Entertainment in the senior group on fgos. Entertainment in the senior group "travel to the country of fairy tales". “Dad and I are Best Friends”

Entertainment scenario for children of the senior group "Travel to the country of Tsvetlandiya"

I offer a compendium of entertainment on the Fine Arts "Travel to the Country of Tsvetlandiya", for children of the older group. This work will be interesting to teachers of preschool institutions, instructors and activities in preschool educational institutions.

Entertainment for children 5-6 years old “Travel to the country of Tsvetlandii”

Entertainment for older children

Goal:  maintain children's interest in the visual arts. To consolidate knowledge about the colors of the main and derivatives, the arrangement of colors in the spectrum. Introduce the history of pencils.
Tasks: To expand knowledge of the history of the appearance of pencils.
  Continue to develop children's interest in visual activity.
  Continue to develop the ability to express your impressions in speech, to express aesthetic judgments.
To shape children's creativity.

Material and equipment: a split picture with a picture of a Pencil; cardboard circles according to the colors of the rainbow; multi-colored satin ribbons; illustrations "with a catch" to children's fairy tales. Pencil costume - nose pencil, beret, cape, bow and palette.
Course progress:
Educator  : You guys go through.
  Look at each other.
  Say hello
  Smile all a little.
  (In the group, children find an envelope containing an image of the artist Pencil cut into several parts).
Educator.Who is this letter from? There are some colored pieces in the envelope ... What should I do with them? (I encourage the children to act independently. Having collected the picture, the children will recognize the Pencil artist).
  To the fun music comes Pencil.
Pencil.  Hello guys. I am very happy to be in your kindergarten.
  I want to invite you on a trip to the magical land of color and color called Tsvetlandiya. Do you agree?

Children.  Yes!

Pencil.  Magic wand
  I have friends!
  I wave this wand
  And instantly we will appear in Tsvetlandiya magical!
  And now I want to introduce the inhabitants of this country, but they are hidden in riddles. Guess riddles - and guesses appear.
  (color puzzles)
  He revolts all bulls,
  It’s forbidden to go further
  Along with blood flows in us
  Cheeks to all liars bakes!

He is in the egg and in the chicken,
  In the oil that lies in the oiler,
  In every ripe spikelet
  In the sun, in cheese and in the sand!

Color heavenly forget-me-not
  I have not forgotten for a minute.

Dressed up all the flowers
  Not one has not forgotten!
  (Three colored circles are laid out on the easel: red, yellow and blue)

Pencil.  You guessed riddles and saw riddles. And now begins the magic and transformation.
  I will take the main three colors.
  Colors guys - not easy it!
  After all, if you mix them friends,
  Get the color different always!

If red with yellow together
  We will get the color famous.
  This color is familiar to us children,
  The most delicious in the world!
  Warm, juicy and healthy.

  (an orange circle is laid out between red and yellow)

Pencil.Well done boys!
  If we mix yellow and blue,
  What color do we get?

Children.  Green!
  (a green circle is laid out between yellow and blue)
  Pencil. Red and blue are friends if,
  What color do we see?

Children.  Purple!
  (a purple circle is laid out.)

Pencil.  Do you guys look, and our colored circles do not remind you of anything?

Children.  A rainbow! Only we do not have blue!

Pencil.  How attentive you are! (A blue circle is displayed)

Educator.  Guys, tell Pencil how we remember the colors of the rainbow?

  Yes! Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.

  And now, guys, I suggest you play with our flowers.
  I will give you ribbons, and you, while the music is playing, should line up in the correct order. (the game "Stand in the rainbow" is held)
  Well done boys! How dexterous and fast you are! And now I offer the game for attention. I will give you pictures, but these are not simple pictures, but “pictures are tricks”
  (children are given pictures in which the artist made mistakes)

Educator.  Thank you Pencil for fun games.
  We also have a surprise for you. Our guys will read poems for you.

