Slavic charm doll mountain ash. Charm doll mountain ash. The power of the charm doll

We still did not have a doll whose name would come from the name of the tree, ”said Veselina, having learned that the heroine of our publication today would be a rag doll Ryabinka.

Yes, it is, this is the first doll with that name, ”I replied, finishing wrapping my scarf on Ryabinka.

Then I wanted to say about what is usually the basis for choosing a name for rag dolls and give a couple of examples, but stopped in time. After all, it turned out that it was not so easy to group the names in this way, because the name for each doll was determined in a special way, despite the fact that the main factors were the purpose of the doll, the events that occur or have occurred, calendar time or historical characters.

Now it occurred to me to group rag Russian dolls not for their intended purpose, but according to the time of their manufacture, dividing the year into four periods - spring, summer, autumn and winter. Although, what then with those dolls that are created at the junction of the seasons? Okay, let's think about it. You just need to make a calendar, in which on the dates mark the name of the doll that was made earlier that day. Yes, I probably will. But it is, thoughts aloud.

Why did the mountain ash turn out to be such a useful tree that the doll was named after her? - asks Veselina.

Ryabinka doll - history and significance

The value of the Ryabinka doll is determined by the magic properties of mountain ash, and this is, first of all, increased protection against evil spirits and other malice. The ancient Slavs have long noticed that the Khmyr, Shishigi and Kikimors bypass the mountain ash and are afraid of it. Therefore, from time immemorial they began to make protective amulets and charms from mountain ash wood, the berries of which were very successful as a medicine and food supplement.

Therefore, every fall in the second half of September, the basis for a rag doll was made from rowan sticks, which they later dressed, decorated and called Ryabinka, giving it a special status of a strong amulet for the house and the whole family. The Ryabinka doll was fixed near the entrance to the house, she was the first to meet the requested and uninvited guests, not allowing the dark forces to feel calm and confident. At the same time, a man with a stone in his bosom, or what kind of wickedness immediately began to get nervous and fuss, like in a frying pan, wanting to leave the house with such prudent owners as soon as possible, there was no time for them to be alive. This is the main meaning and purpose of the amulets doll of the ancient Slavs of Ryabinka.

Rowan doll - how to make

Rag doll Ryabinka, apparently, was distributed throughout almost the entire territory of the ancient Slavs. And how else to explain the fact that now there are about a dozen different ways of making this doll? Most likely, in the different villages for Ryabinka they chose the method most familiar to them - for some it was a doll on a cross, for others - a pillar, for others - a nodule doll. I can only assume that those options in which mountain ash sticks were not used were made in those places where mountain ash did not grow, or such a doll was made as a souvenir.

We have determined for ourselves that the doll’s version of the amulet will most closely correspond to the doll’s variant, when it is based on two crossed rowan sticks, which is why we made just such a doll. Most likely, it is precisely in this that the doll's ability to carry out its amulet function lies. So, we make a cross, fasten with a red thread. In exactly the same way, we began to make other dolls, for example, Sacrum, Simeon Stolpnik, Goat, Kostroma and others.

For the head and hands you will need a square white flap and a bunch of rags. We crush the rags in a fist, hug the head end of the crosspiece with it and wrap the whole thing with a white rag, fixing it at the neck level. Two opposite ends from this flap form the hands, the other two are tied to the trunk. Now we dress - a shirt, a skirt, an apron with a belt, a military man and a scarf or scarf. Additionally, you can decorate the doll with branches of mountain ash, but you can do without it because the strength of the doll is inside her.

It looks like the traditional version of the manufacture of rag dolls amulets Ryabinka. All other ways of working on this doll are distinguished by the creation of additional elements - someone makes Ryabinka feet, shoeing them in bast shoes, someone hangs puppet children on her, making them in the form of Kvuvadka, Pelenashka and Poskosnits, someone puts them in the hands of small birds ... In general, they do - who is doing so much, immediately coming up with some explanations for this. I believe that it is possible to create authorial dolls based on Russian rag dolls with great success, rather than mixing everything together and fantasizing at the same time. But this is everyone’s business, as they say, not for me to tell them. We fulfilled our task - we told that there is such a Ryabinka doll, why it is needed and how it can be made.

This I will conclude, once again Veselina indiscriminately saw her off and went into the city, holding Ryabinka doll in her arms and asking her something enthusiastically from her.

