Printable valentines forms. Garland of hearts. Original valentines for Valentine's Day

Hello friends!

The New Year and Christmas holidays have passed. And before we had time to rest, it was just around the corner new holiday- Valentine's Day. It is celebrated on February 14 all over the world.

And although this day is not a day off from work, you can celebrate it at home after work.

There are several legends and myths about the origin of this holiday. The most common of them is about the holy martyr Valentine, who lived in the third century in Rome. Then the Roman Emperor Claudius II forbade men from marrying so that they would not be burdened with a family and would fight better. But priest Valentin took pity on the unhappy lovers and secretly married everyone who came to him for help.

The emperor found out about this and put Valentin in prison. He was sentenced to execution on February 14. In prison, he met the jailer's daughter, Julia. Priest Valentin fell in love with a girl and before his death wrote her a declaration of love on paper - a Valentine card. The girl read it after the priest’s death.

Valentine - in most cases these are cards in red and pink tones and in the form of hearts, which symbolize passionate feelings, a declaration of love or a romantic congratulation.

Whether the beautiful legend is true or not is now impossible to find out. But it is known that the first Valentines appeared in England in the 18th century and the holiday became established as “Valentine’s Day.”

In Russia, this secular holiday arose in the 90s of the last century. On this day, couples in love arrange romantic evenings, give each other gifts expressing love and tender feelings.

Today, almost every store sells goods that symbolize tender passions and love in the form of beautiful hearts: mugs, cards, candies. But there is nothing better than giving your loved one a handmade card or heart.

Today in the article:

DIY paper valentines

The easiest way to make hearts is to make them out of paper or cardboard. Such materials are always available in the house, and even a child can handle the work.

Option number 1. Hearts in a jar

To do this, cut out small heart-shaped shapes from colored paper. We write a confession on each piece of paper and fold them in half so that the text is inside. Take a transparent, clean and dry jar, put the cards in there and close the lid. The lid of the jar can be decorated with a bright ribbon.

Option No. 2. Made from colored cardboard

This is one of the most simple ways make a present for Valentine's Day - cut out these cute figures and hang them around the house.

Option number 3. Boxes

Any small gift can be packed in one of these funny boxes. These are easy to make according to the diagram. Simply print it out and transfer it to thick cardboard. Then cut and bend along the edges to form a box.

Option number 4. Volume cards

A beautifully made card will always bring joy to your loved one. It will help you make a declaration of love and tender feelings. By the way, you can express your feelings in poetry or song.

And below are the templates for the background of the cards. You just need to print them on a color printer and make an interesting card.

And I think everyone will appreciate this version of congratulations.

How to make a Valentine card from chocolate

A pleasant surprise can also be made delicious. And even if your loved one eats it, there will still be pleasant and tender impressions.

How to make a chocolate gift easily and simply - I. Making such chocolate figures is absolutely not difficult and all beginners can do it.

Beautiful heart made of chocolate.

Ice valentine

You can definitely surprise anyone with such a congratulation. Although the gift does not last long, it will bring great joy and help you express your love.

To make it, take any heart-shaped mold. We fill it with dry or fresh flowers and plants, fill it with water and put it in the freezer to freeze.

At the appointed time, we take it out, take it out of the mold and hand it to our dearest half. Well, we rejoice with her at this unusual gift.

Valentines from scrap materials

We make simple hearts from felt with our own hands. To do this, cut out 2 identical figures from felt and stitch them on sewing machine. We put padding polyester inside to make the product voluminous.

Here the product is trimmed with floss threads.

You can sew a regular heart and trim it beautifully with beads or beads. Such valentines are quite useful as keychains and they will always remind you of the giver’s love.

And here interesting option made of felt and beads on sticks. Very good to use as bookmarks. Or just put it in a vase for decoration on your desktop.

And here we cut out a heart from cardboard and wrap it along the contour with floss or red or pink wool threads. A beautiful, cozy and soft product can be hung in any visible place. It looks very good if you make and hang 2 or 3 of these figures together.

Live valentine made of flowers

Everything is simple here too. We cut out a figure from thick cardboard and glue fresh flowers (these can be small roses) onto the cardboard very tightly to each other.

