Rowan beading pattern. Winter rowan tree made of beads. Weaving autumn rowan

Do-it-yourself rowan tree from beads photo and video tutorial

Do-it-yourself rowan tree from beads photo and video tutorial

Beaded rowan, which each of us can learn to make with our own hands, can become both a decoration and a talisman for the home. Since ancient times, the rowan tree has been considered by people as an excellent remedy that fights evil forces and protects homes and people from them. Many people had a winter rowan tree in their house, which was hung above the front door, by the bed, or displayed in a vase on the table. This tradition is still alive today. Even if it is not possible to get a sprig of rowan, then a photo of it is hung on the wall.
Rowan is also a symbol of intelligence and wisdom, protection from witchcraft and magic. Some ancient peoples elevated the rowan to the rank of the tree of life. With the development of handicrafts, they learned how to make rowan wood from various auxiliary materials, embroider and weave beads. You can learn how to weave rowan berries from beads with your own hands using a master class, photo and video materials available on our website. Beaded rowan will decorate any home or office, give it a special charm and beauty, and also protect it from a variety of troubles and evil.

Master class on weaving winter rowan from beads

You can figure out how to weave rowan from beads by studying the master class and try to repeat it with your own hands. It’s very good when you have a weaving pattern, photo and video materials available. Winter rowan from beads is made from the following materials:

  • Beads No. 11 (colors red and green);
  • Wire 0.2mm;
  • Thick wire, aluminum or copper (2mm diameter) 15-20 cm;
  • Brown threads for wrapping trunk branches.
  • Winter rowan consists of twigs with green leaves, as well as red berries. The rowan weaving pattern is as follows:
    Let's make rowan leaves from green beads. They are complex, each consisting of 9 separate leaves. Each of the small leaves is made using the parallel weaving technique. Pattern for weaving individual small leaves:

    • first row - one bead;
    • second row - two beads;
    • third row - two beads;
    • fourth row - two beads;
    • fifth row - one bead.

    The length of the wire for an individual leaf is 25cm. For a clearer idea of ​​this technique, it is advisable to have a photo or a master class at your disposal. As we have already noted, for each complex leaf of a tree such as winter rowan, nine simple leaves are required. When they are all ready, you need to assemble one large composite sheet with your own hands. We connect three separate sheets at the base of the wire using the twisting method. After this, you need to give the leaves correct form. The central sheet is directed vertically upward, the other two are at right angles to it.

    Now let’s attach the next leaf, a few millimeters lower than the previous ones, also screwing the wire to the petiole. We give the leaf a direction parallel to the previous row. We screw the fifth leaf next to the fourth, following the weaving pattern, directing it in the opposite direction, at a right angle to the petiole. To make work easier, you can bend the wire at a right angle to the leaf. After this, we apply the leaf to the petiole, and pass the previous leaf exactly in the middle of the fold of the wire of the fifth leaf. Now we screw the wire of the fifth leaf to the petiole. Screw the next four leaves in exactly the same way. As a result, we have one large complex leaf, consisting of 9 separate leaves. The more such large leaves we make with our own hands, the more beautiful and magnificent our tree, winter rowan, will turn out.

    Rowan bunches The next stage of our work will be to make rowan bunches, or its berries. For this we will need red beads. We start by collecting small bunches. For each of them we take a wire 60 cm long:

  • We string one red bead and move it 10-12 cm from one of the ends of the wire. Then twist both halves of the wire at a distance of 1.5 cm from the beads;
  • We string the second bead and place it at a distance of 2 cm from the first twist;
  • Twist both ends of the wire together. The beginning of the twist is below the bead and until the end of the first twist;
  • This operation must be done up to 10 times, picking up one bead at a time;
  • By twisting the two ends of the wire together, we form a whole bunch;
  • One large bunch should consist of three small ones, one of which we have already learned how to make;
  • We connect the wires from three small bunches, getting one large bunch.

  • You need to make about 7 large bunches of rowan to make the tree look good. The next operation is to wrap all sections of the wire with brown thread along the entire length. Then we connect the branches with leaves to the bunch, also by twisting. After this, another large rowan leaf is screwed below their connection. In the end, we get 7 large branches, where there is one bunch of berries, and two complex large leaves. Our master class is coming to an end. All we have to do is complete and put together the work, and the winter rowan is ready. As the main trunk, you can use any rigid wire with a diameter of 2 mm, or, in extreme cases, a wooden stick.

