A fairy tale for adaptation to kindergarten. A fairy tale about a kindergarten. Psychotherapeutic fairy tales for children during the period of adaptation to kindergarten A beautiful fairy tale about kindergarten

Once upon a time there lived different animals in the forest.

A family of bears lived in one house: papa bear, mama bear, and cub Mishutka. In another house there lived hares: a mother hare, a father hare, an old grandmother Zaya and a little hare. And in the third house there lived foxes: father, mother and fox daughter. And the Wolf and the Wolf Cub, the Mouse and the Little Mouse and many other animals, big and small, also lived in the forest.

Until the kids grew up, they each played near their own house, at their own hole or at their own den. But then they got older, and the parents decided that it was time for the children to get to know each other so that they could have more fun playing. And they set up a kindergarten for animals in the forest! The wise Aunt Owl was called to be the teacher so that she could teach the children how to be friends.

The animals found a suitable clearing in the forest where the kids could play together, made a fence, set up cribs and tables, brought more toys and brought their kids there. Some animals, as soon as they saw the new toys, said goodbye to their mothers and ran off to play. And the little Bunny got scared, clung to his mommy and was afraid to leave her. There are a lot of kids, everyone is running and playing, but little Bunny just stands and stands next to his mother.

Aunt Owl saw this, but did not scold Zainka, but allowed him to be in kindergarten with his mother on the first day. The little bunny climbed into his mother’s arms and from there watched what the others were doing. Then the Mouse wanted to play ball, but how could he do it alone? The Mouse began to roll the ball for Zainka, and Zainka took the ball and rolled it for the Mouse. The mother bunny sees that the children have become friends, play together, roll a ball and laugh. “Well, baby, it's time to go! - after some time the mother bunny said. “No, mom, I’d rather play here, and then you’ll come for me.”

We agreed that on the first day the mothers would pick up the babies after lunch. So the animals played, walked and sat down at the table to have dinner. The bunny quickly gobbled up his lunch, and the little bear sits and waits for someone to feed him with a spoon. Aunt Owl came up to him, showed him how to hold a spoon, and Mishutka slowly began to eat the porridge himself. His paws are awkward, but the little bear is trying, puffing! “I,” he says, “now I’ll eat at home myself!” After all, I’m already big!”

After lunch, the kids took the dishes and began to get ready to go home. Granny came for Zainka, dad came for Little Fox, and Mother Bear came for Mishutka. All the kids left very happy. Some didn’t even want to leave, but Aunt Owl said that the kindergarten was closed at night, and now everyone would go to their own home, and tomorrow morning they would meet again and play together.

Since then, this has been the custom in the forest: the little ones sat in holes with their mothers, and the older ones came to Aunt Owl in kindergarten. Each baby had his own locker for clothes and his own crib, where the baby slept after lunch. In the evenings, mothers took their children home, and the kindergarten was closed at night.

Larisa Medvedeva
A fairy tale for adaptation to kindergarten - “Sadness”.

Once upon a time there lived a boy Misha. At first he was small, stupid, and then he grew and grew and grew. It's time to go to kindergarten. His brother and sister told how nice and interesting it is. In the evening, the whole family gathered at the big table, mom baked an apple pie and everyone encouraged Misha, saying how big and mature he had become. He really wanted to get into kindergarten.

The next day Mishutka came to the group, the teacher showed him a locker in which he would put his things and replacement sandals. There was a sticker on the cabinet Nice picturegold fish so that Misha doesn’t confuse his locker with others. There were already many other children in the group; they played with blocks, looked at books, and pushed dolls in strollers. Misha also found something to do, took a big truck and started rolling it. He liked it so much garden that I didn’t even want to go home.

And he also had a girlfriend there - Dasha, a cheerful, mischievous girl. They played together all day long. Misha loaded the back of the truck with cubes and took them to his girlfriend, and Dasha built a large tower out of them. They had fun and interesting together. Even falling asleep was not boring, because their beds were next to each other in the bedroom. And they sat at the same table, raced to eat porridge and drink delicious compote.