This is where a glue gun will come to your aid. And you won’t get your hands dirty and prepare a gift.

Wooden valentines

Original wooden hearts smell deliciously like fresh wood. Such templates can be purchased at almost any craft and hobby store, and then painted in colors. Or you don’t have to color it, but simply write a declaration of love by hand and hang it on a chain. It will look like an eco-friendly keychain.

All additional materials: hook, nails, lock and chain are also sold in handicraft stores.

Plywood hearts.

And such a thing can be made from wine bottle corks or from identical sawn tree branches.

It is enough to glue them to each other. Then you can use it as a hot stand or as an interior decoration.

Soap Valentines

It’s easy to buy ready-made kits for making soap at home. And also heart-shaped molds suitable for the occasion.

A little work and a great present that smells delicious and looks beautiful is ready. It will definitely bring a lot of joy and pleasure.

Natural herbal soap also rejuvenates.

Video: Matchbox Valentines

Finally, another interesting idea - cute cards for Valentine's Day from simple matchboxes.

Enjoy watching!

Valentine is greeting card in the shape of a heart, which lovers or spouses give to each other on Valentine's Day. Children can also make a Valentine card with their own hands and give it to their parents on February 14th. In this article we will tell and show you how to make a Valentine card with your own hands. The most affordable material for making valentines is paper. From strips of paper different lengths It’s not at all difficult to make such a voluminous heart as a gift for Valentine’s Day. Even children can make such an original valentine with their own hands. To do this, you need to cut strips of paper of different lengths with scissors (2 strips of each size), fold them in a stack so that the two longest strips are in the center of the stack, and the two shortest are on the outside (see photo below). Fasten the strips together at the bottom with a stapler. Next to do beautiful valentine with your own hands you need to sequentially bend down each pair paper strips. At the end, fasten all the ends of the strips together with a stapler. Attach a beautiful ribbon to your valentine's card.

If you make a lot of valentines, they will make an original garland for festive decoration Houses.

Here is another version of a paper heart, which can be presented as a beautiful valentine to your beloved girl or young man. You will understand how to make such a Valentine card with your own hands if you carefully look at the photo below. A child can make such a voluminous heart out of paper as a gift to his beloved mother for Valentine’s Day.

There are many ways to make a paper Valentine card. For example, for Valentine's Day, we recommend that you decorate your apartment with heart-shaped garlands.

It’s not difficult to make such an original Valentine’s card. Take a thin strip of paper and fold it in half. Using a toothpick, twist both ends of the paper valentine. Make lots of beautiful DIY paper valentines. Use double-sided colored paper in different shades of red: red, pink, raspberry, lilac. Now cut double-sided tape into small squares and use it to secure your valentines on a long thread. You can decorate a mirror or, for example, a doorway with these valentine hearts.

Here is another interesting option on how to make a Valentine card with your own hands. These original valentines are also made from strips of colored double-sided paper. Look how tastefully the colors were chosen for paper valentines.

To make it clearer to you how to make these paper Valentine hearts, take a close look at the Valentine photos below. In addition to colored paper, you will also need scissors and a stapler.

There are very simple options for paper valentines that even a child can make. preschool age. For example, a child can make such a tree from branches for his beloved mother for Valentine’s Day, decorated with valentines with his own hands.

Making these valentines is very easy. You need to cut out a lot of hearts from colored paper. Now fold each paper heart in half and glue them together with their sides. Inside each valentine, insert a string with which you can hang the valentine on a branch. To make paper valentines with your own hands, you can use not only colored paper, but also, for example, candy wrappers or wrapping paper for gifts. Without a doubt, beautiful valentines will be made from special scrapbooking paper. You can buy this paper at craft supply stores.

It’s very easy to make a tree like this from twigs, decorated with Valentine’s hearts. When making this paper craft, it is most convenient to use a glue gun.

On Valentine's Day, you can give your loved one a bouquet of paper flowers in the shape of hearts. To make such an original Valentine card, you need to cut it out of pink or red scrapbooking paper color range a lot of hearts. Then bend them in half and glue them together with their sides. Don’t forget to insert a wire inside the resulting volumetric paper heart. Wrap it with a special floral tape. Also make the leaves for the flowers from scrapbooking paper, only green.