    Collecting rowan from beads

    The final stage of making a tree from beads, which is called winter rowan, is to connect all its individual parts together. This connection is made using the weaving method that is already familiar to us.
    We braid one complex branch to the end of a thick wire, this will be the top of the tree. This is done using a piece of loose wire, followed by wrapping brown thread around the joint. We also attach all the other branches, wrapping the entire trunk with brown threads. The branches should be placed in a circle, at a short distance from each other. At the very end of the work, you need to secure the threads and arrange the ends of the wire. So, our winter rowan is ready. All that remains is to install it in a pot and straighten all its branches and bunches of berries.

    Weaving autumn rowan

    So, we have learned the skill of making winter rowan wood from beads. But to complete the picture, I would like to touch on one more topic, to tell you about another beautiful tree, which is the autumn rowan, chokeberry. This tree, made of beads, is distinguished by its special splendor and uniqueness. In addition, the execution technique is also unique. If you look at the photo of chokeberry, you will immediately see its difference from winter rowan. And now we will spend small master class on making autumn chokeberry. To work we will need:

  • Mixed beads different colors, (150 g yellow, 100 g orange, 50 g red and 50 g green);
  • Black beads for berries, 80 grams. A small bunch requires 18 beads and one meter of wire, and one large bunch will consist of three small ones;
  • Scissors;
  • Copper wire 3mm (but you can also use colored wire);
  • Floor tape;
  • To create branches, use wire of different diameters.

  • So, let's get to work. We take a wire 1 meter long and sharpen one end with scissors. Now we begin to collect beads from the box where we pre-mixed them onto the wire. We make the set by making a translational movement of the wire, forward and backward. This is how the beads are placed on the wire. For the first leaf you need to collect 40 beads. When you have collected enough, leave 15 cm of wire free, and then twist the two ends under the beads, forming a loop. It will become the first leaf.
    We continue to collect 30 beads onto the wire, which are needed for the next leaf. Then we repeat the process of scrolling and making a loop (second leaf). We scroll by a few millimeters (about 5). The third leaf is done in the same way and is located next to the second. The number of beads is also 30. When the weaving of the first three leaves is completed, we have the top of a complex rowan leaf, and we need to weave the wire down one centimeter using the twisting method.
    As you continue weaving leaf loops, remember that the next ones will be bigger size. And accordingly, each of them will need more beads. The next two parallel leaves should contain about 40 beads each. You don’t have to count the beads, just make sure that the size of the leaf is a little larger. We weave the next two leaves in the same way, slightly increasing their size relative to the previous two. We do not recommend counting the exact amount of beads in the loops, as this will not be noticeable in the overall composition. You can shape the leaves by eye, approximately. We all know that in nature the sizes of leaves on trees are not the same. One complex and large leaf can have from 7 to 9 composite small leaf loops.

    From the previously indicated amount of mixed beads, we will get about a hundred of these complex large leaf-twigs. After completing this stage of work, we need to make our branches larger by connecting them in threes together. We do this with the help of wires, because we still have free ends on each large complex sheet. With their help we make our connection. When connecting the leaves into twigs, we should end up with about 30 of these complex branches. The work on the rowan leaves and branches is completed, let's move on to weaving the bunches.
    To do this, you also need to take a wire one meter long, for one small bunch. We string 16-17 black beads onto one such wire. We fix each bead separately and weave the wire down 1.5 cm. We do this operation with all our beads. When all the beads are woven, you need to connect and twist the ends of our meter wire. So we got one small bunch. In order for our bunches to be more beautiful and voluminous, let’s connect three small bunches together. We weave the loose ends again, connecting them together. Having completed the formation of bunches and rowan leaves, we begin to connect them. We weave one bunch and one complex leaf.
    Now we need to start forming large branches. We take our prepared thick wire and wrap our leaves to it one by one, using floral tape for this. We screw the leaves to the wire one by one, gradually going lower. The total number of large complex branches should be about ten pieces, if we used all the prepared beads, wire and beads. From these ten branches you can make a magnificent bouquet by placing them in a vase, or you can form them into a rowan tree by connecting all the branches with one thick wire, which will act as a trunk.

    Video: beaded chokeberry

    So, our work on making rowan trees from beads is finished. You can admire them at home, or give them to friends.

