How to decorate the house for the new year. How to decorate a house for the New Year? We decorate the house for the New Year with our own hands

The time of miracles, magic, unexpected surprises and expected gifts is the New Year. Preparing for it gives you the opportunity to be a bit of a wizard. With your own hands, turn the house into a fairy-tale palace, the home of Mother Winter or the halls of the Snow Queen.

What is needed for this? Available materials, the desire to create, perseverance and patience, a rich imagination and a little ... New Year's magic. Preparations for the holiday begins, it's time to get to work!

Magical secrets and little tricks of home decoration for the New Year

Before you start decorating your home for the upcoming winter holidays, you need to think through all the details and little things. They create a unique charm and New Year's mood. No corner of the house should be forgotten.

Particular attention should be paid to the color scheme and the choice of a single style, idea. All elements of decoration should be in harmony with each other, create and maintain the chosen style, a special atmosphere of winter holidays.

Consider the interests and tastes of your household. They are different, you have to find compromises.

For kids' rooms, you can choose funny decorations, "settle" fairy-tale characters, heroes of New Year's cartoons to them. The bright colors will appeal to children.

The living room, where the whole family will gather at the New Year's table, should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable and cozy. For serving a festive table, napkins with themed pictures, a beautiful tablecloth, plates and glasses with New Year's ornaments will be appropriate.

Compositions of coniferous twigs, candles, cones will complement the table setting. Near the appliances you can put small surprises and gifts for your family and friends.

Citrus fruits can be used as candlesticks: lemons, oranges, tangerines.

The kitchen, where New Year's treats will be prepared, also deserves attention: gingerbread houses, compositions of tangerines and apples, bright poinsettia flowers.

Oriental aromas will fill the kitchen if festive candlesticks are made from cinnamon sticks.

The front door is where the homemade New Year fairy tale begins: traditional Christmas wreaths, twinkling garlands, animal figurines.

Decorating windows and window sills is back in vogue - movable modules, carved figures, paint drawings.

Involve your children, spouses, grandparents in the creativity. Creating New Year's compositions is a laborious task, extra hands will not hurt. Joint creativity will not only bring joy to everyone, but also unite the family, give the opportunity to all households to be together.

If you have never done needlework, do not despair - choose a simpler jewelry option. Mastery comes with practice. If you want to change the composition, peeped on the Internet, feel free to do it. A little improvisation, a little imagination - and you will get an author's decoration.

The most interesting spectacular and creative decorations can be made from simple and affordable materials: paper, cones, twigs, fabric, felt. Preparing for the holiday, making jewelry takes time. Don't put everything off until the last day. New Year's chores should bring joy.


The cut-out (vytynyanka) technique has been known for a very long time, but over the past few years it has been experiencing a rebirth. Cuttings are easy to make, the technique is quite simple. The result exceeds all expectations - frosty patterns bloom on window panes, characters of cartoons and fairy tales appear.

You can make modules from cut out figures. Volumetric snowflakes, lanterns, Christmas toys made of paper sway, turn from the slightest movement of air. You can cut out a whole city or a snow-covered forest from thick paper. Lighting brings the composition to life. I want to look into the windows or under the Christmas tree, to see who lives there. And come up with a magical New Year's fairy tale.

Lamps, lamps, floor lamps can become magical and change their appearance. Any pattern and plot can be cut out of paper. You can turn the most ordinary glass jar into a lamp.

Christmas-tree toys-cutouts with openwork patterns will decorate the New Year's beauty. Handmade toys create a special atmosphere.

Any New Year's picture you like can be turned into a template for cutting out on your own. To do this, you need to enlarge the picture using any graphic editor, transfer it to a worksheet using carbon paper. Utility knives work well for cutting. In order not to cut the table, use special rugs.

The advantages of cuttings are the availability of materials and the simplicity of the technique itself. To perform complex compositions will require patience and perseverance.

Christmas garlands

Garlands for home decoration are the most popular option. Shop-bought and self-made, electric and natural materials. Paper, fabric, tinsel and glass toys, traditional and original - the choice is huge.

With electric garlands, you can decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also the facade, windows of the house, stairs, entrance and room doors, and a mantelpiece.

Compositions with LED garlands are not difficult to create. Glass flowerpots of simple or complex shapes are suitable for them. Ordinary glass jars or bottles can be used to create original lamps. Experiments with the shape of cans and bottles, with color and light, give a great result.

Christmas tree from electric garlands? Unusual, but very beautiful. You can attach it using transparent tape or buttons with a wide hat.

The usual interior becomes mysterious, mysterious, when garlands are lit in the houses. The most ordinary things become magical. The lights, reflected in the old mirror, beckon to a New Year's fairy tale.

The most ordinary garland can be made original. A little imagination, glass Christmas balls - and the decoration for the windows is ready.

LED garlands go well with paper or fabric garlands. Made by hand, they fill the house with warmth and love. Ordinary paper snowflakes strung on a string turn a room into a winter home of Blizzard or Snowstorm.

Multi-colored Christmas trees, golden stars, white circles, snowmen, penguins, mittens, socks - any New Year's figurines are suitable for a garland.