What other Valentine's cards can you make with your own hands? Here's an example original postcard valentines in the form of a three-dimensional labyrinth with hearts lost in it.

Beautiful 3D applique The flower is made from hearts folded in half. Decorate your Valentine's card with this applique. Rest assured, the person to whom you give your own Valentine’s card will be happy with the gift and will appreciate your taste and efforts! Detailed instructions how to make this Valentine's card for Valentine's Day, see.

If you liked the paper weaving technique, then you can make another beautiful Valentine card using this technique. In such heart-shaped wicker paper baskets you can put sweet gift: small candies, nuts, dried fruits or cookies.

To make a paper valentine with your own hands, you will need to print it on two sheets of paper of different colors. templates.

Cut them out, fold them in half, make three cuts. Now you need to weave them together to make a paper heart basket. Detailed wizard

We have an interesting and simple one on our website. This valentine is a paper heart - a bookmark. A very original, stylish thing. If your loved one prefers to read books in print rather than electronic form, be sure to give him such a gift. Such a beautiful valentine can be a pleasant addition to the main gift - a book.

A larger gift can be wrapped in wrapping paper designed this way.

By the way, valentines are not only made of paper. You can make edible valentines :) Yes, yes, see for yourself by carefully looking at the valentines photos below.

Romantic breakfast for two. Fried egg baked inside a bread toasted in butter. The heart inside is cut out using a cookie cutter. Don't forget the freshly squeezed orange juice and bacon.

This valentine is a mini sandwich of sausage pieces with olives.

What about cherry tomato valentines? To make these valentines with your own hands, you will need toothpicks and high-density paper. How to properly trim tomatoes to make a heart, see the photo below. These original valentines can be used to decorate your holiday table.

You can also bake heart-shaped cookies for Valentine's Day.

The photo below shows cookies with a window. The window is made from regular candy, which was placed inside the cookies 5 minutes before they are ready. For a more detailed guide on how to bake holiday candy cane cookies, check out Good afternoon everyone. How are you feeling after? New Year's holidays

?! How was your first week at work?! I think that even though it was difficult, it was nevertheless joyful, because you also need to take a break from the holidays))

Although we do not forget that there is a new batch of events ahead, and we are all waiting for a very romantic event, because someone will confess their love, and someone will gain secret admirers (admirers), and many will strengthen their existing relationships. You probably all guessed that the name of this holiday is Valentine's Day.

In our modern times, you can already buy ready-made heart cards, but hand-made valentines are much better, and for adults this is also a way to remember their student days, and school years when we were waiting for confession or secretly sending it ourselves. Therefore, today I want to devote an article to making these cute gifts.

Of course, the most simple option Making beautiful hearts are confessions made from paper. Moreover, you can use any paper: regular, colored, cardboard and other types. Making such a gift is quite easy and simple, and the costs are minimal, and most importantly, such valentines always turn out to be very sincere.

Well, let's quickly see what and how you can do on Valentine's Day.

And the simplest option is a heart-shaped card. I suggest you familiarize yourself with step by step photo instructions.

We will need: colored paper, colored cardboard, scissors, glue, wooden stick.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Take red cardboard and fold it in half. Cut out the heart.
  2. Now take the paper Pink colour and cut into thin strips. They need to be cut in half in the form of “grass”.
  3. Using a wooden stick, wrap pink paper to create a flower.
  4. Now cover the base of the heart with paper flowers and write a message inside.

You can also make a big heart. To do this, take cardboard as a basis, for example from any box, and stick a lot of small hearts of red, pink or scarlet on it.

Or, for example, you can create a whole picture. Take a white sheet of paper and stick some hearts on it. different shapes, bend some of them and insert them into the frame. Everything is brilliantly simple.

Or make a voluminous valentine. To do this, cut out several hearts different sizes, then glue or sew the small one to the large one, and so on in smaller order, bending it in the middle. All is ready!!

Well, or a very simple version of volume:

You can show your imagination and supplement the confession with Cupid’s arrow:

Or glue pieces onto a paper base corrugated paper, turning them in different directions.

