Vanilla phrases about love. Vanilla status about autumn. Examples of vanilla statuses about love

i’m on the bus, sitting opposite the guy, and his eyes are insanely beautiful. deep blue, I can’t tear myself away. my stop, I get up, and he looks at me and says: "the girl you have beautiful eyes too."

Love .... love .... love him ... you love him .. - Heart, shut up, huh ?! (from)

It smells of chocolate, thoughts are wrapped in caramel ... And only the heart is in a glass of ice cream.

A cup of coffee, cigarette smoke, loud music and naively vanilla dreams of happiness .. Stupid such ... Crazy ... Tender ... Loving ... Sometimes drunk and hysterical ... But endlessly obsessed with you ...

I’m sitting in front of a computer, listening to something about love ... Someone’s messages are in the monitor ... There is a white veil in my head ... A cup of coffee is on the table. Opened window. The noise ... It's dark ... The clock is ticking. Weakness ... Breaking ... The soul is crying ... Hands, feet, but not feelings freeze ... Wiping away tears with your hands ... You feel a heartbeat ... Thoughts of a race ... Nothing is clear ... and someone then whispers: "and who said that time heals?! ...

It takes only a second for a person to meet a special person, it will take a minute to recognize him, a day to fall in love ... But sometimes a lifetime will not be enough to forget him ... (c)

Life is like a book, with the main characters and a lot of extras, with a bright and interesting climax, but the end is boring and banal for everyone (s)

Internet, it does not bring together. This is a cluster of loneliness. We are kind of together, but each one. The illusion of communication, the illusion of friendship, the illusion of life .. (c)

She just loves autumn. Children's orbits and can not be alone. She will definitely find the shoes of her dreams. The man of his life and himself. (from)

I pull a fake smile. I am changing the sad look at the cheerful one. I look at the world with glass eyes. And you know, people believe that I'm fine. Naive. (from)

People like me become rock stars, crazy artists, morgue workers, but by no means beloved girls. (from)

She loves to laugh and have fun, but she cries very often. She runs away from the past, but always thinks about him and wants to return. She does not believe in miracles, but makes a wish for the holidays. She slammed the door so many times, but still returned

And I still live in someone’s words. In someone’s views, in silence, in thoughts ... I stay in someone’s electronic diaries, in postcards, in sms .. And that means I still have. And then I’ll still be (s)

Yes, I'm crazy, that's all. I like bad weather when wet asphalt and gray sky are under my feet. I love complex films with an indistinct melancholy and sad ending, over which I can’t even cry heartily and mournful poems with flying rhymes and sad morality. I love long, deserted windy beaches, where the gray sky merges with the steel sea into the horizon, where you can walk along the water's edge for a long, long time without meeting anyone. I’m not at all an ordinary person. I need to feel ... Walking through life with a smile, albeit not the kindest, is easier. Only I will never learn this. The old-fashioned cry when it hurts. (from)

she wears big glasses. She forgets to dye herself in the morning. She sleeps a little. She is afraid of evil people. She bites her lips so that she’s bleeding. She takes everything to heart. she is so. quickly gets used to people. burns. disappointed. cries (s)

Glasses in bright frames, tousled hair, gym shoes on his feet, a thick book in a huge bag, cynicism in the eyes, the taste of vanilla and a rude grin on my lips. (from)

One day you will look into my laughing eyes and cry

sometimes I open .. your page .. just to show your middle finger .. yes, stupid. but fair (s)

Sitting. Drinking coffee with six tablespoons of sugar. Now reading some book. Hoping that he will call. (C)

and I have winter. and I have hot tea. snowflakes outside the window. and the sun on the eyelashes. and tangerine skin on the table.

height. the smell of rain. gust. 2:13. that song. replay of memories. smile. heat. I realized that I let go. the end? ... maybe ... until the next online (c)

There was a constant struggle between them, every day they challenged each other ... Why? They were just crazy about each other, but not one of them could say that !. I haven’t distinguished night and day for a long time, I sleep most often in the morning, well, or during the day, and evenly, three hours, six hours, or all fourteen, what difference does it make when you feel the same way. Normal human rhythm, when life is cut into days and nights, is almost forgotten. (C)

Why are vanilla statuses about autumn and love? It’s just that autumn is probably still the most romantic period ... at least in the life of the Internet, everyone returned from the seas, vacations and the sun to the Internet. Change of weather and mood forces to change not only clothes, but also vkontakte statuses, at Classmates, and on Facebooke.