1 child.
  Blue sky,
  Blue shadows
  Blue rivers
  Dropped the ice.
  Blue snowdrop
  Spring resident
  On a blue hole
  Feel free to grow.
  (L. Yakhnin)

2 children.
  Black night black cat
  Jumped into the black chimney.
  Blackness in the chimney.
  Find the cat there.
3 children.
  White snow, white chalk
  The white hare is also white.
  But the squirrel is not white
  She wasn’t even white.
  (E. Izmailov)

Pencil.  Thank you guys for the poems!

Educator.  Thank you. Pencil for an interesting trip, but we have to go back to kindergarten.

Pencil.  Goodbye, guys!

Children.  Bye!
Educator.  You guys liked today's lesson! Then I ask you to draw your mood after class.



Educator Kazantseva I.A.


1. Theme evening  “Travel to the country of knowledge”

Purpose: Formation of motivational readiness of pupils for school, enrichment of children's knowledge about school.

2. Soap Bubble Festival

Goal: Creating a favorable emotional state in children

3. Physical leisure  “Forward to knowledge”

Purpose: improving motor skills of children, the development of speed, agility. Exercise while running a snake, rolling the ball. To develop independence and initiative.

4.Music entertainment  "Adventure in the clearing of knowledge"

Purpose: To expand the representation of children on public holidays, in the process of exploring musical works.

1. Visiting a Fairy Tale Quiz

Objectives: to find out what fairy tales and what fairy-tale heroes children know, to introduce new concepts to "folk" and "literary" tales, to identify the best connoisseurs of fairy tales;

2. Display of the table theater fairy tale  "Swan geese"

Purpose: to bring joy to children, to encourage children to actively participate in a theatrical play, to intensify children's speech, to develop imagination;

3.Music leisure: “Visiting Autumn”

Goal:   Add fun to children, create a joyful mood and positive mood, through songs, dances.

4. Physical leisure: “Autumn has come to visit us”

Objectives: To foster a healthy attitude. To consolidate skills in overcoming various obstacles. Exercise while running. Exercise in the development of agility. Develop group cohesion. To develop the ability to perform movements to music.

1. An evening of mysteries."I will guess a riddle - you guess a riddle"

Purpose: to continue to expand and enrich children's knowledge of surrounding objects, to develop logical thinking, the ability to guess riddles and justify their answer.

2.Display  n astolsky theater for kids"The goat who learned to count"

Purpose: Purpose: to bring joy to children, to encourage children to actively participate in a theatrical play, to intensify children's speech.

3.   Sports activities   "Long live the run!"

Purpose: to form a conscious attitude to your health, to raise a desire to take care of your health, to cause an emotional response in children in the process of entertainment, the desire to participate in it.

4.Musical leisure  "Autumn leaf fall"

goal .   Enrich artistic ideas about autumn, create a joyful mood in children in the process of listening, performing songs, dancing.

1.Theme evening  "Hello Winter Winter"

Purpose: To continue to acquaint children with the work of Russian poets, writers, artists who sing the beauty of winter nature

2.Art  "Decorate our Christmas tree"

Purpose: Expansion and systematization of children's knowledge about the traditions of the New Year holiday, the history of the occurrence of Christmas decorations, the technology of its manufacture.

3. Sports activities  "In search of the Christmas tree"

Objectives: To increase the interest of children in physical exercises through play activities, to promote through the motor-play activities the emotional development of the child.

4. Christmas tree party  "Winter's Tale"

Purpose: To amuse, amuse children, continue to teach children to get used to the game situation.

1. Literary evening  "How to celebrate the New Year in other countries"

Goal: Enrich ideas about the celebration of the New Year, about the symbols and traditions of the holiday in other countries;

2. Sports activities  "Naughty balls »

Objectives: To foster a sense of friendship, the ability to play in a team, stimulate children's activity, ensure emotional well-being, instill interest and love for physical education and sports.

