Decorate the table for the New Year. How to beautifully decorate the New Year's table. Delicate greenery and garlands of light bulbs

The most fabulous and magical holiday, which both adults and children are waiting for - this, of course, New Year. You always prepare for it with inspiration and special trepidation, trying in every possible way to please the symbol of the year, thinking through the decoration of the New Year's table and creating culinary masterpieces.

According to the eastern horoscope, the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2017 is the Fire Rooster. 2017 promises to be bright and memorable. Something very special awaits each of us this year. The rooster is a proud bird, its mood will determine the nature of the events that will happen to us in the New Year. In order for the owner of the year to be satisfied and favor all our endeavors and dreams, we must meet him in the right way. Characterizing the Rooster, we know that he loves to be the center of attention, he needs to be noticed and pleased, that’s when he will be happy and satisfied.

Cooking and decorating

It's not just how you decorate that matters New Year's table, but also what you bet on it.

Note! The rooster will obviously not like it if you decide to treat your guests to poultry meat, in particular chicken.


Preference should be given to beef, pork, and lamb. It is advisable not to serve turkey, duck or quail dishes.

An excellent option would be potato and pork dishes baked in clay pots. The rooster will really like this rustic table setting. You can also prepare a juicy meatloaf with mushrooms and herbs; meat stuffed with cranberries; puff pastry meat with tomatoes and herbs. A good option For the holiday menu, it could be a vegetable stew baked with cheese in the oven.

Main courses can be decorated with flowers cut from vegetables and fruits: tomatoes, cucumbers (salted or fresh), radishes, lemon, olives, apples. The Fiery Rooster will not at all mind seeing an abundance of fresh vegetables and slices on the festive table.

Note! You should avoid serving stuffed chicken eggs; you should not use them to decorate other holiday dishes. Don't be alarmed, you can add eggs to salads, and choose quail eggs for serving dishes.

Don’t go overboard with fried and highly salted foods; dishes should be light, not high in calories and simple. Do not use canned food and pickles; let your table consist of dishes made from fresh vegetables.

Sandwiches and canapés

For snacks, choose sandwiches and canapés with tomato or orange pepper, fish, red caviar and crab sticks, here you are color scheme endure it and please the Cockerel with fresh bread. Be sure to think through the design of sandwiches on the New Year's table; it should be festive.

Canapes usually look elegant anyway, but you need to decide how to serve this festive dish, for example, sometimes canapes are stuck into a bun, loaf or vegetable.

From fish

Fish dishes can be an excellent option for a festive table. Choose what you like best: Asian dishes, Mediterranean or Russian cuisine. If you still prefer Slavic dishes, then jellied or oven-baked fish will come in handy.

Pike perch, sturgeon, trout – there are a lot of options for a tasty and festive dish. If you serve the fish whole, cut its back, insert a piece of lemon into the cuts, garnish with mayonnaise, add herbs and vegetable shapes. It will turn out very tasty.


The rooster will like seafood and shrimp salads, rice and rolls. In vegetable salads, give preference to tomatoes, sweet peppers, and fresh cucumbers. Any salad and cold appetizers can be themed in the shape of a Christmas tree or Santa Claus, most importantly, more greenery. Dill, parsley, and lettuce will make the table juicy green and bright; the host of the coming year will really like it.

Desserts and sweet table

Here you have the right to come up with whatever you want, most importantly, do not make very complex desserts, as well as desserts that contain alcohol. The Rooster will like everything else. For children, you can bake cookies or muffins with berries and nuts. In addition, you can make fortune cookies nice wishes on coming year will be pleasant to your family, everyone will appreciate such a surprise with a smile and will look forward to the fulfillment of the prediction.

Gingerbread in the shape of a Christmas tree, house, cockerel, etc. would be appropriate; they can be both a gift and a treat. Such delicious gift made with your own hands will be the most pleasant surprise for guests.

Fantasize and delight your family and friends.


Do not choose very strong alcohol; it is better to celebrate the New Year with a glass of wine or champagne. An ideal choice Cocktails can become colorful and bright, like a rooster’s tail. For those who do not drink alcohol, Rooster offers natural juices and fruit drinks; drinks in red and yellow colors will especially decorate the table.


To please the Rooster, set the table in this year's colors. Preference should be given to shades of red, yellow and gold. But don't decorate the table too brightly. Choose a tablecloth light shades and from natural fabrics. The dishes on your table can be with golden patterns or bright colors; the symbol of the eastern horoscope will like this, but it is desirable that it be from natural materials: glass, wood, clay.

