Wall newspaper design. Wall newspaper template. Do-it-yourself children's wall newspaper, to school, topics, contests. Wall newspaper kindergarten do it yourself. Making wall newspapers Poems for wall newspapers

Nursery rhymes for each photo.

The plot of the picture: kid in the car, driving

I love to sit in the car.
  The car drives gasoline.
  But the main thing in the car is the steering wheel.
  I sat behind the wheel - bbc, mummy!
Plot: kid in the apartment
I don’t miss in the apartment:
  I’ll shake the swing
  I’ll turn on the computer
  I’ll teach you how to play dad.
  Lie down, read a book,
  I turn on the TV
  I’ll hide in the house, shut up:
  I'm tired, I want to sleep!
Plot: walk on the street
We walked in the yard
  Ride on the mountain
  Fed the birds
  And I made a little fist.
Plot: child at the table
If there is a mouth and teeth,
  So they need to eat.
  Hands will help -
  In the mouth to the teeth shove food.
Plot: baby in the bathroom
Water, toothbrush, soap -
  I am very, very cute.
  Parents do not worry:
  I don’t want to be dirty!
Plot: kid on the street with flowers
I study nature
  Without regard to the weather.
  Fall and summer
  I will collect bouquets.
Plot: child draws with hands
Brushes and pencils
  For arts without a soul
  To draw with my soul
  Paints in the hands must be taken.
Plot: kid doing household chores
I can’t sit without work:
  I’ll drive a stroller
  I’ll take up the vacuum cleaner
  That flour nose powder.
  Just do the work
  Looking - they still carry concern:
  A whole basin of crucian carp -
  Dad is our trophy.
Plot: child with balls and balls
And recently I found out
  What is the best figure - a ball.
  I also want to be the best
  And I’ll study all the balls.
Plot: kid in the village
Relaxing in the village in the summer is good.
  There you can climb the stairs - high.
  On the porch with a woman - to sit,
  And glasses from the sun - put on.
  Click the switch to light the light.
  And look at the rabbits next door.

I wrote the above verses for my poster, for specific photos. Therefore, perhaps they will not suit you. But I have other verses, I call them "universal." Here they can definitely be included in any holiday poster, and choosing the right photos for them will not be difficult.

"Universal" verses for a poster for a baby's birthday

Plot: going for a walk
One, two, three, four, five -
  I'm going for a walk again!
  One two three four -
  Closely to me in the apartment!
Plot: grandmothers
I have grandmothers -
  We play pitfalls
  We drive round dances,
  We go out for a walk.
If not for grandmothers,
  With whom to play me in the "good luck"?
Plot: walk
I'm ready to walk all day
  I'm not too lazy to walk.
  No serious business
  Than to walk idle.
Plot: game cars
I have a lot of cars
  But they are standing in the corner.
  I will build their way
  I will help them ride!
Plot: granddad
He’s a man - wherever,
  Despite the years.
  Strong and beautiful
  My grandfather is a favorite.
Plot: in the hands of dad
I have dad in my arms:
  High that just "Ah!"
  And how does he not fear?
  He’s just brave!
Plot: at the tv
TV is the best friend!
  Silent all around
  If the screen is lit, -
  It’s like there are no dads or moms ...
  I turn off the TV:
  I want to be with mom, dad!
I also have ordinary poems. They can also be used to design posters by picking suitable photos for them or by making a collage.

Children's poems for babies and parents


I have grandmothers -
  We play good luck.
  Grandfathers are reading a book
  My brother sings songs
  Dad is building a tower
  Mom is cooking a cake ...
  I'll go to the bosses -
  I will find everyone a deal!
There are a lot of things to do at home.
  I wanted to help mom.
  I washed the floor with okroshka
  And swept a little.
  Hid toys under the sofa
  He took the feathers out of the pillow
  I fed the doll porridge,
  Milk flowers poured,
  Washed socks in kefir,
  And hung around the apartment.
  I darned my dress with tape
  I knocked the dust out of bed
  Put honey in plates ...
  Let Mommy rest!
About the walk
I really like to walk! ..
  What a pity you can't bed
  Take a walk with you.
  I would love more
  Walking in his crib.
  All day I wouldn’t get off her:
  Would walk, walk, walk!