Why vanilla statuses? Yes, because autumn is probably the most “vanilla” season and not only nature ...

Vanilla statuses about fall sad:

Autumn  - this is coffee with cloves and cinnamon, maple leaves with a wreath on the head, and walks in the yellow warm park, a little warm tender and soft buns with vanilla and kisses with hope ...

Autumn  - meetings are shorter, faces are duller, and loneliness is more noticeable. But, autumn makes hugs, kisses stronger, and love ???, and Love does not depend on the season ...

On a warm November morning, I will write our story on fallen yellow leaves, and then sail away on a tiny paper boat into a new life ....

AutumnSeptember. Quiet smile. A sad morning, a gray day, and in the evenings chocolate and tea, but the most delicious is not chocolate - this is dessert, but dessert has warm memories of the past summer ...

The mood is autumn, I turn up the volume and close my eyes, don’t ask why, just ... autumn is in the mood ...

In autumn, along with yellow fallen leaves, we will certainly lose someone ...

Autumn is the time for tender, gentle, gentle sadness ...

In the autumn it is always easy to think, but hard to dream, and eternity, having forgotten space and time, loses tension, and something soft and sad is poured into the soul ...

Autumn is a fragment of reality shattered into parts of the world ...

Your words wanted to make me cry, but the leaf fall stopped them and took them in the fall ...

Autumn depressively leaves the city with leaves, and we ...

Sad, the autumn burst into tears with a little rain ...

It’s damp on the street, the sky is crying, the sun has hidden: everything is so black and gray ... Why? Maybe because October? No, it's just that you're not there ...


In autumn, you need only 3 things - L’Eau d’Issey Eau d’Ete perfumes with a warm fruity aroma, tart red wine and ... love.

Dance of fallen leaves ... rainy season ... a cocktail of smoke and thoughts!

Autumn ... It always has something from a gray Eternity, simple and incomprehensible.

Autumn ... it always smells of little unfulfilled dreams ...

Do not worry, it’s not me who decided that it will be autumn, it’s just such a time of year ...

Autumn feels happiness! She’s just the most beautiful. It’s just the real one and it can’t deceive ... How I love you, Autumn!

We agreed with the fall to cry all 3 months together, it is easier than alone. Only now she doesn’t keep her promises ... and I, it seems, already cried for us both back in September.

Autumn is the color dreams of leaf fall ...

Autumn ... You are so beautiful, bright and memorable, but so lonely ... Yes, we have too much in common. Too.

Autumn, But not because October. It’s just that the nights have become cool. But not because autumn ...

Vanilla statuses about autumn and love:

Yes, I still smile at you quietly and calmly. Indeed, beyond this door is a new autumn. So, I'm closing the season ...

Autumn give me love - I do not want to change my status to autumn ...

Autumn ... cold, windy, and rainy ... But it becomes cozy and warm ... if you are not alone in it ... If it is in it ...

She just loves Autumn, and does not know how to be alone. She will definitely find the boots of her dreams, the man of her life and of course herself.

I want beautiful Autumn so that the leaves are surrounded by a warm wind. And I also want to meet this love very much!

You know ... you are very similar in the fall ... she has the same brown eyes, a sad look and she just like you ... makes loving hearts suffer ...

Well, and as a bonus for those who have not chosen vanilla status about autumn  some cool autumn statuses:

Autumn broke everyone in pairs ... but me and @ ka just broke me ...

The sad time is not autumn, but the week before the salary.

So autumn has come ... The fourth for this year.

Such a strange Autumn. You left me, I left you. And so eight times ...

If in advance in late autumn the roof of the house is greased with condensed milk, then in early spring it will be much more fun and pleasant to suck icicles !!

You will see the necessary personal solutions to serious problems by reading Vanilla quotes about love for guys, only the best judgments of the epochal persons of human society - Equal dishonor drags the One who betray love and who left the battle. Pierre Cornell

When a woman ceases to love a man, she forgets everything, even the mercies with which he bestowed. Jean de Labruyere

Many people say about love in VK, but only a few have seen it ...

