a photo of the washing machine there.

We go into the bathroom and climb into the washer. There is an envelope with a puzzle. Putting the puzzle together - this is a pillow.

Puzzle (cut randomly into 4-6 pieces):

There are several pillows in the house, and it is not immediately possible to find the necessary one - under which the bag is hidden. In the bag - several containers from under the kinder surprise. You need to open them until a mystery is found in one of the containers.

Obviously, this is a vacuum cleaner. We stomp onto the balcony where the vacuum cleaner is stored, and we find on the box with it a labyrinth with a traveler Dasha.


Having correctly passed through the maze, we will achieve the desired goal. This is the oven.

Our next step is the kitchen. Open the oven and find a note-cipher in the pan. Each letter is assigned a digital value, the task is to unravel the cipher, focusing on the label.

We guess, read the word - COMPUTER.

We run to the computer, turn it on. Previously, I took a picture and downloaded onto my computer a photo of the next (and last) stage of the quest. Before putting the computer into sleep mode, I opened the image - thus, when I turn it on, it turns out to be immediately visible. So, the last stage of the quest is the wardrobe.

We rush into the corridor, open one door, then another - and here it is, our gift. Rather, gifts! Hooray, the quest for the children's birthday is over! Happy Birthday!

The development of such a quest for a birthday took about half an hour, and the same amount was spent on preparation. The tasks should not be complicated, over which you have to rack your brains for a long time: it should be simple, fun, interesting and in no case spoil the child’s mood. Of course, for older children, you can come up with more difficult tasks. As you can see, this is not a labor-intensive activity that guarantees a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive feelings for both the child and his parents. Give your children happiness - it's that simple!

Children's quest for a birthday organized and conducted by Victoria Ablogina
  Photo by the author. Copying materials is prohibited

Good afternoon friends! Today about how to arrange a quest for my husband on the wedding anniversary will tell my friend Natalia.

I thank her for letting me tell you about this day, because everything turned out very cool. I am sure that every woman, if desired, can prepare such an interesting surprise for her beloved as Natasha did. Spend an unusual day, surprise, evoke emotions. I think pleasant memories will certainly remain in the memory of each of the spouses.

I pass the floor to Natalia.

Quest for the husband on the wedding anniversary. An unusual gift for a loved one

The wedding day was approaching - 12 years. It seems like not a round date, but I really wanted a holiday! As the saying goes, if you want a miracle - go it yourself. No sooner said than done. I will arrange for my husband a romantic quest in the places of our student cake-bouquet festivities.

Day fell on Sunday. It was very convenient, because by that time we had a 2.5-year-old son and someone else had to attach him. I agreed with my husband’s sister that she would sit with the child and then bring him to the final destination of my quest. It took me a week to think about the details and prepare the material. Nevertheless, it should be beautiful and interesting!

I prepared six messages in the form of romantic letters. Envelopes are easy to make yourself or buy suitable ones. I did it myself.

The first letter was nicely placed on the machine.

I asked our student friends (by the way, they got married 20 days later than us and were direct witnesses of the development of events that led to our wedding) so that they would shoot my husband during the video quest.

Morning 8:00, we get up early even on the weekend. The husband does not know at all. I sent them with my son for a walk, and I packed up and ran from home. By 9 o’clock the sister-in-law should arrive, by 10 friends. The day before, I wrote down a message on my phone for my husband that I was inviting him on a trip. As soon as I left the house, I sent him a video on Watsapp. How convenient that now there are such technical capabilities!

I had enough time, but I was afraid to be late and in a hurry. There was only one “plug”: I could not get into the porch, where we kissed for the first time. On Sunday morning, it’s difficult to wait for the rush of residents entering and leaving the entrance. For about 10 minutes I was waiting, even called the intercom at a random apartment, no one answered. Fortunately, a guy stepped out of the doorway and opened the door for me.

All the other letters I posted without incident.

Just in case, I sent photos to friends so that they could tell my husband if he couldn’t guess something.