3. Musical leisure  "Journey through the cartoons"

Goal: Recall songs from your favorite cartoons.

1.Theme evening  “Kindness rules the world”

Goal: The education of friendly relations between children, to form such qualities as empathy, responsiveness, justice, modesty, collectivism.

2. Viewing informative cartoons“Three heroes”, “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmey”

Purpose: To create a joyful mood in children; to develop curiosity, interest in the environment.

3. Sports activities « "Aty-bats"

Objectives: To promote the health of preschoolers, attract children to physical education and sports, improve motor skills, increase the emotional mood of children, and instill a sense of patriotism.

4. Sports and musical leisure "In a healthy body, healthy mind"

Purpose: To strengthen the desire to take care of your health, lead an active lifestyle, through music games, dances, songs.

Goal: Creating a festive atmosphere, positive emotional background.

2. Theme evening  “All professions are important, all professions are needed”

Purpose: to expand the cognitive interest in professions; Respect and value each profession build respect for the work of adults of different professions.

3. Sports activities  "Young athletes"

Objectives: To create a cheerful, joyful mood; strengthen children's health through exercise and outdoor games; to cultivate friendly feelings, the ability to perform physical exercises in a team.

4.Musical quiz “So nature conceived so that the weather was different”

Purpose: To cultivate a love of nature through listening to music.

1. Musical leisure  “Smile, kids! Ha ha ha! ”

Purpose: The development of a positive sense of self associated with a state of emancipation, self-confidence.

2. Theme evening  “Towards the Stars with Squirrel and Arrow”

Purpose: The formation in children of ideas about outer space, the solar system and its planets, space exploration by people.

3.Watching educational films “This mysterious world is space »

Purpose: To develop interest in the scientific knowledge of social reality .. 4. Sports activities  "Young astronauts"

Purpose: To develop physical qualities: endurance, speed, reaction force; to interconnect the physical education of children between kindergarten and family.

1.Music quiz  "Day of music"

Purpose: To activate and enrich the musical culture of children.

2. Sports activities  "Victory Day"

Purpose: To form a steady interest in the implementation of physical exercises, to develop basic physical qualities. To educate purposefulness, perseverance and a sense of camaraderie during collective relay races.

3.Crayon drawing on asphalt  "Colorful crayons"

Goal: Creating a favorable, emotional, joyful mood in children

4.Prom "How big we have become."

  Scenario of the open event “Visiting Fairy Tales” in the senior group

Open event on the topic

"IN visiting Fairy Tales"

(senior group)

Event  prepared by the educator Smirnova Victoria Viktorovna.

goal: The development of the emotional sphere of the child and the formation of positive relationships in a peer team.


Deepen, expand and consolidate children's knowledge about fairy tales, replenish vocabulary, remembering friends fairy tales.

Develop attention, memory, observation, thinking.

Develop the ability to perform various game tasks.

Develop communication skills, the ability to communicate with adults and peers.

Develop a desire in children to help fairy tale characters, overcome obstacles.

To bring up courage, resourcefulness.

To educate the ability to coordinate their actions with partners.

Educational integration areas of: "physical development", "Cognitive development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development", "Speech development".

Preliminary work:

1. Reading and storytelling  Russian folk and copyright fairy tales: "Princess Frog", "By magic", "Swan geese"  and etc. ; A.S. Pushkin « The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish» ; Eduard Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and his friends”; Pinocchio  A. N. Tolstoy; Anatoly Reznikov "The Adventures of Leopold the Cat"; Charles Perrault "Red Riding Hood", "Cinderella", "Sleeping Beauty"; G. H. Andersen "The Snow Queen", "Thumbelina"; Astrid Lingren "Baby and Carlson"; Alana Alexandra Milna "Winnie the Pooh"  and etc.