And then one day, one winter day, when it became completely cold and snow fell, the wind brought into the garden Sadness, she was so gray and inconspicuous, like a poppy seed, she flew through the window and hid in Misha’s pocket. Misha turned pale and became sad. For some reason he was upset that mom and dad weren’t around. Sad by brother and sister. The teacher and all the kids calmed him down, tried to make him laugh, but tears treacherously fell from his eyes.

Misha understood that his mother was at work, then she would buy a delicious chocolate bar and come running for her son. And still he wanted his mother to come right now! And all this is sad Sadness sits in his pocket and upsets Misha, makes him shed bitter tears. Dasha tried to cheer him up, tickled him, offered to play ball, build a garage for the truck, but nothing helped, Misha still cried.

Come on, I’ll get your handkerchief and wipe your eyes, they are completely wet and red,” says the friend. Dasha took out a handkerchief from her pocket and it fell out Sadness and quickly flew out the window. Misha smiled, then laughed. All the guys were happy and ran to listen fairy tale.

From then on, when one of the children felt sad and wanted to cry, they checked pockets: is it stuck there? Sadness?

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From the very early years it is necessary to place the child in such conditions that he can live, play, work, and share his joys and sorrows with other children.

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In our kindergarten

Children are interested

Because they live here

Games, fairy tales, songs

In the music room

We celebrate the holidays.

We do round dances

Let's dance and play

Children love physical education

They go to exercise

They want to be healthy

Become champions at the Olympics.

The simulators spin everything

So that there is health.

Speech therapists make sounds

To read better

Naughty tongue

They will teach you to speak...

Adults and kids here

Friendly interesting

Because we are growing

A strong family.

Our “Kindergarten” (in the words of children)

If you enter our kindergarten, you will immediately understand that you have found yourself in a land of extraordinary childhood. The teachers will greet you with a kind smile and affection. The doctor will treat you with a vitamin. And miracles happen in the speech therapist’s office; here they teach all the children to speak correctly and competently. Here we learn to read, write, compose different stories and even invent our own fairy tales. We have various competitions, quizzes, exhibitions. We are all interested because we will soon go to school. From the music room you can hear the songs we sing. And you know, we can not only sing, but also dance fiery dances. In our kindergarten there is a theater studio in which we are artists. Not only our mothers, but also children from neighboring kindergartens come to us for holidays and performances. A world of children's fantasies reigns in each group. You might think that this is an ordinary kindergarten?... No, this is a sweet, kind home where children are taught politeness and friendship. Here everyone will find friends, learn to play, read, count and even write their own extraordinary stories, just like we write...And we also love to draw.

"Kindergarten through the eyes of children"

When my mothers and I came to kindergarten for the first time, we were greeted by the friendly head of the kindergarten Natalya Mikhalovna Lisina.

When we were very little and went to middle group the teacher didn't live for us all Natalya Viktorovna Onipko . She grew up with us, grew up and became (a methodologist). That's what adults call her. But we know that she grew up and became a great, great educator. Even though her responsibilities have changed, she still doesn’t forget us and continues to make love with us. She probably thinks that we are still small.

And this is a portrait of our biggest, biggest teacher.

All three years our second teacher protected us with her kindness and tenderness. Krasnoperova Larisa Viktorovna . Did you recognize her? She is our “Jack of all trades.” In our group, a lot of things were done with these skillful hands. She taught us a lot too; stick, draw, paint, even count. Not a single holiday passes without the participation of our Larisa Viktorovna. She can handle any role. She knows how to scold us and caress us, she often makes us laugh, we all love her.

She has sad eyes because we will soon go to school. She will miss you.

The most beautiful and smartest.

And here it is Victoria Vladimirovna Grebenshchikova , she is “calmness itself” for us. She doesn't know how to scold us. We are always calm and happy with her. We play different games together, learn poems and tongue twisters. She always has new fun exercises at logo hour.