Here’s another great idea for a 3D Valentine, watch the video, maybe you’ll want to make just like this.

Master class on making Valentine cards

If you have a lot of time, then you can complicate the task a little, get creative and make a great gift - a postcard, I think anyone will be pleased to receive it this holiday.

We will need: colored cardboard, glue, sequins, beads or rhinestones, tape, ruler, pencil.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Lay out the cardboard according to the diagram in the photo below.
  2. Now bend the cardboard along the drawn lines.
  3. Take another piece of cardboard and cut out a heart.
  4. Using glue, decorate it to your liking with beads, rhinestones, and sequins.
  5. Next you need to cut the tape to the required length. These will be the ties for the card.
  6. Glue the heart. (Look at the photo)
  7. And inside we write or also paste a pre-printed congratulation, a declaration of love.
  8. All that remains is to close the card and tie the ribbon.

You can also make a present using stamps.

Moreover, the stamp itself can be made from an ordinary wine cork and a stationery knife:

Well, the card itself is easy to make: take a base from any color of paper, fold it in half. Next, cut out a heart from another sheet of paper and attach it to the gift. Using a stamp, we fill out the form, let it dry, and write confessions inside.

Here are a couple more ideas that I found on the Internet:

Templates of original valentines for Valentine's Day

For those who want to please their significant other, but are sorely short of time, I suggest using ready-made stencils. Print, translate to required material, cut it out and go ahead to delight your loved ones!!

  • Those who don't know how to cut out hearts, catch them!!

  • Hug hearts

  • And this is for those who are fluent in cutting techniques

  • You can make it more complicated and make an image inside:

  • Simple postcard

  • Bears in love

  • Angels

How to make hearts for February 14th (pictures inside)

Of course, the main attribute of the Valentine's Day holiday is hearts, we make flower arrangements in the shape of it, we try to select appropriate dishes, decorate the house in the form of different symbolic garlands.

And all this can be done with your own hands. I really liked the hearts made from ribbons, now I’ll tell you how to make them.

You will need: cardboard, ribbons of two colors, glue, scissors, thread.

Manufacturing process:

1. Cut out a heart-shaped base from cardboard. Prepare your ribbons.

2. Twist each ribbon into a color, securing it with thread at the bottom and straightening it out at the top.

3. Cover the base with flowers on all sides.

You can make crafts that are more complex and more practical, for example, these topiaries:

  • If you know how to weave beads, then it would be great to give a heart using this technique:

  • Well, don’t forget to decorate your home with this cute garland:

You can still surf the Internet and find many interesting ideas; I shared what caught my eye.

DIY valentine stencils for kids

I think no one will argue with me that in most cases such gifts are given by our growing children. After all, this is so interesting, exciting... For example, in childhood we even counted who received more recognitions, and then wondered from whom they came...

That’s why I made a couple of templates for the guys, download, cut out and color, and don’t forget to give them to your chosen one(s)!!

  • Make these postcards:

And at your leisure, together with your child, make a Valentine card with the symbol of the year of the dog, and give it, for example, to dad, grandmother or other relatives.

I congratulate you on the upcoming February 14th, I wish you a lot of love, single people find their soulmate, and couples a new positive direction. Love and be loved!! Happy Valentines Day!!

Hi all! With the beginning of February, we have preparations for two holidays. One of them falls on February 14, the other on February 23.

In this regard, we have the worries and troubles of congratulating our relatives, friends, acquaintances and loved ones on these significant events.

Although St. Valentine's Day came to our country from abroad, it successfully took root and became a favorite holiday. Everyone is happy to congratulate friends, acquaintances and relatives either with a paper “Valentine” or.

Many people strive to buy some kind of gift, from plush toy or a magnet, to various accessories related to the work or hobby of a loved one.

Store-bought gifts are, of course, good, but on Valentine’s Day it’s nice to receive something handmade. Of course, this handmade gift should have a decent appearance and be pleasing to the eye.

On this day it is customary to give valentines.

And a Valentine craft decorated with a small quatrain will warm your soul and speak about the sincerity of your feelings. Still, you tried, and spent time and effort on this, and invested a piece of yourself into the gift. Although, of course, it depends on who you want.

