Care for unruly hair ends

To tame frizzy or too fluffy hair, you need to find out the reasons why the curls became like this. We will help you figure out what to do if your hair is unruly and how to take care of it.

Unruly hair: causes of the problem

There are a number of reasons why curls become unruly:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • increased air humidity;
  • frequent dyeing, curling and straightening of hair;
  • long exposure to the sun.

look after unruly hair constantly needed

If nothing can be done about genetic predisposition and high humidity, then other causes can be eliminated without much effort.

Caring for unruly hair at home

To tame unruly hair, you need to take care of it regularly using various methods.

If you prefer factory-made hair care products, then give preference to those that contain licorice, coconut and jojoba oils, lotus, cornflower, and witch hazel extracts. It is advisable that the caring serum contains dimethicone. Masks with natural white henna will help tame coarse curls. They make curls more elastic and soft.

Unruly curly hair can be saved by hemp oil. You can use this tool in different ways:

  • Apply to the entire length of hair for 30 minutes. Before washing your hair, cover with film and put on a warm cap on top;
  • make a mixture of 2 parts oil, 1 part honey, 1 part carrot juice and 5 drops of rose oil, apply to your head, and after 30 minutes. rinse with warm water;
  • pour a little oil (1 tsp) into conditioners, rinses, and styling products.

Hemp oil moisturizes problematic curls, makes them stronger, and helps give hair shape.

Various medicinal herbs will also help cope with the problem. You can make an infusion of bay leaves, parsley and rosemary, then add it to any shampoo and regularly use the resulting shampoo to wash your hair. A decoction of parsley and nettle helps restore vibrant shine and smoothness to your hair. To comb your hair well, it is recommended to use a decoction of burdock roots for washing.

Reluctance to style, strands always sticking out in different directions, stubborn curls - all these problems characterize unruly hair. Caring for such curls involves a lot of procedures and compliance with many rules.

About why hair becomes unruly proper care, as well as domestic and salon procedures To improve the appearance of this type of hair, we will talk in this article.

Hair can be unruly from birth (hereditary factor) or acquired. If everything is clear with the first reason, then we’ll immediately move on to listing the most common situations that cause curls to become unruly.

  • Using products that do not match your curl type. Each hair type has its own characteristics, and it is with these in mind that hair product manufacturers create their products. When using a cosmetic product aimed at solving a non-existent problem, the curls begin to weaken and lose vitality, and, as a result, become unruly.
  • Washing your hair too much hot water. When exposed to hair high temperatures they become brittle, dry and damaged, lose moisture and stop listening.
  • Impact on strands of coloring and bleaching compounds. Everyone knows about the dangers of chemical dyeing. When bleaching, color pigments are removed from the hair along with vital nutrients responsible for the elasticity, moisture and beauty of the strands.
  • Incorrect use of thermal devices for styling and creating hairstyles. Exposure to high temperatures has a detrimental effect on the health and appearance of hair, leaving it damaged, weak, unruly and brittle.
  • Improper/insufficient nutrition. This may include eating insufficient quantities of useful substances, as well as the lack of additional care for curls (application of nutritional compositions, use of balms, conditioners, sprays, etc.).
  • External factors. Dry and frosty air, temperature fluctuations, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, insufficient indoor humidity, etc. negatively affect the health and appearance of the hair, worsen its condition and make the curls unruly.

If you discover a cause of unruly hair that concerns you, try to minimize the impact of harmful factors and immediately begin treating your hair.