    The art of beading allows every woman to find her own style note. Working with beads is fascinating, and a wide selection of materials allows you to bring to life original ideas creating bead products. Wicker jewelry - brooches, bracelets, necklaces - can become a unique gift for loved ones. If you are just learning the basics of bead weaving, you are probably thinking about... We invite you to make a very easy-to-work tree - rowan. She amazes with its beauty and ease of manufacture. Where weaving begins and how to properly make rowan from beads with your own hands, read our article.

    How to do it right

    Watch our master classes with step by step photos and you will find out what materials and tools will be needed to create rowan from beads.

    Beaded rowan branch

    Our guide will help you make a rowan branch from beads. detailed master class with step by step photos. To work, prepare small green beads and large red ones, scissors, wire and floral tape.

    • Place 3 beads on a 70 cm long wire.

    • Pull either end of the wire through any 2 beads and tighten the loop.

    • Collect 3 more beads and tighten with the end of another wire.

    • Make another loop as well.

    • Tighten the next loop using 2 beads.

    • Next, take 1 bead and tighten the loop with the end of the other wire.

    • Pass 12 beads through one wire - let's call it a working wire - and separate 3 beads from the edge.

    • Pass the end of the working wire through the 3rd bead, then through the 2nd and tighten.

    • Separate 3 more beads and pass the wire through beads No. 6, No. 5 and No. 4. Tighten the loop.

    • Pass the end of the wire through 2 beads and tighten, then through one.

    • Now take the end of the wire that you used to tighten the loops and add 12 more beads. Make leaves using the same pattern. In total, there should be 7 beaded rowan leaves on the branch. Such loops are used when weaving tops for “beaded snowflakes.”

    • Now proceed to weaving a bunch of rowan berries from red beads. Pass one end of the wire through the bead and twist it at the base.

    • Place the next bead on either end of the wire and twist the wire.

    • After you have made several branches, wrap them around flexible thick wire and form branches. This is how beautiful it should turn out.

    To weave an autumn branch of rowan, you will need green beads of different shades (or add yellow beads to the weaving), red beads and wire.

    In winter, rowan loses its leaves, leaving behind ripe berries, so weaving such a tree from beads is very easy. White and silver beads are suitable, as well as orange beads for “berries”.

    • Mix the beads for “snow” and place them in random order on the wire.

    • Form a loop of 10 beads and twist. Make another one nearby. In order to generously cover the bunch with “snow”, make 8 loops. Make the required number of such branches, leaving 6 cm wire tails.

    • Using the same principle, make bunches of rowan berries from orange beads.

    Wrap the resulting bunches in “snow” and twist. Wrap with floral tape Brown. The sprig of winter rowan is ready.

    In our master class we will show you how to assemble rowan from beads. To make it you will need green beads and larger red ones, 0.3 mm thick wire, green floss threads, alabaster, glue and a stand for the tree.

    Measure 60 cm of wire and thread 9 green beads through the middle. Twist the loop. Back off about 5 mm and twist 9 beads into a loop. Weave a total of 6 loops on each side.

    • Make the required number of branches.

    • Place 1 bead on the wire, stretch it to the edge and secure the “berry” by twisting 1 cm of the wire. Then thread 1 more bead and twist.

    • Wrap a bunch of rowan berries with green floss threads. Attach the finished green twig, twist the ends of the wire and wrap it around it as well. Add another branch. Make indents of about 5 mm between branches.

    • Screw the finished branches to a thick wire and wrap them with threads.

    • Connect the side trunks and wrap them with thread. Mix PVA glue with alabaster. Apply the solution to the trunks with a brush. Fill the bottom of the tree with a solution of glue and water and let dry.

    • When the tree is dry, paint the trunk with brown paint.

    The rich red berries of rowan berries look especially beautiful under a layer of snow. Let's weave a rowan tree from beads in the snow with our own hands. Prepare silver or white beads, red beads (or large red beads) and wire.

    • Let's make grapes. Place a red bead on the wire and make a 1 cm twist. Thus, make the required number of “berries”.

    • Now we create “snow” on the grapes. Make a loop of 8 silver beads and twist into a loop. Also make 2 loops on each side. Framing the bead with “snow”, twist the parts.

    • Make the required number of snow-covered bunches and screw them to thick wire. Wrap with brown thread. Fold the edges of the branches downwards.
    • Make a solution of water and alabaster and fill the tree. After the solution has dried, dilute the alabaster with water and PVA glue and apply it with a brush to the trunk and branches.