The Fire Rooster simply loves classics and simplicity; there is no need to invent something original. Choose napkins that match the tablecloth; if you have napkins made of natural linen, be sure to use them to serve beautifully festive table, The Rooster will be pleasantly surprised. Glasses can be decorated with natural waxed cord or pieces of burlap. Cutlery can be decorated with fir branches and tied with natural threads or gold cord. Naturalness in everything - the Rooster will really like this. Decorate your home and holiday table in a rustic style. If you have stored wooden Toys or candlesticks, wicker or clay vases, all these decorative elements will harmoniously complement the festive interior. In the center of the table place a dish with sprouted grains and a bowl with clean water, this will show how you are waiting for the owner of next year and are glad to meet him. Instead of sparklers, it is better to decorate the table big amount candles of red or gold colors, they will add warmth and comfort to the New Year's atmosphere.

The long-awaited New Year holiday should be the most memorable. Try to please Fire Rooster and appease him with your welcome for a whole year, because otherwise he can show all the hot temper of his character.

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There should be many original dishes on the New Year's table that will win the Pig's heart. However, the decor should not lag behind the menu: it is not for nothing that they say that “as you celebrate the New Year, so it will pass.” Please note that aesthetics should be in everything this year. Get inspired and pay attention to details!

Table setting for the New Year: what to do to please the Pig?

When decorating the New Year's table, it is best to focus on simple materials, natural tones and the most natural elements. Use more natural materials: decorate large dishes with spruce legs, place cones near candles.

New Year's table setting The table can be in the rustic style that is popular today. To do this, it is worth purchasing linen tablecloths and napkins. Dry bouquets, which can be purchased or prepared in advance, would also be appropriate in this style. If you have imagination, you can complement the table with fruit and vegetable compositions. Pay attention to such details as, for example, a samovar with a bunch of bagels or delicious buns braided into braids. You can also safely use bunches of red pepper and a few bunches of straw (it’s easy to make them yourself). The rustic style in decorating the New Year's table will be especially relevant if you are celebrating the holiday at the dacha or in a colorful rented estate.

How to set the New Year's table: what kind of dishes should be?

Remember the main rule: all the dishes on your holiday table should be exclusively real. Forget about plastic salad bowls and plastic glasses and plates. Ideal if you have Gzhel porcelain. But if not, then it doesn’t matter: just buy bright, stylish dishes. Among the variety of colors, choose green and blue shades. As for cutlery, you can use hand-painted utensils, such as spoons or bowls. Clay dishes will also fit harmoniously.

Special attention give glasses. The easiest way to make them stylish is to tie a small, neat bow made of satin ribbon on each champagne or wine glass. In the same way, you can decorate the bottle with the drink itself.

How to set the New Year's table: more red

Focus on red. This is the most New Year's color you can think of. The red tone creates a special festive coziness. We offer the simplest one, which has become classic version serving. We take several spruce branches and tie them at the bottom of the red satin ribbon. Make a stylish bow. Such branches can be placed on the table around the main dishes, in your opinion. By the way, the red ribbon can be diluted with a golden one. Also scatter some cones on the table, put some candles (it is better to use a beautiful candlestick). As for the tablecloth, it is better that it be snow-white, but the napkins, on the contrary, are red. In each plate you can put a homemade Christmas tree made of red paper in the format of a postcard. Guests will be pleased to read a personal New Year's wish in it.

New Year's table setting: choosing an eco-style for the New Year's table

It is this style that is becoming the trend of the coming year, along with the rest of the desire to dress succinctly, eat healthy food, use natural cosmetics… It’s worth noting right away that this style is very closely intertwined with well-known Scandinavian design motifs. We focus on brown, green and beige shades. Eco-style practically excludes the use of red (except in some point accents). It is recommended to place a composition of pine branches and pine cones in the center of the table. It won’t be difficult to make one, using even a minimum of imagination.

Candles are also worth decorating. Do not choose colored options, but simply use thick white candles, which can be “wrapped” at the bottom with a spruce foot or wrapped with a ribbon, for example, brown or green.

The main rules for impeccable serving

Please note that the tablecloth is not the main attribute of the holiday this season. Under no circumstances should she draw attention to herself. But at the same time, of course, the tablecloth must be perfectly ironed and clean. Do not forget that the tablecloth should not hang down too much at the edges - a maximum of forty centimeters.

You need to start serving with plates. Only after this we lay out a row of cutlery, and then glass or crystal.

The napkins you choose should be in clear contrast with the tablecloth. If you use cloth napkins, you can place them exclusively on appetizer plates. If you use paper napkins, be sure to hide the corners under part of the plate. Or you can just use a napkin holder.