Do not forget to make dolls for yourself and for your loved ones, take an interest in the life of our ancestors, they have many interesting things and concepts that would be useful to us in modern life. I wish you all good health and good mood, for now.

In autumn, there is much that is beautiful - Indian summer, a riot of colors in the autumn forest and an abundance of field crops. There are many dolls that are associated with this period of the year, for example, the doll of the first harvested grain, a talisman for wealth and satiety in the family. Doll, participant in the rituals of the upcoming new year.
  And there is a doll Pock, preserved the family and motherhood.
  This beautiful doll is all made of characters. Its base is a cross made of mountain ash branches. Rowan, a very strong tree revered by our ancestors. Rowan tree celebrates three name days in the year - the first when it blooms, the second when the berries turn red, the third when the first frost touches these berries and they become soft. Here on the second name day and this doll is made. The fruits of mountain ash always cause people joyful feelings. With the fruits of mountain ash, many weather signs are associated. For example, if the harvest of mountain ash is large, then wait for a cold snowy winter. And if the mountain ash is sparse, then the winter will be warm. Rowan beads were considered among our ancestors a talisman from evil spirits.
  Rowan holds, protects two babies already born.

But in the space of this doll, we still see kuvadki - these are symbols of incipient lives in the family. And on the palms   Rowan holds two birds   - these are symbols of souls of future children. Here's how strong: it protects everyone, protects everyone in the family.

Mountain ash - amulets doll, seemed to me very smart, beautiful and very strong. But also very "working", requiring a lot of time for manufacturing. Beginner needlewomen will be difficult to do it at a time. And in the information sense, the doll is very full, with many symbols and elements. But the result is worthy - an elegant and bright Ryabinka will decorate and protect the house and its household.
  You can learn about all the secrets of making this doll at, at the master of a traditional rag doll in Omsk.

"Rowan doll." Master Class

Traditional amulet rowan doll   - one of the most powerful female dolls. A symbol of female wisdom, motherhood and home. The strongest charm of family happiness. From ancient times in Russia, the branch of this flexible tree was a symbol of the Perunova Mace, Mountain ash is a berry of Perunthunder god. Tree of protection, spirit and wisdom. It is believed that the dart of Romulus was made from rowan tree. Rowan   is one of the 12 sacred trees of Scandinavia.

I offer you MK for manufacturing rowan dolls. Rowan   made growth and elbow. They made Rostov on a holiday, put on women's clothing, took round dances around her, and after the holiday they took them apart. And the elbow was made as a talisman, kept for a year in the red corner, after which it became a game, they gave it to the girls to play. I have two Mountain ash, one of fabric, the second on a crosspiece. Here is one Pock

And the second one you are already familiar with

We take a flap of dense fabric for twisting the column 32x75, be sure to put it inside rowan stick 10-15 cm. Twist the flap twice in length

We make twists for the legs, taking flaps 20x26, 2 pcs. From the bottom of a tightly twisted roll 2 cm, we bend it and tightly bind it, we get a foot. Do not cut the thread, wrap the entire leg

We put both legs to the body and tie it tight

In the upper part of the twist, put a little synthetic winterizer so that the head is round, tie around the neck and make a protective cross from red threads

We sew the flap for the shirt 20x30 cm, sew lace on the bottom, sew the sleeves from the 20x11 cm shreds, make palms of 8x8 white squares, bending them 2 times diagonally and in half. Palms:

Insert the palms, tightly tie them and twist the sleeves

Put a little synthetic winterizer into the stitched sleeves, creating a volume

Hands tied above a guard cross

We put the skirt on the inside out, we attach it first loosely to adjust the length of the arms and shirt, and then tight

We put on an elastic band for hair on a twist at the level of the chest, put a little syntepon under it to mark the chest

We put on and tightly tie the skirt, flap 17x48

For bast shoes I cut fingertips from gloves

I made an incision from above and sewn up my heels, tied them to my feet with a cord

Do doll beads, an apron, a belt from braid, kids-cuvatiks, we put on a military coat, a scarf - Mountain ash is ready

“Doll-bell” - master class I offer you a master class on the manufacture of rag doll-bell. The doll is very easy to manufacture. This Russian folk doll.

Workshop "Carnival doll" I present a master class on making dolls, the symbol of Shrovetide. It can be both a talisman and a miniature scarecrow of winter, which.