2. Consideration of illustrations for fairy tales.

3. View animated of films: « The Tale of Tsar Saltan»   (A.S. Pushkin, "The Little Humpbacked Horse" (P.P. Ershov).

4. Quiz "Guess a fairy tale» .

5. Conducting a didactic game "IN visiting a fairy tale» .

6. Reading and learning sayings about good and friendship.

7. Consultation for parents "Value fairy tales in human life» .

Using music escorts: melody and song Y. Kim, music. V. Dashkevich “Come to guests to us(IN visiting a fairy tale) ».

Surprise moment: the appearance of Baba Yaga.

Equipment: massage ball, ball of yellow thread, basket for hints, basket with plot pictures, didactic game envelopes "Find Heroes fairy tales» , pictures on magnets for a didactic game "Find a couple fairytale hero»   a letter in the form of a flower, boxes with beads, pictures of apples with tasks, a cardboard chain and a castle, a hut, emblems of participants in the lesson.

Event progress

Psychological game "Hello Sunshine"

Hello guys! I am glad to see you. Let's start our lesson with a greeting and play a game "Hello Sunshine".

And who knows what the word means "Hello"? (children's answers)

Right when people say "Hello", so they wish each other health. And today we will say hello in an unusual way. I have a ball in my hands, it’s not simple, but magic, it’s hidden in it "Sun beam". We will pass each other a ball so that our ray does not go out and speak "Hello Sunshine"  - that is, we wish you health. (ball with flashing light).

(the teacher begins to pass the ball with the words)

Hello Sunshine!

I give you a piece

The sun's bright light

I want to wish very much -

Be healthy you, my friend!

(children pass the ball and greet each other).

So we greeted each other, wished each other good health. Everyone was pleased.

Guys, I suggest you sit in a circle. In my hands "magic"  glomerulus. We will use it to determine what kind of mood we have today.

(children throw the glomerulus in a circle - a pattern is obtained).

Look, what a wonderful pattern we got, and which one? (children's answers). May we have the same joyful and cheerful mood today.

Music sounds "IN visiting a fairy tale» .

Guys, listen to such expressions and tell me in which works they meet: Once upon a time, there were; In a certain kingdom, in a certain state; A long time ago; And I was there, honey, drinking beer.

(children's answers).

Right guys, these expressions are found in fairy tales.

And who knows what to us tell tales?

(children's answers).

Right, fairy tales tell about unusualwonderful, magical and they happen different: folk and copyright.

Guys what do you think why fairy tales are called folk(children's answers). Fairy tales  passed from one person to another. therefore fairy tales  relate to oral folk art.

Knock on the door. The postman brought a letter.

Guys, the postman brought us an unusual letter. Look how strange it is, written on a flower.

"Hello guys groups"Clever and clever"!

I know that you are very friendly and brave.

Tricked me into her dense forest

Baba Yaga. She wants me to become her assistant, but fairy talein which I am the main character can disappear without me. Please help me return to your a fairy taleto save it so that children can read it. You have a long road ahead, through the forest, to the hut of Baba Yaga, but you are not afraid of anything, your knowledge and good mood will help you cope with all the difficulties. I left you hints. You will easily recognize them - these are image envelopes "Have a good mood". Each envelope has one hintbut Baba Yaga bewitched them, and in order to find them you need to complete her tasks. After each correctly completed task you will find the treasured envelope, but open  these envelopes can only be in the hut of Baba Yaga, from them you will recognize my a fairy tale and me. I will be looking forward to you, bon voyage! ”

Guys, what do you think, and what kind of woman is Baba Yaga?

(children's answers).

Then we hit the road immediately to rescue the unknown heroine from trouble. But, so as not to get lost in the dark and dense forest, let's put on these magical emblems of good mood (funny emoticons). These emblems are not simple, look, they are different, but how do they differ?

(children's answers).

That's right, they have a different number of emoticons - from 1 to 10, exactly as many as you people and in order to hit the road we need to get in order and keep up, one after another. And to fold hints  we will take a basket.