Place spoons and knives on right side, forks - on the left. Do not forget that each cutlery should lie on the table exclusively with its convex sides down.

Shot glasses and glasses are located on the right side of the plates. And don’t forget about the main rule: the guest must see a whole, beautiful picture. This means that the New Year’s table setting should be consistent in the same style.

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The closer the most magical and kind holiday of the year is to us, the more pleasant troubles there are regarding preparation. In addition to gifts, home and Christmas tree decorations, as well as the holiday menu, it would be nice to pay attention to table decoration.

website publishes ideas for a special New Year's table setting that will set the right atmosphere for the entire New Year's Eve.

Color solutions

New Year is almost the only holiday on which you can truly afford to make your whole house rich. Red color looks best with gold. Napkins, dishes, candles, tablecloth - let your imagination run wild and paint everything that comes to mind in the desired color combinations.


In addition to the play of light from the garlands, candles will perfectly complement the atmosphere. They don't have to be lit all day; they can only be lit during meals or when it starts to get dark. But the main thing is not to stop at ordinary candles, experiment with shapes and scents.


Napkins on the table are a must-have attribute, which can also become an independent decoration. Large versions of red or even themed colors are best suited for these purposes. Also, before the feast, you can put one napkin on each plate, having previously twisted them into some unusual figure or shape.


Tangerines are already a separate symbol of the New Year, the smell and taste of which almost everyone associates with the main thing. winter holiday. They can stand apart from all other fruits if you pile them in a large pile in a separate dish. Or they can become the main component of a fruit platter of apples, grapes and nuts.


Small spruce branches and cones, spreading a wonderful fresh aroma of the forest, can also become an excellent decorative element. Place them on several small plates or napkins and place them on the table. Or create a larger composition that will become the main decoration.

Christmas decorations

Tinsel, rain, Christmas tree balls can not only show off on the Christmas tree, but also fit perfectly into festive decoration table. They can be put in several glasses or complemented with fruit compositions, or simply scattered on the table between plates with New Year's dishes.


Licorice candies, chocolate, and, of course, mountains of candy. Shiny and colorful candy wrappers will delight the eye, and the sweets themselves can be enjoyed in between main courses.


Guests and family will be pleasantly surprised if, during one of the breaks between dishes, when everyone wanders off to walk or watch TV, small personalized gifts appear on the table. They can be candles, key chains, toys - a purely symbolic sign of attention, and the joy and surprise will be quite sincere.

Undoubtedly, the New Year is a holiday that brings together loved ones and relatives around the same table. From year to year everyone waits with trepidation and excitement for that very magical New Year's Eve. You need to prepare for this event carefully, thinking through all the details. One of the important tasks in preparation is setting the New Year's table.

Where to begin?

Every housewife spends most of her time preparing New Year’s dinner, and chic decoration table for the New Year is her special pride.

To cover beautiful table On this magical holiday, you need to plan a menu, make a list of necessary products and decorations.

It is better to buy provisions for the holiday menu in advance, with the exception of perishable products. You need to start preparing treats on the eve of the holiday so that the dishes are tasty and, most importantly, fresh. Various preparations for salads and appetizers can be prepared a little earlier, but it is worth mixing, seasoning and baking on December 31st.

In the pre-holiday bustle, it is important not to forget about setting the New Year's table. You definitely need to think about the style and color scheme of the decorations, since the choice of dishes and decorative elements will depend on this. Usually, Dishes and cutlery should be harmonious in color. It is also worth deciding on the color palette of the tablecloth, napkins and candles.

The table at which you plan to gather with family and guests should be comfortable and wide. To make everyone as comfortable as possible, it is recommended to allocate at least half a meter of table length for each person.

Style selection

There are many options for table setting for the New Year. Deciding which style to choose depends on your mood, existing decorations and tableware. Let's take a closer look at some styles:

  • Scandinavian style. If you don't want to be too present bright colors and extravagant motifs on New Year's Eve, then you can choose a style that originates in Scandinavia to decorate your home. This style is characterized by the presence of natural materials and delicate pastel colors. The main color here is considered to be white. It can be combined with other shades.

Checked linen napkins on snow-white plates will look original. In the middle of the table you can place a structure made of spruce branches. And place beautiful candlesticks next to it.

  • Ethnic style. If the holiday is to be celebrated not at home, but, for example, at the dacha, then you should choose an ethnic style for decorating the table. It is best to use a tablecloth made of cotton or linen fabric. Burlap decorated with tangerines, cones or nuts will look very harmonious as a decoration. Wooden stands can be used as plates. Place a small Christmas tree decorated with homemade ginger cookies next to the plates. With this method of table setting, your holiday will become unusual and very memorable.