How correctly you take care of your hair every day depends not only on appearance, but also the health of your hair. Below we will tell you how to properly care for unruly strands:

  • The main part of hair care is cleansing. Washing unruly hair and choosing products for this event should be approached with all responsibility. As a rule, this type of curls suffers from excessive dryness of both the dermis of the head and the hair itself, as well as a lack of nutrients, so choose shampoos, conditioners and balms for curly, unruly and/or fine hair. Do not forget about the water temperature - it should not exceed 38 degrees. After washing your hair, be sure to use a balm or conditioner, apply special masks every 2-3 days, it is wet curls that best absorb beneficial elements and easily absorb them. We also recommend that you forget about drying your strands with a hairdryer; it is better to let them dry on their own.
  • Take care of proper diet for yourself and for your hair. Special vitamin and mineral complexes, which should be prescribed by a doctor, will help replenish the reserves of essential vitamins, microelements and other substances. Hair can be nourished using store-bought and home remedies (masks, conditioners, compresses, balms, sprays, etc.).
  • Feel free to wear hats that are appropriate for the coming season: in summer - hats, scarves, panama hats or caps, in winter - hats, scarves, etc. Remember that the fabric from which the headdress is made must be natural, without synthetic impurities.
  • When creating your hairstyle, be sure to use heat protection products: sprays, creams, gels, etc. Try to minimize the time the device is exposed to your hair, so it will maintain its structure and stop splitting.
  • To comb your hair, you should purchase a comb made of wood or high-quality plastic. The teeth of such products should be sparse and large, so the hair will suffer less from the combing procedure.

Strict adherence to the given rules will provide your hair with reliable protection from external influences, help replenish the reserves of necessary substances and improve the condition of your curls in a short time.

Thanks to folk medicine Every girl has the opportunity to prepare a remedy to solve any trichological or dermatological problem. We have listed a list of homemade formulations for unruly strands below:

  1. Clay mask. Pour boiled warm water into 100 g of blue clay. Thick product Apply to your hair and leave for about 30 minutes, rinse with water and use a balm or conditioner for curls.
  2. Bread and onion mask. Soak the crust of black bread (30-50 g) in boiling water for 10 minutes. Add the gruel from ½ onion head to the warm mixture, leave both ingredients for another 15 minutes. Afterwards, squeeze out the liquid from the resulting product and apply it to the hair and dermis of the head for 20 minutes, remove the mask with a mild (ideally herbal) shampoo.
  3. Vinegar-honey mask water based. In 0.1 l hot water dissolve 30 g of natural honey and pour in 15 ml of apple cider vinegar. Apply the mixture to clean strands for 15 minutes, then rinse the hair with plain water or herbal infusion of horsetail or burdock root.
  4. Carrot-hemp mask with honey and rose essential oil. To 45 ml of hemp oil add 20 g of natural honey, 20 ml of fresh carrot juice and 2-3 ml of rose ether. Apply the mask to clean curls for a maximum of 40 minutes, wrap your head in a plastic product and put on a hat (or scarf, scarf, towel, etc.). Remove the composition with a mild or herbal shampoo.
  5. Mask of colorless henna. Brew 30-70 g of henna powder (depending on the length and thickness of the strands) with boiling water, mix with a wooden spatula and wait 20 minutes. Apply a homogeneous mass without lumps to the strands for about half an hour. We wash off the henna with plain water and use a balm or conditioner.
  6. Honey-butter mix. Mix 60 g of hemp or olive oil with 30 g of honey. Apply the mixture to the strands, wrap them in cellophane film and a scarf and leave for 1.5 to 8 hours. Wash off the mask with herbal or any mild shampoo and balm/conditioner.
  7. Yolk-cognac mix. Add 2 homemade yolks and 50 ml of water to a bowl with 50 g of cognac, stir the ingredients and apply to the strands for 20 minutes. Remove the mixture with water and a balm or conditioner.
  8. Hemp mask. Apply warm hemp oil (olives can be used) to the curls and leave for 2 to 10 hours. Remove oil with shampoo.
  9. Shampoo with added eggs and gelatin. Add a homemade egg and 15 g of dry gelatin to 60 g of soft or herbal shampoo. Mix the ingredients and wash your hair as usual.
  10. Homemade rinses. An infusion of horsetail, oak bark, burdock, etc. will help make hair manageable. Apple cider vinegar (50 ml of vinegar per 0.5 liter of water) also works great for this purpose.

With a comprehensive implementation of the described procedures (shampoo, mask, conditioner), you can quickly restore manageability to your hair, make it soft and smooth.