Ready? Then go! To get into a fairy talelet's say magic the words:

One, two, three, four, five,

We begin to conjure

Close the eyes tightly,

Friendly in we get a fairy tale!

Task number 1. (on the picture board - D / and "Find a couple fairytale hero» ).

Guys, look at the thick branches here. shrubs. Let's see what is behind them. (children push the simulated branches bush and find pictures fabulous heroes and magic items). What do you think we need to do? (children's answers).

Right, you need to find fairytale hero couple. But there is one condition, you see such badges as your emblems. This means that each of you, in order, and not all at once, will carry out this task, be careful.

(children complete the task, commenting on the choice).

Well done! You all coped with Baba Yaga’s first assignment. Now you need to find the envelope with hint. (children are looking for an envelope with a funny emoticon). Found it! (put hint in the basket)   Then we go further.

Task number 2. (on the table are 3 pictures from three different fairy tales, in the basket the remaining pictures).

Guys, look, some kind of basket, but what's in it? (children's answers). That's right, there are pictures from different fairy tales  and they are all mixed up.

Are there any other pictures on the table? (children's answers). You guessed which fairy tales they? (children's answers).

What do you think we need to do? (children's answers).

That's right, you need to compose from plot pictures fairy tales.

(children from plot pictures make up three fairy tales) .

Well done, you all very quickly and accurately completed this task!

And now we are looking hint(children seek and find hintput in a basket)

Guys, how much do we have hints? (children's answers).

Now let's take a little rest (physical minute):

We kicked the top top

We clap clap hands!

We are eyes moment to moment

We shouldered chick-chick!

One-two, one-two

We should go now!

One - here, two - there,

Turn around you.

One - crouched, two - got up

Hands to the top all raised.

Well, rested, and now on the road.

Task number 3. (apple tree with apples, oven, river; on apples tasks).

Guys, look, what is this tree in front? (children's answers)

That's right, it's an apple tree! Near it are some objects, and from which they fairy tales? (children's answers)

Well done, this russian folk tale"Swan geese". And on the apple tree, the apples are unusual - magical, something is written on them, strange names. Let me read them to you.

1) In this a fairy tale  live brother Diva and sister Gulenushka (Alyonushka and Ivanushka).

2) What is the name of bosom enemies of Ivan Tsarevich? Serpent Plains and Koschei Fearless? (Serpent Gorynych and Koschey the Immortal).

3) But this one a fairy tale you know? Called "Princess Turkey" (Princess Frog).

4) I strongly advise you to listen a fairy taleSivka Booth (Sivka Burka).

5) And here is another fairy tale“Striped chicken”. (Chicken Ryaba)

6) And this is my favorite fairy tale"Yellow Riding Hood"wrong? (Red Riding Hood).

7) is in fairy country girlThey call her Vasilisa Ugly! (Lovely)

Well done guys, you completed the task correctly, you not only know the heroes and correctly call them. Let's find faster hint  and go further on the road. (children are looking promptfind and put in the basket)

Task number 4. (D / and "Find Heroes fairy tales» ; two large envelopes with the emblems of players on them; in envelopes pictures tales and heroes).

Guys, to complete this task you will be divided into two teams (players are indicated on envelopes). The envelopes are pictures fairy tales, You need to find out of many heroes, only the heroes of these fairy tales  and place them in the cells in the picture. (children complete the task).

Well done! You have completed the task. Friendship won. Let's find hint  and go further (children find hint  and put it in the basket).

Task number 5. ( open up  the castle in front of the hut of Baba Yaga using keys from beads)

Guys, here we are with you and got to the hut of Baba Yaga

We can’t get to the hut

Here is a barrier on the way

But we can pass it

If together we all add up

By the magic key.

Castle open for us

And to the hut the same hour

We all get together

And we will save the heroine.

Guys, look, what’s under the Christmas tree, some presents. No, these are boxes with beads. You see that on each box there is an emblem, the same as yours, find your box, take out the beads and put out the key. (children from the beads lay out the key)

Well done! What wonderful keys you got, now we can get into the hut of Baba Yaga.