A speech therapist has been with us for three years Nina Vasilievna Shevyakova . There are two words: a teacher and a speech therapist, but we have only one. Why? I can imagine if there were two Nina Vaslievnas. That would probably be cool. After all, she is a “good-hearted person.” In her classes we learn to speak, write, and read correctly. Nina Vasilievna even allows you to play pranks during class. We promise that at school we will not let our teachers down, who helped us make friends and made one small but strong team. What will help us easily move to the next stage in our lives. This is school.

The most affectionate and kindest.

And here is ours Lyudmila Nikolaevna Bykova a junior teacher, she is not a junior at all, but on the contrary, a big one, she is our mother for both adults and children. She has to keep track of everything that happens in our group. She keeps our house clean, and we help her. Only our Lyudmila Nikolaevna will bring us food and feed us a delicious lunch. Moreover, he will stroke us in the crib, tell us a fairy tale, and caress us. And then we have magical dreams.

She is as caring as a soldier.

And here is our music director. This is the music director Natalya Anatolyevna Ognetova taught us to sing and dance, and also, as she likes to say, acting. She comes up with such different performances, and we ourselves play the main roles. We have many different costumes; Natalia Anatolyevna sews them herself. She's such a magician.

We always have fun.

But we don’t recommend getting sick. The head nurse will quickly cure everyone Anton Lyubov Prokopyevna . She strictly monitors our health, gives us vaccinations, and we don’t even have time to cry. Our Lyubov Prokopyevna has the most delicious vitamins.

She also knows how to give massage. We love running to her office for these procedures. It smells so delicious of baby cream. And there you can find out how many centimeters we have grown and gained weight.

Come to us for treatment.

Can you imagine we still have two chefs: Nikonova Valentina Nikolaevna And Kocharyan Amesta Nazarovna . They cook the most delicious lunches on the ground. We often ask for more. We’ll also tell you a secret: when we went on an excursion to our kitchen, there we learned how to properly prepare this or that dish. And then we learned to come up with our own recipes for making cakes, pies, and cheesecakes together with our mothers, but that’s another story.

And for a sweet sleep you need a clean bed, which could only be brought by Filippova Elena Anatolevna . She will wash and iron all the linen and bring it to our group. It's so nice to sleep on clean beds. Elena Anatolyevna is also our Tanya’s mother and the most important of our parents. Elena Anatolyevna always knows where we want to go and what to see. She, together with our teachers, arranges for us interesting excursions and hikes around our beloved city. This is so cool and cool!!!

Our entire farm is managed by the caretaker Galina Vladimirovna Fedoseeva . He will always bring food, milk, cottage cheese, bread. He makes sure that everything is fine with us.

Of course we also have a janitor Uncle Lenya . We help him, restore order in the area. He often jokes with us and plays with us. We always have fun with him.

And our carpenter grandfather Vitya handyman. Can fix anything that's broken, even Electric kettle. He takes care of our cribs and high chairs, making sure we don’t fall on the floor.

When night falls, our children's kingdom is guarded by night watchmen. They don’t even have a gun to hold the defense, and the robbers are completely afraid of them.

This is how it is in our kindergarten. We love going to our kindergarten every day. And when the weekend comes, we miss our kindergarten and everyone who lives there with us.

Communication with children, observing them in Everyday life, studying the level of development of children’s skills and abilities in the process of composing stories, convinced me that it was necessary to create a series of original stories from the life experiences of children.

5 rules of fairy tale therapy:

1. If you have a son, let him main character will be a boy, and if the daughter is a girl. But it is better to leave the name of the hero fictitious, so that the child does not have the feeling that this is a story directly about him or his friends, because the heroes in these fairy tales do not always act well.

2. Add stories from your child’s life to fairy tales - this will make the plot more familiar and understandable to him.

3. Don’t make fairy tale therapy an activity. Tell a fairy tale when the child wants it: don’t push, don’t force, don’t insist.

4. After telling the story, discuss it with your child. Remember the plot again, ask what the child liked or didn’t like, ask his opinion: who did well and who did poorly, why the hero was happy or upset, how he felt, etc.