    • The lesson from our video will show you how to make rowan from beads with your own hands. The clusters are woven from black beads and beige beads.

    • Weave an unusual autumn chokeberry with your own hands using the following video tutorial. See the stages of making tree branches and clusters.

    Bright beaded rowan will be a wonderful gift or home decoration. Share your work and skills with our readers.

    Today you will learn how to make rowan with your own hands. We will share with you a pattern for weaving a rowan tree from beads, which is equipped with step by step photos and a description of the weaving process. Rowan - Another wonderful beaded tree that you can make with your own hands - a rowan with beautiful clusters of berries.

    Tools and materials Time: 120 hours Difficulty: 6/10

    • thin wire for working with beads;
    • thick wire for forming a trunk;
    • green beads;
    • red beads or large red beads;
    • flower pot or other base for the tree.

    The green foliage and ripe red clusters of this plant, according to beliefs, protect people from other people's envy and unpleasant thoughts.

    Weaving pattern

    So, let's start weaving our tree from beads.

    Step 1: forming rowan leaves

    It all starts with the formation of foliage.

    • To do this we cut off small piece wire from a common skein, and string one bead onto it. We send it to the center of the segment.
    • Next, we cross both tails in the next two stringed beads.
    • For the third row, we cross the tails in two more beads strung next.
    • The fourth row also consists of two beads, but the last, closing one, consists of only one. In this way we form a pointed leaf of rowan.
    • We twist the tails under the last bead together, forming the base of the branch. We will need a lot of such leaves.

    Step 2: form a branch from leaves

    We make 9 leaves and collect them into a separate branch. First we take one of them, and screw the rest to it on both sides. As a result, you will get a strong, fairly dense branch with leaves.
    To form a whole tree you will need at least 14 of these large elements. Although, if you plan to make the product more magnificent, then the quantity can be increased.

    Step 3: making rowan bunches

    Next we begin the formation of rowan bunches. To do this, we string our prepared beads onto a small piece of wire, send it some distance from the end of the wire, and form a twist of several turns right under it.

    Step 4: join the bunches into one

    We place the next bead not far from the first twist, and again form several turns directly under it. And so on until you have a fluffy bunch of berries in your hands. There should be 8 of them in total. We form 2 more such clusters of 8 pieces, and combine them all into one.

    For our tree, 7 such elements are quite enough.

    Step 5: decorate the wire

    To decorate the wire, we wrap all our trunks with thread suitable color. You can simplify your work and use floral tape instead.

    Step 6: assemble a tree from the elements

    The finished elements are assembled into a tree. Moreover, for two leaves - one bunch of rowan.

    Step 7: final stage of rowan assembly

    In order to put it all together, we take a thick wire and begin to wind our blanks with bunches to it in the order shown in the photographs.

    In custody

    A schematic diagram of the assembly process can be seen in the previous article; it clearly shows how it is necessary to connect the branches of any tree.
    In the end, all you have to do is place the finished tree in the chosen pot and secure it with soil, gravel or any other material.

    The rowan tree has long been revered in Rus'. They believed that it protected family happiness and protected from evil spirits. Among other things, rowan is very elegant, beautiful, and if you weave it with beads, you will get a wonderful and bright decoration for your home. Below is a diagram of weaving this bead tree with your own hands.

    This is a scheme for weaving rowan bunches, and you can weave leaves for it using the needle weaving technique (1 fig.) and using loop twisting (2 fig.)

    We will tell you about the most in a simple way how to make rowan from beads for beginners.

    Master class on weaving rowan beads

    In autumn, rowan clusters gain color and turn bright red. Every now and then the gaze falls on them, they are admired. Therefore, on our agenda is autumn rowan from beads: master class below.

    As a result, we get this tree in a pot:

    If you want the rowan to look even more autumnal, you can add yellow beads to the green ones.


    • Beads No. 11 (green, brown);
    • Wire 0.4 mm – about 30 meters;
    • Thicker wire - 4 pieces of 25 cm each;
    • Beads – 150 pieces (red);
    • Alabaster or plaster;
    • Pot;
    • Floral tape;
    • PVA glue;
    • Threads.

    Rowan weaving:

    And now step-by-step instruction how to weave rowan from beads.

    1 step. Leaves and branches.

