Deep cat scratches how to treat. Feline scratch disease - felinosis. Why are scratches dangerous?

Pathogens can cause both poisoning of the body and release their toxins (endotoxins) during the destruction of their bodies. The incubation period is the period from the time of infection to the onset of the first symptoms of the disease. It can last several hours or even several years.

The list of symptoms of the disease "scratches":

  • swelling of the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin,
  • prolonged wound healing, inflammation, suppuration,
  • swollen lymph nodes closest to the site of infection.

In children, the disease can be accompanied by weakness, lethargy, increased drowsiness and lack of appetite. If untreated, the disease may worsen: fever for 1-2 months.

In the treatment of this disease, they often use proven folk remedies. The complex requires bed rest and a relaxed atmosphere, compresses are also applied to the site of inflammation of the lymph nodes. It must be remembered that the permissible temperature for the disease is 37 degrees, if the temperature is higher, drugs should be used (only after consulting a specialist) to lower it.

During treatment, they mainly use juices of various herbs, resin of trees, or special powders. It must be remembered that a healthy immune system is an important factor in the fight against the disease.

Treatment with alternative medicine.


Celandine juice should be taken in the form of drops. For children - up to 5 drops of juice, for adults - up to 20 drops. For greater effect, it is recommended to dilute with warm milk.


Calendula juice must be taken every day after meals. It has a good disinfecting effect and accelerates the healing process of the wound.


Nettle juice treat wounds. Nettle juice compresses are a rather effective treatment: compresses should be changed as often as possible - every couple of hours, the number of wound treatments with nettle juice compresses should reach ten to fifteen times during the day.


Yarrow juice is used in the treatment of damaged skin. It accelerates the healing process, can stop bleeding and significantly reduce inflammation in the wounds, helps prevent the formation of pus in the wounds.


Plantain juice has long been known as a good anti-inflammatory agent. May significantly reduce wound suppuration and relieve pain. A gauze dressing must be thoroughly saturated with juice and then applied to the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. The dressing must be changed three to four times a day.


Lungwort juice also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Used as compresses. Change the compress two to three times a day.

Raincoat mushroom.

As a powder for wounds, a crushed mushroom is used. When maturing, spores can reduce the suppuration of wounds and stop bleeding, the healing process of the wound with the use of powder from the sprinkler mushroom is significantly accelerated.

Resins of fir, pine, cedar and spruce.

Treatment of the disease with resin is carried out daily. She lubricates the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. The course lasts several days until the condition improves and the wound healing process is noticeable. This method of treatment was considered very effective in ancient times.

Bee Honey.

When xeroform is added to bee honey, we get a healing ointment. She needs to lubricate the wounds several times a day until swelling and redness passes. This method of treatment is also effective for other possible injuries or cuts to the skin.

Lard, beeswax and resin trees.

The prescription for the treatment of the disease from these components was very popular among our ancestors in the conditions when there were no drugs. All ingredients must be mixed, add a small amount of water and cook over low heat. When the mixture boils, a film will appear on the surface, which must be carefully removed. It is necessary to boil for several minutes, after which the broth should cool. It can be used not only for the above disease, but also for any other skin lesions.

Fish fat.

Fish oil, like bee honey, when mixed with xeroform is a potent healing ointment. It is also used to lubricate damaged skin areas. These ointments are quite effective, even with prolonged unsuccessful treatment of this disease.

At first glance, the disease seems quite simple and not dangerous, but do not let everything go by its own accord. Very dangerous complications can occur: inflammation of the lymph nodes, disorder or damage to the central nervous system of the body, an increase in the size of the liver. All these complications can lead to undesirable consequences for human health.


Cats are one of the most beloved pets in both children and adults. Due to the fact that cats are animals that are in close contact with people, their disappearance from everyday life is impossible. As a disease prevention, you can resort to a correct and accessible explanation of the causes of the disease for children, warnings about dangerous games with animals, which can lead to scratches, and subsequently to the disease. It must be remembered that upon receipt of scratches, it is necessary to immediately treat the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin with an antiseptic, then carefully wash it with a copious amount of warm soapy water and repeat the treatment of the wound.

