Children's work on the theme of autumn. Theme "Autumn": original applications made in kindergarten. Applique "Fish" from dry leaves and colored paper

Advanced pedagogical experience in kindergarten

Project on the theme “Autumn in the drawing” (creative)

Kleshchukova I.M., educator for the Sun
  Krasnodar Territory, Vyselki Station

Goal:   The use of children's work in the design of the premises of the kindergarten.

Project Objectives:

Creation of a creative, friendly atmosphere in free artistic activity.

The development of aesthetic perception of children through observation of the natural world on excursions, walks, illustrations and paintings of artists.

To teach children to depict simple plots and objects of nature objects under the guidance of a teacher.

Create individual and collective landscape compositions.

Project Duration:   durable (3 months).

Project participants:   Children of the middle group MDOU DS KV No. 12 "Sun"; parents; educators: Kleshchukova I. M., Sotnikova L. M.

Project implementation:

In work with children :

  1. Co-creation of an aesthetic environment in a group.
  2. The introduction of a bouquet of autumn leaves with different colors and shapes into the corner of the Fine Arts.

    Examination and comparison of clusters of mountain ash and viburnum.

  3. Consideration of visual materials and manuals, objects and phenomena for the development of figurative perception:
  4. Picture of Levitan "Golden Autumn";

    Folder "Nature in the fall";

    Album "Autumn Sketches";

    Photopanorama "Autumn in the Kuban."

  5. Mastering by children the available visual and drawing skills:
  6. Technique "Monotype";

    Technique "wet painting";

    Unconventional collage training with various visual techniques;

    Joint evening activities of children and educators.

  7. Nature observation:
  8. Walking with children and watching the wind; beyond the sky; for seasonal changes in nature; for fall foliage; for migratory birds; behind the flower garden; behind the birch; for the autumn rain.

  9. The ability to see the beauty around you and admire it:
  10. Excursion along the ecological trail;

    Excursion to the river;

    Excursion to the park;

    Conversations about what they saw.

  11. Examination of paintings and acquaintance with artists:
  12. A. A. Gritsay "Leaf fall"; I. Ostroukhov “Autumn Fields”; I. Ostroukhov “Golden Autumn”; E. Volkov “October”; I. Weltz “The Beginning of Winter”; (see "People's Russia" A. Corinthian)

    Artworks created in the realistic manner of "Leaf fall", "Tree", "Grove", "Autumn".

  13. Reading fiction about nature and the phenomena occurring in it.
  14. Poetry: V. Stepanov “September”, “October”, “November”; I. Bunin "Leaf fall"; A. Maykov “Autumn Leaves”; A. Plescheev "Boring picture"; A. Pushkin “Already the sky breathed in autumn”; V. Berestov “The Cloud”; S. Marshak “Rainbow”; M. Yasnov “Rain”.

    Prose: “Bouquet” by Y. Koval; "Grandmother's Garden" S. Georgiev; "Mushrooms" V. Kataev; "Fog" M. Gumilyovskaya; “The squirrel is preparing for the winter” G. Skrebitsky.

    Proverbs and sayings about nature:

    In the spring, the rain soars, and in the fall it is wet.

    There is no turning from autumn to summer.

    The rains were tightened - do not wait for the loads.

    The late flight of birds portends a warm winter.

    In September, the sheet does not hold.

    In September, one berry - and that bitter mountain ash.

    In the fall, the web flies - to heat.

    October will cover the ground with snow, where a leaf.

    November is the gate of winter.

    November - September grandson, October son, winter father.

  15. Game activity:
  16. Didactic games: “Guess the plant by description”, “Guess the plant by name”, “Find the leaf that I will show”, “Who will find the birch, spruce, nut”, “Find the pair”; (see V. A. Dryazgunova).

    Role-playing games: “Journey into the forest”, “Trip to the sea”, “At the cottage”, “Outdoors with the whole family”, “On a tour”.

    Outdoor games: “Autumn Leaves”, “Colorful Carousel”, “Who Will Run Farthest to the Christmas Tree”, “Crows and Doggy”, “Bird Flight”, “Where is the Sun?”, “Wind-Breeze”, “Prickly Rain”

    Game situations: “What is the best weather?”, “At the pond”.