5. Invite your child to act out the plot of a fairy tale with toys or show him a puppet show.

1. The little bear who didn’t want to go to kindergarten

Once upon a time there lived a bear cub named Alirik. He had a papa bear and a mama bear. They lived amicably and cheerfully. Mama bear played a lot with Alirik, fed him, and walked with him. Papa Bear built houses with him from blocks and told him different stories interesting stories. Alirik the bear was always with his parents, and they were with him. They felt like one whole, like a flower with its petals, stem and leaves.

Alirik grew and became bigger. Now he knew how to do a lot himself: eat, drive a car, put on shoes. Then the parents decided that Alirik was already old enough to go to classes with the wise Owl.

And then, one fine day, mother bear took Alirik to Owl for classes. It didn’t take long to go there, but it was fun, because mom told me a lot of interesting things along the way: where the birds build their nests, why the grass grows upward, where the ants run.

When they came to Owl, Alirik realized that now he would have to part with his mother. Even if it won’t be for long, she won’t be around. Alirik felt very sad. But at this time he heard laughter in the group. He wondered: who laughs like that and why? Alirik boldly took Owl by the hand and went to the other children.

In the evening, mother bear returned to pick up Alirik. He happily ran up to his mother and hugged her. He wanted to tell her so much: how they played, and how they sang songs, and how the Owl talked about forest dwellers, and many other interesting things.

Now Alirik was having fun parting with his mom and dad. He knew that they would always return and he could tell them about new experiences. They don’t go to the wise Owl!

2. Pepa Pig (difficulty adapting in kindergarten and school)

Once upon a time there lived Pepa Pig. Now she loves going to kindergarten and playing with children. She is cheerful and very brave. But it was not always so. Peppa Pig was different: a coward. She was afraid to stay in kindergarten without her mother, afraid to talk to other children and teachers, and was often sad.

And she had to go to kindergarten every day, stay there without her mother and communicate with children and teachers.

The children invited her to play, and Pepa Pig answered “no!” Because she was sad and a little scared.

And one day a magical fairy came to her in a dream. “I see that you are sad and scared in kindergarten without your mother. I have a magic bracelet that will help you. But to get it, complete 3 tasks:

— Collect butterflies — Draw a letter of joy — Create beads.”

Exercise 1. Magic butterflies scattered. They need to be collected. And in the evening, put all the butterflies under your pillow. In return, I will give you the first bead called “Courage.” Pepa did just that.

Task 2. The next task will be like this. I know another pig who is very sad and she can't play with other children. To help her, draw a picture of how fun it is to play with other pigs. Place this drawing under your pillow too. In the morning you will find a "Fun" bead.

Task 3. My beads had a fight and fell apart, each bead rolled away and sits somewhere alone. I want new beads that will want to share the same strand and be friends together.

Pepa did just that, and in the morning she found a “Friendship” bead under her pillow. When all the beads on the bracelet were collected, Pepa Pig felt that she was now brave, cheerful and knew how to make friends.

Pepa Pig now enjoys going to kindergarten. She really loves to play with children and adults. He is not afraid of anything and is always in a good mood.

3. Alla (if the child does not want to go to kindergarten)

- Mom, well, mom! “I don’t want to go to kindergarten anymore,” Alla begged my mother.

- Let's stay at home! Come on!

“Okay,” mom answered.

And from that moment on, Alla stopped going to kindergarten. Two weeks passed like this. One day, Allochka and her mother went to the grocery store together.

- Allah, Allah, hello! - came from somewhere on the side. The girl looked around and saw Inna.

- Why don’t you go to kindergarten now? - asked Alla Inna.

- We, all the guys, are waiting for you! And we also have a problem! Do you remember the cubes you loved to play with? They disappeared yesterday. We've already searched everything, they're nowhere to be found!

- How did you disappear? - Alla was alarmed. -Where could they be?

“I don’t know,” Inna answered sadly. - So what? Will you come tomorrow?

“I’ll come, I’ll definitely come,” the girl said thoughtfully. The next morning, Alla woke up very early and asked her mother to take her to kindergarten. She came, said hello to the teacher and the kids, and immediately went to look for her favorite blocks. They are not in the closet, nor under the closet...