Scratches are a common thing for almost every cat owner. Usually they heal quickly and they are forgotten almost immediately. But what to do if a cat scratched and a swollen arm, and before this did not happen. Is it dangerous and how to help yourself in such a situation?

Possible consequences

At first glance, scratches do not pose any danger. Indeed, in most cases, they do not cause trouble, with the exception of an external defect. It is quite difficult to avoid scratches with constant contact and active games with your pet.

But cat claw scratches can be dangerous. There is a disease called cat scratch fever, or felinosis. It appears due to bites or scratches of cats. And if the arm swollen after the cat scratched, then it is highly likely that you are faced with this particular disease.

The main symptoms of cat scratch fever:

  • tissue redness;
  • swelling of the injured place;
  • bubbles with fluid on the surface of the wound and near it;
  • swollen lymph nodes (closely spaced);
  • increased weakness, drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • fever.

Symptoms may not begin to appear immediately after infection. The first signs may occur 3 days after scratching. In some cases, more than a month may elapse from the moment of injury to the onset of the disease. Therefore, often a person may not see the relationship between the onset of poor health and the incident with the cat.

In most cases, the prognosis of cure is favorable. But, in about 2% of those infected, complications can occur. Therefore, it is important to monitor changes in well-being after the cat has scratched, and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Cause for concern

Cats quite often can severely scratch or bite their owners during games. This becomes an almost familiar part of communicating with your pet. Most often, hands and fingers suffer, less often - legs and torso.

Closer attention to the scratch caused should be given if:

  • street cat scratched;
  • an unvaccinated cat scratched;
  • bleeding does not stop for more than 10 minutes;
  • the wound site hurts, blood, pus, and a blood tree stand out from it;
  • bubbles appear in the area of \u200b\u200bscratches;
  • the skin around the scratch is swollen and reddened;
  • temperature rises;
  • weakness appears;
  • lymph nodes are enlarged.

What you should not do

If a cat scratched or bit you, then you can provide yourself the first necessary help yourself. But you must not overdo it, as some actions can only aggravate the condition. For healing to pass quickly and without consequences, remember that:

  • No need to quickly stop the bleeding. With the first drops of blood, infection can potentially come out and inflammation can be avoided.
  • There is no need to apply a tight dressing, and the wound site should not be covered with dressings. This increases the likelihood of inflammation and suppuration.
  • No need to independently remove the appeared puffiness. A swelling of the tissues indicates a high probability of developing an infection in the place where the cat scratched you. Postponing seeking medical attention may lead to the need for serious medical intervention.

First aid and treatment

To prevent infection, and the hand subsequently does not swell, first aid measures must be taken.

As soon as the cat scratched you need:

  • Rinse the wound with plain water, preferably using ordinary or laundry soap.
  • Treat the scratch with a disinfectant (alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine).
  • Treat the wound with an antibacterial or healing agent (cream, ointment).
  • Apply a light dressing with a bandage. It should serve as protection against possible repeated injury, and should not be tight.

Within a few days, after the cat scratched, you need to monitor how the healing goes. In most cases, this happens quickly, and after just one or two days, the scratch heals almost completely. But if the hand is swollen and reddened, then you need to immediately seek medical help. This may indicate infection and the development of a pathological process. This condition must be treated in a timely manner.

Cat scratch disease is an infectious disease that begins to develop after a cat bites or scratches. After skin damage to the animals, suppuration is formed due to bacteria entering the wound. These harmful microorganisms can cause poisoning of the body, releasing toxins during the destruction of their bodies. The disease has an incubation period that can last several hours, and in some cases several years.

About cat scratch disease, treatment with folk remedies and pharmacy drugs, we’ll talk today with you on the website

The main symptoms of the disease

Cat scratch disease is manifested as follows: First, a swelling of the skin appears at the site of damage. The wound heals for a long time, inflammation of the damaged area appears, suppuration. Lymph nodes increase, which are closest to the site of damage.

