How to mold Velociraptor from plasticine. We sculpt a plasticine dinosaur. Forelegs - for Velociraptor

Model and circuit created by Andrey Kryzhanovsky.
  If you first decided to do modular origami, then take a look here
  To begin, make a head with feathers. To do this, look at the diagram below

Now we connect the neck and head so that the "antennae" of the neck fits into the "chambers" of the head under the feathers. We look at the figure.

And that on the neck and head took exactly 7 modules. Now do the body. On the body, head and neck you should leave exactly 21 modules. We look at the figure.

Now do the legs. For each leg, 4 modules will be left. This means that together with the legs on the model should already go 29 modules. We look at the picture.

Now hands. Two modules for each arm, plus legs, plus body, plus neck, plus head \u003d 33 modules. We look at how each hand should look.

You will also need a tail. I did not draw it, but 17 modules will have to go to it. With a tail, you can experiment.
  And here's how to put your head, neck, legs and arms together

I hope someone makes this model. This is my first article, so do not judge strictly. Thanks for attention. Good luck.

Velociraptor in Latin (Velociraptor) means "fast hunter." This is a two-legged predatory animal from the dromaeosaurids family that lived on our planet in the late Cretaceous period. The predator is represented by one species Velociraptor mongoliensis, the remains of which were discovered in Mongolia in 1924.

Velociraptors are small carnivorous reptiles, the length of the individual reached 1.8 m, in height - 60-70 cm. With a weight of about 20 kg. Despite its relatively small size, the predator was a very ferocious animal.

Velociraptor moved, thanks to its two-toed strong legs, very quickly and was a dexterous and very agile hunter. The reptile had a long, sharp claw on the second finger of each paw, which Velociraptor used to crack down on the victim. Of decisive importance in the hunt was a strong jaw, armed with a large number of sharp teeth. The predator had a rather large brain. According to specialists, the ratio of the size of the brain to the size of the body of the Velociraptor was much larger than that of all other dinosaurs. That is why the ancient reptile can be considered one of the most intelligent and dangerous predators in the era of dinosaurs.

Velociraptor hunted both alone and in a group. A predatory dinosaur rushed to its prey and if it tried to escape, it could very quickly catch up with it. If potential prey fought back, the predator could retreat briefly and wait aside, fearing sharp horns or a powerful tail of the enemy. The Velociraptor could, being close to the victim, wait a long time for the opportunity. After waiting for the right moment, the predator quickly attacked the unfortunate animal.

In the attack, a predatory reptile tried to grab the victim by the neck or head with its sharp teeth and tenacious clawed fingers. If the dinosaur that Velociraptor was hunting for fell into the clutches of a predator, he no longer had a chance to escape. The wounds inflicted by the predatory reptile with their claws and teeth were fatal. Defeating his victim, Velociraptor, maintaining equilibrium with a long rigid tail, tore apart the prey's body with a curved claw.

A very interesting detail was found in the structure of the skeleton of Velociraptor. According to some paleontologists, it is likely that the birds descended from dinosaurs. The skeleton of each bird has an arched bone between the wings, the so-called fork. This fork serves as a kind of spring that helps in flight.

If the statement of some experts is true that the birds descended from dinosaurs, then the fossil dinosaurs must also have a fork in the structure of their skeleton. But so far, not a single explorer of fossil dinosaur remains has found a fork in the skeletons. When they discovered something similar to her, skeptics claimed that the fork was "in the wrong place of the skeleton" or very badly damaged.

However, a group of scientists who excavated in Mongolia in 1997 was very lucky to find a perfectly preserved V-shaped bone - a fork about 1 cm long. She was in the shoulder area of \u200b\u200bthe fossil dinosaur -

We continue a series of confrontations, moving to prehistoric Mongolia. This time, dinosaurs that lived at the same time and on the same territory were selected. What did the collisions of the agile predator and the owner of a massive ridge lead to?

Late Cretaceous wide plains dotted with shrubs served as a haven for herbivorous protoceratops that accumulate near green oases. They were often attacked by Velociraptors, further evidenced by the unique find made by a group of paleontologists in 1971. Two dinosaurs literally mated with each other, but an unexpected cataclysm overtook both. Perhaps it was a powerful and sudden dust storm that brought down a huge dune on them. Or Mesozoic quicksand, which fettered the movements of animals, swallowing in seconds. Below are photos of the exhibits presented now at the American Museum of Natural History (New York, USA).

