Drawings on stones fly acrylic. To help novice artists - paint stones with acrylic paints. Photo of stone crafts

To decorate the garden, pebbles with drawings printed on it are increasingly being used. DIY painting stones is the easiest and cheapest way to transform a summer cottage or a garden of a private house.

For beginner artists, this task may seem too complicated, but even children can apply acrylic paints to stones. Bright cobblestones will certainly decorate the garden, make juicy notes in the existing landscape design.

Instructions for painting stones for beginners

To simplify the task, the entire creative process is better divided into successive stages:

  1. The choice of material (stones) for painting.
  2. Drawing up a sketch of a drawing.
  3. Selection of paints and brushes.
  4. Transfer the picture to the cobblestone.
  5. Pattern fixation.

If all the steps are performed in a clear sequence, the chances of making a mistake will be reduced to zero - bright pebbles with interesting patterns will decorate the garden.

You can decorate with painted cobblestones not only gardens, they are used for zoning the territory, disposing in the form of borders and sidewalks. The same colored pebbles decorate playgrounds and park areas. Small pebbles with filigree painting can decorate even the most sophisticated interior - they are suitable for decor of a living room, bedroom or hallway.

How to choose stones

Most often, for the material for painting, you have to go to the sea. After all, artists draw on the most ordinary sea pebbles. This mineral is most suitable for applying patterns to its surface.

Stones for painting should be:

  • not too dark;
  • not porous;
  • have the right shape;
  • priority is given to pebbles with a flat base, so that the decor can lie on a horizontal surface;
  • suitable in shape and size to the selected pattern.

Advice! Sometimes porous minerals can also be used. Their surface absorbs a large amount of paint, but such a cobblestone can make an excellent “piece of cheese”, for example.

It is most convenient to work with light, smooth and dense stones - the paint lays down on such a surface evenly, and the pattern is very clear and neat.

Do not limit yourself in choosing only perfectly even pebbles of the correct shape. Sometimes cobblestones with complex geometric shapes become an excellent backdrop for creating an unusual picture. It’s just that every interesting stone needs to be approached creatively, think over a concept and create a unique masterpiece.

Making artificial stones

This process is as follows:

  1. A small amount of water is poured into a basin or bucket.
  2. To the water level, ordinary sand is poured into the container.
  3. Sand should be evenly saturated with moisture so that excess water does not stand above its surface.
  4. In the sandy mass, hands make a recess in shape resembling the necessary shape of the future cobblestone.
  5. The prepared form is lined with polyethylene.
  6. The usual cement mortar is mixed and poured into a mold.
  7. Polyethylene cover the upper part of the cement billet and sprinkle on top with a thick layer of sand.
  8. When the cement has dried, the stone can be painted as usual.

Advice! In order for the background color of the stone to be as the author of the drawing needs, any coloring pigments can be added to the cement.

Pattern selection

It is necessary to select a drawing based on your own artistic skills and capabilities. This can be an existing picture found on the Internet, or a sketch created from scratch.

First of all, any drawing is depicted on paper. It is better to use in this process the same scale at which the pattern will be transferred to the stone, this will greatly simplify the work.

Now the figure needs to be transferred to the cobblestone. First draw the outline of the pattern, using contour pencils. There are white and black pencils on sale, their shade is selected depending on the color of the base.

What paints are better to paint stones

For painting stones, artists use a variety of paints, the most popular of which are:

  • watercolor;
  • gouache;
  • acrylic dyes;
  • compositions for painting dishes and ceramics.

If watercolor with gouache has a sufficiently liquid consistency, in addition, it is washed off under the influence of water, and may crack in the sun, then acrylic paints are considered an ideal material for painting garden stones.

Acrylic dyes have a dense, creamy consistency, which avoids sagging and repeated painting. The paint from the first time lays on the base with a uniform and dense layer.

In addition, acrylic dye has a number of advantages:

  1. It does not fade in the sun.
  2. It has plasticity, which avoids cracking of the paint layer.
  3. Non-toxic, odorless - you can work not only on the street, but also in the house.
  4. It dries quickly - a layer of acrylic paint dries in 15 minutes.
  5. It tolerates low and high temperatures.
  6. It is not washed off by water.

All these qualities make it possible to use acrylic paints for painting garden stones - drawings cannot be washed off by rains and will not fade in the sun.