In children, the disease is often accompanied by general weakness. The child becomes lethargic, constantly wants to sleep, his appetite disappears. If you do not take timely measures to treatment, your body temperature may rise and stay elevated for a long time.

Disease treatment

The disease, of course, can go away on its own, it can not be treated. Only in this case, it will bring you a lot of discomfort for 1-2 months. Also, this disease is dangerous for its possible complications. It is best to immediately take measures for treatment. Moreover, there is the opportunity to use modern effective pharmacy drugs, as well as proven folk remedies that can help you.

Immediately after you have been scratched, it is best to rinse the wound with alcohol, cologne and, after drying, grease with iodine, and preferably with green. When symptoms of the disease appear, compresses should be applied to the inflamed lymph nodes. It is better for the child to spend the day in bed, provide him with a calm atmosphere. You should know that usually with this disease the temperature can rise to 37 degrees. If the thermometer shows values \u200b\u200bmuch higher than permissible, take antipyretic drugs.

With a complication of the disease, a strong inflammatory process, high fever and other signs of an infectious lesion, you need to see a doctor. In this case, antibiotics are used for treatment. This is usually erythromycin - 500 mg daily. The use of doxycycline and gentamicin also gives good results. Lubricate the wound with Prednisolone ointment, it can also be bought at a pharmacy.

You need to know that most often the disease affects people who have a very low immunity. Therefore, along with the use of pharmacy drugs, use tools to increase immunity and overall body tone. Preparations for treatment should be prescribed by an infectious disease doctor.

Folk remedies

Cat scratch disease can also be successfully treated using proven folk remedies. They can be used in the usual, uncomplicated course of the disease, for the quickest healing of the wound, relieving inflammation, general malaise.

An effective folk remedy is freshly squeezed juice from fresh flowers. It has disinfecting properties, quickly heals skin lesions. Lubricate the wound with fresh juice. Celandine juice has the same properties. Tear off the plant, grease the wound with yellow juice.

An effective folk remedy is. It has a healing property. Lubricate it with a bite or scratch juice. Plant juice will eliminate inflammation, accelerate skin regeneration, stop bleeding. The juice of the plant will prevent the formation of pus.

If the disease must be treated in winter or when it is impossible to prepare fresh plant juice, you can use dried flowers, they can also be bought at any nearby pharmacy. Prepare the infusion: Pour 1 tbsp. l dry flowers 1 tbsp. boiling water, wait until the infusion has cooled. Strain, make lotions on the wound with it.

An excellent folk remedy for treating cat scratch disease. Lubricate the wound with fresh juice of the plant as often as possible. A thoroughly washed and well-wrinkled leaf of the plant can be applied to damaged skin. You can moisten the nettle juice with a small piece of the bandage, attach it to the wound. The compress should be changed up to 10 times per day.

A very old folk remedy is resin from fir trees, pine, spruce, cedar. Resin of these trees generously lubricate the bite or scratch site. Healing begins in a few days, the patient's condition improves significantly.

Try using a raincoat mushroom. Just use not a young mushroom, but with already ripe spores. They are inside the mushroom and look like powder. Sprinkle this wound several times a day. This folk remedy will help you get rid of inflammation very quickly.

Flush inflamed wounds with natural and fish oil. You need to mix them in equal amounts, add a little xeroform, mix everything thoroughly. Get a therapeutic ointment, which lubricates the wounds. This folk remedy has a high effect, especially when the disease lasts a long time, and other remedies did not bring the desired effect.

The disease is considered easy and not dangerous. Nevertheless, it is impossible to leave its development to chance. The disease must be treated by adults, and especially children. The fact is that the development of complications is possible. This is a lesion of the central nervous system, enlargement of the liver in size, inflammation of the lymph nodes. These diseases require a longer and more expensive treatment. So treat cat scratches under the supervision of a doctor. Be healthy!


