Why do you need to cut the ends of your hair? Doctor Komarovsky about children's hair and whether it is necessary to cut a child's hair bald every year. It is necessary to cut it.

Marina Nikitina

Most women (this also applies to men) try to take regular care of their hair. Many people think that if you trim the ends of your hair with enviable regularity, your hair will transform and become thick and voluminous. But this is not true and rather falls into the category of common myths and misconceptions. Since curls grow directly from the roots, it is recommended to cut them regularly to improve growth, but not as often as girls do in the hope of having a decent hairstyle.

Why trim the ends of your hair?

At first glance, the question “how often should you trim the ends of your hair?” has nothing to do with the human nervous system and his emotional health. But here lies the misconception, because ethnoscience and the experience of our ancestors, accumulated over many hundreds of years, clearly hints that mental balance directly depends on the condition of the hair.

Today, the opinion of healers, sorcerers and psychics is joined by trichologists and professional stylists who give the following advice: in order for curls to grow most intensively without disturbing the structure, it is better to shorten them by a length of 6 to 9 mm, no more than once every two to two and a half times. month.

If they do form “panicles,” they should be trimmed once every month and a half. In this way, you can not only maintain the health of your own hair, but also bring your nervous system back to normal.

The “panicle” that forms at the ends of the strands does not have a protective shell and, as a result of a critical loss of moisture, the hairs become dull, brittle and thin. Even if the diet is close to ideal and contains all the necessary components, such as vitamins, minerals and trace elements, this does not guarantee the safety of the hair.

Even if you have already decided on the answer to the question “how often should you cut the ends of your hair?”, it is not always possible to independently find out the degree of damage and how many millimeters they need to be cut off. In this case, make an appointment with a trichologist. Using special medical equipment, he will select the optimal length of hair that needs to be cut monthly.
To give hair a natural shine and healthy looking You can additionally take vitamin complexes, however, even here, consultation with a competent specialist is necessary to select dietary supplements. Otherwise, there is a high risk of seriously harming the body.

According to professional stylists and hairdressers, hair receives the necessary nutrients only ten centimeters directly from the scalp. Anything that exceeds this length is considered a dead protein structure, which needs additional nourishing masks and various oils of natural origin.
Most psychics, healers and specialists in the field of alternative medicine consider hair to be a kind of antenna that interacts with the energy of the people around you. Accordingly, to the question “why cut the ends of your hair?” they give the following answer: when you feel that accumulated fatigue and lethargy do not allow you to lead your usual lifestyle, then you need to immediately cut off a few centimeters of strands yourself or at your personal hairdresser.

It is not for nothing that there is an opinion that after such procedures a person experiences relief, increased tone and renewal of the whole body. In addition, a sharp change in the usual image forces others to take a fresh look at the person who has decided to take such a step.

A new image can bring its owner good luck in financial matters and even play a significant role in the search for love or in the return of old feelings with new strength. To resolve issues related to money, bioenergetics experts recommend trimming the ends of your hair during the first lunar day. To put your personal life in order, you should take the very first day of the full moon.

Long hair.

Caring for long curls in itself requires special attention and proper handling. To save long curls in a healthy state, to make them strong and lush, it is best to trim them at intervals of one haircut every nine to twelve weeks. The need for such frequent intervention is primarily due to the fact that the longer the hair, the older it is, and, accordingly, the more fragile and more susceptible to the negative influence of the environment.

If this turns into a real problem, then you can cut off one centimeter once every month and a half on your own or at the hairdresser. A competent stylist is knowledgeable about how to cut hair and is able to recommend good mask for problematic curls, with a strengthening effect.

Medium curls.

For hair middle length In general, the same recommendations apply as for long curls. If you are satisfied with the size of your hair, then you can trim your curls once every seven to eight weeks.

Short hair.

If your hair is short, then visits to the hairdresser should be made once every five to seven weeks. If you want to have longer curls, this interval can be increased to once every eight to twelve weeks.

Chemically treated hair.

In the event that yours or other similar procedures, their natural structure was disrupted and it is easy to notice that this negatively affected their health and general condition. Any chemical exposure leads to increased fragility, dryness and deprives curls of their natural shine. To avoid excessive dehydration and the appearance of “panicles”, owners of colored curls are recommended to visit the hairdresser more often: about once a month.