Attention! The fact that acrylic dries quickly can become a hindrance for a novice artist. So that the dye in the jar does not thicken and does not deteriorate, it must be poured onto the palette in small doses.

Professional paints for painting dishes and ceramics are also quite convenient, but their cost can scare away the novice author of patterns. In addition, after applying such dyes to the cobblestone, it is better to bake it in the oven so that the pattern lasts a long time and does not crack.

You can buy acrylic paints for painting stones in both the construction and art stores. Of course, working with professional dyes is much more convenient, and the result will be more effective, but such paints are quite expensive.

Stone painting

When stones are selected and paints are bought, you can proceed directly to painting. Before starting work, pebbles must be washed in soapy water and dried thoroughly (it is better to put it in the sun or on a hot battery).

Now comes a primer coat. Any stones are better to be primed - so the paint will lay down more evenly and its consumption will be significantly reduced. It is allowed to skip this stage when painting very light stones with an absolutely smooth surface and non-porous structure.

Important! As a primer, experienced artists suggest using ordinary PVA glue. Its structure is great for these purposes, and the white color will be a great background for any picture.

After applying a layer of soil, the stone must again be thoroughly dried. After that, you can start staining.

First, the contour is applied using a pencil or a special marker. Then paint the background, applying paint with a wide brush with a long pile. Now they depict the pattern itself and carefully paint all the details with a thin brush.

Buying brushes for painting stones is a stage no less important than the purchase of paints. Painting tools are sold in whole sets, each of which contains about eight brushes. All brushes have different sizes, lengths and nap shapes. The painting of stones is best done with synthetic or nylon brushes, so the paint will lie evenly, the bristles will not leave visible stripes and villi.

Final stage

After applying each coat of paint, the stone must be left for 15-20 minutes to dry. Do the same after the drawing is finished. In principle, when the acrylic paint dries, the decor can already be taken out onto the street, decorated with a garden or paths - the coating will withstand the rain and wind.

But for greater effect, painted stones are covered with a layer of acrylic varnish. For these purposes, choose transparent varnishes, which are applied by spraying. Lacquered patterns on pebbles will become not only stronger, but also brighter, the surface will gain a glossy shine.

The technique of painting stones is so simple that it is suitable for beginner artists. This lesson is suitable not only for adults, children will be able to draw on pebbles, and then, decorate their playground or yard with these pebbles.

For the first experiment, acrylic paints from a construction store are quite suitable, the remains of which are in almost every house. Improving your professionalism, you can move on to more expensive materials by purchasing paints and brushes in art stores.

The adjoining plot needs unusual garden decorations. At the same time, it is not necessary to purchase expensive decor. It can be done with your own hands from ordinary stones.

The stones go well with trees and green grass.  Contemplation of pictures on natural material helps to tune in a meditative manner, to escape from everyday fuss.

Materials for drawings

You will need:

  • solvent for acrylic paints;
  • acrylic paints (they differ in saturated color and quickly dry);
  • palette (mix paints);
  • clear nail polish;
  • cup for rinsing brushes;
  • stones (suitable form);
  • different brushes (synthetic, natural, will quickly become worthless);
  • water;
  • a rag.

Choosing the basis for work

Traditionally, coastal or road pebbles are chosen. It is better if it is sanded with water. Special preparation for the material is not required.

Painting technique

  • First you need to wash the stones with soap and dry them well.
  • Then a primer is applied. Then the basis for the drawing is again to be dried.
  • The next step is to apply the background. Shake the paint well. Apply a base coat to the stone. Color is selected in advance. After applying the coat, drying lasts 15 minutes.
  • First you need to sketch the drawing on paper. Then it is transferred with a pencil on a stone base. It is important to think through all the details. Further coloring goes in layers. Each element must dry - it will take 15 minutes. Contours are outlined with liquid paint.
  • Drying the product is recommended on a battery.
  • The product is coated with a protective varnish. He must dry. After that, the product can be placed in the garden.

Master class on stone painting (video)

Use cases

Depending on how you paint the stone, it can become a bunch of flowers, a cute animal or a gnome. If the stone is rounded  - This is an ideal option for turning into a lying animal, berry or insect. Sometimes cobblestones already resemble something. Paints will help to emphasize the features inherent in a ladybug, animals or flowers.

For the pond, you must use large boulders. You can paint them with Japanese carps or water lilies, frogs and other aquatic animals.