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Update: October 2018

A cat is not only a source of tenderness and relieving bad mood in a natural way, without taking any herbs or pills. This relative of wild predators, especially being at a young age, can transmit felinosis, a cat scratch disease, through its bite or scratch. This disease has a long course, accompanied by inflammation, and sometimes suppuration of the lymph nodes near the scratched place. If at the time of infection the person’s immunity was not inhibited by the disease or drugs, the disease goes away without complications. Otherwise, complications from the liver, brain and spleen may occur.

About the causative agent of the disease

Felinosis is caused by a very unusual bacterium - Bartonella (Bartonella henselae). This is an intermediate form between a bacterium and a virus: in form it does not differ from a bacterium and even has a flagellum; destroyed by antibiotics. But, like a virus, it lives inside the cell and is grown not on nutrient media, but on living cells. Her "cousins," Rickettsia, are the causative agents of many diseases, including typhus, a pathology that occurs in some people with lice on their heads.

The name of the disease - felinosis - comes from the word "Felis", which in Latin means cats. The "name" of the bacterium - Bartonella Hensele - was given to her in honor of the microbiologist who discovered the microbe and described its properties, Diana Hansel.

How and from whom are they infected?

The bulk of Bartonella “lives” in the body of domestic and wild cats. Cat fleas carry the bacteria to each other, in the intestines of which the microbe lives up to 9 days. These insects are not dangerous to humans.

According to statistics, almost half of the cats in the blood find this pathogen, while the animals do not experience any symptoms of the disease, although they have been ill for several years. There is even an opinion that this bacterium inhabits the mouth of cats normally. They secrete a bacterium with urine and saliva, from where it falls on the paws of cats.

Therefore, you can become infected:

  • with an animal bite;
  • through cat claw damage;
  • through saliva in the eye (on the conjunctiva) or on damaged skin;
  • if the water / food that the cat drank gets on mucous membranes or injured skin;
  • if there was an injection with a fishing hook, a splinter or thorns of plants that got cat's saliva.

The most dangerous in terms of infectivity are kittens that are under 1 year old. Adult cats are a little less dangerous. But dogs, monkeys, and rodents can become a source of infection. You can even get infected by pricking with a hedgehog needle or bird feather.

It usually affects:

  • hands;
  • leg skin;
  • head;
  • face;
  • rarely eyes.

A person cannot infect a person. And in a person who has undergone felinosis, once the disease does not develop again. 5% of people are immune to felinosis (of which 25% are owners of domestic cats).

Some statistics

In temperate climates, they most often become infected from September to March (almost 2/3 of all cases). This is explained by the closer contact of a person with pets in the cold season. There is no seasonality in the tropics.

About 90% of cases are children and adolescents under 20 years of age. More often boys are ill. Family outbreaks rarely occur: usually only 1 child gets sick, although everyone played with the same kitten.

What increases the chance of a more severe course of felinosis

A person who has contacted Bartonella Hensele develops a severe or even atypical form of felinosis in the following situations:

  • there is a congenital pathology of the cellular component of immunity;
  • after a serious illness or operation;
  • when glucocorticoids are needed (for the treatment of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune hepatitis, psoriasis and so on);
  • after treatment with cytostatic drugs (cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine, azathioprine);
  • in persons who abuse alcohol;
  • in patients with diabetes;
  • in HIV-infected people.

In the latter case, felinosis is very difficult and prolonged; sometimes its manifestations are so atypical that they do not even think about this diagnosis.

How is the disease manifested?

For the first 3-10 days, a scratch or bite of a cat slowly heals, without causing any concern on the part of a person: it can hurt a little or sore, like a normal skin injury. This is an incubation period; the pathogen at this time overcomes the barriers of the integumentary tissue and multiplies. This period can be extended up to 3 weeks, then at the time the first symptoms of felinosis appear, skin injuries no longer exist.

After the time it took the microbe to penetrate and accumulate (3 days to 3 weeks, on average - 7-14 days), a rash appears on the spot where the scratch was or the crust remains from it. It looks like several knots the size of millet grain to peas, which do not itch or hurt.