How often should you cut your hair: myths and speculation

The more often you cut your hair, the faster it grows.

There is actually no direct evidence for this claim. Hair length increases daily by about 1 / 2 mm and is determined by genetic factors, as well as by the extent to which the bulbs are provided with minerals, vitamins and other necessary components.

The intensity of growth after frequent visits to the hairdresser increases only if the ends of the hair are severely split, which leads to a slowdown or cessation of their growth. If the curls develop normally and do not have obvious problems or damage, then frequent circumcision will not increase growth dynamics.

Improves growth performance.

This statement is just a myth. The fact is that the fat that is produced in the sebaceous glands not only supplies the hair roots with the necessary amount of nutrients, but also protects the ends from excessive dryness, and, accordingly, from further separation. Regular washing and care using shampoos, conditioners and other cosmetics causes the sebaceous glands to produce oil beyond normal limits, which leads to hair becoming unsightly and greasy, and the ends remaining dehydrated.

How to cut hair correctly

Whether you trim your ends at a hair salon or do it yourself, make sure the scissors are sharpened well. The fact is that if pruning is done with a dull tool, there is a high risk that the ends will “chew”, which will cause harm rather than benefit.

There is no clear opinion whether you should wet your curls before trimming the ends. If you are afraid of cutting off excess, then it is better to carry out the procedure “dry”, this way it is much easier to guess the final length of the hair.

April 13, 2014, 13:00

Regular hair cutting- this is part of caring for them. Regular visits to the hairdresser will keep your hair healthy and full of vitality. In addition, this procedure will help to “cut off” the negative and recharge with energy.

How often should you cut your hair: long hair

Long curls are more likely to break and split. They need to be trimmed at least once every 8-12 weeks by 1-2 centimeters. If you notice that your ends are constantly splitting, visit the salon more often than once every 6-8 weeks. Many girls make the mistake of not trimming their ends regularly to get more length. But this way they only cause more harm to your hair. After all, a haircut will protect your hair from damage and split ends.

How often should you cut your hair?: average hair length

The same rules as for long hair. If you like the length of your hair, visit your hairdresser every 6-8 weeks. This will keep the haircut at the desired length.

How often should you cut your hair: short haircuts

If you want to keep your hair short, you will need more frequent hikes to the hairdresser, as the hair loses its desired shape quite quickly. Therefore, short hair needs to be trimmed every 4-8 weeks. If you are trying to increase length, you should visit your hairdresser every 6-12 weeks

4 signs that you need to update your haircut

1. Lack of volume

This is the first sign that it's time to get a haircut. Nice haircut will give hair volume and a healthy look

2. Too complicated installation

If your hair has become difficult to style or won’t fit into your previous hairstyle, run to the hairdresser.

3. Dry split ends

You need to get your hair cut before the ends split. It is not worth bringing them to this state. By the way, you can easily check whether the ends are split. To do this, take a small strand and twist it into a rope. It should be smooth.

4. Tangled hair

Unhealthy, brittle hair is the most likely to tangle. If you find it increasingly difficult to comb your hair, it’s time to cut your hair.

There is no clear answer to the question of how often you need to cut your hair - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the hair structure and its health. Sometimes a hairstyle requires periodic trimming to keep its shape, but in this case it all depends on the intensity of growth.

Each hair on the head goes through several cycles of development, after which it falls out. There are several stages of growth.

  1. The formation of the bulb and hair growth occurs, which can last up to 2 years.
  2. During the second stage, growth slows down or stops completely. Lasts only a few weeks.
  3. At the last stage, hair growth completely stops, and after some time it will fall out. The duration of the period is 2-3 months.

From the moment of loss, the first stage of the appearance of a new hair begins to repeat. The growth rate is largely determined by the rate of cell division in the follicles. The follicle is a sac in which the hair root develops and is located. The more vitamins and minerals enter the body with food, the faster this process occurs.