Master class "Maslenitsa Doll" I bring to your attention a master class on how to make a doll very easily and quickly. For this you will need: - a 1.5l plastic bottle.

Master class "Doll Shrovetide" So the Shrovetide has come. Shrovetide - red beauty, light brown braid. I propose to make a Maslenitsa doll with my own hands with me. It is easy.

Master class: "Maslenitsa Doll". The history of Maslenitsa dates back to the era of pagan tribes in Russia. The ancient Slavs this holiday marked the farewell of winter, the meeting of spring.

Master class "Doll Maslenitsa" Maslenitsa is expensive, annual guest! Dear colleagues! Our children grow up, become curious, they care about everything. Tell me.

Master class "Doll on the teapot" For the creative project "Russian Samovar", which we began to cook with the music director and children, I decided to make dolls.

Workshop "Doll Twist" Hello, dear colleagues! Our kindergarten is located in a small village. we don’t have special attractions, boast of the ancient.

Workshop "Beregina Doll" Prepared by: teacher of additional education R. Kh. Gimaeva. The master class is designed: for children of primary school age. Appointment :.

Master class on the manufacture of traditional Russian dolls "Ryabinka" For the manufacture we need patches of plain and colored linen or cotton fabric, cotton thread, a little sintepon, braid ,.

  Svetlana Bolshakova

Traditional amulet rowan doll   - one of the most powerful female dolls. A symbol of female wisdom, motherhood and home. The strongest charm of family happiness. From ancient times in Russia, the branch of this flexible tree was a symbol of the Perunova Mace, Mountain ash is a berry of Perunthunder god. Tree of protection, spirit and wisdom. It is believed that the dart of Romulus was made from rowan tree. Rowan   is one of the 12 sacred trees of Scandinavia.

I offer you MK for manufacturing rowan dolls. Rowan   made growth and elbow. They made Rostov on a holiday, put on women's clothing, took round dances around her, and after the holiday they took them apart. And the elbow was made as a talisman, kept for a year in the red corner, after which it became a game, they gave it to the girls to play. I have two Mountain ash, one of fabric, the second on a crosspiece. Here is one Pock

And the second one you are already familiar with

We take a flap of dense fabric for twisting the column 32x75, be sure to put it inside rowan stick 10-15 cm. Twist the flap twice in length

We make twists for the legs, taking flaps 20x26, 2 pcs. From the bottom of a tightly twisted roll 2 cm, we bend it and tightly bind it, we get a foot. Do not cut the thread, wrap the entire leg

We put both legs to the body and tie it tight

In the upper part of the twist, put a little synthetic winterizer so that the head is round, tie around the neck and make a protective cross from red threads

We sew the flap for the shirt 20x30 cm, sew lace on the bottom, sew the sleeves from the 20x11 cm shreds, make palms of 8x8 white squares, bending them 2 times diagonally and in half. Palms:

Insert the palms, tightly tie them and twist the sleeves

Put a little synthetic winterizer into the stitched sleeves, creating a volume

Hands tied above a guard cross

We put the skirt on the inside out, we attach it first loosely to adjust the length of the arms and shirt, and then tight

We put on an elastic band for hair on a twist at the level of the chest, put a little syntepon under it to mark the chest

We turn the shirt

We put on and tightly tie the skirt, flap 17x48

For bast shoes I cut fingertips from gloves

I made an incision from above and sewn up my heels, tied them to my feet with a cord

Do doll beads, an apron, a belt from braid, kids-cuvatiks, we put on a military coat, a scarf - Mountain ash is ready

Related Publications:

I offer you a master class in making rag dolls. The doll is very easy to manufacture. This Russian folk doll.

I am presenting a workshop on making a carnival symbol doll. It can be both a talisman and a miniature scarecrow of winter, which.

I bring to your attention a master class on how to make a doll very easily and quickly. For this you will need: - a 1.5l plastic bottle.

So the carnival has come. Shrovetide - red beauty, light brown braid. I propose to make a Maslenitsa doll with my own hands with me. It is easy.

The history of Maslenitsa dates back to the era of pagan tribes in Russia. The ancient Slavs this holiday marked the farewell of winter, the meeting of spring.

Shrovetide dear, annual guest! Dear colleagues! Our children grow up, become curious, they care about everything. Tell me.

Not so long ago, on the pages of the “Cross” we talked about why our Slav ancestors created amulets. Here we will show in more detail each coastal doll, explain why and how to make it with our own hands.