Well, in parallel, I shot my impressions and memories on video.

The final destination of my quest was a room on the 19th floor at the Gorskiy city hotel.

We got married at a time when no one had heard of digital cameras, and the first wedding night usually took place in an apartment, which was full of guests who had come to the wedding. Well, in general, a number is kind of logical 🙂.

Everything turned out in the end, even better than I planned.

My husband, myself and my friends had a lot of impressions.

We remembered our youth and all the beautiful that was happening there. In the evening, my husband’s sister brought us a son, we still walked around the city on foot, spent the night and had breakfast at the hotel. We parted in different directions - the husband went to work, and we went home. But there remained an indescribable sensation of happiness and joy, as if not an day had passed, but an entire eternity.

Here is such a wonderful story about a family holiday Natasha told us.

In my opinion, a wedding anniversary quest for a husband is a great way to break out of gray everyday life, give a romantic mood to yourself and your loved one, plunge into wonderful memories and cheer up each other.

What do you think? Write your gift impressions in the comments!

If you are puzzled by how to turn a banal presenting a gift into an original congratulation, then you are ready for the fact that you will have to spend your time not only searching for a presentation, but also preparing something interesting and memorable. It will take more time and a little imagination. So how to prepare an original congratulation? In a previous article, we talked about how to present a gift with balloons. If you want something more dynamic and exciting, make a quest game out of presenting a gift. We offer you some interesting ideas.

Articles will help you decide on a gift:

The first idea is "Treasure Island".

This option is suitable for those who live with the person to whom the gift is intended, since you need to know the habits of the "object" well and have access to his personal belongings.

First, draw a map. To do this, you need a Whatman paper - it’s not necessary to use all of it, just the density of this paper is just right for this purpose. It can be a plan of your apartment, house or a map of the whole microdistrict - it depends on what scale of the quest you have in mind. We indicate the place where the gift is hidden. To make the card look spectacular, you can "age" it. This is a troublesome business, but in the end we get a masterpiece that can be shot in films!

Drawn card, slightly need to rub and mash, then hold a little over the candle - the paper will darken. The main thing is not to get carried away - you should not bring the Whatman paper too close to the fire, but hold it for longer than a couple of seconds, otherwise the paper will become brittle. It’s better to first practice on a separate piece of paper so that you don’t have to redraw everything all over again. Carefully cauterize the corners of the card and extinguish immediately. The card is ready!

Now ... tear it to pieces. Preferably not very small - 6 or 8. We lay out in envelopes. Now prepare the tips. For example, presenting breakfast in bed, we present a card with congratulations and a hint that will help you find the first piece of the card - "Break the wall, see silver, break silver, see gold." The answer is the egg, you need to guess the riddle and guess that something (in our case, a piece of the card) is hidden next to the eggs. So in the fridge in the egg tray. You can, of course, in the egg it all depends on your imagination. So, there is the first slice of the card, you can hand over the next hint right away, or you can hide it in the bathroom next to the tube of toothpaste, in shoes, in the mailbox - most importantly, you must be sure that the “object” will look there. Take someone to help you. For example, you can give a piece of the card to a guard on the porch or to a security guard at the company where the person works, the seller at the newspaper or cigarette kiosk, or someone you know. The place where the gift is hidden should be indicated on the last piece of the card. As soon as all the pieces are collected, the climax sets in - go to the indicated place and pick up the prize! After such a quest, there is no other way to give a gift.

And yet - choose this option if you know for sure that the person who will participate in the game is quite passionate and loves to rack his brains over different logical tasks.

The second idea is the Labyrinth.

The option is not only interesting, but also looks spectacular. Very well suited if you are preparing a surprise for the child.

Buy three large pieces of ribbons of different colors in advance. They are sold per meter in any fabric store. Right from the bed, we begin to confuse them all over the room.

The path to the main gift is indicated by only one ribbon, others lead either simply to a dead end or to small "comforting" gifts.