Knowing the reasons, rules of care and home remedies for caring for unruly hair, you can afford to create beautiful hairstyles and forget about the boring ponytail, elastic band and bobby pins.

There is one thing that women are afraid of, the word plague is unruly hair!

This hair is not only extremely difficult to tame or care for, but it quickly becomes either greasy or frizzy, thereby ruining even the most wonderful mood.

What to do if you have neither the time nor the energy to style your unruly hair?

Relax, we've got some for you interesting options hairstyles for your unruly hair, thanks to which you can look fresh and stylish every day.

#1: Passionate Tousled Waves

Take bone curlers, wrap damp hair on them and blow dry until completely dry. Afterwards, simply fix everything with varnish.

#2: Neat High Ponytail

If your hair curls on the sides, a great option to smooth it out is to create a high ponytail.

#3: Side styling

For short, unruly hair, this style is perfect, which you can achieve by creating a side comb and fixing it with hairspray.

#4: Slightly careless

This hairstyle looks quite chic on women with long to medium hair. To implement it, you will need a special structuring spray. You can buy it, or you can prepare it yourself by mixing a spoon coconut oil, a spoonful of sea salt, a spoonful of hair styling gel and warm water. Spray all this onto slightly damp hair, distribute the product with your hands, and get a slightly wavy hairstyle with the effect wet hair.

#5: Messy Bun

Ideal for curly hair! All you have to do is gather all the hair into a very high ponytail, tying it with the rest of the hair group.

#6: Elegant Low Bun

Simply gather all your hair into a low, loose bun and secure with U-shaped pins. Pull a few strands around the face and behind the ears for a more interesting look.

#7: Retro hairpiece

To create this sleek hairstyle look, pull your hair to the side. Lightly twist the strands, connecting them and securing them in place with bobby pins.

#8: Sexy Beach Curls

Apply a heat-protective spray to your hair, twist the curls into strands or braids and run the iron through them, holding the iron in one place for a few seconds. This method is suitable for girls with thin and sparse hair.

# 9:

Treat slightly damp hair with strong hold mousse and dry it with a hairdryer from the face. Then take some hair wax and comb your hair back. To make your hair look neater and more secure, use bobby pins.

#10: Teasing backcomb

The classic bouffant is the basis of most retro hairstyles, so if you like the fashion of the 60s, then use it. To ensure a smooth surface of the hairstyle, before combing, separate several wide strands with which you will then cover it. Pin them up so they don't interfere. Separate a strand 1-2 cm thick and move it perpendicular to the surface of the head. Insert a thin comb into your hair and start moving towards the base of the strand. Perform several vigorous but gentle movements on the inside and outside of the curl. Throw the treated strand to the side so that it does not interfere. Process the entire head in this manner. Cover the combed hair with strands, smooth it with a comb with natural bristles and lightly spray with hairspray.

#11: Textured French Twist

Dry well-washed hair using a strong fixing styling product (foam is best). Afterwards, apply a special textured hair wax, and pin the curls with bobby pins on the left and right side while leaving loose strands near the face. Wrap the rest of the hair in a “snail” and secure well with hairpins. This should be done freely and easily so that the bun is not tight.

#12: Hairstyle with an accessory

Hats and jewelry accessories will add special charm and elegance to your hairstyle.

#13: Boho Braid

Comb your hair to the side. Hair that is not completely fresh or just after waking up has the texture that is best suited for this style. First, make three larger sections on one side of your head, and then start braiding your hair - first from the top and gradually working your way down towards your ear. Continue braiding down past your ear and around the back of your head just above your hairline. When you get to the other side of your head, braid your hair into a regular braid, then leave it hanging over your shoulder. Secure it with a hair tie the same color as your own hair.

#14: Volume Curls

If you are a lover of volume, then this option for curls along the entire length of your hair will be an excellent choice.

#15: High Half Ponytail

Just divide your hair into two parts - top and bottom. Make sure the top half is 1/3 smaller than the bottom half. Just hold the first half and create a high ponytail, securing it with an elastic band.

Look... you no longer need a professional to give your unruly hair super stylish hairstyles!