This prompted us to simulate a duel. velociraptor vs Protoceratops, taking into account the latest scientific discoveries (read the description of each). The details of this composition, which has passed through the centuries, will help us understand the balance of power.

As usual, we rule out interfering factors while placing dinosaurs in their native habitat. Naturally, we take healthy adults and experienced individuals as models.

Size - approximate equality

  In order to use the maximum potential, we take the largest representatives of both species as sparring models. The size of Velociraptor mongoliensis is up to 2 m, Protoceratops andrewsi is up to 1.8 m. Obviously, the current divergence of 20 cm is not significant (given the long tail of the Velociraptor), therefore the rivals are approximately equal in this component.

Weight is a significant advantage of protoceratops

  Protoceratops weighed 9 times more than his opponent (180 kilograms versus 20)! With such a mass, he could throw off the attacker or knock down with a sudden movement.

And if the velociraptor turned overturned to the ground, it could be crushed with all four legs in seconds. The image shows a defeated theropod, over whom a real threat looms.

Collar - for protoceratops

  An impressive bone shield covered with keratinized skin was an insurmountable obstacle for the opponent. Thus, the back of the neck and back were perfectly protected.

Velociraptor has no such protective elements.

Jaws - approximate equality

  You say how so? After all, the mouth of a velociraptor is full of sharp as a blade, bent back teeth!

The fact is that protoceratops had a massive head with powerful beak-like jaws. The recesses closer to the base of the skull indicate the attachment of the impressive jaw muscles. The pointed beak was able to bite through not only the branches of gymnosperm trees, but also the skin, muscles, and tendons. And with proper loading of the load (for example, leverage by the body), even damage the bones. Fossil shots allow you to evaluate both.

In addition, with a blow to the head, protoceratops could knock down even a strong relative, not to mention a lightweight enemy.

Legs - for Velociraptor

  The strong leg of the predator is equipped with sharp claws, one of which is especially large. The finger is raised and equipped with appropriate muscles. Theropod tried to pierce the victim's skin, sharply straightening it. This is the Mesozoic analogue of the nail gun.

The four legs of protoceratops could be useful only when trying to trample an already sprawled enemy.

Mobility - for Velociraptor

  Agility, flexibility and resourcefulness helped not only to cling to prey, but also to escape from dangerous blows. Velociraptor also has significant superiority in speed of movement. Protoceratops, although it possessed impressive muscle mass, was generally clumsy and led a measured lifestyle.

The chase in the image of Todd Marshall.

Forelegs - for Velociraptor

  Flexible upper limbs, with developed fingers, confidently clung to protoceratops. The sharp claws on them, although they could not cause serious damage, supplemented the general arsenal of the predator. In addition, they could have attacked the eyes of a horned dinosaur.

Tail - Approximate Equality

  For protoceratops, the tail is not an important defense tool, because their main tool is always in front. Moreover, their tails are quite short. In turn, the long thin tail of the Velociraptor, excellent for balance and coordination of movements, will not cause any harm to the herbivorous dinosaur.

Conclusion: 60% chance of victory of protoceratops against 40% of Velociraptor

  The skin of an adult protoceratops is thick, and he himself possesses incredible stamina. The main task of a velociraptor is to reach out to vulnerabilities, which is quite problematic. After all, the neck of a herbivorous dinosaur is not accessible from below, and is protected by a collar from above. Reaching the open side is not so easy in battle dynamics. This theory is confirmed by the found specimen: it is overturned, and the beak tightly gripped the forelimb, thereby completely depriving the maneuver.

Therefore, Velociraptors alone tried to avoid confrontations with adult and healthy ceratops, except in cases of extreme hunger. Most likely, the museum exhibit belongs precisely to the insanely starving.

Another incarnation of a collision from a paleo-artist

From plasticine, a child can sculpt various figures that differ in shape, size and color. This article will present master classes with detailed instructions on how to mold a dinosaur from plasticine.

A selection of video tutorials for beginners

This article will offer a selection of videos that will demonstrate several options for sculpting figures of ancient fossil dinosaurs.