(find hint; opens  improvised castle; children come to the hut, knock)

Something Nobody Us opens upprobably no one is home. I’ll go and have a look, but for now you’ll get out of the basket hints and identifywhat is this a fairy tale and what kind of heroine, which we went in search of. (the teacher leaves the hut, puts on a mask of Baba Yaga and a scarf, in this way goes to the children)

Who are you, why have you come to me? (children's answers)

Who are you looking for? (children's answers)  And from which fairy tales? (children's answers)

Here you have a pot and a seed, grow your own Thumbelina for yourself, and which I don’t let go, I need it myself. (children ask to let go)

I see that you children are very friendly, I have completed all my tasks, a lot you know talesI also want a secret for you open  - I have long let go of Thumbelina, I was scared, I thought that you were angry and naughty, you know nothing and do not know how. For your courage, resourcefulness and friendship, I give you a book with fairy talesbut with difficult fairy tales - these are my fairy tales -« Tales of Baba Yaga» I wrote them myself, they are kind and instructive. (children thank Babu Yag).

Oh, I completely forgot that Thumbelina asked you to convey something - a photo and gifts, She asked you to thank you for your kindness and courage (Baba Yaga gives gifts to children). Goodbye guys, we’ll see you more than once. Read and love fairy tales. (children say goodbye to Baba Yaga)

(teacher returns)

Guys, I was looking, I was looking for Baba Yaga, but I never found. I see you have a lot of gifts, but where are they from? (children's answers).

You see, good always conquers evil, and this is not only in fairy tales happenbut in our life miracles also occur. And we have to go back to our the group. Let's say magic the words:

One, two, three, four, five,

We begin to conjure

Close the eyes tightly,

Friendly in we get a group!

(music sounds)

(children sit on chairs)

Guys, please tell me, where have we been today? (children's answers)  Whom have you saved? From what fairy tales heroine? (children's answers)  What are we being taught fairy tales? (children's answers)

You are all great fellows. Keep getting to know fairy tales and rememberthat good always triumphs over evil.

  Regina Yakimova
  The long-term plan of leisure and entertainment in the senior group for the year



“Farewell to the summer. Congratulations to the summer birthday



Tatyana Diaghileva

Summarize the idea of \u200b\u200bsummer. Create will put. emotional mood. Nurture friendships between children.


“It’s not easy to be a pedestrian”



Svetlana Kolchenko

To consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road. Develop attention, speed of reaction, coordination of movements.


"Journey to Kuklandia"

Musical and educational


Encourage the desire to improvise. Develop visual memory, perseverance, imaginative thinking. Rep. ability to listen to other children.

Fruit. Garden.

Entertainment staging based on the tale of V. Suteev “Bag of apples”


To create a joyful mood, to cultivate friendly relations, a desire to participate in theatricalization.


Vegetables. Garden.

"Riddles in the garden"

Cognitive leisure


Yakimova Regina

Build knowledge about vegetables. Create a positive emotional atmosphere, entertain and amuse children.

Mushrooms. Berries

V. Suteeva "Under the mushroom"

Dramatization of a fairy tale

To develop artistic talent, to learn to relax, not to be afraid to speak to the public.

Golden autumn. Forest.

"Autumn Walk"

Fun game

Learning by playing online school

Scenario number 21

Create conditions for psychological comfort. To develop the creative abilities of children.

Birds in the fall.

"Happy tourists"



Promote the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. To bring children the joy of participating in the “campaign”.


Clothing. Footwear.

Fairy tale "Rukavichka"

Table Theater in Spanish children

To teach children to depict the characteristic features of the behavior of the characters, to educate the ability to act in concert.

Beasts in the fall.

“How animals prepared for winter”



Larisa Polonskaya

Attract to active participation in games, competitions. To improve physical qualities


“Visiting Grandma Fedora”

puppet show


Vlaskina Alyona

To develop the ability to build a line of behavior in roles using hand-made attributes.