The wall newspaper is a special informative material that is published on various topics by the hands of the editorial board in schools, universities, kindergartens, technical schools, colleges and even in kindergartens. In each educational institution, in a group or in a class, members of the editorial sector are selected who are responsible for creative corners, the publication of posters and wall newspapers. There are certain rules that need to be published, today we’ll just talk about them, consider templates and ideas for the publisher.

Anyone from a group or class can draw a newspaper, usually this task is given to those who are elected by the team to the editorial sector or, in short, the editorial board. In order for the poster to have an aesthetic appearance and be designed in accordance with all the rules, the regulatory recommendations should be taken into account:

  • The size of the wall newspaper.   For completeness of information disclosure, it is customary to choose formats as a workpiece: A 0, A1, A2. Sheets of Whatman paper of a given diameter are sold in stationery stores and are dispensed from 1 pc.;
  • Fields.The first thing the newspaper outlines the field. Before designing, it is important to decide whether they are needed in your material. If this is appropriate and the sketch will not just have space, but headers, lines and photos, then indent (1.5-2-3 cm) and draw borders with a line thickness of 1 to 5 mm. There can be more than one frame in a newspaper. It all depends on the fragmentation of the topic. Fields of wall newspapers can also wear their own style. They can be integral, dotted, open patterns and ornaments;
  • Heading.   This is the bottom of the important details of the newspaper. You can issue it in the center of the newspaper, at the very top in a line, from the upper left corner in the form of a short flight of stairs, vertically on the left side of the sheet, in several lines. The width of the title should not exceed 15 cm. The font height will be harmonious if it is about 1/5 of the width of the whole paper. The color and style of the font must be combined with the general text, the selection of letters, ornament, stroke - allowed. In general, letters should be readable and clear. Among the letters, the presence of characters, drawings, smiles, the necessary punctuation marks is allowed;
  • Thematic material.   It should relate to the chosen topic. The central position on the paper is assigned to the heading article, additional texts, sketches, and a selection of photos are attached around it. All material should be in harmony, coincide in style, be part of the article, not be repeated;
  • What can / cannot be used in the article?   The article is allowed to use relevant information, without insults and profanity. Texts should be error-free: logical, syntactic, spelling. The use of jokes, collages, sketches, newspaper clippings, printed texts is welcome;

  • A photo.   Placing photos is allowed only with the permission of their owners. The same goes for company logos, family names, other personal and commercial information. Photos should be clear, relevant, understandable, they can be printed on a color printer or ordered in a printing studio and made glossy;
  • Drawings.   Any text will be decorated with painted pictures. It doesn’t matter whether it is an emphasis in the picture or the usual dilution of text between the lines. The main thing is that the picture should be expressive, not cover the text, be combined with the theme of the wall newspaper;
  • Publishing material. Colors, felt-tip pens, pastels, pencils, mascara, gels, sparkles can be used as a paper. Try to keep this in harmony with the overall picture. Envelopes, pockets, lacing, balusters, rhinestones, reflective stripes, etc. can be placed on top of whatman paper. Do not overdo the amount of jewelry and stylishly write an addition to the wall newspaper plot;
  • Signature.   A signature is made below all texts to the frame (field). For example, “Newspaper on the topic“ Rules of the Road ”7“ B ”, or“ Editorial Board 8 “C”.

How to make a wall newspaper for teacher's day, photo with an explanation

The wall-paper to the day of the teacher is congratulatory and drawn up on a large format of whatman A1 or A0. The design style is most often classic with the title of an even direct font. Although, the direction in the publication can be absolutely free. Newspaper headings might be: Happy Teacher’s Day !; Happy Teachers' Day !; Happy day, teacher !; Happy Teacher’s Day, Marya Konstantinovna !.