Joy bird

Joy bird   - ritual chrysalis, which was used to attract Spring. For Spring to come, in early March, married women who were the main characters in the rite, and young girls put on bright dresses and went over the edge of the village to call for spring. They wore hats in the form of birds, decorated with fur edges and feathers, i.e., the women themselves appeared in the form of birds, because they believed that Spring flies on the wings of a bird.

There was even such a sign - if the bird sits on the woman’s head, arm or shoulder, then luck and happiness will accompany it all year.

This doll gives the woman a sense of her destiny and attractiveness. It is done at the log of birch.

Tatyana Bereznaya   shows a master class on the manufacture of dolls-motanka “Bird-Joy”:

Doll Veduchka or Leading to Life

Veduchka   it was always made by a woman who wanted to be a good mother, always wanted to understand what her child wanted and to educate him correctly. This doll has a special structure: the hands of the mother and the child are a single whole. Such a twist symbolizes unity, close connection, love and closeness of mother and child.

Mother Veduchka doll needs to be made by her mother herself, with her own hands, so that the amulet has more strength and protects it more reliably. And any mom who has at least initial sewing skills can do such a doll.

Folk Doll-motanka VEDUCHKA can be made in a master class from the channel 4preschool:

Olena Grass

Amulet doll Olena Grass   it carries with it a special sign of the sun - a solar symbol.

It is believed that all solar signs are very strong defenders. Therefore, our ancestors respectfully respect this amulet! It is also called the Double Sign of Fire, which is a very important and most important Slavic talisman, because it protects a person from all sorts of diseases and misfortunes. The Slavs dedicated the charm of Odoljen-Grass to God Svarog and Radunits.

The action of the amulet increases at the time when the child laughs or some good deeds are accomplished. It was believed that the Odolen-Grass doll is able to ward off “evil charm” from a person, in this regard, in Russia there was always a special relationship with him!

To enhance the action of the charm "Odolen-Grass", sentenced:

“He overpowered Grass, help to defeat evil people so that they do not think badly of me, that they do not want evil, do not do evil! "Slavic amulet of Odoljen-Grass, help take away all slanting looks, bad words, and also bad deeds!”

Herbal Cube

Herbal Cube   - a medical doll-amulet, which helps to clean the air in the house and prevent diseases. Usually they put her in that part of the house where the air stagnated, or hung over a cradle. Before going to bed, it was necessary to wrinkle a bag of herbs to fill the room with aroma, and then the air would become healing and everyone would sleep better.

Actually the body of the Kubyshka-Herbalist - this is the bag, which is filled with medicinal herbs. The use of the egg capsule depends on the herbs with which the pouch is filled.

For example, if you want a doll to have a calming effect, fill it with fresh sawdust, bark, pine needles and buckwheat or motherwort, lemon balm and a pharmacy chamomile.

You watch a small master class on creating Herbal Kubyshki-do-it-yourself in the video from the "Development Academy":

Types of herbs and their action

MINT   - contributes to the improvement of mental activity. There is a legend that mint is named for the goddess Cops, personifying the mind, memory and common sense. It was believed that students who take exams or who study philosophy are difficult science to wear mint wreaths. Mint contains substances that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, namely phytoncides.

LAVENDER - It has high antibacterial properties, and in addition, lavender has a pleasant aroma. It will help you get rid of severe headache, high blood pressure or relieve pain with intracranial pressure.

MELISSA   - has a mild hypnotic effect, is used for heart rhythm disturbances (relieves cardiac arrhythmias), and also relieves nervous tremors, which some people have at night. Melissa also lowers blood pressure, slows breathing.

ANIMAL   - It is used for insomnia and neurasthenia.

THYME   - It has always been considered an excellent antiseptic. Thyme is also anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant, bronchodilator, antispasmodic, etc. It is also used as a weak sleeping pill. Thyme is used for bronchitis and painful cough.

SOUL   - has a sedative effect. And also with angina kills the microbial flora.

Krupenichka Doll and the Rich Man

Slavic amulets dolls Krupenichka   and Rich man   bring abundance to the family. Krupenichka doll is also called Zernushka, Zernovushka or Pea. Krupenichka looks simple, but it has great symbolic meaning, so she has the status of "the main doll in the house."

Among the ancient Slavs, the main type of food was porridge, which, they believed, gave "powerful vitality", so they attached great importance to the process of growing grain. So when sowing grain, the first grains were taken from the bag of this chrysalis, because they had the meaning of “saved forces of the Nursing Earth”.