The intensity of growth may depend on the time of day and time of year. It has been noticed that curls grow faster in the evening. At night, growth is characterized by a resting phase and is practically absent. IN summer period Thanks to the activity of hormonal processes in the body, strands grow as quickly as possible.

For most people, hair grows by about 7-10 mm per month, and about 0.4 mm per day. But there are also those in whom they grow slowly, only 5 mm in four weeks, while in others they grow quickly - up to 1.5 cm.

Growth rate and density are largely determined by heredity. In this case, nothing can be done except supportive procedures. Sparse and weakened hair needs to be constantly nourished with masks and oils.

If your hair is dyed, you can easily determine how quickly it grows. It is enough to measure the length of the regrown roots.

Factors influencing the frequency of haircuts

How often to cut your hair depends on many nuances. An important role is played by the length, condition of the ends (split ends are cut off regularly), hair type (oily and dry ones need correction more). The influence of paint and perm is also important.

If the curls reach the shoulders or below, then the length is only pleasing. You need to trim the ends if fragility and split ends are observed, otherwise the curls will look careless and begin to spoil the image. Moreover, on long hair, a decrease of several millimeters is imperceptible, but the appearance will be well-groomed.

Long hair It is recommended to cut it once every 3 months by approximately 1.5 cm. This will get rid of lifeless ends, especially if they are colored. If your hair is split, you need to cut it once every 2 months for six months, and then you can reduce it to once every 4 months.

Long hair is most often prone to split ends. Hair longer than 30 cm inevitably begins to split, unable to withstand the influence of unfavorable factors. Split ends quickly break, are constantly tangled and look dull and lifeless.

If you don't have to trim the ends in time, growth stops and the structure becomes fragile and brittle. There are several reasons why they appear.

  1. leads to the washing away of the substance that envelops the hair. As a result, the protective shell is constantly washed away.
  2. The longer the hair, the less lubricant produced by the sebaceous glands of the head reaches the ends.
  3. Lack of nutrients in the body, diseases internal organs, chemotherapy.
  4. Incorrectly selected comb with sharp teeth.
  5. Wearing a permanent bouffant.

If observed strong section, you need to get rid of unhealthy areas completely, and after 2 months trim the edges again. You need to continue this tactic for a year, and only after that switch to trimming once every 4 months.

If so, then you need to trim the edges once a month. If the haircut has a complex shape, then it is necessary even more often - once every 2-3 weeks.

If it was done perm, then to prevent brittleness and dryness of the ends you need to cut them as often as possible. It is recommended to visit the hairdresser once every 4 weeks.

Myths about frequent haircuts

  1. “The more often you cut your curls, the faster they grow.” This is not true: hair growth and health depend on the roots and follicles, which will help strengthen nourishing masks, special shampoos or vitamins.

  1. “The more often you cut your hair, the thicker your hair becomes.” And this opinion can be refuted: the hair has an uneven thickness along its entire length - it is thicker at the roots, and becomes thinner closer to the ends. If you periodically cut off the edges, the hair will be shortened and visually begin to look thicker.
  1. “Dyeing leads to a deterioration in the condition of the hair.” This is not always the case: modern dyes contain many moisturizing and caring components that do not harm the curls. The first coloring is best done by a specialist - he will help you choose the right remedy and apply it in the required quantities.
  1. “Growth requires brushing up to 100 times a day.” This is not true: when combing, the structure becomes thinner and weakens, which can lead to hair loss.

It is recommended to trim split ends with hot scissors. They retain moisture and nutritional components inside the hair for a long time, as they seal the shell along the entire length. Curls begin to look healthy and well-groomed, their growth increases.

Growing rules

Trimming the ends is also necessary when you want to grow your hair, especially if the short haircut has uneven edges. In this case, you need to cut your hair once a month until your hair grows to your shoulders. If you remove split ends, brittle and dry ends, your curls will begin to grow faster. To grow your hair, you don’t have to completely give up going to the hairdresser.

There are rules that will help you grow healthy and strong strands quickly.

  1. You need to start growing curls by getting rid of unhealthy areas.
  2. Proper, balanced nutrition. Eggs, dairy products, meat, fish, and nuts improve the condition and activate the growth of curls. Additionally, you can take vitamin and mineral complexes.
  3. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day, which serves as a source of energy and hydration for your strands.