After 2-3 days, the peak of the disease begins: such nodules suppurate and open themselves, after which they become crusty and can begin to scratch slightly (especially if the child is allergic). Within 1-3 weeks, the crusts dry and fall off, after which the place of the bite ceases to be noticeable: there are no scars or a darker area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. This means that Bartonella multiplied in sufficient quantity, overcame the local immunity of the skin area and got into the lymphatic channel.

After 10-14 days (less often - longer) from the moment the first nodules appear, the microbe is captured by regional lymph nodes - local filters that try not to let it go further.

If a hand beneath the elbow has been bitten, one or more groups of lymph nodes increase: ulnar, axillary, cervical. The order of appearance of lymphadenitis may be just this, but axillary nodes can immediately increase, and the elbow nodes remain unchanged. Also, starting from the axillary fossa, the lymph nodes will increase if the claws or teeth of the forearm or shoulder are damaged.

If a bite / scratch occurs on the leg, the lymph nodes in the femoral and inguinal area become inflamed. When scratching a face, the submandibular, anteroposterior or posterior ear groups may be the first to react; after which one or more lymph nodes from the cervical group increase.

Signs that say the lymph nodes are affected by felinosis:

  • lymph nodes gradually increase, reaching from 5 to 10 cm in diameter;
  • they are dense;
  • to feel them is painful;
  • the skin above them is not red, not hot to the touch;
  • lymph nodes can be displaced - they do not pull the skin along;
  • while increasing the entire group of nodes, probing them, you can "roll" them independently of each other: they are not soldered together.

The increase in lymph nodes is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of a person. The following symptoms appear:

  • fever, sometimes up to 39 ° C or higher;
  • headache;
  • malaise;
  • weakness;
  • bad sleep;
  • sweating
  • loss of appetite;
  • heartbeat.

The temperature does not rise at all to such high numbers: in some cases, it may be absent altogether. An increase in temperature lasts from a week to a month, the remaining symptoms gradually disappear within 2 weeks. Lymph nodes remain enlarged up to three months. In half the cases, they suppurate and can spontaneously open: then a thick yellow-green pus is released onto the surface, which, taken for bacteriological examination, does not show signs of a bacterial infection (as you remember, Bartonella does not grow on nutrient media).

At the same time, a reddish rash may appear on the skin of the body or limbs of a person, occupying large or smaller areas of the skin. It does not itch and does not hurt, disappears after a few days.

During a period of enlarged lymph nodes, the following can also be observed:

  • discomfort and pain in the right hypochondrium - this increases the liver, which is also a filter in the way of Bartonell, who had fallen into the blood at this point;
  • sensation of “needles” or discomfort in the left hypochondrium: this may cause an enlargement of the spleen, which can also be affected by felinosis. An increase in the liver and spleen can be detected by ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, without any symptoms;
  • heart pain, arrhythmias. These are signs of heart damage;
  • an increase in lymph nodes lying far from the place of infection.

The above symptoms of cat scratch disease occur in people whose immunity is not active enough and allows the infection to enter the bloodstream. In the same people who are called “immunocompromised” (those who received drugs that depress the immune system, suffer from diabetes mellitus, congenital immunodeficiency, HIV, chronic alcoholism), felinosis is completely atypical. In them, the infection can remain in the body forever, causing a chronic disease.

Usually, the disease ends in a month or a little less after the enlargement of the first lymph node: the temperature decreases, headache disappears, sleep and appetite are restored, the lymph nodes gradually decrease and become dense small "balls" that are not soldered together and the skin. Very rarely, with moderately weak immunity, felinosis can last 1-2 years, when its symptoms either subside or reappear.

Atypical forms of the disease

This term is called:

  1. a disease that occurs in response to a microbe not entering the skin, but to another place (for example, the conjunctiva of the eye);
  2. bartonellosis organ damage, characteristic only for people with "compromised" immunity.

Atypical forms are not complications of felinosis, this is a difficult, atypical current infection.