The Slavs believed that since the earth gives (gives birth) a crop, then the image that this crop gives is female. So Krupenichka is more important, and the Rich Man is in her help.

Initially, in the manufacture of Krupenichki flax or burlap was used, and buckwheat grain was poured inside. And it was very appreciated, because it was rare and the attitude to it was special. Then, by the end of the 19th century, they began to fill Krupenichka with millet, wheat and peas. Hence the names Zernovushka and Pea appeared.

After the new crop has matured, the chrysalis is again filled with fresh grain, dressed up and placed in the Red Corner or in the kitchen, but always in a prominent place. Krupenichek was always given to guests or given to children to play, because they believed that the more people hold it, the more energy the grain inside the chrysalis will be consumed and then the next year will be enough for the family, they will be lucky and will not suffer hunger. Charmed coins could also be put into dolls.

Channel Delkiru shows how to make a rag doll Krupenichka (Zernovushka) based on Slavic folk dolls:

Juliana Bryl   makes a talisman-rich man:

Russian Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga   always associated with evil and deceit, an evil witch who lives in a dense forest. But this is not so! Baba Yaga is a good assistant and sensible adviser. She will always tell you where to find living water or the Firebird, how to protect yourself from enemies or find loyal friends.

Baba Yaga can be a very good guardian and guardian of the hearth. She is hung on windows or doors as a charm of a house. As they say, she “lets her in, but sweeps strangers”, so they make her with a broom or a broom.

In Russia, they treated the mountain ash tree with great reverence, just like Mother! It's just that they never broke a mountain ash, because they knew what her strong protective qualities were.

Therefore, the existence in Russia of such a talisman doll as Pock. It symbolizes motherhood, female wisdom, a home, is a talisman of family happiness, keeping true love from misfortunes.

The Ryabinka doll celebrated name day 4 times a year, and made it only when the fruits ripened - in the fall, on the fourth birthday. A man, not knowing the true strength of the mountain ash, a flexible and small tree, sees in its branch the symbol of the Perunova club (mountain ash is the berry of the god of thunder Perun.).

The doll-amulet will have magical properties if it is made on a cross made of rowan branches.

She will be able to relieve depression or damage from the evil eye, protect from the energy of the dead world. To do this, the mountain ash needs to be hung opposite or near the front door - it, like a warrior, will protect and will not let negativity enter the house.

Channel Delkiru   Shares a master class on creating rag dolls Ryabinka:

Well-being   fills the house with joy, brings prosperity and prosperity into it, blocks the penetration of evil forces. If you want to give this amulet, then give it with the wishes of well-being.

A dolly must be made in one day, you can not transfer the process to the next.

And inside the doll you need to put a coin with the number 5, because it is 5 that is the figure of well-being in numerology.

Five-ruble coin embedded inside the pupa (author - Anastasia Bobrovnikova)

The doll of the Well-being can be put in a prominent place, but can be hidden. To determine where you want to put the doll, you need to trust its choice.

Pick up a chrysalis and stand in the middle of the room, relax and listen to yourself. Where the thought leads you, go there.

Even from a distant or hidden place, the Well-to-do woman will always be on guard, she will protect the owners of the house and take care of them, because she is sitting on a Happiness pouch.

Workshop on creating dolls Beneficiary:

Plantain   is a ritual chrysalis. She was given on the road, so that the traveler was accompanied by luck. Most often, it was made by a mother for a son or a wife for a husband.

Only the one who made it and the one to whom it was made can pick up Plantain.

The image of Plantain is made up of a clean (white) face, like all berezhin dolls, so that evil spirits and a bag of grain can not penetrate the face so that the traveler always has the opportunity to find food on the road. In kulechek they could put the earth taken from the native threshold, or ash from the stove of the house. It was believed that then a person could always find a way home.

Dolly Podorozhnaya is made small, about 5-7 cm in height, so that it can be conveniently put in a pocket, in a backpack or bag, or maybe even in a small clutch or reticule.

Amulet A success   It embodies a person who is successful in any work - in the home or in the money sector, can perform any work efficiently and on time. This nodular chrysalis (motanka) is made to help in any undertaking, in promoting career growth, well-being, luck in personal life. This is a stately, beautifully dressed, neat doll, which confidently rests on its feet. A bag of fabric hangs on her shoulder - it serves as a symbol of the deeds that she can do.