  1. The use of balms, masks, compresses aimed at nutrition and restoration. You can make your own masks at home. Burr oil with strength and hydration, honey and avocado are saturated with nutrients, almonds with honey and banana will help against dandruff.
  2. Shampoos and conditioners should be purchased without dyes, foaming agents and parabens. If this is not possible, then the shampoo should be applied to the hair without affecting the roots.
  3. While growing your curls, you should avoid or minimize coloring, blow-drying, and curling.
  4. Head massage activates processes in cells and increases blood circulation. More nutrients begin to flow to the bulbs. 5 minutes a day is enough.

To maintain a healthy shine and smooth structure, hair needs to be cut regularly. How often depends on the haircut, growth rate and condition of the ends. In any case, you don’t need to completely rule out going to the hairdresser.

Do you need to get a haircut to grow hair? How and when to do this? Is it possible to trim split ends myself? We will give answers to all questions right now!

There are two main reasons why the ends of your hair need to be trimmed regularly.

Reason 1

By trimming a couple of centimeters, you will get rid of split ends, which are constantly tangled, electrified and give your hair an unkempt and unkempt look. And don’t fall for advertising traps! Split ends cannot be cured and glued together with either balm or shampoo! This is a dead part - it has not received useful substances for a long time.

Reason 2

There is an opinion that hair is capable of accumulating negative energy, which we have to deal with almost every day. A haircut also helps to get rid of this negativity! Surely many of you, after going to the hairdresser, feel unprecedented lightness and a surge of vitality. Perhaps the reason for this amazing phenomenon lies precisely in the negative energy that you got rid of along with the cut off ends.

How often should I trim my ends if they split?

To make medium and long hair look well-groomed, healthy and beautiful, the ends need to be cut approximately once every three months by 1-2 centimeters. In addition, be sure to use homemade and store-bought masks to strengthen, grow and restore strands.

As for short hair, it requires no less care. Firstly, it is also prone to delamination, and secondly, short haircut Regular shape correction is required. It needs to be refreshed once every 2 months.

Burnt hair that has been subjected to frequent dyeing, straightening and perms, you need to cut it even more often. And exactly until the entire damaged length is cut off.

Video from YouTube on the topic

Why cut the ends of your hair if you want to grow your hair?

This will seem strange, but that’s exactly how it is - if you want to grow quickly long braid, the ends will have to be cut. Visiting the hairdresser once every two months not only accelerates the growth of strands, but also prevents their increased loss. Therefore, if after installation the bathroom floor is literally covered with hair, hurry up and sign up for a consultation. nice salon beauty. Do not be afraid, it is enough to trim only a few millimeters - this will allow you to maintain a healthy curl structure.

How to cut the ends of your hair at home?

Trimming your ends at home will not be difficult. We offer 4 popular haircut methods that any woman can easily handle.

Method 1 “High ponytail”

With the help of this simple method you can quickly cut off a couple of centimeters.

  1. Comb thoroughly.
  2. Tie neat and very high ponytail. It should be placed almost at the forehead.
  3. To make it more convenient, wet your hair with water from a spray bottle and comb well again.
  4. At the desired level, tie another thin elastic band.
  5. Carefully cut off the tip.
  6. Unwind your hair.

Method 2 “Low ponytail”

Another effective and affordable option. Each of you can cope with this task!

  1. Comb everything back carefully.
  2. Tie a low ponytail – it should be perfectly smooth.
  3. Wet it with water from a spray bottle and comb again.
  4. Tie several thin elastic bands at a distance of 2 centimeters from each other - they will allow the tail to hold on and make the cutting process easier. Leave as much as you want to trim at the bottom.
  5. Make an even cut just below the bottom elastic.
  6. Unwind your hair and check the results.

Method 3 “Using a hairdressing level”

This unusual device allows you to make a clear, perfectly even cut.

  • Comb and go through your hair with a straightening iron.

  • Make a center parting that will divide your hair in half.

  • Gather your strands under your chin and put on a level.

  • Lower it to the desired length, making sure that the bubble is in the middle.
  • Trim the ends with scissors.