Eye damage

If the cat's saliva falls on the conjunctiva of the eye, it may develop:

  1. Conjunctivitis Parilo. In this case, only one eye suffers. It is red, swollen, it is difficult to open. It does not hurt, and nothing stands out from it. On examination, the optometrist will see nodules and ulcers on the conjunctiva.

Along with eye damage, the parotid lymph nodes are inflamed on the same side. The anterior head node is always affected: it grows to 5 cm or more, can suppurate and open, after which a scar forms. Submandibular and cervical lymph nodes may also increase. At the same time, the general condition worsens: weakness, palpitations appear, body temperature rises, sleep worsens.

  1. Neuroretinitis. At the same time, vision in one eye worsens. Well-being is not changed. Changes characteristic of felinosis are seen by an oculist upon examination.

Damage to the nervous system

If Bartonella enters the bloodstream, 2-3 weeks after inflammation of the regional lymph nodes, signs of damage to the nervous system may appear. This is a decrease in sensitivity only in the area of \u200b\u200bsocks and gloves, or spreading higher, it is a violation of the motor function of one or more limbs, and trembling, and a violation of coordination.

Felinosis can also cause seizures, inadequate behavior, impaired consciousness, facial paralysis.

Atypical forms of immune deficiency

In people whose immunity is greatly reduced, felinosis proceeds as a bacillary angiomatosis or pelic hepatitis.

Bacillary angiomatosis

This is the name of the pathology (it often develops only in HIV-infected people), when in response to the presence of bacteria of the genus Bartonella, vascular proliferation occurs.

Here, after damage by a cat's claw or teeth, an incubation period of several weeks or even months passes, that is, the wound heals. The cutaneous manifestations of the disease appear not in the place where the cat scratched, but in an arbitrary. The mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals, and larynx are also affected.

The disease begins with the fact that not small red nodules appear on the skin, but red or purple spots that do not protrude above it. Nodules appear later, against the background of these spots. Moreover, the nodes are not small, but large, up to 3 cm in diameter, painful, covered with red, inflamed skin. There may be several, separate, but there may be hundreds. Around each of them there is a “collar” of thin, eroded (reddish and oozing) epidermis.

The disease is accompanied by malaise, fever, weight loss. Other organs may be affected: liver, spleen, heart, central nervous system, muscles, bone marrow.

Bacillary angiomatosis proceeds in different ways: it can go away on its own, but it can - with severe damage to internal organs - lead to death.

Pelic hepatitis

In this case, cavities filled with blood form in the liver, due to which the liver tissue takes the form of a sponge. Symptoms of liver damage in feline scratch disease:

  • prolonged fever;
  • chills periodically arise;
  • the abdomen feels “puffed up”, which is associated with the accumulation of gases in it;
  • the skin takes on a pale yellow appearance;
  • bleeding gums;
  • hemorrhages associated with damage to the blood coagulation system may appear on the skin.


When bartonella, causing felinosis, is carried with blood to various internal organs, the following can occur:

  1. pleurisy;
  2. myocarditis;
  3. abscess of the spleen;
  4. osteomyelitis;
  5. arthritis;
  6. sARS.

Also, the bacterium can cause significant complications from the blood, consisting in the reduction of various blood cells:

  • platelets (trombicitopenic purpura);
  • red blood cells (hemolytic anemia);
  • eosinophilic white blood cells (eosinophilia);
  • white blood cells ().


An infectious disease specialist is involved in the treatment and diagnosis of felinosis. This specialist already in appearance will distinguish the disease of cat scratches from suppuration of the wound. So, if a cat scratches and swollen a hand, it is most likely (although it needs to be examined) infection of a wound with an ordinary (non-specific) flora: strepto- or staphylococci, proteins, maybe fungal flora. Such suppuration begins already on the second day after a scratch or bite, the site of damage is red, painful, a clear liquid may form from it, and later pus. With felinosis, the scratch heals, and already against the background of the crust or even without it, nodules appear in this place that do not fester, do not hurt and do not itch.