Stone paths

In this case, a footpath is laid out from small painted pebbles with a different pattern. You can simply fill them with space in the old paved path - the presented option also looks original.

Stone platform

If you have a desire to highlight any area of \u200b\u200bthe site, colored pebbles will also work. On such a platform, you can put a table and chairs for a pleasant pastime at a tea party.

Flat installations

  • Any flat boulders will do. They are painted and laid out in a variety of spirals. You can also decorate areas, lawns, borders.
  • The footprints laid out of stones look interesting - they can be large and small. This decor is placed on both horizontal and vertical surfaces.
  • You can make words out of pebbles by writing them in letters. You can create graphic symbols, for example, lay out an exclamation mark.

Stone pointers

Any boulder will be an excellent pointer if you inscribe the name of the plant on it. Using such a product is convenient, it can be moved when changing the landing plan.

Game Zone

In the play area for children, “tic-tac-toe” made of pebbles looks great. The playing field is made of ceramic tiles. Crosses and toes are created from cobblestones, the corresponding symbols are drawn on them.


From the stones you can make any sculptures. Pyramids look great, you can fasten cobblestones with glue. From flat stones you can assemble houses, cars and fences.

Decoration of vertical surfaces

Fences and fences can also be decorated with painted stones. Various shaped shapes are laid out from previously painted cobblestones and glued to the fence with glue.

We draw a giraffe on a stone basis (video)

Figures and garden compositions

  • Great option  - Creation of a collection of various "smileys". They can be cunning, smiling, sad or sly.
  • Two-sided compositions look interesting.  You can realize ideas such as a caterpillar and a butterfly, a princess and a frog, a chicken and an egg, and more.
  • You can take and create collection of fabulous characterth, for example, the heroes of the tower - from the mouse to the bear. Looks great bouquet of various flowers - garden and exotic.

Crafts from a stone for a garden (video)

Where to place

You can decorate with painted stones any space of the garden. Originally they look near a reservoir, under trees, in a recreation area, near a gate, on garden paths and flower beds.

You can design a garden as follows. First, the site is prepared the same as for the decoration of the Japanese garden. For this, crushed stone, pebbles or gravel are used. Then you can place the painted products. You can arrange them in the spirit of Japanese traditions, but with modern notes, the main thing is to connect imagination.

You can decorate the garden plot without investing, just find a suitable form of pebbles and acrylic paint. The rest depends on your imagination. You can find stones on the river or on the road. The shape is necessarily round or flat. After the transformation, cobblestones can become interesting installations, flowers, pyramids and other original products. You can place the resulting decor anywhere in the garden - lay out paths, arrange flower beds, decorate fences, fences and gates.

Reviews and comments

(6   ratings, average: 4,92   out of 5)

Vika 09/23/2015

Why didn’t I come up with the idea of \u200b\u200bpainting stones before? In my opinion, the idea is brilliant! The costs are negligible, and the result is amazing. I draw not bad, more than enough imagination, there are plenty of stones too. I want to paint the stones with patterns and lay out a path with them, I think it will turn out gorgeous. It is only necessary to stock up with colorful paints and brushes.

Ksenia 12/12/2015

The idea is wonderful, it never occurred to me. It is only necessary to get special paints. My son draws wonderful, so let him put his talent into action. To put a flower bed over such stones is a masterpiece! Fortunately, the river is nearby and there are more than enough flat stones.

Matju 02/07/2016

To find stones in our city is not a problem, the main thing is at least some sort of drawing skill. Although you can circle the picture through the stencil and just paint the picture with paints. I think this is not at all difficult, but it looks pretty nice, especially if you make a lot of these stones and spread them around the garden.

Victoria 07/14/2016

Very beautiful combinations and coloring on stones, especially like a cat and a dog - look like alive. It will be necessary to learn how to draw and decorate your cottage so talented, or maybe you can buy somewhere such ready-made compositions.

Polina 01/12/2017

What a beauty! The perfect solution for decorating the yard. After all, it is not difficult to find stones, and there is paint. It remains only to turn on the fantasy, and start painting on them. I liked the owl, the cat and the dog. The dog seems to be alive. It seems to me that any child can handle such a painting, and children should like it. Fantasy with painting stones can be plenty.