The third idea is "Luggage storage".

To implement this idea, you will need a cell of a left-luggage office, for example, at a train station. We hide the gift there. We take pictures of the entire route - remarkable places that a person can navigate - his house, bus stop, the desired bus number, the station building (or other place where the cell is located). It is usually forbidden to take photographs in the building itself, you can try to capture just the inscription “left-luggage office”, and indicate the number of the cell itself in another way.

On the morning of the appointed day, the culprit of the whole event receives an envelope with photos. Most likely, he will guess that his gift is in the storage room, and that he needs to go after him. Only the cell code is missing. How to inform him? You can, for example, like this - friends send one text of congratulations, each one word in SMS, but with the number of the cell code: "We are 5", "... congratulations 3", "you 1", "with 4", "day 6" , "birth 2"! It remains only to compare all the data and go for a gift. But be sure to keep the company lucky - to be safe. And try to have documents at the station, just in case.

The fourth idea is "Warm-Cold."

This game is suitable for presenting a gift to young children. Hide the gift in the room and ask the child to find it, playing the game "warm-cold". First, explain the rules. If the child comes close to the right place, we say: “warmer, warmer ...!”, If he goes the wrong way, we say: “colder, colder ... very cold!”. If you came very close, we say: “Hot!” This will be a signal that the place where the gift is hidden is found.

The fifth idea is “Remember everything.”

Take note if you intend to prepare a surprise for a special date or wedding anniversary for your soulmate.

Remember all the places that are dear to both - a cafe where you met, a bench on which you kissed for the first time, a cinema, a train station - in this case it is impossible to give clear instructions. Make notes-hints, crossword puzzles or puzzles, where these places, important dates will be indicated. You can use a photo. Make up and think over the route well, hide the clues. Great if you can attract friends or acquaintances. Guessing another rebus or encrypted word, your partner will look for the main prize. What it will be - a romantic dinner, a nice gift or something more intimate - decide for yourself. The scope of the quest can be very different, up to a trip to another city, if necessary! Surprise your loved ones more often!

Whatever idea you choose, add your own additions to it, spend a little time preparing and you will succeed! You will have something to tell your grandchildren!

Each year, on the eve of the birthday of all children, there is such impatience that words cannot convey! Why, the time comes to celebrate their next birthday! But how to make the birthday memorable for many years, be interesting and unique? Of course, go in search of an unforgettable adventure.

Here you should not let everything go by its own accord, study the proposed scenarios with which the Internet abounds, because you should organize the event according to all the rules. You can invite animators, there are no problems with this in Moscow, or you can use a ready-made holiday script that the Internet is so full of. Perhaps the most beloved and interesting, both for children and adults, crowning any rating is an adventure game, that is, a quest, which indicates any entertainment events.

A quest (quest from the English “task”, “search”, “hike”) is a mini-adventure, usually in its scenario there are several stages. Today it is one of the most popular and modern ways to celebrate a holiday at home or in nature. Depending on the focus, all tasks must be done collectively or individually.

Each ends with a new assignment or mini-prize. So many steps need to be done so that children invited to a birthday do not get bored. In the best collections that help organize adventures in finding a gift, they say that 6-10 is the optimal number of tasks. You can do it outdoors, and in the forest, an ordinary room is also suitable if the game is not a team game.


The key part of the quest, when you are planning to organize a search for a gift, are riddles, clues hidden in an adventure scenario. They can be invented by yourself or borrow this in various sources, where there are ready-made scripts for the children's birthday. The rating of problems depends on the complexity.

Tasks can be designed beautifully and with fiction, or you can find a ready-made template in which to enter tasks and then print them on a printer. Children who do not know how to read assignments can read out or use pictures. To make the search more enjoyable, you can add sweet prizes in the form of sweets, chocolate coins and other things to the tasks.