Method 4 “Flagella”

This method takes much more time, but gives an excellent effect.

  1. Use a horizontal parting to separate some of the strands near the neck. Pin the rest so it doesn't interfere for now.
  2. Separate a thin curl and twist it into a braid.
  3. Run your fingers over it from bottom to top.
  4. Carefully cut off any stray hairs from the strand.
  5. Peel off the second layer and continue the process.
  6. Continue the process until all the hair has been processed.

Video on the topic

Will hair grow faster if I cut the ends of my hair?

Regularly trimming your ends really affects the rate at which your hair grows. It awakens dormant follicles and literally makes them grow a little faster.

This statement was made based on simple observations. You yourself have noticed that sometimes the hair does not grow at all, as if it stands still. But if you trim it even a couple of centimeters, the required amount grows within a month. There is another fact that speaks in favor of a haircut. Short hair grows very quickly - to maintain its shape, the ends need to be cut at least once every 30 days. Of course, on long and medium strands the growth is not so noticeable, but it is still necessary to cut them.

When you decide to trim your ends, use these helpful tips:

  1. First, decide on the length that needs to be cut. Don’t be sorry, but cut off all the split strands. If this is not done, hair separation will continue, conquering new length and territory. This especially applies to those ladies who constantly wear makeup, use ironing, or do chemicals. Hair in these cases becomes more susceptible to environmental influences, and therefore requires special care;
  2. Do you want to cut your own hair? Then choose only high-quality tools - well-sharpened professional scissors and a comb with rounded tips. You cannot cut hair with ordinary household scissors - this will lead to problems;
  3. Be sure to wet your hair before cutting;
  4. Remember, after drying, the hair will jump up and become a little shorter;
  5. To cut your hair less often and grow gorgeous hair faster, regularly apply moisturizing masks and apply special oils to the ends;
  6. For owners of frequent and cascading haircuts It’s better not to risk it and freshen up your hair at the hairdresser. This also applies to those who have no skills and have never held hairdressing scissors in their hands;
  7. Trim your ends only when the moon is waxing - days favorable for cutting can be found in a special calendar;
  8. Scissors should not be held at right angles to the hair. Hold it diagonally - this will prevent the tips from quickly separating;
  9. If the ends split 3 cm upward, remove a little more - up to 4 cm. This small increase will provide your haircut with a neat and well-groomed look. If you are greedy and cut strictly 3 cm, the section will return very quickly - almost after a couple of weeks.

Children's hair, more than other parts of the body, is shrouded in mysterious myths, rumors and prejudices. For example, most mothers believe that cutting a haircut for a child under one year old can lead to disruption of the invisible connection between mother and child, while others even believe that the baby, along with infant hair, will be deprived of good luck, health and well-being in the future. But grandmother’s advice to be sure to cut a child’s hair every year promises the child later thick and beautiful hair.

What is true here and what is not, the well-known knows for sure pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky.

About children's hair

Some babies are born with an impressive head of hair, while others are almost bald. This depends on congenital characteristics, as well as on the rate of hair growth during intrauterine development. However, in the first months of life, partial hair loss is considered normal, because the infant hair of a newborn gradually changes to a more formed structure.

A baby's hair does not look like an adult's because it does not have a medula, a small microscopic rod responsible for the main function of the hairline - heat preservation. Baby hairs thus do not warm his head at all. However, this is not a reason, according to Evgeniy Komarovsky, to put several hats and bonnets on her. The baby will not freeze, because he has more active blood circulation. A quarter of the blood volume is supplied by the brain, and since this process is intense, it is the head that sweats first of all.

Myths and truth

  • The doctor recommends no more than once a week.“You need to brush your baby’s hair more often” is a myth.
  • Often combing, although it may be enjoyable for some children, injures the hair.“You need to strengthen your hair with herbal decoctions” is a myth.

Komarovsky calls it a commercially profitable rumor. It is beneficial for manufacturers and sellers of various products based on herbs and herbs. Weak hair cannot be strengthened. You don't have to spoil them.

Should you cut your hair bald a year?