Dasha 05/22/2017

It seems to me that beginners should choose more stones, it is much easier to start learning on them, to feel the brush. Of course, you should start with simple drawings, and then gradually switch to more complex ones. In general, I just started with ornaments, everything will work out in any case, the main thing is to decide on the colors, so that they combine with each other, well, the lines should be even.

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  • (20   ratings, average: 4,20   out of 5)

    Smooth pebbles brought from the sunny sea coast or mountain river can be a unique decoration. With painted pebbles, you can decorate flower pots, flower beds in the garden, bookshelves, a nursery, etc. To a person who does not paint, the idea of \u200b\u200bpainting is complicated. But in fact, even small children can decorate pebbles with acrylic patterns. You just need to start with simple ideas, train and try new design options. And over time, you will definitely be able to create a real masterpiece on the stone.

    Work stages

    To make the creative process pleasant, it should be divided into several main stages.

    • the choice of stones that are suitable for painting and applying the desired pattern or pattern;
    • preparation of necessary materials (brushes, paints, napkins, etc.);
    • preparation of the initial sketch of the drawing on paper (you can draw the same drawing several times to fill your hand);
    • selection and preparation of the necessary shades of paints and sizes of the brush, testing the material on a draft;
    • transferring the picture to the “clean”;
    • fixing illustration or pattern with a special tool.

    If you follow the sequence of steps, then the likelihood of drawing material with crooked drawings is reduced, and you will have many beautiful, bright stones, ready to decorate the garden or flower bed.

    Stone selection

    Ideal for creativity large sea stones. They are smooth and flat, the colors lie on them evenly. If desired, you can draw on any stone, even on a piece of granite. The main thing is to combine the roughness and bends of the stone with an artistic idea.

    Perhaps the shape of one stone resembles an owl, and it lacks a nose and feathers. Another pebble is very similar to a purring kitten, the third is like a ladybug. It is important to give free rein to your imagination, not to turn off the voice of your inner child and come up with your own, unique drawings and patterns.

    Color selection

    The most suitable for this type of decor paints - acrylic. Firstly, they do not have a pungent, unpleasant odor and are suitable for joint activities with children. Secondly, acrylic paints dry quickly. And thirdly, they are quite resistant.

    In addition, pebbles can be painted with gouache, watercolors, compositions for painting ceramics and utensils, acrylic blanks, wax crayons, paints for glass and stained-glass windows, etc.

    Please note that paint is not the only material for covering cobblestones. After a pattern or illustration is applied, the pattern must be fixed. Especially if later these stones will be used as a landscape gardening decor. For greater effect, it is recommended previously. cover stones with special primer. If there is no primer, you can mix acrylic white paint and PVA glue. Only after absorption and complete drying of the material can acrylic paints be applied. Finish the job with varnish.

    Gallery: painting on stones (25 photos)

    If a person has artistic experience, then you can create a real masterpiece on a small pebble. It’s a little more difficult if there are no such skills, but I want to immediately get a complex picture. It’s better for beginners to start with simple patterns and design options.

    Popular painting options

    Some of the most popular ideas. stone painting  for beginners, which are easy to portray, but they always look beautiful and stylish:

    • Berries The brightest and easiest to draw is strawberries. You can draw a small wicker basket on the flowerbed and decorate it with non-spoiling juicy pebble berries.
    • Ornaments, folk and geometric patterns. Since ancient times, our ancestors decorated household items with various patterns. Some images were symbolic, others were a flight of fantasy. And always such drawings looked advantageous. Today, ethnic style is very popular, and even a child can depict a geometric ornament on a stone. Such cobblestones can not only decorate flowerbeds, but also design a dining table, use for photo shoots or interior decor.
    • Bitmap. It can be a geometric pattern, flower or plant.
    • Mandalas. Another option is to turn a small pebble into an object of "cult" and decor. Modern man is increasingly drawn to unidentified, filled with meanings and hidden symbols, objects. In addition, drawing mandalas is a kind of therapy that helps a person to relax and rest.
    • Coloring and turning stones into insects, animals, fish. Drawing animals, birds, and fish is harder than patterns. But some beetles and mammals can be depicted without even having artistic practice. For example, paint stones under "ladybugs", turtles, fish or a worm.
    • Houses for elves, gnomes and other fairy creatures: the cobblestone, which has turned into a fairy house, will look advantageous not only in the children's corner of the garden, but also in the flowerbed, in the garden itself or near the gate. It’s easy to draw a fairy house. First you need to find a sample in a network or a book, make a sketch, if necessary, practice on paper, then transfer the drawing to a stone.
    • For a children's game. Here you can engage in creativity both with your child and prepare such surprises for your kids yourself.