“Swelling” of a hand after a bite or scratch is, most likely, a description of phlegmon (purulent fusion of tissues) or, worse, anaerobic infection of the type. An urgent surgeon's help is needed here, most likely with hospitalization.

If a person begins to be bothered by an increase in lymph nodes, an infectious disease specialist consultation is necessary. Best of all, not a KIZ doctor, but a doctor at the admissions department of an infectious diseases hospital. There is less likelihood of infection of other patients, because such manifestations in the absence of nodules on the skin should be distinguished from HIV infection, lymphogranulomatosis, infectious mononucleosis, as well as such dangerous diseases as plague and tularemia.

Suspecting felinosis according to the medical history (contact with the cat, the appearance of nodules), the infectious disease specialist will help confirm the diagnosis using studies for which he needs tissue material either from the nodules, or from the abscess, or from the lymph node, for which the doctor must pierce the pathological element and take its contents on such types of research:

  1. by polymerase chain reaction (PCR): this is how particles of B. hanselae are detected and recognized. The analysis is performed by paid laboratories;
  2. histological: under the microscope, characteristic changes in tissues, as well as bacteria, are visible.

Serological tests also help in the diagnosis - the determination of antibodies to Bartonella. For this, reactions are performed under the name of either ELISA or RSK.

At 3-4 weeks of illness, you can conduct a skin allergy test by injecting a solution with Bartonella particles under the skin: in 90% of people with felinosis, redness and swelling in this place will be the answer. Such a study in children is not conducted.

A general blood test, in which the number of eosinophils is increased and ESR is accelerated, does not confirm the diagnosis, but allows us to conclude that the disease is severe. Determination of liver samples will help to find out if liver function is affected and how much, and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity will reveal an increase in the liver and / or spleen, which will give reason to adjust the regimen to half-bed (the spleen is a delicate organ, its capsule may be damaged with pronounced human activity).

Disease treatment

Felinosis is treated as follows: medications for systemic administration, compresses are prescribed, surgical treatment can be used.

A typical uncomplicated lesion of the heart, liver, spleen, nervous system can be treated at home. Other forms require hospitalization of a person.

Drug treatment


  • Antibiotics: doxycycline, erythromycin, tetracycline, ofloxacin, gentamicin, clarithromycin. They are used in the form of tablets, and with eye damage - also in the form of eye drops.
  • Anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs: ibuprofen, mefenamic acid.
  • Antihistamines: cetrin, L-cet, zodak, erius and others.
  • In severe cases, glucocorticoids can be prescribed: dexamethasone, prednisone.


It is recommended to apply compresses to the area of \u200b\u200binflamed lymph nodes. Take 1 part of dimethyl sulfoxide to 4 parts of water, soak gauze with this mixture, lay on the lymph node, lay polyethylene on top, and then fix with a bandage and insulate with a warm cloth.

Physiotherapeutic methods

UHF and diathermy affect the area of \u200b\u200binflamed lymph nodes.


If the affected lymph nodes are tense and painful, they are punctured for the purpose of drainage: so the pressure in the node decreases, which helps in stopping the pain process.

Cat scratch disease in children

Felinosis in children usually proceeds in the form of a typical form: a scratch from a cat's claw passes, in its place there are nodules that suppurate and open. After that, 1 or more nearby lymph nodes increase. The disease lasts about a month, can go away even without treatment.

An atypical form can develop in an HIV-infected child, a child who has had chemotherapy or organ transplantation. In this case, it is impossible to predict which organ or system will be affected. Symptoms of atypical forms in children are as described above.

Diagnosis in children is the same, punctate PCR is its main method.

Treatment is carried out with Sumamed at a dose of 10 mg / kg per day. From the age of 8, doxycycline or tetracycline can be used. Drugs such as ciprofloxacin or ofloxacin are allowed from 16-18 years.

Disease prognosis

In most cases, the disease ends with the complete disappearance of all symptoms. With timely treatment, even severe forms of pathology can be cured. The prognosis for damage to the nervous system is uncertain, as Bartonella is capable of causing irreversible changes in the brain.