To ensure that the work performed brings a steady income, put a coin or a bill in the bag of the Successes!

Every time a business succeeds or you receive a monetary reward, be sure to thank the Successor, share the money with her, or give her an ornament of ribbons or beads.

Doll amulet Thread of Fate   help get rid of sadness, melancholy and despondency. It will also bring prosperity, prosperity and good luck, help in any endeavors, in work and implementation of the plan.

If you think about how you live, what components are the basis of your life, decide to look at your behavior from the inside or from the outside, and understand your manners and all this, the Dolly of Fate doll will help. It will help you cut off all unnecessary, unnecessary and leave only spiritual and pure.

See how else it might look:

Carols is a solar symbol. This burly woman who is dressed in everything elegant and new, she maintains good relations in the family. The Slavs believed that when Kolyada comes into the house, happiness, harmony and peace come with it.

Kolyada is an ancient Slavic holiday of the Winter Solstice, also called the Feast of the Birth of the Sun. It began 3 days after the winter solstice and lasted until the end of the winter Christmas time.

On the eve of the holiday, the ritual chrysalis Kolyada was made as a symbol of well-being, the realization of the desired, happiness, and, moreover, the amulet from evil forces. It was believed that "God Kolyada comes into the world with light and good, defeating evil and darkness." The fate of Kolyada could be different - it was either left for one year as a talisman, or burned on the last day of Christmas time.

They made a carriage only from new fabric and on a birch log. Birch is a tree symbolizing light, femininity and purity, protecting from the evil eye and treating melancholy. In the hands of Kolyada there are 2 bags - the first with grain, the other with salt. These are symbols of goodness, prosperity and fertility.

Shestiruchochka   considered the patroness of female crafts. She is an indispensable assistant for those involved in needlework. Shestiruchka will save her hands from fatigue, help to distribute work correctly, so that she has enough time and energy for all matters. Sometimes Shestiruchka is also called Filippovka. A bundle with grains and coins is hanging on her belt so that everything done with her own hands will bring profit.

Bathed   helps to find true and bright love, restores vitality, aids sadness and longing, cures depression and strengthens the bonds of marriage.

An ancient holiday - the day of Kupala - is full of mysticism, will accept.
  And the ignorant, it happened, will find an answer for himself.
  On a clean holiday - Kupala Day, let trouble be on fire,
  And water, like a veil, will hide grief forever.

Bell   considered a good news doll. She comes from Valdai. From it came the Valdai Bells.

From ancient times, the ringing of the bell guarded against various terrible and deadly diseases. And also the bells always hung in an arc on the festive triples. The bells are dome-shaped and resemble the sun from above.

The doll has 3 skirts. They indicate that any person has 3 kingdoms - copper, silver and gold.

Happiness also consists of 3 parts - the body is good, it means the soul is calm, and since the soul is calm, the spirit is calm, which means the person is happy.

The bell is a funny, mischievous doll, with its enthusiasm brings joy to the house. She is a guardian of good mood. Present the bell to those who wish joy, good mood and only good news.

Ten hand   - A great helper in household chores. Women or girls made ten-armed to increase strength in housekeeping. The doll was often presented for the wedding to brides, and if the woman was already married, then she was presented for the Filippovka celebration, which was celebrated on November 27. At the same time, they wanted the housewives everywhere and in everything to succeed without extra effort, figuratively speaking, having 10 hands.

The Ten-Handled Doll was made for the Feast of Protection, by October 14th. They made it from bast bast, red thread, multi-colored ribbons and linen in strands. Below, on the hem of the sundress, 9 bows of red strings were necessarily tied. They could make a ten-hand made of straw or bast and then called it Raschepukha.

When the women made the doll, they really hoped for her help, so they put their soul, their intentions, secrets and energy into it. Consequently, the process acquired special significance.

Until the doll is completely ready, don’t let it out of your hands, do not tear yourself away from the manufacturing process and it is not even recommended to have conversations with anyone at this time! And when the Ten-Hand is ready, read a prayer above it and leave it under the icon for the night.

This doll helped not only at home, but also in the field. She was even taken to church to purify all the negative accumulated in her. At home, Ten Hands was planted where the mistress was most often. She was never given into the hands of strangers and was never allowed to play with her children.