    Use in landscape design

    Painted stones  - actually a universal decor. Much depends on the type and size of the stones, the picture they depicted, and the place where decoration or decoration is planned. For example, in a serious office made in the classical style, an island on a table with stones decorated with children's drawings or gnomes will look ridiculous. At the same time, if in such a room do stone decoron which some symbols, ornaments or mandalas are drawn, that is, it is likely that the element will fit into the general interior.

    When designing a garden, it should be borne in mind that a more elegant composition of painted stones looks in small grass. In order not to get too clumsy, you can use painted and clean elements in one composition. Fairy houses, pebbles with plants or animals look better on a flower bed, terrace or in a house.

    How else can you paint pebbles with acrylic? We draw on the stones:

    • For blogging on social networks. Now there are a lot of blogs that can be read on the Internet. These are people who write about the latest in cosmetics, clothing, parenting, psychology and food. Often, in order to please their subscribers and attract new ones, bloggers need beautiful, stylish photos. And painted stones with unusual patterns are a good option. They can be used both for subject shooting, and for conducting online or offline master classes.
    • Pebbles with painted houses or patterns will fit into the design of the festive table.
    • Using painted stones for advertising subject shooting.
    • To design a children's playground;
    • For corrective and educational activities with children.

    Painted stones for the development and education of children

    A small painted pebbles  can be turned into a real manual on the early development of the child. For instance, for the little ones  You can make pebbles with the image of fearless beetles, cars or fish. The kid will use this painted pebble to play in the sandbox or grass. It is important that the stones are not too small, so that the child does not take them in the mouth.

    From pebbles of equal size, you can make a mosaic or designer. For example, on one draw a muzzle of a bunny, on the other - a tummy, on the third - a left foot, etc. And show that if you put these stones in the correct sequence side by side, a drawing of a bunny comes out.

    Another option - toys for the story game. For example, to paint pebbles with houses, cars, etc. And make your city in the sandbox, with its own rules and laws. In this case, the child will breathe fresh air, develop imagination, fine motor skills, speech.

    To train the score or study the letters, you can depict the numbers or alphabet of any language on the stones. You can write whole words and eventually begin to make sentences out of them. You can draw vegetables or fruits to study and solve simple math problems.

    And also it is possible to make board games for the street from the painted pebbles. For example, peculiar crosses and toe.

    Even herself coloring stones with eco-friendly paints  in the fresh air is a wonderful educational activity.

    Pebbles with drawings  - This is an amazing guide for preschoolers, which will appeal to both children and adults. Especially if parents will make this beauty together with the baby.

    Master class on creating a pebble house

    Step-by-step instructions on how to easily turn a gray cobblestone into a bright house:

    • Choose a stone that visually looks like a house. It is important that this image is seen by the person who is going to draw. So the vision of images is very individual, and someone sees the desired shape in a circle, someone in a triangle, and someone in a stone with uneven edges.
    • We ground the painted stones with a special primer or a mixture of white paint and PVA glue.
    • Make a sketch with a simple pencil.
    • We select the necessary materials: brushes and paints.
    • We carefully paint each element of the house: separate windows, roof, walls. First we draw out large areas, then draw outlines and details.
    • Let the paint dry.
    • We fix the picture with a special varnish. For example, hairspray or for outdoor surfaces.

    Workshop on the manufacture of artificial stones

    If there is no way to bring beautiful blanks from the sea or mountain river, you do not need to be upset. Pebbles for garden decor can be made independently  do it yourself.

    • Pour a large amount of water into the container. You can take an unnecessary garden basin, bowl or bucket;
    • Normal quarry or river sand is poured into the tank to the water level.
    • Sand should absorb moisture as much as possible so that excess water does not stand on top.
    • In the mass of sand, make a recess with your hands and gain this mass, forming the future cobblestone.
    • A pre-prepared form must be covered with polyethylene;
    • Fresh cement mortar is poured into the mold;
    • A blank of sand is dipped in cement, then sprinkled with sand and allowed to harden the artificial stone. When the cobblestone dries, it can be painted like a regular sea stone.