Disease prevention

What to do if the cat scratched:

  1. wash the wound with laundry soap under running water;
  2. treat with 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  3. cauterize with alcohol or brilliant green.

Taking antibiotics is not effective at the same time. Treating cats as potential sources of infection is futile.

“I’m an avid catwoman, so it’s no wonder that my hands are constantly scratched. From them, as a rule, red and blue stripes remain for a long time. How can I get rid of them? ”
Daria Ivanyushkina, Vladivostok

Advises the infectious disease doctor of the city clinic number 81 in Moscow Tatyana Pavlovna Pyzhevich.

Cat scratches really heal long and painfully. And, of course, it is best to try not to bring the game with your favorite murka to that critical moment when she releases her claws.
But if such a thing did happen, the main thing - do not let things go by themselves. Scratch spots, however, like bites, should be immediately treated with a 2% hydrogen peroxide solution, and then with iodine or alcohol. However, these are traditional remedies, and they are needed in order to prevent infection. And in order to speed up the healing process and to make the unattractive red and blue stripes disappear faster, there are many modern tools that can be purchased at the pharmacy.
Miramistin, a drug based on myristic acid, has proven itself well. Many experts consider it one of the best antiseptics today, which can replace a good half of a home medicine cabinet. This is an excellent tool for the prevention of suppuration of wounds. In addition, it avoids antibiotics that many people don’t like, does not cause any allergic reactions, and therefore is suitable for children who are especially often affected by cat scratches and bites. Ask the pharmacist for a bottle with a green label - it is likely to be in any pharmacy.
There is another good drug - the so-called “Fat Emu”. It must be applied to the wounds in the morning and evening. Also, in the morning and in the evening, grease the scratches with colloidal silver. And if you combine these two products, the scratch marks will disappear even faster.
So, as you can see, getting rid of the consequences of imprudent games with pets is possible without much effort. The situation is much more serious if Murka brought you an infection. Here we are talking about the disease.
I’m sure that many, even inveterate cat-keepers not only do not have the slightest idea about her, but also have not heard of the name. Meanwhile, the disease has several names. This is benign lymphophoreticulosis, and non-bacterial lymphadenitis, and, finally, simply “cat scratch” disease - all this is one and the same.
The disease is quite serious, infectious. Its causative agent lives in the body of infected cats. Cats themselves do not get sick, and they infect humans - by scratching, biting, licking.
The disease of “cat scratch” can go away by itself, but it will cause you a lot of trouble a month or two, or even more. Better to take action right away.
To those funds that have already been named, you need to add antibiotics. Most often used erythromycin - 500 mg daily. Doxycycline and gentamicin give good results. It is noted that more often people with weakened immunity are susceptible to the disease, so it’s nice to take drugs that strengthen the immune system. The disease is also well treated with prednisone. However, it is best if one or another drug is prescribed to you by an infectious disease doctor.
Diseases of “cat scratch” can be avoided - it is enough to take the necessary preventive measures in a timely manner. Cats should undergo regular veterinary examinations. If you are sick, treat them as seriously as yourself. By the way, now experts are discussing the question: is it possible to immunize Murok and whether it is possible to interrupt the transmission of infection to humans. Preliminary data show that microbes in the blood of cats can safely “dwell” for several years, but a successful cure is quite possible - with the help of antimicrobial agents. But vaccinated cats are more sensitive to reinfestation.
One way or another, but the danger of “cat scratch” disease remains anyway. Therefore, even if you have been vaccinated with your cat, you should not lose your vigilance.

One of the first references to an ailment that a cute pussy is capable of giving a person is found in the legend of the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten. When a new darling appeared among his concubines, the lawful wife of the pharaoh, the beautiful Nefertiti, gave the stranger a kitten from her beloved cat. He turned out to be a burrow, loved to scratch. Beauty got sick. At first, the wrist scratches did not heal for a long time, then the abrasions turned red, swollen and festering. In the end, Pharaoh’s favorite left the world of the living. The palace was plunged in sorrow, and only the wise Nefertiti, stroking the kitten, smiled.