  • Baroque. If you want to make your New Year's feast luxurious, you should pay attention to this style. After all, it is able to emphasize the refined taste of the owners. You can place massive candlesticks on a white tablecloth, and place gold or silver ones in the center of the table. Christmas balls. It is advisable to choose white or cream-colored dishes with gold accents.
  • Provence. This style calls for a variety of white and glassware. As a decoration, you can fill glass bowls with any cereal. And put candles in small jars; they will create a cozy and warm atmosphere.

Decoration according to etiquette

The art of serving has been around for over a thousand years. Each century had its own culture of holding a feast, its own ways of decorating tables and serving festive dishes. The current era is no exception. To ensure a flawless New Year's feast, the table must be set according to the rules of etiquette:

  • All household members and guests are required to have four plates: a serving plate, for main courses, for appetizers and a pie plate. The appetizer plate is placed on the dishes for main courses, covered with a napkin that matches the tablecloth. The pie plate is placed to the left of the other plates.
  • The knife is placed on the right and the fork on the left.
  • From left to right, near the plates you need to place a glass for strong alcoholic drinks, a glass for wine, a flute for champagne and a glass for water.
  • Near central part Fruit vases are placed on the table.

  • The rest of the space is occupied by salad bowls, gravy boats and containers for seasonings.
  • Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are placed closer to the center.
  • The bread should be placed on opposite sides of the table.
  • Paper napkins with New Year's themes are laid out in several places.

When serving treats, certain rules are also followed. The fried meat is pre-cut into pieces and placed on a dish. A small bird is served whole. Cold appetizers and pickles are served separately with hot meat dishes.

Before serving dessert, all plates are removed from the table, leaving only glasses. Dessert utensils are arranged later.


Planning a menu for New Year's celebrations plays an important role in organizing the event. It often happens that after a feast there are many uneaten dishes left, which subsequently spoil. To prevent this, you need to calculate the amount of food in advance.

You can prepare a delicious New Year's dinner without spending large sums of money. The most important thing is to choose the right ingredients and combine them correctly. For example, an excellent appetizer for the New Year's table would be rolls with ham, soft cheese and herbs.

They go perfectly with champagne and dry wine. And this cold appetizer is prepared very quickly and simply.

You can also bake chicken with oranges or goose stuffed with apples as an unusual dish. For a snack, you can prepare tartlets filled with cheese or mushrooms, or fry breaded Adyghe cheese.

The menu must include at least three salads. Most often, when choosing a salad, they are based on the taste preferences of household members. The most traditional New Year's salads are considered to be Olivier salad, mimosa salad, herring under a fur coat and classic vinaigrette.

Ready-made salads can be beautifully laid out in the shape of a Christmas tree or the symbol of the year, and also decorated with fresh herbs.

After developing the main menu, they move on to sweet dishes. For dessert you can bake a tangerine cupcake. To prepare it you will need eggs, premium flour, sugar, a little liqueur, tangerines, dried fruits and baking powder. This cupcake will not leave anyone indifferent.

When preparing for the celebration, you should not forget about the children's menu. Here you will need time and imagination. Children will appreciate sandwiches with turkey, cucumber, tomato and lettuce. Cheese balls in breadcrumbs will also undoubtedly appeal to all younger family members and guests. Particular attention should be paid to dessert for children. These can be various cakes, cottage cheese muffins or sponge cake with chocolate and berry layer. Juices, compotes and fruit drinks can be prepared as drinks for children.

Family members or invited guests may include those who are fasting. Therefore, it is important to know recipes for delicious Lenten dishes. It must be taken into account that Lenten food is not only easy, but also healthy. For example, for fasting guests, you can bake country-style potatoes in the oven and marinate herring with onions and mustard.

As for salads, Lenten Olivier with squid and warm bean salad with mushrooms are perfect. Delicious canned tomatoes and sauerkraut will complement the assortment of the festive table. Interesting design table will help make your New Year's Eve special.

Effective ideas and illustrative examples

It is possible to improve the New Year's mood with the help of bright details. For example, you can decorate a festive table with colored napkins and glasses.

The dishes can be painted with unusual patterns, the cutlery can be decorated with snowflakes or spruce branches. And prepare fabric napkins for plates with the image of New Year's symbols.

A white ironed tablecloth always looks elegant. She will make any celebration elegant. You can decorate it with bright dishes or accessories. Traditional New Year's colors are red, blue, green and white.