    Stylish painting on stones and workshops on coloring stones for every taste can be found on the net. But it should be remembered that the first time a complex drawing will not work. And to make a real masterpiece, you need to practice a little.

    You decided to paint some pebbles for your garden, but do not know where to start, how and what to draw? All answers in our article.

    1. On which stones to draw?
    Best for painting are not large sea pebbles. They are flat, the drawing on them lies evenly and beautifully, the plot can be chosen to your taste.

    But you can look at ordinary stones lying in the garden, both small and fairly large. Remember, in childhood, we all looked at the clouds and wondered what each of them looked like. Take a closer look, perhaps the bends of one of the stones in the garden also resemble some kind of animal or object.

    2. What colors to paint?
      The most suitable paints are acrylic. They do not have a strong smell, dry quickly, stick well to stones. But paint is not everything. If you want your pebbles to "live" longer than one season, you should also stock up with a primer, with which we will cover the stones before painting (can be replaced with a mixture of PVA glue and white paint) and varnish that finishes our work with stones.

    3. What to draw?
      If you have the appropriate skills, that is, you can draw well, you can create whole masterpieces. It is more difficult if there are no skills, but I want it to turn out beautifully. Here are a few ideas that are easy to implement, but they always look advantageous (sometimes even better than masterpieces):

    - patterns and ornaments;
      In our subjective conviction, such pebbles, with all the ease of work, any “twists” in the imagination of the draftsman (even a person who does not know how to draw at all) always turn out to be the most advantageous. And in the garden, spread out as souvenirs, among other stones or on the lawn - they are already very good. The biggest secret in coloring such stones is bright colors. The more vivid they are and the more colors you use, the more beautiful and original the result will be.

    - berries;
      The most simple in execution and beautiful is strawberry. Prepare a gift for the guests of your garden in the form of a basket standing on the grass with a bright berry with a very long shelf life.

    And how to quickly and easily do it - see here:

    - animals, insects, fish;
      Most animals still require some drawing skills. But this issue is resolved quite easily. We just typed in the search engine "How to draw ...." (replace the dots with the name of the animal you need) and the problem is solved.

    The easiest way is to draw a ladybug, a bee, a turtle, a worm and a fish on a stone. Here are some examples:

    - houses;
      The stones turned into fabulous houses will look great both in the garden and at home. This is a real find, which is not at all difficult to make.

    - Themed pictures for the holiday.
      For example, the pebbles decorated "under the pumpkins" for Halloween:

    - for Game.
    Here we are already gradually moving on to our next chapter - consideration of the issue of using decorated stones. Images on stones for a game are usually the simplest and depend directly on the game for which they are created.

    4. Where to use, how to beat?
      In the garden, the best-decorated pebbles look on the background of not high green grass, lawn.
      Also a good option is to use them among other stones, ordinary, not decorated. For example, in various rock gardens and other rocky garden compositions.

    Using the pebbles for the game, which we already started talking about above, you can teach your child to count (for this, draw numbers on pebbles), learn the alphabet with him and begin to add words (draw letters), and also play “tic-tac-toe” in the garden "Or the most unusual domino.

    Stones with thematic drawings and fairy houses usually find their place not only in the garden, but also in the house.

    By the way, fabulous houses painted on stones are also great for playing, look here:

    Also, pebbles with floral patterns feel great in the house. Judging by the following picture, they can even replace a living flower with someone.

    And you can use the painted pebbles as cute tips, for example, when growing seedlings of vegetables:

    5. The order of work.

    The procedure for painting pebbles is as follows:
      we clean pebbles with moist cotton pads or wash them thoroughly;
      primer the surface that will be covered with paint (if the stone is very large, it is often not completely covered with a pattern). The easiest way to do this is by mixing PVA glue and 1: 1 white paint. Let the work dry;
      draw with a pencil the details of the future picture. If you are confident in your abilities or the picture is very simple, then this item can be skipped;
      we paint the stone with paints, according to the chosen plot;
      after drying, cover the work with acrylic varnish.

    Here are a few workshops:

    The stone was probably the first item that a person consciously picked up. People began to use it as a basis for creativity too a very long time ago. Painting on stones is very popular today, for example, in eastern countries.

    It is considered good form to give a close friend a birthday stone decorated with an author's drawing. In addition, stones, like everything that surrounds a person, have their own energy. Not for nothing that each zodiac sign has its own stone, which protects from troubles.