- Cubes, where are you? - Alla asked sadly. But they never showed up. In the evening, the mother came to take her daughter home. Allochka got dressed and they left. They walk through the park, the rain is drizzling. Suddenly Alla sees that her favorite cubes are lying on a wet and cold bench.

- Mom, look! - the girl exclaimed. — There are blocks from our kindergarten there! Don't have a package? I want to pick them up and take them back to kindergarten tomorrow. The mother gave her daughter a large bag, and the girl immediately rushed to collect multi-colored cubes from the bench.

- Oh, cubes! How did you end up here? Who brought you here?

- Hello, Alla! - the toys were delighted. - We are so glad to see you! Nobody brought us here! We waited and waited for you, but you still didn’t come to visit us in the kindergarten. We were very upset and went to look for you, but got lost.

- That's it! — the girl laughed. “And I’ve been looking for you in the group all day today!” Don't run away anymore! Now I will definitely go to kindergarten! And at night Alla had a dream about how she, together with the teacher and other children, was learning a song for her mother for the holiday of March 8, as on New Year Santa Claus gave them gifts, how fun she played with the guys, how she built a big fortress out of cubes, and much, much more. In the morning, waking up and getting ready to go to kindergarten, the girl thought: “It’s good in kindergarten!” And, taking the bag with the cubes, she joyfully ran to catch up with her mother.

4. If the child is afraid that his mother will not pick him up

One day Bunny and the mother bunny were going to kindergarten. Bunny was very worried and upset that his mother would not pick him up from kindergarten in the evening. He kept asking: “Mom, will you pick me up in the evening?” - “Of course, I’ll pick you up, Bunny. I’ll definitely come get you after work.” But Bunny still couldn’t believe it and asked again and again.

By chance, the Elephant's Child overheard this conversation. He went to the same group as Bunny, and asked Bunny during a walk:

- Bunny, are you really afraid that your mother won’t take you home?

“Yes, I’m very afraid that mom will leave me here,” answered Bunny.

To this the Baby Elephant said: “What are you doing, Bunny.” It can not be so. All the children are taken home by their mothers and fathers in the evening. At night the kindergarten is completely empty. Only in the morning do the children come.

The bunny asked: “Completely, completely empty?”

The little elephant answered: “Absolutely, absolutely.” Children only come to kindergarten in the morning. Let’s see in the evening whether they will take absolutely all the children home. When the animals had dinner in the evening, Baby Elephant and Bunny began to wait to see who would be taken first. On this day, the first cat was taken away. Mom came for her. Then they took a bear cub, a lion cub, a squirrel, a rabbit, a mouse and a penguin. Everyone was very happy that mom and dad came for them. Who was taken away last, Elephant and Little Hare were not able to see, since their mothers also came for them. And they happily ran home. Bunny liked this moment so much when his mother took him home in the evening. He was so happy and in the evening he told his mother what interesting things had happened to him all day in kindergarten.

5. Sad crib (if the child does not want to sleep in kindergarten)

Once upon a time there was a crib. She lived in a group kindergarten and stood in the bedroom among other cribs. In the fall, children came to the group. Many cots were made with children's bed linen, and they became beautiful. And children began to come to them. They lay down in their cribs, and the cribs warmed them. The babies felt good and warm in their cribs, and they fell asleep. The cribs were very happy. And only one crib did not have a baby, and she was very sad. She had no one to warm her, she was bored and lonely. And then a new girl appeared, who was placed in this crib. The crib was so happy. The girl was very cute, beautiful, kind. The crib was happy. She was really looking forward to the girl coming to her. And when the girl came, the crib tried to quickly warm her and give her sleep. But the girl suddenly stopped liking sleeping in the garden. Lying in bed, she constantly asked about her mother. The crib was very upset, she tried her best to warm her, calm her down, so that the girl would fall asleep. But the girl did not sleep. The crib began to fear that the girl would not want to sleep at all, and she would be left alone again. This made her very sad, because she was already so used to this good girl, she loved warming her so much. The crib was created to give children sleep. Every crib dreamed of doing this. And our crib too. And you also have a crib in your kindergarten. She is really waiting for you, she loves to warm you and is happy when you sleep in her.