Nappy Dolls

Nappies   - These are charming dolls for the smallest. They were always put in the cradle of the baby so that the doll would protect from diseases and the evil eye. And they also helped women during childbirth.

The pelenashka, like any other amulets, has no face. The Slavs believed that if the doll has its own face, then it can only take care of itself, and when the doll is faceless, it protects everyone living in the house, the house itself or a specific person for whom the doll was made.

The swaddle is a doll wrapped in a swaddle with a handkerchief and with a belt-twist. Since ancient times, all children were swaddled with a swaddle, it had both practical and protective value.

The women made diapers for the last weeks of pregnancy, with positive thoughts about their future child, and immediately laid her in a crib so that the doll would live and warm it.

The size of the Pelenashka is such that it fits easily in the handle of the child. To create a chrysalis, a piece of already worn clothing was used from fabric made at home and keeping the adult warm, and such a fabric could provide generic protection. In the manufacture did not use either scissors or needles, so as not to injure the doll.

There is a belief that before baptism, a newborn needs to be protected from evil spirits, and the Pelenashka must take on all the bad things that can harm the baby.

Putting the Pelenashka in the cradle, you need to sentence:
  "Sonnitsa - insomnia, do not play with my baby, play with this doll."

And when relatives and friends came to look at the child, the doll was placed in the folds of a handkerchief.

When leaving, the guests said to Pelenashka: “Oh, how good puppets are!”

After the child was baptized, the Pelenashka was removed from the cradle and kept together with the baptismal robe.

Lovebird Dolls

Lovebirds   - ritual wedding doll-amulet, which has great symbolic meaning. It is named so because the chrysalis masters as a whole. Both parts, man and woman, are inextricable, they have one common hand, as a symbol of family union and common destiny. A doll is usually given for a wedding to newlyweds or married couples that have already taken place, so that the family is stronger.

A special feature of Lovebirds is a common arm based on a long wooden bend. Made her friend of the bride as a symbol of masculine and feminine.

Lovebirds are a talisman of a strong family and a symbol of life together, they, as they say, go “hand in hand”. In the same way, a wife and a husband should always be one in any situation, both in trouble and joy.

To this day, there is a tradition of giving Lovebirds to a wedding. They make lovebirds with their own hands and give it with all their hearts to the nascent family with the wishes to always be inseparable.

According to the ancient Russian tradition, the Lovebirds were hung under the arc of a harness of horses carrying the newlyweds to the groom's house from the church after the wedding. Our ancestors tirelessly believed that the fate of any person can be influenced by making him a similar figure, both in a negative and in a positive sense. Therefore, the "wedding train" certainly paid special attention. Outside the walls of their home, newlyweds were considered especially vulnerable to all kinds of negative manifestations, such as envious glances or tricks of evil sorcerers. The wedding train was guided in such complex ways, built up by barriers, to deceive all these evil spirits and cover up the tracks.

The wood for the manufacture of a torch was carefully selected, not every tree is suitable for such a thing. For example, they never took alder or linden branches, because they, as the Slavs believed, are related to evil spirits. First, the female part is done, then the male part. Then they are attached to this torch, thereby fixing their own position on the family tree. Surely the dolls should have something in common in their clothes - the same pattern on their belts or color.

The lovebirds were not just kept in the Red Corner after the wedding, but also with the advent of the children, Martinchikov's pupae were added to them. They were tied up by martinchiki from bundles of white thread. The lovebands were moved apart in different directions, and the children were put on a splinter between them. There were as many as there were children in the family.

Doll Spiridon-solstice

Spiridon Solstice   - ritual chrysalis, which was made to achieve the desired changes in life. It was believed that Spiridon-Solstice, turning the wheel that he holds in his hands, turns life into the desired direction.

Spiridon-Solstice is associated with the ancient Slavic god Svarog. It was believed that he created people and crafts, and is also the patron of family ties.

The wheel in his hands depicts the sun and has eight spokes. Thanks to the sun, which gives light and warmth, all living things exist and function. The Sun also gives everyone responsibility and punctuality, because it gives light to everyone the same and it always rises on time, and where there is responsibility, there will always be prosperity.

For a man, Spiridon is a good assistant in business, business and household. It is also presented to motorists as a talisman. Spiridon Solstice helps to hold the steering wheel tighter.

Spiridon helps a woman to seize the helm of life with her own hands, choose her own life path, find herself “in the right place in due time”, and also achieve success in creativity and business.