In the first master class, the process of sculpting a stegosaurus will be described in stages. To work, you will need plasticine in yellow, red and some plasticine in black and white.

First of all, from yellow it is necessary to form a ball of large size so that in the future to make a body out of it, you should also form four identical balls for future paws and a red ball in order to make a shell.

First, the large yellow ball must be flattened so that the edges are narrowed and a bend forms in the middle. One edge of the part is the head, the other is the tail. Two flattened white balls must be attached to the head, complemented by black circles - these are the eyes. Next, from four identical yellow balls, four rollers should be formed and one of the edges flattened at each part. Using a scapula, you need to make incisions to make your fingers. After that, it is necessary to form a roller from a red ball, then roll it into a thin layer and cut out triangles from it.

At the final stage, the paws should be attached to the body and red triangles should be attached to the surface of the body as a shell.

There is another scheme for sculpting a stegosaurus. To work, you need plasticine in green, some plasticine in red and toothpicks.

First of all, one ball with a large diameter should be rolled from green to form the body and two identical balls with a smaller diameter for the manufacture of the head and tail, four more small identical balls will be needed to indicate the front and hind legs. Of the balls that are intended to form the torso, head and tail, it is necessary to fashion the details in a drop-shaped form, and sausages should be made from the remaining small balls.

After this, the head of the stegosaurus must be connected to the body, smoothing the junction and slightly extending the neck. Then you need to attach the tail, also stretching the part to the desired length, so that the proportions are preserved. Next, attach the paws to the body and mark the lines of the fingers on the paws and the mouth on the head. It is also necessary to make a red tongue and attach the eyes. For realism, with the help of a toothpick over the entire surface of the body, you should mark the scales.

All stages of the work are shown in the photo.

How to make Rex from plasticine dinosaur

In the second master class, a scheme for sculpting a tyrannosaurus will be offered. To work, you will need clay of the main color and a little white and black colors.

First of all, balls of different diameters must be formed from the plasticine of the main color: a large ball for the torso, a smaller ball for the head, two identical smaller balls for the hind legs and the two smallest balls for the front paws. You will also need a tiny ball, from which a comb will be formed. It is necessary to form a semicircular part from a large ball, bending both edges up, another ball of a smaller diameter should be shaped like a drop - this is the head to which two eyes of plasticine in black and white should be attached. Next, you need to make an incision in the place where the jaws of the dinosaur will be and make the fangs of the upper and lower rows of white, you can simply roll two rollers and use the spatula to mark the contours of the fangs. Of the balls that are intended to form the paws, it is necessary to roll the rollers and flatten one of the edges, and then with the help of a spatula, cuts should be made. In order to make a comb, you need to roll the smallest ball into a sausage and with the help of a spatula, cuts at the same distance should be made.

To entertain a child with a photograph with a dinosaur, you first need to start the Mixed Reality Viewer application from the Start menu. By default, the application offers a look at the model of a seagull in shorts, you can find a model of a prehistoric monster in the Remix 3D collection, to access which you just need to click on the button of the same name on the application toolbar (registration will be required if you have not done this before).

In the window that opens, a text search function for three-dimensional models is provided, there are already quite a few dinosaurs in the Remix 3D community collection, we chose a Velociraptor. To import your favorite model, you just need to click on the thumbnail with its image.

It may take some time to download the model, depending on the speed of your Internet connection, but hardly more than a couple of minutes. Having studied the dinosaur in 3D viewing mode, you can safely proceed to viewing in augmented reality mode using the "Mixed reality" button.

The application will process the image received from the camera and will independently indicate possible options for placing the model. To place the model on a virtual surface, just click the mouse in the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe image. Hovering the mouse and scrolling its wheels, or the corresponding touch-screen gesture, will help resize the model.

Having chosen an interesting angle, it remains only to take a photo, just like in any photo application - by clicking on the round button on the right side of the screen. In the lower left corner of the "Tools" window in shooting mode, a timer is available that allows you to set a pause before saving the frame in 2, 7 or 10 seconds.

The “Photos” button on the toolbar is used to switch to viewing captured images in the “Photos” application. They are saved in the folder This computer → Images → Camera Album.