Experiment and create something new every day, and our hairstyle ideas will help you with this!

The content of the article:

Owners long hair Often faced with such a problem when the strands begin to get very tangled. To put your hair in order, a variety of measures are taken, but they do not always give the desired result. If your hair begins to become very frizzy, you must try to establish the reason that could provoke this phenomenon.

Why does my hair start to get frizzy?

The main reason that provokes this condition is heredity or physiology. In this case, it will be quite difficult to deal with the problem, and most methods will be useless. You can periodically straighten the strands with an iron, but after the next wash, curls will appear again.

Hair begins to get frizzy due to lack of moisture. This problem most often occurs in summer period when the strands are exposed to the sun for a long time. Violation of the correct drinking regime, as well as a lack of vitamins in the body, negatively affects the condition of the hair. Therefore, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of plain water per day.

Hair begins to get very frizzy if you constantly use a hairdryer to dry it. It’s quite easy to get rid of this minor problem if you regularly make special moisturizing masks and also take vitamin complexes.

Another reason that can provoke this problem is too frequent coloring or the use of hot stylers for styling. As a result of the negative impact, the strands become very dry, increased fragility appears, the curls look untidy and literally begin to stick out in different directions. To have a beautiful hairstyle, it is not enough to dye your hair regularly, since you also need to provide your curls with nutrients and nutrients.

Most women notice that after washing their hair begins to get frizzy. In this case, you should stop using a hairdryer, otherwise there is a risk of aggravating the problem. To comb wet hair, it is best to use a wooden comb, and also periodically allow it to dry naturally. There is no need to rub your hair too hard with a towel, as this can cause serious damage to it; just a light pat will be enough.

Hair is very frizzy: methods for solving the problem

To eliminate this minor nuisance, an integrated approach is required. First of all, it is necessary to minimize the use of a hair dryer and completely abandon hot styling. If you need to quickly dry your hair, it is best to set the hair dryer to a cold setting. In this case, the air stream should be directed directly at the roots, but you cannot dry the hair along the entire length.

Worth giving up synthetic clothing, and for combing use only a wooden comb. As a result of contact of strands with synthetics, static electricity is generated, which provokes the appearance of fluffy strands. When combing your hair, to avoid electrification, you need to spray the comb without big amount cold water.

As an emergency method, an antistatic spray designed for hair care can be used. This product helps smooth out unruly hairs and does not require rinsing. However, before using leave-in products, it is important to always remember that they are not recommended to be applied to the roots of the hair - you need to retreat 5 cm, no less.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the shampoo that is constantly used. Can be used cosmetical tools, suitable for a specific hair type.

If your strands are very frizzy, it is better to avoid shampoos that add extra volume, as they can dry out your hair, causing it to become more unruly and weak.

Be sure to use conditioner, rinse or mask after washing your hair. Apply these products for a couple of minutes, then rinse with plenty of warm water.

It is important to use an integrated approach. During the year, it is recommended to take full courses of taking multivitamin complexes, which help improve the general condition of the hair and its internal structure.

It is necessary to carefully review your own diet and make certain adjustments to your diet. It is important to completely give up harmful and unhealthy foods, adding dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean fish and meat to the menu. Do not forget about the correct drinking regime; it is also useful to get rid of bad habits, because alcohol abuse and smoking have a negative effect on the condition of the hair.

Cosmetics for unruly hair care

Today, on the shelves of almost all stores there is a large number of a variety of cosmetics that will help make hair manageable, soft and restore its natural smoothness.

Hair balms

Very often, hair begins to get very frizzy just after washing your hair. In this case, hair balm will help solve the problem. This cosmetic product provides gentle care and forms a thin protective film on the surface of the strands.

Depending on the problem, you can select balms - simple, containing special additives, nourishing, moisturizing, etc. For example, the conditioner contains an antistatic agent, which is why such a product will help remove static electricity from the hair. This type of balm will become indispensable in the cold season when hats are worn.