In work with parents:

  1. Consultations were held: "Introducing landscape lyrics", "Beauty is nearby."
  2. Individual conversations: “Gifted child”, “Learn to draw”
  3. Visibility in the form of information files: "Learning to observe changes in nature", "Let's read."
  4. Card file: "Poems about nature."
  5. An exhibition of reproductions of landscape painters was held, where parents expressed their views on the importance of aesthetic and artistic education and development in the lives of children.

  Work on joint activities of parents, children and teachers:

Autumn entertainment "Mushroom-little mushrooms";

Photo exhibition - “Autumn Studies”

Open Day held

Project Presentation:

Designing kindergarten premises for children.

Every time of the year, children notice changes in nature, weather, and climate. In summer, they feel that the temperature rises, people sunbathe, lying on the beach; spring is associated with delicate flowers and a women's holiday; winter - with a game of snowballs and modeling a snowman. And golden autumn - with the beginning of the school year, with colorful leaves, umbrellas, rain and clouds. Autumn is a wonderful time of the year, in which the design of crafts becomes a very interesting affair, because improvised tools for crafts can be found on the street. If you are observant and resourceful, then the materials for crafts in the kindergarten can be very diverse - these are colorful autumn leaves and fruits, rose hips and rowan berries, cones and nuts, various seeds, twigs and bark - there is nothing to list. It is also remarkable that these treasures can be collected in reserve!

Many preschool teachers offer children to collect especially beautiful leaves to get a herbarium. Dried leaves can be used to create interesting appliqués and panels, for example, Autumn Girl, or the Scarf. For them, you can also take the bark of trees and twigs, in general, any materials that can be picked up from the ground in the fall. You can also distribute colored paper and pens to children to create colorful designs. You can work as a team, or you can do it alone.

What materials will be required to create an original autumn applique?

Using different materials, children can create beautiful autumn applications from which you can make an exhibition on one of the walls of a kindergarten or at home. Creating crafts and applique is the best way to create an atmosphere of the season, which is approaching or has already arrived.

How to inspire children to create a beautiful autumn applique

So that the child really wants to create something interesting with his own hands, need to prepare it. Before handing the materials and explaining to the child what he will do today, one should tell some fairy tale about autumn, show pictures, describe the weather and talk with the kid about this time of year. Let the children themselves answer what autumn is associated with, what games they play, what they think about when they hear the phrase “autumn time”.

You can arrange themed hours in kindergarten dedicated to the time of year. Children can be asked different questions, organized contests and quizzes. One of the contests, which sets in a positive way and makes the child want to create, is berry picking relay.

You can take plastic berries, you can slightly inflate balloons, or you can make them from pompons. The group must be divided into two parts, name each team, put the children in a column and place a large basket in front of them (2 meters will be enough). At the signal, the first child from the column must run to the scattered berries, take one and throw it into the basket from a distance, for example, 50 cm. The tutors themselves can establish the rules of the game, complicate or facilitate it.

Gallery: autumn applications (25 photos)

How to make a children's application on the theme "Autumn"

You can invite children to collect herbarium in advance and bring colored paper, scissors and glue. Each child is invited to take the following materials:

Children of the older group have a sheet of paper in front of them and begin to create a beautiful applique. To do this, you must:

  1. Draw a picture on the theme of "Autumn". Children can use all their imagination. It can be a keeper of the forest, an autumn landscape or a hedgehog with mushrooms on the back.
  2. Color the drawing with colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints.
  3. Now the fun begins: the child is invited to decorate the application of leaf confetti, sparkles and any decor elements. If this, for example, is a fall girl, then from dry leaves you can make her a wreath. Decor is limited only by the imagination of the child.

How to make a do-it-yourself hedgehog application

This work is fairly common in kindergarten, especially in the younger group. It does not require much time and effort, the main part of the work is prepared by the educator, and the most interesting part is performed by the child.

For the application you will need:

  • hedgehog pattern template on an A4 sheet (by the number of children);
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick.

Once the hedgehog pattern template is ready, you can start distributing drawings to children and decorating applications:

How to make an application "Autumn tree" with your own hands

This applique looks original and beautiful. For her, a non-standard material is used - a sponge. For such a picture you will need:

  • sponges of different colors: yellow, green, orange;
  • scissors;
  • black felt-tip pen;
  • a sheet of white cardboard;
  • pVA glue.