Those who are too wary about horns do not marry at all - there is no other way. Moliere

The all-consuming passion of any woman is to marry someone. If she is not married - to herself. If married, then the woman her husband is likely to marry if he suddenly widows tomorrow. Henry Mencken

A woman is hotter than men, more madness in her. Ovid

The man who is unable to make his way in life is worthless, and the woman who is not able to get the worst and most necessary evil from her husband is not smart. Oscar Wilde

First, we are able to resist passion, Until it showed its power. Pierre Cornell

The sovereign love commands us And kindles in us, and extinguishes the flame of passion. Whom we want to love, that is to us - alas! - not nice; And the one whom we swear filled our hearts. Jean Racine

The most striking memory is the memory of a woman in love. Andre Morois

In the female brain, apparently, one compartment is less, and in the heart - one feeling more than in the brain and heart of a man. Without this special arrangement, women would not be able to raise, care for and groom their children. Nicola Chamfort

She adorns a woman what makes her more beautiful, but makes her not gold, emeralds and purple, but modesty, decency and modesty. Plutarch Celibacy is created by licentiousness. Both sexes shun the union that should make them better, and abide in the union that makes them worse. Charles Montesquieu

It doesn't matter whether you have a husband or be connected. Denis Fonvizin

Youth has their own wisdom - Love, which is always right. Ilya Selvinsky

Spring. The sun. Joy. Happiness. A smile on his face. Jeans. Sneakers. Positive. Love.

Passion is a mocking, crafty deity, it is closer to the elves than to the gods. She likes to play a trick on us. When finally we can surrender to her, she leaves from both or from one of us. Clive Staples Lewis

We love, sometimes not knowing about it, And often delirium is empty love we call. Moliere

Love is peculiar only to a sane person. Epictetus

The only truly happy people are married women and unmarried men. Henry Mencken

A wife should talk only with her husband, and with other people through her husband, and let her not be upset. Plutarch

When you see how some women get married, you understand how they do not want to earn a living by their own labor. Helen Rowland

To love means to wish the other what you consider to be good, and to wish, moreover, not for your own sake, but for the sake of the one you love, and try to bring him this good if possible. Aristotle

Where love or hatred does not play up, a woman plays mediocre. Friedrich Nietzsche

Love never kept anyone from realizing their dreams. Paulo Coelho, MacTub

Who can hide love? Ovid

Confidence that they are loved is beneficial for timid souls: it gives them naturalness. Andre Morois

Who is to blame - a candle or a moth, Which attracted the fire of a candle. Bedil

It happens that friendship or love from the very beginning take too high a note. This is a bad sign. Happiness is only where naturalness is. Andre Morois

In order for love to be pure, it must first abandon self-love, become free, and the spirit is freed only when it goes outside, beyond itself and beholds the substantial as something else, higher in relation to itself. Georg Hegel

All passions generally make us make mistakes, but the funniest of them makes us make love. F. Laroshfuko.

He who knows nature not through love, never knows it. Friedrich Schlegel

Love is never harmful. Only selfishness multiplied by convenient coexistence can be harmful. Leo Tolstoy

The man of the mystical warehouse passionately falls in love, often not knowing and not wanting to truly know the subject of his love. Wilhelm Schwebel

Nothing makes us so cowardly and unscrupulous as wanting to be loved by other people.

There are such women. He will sew you a coat hanger, and then he will say that she gave you life. Emil the Meek

Love, as luck, is unnecessary to chase after it.

First, defeat yourself completely, and then you can easily lead your wife. Thomas Fuller

- Love is a luxury. - Not. Love is a vital necessity. Laney Taylor "Daughter of Smoke and Bones"

When you love, you discover such wealth in yourself, so much tenderness, affection, you do not even believe that you know how to love.

Can peace and love coexist in one heart? Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais

A man grows cold to a woman who loves him too much, and vice versa. Apparently, the situation with heart feelings is the same as with good deeds: he who is not able to repay for them, he becomes ungrateful. Nicola Chamfort

Because of these blondes, so much evil is happening in the world! Agatha Christie

If we love some object similar to us, then we strive, as far as possible, to make him love us too. Benedict Spinoza

Love is so blind, love is so capable of dazzling a person that the narrowest and most slippery path seems to the person in love the widest and most reliable way.

The joy of love, not daring to make a confession, is fraught with torment, but such love has its own charm. With what inspiration we do everything that a person who we infinitely respect will please! Blaise Pascal

We would not be jealous of those women who do not spare us and hourly give cause for jealousy, if our feeling depended on their actions and attitude towards us, and not on our heart. Jean de Labruyere

You can only love what you know.