It is best to make homemade hearts together with children. Gluing, embroidering, decorating is a wonderful way to involve your child in needlework.

You can make a Valentine card not only from paper, but also from fabric, such as felt.

We take the material and cut out two identical heart shapes from it. We sew along the edge with thread or braid. Leaving a small gap side seam, fill the heart with cotton wool, padding polyester or whatever you have on hand. After this we stitch to the end. The heart is ready. Now it can be used for any decoration. You can put it on a stick and put it in a vase, you can make a tree out of several of these hearts.

You can draw a cute face and place such a craft on the table during a festive dinner.

Felt can be used to make not only volumetric hearts. If you take a strip of fabric and sew it, bending it in the shape of a heart, as in the picture,

then after this, cutting the felt into strips, we will get this nice product:

You can make garlands from these hearts and attach them under the ceiling or on a window.

Tree of hearts. Look at this photo, what a wonderful craft. You can decorate a real small tree in your yard with hearts.

First, you need to make a template out of paper, drawing the desired composition on it, and then, in the form of an applique, make the craft itself.

An original gift would be a heart-shaped oven mitt for the kitchen.

The main thing is that such a gift will remain for a long time.

Paper Valentines

Paper crafts are called origami. Creating origami is a very exciting activity that will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.

Making a simple heart like this is not at all difficult:

By bending the craft correctly according to the diagram below, we get a wonderful paper heart. It doesn’t take long to make and is perfect if you forgot to congratulate someone, but you need to do it quickly.

You can also make a heart as a bookmark.

Below is a diagram of how to make such a bookmark from plain paper. According to this scheme, taking any color, preferably pink, you can make a pretty original gift lover of reading books.

And another original gift made of paper - a heart-box. I hope everyone can figure out for themselves how to use such a gift.

Making such a craft is also easy. Having created a blank based on the principle of a paper cube, we fold it into a box.

Take it into service.

Master class on making valentines step by step

There are a lot of different options for valentines. It all depends on the creative approach. Almost every craftsman creates his own original masterpiece.

Valentine boat

For example, a very interesting idea for such a valentine-boat. Everything is very simple here. Let's remember our childhood and make a boat out of paper.

That's all, the gift is ready.

Volumetric postcard

If you want to make a Valentine card with a wish or recognition, use this option.

Take red cardboard for the base and several sheets of paper different color for hearts. Fold the red cardboard in half. Cut out regular hearts from colored cardboard. To make them varied, you can openly cut each one along the edges. You can use a hole punch or special scissors. Remember how you did it on New Year snowflakes.

The cut out hearts must be folded in half and glued along the fold to each other. After that, glue them to the red base of the card.

All that remains is to write a congratulation on a small piece of paper and stick it next to the heart. The postcard is ready, you can go congratulate.

Patterns for fabric valentines

For those who like to sew with their own hands, here are some interesting patterns.

Valentine bear:

And this is a pattern for another animal - a mouse:

If you want to sew a Valentine's card in the form of a pillow, this pattern will help you. One half of it is shown here. But, as you might guess, the second is completely similar.

And another wonderful template for a family valentine. True, all the signatures are not made in Russian, but I think everything is clear even without them.

Making DIY valentines with children

Making any crafts with children, not just valentines, is a good activity. We work with our beloved children and teach them to be creative.

If your child is old enough and able to handle a needle, then you can make crafts from fabric with him. With younger children it is better to use paper.

A good option is applique. You can use various available materials. For example, cardboard, glue and cotton pads. As a result, we get a heart like this.

You can do something like this with a small child a wonderful postcard, where the baby’s palm is imprinted.

Or this seemingly simple postcard, but made by a child, it will not leave anyone indifferent to whom it is presented.

Well, this is such a wonderful craft. I would recommend doing it for your child too.

In general, give your child an idea, I’m sure he’ll do the rest himself and handle it perfectly.

Video on how to make a beautiful valentine for Valentine's Day (card for February 14)

This video shows how to make a 3D postcard with your own hands.

Simple and affordable!

Templates for making DIY valentines at school

In general, this is the same for working with children. Here are some interesting ideas. You can download them for yourself and print them.