The conditioner balm contains unique moisturizing substances that simultaneously cleanse the surface of the hair from shampoo residues. It is best to choose conditioner, rinse, balm and shampoo from the same brand, since all these products complement each other.

When choosing a balm, be sure to take into account the type of hair and some nuances - the degree of damage to the strands, the presence of split ends, etc. Most of the balm should be applied immediately after washing your hair to damp hair and rinsed with warm water after a few minutes.

Using different kinds balms, it is necessary to take into account the fact that this care product must be applied a few centimeters from the roots of the hair, evenly distributed over its surface.

Serums, foams, gels, hair sprays

To eliminate the problem of unruly hair and make it smooth, a large number of different cosmetic products have been developed. The most important thing is to choose one that is suitable for a specific problem and, of course, hair type.

If the ideal shampoo has been chosen, it is best to choose this particular brand for all other hair care cosmetics. Provided that the hair is very thin and very frizzy, in order to restore its smoothness and to provide a leveling effect, it is recommended to choose light products, otherwise you can get the exact opposite result.

In cases where the hair begins to fluff during styling, you should give preference to wax and avoid using gels or varnishes. The fact is that the hairspray will dry out your hair even more, which will only worsen the problem. At the same time, the wax weighs down the strands and forms a thin protective film on their surface.

Salon treatments

As a rule, at home, a straightening iron is used to straighten frizzy hair, but beauty salons offer safer and effective procedures, making the strands perfectly smooth and soft.

To make the curls heavier, lamination is used. The master will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure before starting it. After lamination, your hair looks simply amazing and for a long time you can forget about the ugly strands sticking out in all directions.

The main disadvantage of this procedure is that the effect will last 1-2 months. Lamination is considered a completely safe and harmless procedure, while the hair is reliably protected from the negative effects of dry air and hair dryer. However, if the hair is severely weakened and damaged, a course of treatment and restoration must be carried out before the procedure.

Folk remedies for caring for unruly hair

To keep your hair not only perfectly smooth, but also healthy, you need to regularly use a variety of masks, balms and rinses to care for it. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that after the first use of such a product, an immediate result will not be noticeable. But with constant care, your hair will become not only beautiful, but also healthy.

Lemon mouthwash

  1. Take equal amounts of water and lemon juice.
  2. The components are thoroughly mixed.
  3. The prepared rinse is applied to clean and damp hair and distributed evenly over the entire length.
  4. After applying this product, you do not need to rinse your hair.
  5. Hair is dried naturally, without using a hair dryer.

Chamomile infusion rinse

  1. Take 2 tsp. dried chamomile flowers and raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Cover the container with a lid and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. The broth must be filtered, after which it is used to rinse blond hair.
Using the same recipe as a basis, you can prepare a decoction of hops, burdock, and oak bark. Regular use of such products helps strengthen hair, make it smooth and restore natural shine.

Castor or burdock oil mask

  1. This mask is ideal for caring for very dry and weakened hair. Castor and burdock oil have been used for a long time as an effective and natural restorative and strengthening hair care product.
  2. First, heat the oil slightly until it is warm, but not hot.
  3. The oil is applied to the roots of the hair and distributed evenly along its entire length.
  4. To enhance the effect of the mask, you need to wrap your head with polyethylene and a warm towel.
  5. After 2 hours, the mask is washed off with plenty of warm water and baby shampoo.

Mask with honey

  1. This mask is best done at night, as it should remain on the hair for several hours.
  2. It is necessary to melt the honey in a water bath, then apply it to the hair and distribute it over the entire length, Special attention focusing on the ends.
  3. After a few hours, the hair is thoroughly washed with warm water.
Already after the first use of such a mask, it will be noticeable positive result, but to consolidate it, you can use it as a prophylaxis once a week.