The haircut itself will not harm a one-year-old toddler, says Evgeny Komarovsky. But you shouldn’t hope that your hair will begin to grow thick and curly if it was thin and straight until a year ago. The density and thickness of hair, the speed of its growth, texture and color - all this information is stored at the genetic level long before the child is born.

As soon as fertilization of the egg has occurred, the set of genes is strictly defined, and it implies everything - whether the baby will be brown-haired or blond, and whether his hair will be thick.

Accordingly, cutting or shaving your head cannot change anything in the genetic code, and therefore these manipulations do not affect the quality of hair in any way. Relatives may have the illusion that the hair has become stronger and thicker, since, according to Evgeniy Komarovsky, the hair that grows back after a haircut looks more voluminous and feels harder to the touch. But this is nothing more than an illusion. Therefore, whether to cut a haircut per year or not is up to the parents to decide. If the baby is not cut, nothing terrible will happen, just as no miracle will happen if he is shaved.

Regarding where to put your cut hair, Komarovsky advises using maximum imagination. If you want to bury them under a pear tree in the garden on a full moon, go ahead. If you want to burn it and scatter the ashes over the river, no problem either. Since medicine has not proven that there is any connection between the cut off hair and the fate of the child. If you really want to find such a connection, it is better to address this issue with healers, magicians or shamans.

Why does the back of my head go bald?

This is the second most popular question that Dr. Komarovsky has to answer. Many parents, and even pediatricians, claim that a receding hairline on the back of the head before the age of one year is a sign of rickets. Evgeny Komarovskoy claims that baldness of the occipital part of the head has nothing to do with rickets. It’s just that a baby up to 6 months spends most of his life in a lying position. When he learns to turn his head from side to side, he begins to actively use this new skill. The hair rubs against the bed and is simply wiped off.

Should I wear hats and bonnets?

If hair falls out all over the head, then the cause may be a lack of vitamins, poor nutrition, as well as chronic overheating of the scalp, which threatens all children whose parents and grandmothers are accustomed to wearing hats for their little ones. The caps should be removed so that the scalp begins to “breathe”, then with a high degree of probability, nothing else will need to be done, since the quality of the hair will soon noticeably improve and hair loss will stop.

Hats should also be avoided when the child is ill. Cap with high temperature can become very dangerous, because the child, according to Komarovsky, simply has nowhere to “dump” excess heat.

Possible problems

The list of pathological disorders in hair growth is quite large, but, according to Evgeniy Komarovsky, every mother should know it:

  • ringworm(hair falls out a lot, in some places the bald patches look like they have been trimmed). This fungal disease should be treated by a pediatric infectious disease specialist;
  • alopecia(hair loss due to severe immune-allergic pathologies). With this kind of baldness, the hair roots are damaged. The disease will be treated by a pediatrician and an allergist;
  • syndrome of obsessive movements and conditions(the child damages the hair mechanically - by twirling it around his finger, tearing it out, plucking it). Treatment is rarely needed, neurosis often goes away on its own, but a consultation with a child neurologist, psychologist and psychiatrist will not hurt;
  • stress, fear, emotional trauma(hair growth is disrupted at the biochemical level, as well as as a result of spasm of blood vessels in the scalp). If you have a problem, you should contact a pediatrician and a pediatric neurologist;

  • avitaminosis(hair loss is greatly affected by deficiency of B vitamins and zinc). The problem should be addressed to a pediatrician;
  • hypervitaminosis(hair loss and brittleness as a result of an overdose of vitamins, in particular excessive consumption of vitamin A). Discussed with pediatrician;
  • medicinal side effects(some medications cause hair problems). The phenomenon is temporary and does not particularly require treatment, but you can discuss it with your treating pediatrician;
  • hypothyroidism(hair suffers due to problems with the thyroid gland). Treated by an endocrinologist.

The doctor advises not to exaggerate the problems associated with children's hair. The first time you should cut your child's hair is when the growing hair begins to cause inconvenience to him or his relatives. If you suspect a disease, immediately go to a doctor who knows why, how and why.

Dr. Komarovsky will talk about problems that children may have with hair, as well as common prejudices associated with hair:

  • First haircut
  • Komarovsky about a haircut per year