Use simple and poetic puzzles that are easy to solve, otherwise the task runs the risk of freezing, and the mood goes bad. You can use mathematical and, for example, you can make a homemade puzzle. You can use gadgets and send tasks by e-mail, paste QR-codes on objects or leave links to videos or in the form of pictures on the Internet.

If you want to give some gifts, you can use
  search poems:

Looking for a hidden surprise

You can take riddles with riddles that will be your favorite cartoon characters (in the form of toys, books or pictures) that will give a hint:

The next stage of preparation in the adventure scenario for children is the layout of tasks and surprises to carry out the search. You need to make sure that each subsequent puzzle points to the next waypoint in your game.

You can start by hiding the first clue in a place where you can quietly push guests or a birthday person in the right direction, if the room in which they are looking for a gift does not want to part with their secrets. The first task can also be handed in person, sent in the form of SMS, ask friends to hand in the form of a letter. Next, along the chain, distribute subsequent tasks.

Pre-invent the original text in the script of the adventure itself, you can include it, giving a start and setting the tone for the selected script. It all depends on the hobbies of the birthday man and invited children.

The next question that needs to be solved: where is it most convenient for children to conduct a quest on such a significant day? There can be a lot of options: from your own apartment, to an outdoor adventure in nature: in a city park, in a country house or even in your own personal plot.

Quest Infield, at home or in the country

Team quest for children, looking for a gift

Team - this is a special kind of game, as it may include previous ideas for a search team or, for example, be an adventure of a competitive type when 2 teams participate. This script can be used not only for a birthday, but also for joint activities in the classroom or in kindergarten. According to the results of the game, you can make a rating of the most quick-witted players.

The goal of such a game is to find a hidden gift faster than a team of rivals or the second option, which involves a collective game of both teams. Alternatively, each team separately from the other must find its own part of the map, combining which you can find a common prize.
  For team competitions, you can take various games, for example:

The game "I'm a Director Today"

You can also play mimes and portray:

Game progress

The course of the birthday game for children should be smooth, moving from one point to another, you, as the leader of the holiday, should, if necessary, guide and advise players who may be stuck and bewildered (anything can happen). Although you should not rush, give the children a chance to figure out the task themselves.

Quite popular have become such activities as the quest room. Here, the imagination of the authors will provide you with real scenery and special effects, as well as unimaginable scenarios for the development of familiar stories, just put in a search engine and you will be given a rating of the popularity of these institutions in Moscow.

Quest for a boy

As mentioned above, scripts for boys may differ from the plot in the script for girls. Therefore, you need to properly prepare and take into account the interests of the birthday man and his friends and do everything perfectly.

You can use logical tasks from matches (how to turn one number into another), easy chemical experiments, note the numbering of books on shelves, you can use stereograms for hints, color mixing, tongue twisters.

If you do not have time for personal training, you can visit the room with theatrical quests in Moscow. The rating of such entertainment for children and adults is quite high and the topics depend on age, in addition, you can participate with children. Themes are various: on the theme of space, cartoons, literary, military, pirate, fantastic and terrible.

For example, a detective scenario:

1) Preparation

All tasks are designed for one participant, but if desired, a group of friends will not hurt.
  Presenter: an adult (one of the parents or a guest animator).
  Time: about 1 hour.
  Location: apartment.
  Participant's age: a boy of 7 years or more (can be redone for a girl if she likes this genre).
  This scenario would be ideal if the child decided to give a live puppy or kitten.

Necessary materials:

  • envelope with the image of your favorite detective (classic Sherlock Holmes, Dasha the Pathfinder, Diego and others), paper and pen
  • some attribute of a “detective costume”
  • a flash drive, phone, tablet, or laptop - any gadget on which you can play recorded audio files
  • 5 different “footprints” of dog or cat paws cut out of paper (each in several copies)
  • toy or live dog or cat (depending on the gift)

2) Start

We start in the hallway. An envelope with the first task sticks out in the door or under it, if the child does not immediately notice it, say that “it seems someone was knocking” or “oh, what is it”. So, the envelope is in the hands.
  The child must print the envelope and read the letter.