Bread mask

  1. This mask weighs down your hair, making it less frizzy. But to obtain perfectly smooth and well-groomed curls, it is necessary to carry out several such cosmetic procedures.
  2. To prepare the mask, take a crumb of rye bread (200 g) and pour it with warm water, leave for a while until it completely softens.
  3. Added to the mixture olive oil(1 tsp), can be replaced with a few drops of an oil solution of vitamin E or A.
  4. The resulting composition is applied to the hair, including the scalp.
  5. To enhance the effect of the mask, it is recommended to wrap your hair with film and a warm towel.
  6. After 30 minutes, the remnants of the mask are washed off with warm water and baby shampoo.
The main disadvantage of this mask is that it is quite difficult to wash off and bread crumbs may appear in the hair for some time. For getting desired result you need to carry out a full course, which consists of 6-7 procedures, depending on the severity of the problem.

If your hair starts to become very frizzy and electrified, this is not a reason to worry. After all, it is enough to care for them correctly and regularly, using a variety of moisturizing or nourishing masks, and the problem is easily, and most importantly, very quickly solved.

What to do if your hair is very frizzy and electrified, see here:

In this review, I want to tell you about my hair care routine, which I have been adjusting for 5 years, and also protect you from pointless hair care purchases.

There was always a desire to talk about something like this, but there was no time. Today is my day off, it’s raining outside, the guy is at work, so it’s time for a steam locomotive. Make yourself comfortable, this review will be long. In it I will talk about home hair care and store-bought ones.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find an old photo of the hair, but now it looks like this. Believe me, this is the ideal condition for my hair!

I'll start with my hair type and its structure. I have them of medium thickness, although there seem to be more of them at the roots, since I use a curling iron almost every day to stretch my hair, and “thanks to” this, they break from the middle of the length. The fact that my roots are oily doesn’t scare me, since I wash my hair almost every day...well, except for weekends, when I don’t have to go anywhere. I also found a lot for myself from dry ends and hairs sticking out along the entire length. effective means, which I’ll tell you about a little further. And now I want to talk a little about my home care.

The very first thing I want to say is that I never use eggs in home remedies, because... No matter what you wash it with, the smell is constantly felt on your hair, and if after such a mask you also straighten your hair with a curling iron, then you will be guaranteed the smell of a fried egg for the whole day. And I don’t really see any effect from them, so home care Mine consists entirely of oil masks with all sorts of goodies added to them.

So, first mask The one I want to highlight is this one:

Take 3 tbsp. burdock oil(I heard many people do not advise using burdock oil for long periods of time, but it’s quite normal for me)+ 0.5 tsp oil vitamin E + 0.5 tsp. oil vitamin A + 5 drops of avocado oil + 5 drops of jojoba oil + 3 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil. I heat it all up in a water bath and apply it to my hair, with a bag and a guy’s cap on top, it’s warm, but if someone saw it, someone would snatch it) I leave it for 1.5-2 hours.

Second mask identical, only I take it 2 tbsp burdock oil + 1 tbsp. castor oil + the same amount of vitamins A and E, jojoba oil, avocado, ylang-ylang essential oil, I add it only because of the smell, I love it, but according to the action and according to my observations, ylang-ylang even dries out the hair a little, but makes it more shiny!!

And another very IMPORTANT FACT, I add 0.5 - 1 tbsp to any oil masks. l. lemon juice!

Third mask comprises 3 tbsp. any base oil, I used burdock again + 1 tbsp. linseed oil + 1 tbsp. sesame + 1 tbsp. wheat germ oil + 3 drops of orange EO (gives a crazy shine and smell) + 1 tbsp. lemon juice is a must!

To simply nourish my hair and not spend a lot of time preparing masks, I use Nourishing mask from Grandmother Agafya. It rinses off very easily and nourishes the hair well. Very suitable for lazy people))

Fourth mask for hair loss, it helped me perfectly to get rid of this problem, I do it once every 2 weeks. It always consists of burdock oil, 2 tbsp. + 5 drops is quite enough. EM rosemary. I leave it for 30 minutes. and wash it off.

Concerning mustard mask for hair loss, I will never recommend it to anyone, everyone who uses it is simply self-hypnosis. She just burns her hair, no... burns it out. Imagine, if you burn them from the roots like this, what quality will they be in length when the roots grow? Although yes, you can save money on a washcloth for bathing - use a mustard mask to grow your hair to your waist and bathe with it (irony)_

And how good tonic, which does not have any unpleasant sensations, I can recommend Grandma Agafia’s strengthening oil. I apply it in its pure form for about an hour and wash it off. It washes off perfectly with any shampoo.