The purpose of the newspaper is to congratulate the class teacher or the teaching staff. The basis should be a plot congratulation: drawings, poem, prose, signatures of class students. It is allowed to use colorful pictures cut out by explication in the newspaper, as one text will look very modest.
  The selected newspaper format must be harmoniously distributed between the material. Fill the edge of the newspaper with fields 1.5–3 cm wide. You can use colored lines drawn with pencils, felt-tip pens, and wax crayons as markup.

Place a poem or handwritten greeting in the center. As a picture, you can use several options, the most win-win are flowers, teacher attributes: a globe, a pointer, books, bells, a teacher's board. As decorations, decorations made of colored paper, felt, corrugated paper are acceptable.

Wall newspaper how I spent the summer kindergarten, photo with an explanation

The responsibilities of the cultural sector and the editorial board in kindergartens fall on the shoulders of educators or enterprising parents. Immediately after a short vacation, the first topic in kindergarten is “How I Spent the Summer”. Interesting conversations between the teacher and the children are confirmed by wall newspapers, as a fact about the work done. Such work is performed on whatman A1 or A0. It makes no sense to choose smaller formats, since photos of babies, their drawings, palms, leaves of trees are used to participate in the sketch.

  • Choose a blank sheet of whatman paper. Draw a frame if appropriate for your chosen design style. In order to save and contain a large amount of information, it is better not to draw fields;

  • Think over the style in which the work will be done. How exactly will you demonstrate your summer vacation? Perhaps registration in pictures, list listing, photo demonstration. Basically, educators ask their parents to bring a photo and make a collage with a caption for each photo on some thematic background: flying butterflies, sunny clouds, sea waves, palm trees, blooming greens;

  • Text. As an addition between photos or pictures, you can insert sounding quatrains reminiscent of the summer and the holidays spent, funny quotes, jokes or family signatures for each participant of the wall newspaper.

How to arrange an autumn wall newspaper, kindergarten

Along with autumn crafts in each group, with the onset of autumn, it is necessary to draw up an autumn wall newspaper. Rowan branches, crimson leaves, cones, nuts and other fruits of the summer ended - this is not all that can be depicted on the collage. You can start the design of the newspaper right from the frame, draw maple leaves, linden along the contour, and cut the edges of the newspaper along their lines. The contour will also be considered complete if a figure of an animal, for example, like this hedgehog, is cut out from the sheet of whatman paper in the photo below.

You can stick poems and greetings to such an upright forest guy for the upcoming fall festival, which is celebrated in each group of preschool institutions. It is permissible to make a wall newspaper frame from autumn crafts, from plasticine, for example, maple leaves or already dried blanks.

In honor of the new school year, which is celebrated not only in schools, but also in kindergartens, you can issue a wall newspaper with reminders of the summer. Collect photos of kids who want to be featured in an autumn newspaper, stick pictures on whatman paper and add them with beautiful sketches and poetic works of Russian classics.

Teacher’s wall newspaper

Teacher's Day is not the biggest holiday, but all preschool workers know that it is celebrated on September 27 of each year. It is on this day that they are waiting for congratulations. As a congratulation, the editorial board or the parent committee publish a wall newspaper dedicated to the day of the educator. The easiest option is to make a headline, write poems in gratitude to the educators and their assistants and complete all with colorful drawings.

Each group in the kindergarten has its own name: "Bells", "Fireflies", "Ladybugs", etc. If your Kindergarten is devoid of such items, then we suggest using the name of the kindergarten. Some of the institutions since the Soviet era are called "Teremok", "Birch" and others. On the wall newspaper, draw several objects, for example, if a group or DS is called "Bee", draw 20 bees. Harmoniously place them on the wall newspaper, paste in each bee a photo of the child being studied, put the photo of the teachers you are going to congratulate next to, also indicate the kitchen workers, the workers in the medical room. In the free space, draw a caricature or glue the relevant drawings, and write the lines of a suitable poem nearby.