The text of the letter can be changed, according to the chosen chief investigator and the style: “Dear friend! I have to ask you for help. A terrible story happened to me: (let your fantasy run wild and write the plot). I ask you for help! You will find everything you need for your searches in the place located in the house, and at the same time on the street.

Sincerely, (name of the chosen hero). ”

The task of the child is to figure out where the box with the necessary attributes is hidden. This is a balcony. If it’s hard to understand right away. Then use the hint and fold the word from the letters left in the envelope. The little detective must add the word "balcony".

3) Investigation

We go to the balcony and find a box there, get the attributes of a “detective costume”, dress. In the box is a memory card (any storage medium, depending on the selected gadget), a note and “traces”.

Text of the note: “Evidence is collected here, they will help in our business. Listen to the recordings and recognize the voice of the Baskerville dog, (the cat-hero and others - according to the script), and then go on the trail. "

Five sound audio files with various voices of barking dogs or meowing cats are pre-recorded on the memory card. Files need to be numbered. One of them will belong to the Baskerville dog or (to the hero cat). We do it this way - we give the child to listen to the desired voice 1-2 times to remember. Then listen to everything in any order and find out which of the records belongs to the desired dog or cat.

It may happen that the first time does not work, it does not matter, repeat the task.

When the desired file is recognized, the child must remember or write in a notebook, like a real detective, the number of the desired file.

Now it's time to study the mysterious traces of the dog (cat) in the box, all the “paw prints” are numbered. In the room we will also have 5 types of different tracks without numbers, but of different sizes, you can even play with the colors coming from the balcony to certain areas of the room (for accuracy, stick with tape). Only one of them is correct.

The task is, from the tracks in the box, to take the track with the desired number (this is the number of the guessed sound file), and find the same on the floor. Having found the desired direction, we will follow the trail until it leads us to the next goal. It will be a closet.

4) Search

Inside the cabinet in a conspicuous place, a note is attached and several items of clothing are hanging, for example, a shirt, coat, jacket, jacket, pants, etc. Redundant and repeated things by name should be moved to another cabinet for a while.

Note text: “Dear friend! You are a real detective! Be careful: there are things of the criminal who hides the location of the dog (cat). You need to carefully search these things and find the missing pieces of the puzzle, you need to collect the word from them. This word will show you the way forward. ”

In the pockets of things are hidden in advance seven pieces of paper with letters, each 1 letter. If things for a search will have many pockets, then the searches will be more fun. The child’s task is to find all the letters and make up the word “corridor” from them. From the letters you need to make the name of the next room with the task, for example, a kitchen, a corridor, a living room.

After that it will be possible to move to this room.

5) Tricks for quick wits

An envelope with another note for the young detective is lying on the floor in the selected room.
  Note text: “Great job! Closer to the goal. The next task - using logic and deduction, solve all the puzzles. Only then can we get an answer on where to move on. ”

The presenter sequentially sets riddles:

You can find a lot. You can use numbered cards and a card with a voice (track) number from the initial tasks, it will be about the subject of your home environment, in this subject you will hide the following clue.

After that, he needs to search the hidden object and find the collar for the dog in it (if the present is a puppy or a bow on a string, if it is a kitten). A note “go to the next room” will be attached to the collar (bow) (if there is only one room, then you can use the kitchen or bathroom).

In the next room the winner will be waiting for a plush dog or cat (if a toy is planned). If the animal is real, then persuading him to sit quietly is unlikely to succeed, therefore, in the finale, the search should take you outside and there your assistant in the person of a relative or friend will present a treasured gift.

This is of course a short script, but what prevents you from taking it as a basis and drawing up your own version.

For girl

Girls are no worse able to cope with tasks for boys, but still they like a little different genres. The rating of entertainment for girls is headed by fairies, princesses and fairy-tale adventures.
  The scenario for the girl can be based on the plot of her favorite fairy tale or on testing her skills as a hostess or even combining everything at once - the main thing is to be interesting, and the birthday will be remembered as an incredible adventure.