6. Mashenka (if the child is sad in kindergarten)

Once upon a time there lived a girl Masha. At first she was just a baby, and then she grew and grew and grew. She had grown so much that she could now go to kindergarten with the kids and play. Mom and Dad were so happy that Masha was big. We had a celebration. Mom baked a cake, and Masha even blew out the candles herself.

The next day Mashulya went to kindergarten for the first time, and she liked it there so much that she didn’t even want to leave. Played with toys, ate delicious porridge. And she also had a friend there - Semyon, such a cheerful boy with curls. They played together all day long. Semyon sat at one end of the room and pushed a large truck to Masha. Masha caught him, loaded him with cubes and sent him to Semyon, and he built a large tower. They had fun together. Even falling asleep was not boring, because the beds were next to each other, and they closed their eyes together and slept.

And then one rainy autumn day, when the leaves turned completely yellow, the wind brought Sadness to the kindergarten. She was so small, gray, like a microbe, she flew into the window and hid in Masha’s pocket. And then Masha was replaced. She felt sad, for some reason she was upset, she lost her mother and let’s cry. All the kids and the teacher calmed her down, calmed her down... But the tears kept falling by themselves, so drip-drip-drip... And Masha still knows that her mother will come soon, she just goes to work, then buys delicious yogurt and comes running for Masha. Masha knows this, but for some reason she’s still sad - she wants her mother to come right now... And all this sad Sadness sits in her pocket and upsets Masha, makes her cry.

Semyon tried to cheer Masha up: he offered to play loaf, rolled a doll in her stroller - but Masha was still sad. And then Semyon saw that Mashulya’s eyes were completely wet. And I decided to help her:

“Give me,” he says, “I’ll get your handkerchief and wipe away your tears, don’t cry!”

Syoma Mashin pulled out a handkerchief, and together with it, Sadness shook herself out of her pocket and flew out the window again. And Masha immediately smiled, and then laughed and became cheerful again. And Syoma and the other kids, of course, were very happy that Sadness had completely flown away, and they all ran together to watch cartoons.

Since then, Masha always checks her pocket to see if Sadness is stuck there, and she is never sad in kindergarten anymore.

Fairy tale for children first junior group: “Little fox in kindergarten”

Target: Children have a positive attitude when visiting kindergarten.

In one magical forest there lived a little fox, Ryzhik, his mother affectionately called him simply Ryzhulya. The little fox really loved to frolic in a clearing not far from home with his friends, the same kids: the bear cub Mishutka, the little hare Fluffy, the hedgehog Zhora and the wolf cub Kuzya.
One fine day, mother Fox took Ryzhik to kindergarten. And the little fox was wondering: What is a kindergarten? Is this a garden where fruit grows? But why for children? Maybe this Orchard for children?
Approaching the kindergarten, Ryzhik saw Aunt Belka, the teacher of this kindergarten. And the garden turned out to be not an orchard, but an ordinary building! Ryzhuli’s mother kissed her baby on the cheek and said: “Sunny, see you in the evening.” The little fox cried bitterly that his mother left him with an unfamiliar aunt, because his favorite toys and various goodies that his mother feeds him are waiting for him at home...
The teacher took baby Ryzhik in her arms and began to explain that mom also needs to go to work to earn money for clothes, goodies and food. beautiful toys. By that time, Ryzhulya, having calmed down a little, saw how his friends the bear cub and the bunny were assembling a tower from a construction set. The little fox was happy and ran to his friends! The animals introduced Ryzhulya to the other kids in the kindergarten.
All day long Ryzhik and his friends played various games, sang songs with the teacher, ate sweet-sweet porridge, just like at home, and did not notice how evening came and mother came. “Mom!” - the little fox was happy! And he ran into mommy’s arms. Little Ryzhik spoke with delight about the past day and promised his mother that from now on he would go to kindergarten every day and not cry!