DIY wall newspaper for your birthday:

Creativity has become an integral attribute of every holiday. We suggest considering options for congratulatory newspapers for the birthday of the teacher and his classmates.

classmate (s)

In the stores for the holiday you will find a lot of decorations and ready-made wall newspaper templates. Among them on sale are posters for the birthday of a classmate or classmate.

Photos from memorable holidays are pasted into free cells, poetic or prosaic lines with congratulations are added at will. If you purchased a black and white poster, then color it to your liking, but it’s better to buy a ready-made picture. Also, a wall newspaper for a classmate or classmate can be drawn independently. A box of watercolors, a Whatman paper and a brush are all we need for a festive masterpiece. Remember the preferences of your classmate (s). Perhaps your “colleague” loves Ninja turtles or some other heroes. Decorate his wall-mounted birthday card and make him feel good.

For classmates, you can make newspapers that not only hang on the walls, but also those that contain sweets. Make a path out of sweet congratulations, for example, like this wall newspaper, below.

And another option that is suitable for all students in the class will be a common newspaper called “Classroom Corner”. Allocate a separate column for the birthday. Name it “Birthdays of this month” and place the list of students who celebrate their birthday on the dates of the current month.


The newspaper "Happy Birthday, teacher" should have an aesthetic meaning. The main rule that must be observed at all times is that you do not need to indicate the age of the teacher. Come up with a bright signature and a beautiful wish that you will present from the whole class to a respected teacher. The original idea for congratulations will be a collage with tablets in the hands of children. On each plate (sheet of paper) a wish should be printed. An example in the photo below.

Wall newspaper by September 1:

The very first wall newspaper for kindergartens and schools is the newspaper by September 1. You need to draw it in advance in order to have time to place it for the upcoming holiday in a specially designated corner of the class or group.


Even the smallest “inhabitants” of the country of Knowledge know what September 1 is. An educator or parents from the parent committee can take advantage of the following ideas: collect hand-drawn palms from each child and stick them on a wall newspaper. To give the newspaper autumn motives, it is advisable to paint the palms in yellow, orange, red brown, resembling leaf fall. Thus, all the children from the kindergarten group will take part in the production of the newspaper. In the center of such a newspaper or around the edges, place quatrains with congratulations to the educators and their pupils.


A welcome poem, quote or school anthem as the main material in the wall newspaper will be quite enough. Beautiful drawings from the school theme and an elegant headline will make the school creation complete.

Special design deserves a newspaper for a first grader. Its headings can be called "From September 1, first grader!", "For the first time in school (in first grade)." As a material for design, choose instructive quotes, parting words, poems.

Children's wall newspaper template, photo

Verses for wall newspapers

  • Poems for a first grader;

  • About school;

  • Poems about the onset of the school year;

  • For a classmate's birthday;

  • For the birthday of a classmate;

  • About kindergarten;

  • For the educator;

  • For teacher's day;

  • To the teacher’s birthday;


All adults know that the most favorite time of the year for a child is summer. Every child is looking forward to these hot days! It is at this time of the year that children receive the most vivid and unforgettable emotions that they will share with you throughout the year.

Summer is a vacation, swimming on a river, trips to the village to the grandmother and children's camps, as well as more other entertainments and joyful minutes.

An example of a poster in the photo below.

Wall newspaper "How I spent the summer" (or "How WE spent the summer")   You can make the team, i.e. post photos and information about each entertainment there or take a specific topic for a wall newspaper. For example, "in the village of my grandmother." And when making an order on the World Wall Newspaper website, you have the opportunity to print the wall newspaper in an unlimited number of copies. Leave the baby as a memory of summer days, or maybe give it to her grandparents as a keepsake!

You can easily hang the poster on the wall in the children's room. And in the frosty winter or rainy autumn, looking at this wall newspaper, the kid will remember how amazing the past summer was, and will look forward to the next hot season.

A summer newspaper about summer vacations is often asked to children. in kindergarten   educators, and at school - teachers. It also happens that parents themselves puzzle over how best to preserve vivid memories of the child. Your joyful photos and summer decoration from our designers will forever bring all the emotions and memories of your child to a bright beautiful poster. A summer newspaper about kindergarten will be especially relevant, because at this age children are very emotional and only learn all the secrets of this world.