    Cut 10 pieces of thin wire, about 40 cm long each. Next, we make branches using loop weaving, and to do this we string 7 beads onto the middle of the wire, fold them in half and twist them. Then we string 7 beads onto one end of the wire and twist them again. Every 7 beads are a leaf. We need to twist 7 such leaves.

    Cut 20 pieces of thin wire, about 45 cm each. We weave branches from 9 leaves.

    Cut 20 pieces of wire, about 50 cm each. We weave branches from 11 leaves.

    In total we prepared 50 branches. If desired, you can weave more.

    Step 2. Berry bunches.

    We cut 220 pieces of thin wire, about 35 cm. And we begin to string beads onto one of the ends of the wire according to the following pattern: brown beads - 5 pieces, bead - 1 piece, bead - 1 piece. We pass the second tip of the wire through the bead and 5 seed beads. The free, short tip should be at least 7 cm, and on the long tip we again string beads and beads, as before. We must do this procedure 5 times. It is important that the berries fit tightly to each other, and the free ends of the wire are twisted

    Step 3. We collect the tree.

    The smallest branch of 5 leaves and 1 cluster are screwed on top of a thick wire, a little lower, at a short distance from each other - 2 branches of 9 leaves, after them berries and 2 branches with 11 leaves. In total, you need to collect 4 such branches.

    In the same way, but without using thick wire, you need to collect 6 rowan branches. Total: 10 branches. From these you need to take 2 branches into which thick wire is woven, and screw 2 branches to them WITHOUT thick wire. As a result, we will get rowan branches branching three times.

    Then we take 2 other branches into which thick wire is woven, and attach to them 1 branch without thick wire - we get a branch with a branch into two parts.

    The resulting branches need to be wrapped tightly with threads so that the wire is not visible and coated with PVA glue

    Next, you need to take 2 branches with three branches and twist them together, and screw the branches with 2 branches below. As a result, we get a rowan tree trunk, which we need to wrap with floral tape, spreading the ends of the wire to the sides, like roots. You need to wrap the trunk again with threads in the color of tree bark, or make a 1:1 solution of PVA glue and alabaster, coat the trunk and paint it in the desired color after drying.

    Step 4 We decorate the pot and “plant” the tree.

    The tree is placed in a pot and filled with plaster. When the plaster dries a little, but not completely. You can sprinkle green, yellow and a little red beads on it to imitate grass with fallen leaves and berries.

    That's all, our rowan is ready!

    Winter rowan under the snow

    In addition to the autumn tree, winter rowan made from beads under the snow is very popular among craftswomen.

    Leaves are not woven for her, but berries are woven into large quantities, in a special way:

    We also invite you to watch the video, which once again describes in detail the technology for making rowan from beads.

    So, we have shown you one of the few ways to weave rowan from beads; in this way you can also weave other trees: sakura, lilac, wisteria. With a little patience, you can surround yourself with a forest of beads.

    Bead weaving is a whole world of unimaginable possibilities for creating various accessories yourself. You can use beads to make trees and animals that you can use to decorate your interior or give them to friends. The harmony and beauty put into these products will add a special charm to your room. You can also make jewelry, such as a stylish bracelet, or weave beautiful necklaces and pendants. Sometimes, when you see some beadwork, it seems that this can only be done by a specialist, a master. But that's not true. Our master class is intended mainly for beginners who are just getting acquainted with the art of beading; we will teach you how to weave a rowan tree from beads. A diagram for weaving a bright and beautiful rowan from any high-quality beads is attached in our article.

    We study patterns for weaving rowan berries from beads with our own hands

    The photo shows one of the patterns for weaving rowan leaves:

    This is a pattern for weaving a small young rowan from small beads, which is suitable for beginners:

    This is a scheme for weaving rowan bunches, and you can weave leaves for it using the needle weaving technique (1 fig.), using loop twisting (2 fig.)

    To create rowan leaves, you can also use another weaving pattern:

    First, we need to thread one bead onto the wire and place it in the middle. Next, you will need to draw one end of the wire with right side through two beads and the other end, from the other through the same beads. This diagram allows us to create leaves different sizes. They can be made, for example, from nine beads.

    You can also use multi-colored beads and then we will get an autumn rowan as in the photo:

    To weave a rowan from beads, we need:

    • Floral tape or masking tape.
    • Auxiliary wire (for creating branches and trunk).
    • Red and green wire.
    • Green beads.
    • Red colored beads (two different shades).