You need to start by placing a sheet of white cardboard in front of you in an upright position. Further, the child needs:

  1. With a black felt-tip pen, draw a tree silhouette - trunk and branches. It can be oak, aspen, birch, in general, any tree that the baby likes.
  2. From the sponges of different colors to cut "leaves". In shape, they can resemble triangles or rhombuses.
  3. Glue the pieces of the sponge with PVA glue on the branches of the painted tree.

Applique "Fish" from dry leaves and colored paper

Autumn crafts can be made not only on the autumn theme. Children can do original work, and none of them will be like the other. The item is suitable for children of middle and senior groups. . To make fish, kids need the following materials:

  • a4 sheet of paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • colored pencils or felt-tip pens;
  • herbarium;
  • pVA glue.

It is an indispensable part of the educational program, as it allows you to better study the main autumn signs, master the palette of autumn shades, and strengthen the ability to work with different art materials.

Autumn drawings for kindergarten can be performed in a variety of techniques, using an unconventional approach, but taking into account the age characteristics of the children.

Fingers "Autumn tree"

For example, children of 3-4 years old will be able to depict an autumn tree by applying droplets of juicy paints on the main trunk.

For such work, it will be necessary to prepare a palette and patterns of tree trunks with branches in advance. We offer kids to cover the tree with leaves, choosing the most autumnal colors from the palette.

Children 4-5 years old can be offered more complex drawing techniques:

Drawing with a white wax candle

For work, we prepare thin paper, real autumn leaves (which we collect during the walk), a candle, a brush and paints.

We put a sheet with thick veins under a sheet of paper and draw a candle over it.

We cover the whole sheet with paint.

Where the candle touched the veins of the leaf, its outline will appear.

We draw vegetables and fruits:

Vegetables and fruits are another popular fall theme.

Wax crayon drawing

Again, use the leaves that were collected during a walk in dry weather. They do not need to be dried, because during the drying process they will become brittle. You will also need thin white paper and wax crayons.

We put a sheet under a sheet of paper and carefully paint with chalk all the space above it.

Where the crayon is in contact with the veins, clear contours of the leaf appear.

To make the pictures look more impressive, we fix them on a bright background - for example, sheets of color cardboard.

Drawing in kindergarten (video):

Look at the video for beautiful and vivid ways to draw on the theme of "autumn":

Autumn prints prints

Again, use freshly picked autumn leaves. We cover each of them with a layer of paints of the autumn palette and carefully turn it on a sheet of white paper. Carefully raise the leaf - in its place there remains a multi-colored print.

From these drawings you can organize a real autumn exhibition

Leaf coloring

Children 5-6 years old can already cope with more jewelry work. We use well-dried ones, which you need to work with carefully, so they easily break in your hands. We cover the leaves with different shades of paint.

It is better to use gouache or acrylic paint, watercolor often rolls off the surface of the sheet.

Having painted one side, we dry it and we paint the second.

In this case, the leaf itself is an autumn picture.

It turns out bright autumn leaves, which can be used to create various decorative compositions.

From painted leaves you can make an original autumn pendant on a twig.

Coloring paper leaves

This work also requires focus and perseverance, but less caution - paper sheets cannot be broken and difficult to wrinkle.

Color each leaf from two sides.

We dry them and use them to decorate a group or a hall.

Autumn chalk drawing

Cut out autumn leaf patterns from thick paper in advance.

Put the template on the landscape sheet.

Carefully paint over the entire space around it with wax crayon, directing strokes from the center to the periphery. Colorize a birch leaf.

Color the maple leaf.

We lift the sheet - only its contours remain, around which we see a real explosion of bright color.

Such non-standard drawing on the theme of autumn in kindergarten will help develop a child’s interest in creativity and arouse in him the desire to create new interesting compositions and paintings.

Figure and application "Autumn Amanita"

Using real leaves, draw a colored background. We are waiting for it to dry. Cut out a fly agaric hat from red paper, and cut a leg out of white paper. From a napkin, we cut a fringe onto the fly agaric leg. Combine all the elements of crafts on a colored background and complement the dried maple leaf. It remains to paint the mushroom cap with white dots. Our autumn fly agaric - ready!

Application and drawing "autumn fly agaric"

Look at the video how to make a beautiful autumn landscape from leaf prints:

And here is an example of a wonderful autumn drawing, drawn in watercolors and crayons. First, the outline of the drawing is drawn in pencil, then with white or yellow chalk, patterns are drawn on bushes, trees and grass. After applying watercolor, the pattern will become bright and clear.