The wall paper “How We Spent the Summer” can also be used for classroom design   or kindergarten rooms after summer break. Each child can bring you the most beloved photographs of past holidays, scan the photo and send it to us! We will combine all the photos into one beautiful wall newspaper. You can also add comments of the children themselves, what was the past summer for them.

For older children, such a wall newspaper may contain clippings from the works of schoolchildren “How I Spent the Summer” and will also be supplemented with beautiful photographs.

For elementary school students   summer is the time when they begin to go to children's camps or begin to learn to swim, so capturing the most memorable moments of the past summer in a beautifully designed wall newspaper is simply necessary !!! A poster can be printed for each student (at the request of the parents themselves), so that summer memories please children not only at school, but also at home.

Each past year is a new discovery, the next step in life. And all the memories remain in the past, but thanks to our wall newspaper all of them will remain in the memory of your child for life!

Summer is a small life. These simple words became a “winged expression” for good reason. Indeed, it is this time of year that is saturated with such diverse and pleasant events that simply cannot be found in other seasons of the year. Of course, it makes sense to display them in a large illustrated poster or wall newspaper. Positive ideas for their creation will be prompted by colleagues - just look at the pages of this section. “Hello, summer”, “Here it is, our summer”, “How I spent summer”, “Red summer is a safe time”, “Happy birthday, summer birthday!” ... These and similar topics are presented in various options: photo essay, collage, comics, etc.

All the colors of summer in a positive wall newspaper.

  Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 155.
All sections    | Wall newspapers on the theme of "Summer"

"That's summer has passed» Summer is beautiful, the most awaited time for children. This is a time of sunny and warm days, walks through the woods, the park! Everybody loves summer! But autumn has come! The children returned from a summer vacation full of different experiences. And, of course, they must ...

  The sun shines brightly, It is warm in the air, And wherever you look, Everything around is light. Bright flowers dazzle in the meadow, Dark sheets are doused with Gold. Dozing forest: no sound, - The leaf does not rustle, Only the lark in the air rings. Summer   for children - the most favorite time of the year, a time of relaxation and fun ....

Wall newspapers on the theme "Summer" - Wall newspaper "Here it is - our summer ..."

Publication of "Wall newspaper" Here it is - ours ... "    LAST SUMMER Silence over the countryside, only somewhere. Suddenly a dog will hear a barking. Warm summer will end soon, Will tell us this year: "Goodbye!" Became ripe, juicy plums, apples are many ruddy in the garden; Autumn insinuatingly, leisurely Says: "I will come to you soon!" The yellow fall quietly ...

Image Library "MAAM Pictures"

  Summer is a sunny season, It gives a warm ray! In the summer, the sun beats, The meadow has become motley in appearance! In summer, cherry ripen, In summer, a bird sings, Every summer comes, A lot of joy and light! In this sunny, summer period, kids spend a lot of time in the fresh air. AND...

  So an unforgettable summer flew by. We all rested, got a lot of impressions and returned to our beloved kindergarten "Rainbow". Last summer brought children a lot of joy and interesting things. In the summer there were trips, and walks in the woods, swimming in the river and on the lakes, barbecue ...

I bring to your attention a wall newspaper that we made together with the guys. It reflected our impressions of the past summer in kindergarten. Summer is perhaps the most beautiful time of the year. It helps the guys make new friends, because in the kindergarten on duty, as a rule, the guys ...

Wall newspapers on the theme "Summer" - Wall newspaper "Our sunny summer"

  Summer is a wonderful time. It's time for wonderful weather, walks and games in the fresh air. Summer pleased children and adults in kindergarten. Successfully carried out summer wellness work. And as a progress report to parents in the summer, we prepared ...

   Summer is an amazing time! How much joy the child brings games with sand and water, sunbathing, walking barefoot on the grass, dousing with water. How to make the lives of children in this period informative, informative and interesting? How to organize the activities of children so that it ...