    Let's start with weaving rowan berry bunches. For a natural berry look, we will take beads of two different shades and mix them. Take a red wire and cut it 40 centimeters. Then we string the first bead, step back eight centimeters from the edge of the wire and twist it 6 turns. One berry is ready.

    On long end Using our wire, we string another bead at a distance of 3 millimeters, twist it the same 6 turns. We need to make nine similar twists.

    We pass one end of our wire between the fifth and sixth berries and twist both ends of the wire together. We need to make 85 such twists. Next, take five twists and combine them, then twist them together, moving one centimeter away from the berries. We'll get a small bunch. To create a large bunch, take two small ones and combine them together. Our bunches for rowan are ready.

    Now you can start weaving leaves and branches for rowan. Take green beads and wire of the same color. Our branch contains thirteen leaves of various sizes. You need to prepare for each branch four large leaves, four small and six medium ones. Each leaf is created separately using the parallel weaving technique.

    A large sheet is created according to the following scheme:

    1-2-3 (twice), 4 (twice), 3 (twice) -2-2. After the weaving is completed, the wires are twisted together.

    Medium-sized sheets are created according to the following scheme:

    1-2-3-4-3 (twice) -2-1.

    A small sheet is created according to the following scheme:

    We collect twigs from the prepared leaves.

    We place three small leaves at the top of the branch. We twist the wires together.

    We begin to attach the middle sheet and complete the connection large sheet. The branches for our rowan are ready. Next, we create the branches and trunk of our rowan tree from additional wire. We attach the blanks to our branch one by one. To thicken branches and trunks, use masking tape. You can take satin ribbon for the complete design of branches and trunks and decorate them using the plaster method. First, we will wrap all parts of the tree with strong thread so that the trunk and branches are not so loose after plaster, then we will dilute PVA with alabaster and carefully plaster the branches first and then the trunk itself. We create a stand for our tree from the same solution. Let it dry, then paint the branches and trunk with coffee-colored gouache. Paint the stand as you wish. Let the paint dry. Finally, we varnish the trunk and branches of the rowan tree. Our tree is ready.

    We are trying to make our own winter and autumn trees

    It is not so difficult to make an original and beautiful rowan from beads.

    This requires a little knowledge and skills, patience, imagination and necessary materials. There are several ways to weave rowan ash from beads. Some people prefer to make branches from ordinary threads and then glue them with PVA glue, while others use floss threads. In this lesson we will offer the easiest way to make embossed branches and trunk, as in the picture.

    We will look at an example of weaving winter rowan from beads.

    After determining the material for the branches and trunk, we will make a list of what what we need to create a mountain ash in the snow:

    1. Glue and polystyrene foam, bead mix for “snow” on the trunk and branches and in the pot, acrylic paint;
    2. Clay, alabaster, gypsum or cement for planting our product:
    3. Nylon thread;
    4. Small flower pot;
    5. Brown floss or floral tape, acrylic paint:
    6. Alabaster or self-hardening mass (PVA glue, thread);
    7. Scheme for rowan from beads;
    8. White wire 0.3 millimeters (25 centimeters, 25 pieces each);
    9. Copper wire of different thicknesses. Approximately 50 pieces of 45 centimeters each for the frame;
    10. White and transparent beads, colorless or white cutting;
    11. Red-orange beads.

    This is one of the main schemes:

    The basic methods for weaving bunches and leaves have been described above.

    Weaving "Snow" for rowan

    Now we will dwell in more detail on how to make “snow”.

    We take a wire of a transparent color and collect transparent and white beads in any order. Then we create a loop by folding it twice and take on the next one. You need to calculate so that there is enough wire for about seven loops. We make brushes from the prepared blanks and twist them together with our “snow”. Next, we take thickened wire and attach the bunches with nylon thread. We make the trunk frame using the previously chosen method and try to fix the larger branches well enough. Now we place our product in a pot. We can prepare alabaster or cement mortar. To prepare an alabaster solution, take water and alabaster 1:1.

    Having secured and installed the products, pour the mixture into the pot and hold the tree until the alabaster hardens. Further, if the branches and trunk are made of threads on wire and glue, then you can lubricate them with a solution of alabaster, PVA and water (1:1:1). You need to start with the branches. Paint it brown acrylic paint. We design the base to your liking. We cover it with paint or a layer of PVA and sprinkle it with beads or crushed foam. If desired, we coat the necessary places with varnish. So, we created a winter rowan under the snow.

    Detailed video for beginners in weaving