    But here we are talking about ordinary pebbles lying on the ground. Not every stone can become the basis for a picture. There are too porous stones that absorb all the paint, there are few pebbles with sharp edges. Therefore, for creativity, you need to select smooth stones with a dense texture.

    1. Since the material for work was literally lying under your feet, before starting the process, the selected stones should be thoroughly washed and dried.
    2. The field for creativity is very tiny, so the paint on the palette should be poured quite a bit.
    3. Acrylic paints dry very quickly, turning the brush into a hard scraper, so during painting, the brush should constantly return to a glass of water. For the same reason, when changing colors, the brush should be thoroughly washed and dried with napkins or a paper towel.
    4. Drawing on stone is a rather specific process. To avoid unpleasant surprises associated with paint getting on clothes, it is better to paint stones with your own hands in an old T-shirt and jeans, or wear a large apron that covers everything. Even a small drop of paint dried on trousers will immediately ruin the thing. You can, of course, try to wipe it fresh, armed with an old toothbrush, but it is better to exclude the appearance itself.
    5. The same goes for the whole workplace. A faithful assistant in protecting the table surface from meetings with paint and water is an old newspaper.
    6. But it’s easy to correct the mistake - the paint is easily erased from the surface of the stone if necessary, or painted over with a different color after drying.

    Materials required for painting


    It can be a watercolor set, jars with gouache or tubes with acrylic paint.

    Each artist works in the manner that he likes, although painting on stones for beginners makes it possible to try their hand at all kinds. Experienced craftsmen still prefer to deal with acrylic paints. The whole palette of bright colors perfectly fits even on an uncoated surface. And if you use metallic acrylics, the pictures will get a nice soft shine.

    After painting, pebbles or ceramics can become brighter and more brilliant. You can fix them by putting the painted stones in an ordinary oven for roasting. But even without this procedure, the pictures get a beautiful look.

    Contours, felt-tip pens, pencils

    In addition to paints, today there are a large number of tools in the form of contours and felt-tip pens, providing decoration of the painting with additional touches and details.

    Flowers are applied by a volume contour

    Few people can depict their plans without preparation. Even experienced artists first sketch the image. For this, special sketching pencils have been developed for dark and light stones, respectively white and black.


    Painting on stone is impossible without the presence of various types of brushes - from the largest, for coloring the background, to miniature ones that can leave subtle touches on the surface. A set of brushes can be purchased at the appropriate store.


    The created miniature needs to be protected in order to enjoy it for many years. To do this, the stone is varnished. As an illustrative example - a painting on stones called "The owner of the forest" by Leonard Popov:

    The lacquered stone has a characteristic beautiful shine.

    Stone painting process

    First, the issue with the primer is solved - whether to apply it or not.

    Then the plot of the picture is determined. Not only imagination will tell his author, but also the shape, color, texture of the used pebbles.

    Before work, the stones are thoroughly washed and dried.

    On the primed surface (if such a decision was made), the background of the drawing is applied.

    Future contours of the plot are drawn with a sketch pencil.

    When filling fragments with paint, options are possible - first draw a contour with a brush, and then fill the drawing with paint. Or draw the whole picture in color, and then with a thin brush select the outline.

    The hand can flinch and a professional artist. Any solvent will help to correct an uneven line or to erase an excess stain.

    The last step in creating a stone masterpiece is to varnish the entire surface of the painted stone. Only in this case the image will be preserved in all its glory, even if the stones were intended for the garden, and not as a gift.

    True, if the pattern occupies only a part of the pebble, then it is possible to preserve its natural appearance by lacquering only the painted area inside the contour.

    After finishing work, the scope of application of colored pebbles is diverse. It can be a wonderful gift for close friends. A glass jug filled with colorful pebbles will decorate the interior design. Magnets glued to pebbles will allow you to create a unique composition on the refrigerator door. In general, there is no limit to the flight of creative thought.

    A workshop on painting stones for beginners

    To consolidate creative lessons, original stone painting is offered, a master class will help to cope with it without much difficulty.

    To create a fun little family, stones of a certain shape and size will be required. The basis of the composition will serve as a large flat naked. In the role of big-eyed chicks will be elongated thin pebbles.

    All stone “sticks” are carefully glued vertically to a flat base using any moisture-resistant glue.