Valentine ladybug

Heart in an envelope

3D postcard template

And a few more options for valentines with stencils for cutting them out.

The diagrams show dimensions and possible designs. In principle, having learned how to cut correctly, you can even draw your own pattern.

So get creative, invent and surprise. Good luck!

There are only a few days left until Valentine's Day. As you know, on this romantic holiday it is customary to give valentines.
Traditionally these are small cards in the shape of a red heart. Certainly, beautiful postcard can be purchased in the store. But if you - creative person, then you can make a gift with your own hands. Especially, handmade will better convey the sincerity of your feelings to the recipient. There are a lot of options, and we offer you the most interesting ones, in our opinion.

1. "Sweet Valentine"

To make this valentine you will need colored paper, scissors, thread with a needle or stapler, pencil, felt-tip pen or colored gel pen and, of course, the “filling” itself (M&Ms or Skittles candies work well).

First you need to draw a heart-shaped template. On one side write a declaration of love or just something tender, and on the other - words "break here", "open me" or "look in". Cut it out.
Next, we sew (or fasten with a stapler) two parts of the heart on one side (the inscriptions should be on the outside), pour in candy and fasten along the remaining side. Sad valentine is ready!

2. “Valentine – Breakfast”

Another option for delicious Valentines. We will need 2 sausages, 2 eggs, sunflower oil, toothpicks or matches, salt, pepper (optional).

First, cut along the sausage, but not all the way, leaving about 2-3 cm from the edge.

Place the hearts prepared in this way on a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil.

Carefully pour a raw egg into the middle of each heart so that the yolk remains intact.

Bake in the oven until browned (about 30 minutes at 200 degrees). Don’t forget to take out a toothpick from the finished hearts 😉

3. “Valentine – Breakfast No. 2”

For this valentine we will need sunflower oil, eggs, bread, salt and pepper (optional).

Take a piece of bread and cut out the middle in the shape of a heart.

In a frying pan, fry the bread a little on one side.

Turn it over and pour the egg into the heart.

Salt and pepper. We also fry the cut out hearts. Valentine's card is ready!
Breakfasts are best decorated with vegetables, lettuce, ketchup or mayonnaise - whatever your imagination allows!

4. “Tea Party Valentines”

Who doesn't love drinking tea?! The main thing is to know the preference of your loved one, which one he prefers. We will need colored paper (or cardboard), thread and needle (glue or stapler), scissors, pencil and tea bags.

To begin, draw hearts the size of the tea bag labels (twice as large as the tea bags). Cut it out.

Next, we glue (fasten or sew) hearts onto the tea label on both sides so that they cover this label (if you use a stapler, you can attach it to a thread by removing the label). We got elegant tea bags. You can write something gentle on them if you wish, for example, simply "With love". In addition, you can decorate the entire box by covering it with colored paper or paper with drawn hearts (in principle, you can cut them out yourself and stick them on top, it will turn out even more interesting).

5. “Valentines – chocolates”

Everything here is very simple, but it turns out interesting. We will need small chocolates (for example, “Alenka”), colored paper, scissors, ribbons and beads (optional).

We just take a chocolate bar, wrap it in paper and decorate with the prepared little things: glue ribbons, beads, cut out hearts and attach them. In addition, you can write tender words to your loved one or short statements about why you love him or how much.

6. Volume Valentine

It is important to understand and be able to distinguish lines on paper different types: solid, dotted and dotted with dots. We cut through with a blade solid lines. At the same time, we do not touch the dotted lines. The heart also needs to be cut out not completely (2 “ears” should remain uncut on top).

Now slowly extrude the image of the lovers away from you, bending the contours along the dotted lines. Glue the cut out red heart onto the main image. Now take thick paper or, if there is none, then purchase any postcard that does not have inscriptions inside.
Glue the insert you created into this card. Valentine's card is ready!

7. Origami Valentine

A simple valentine card that requires just a sheet of paper to make. Using this method you will get a beating heart valentine:

8. Valentine with a secret

A very interesting valentine that simply cannot leave your soulmate indifferent:

We congratulate you on Valentine's Day and wish you a great mutual love! We hope that you will be able to choose the most suitable one from the valentines we offer, and your loved one will be satisfied! 🙂