The script for the girl according to the logic of the sequence is similar to the above script for the boy. Just change the main character.

Only after waking up, the girl can find a flower or envelope, and in it a note that the beloved fairy or princess asks her for help. You can write tasks in verse, attract to your riddles your favorite toys, flowers on the windowsill, dresses. Moving around the room in the final, you can make a word inviting you to continue the celebration in a cafe or in an amusement park and give the main gift there.

Probably, each of us loves holidays, especially when they are dedicated to us. But when a loved one becomes the culprit, a problem arises. Moreover, this gift should be original, modern, beautiful, fashionable, and sometimes inexpensive. Nowadays, there are darkness of various gift shops, whose windows are literally full of the most outlandish presents.

But love and attention cannot be bought in stores. Thanks treasure questmade by yourself, your gift and congratulations will be even more valuable. Irina Bondarenko prepared for her husband a birthday.

Preliminary preparation of the quest

So, to organize a quest at home  you will need:

  • 4 envelopes
  • felt-tip pens or markers,
  • set of color cardboard
  • and 1 Kinder Surprise.

The quest dedicated to finding a gift. It consists of 6 tips. Tips can be hidden in your apartment. From each clue found, it should be clear where to look for the next.

Tips are best designed colorful and beautiful. To do this, you need colored cardboard and markers (felt-tip pens). Or you can print ready-made templates.

Cards with tips should be placed in envelopes that need to be distributed around the apartment. If desired, envelopes can also be painted.

Remember that your husband will look for a gift you have hidden. Your task is to hide the present in such a secluded corner so that your spouse does not find it ahead of time.

And yet, the number of prompts can be any. But do not make the quest too long or short. In the first case, it will be tiring, and in the second, the husband will find the gift too quickly and will not have time to fully feel the beauty of the game. It is best to prepare a scenario consisting of 6-10 tasks.

Quest script for a man

First task

Prepare a card from colored cardboard with an offer to complete the quest. Leave the following clue on the card: “The clue is in the envelope, and the envelope is in the striped predator. Find the envelope. " In this case, we are talking about a tiger. In our apartment there are a lot of different crafts and soft toys. One of my favorite toys is the tiger. I placed the next envelope near it.

Second task

On the cardboard card, write a hint: "Look for the next envelope under the most exotic tree in our apartment." To make it more interesting, a card with a hint can be cut into 8 parts and put them in an envelope. On the envelope, write: " Assemble the puzzle».

This tip is about a palm tree. The fact is that my husband is fond of flower cultivation. His favorite plant is dracaena, which in our family everyone calls a palm tree. I placed the following clue exactly under the dracaena.

The third task

Prepare the following note: “If you break the wall, you see silver, you break through silver, you see gold.” The answer to the puzzle is the egg. Therefore, I hid the next clue in the purchased in advance.

Task Four

The hint placed in Kinder Surprise reads as follows: "Russian-English Dictionary, 930 pages, 1 column, second word from the top." This word is a stroller. In this case we are talking about a baby stroller. It was in it that I hid the next envelope.

The fifth task

Make the following inscription on the cardboard card: "You need to climb Mount Everest in our apartment." This refers to the highest place in our apartments, namely the mezzanine. There I hid the last envelope.

The sixth task

The last clue of the quest is as follows: "Look into the coldest branch of our North Pole." It's about a freezer. It is in it that the present prepared by me is hidden.

I hope that thanks to this quest, your holiday will be fun and unforgettable. By the way, it can be given not only to a spouse, but also to a brother, father, uncle, godfather and other close person, even a child.

Game over, romantic dinner ahead. Have fun!

Another quest option in this video:

And here is even a video report on the search for a gift, in two actions, very sweet, and a memory for life:

Do you like the product and want to order the same from the author? Write to us.

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Take a look also.