The contours of the leaves can be drawn by parents or educators - the children will have to paint them with watercolors. After the watercolor dries, we outline the contours, veins and patterns with a black marker.

In this figure, the contours are also highlighted with a colored marker.

How to draw a color sheet step by step

GCD Summary

on environmental education in the preparatory group on the topic:

"Autumn in the kindergarten."


tutor: Vorotilova N.S.

Summary of GCD with children of the preparatory group for environmental education on the theme "Autumn in kindergarten"


Vorotilova Natalya Sergeevna

Goal:   Activation and enrichment in children of the vocabulary on the theme "Autumn in kindergarten." To form the skill of word formation of adjectives from nouns, complex words by merging the two foundations. To instill a love for the nature of the native land.


    Exercise children in the selection of signs and actions to the subject, correctly coordinate adjectives and verbs with nouns.

    To expand, enrich, deepen the knowledge of children about the native land in which we live, about the small homeland - Crimea.

    To form a sense of patriotism for the big and small homeland.

    To form ideas about Crimean reserves and volcanoes.

    Develop visual, auditory attention, memory, imagination, thinking.

    To develop general and fine motor skills of hands, facial expressions; ability to coordinate speech, rhythm, movement.

    To strengthen and maintain the health of children in the classroom using health-saving technologies: physical education with an element of logo rhythm, elements of psycho-gymnastics.

    Develop control over your pronunciation.

    To instill a sense of love for nature, to develop observation.

    To develop coherent speech of children, to learn how to correctly build sentences, to use epithets in speech.

    To consolidate the ability to interact with each other.

    Create a positive emotional attitude.

    Enrich your vocabulary.

    Establish rules of conduct when visiting forests, nature reserves and nurseries.

    To instill love and interest in wildlife.

Equipment: leaves of different trees; Images: trees, leaf fall, waterfall, snowfall, rockfall, starfall; photos of autumn landscapes; phonograms: a children's song about autumn, sounds of rain and wind, an emblem of rules of conduct in the forest.

Course progress:

Sounds music:

"The yellow leaves circling the city,

A quiet rustle lie under my feet ... "

Educator:   What do you guys think, what time of year have I sung to you now? Children Answers: (About Autumn)

Educator:   That's right. And what signs of autumn guys do you know? Children Answers: (Children list symptoms)

Educator:   Well done guys, that's right. Today, while I was going to kindergarten, I collected a bouquet of fallen leaves and brought it to you.

I would like to talk with you about autumn, its colors and trees at this time of year. Look, guys, at my bouquet that I collected along the way and tell these leaves, which trees? (The teacher shows the leaf, and the children guess the tree)

The teacher conducts a didactic game   “Which leaf?”

Maple Leaf (which sheet?)   - maple; mountain ash - mountain ash; alders - alder; aspen - aspen; birches - birch; oak - oak; linden - lime, walnut - nut, viburnum - viburnum.

Educator:how well you know the leaflets. Guys, and yellow is the color, what expensive metal? Children Answers: (Gold)

So, our fall, what can be called? Children Answers: (Gold)

Let's see pictures of our beautiful, golden autumn.

Here it is golden autumn in our Crimea. Look at the bright, yellow-orange colors that autumn uses.

But this photo I took in our forest during the morning fog, which is located near our village. Let's see how beautiful our nature is and how beautiful our native land is.

But this photo was taken in the autumn at the Dzhur - Dzhur waterfall in our Crimea, our small Motherland.

Guys, let’s remember the rules of conduct in the forest, at any time of the year and not only in the autumn.

And now we’ll have a physical training session “Together we go through the forest”
Together we go through the forest
Do not rush, do not lag behind.
Here we go out into the meadow. (Walking in place.)
A thousand flowers around! (Sipping - hands to the sides.)
Here is a daisy, a cornflower,
Lungwort, porridge, clover.
Carpet spreads
And right and left. (Bend over and touch the left foot with the right hand, then vice versa - the right foot with the left hand.)
Pens extended to the sky
The spine is stretched. (Sipping - hands up.)
We all had time to relax
And they sat down again. (The children sit down.)

Educator:   Guys, and what kind of autumn happens and we saw it in previous photos? Children Answers: (Crimson, Late, Early, etc.)