I tried the same thing yeast mask for homemade hair, I won’t describe it in detail, but I didn’t like it at all - my hair is not manageable, it gets tangled like tow(

Gelatin mask:

I want to note that the first time I did not like this mask, it dried out my hair, and I was disappointed in it. But after some time, I returned to it again and decided to slightly change the composition and manufacturer of gelatin. And she was pleased. What I did, I took 2 tbsp of gelatin from ATB (ATB produces) and diluted 8 tbsp. COLD water, let it swell for about 15 minutes, then put it on water bath, added 1 tsp of honey, 1 tbsp of Numero mask and applied it to the hair for 40 minutes, warmed it in the same way)) Apply it to washed hair after shampoo, rinse it off with water, without using conditioner.

I tried the gelatin shampoo and really liked it too. But it is not advisable to often use gelatin masks and shampoos.

Now I’ll move on to skincare products from store shelves and catalogs.

Here are my shampoos, now I’ll tell you a little about each one.

  1. Pantin "Thick and strong" for normal hair. The masks wash off the first time with a bang. It dries out the hair a little, but it looks well-groomed. You can forgive him anything for his smell. It is used very economically, as it is thick and foams wonderfully, I recommend it.
  2. Nivea "Luxurious Blonde". Even though I am a brunette, I read that shampoos and conditioners for blondes envelop the hair, thereby protecting it from external factors. Personally, I think good shampoo, even make the hair a little heavier, together with the balm, as it seemed to me. But for oily hair It’s not suitable at all, the next day my hair is already greasy, but as I wrote, this is not a problem for me.
  3. AVON "Naturals Herbal" with chamomile. This is the perfect shampoo. The hair is smooth. I love washing with it, because... after it, you can simply use the balm in the form of a spray and your hair will look wonderful and well-groomed, while remaining clean for a long time. Masks also wash off perfectly.
  4. Shampoo-cream Love organic nourishing. About the first two weeks after purchasing it, I really liked it, I thought that I would never exchange it for anything else, but after using it for a while, I began to notice that my hair was falling out more and more and drying out, so and without finishing the bottle, I have to say goodbye to him..
  5. Advance Techniques Silk smoothness. I bought it recently, I really liked the price-quality ratio, it does its job perfectly with the light balm.
  6. BES Color Lock. It doesn’t protect the color from fading at all, but it doesn’t dry out the hair either. Doesn't justify its price.
Now about balms and conditioners. Here's my heavy artillery)

And about each in order.

  1. Advance Techniques. The smoothness of silk. It works well together with shampoo from the same series, it smoothes out flakes well, and the hair definitely shines after this duo.
  2. DOVE.Nourishing care. Despite so many positive reviews about him, I want to scold him. Doesn't moisturize the hair one bit or smooth it out. Does absolutely nothing. I regret buying it. I recently finished a balm-mask from the same series, but in soft packaging - a completely different matter.
  3. Advance Techniques. Strengthening and protection. Just a mega balm that replaces a hair mask. It perfectly nourishes the hair, detangles it perfectly, your fingers flow between the hair while washing, and when washed off, the effect of smooth hair remains. I like it more than "The Smoothness of Silk".
  4. Gliss kur. Total recovery 19. About 2 years ago I had this whole series. I restored my hair with it, my friends asked what you did with your hair, lamination? Noooo. This is all thanks to Gliss Kura. But I’m sorry, back then there were about 3 series of them, at least in our Ukraine, but now this brand has started producing so many lines, I don’t have time to keep track. So I remembered that wonderful effect, I decided to buy it again and again I was disappointed. The quality is no longer the same.. Far from it. Although, maybe if you buy the entire line and use it for a month, there may be an effect, but you don’t want to take any risks..
  5. Caring. Coconut conditioner. About 2 months ago I bought it at Watsons because of the smell, and was disappointed. Not only is there zero smell at all, even during washing, but the straw effect is stunning. Horrible.
  6. BES Color Lock. This balm is not bad, it is gentle on the hair and has a rich mint scent. But since this company is little known, I won’t go into too much detail. I bought it at the salon where I get my hair cut and dyed. It costs around 90 UAH. To be honest, it doesn't justify the price.