If you want to exchange the adoration of many men for criticizing one thing - act, get married. Katherine Hepburn

Perfect beauty, the most amazing appearance, are worthless if no one admires them. Honore de Balzac

Passionate love is ridiculous. This is a ridiculous invention of writers. Paul Valerie

Lovers to marry is very unreasonable. Bernard Show

Today, children become enlightened sinners before they learn what innocence is. Wilhelm Schwebel

Love, which arises slowly and gradually, is so similar to friendship that it cannot become an ardent passion. Jean de Labruyere

If he is the first thing you think about when you wake up; the only thing is when you are awake; and the last thing you think about before falling asleep is that he is really special

A smart wife, while an angry husband screams and scolds, remains silent, and only when he falls silent does he start a conversation with him to soften him and calm him down. Plutarch

Love is fire, longing for happiness. Her irresistible power Any creature is subordinate. Lope de Vega

If a man wants to be considered smarter than he really is, and a woman wants to be considered more beautiful, a delusion is beneficial for both of them and harmless to others. Philip Chesterfield

Love is two loneliness that greet each other, touch and protect each other.

The severity of morals in women is the white and blush with which they accentuate their beauty. Francois de Larochefoucauld

Equality is the most solid foundation of love. Gotthold Lessing

Love is unfair, but justice alone is not enough. Albert Camus

Anger and temper does not belong in married life. A married woman faces austerity, but let this harshness be useful and sweet, like wine, and not bitter, like aloe, and unpleasant, like a medicine. Plutarch

A man falls to his knees in front of a woman only to help her fall. Vasily Klyuchevsky

Forgiveness means it's all over. Francoise Sagan

Women were God's second mistake. Friedrich Nietzsche

Love is the morning of our senses. Bernard de Fontenelle

Love is the desire to live. Maksim Gorky

A woman is your shadow: when you follow her, she runs from you; when you leave her, she runs after you. Alfred de Musset

There is nothing worse than old fools. They are even worse than the young. Agatha Christie

Wives are people who feel that they are dancing too little. Groucho Marx

All our nights are the oblivion of the eve.

Beauty is deceiving, but it is a valuable quality if you are poor or not very smart. Keane Hubbard

Love is a mystery, love is an unknown ...

There is so much sweetness to the powerful goddess of love, That on a hundred altars the sacrifice to her is wretched. Vasily Trediakovsky

Only in mathematics do two halves form one whole. It’s not so in life; for example, a lunatic husband and a lunatic wife are undoubtedly two halves, but in complexity they give two lunatics and will never make one complete smart. Vasily Klyuchevsky

Women are less interested in results, in achievements, and more in the process itself - the current process, and not its highest point of triumph and success. Abraham Maslow

A man in love is a miserable sight. Agatha Christie

It is easy to hide hatred, it is difficult to love, and most difficult to hide indifference.

Marriage is a union of two people, one of whom never remembers birthdays, and the second never forgets them. Ogden Nash

Dear furs throw those ladies who see them into the cold more than warm those who wear them. Julien de Falkenare

No matter how bad a man thinks of women, any woman thinks of them even worse. Nicola Chamfort

There is no great passion at all. Nature made sure that if A had not met B, he would have been equally happy with C. This is a scientific fact. John Dixon Carr

A man will leave his father and his mother and cleave to his wife; and there will be one flesh. Genesis (chap. 2, cm. 24)

Stronger than love in nature there is no beginning. Lope de Vega

In love, longing and joy are always fighting. Publius Sir

A woman’s heart is smarter than her mind: that’s why she feels smart and thinks stupidly. Vasily Klyuchevsky

And the final of the topic Vanilla quotes about love for guys - A woman laughing at her husband can no longer love him. Prop de Balzac

And his lips are sweeter than all your vanilla.

And she loves milk chocolate, the smell of vanilla, night, strong coffee in the morning, cherries, cream and you.

And she's so vanilla, but I would never call her sweet.

And I don’t smell like vanilla, and I don’t drink martini every night. I don’t smoke after every failure. I rarely drink coffee. I'm not like you. I am normal.

Pauses are especially delightful in love. It is as if tenderness is accumulating in these minutes, then bursting out with sweet vanilla outpourings.

In my purse you can find only perfumes with the smell of joy, the brilliance of the colors of the rainbow and Orbits with the taste of happiness ...

Vanilla is good for buns.

Vanilla, Dreams, Chocolate, Snow, You.

Vanilla dreams, chocolate life and a strawberry mood are all that we women need.

Perhaps she is not perfect, not the girl of your dreams, and not all the guys at her feet. It happens that she’s a hysteria, a psychopath. But really loves you.

Everyone is afraid of a positive pregnancy test, and I'm afraid of a positive love test.

Bitter coffee, bitter chocolate, bitter truth. And they say that life is sweet. Stupid.