And let's play a little game "Tell a word"

(Didactic game "Tell a word")

Autumn has come to visit us
And they brought with them ...
What? Say it at random!
Well of course ... (leaf fall)

We need to wear boots:
From the rain near the house ... (puddle)

Alyosha protects both boots and boots,
He puts on rain and slush in the fall ... (galoshes)

And in autumn green is the whole
It is thick, pine ... (forest)

To keep us warm
We wear in the fall ... (coat)

We have red leaves
Slowly ask:
  -Who painted you?
Answer: - ... (Autumn!)

Saves from heat in summer
Light hat
Autumn warms us
Knitted ... (hat)

There are clouds of autumn grays
Your angry leader
Arrows all day long -
Silver ... (rain)

Educator:Well done boys. Today we had an unusual lesson on our playground, where we examined the leaves of trees that grow with us.

The soundtrack of a children's song about autumn sounds, children play:

Fall, fall leaves

In our garden, leaf fall.

Red, yellow leaves

Flying through the sky, flying

The birds flew away long ago

Geese, rooks, cranes.

Here’s the last pack

Waving its wings in the distance.

(Ivensen M.)

Educator:   And so guys, what kind of trees did we collect leaves on the site? Children answers: ( birch, aspen, apricot, plum, walnut, oak)

And what color are our leaves? Children Answers:   (Yellow, red, brown, may be green-yellow and green)

What do you think happened to the leaves before they got into my bouquet? Children Answers: (Leaves come off and fall from a tree)

Why? Who helped them? Children Answers: (Wind)

What is the name of this phenomenon in nature? Children Answers: (Leaf fall)

And let's look at the picture of the leaf fall.

Educator:   Guys, say the word "leaf fall" and think carefully, what two words are hidden in it? (Leaf, fall)

What do we do when the leaves fall to the ground? Children answers: ( We help clean our janitor)

Well done. Let’s play the game “Fix the Word” with you, and my photo tips will help you in this.

Water + fall \u003d waterfall.

Guys are the most full-flowing waterfall in Crimea, located in the Alushta region in the vicinity of the village of Generalsky, in the Hapkhal gorge, formed as a result of the action of the waters of the Vostochny Ulu-Uzen river at an altitude of 468 m above sea level.

Now let's look at this photo.

Snow + fall \u003d snowfall.

Look at this we walk in the winter.

Let's stretch ourselves a little and do a gym

“The green oak in the meadow”

The oak is green in the meadow
He reached for the sky with a crown. (Sipping - hands up.)
He is on the branches among the forest
Generously hung acorns. (Sipping - hands to the sides.)
And below the mushrooms grow
There are so many of them here today!
Do not be lazy and do not be shy
Lean over the mushrooms! (Tilts forward.)
Here the frog galloped
Here, apparently, there is not enough water for her.
And the croak cheerfully jumps
Directly to the pond, and not otherwise. (Jumping in place.)
Well, we will go through a bit.
Raise your leg up! (Walking in place.)
Like, frolic,
And down on the grass!

Educator:let's continue guys. Also there are such natural phenomena as:

Star + fall \u003d starfall.

Guys, in Crimea we have the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, which is located in the Bakhchisarai district of Crimea, near the village of Scientific, on Mount Cat.

And the last natural phenomenon

Stone + fall \u003d rockfall

Educator:   Let's play a little and portray our emotions (with an element of psycho-gymnastics)

The leaves are fallen.

We were upset



And smiled.

Look at the sky. Clouds are running along it. Big and small. Let’s fantasize with you and play the game “Find out by contour”. We will look at the clouds and guess what they look like. Draw these shapes in the air with your finger.

Well, now our lesson is over. I hope you learned something new about the fall, which came to visit us at the site.

Autumn is marked in kindergarten with a number of wonderful seasonal holidays and entertainments. Each of them would like to be carried out in a new, fresh, unusual way, turning into a bright and memorable event. We are glad to help you with this, offering in this section an excellent selection of scripts and abstracts for each of the autumn holidays. You will also find useful interesting ideas for creating autumn crafts, of which you will find a great many on these pages. Pay attention to the positive experience of colleagues regarding the organization of games, quizzes, and the creation of didactic manuals on the theme of autumn. We invite you to admire how the interior of the group and the music hall is decorated in other kindergartens. And look among this variety of good ideas for your own design. Do not miss: a separate section is devoted to children's poems about autumn.

Make autumn in your kindergarten special!

  Includes sections:
  • Autumn. Games, quizzes, didactic manuals on the autumn theme
  • Autumn. Consultations and recommendations for parents in the autumn
  By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 29457.
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