  1. Silk balm "Living Silk" from B&V. I didn’t notice any super effect; my hair became easier to comb. Can be used as a conditioner.
  2. Loreal. Elseve. Anti-fragility. A good balm for its price range. It moisturizes the hair quite well without making it icicle, although I leave it on my hair for about 10 minutes. This way its effect becomes more pronounced.
  3. Planet Organics. Nourishing Alleppe balm. The composition is more natural than that of its neighbors standing next to it on the shelf in the bathroom, but it doesn’t make me hotter or colder. I'm more impressed with silicone balms. And this one, one might say, is for the soul, or for the mood. There is nothing bad to say about him, and nothing good either. Suitable for girls with perfect hair.
  4. Clean line. Conditioner balm. VOLUME and POWER. I won’t describe or explain anything, I’ll write only 3 words about it. THIS IS MY FAVORITE among everything I've tried.
  5. Nivea. For blonde. I already wrote that in combination with shampoo it suits me very well, but it quickly makes my hair oily - the only drawback!
  6. B&V. Goat milk. Hair balm. Short. Didn't suit me. Nothing.
Now I want to talk a little about my masks.

The first four.

  • Profistar mask. Polishing. Great mask. I'm very pleased with her. Indeed, I would say it polishes my hair, I really like it. The Belarusian manufacturer tried his best!
  • Clean line. Phyto-mask. Shine of color. Not a bad mask, of course I keep it on for about 15 minutes, my hair is easy to comb after it and that’s all. You shouldn't expect a super effect from it.
  • AVON. PLANET SPA. With black caviar. This kind of mask has nothing to do with it. Unless you add it somewhere. But I wouldn't buy it a second time.
  • Fructis. Instant melting mask. One month and a half ago I bought Garnier paint, and it came with a balm that I had to use at the end of painting. I really liked the smell and effect. And while choosing another mask, I noticed this one and immediately remembered that balm. I decided to buy it. And, oh gods, I was right. This is exactly the crazy smell that makes me lose my head. Your hair will shine beautifully after it, but don’t expect any kind of hydration or nutrition from it.

  • The well-known mask Numero I wasn’t particularly impressed...but no, I was its volume. And my boyfriend too, from that moment he began to monitor my purchases of similar things. It nourishes the hair a little, but not as much as it is praised. Maybe if you use the full series and over a certain period of time it will show itself perfectly..
  • Loreal. Elseve. Full recovery. Gives hair incredible shine, but the next day the hair looks like icicles.
  • Dead Sea mask. Against hair loss. Mud. It copes with its function 100%. It stops hair loss perfectly, BUT with regular use. I really liked it.
  • Garnier. Ultra doux. Avocado and shea butter. Nourishes hair well. I leave it on for about 30 minutes. But after it, you shouldn’t apply additional products, you’ll end up with icicles!
2 girlfriends who came to me as part of a promotion from Avon for 40 UAH. This Planet Spa with olive oil And Planet Spa with shea butter and shea butter. I am writing about them together, since the effect from them is absolutely the same, only the smells are slightly different.

They don’t look like a mask at all, as a good one like this would do, but it’s hard to call them a mask. Also suitable for natural data good hair, for supporting. By the way, the smell is not felt at all on the hair after washing.

My assistants in styling and fixing. In any bad weather, they perfectly retain the shape of the hairstyle, the main thing is not to overdo it!!!

And these are leave-in products, light hair creams. They do an excellent job with increased hair frizz. Very economical, one small pea is enough for application. After applying this cream, there is no need to apply care oil.

Thank you very much for reading to the very end, I wrote for half a day, my fingers are smoking) I hope it was useful to someone)

I apologize for spelling errors if there are any!)