"The holiday of the Russian stove"

Cognitively entertain


Natalya Fedorinina


"Queen of Name Day"



Regina Yakimova

To create an elevated, joyful mood in children. Arouse the desire to actively participate in games and competitions.



"Journey to the land of fairy tales"

Pos. –– entertain.

Flash drive abstract

To develop speech, resourcefulness, quick wit. To instill partnership skills in group work.

Wintering birds

"Letter from Lesovichka"

competition program


Abanina Anna

To consolidate knowledge about wintering birds, their lifestyle in winter. To develop speech, the ability to act on a signal.

Winter fun

"Winter Fun"

sports relay


Tatyana Petrova

To develop agility, strength, endurance; to cultivate endurance, mutual assistance, give children the joy of communicating with each other.

Christmas tree

"New Year's concert for dolls"

Musical and literary improvisation

To develop artistic abilities, solo singing skills. Promote self-reliance.



The Snow Queen"

Quest game

"Holiday with your own hands" Scenario No. 31

Attract to active participation in collective games. Create an upbeat, joyful mood in children


Holiday outdoor games on the theme of the week.


Develop agility, ability to act on a signal. Form a positive attitude towards outdoor games.





Ovchinnikova Elena

Consolidate children's knowledge of pets; bring up a careful, attentive attitude to nature and others.


Forest animals

Mathematical leisure according to the tale "Gingerbread Man"



Clarify children's knowledge of numbers, numbers and geometric shapes. To nurture the desire to provide assistance to those who need it.

Animals of the North


watching a movie

To contribute to the formation of an emotional attitude towards the cartoon characters.

Military professions

“Dad and I are Best Friends”



Corned beef Julia

To promote the development of physical qualities, the ability to act collectively. Create a favorable emotional background.

A family

Winter birthday guests visiting Maslenitsa



Timus Catherine

Introduce the rites and customs of the Russian people. Create conditions for motor activity of children.


Mom professions

"Red Riding Hood"


Belichenko Lilia

Maintaining interest in theatrical play. Development of creative abilities of children.

Early spring

Quiz "Spring is knocking on the windows"


Flash drive abstract

To consolidate the knowledge of spring will. To form curiosity and logical thinking, to train memory.

Transport. Professions.

"Four forces"


DIY Holiday Scenario 15

To foster a respect for nature and the environment. Arouse the desire to actively participate in games.

Urban transport. Town.

"Faster, higher, stronger"



Belkina Elena

To acquaint with sports games with the elements of competition, with relay games. Develop speed, endurance, agility.



"Evening of tricks"



Elena Smelyanskaya

Develop imagination, fantasy, sense of humor. To build confidence in your abilities and abilities.

Trees in the spring.


Quest game

Learning by playing online school

Build space knowledge. Continue learning to work in a team. Raise the ability to listen and hear other children.

Birds in the spring.

Musical rhythms

A selection of games by Natalia Chistokletova To develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to convey the nature of music through movement. To develop the creative abilities of children.

The country. Homeland.

"Russia is my homeland"



Novak Svetlana

Attach to the origins of game folklore. Promote the cohesion of children in a team. To foster love for the motherland.

Victory Day.

"Victory Day"


Poyarkova Irina

Promote the cognitive development of children. To instill a sense of pride in their homeland, patriotism.


"Flower Day"

Game program


Berezkina Svetlana

To consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe diversity of the world of flowers. Continue to develop skills of environmentally sound behavior in nature.


"My funny, clear ball"

Sports entertainment


Baranchukova Maria

Attract to active participation in collective games, competitions. Improve children's skills in ball games.

Seasons. Summer.

"Soap Bubble Festival"

Spring Birthday Day


Valentina Kovalchuk

To create an elevated, joyful mood in children. Developing the need to exercise is positive. Emotions during physical activity.