A girl with the eyes of the color of life .. She loves the sun, so gentle, so proud. Like? You can’t .. Not yours.

There are films like Titanic that you cry over even after watching 100th. There are guys like you that you love, even after hundreds of others.

Noticed that the status of vanilla, etc. has become less. Now fashionable to hate pathos.

The smell of love is the smell of: Dark chocolate, grapefruit, hazelnut, fine vanilla, almond, mint, red roses, strawberries with cream and predawn fog.

And again, coffee and cigarettes ... tired ... but still the same naive ... Sometimes it seems to me that I should have been born a boy. I hate being called zaya, the sun, and so on. I do not like vanilla and snotty statuses. Favorite clothing sneakers, jeans and a T-shirt. I like to play slammer. And I also can’t find my socks.

How nice it is to freeze, then warm yourself in the arms of a loved one.

Someday we will be older. We will no longer trust everyone. Only to myself. Weathered all vanilla. Let's get more serious, and at the same time more boring. But, we will not be "youngsters" We will be great aunts.

It is better to be with a smack of vanilla than with the smell of fumes.

I love chamomiles, condensed milk and the smell of vanilla.

I love to tease, pester, nerve-racking ... and then just say with an innocent look: "Well, fuck ..." and kiss you with a smile.

Love is like mercury: you can hold it in an open palm, but not in a clenched hand.

I somehow pathetically already throw vanilla into the dough for the pie.

I’m already 18 years old, and I’m silly, I like vanilla, I love it when they call me “the sun”, I’m a bastard from toys and I can’t live without you.

My lips are caramelized, I smell like vanilla, and my tears are like strawberry syrup ... I'm too sweet - your ass will stick together !!!

My life is not a photo. No need to comment on it.

We get used to smiling at those who do not want to smile, and look great at the moment when we want to scream in pain.

  • Forward\u003e

And she loves milk chocolate, the smell of vanilla, night, strong coffee in the morning, cherries, cream and ... you.

It is impossible to love to kiss with open eyes. Because when kissing lovingly, tenderness comes on your eyelids carefully with small legs ...

Vanilla princes on a white horse remained in the country of unfulfilled hopes waiting for their chocolate princesses.

I will pour vanilla syrup on your velvet heart, leaving it with a silk aftertaste of sugar winter.

But how do you still want to believe that a miracle will happen ... And everything will turn into a fairy tale ... a fairy tale that you yourself have come up with ...

Happiness - when you stand on your toes, kiss him, and in response you hear: "you are my little one"

The windowsill is small, the coffee has run out, I don’t smoke cigarettes - well, no conditions for the megastress of a modern girl.

And she's so vanilla, but I would never call her sweet.

And again, coffee and cigarettes ... tired ... but still as naive in this cruel world ...

Glasses in bright frames, tousled hair, gym shoes on his feet, a thick book in a huge bag, cynicism in the eyes, the taste of vanilla and a rude grin on my lips.

Bitter coffee, bitter chocolate, bitter truth. And they say that life is sweet. stupid.

Among all the smells of cigarettes in the world, she could find it, the one with the scent of vanilla.

She hates cheating and smells like rain and vanilla; sits on the balcony for hours, counting floors by eye. And if suddenly a new acquaintance was again not a prince, Laughing, shrugs and whispers under his breath: "this is life."

Love is when right there under the ribs what belongs to him beats at the speed of light, and you whisper: "Hush, he will hear now ..."

You cry, that without love is hard. Believe me, when I don’t have sweets at home, I’m even worse.

At such moments, I really look like a small naive child, with burning eyes and screaming with delight)))) .......

I want to forget, forget ... everything that is connected with you but, now I have a small miracle ... that constantly reminds you of ..

My lips are caramelized, I smell like vanilla, and my tears are like strawberry syrup ... I'm too sweet - your ass will stick together !!!

She loves vanilla dreams, coffee, rain, and you.

He loves snow, naive children's laughter, your old sweater, baby champagne and a cool breeze ... It makes faces when you are silent in response. You just do not know that she is not like everyone! Simple, funny and naive ... maybe silly, but so ...

Chocolate-vanilla mood in your head and your face in front of your eyes

I would like someone's 36.6 and vanilla in a clouded fantasy.

Give me the letter "I". She is cool. She can combine everything you want: heaven and earth, day and night, you and me ...

It's just that when we are together, I feel like I'm living again. Not the heartbeat itself, but the lightness that lifts me to heaven.