Fabric or felt garlands are plain, but so warm and homely. Christmas gingerbread and candies, gingerbread houses and a Christmas deer, a bearded Santa - making figures for a garland is easy. They can be voluminous and simple. Bright figurines made of felt will be an original decoration of the New Year's table or a good gift for guests.

The most creative New Year decorations are learned from natural materials. Apples, citrus fruits, nuts, cones - the basis for garlands.

There are a lot of variations of New Year's decor. Choose what will bring you and your loved ones joy, a sense of a magical holiday. Remember comfort and safety.

Unusual Christmas tree options

Who said that the Christmas tree in the house should be one? There are not many trees. Surprise your family and friends with handmade Christmas trees. Funny and elegant, small and not very. From what you can make an unusual Christmas tree: from books and cookies, pasta and paper, from pillows and logs, cones and Christmas tree tinsel.

The most "smart" Christmas tree will come from books. An option suitable for students is affordable and inexpensive, easy to make, quick to disassemble.

Multi-colored buttons of different diameters are needed to make a button Christmas tree. Buttons look like Christmas decorations - round, bright, shiny.

The coffee tree is the perfect decoration for the kitchen. Coffee beans will fill it with the aroma of roasted and freshly ground coffee.

A gingerbread tree is not only a decoration, but also a delicacy. You will have to cook it often if there are small and large sweet teeth in the house.

Unusual Christmas trees will not replace the beauties from the forest, but will complement the home interior. Come up with your own options for funny Christmas trees, create!

DIY home decorations for the New Year

From an old light bulb

For traditional or unusual Christmas trees, decorations and toys are needed. Let's make them with our own hands. To do this, we need old burnt out light bulbs, primer and acrylic paints, acrylic varnish, brushes, sponge.

We wipe the surface of the bulb with any degreasing solution.

Cover with primer. If not, paint twice

On top of the white base we make an inscription with blue paint. With a sponge, apply blue paint around the inscription, slightly shading it

The inscription is outlined in gold or silver outline

With a contour, we write out patterns on the surface of the light bulb - snowflakes, frosty patterns (you can first draw them with blue or blue paint)

When the paint and outline are dry, cover the toy with acrylic varnish. It will protect the toy from mechanical damage - scuffs and scratches.

Having tied a shiny thread to the plinth, we cover it with acrylic varnish

We create a New Year's mood for ourselves, and decorating a house for the New Year is the easiest way to give your monastery a fabulous, festive atmosphere. Ahead of 2018, which should be met especially brightly, colorfully and in a great mood. Start preparing now - a lot of great ideas are easy to implement with your own hands!

If in normal times not every one of us is engaged in needlework, decor, embroidery and origami, then in the pre-New Year period, everyone, without exception, decorates their home. Intricate crafts can be done together with the children by the whole family, and this exciting activity will give you a lot of positive emotions. Make your home joyful and bright!

Window Design Ideas

Meet the New Year 2018 behind the windows painted with frost, even if the temperature is above zero outside. Window- the eyes of the house, from the outside they are visible to any passer-by, and inside, decorated with garlands, lanterns, snowflakes, they serve as additional space for the implementation of design ideas.

  • Snowflakes. Filigree work will become an exquisite decoration of your home. Paper snowflakes look very nice on the windows of a private house, but an apartment can also be distinguished from a number of boring window openings.

Advice! There are thousands of patterns for cutting paper snowflakes - from the simplest to the most complex. Arm yourself with handy scissors, be sure to think over the workplace and start creating decorations for the window. The more patterns on the plane of the paper, the more elegant the crafts look.

  • Drawings. With water-washable stained glass and minimal artistic skills, you can create patterns that look very attractive from the outside, give warmth and comfort. If you are not sure of your talents, just write on the windows: “2018!”, “Happy New Year!”. Give the younger members of the family space to be creative as well. Don't forget to take pictures of the kids with their work in the background!

new year door

Here it is recommended to use Western tradition and hang a wreath on the door of a country house from needles, cones and bells. The doorway is easily decorated with artificial snow, a horseshoe for good luck, paper snowflakes. You can make a composition with your own hands, but there are enough ready-made options for sale in stores.

You can make a cardboard horseshoe yourself and decorate with tinsel, rain. On it, write congratulations to your loved ones and give it as a gift when you go to visit. Any crafts are good ideas for a present or its New Year's supplement.

Garlands are a classic way to decorate your home.

How to make a wire star

We bring to your attention another idea for decorating a house for the holiday - an unusual frame star. You get a kind of 3D effect if you make crafts in different sizes.

  1. Take flexible wire. Bend it so that you get a five-pointed star.
  2. Prepare a sketch of the star from the photo.
  3. Cut it out of colored or wrapping paper and fold over the edges so that they catch on the wire. Secure with tape if necessary.
  4. Glue the tinsel to the wire.

Stars can be hung from the ceiling in a checkerboard pattern, or you can decorate with garlands, rain, serpentine. It will hang down beautifully and create a festive atmosphere.

Advice! If you live in an apartment with high ceilings, be sure to hang something from them. This will visually narrow the room and create the effect of soaring handmade jewelry.

Photo for memory

A framed photo is in the house of every person. Refresh them, give them a New Year's mood: hang them on a serpentine or thick twine along the wall. Fill the free space with small balls, garlands and hand-made drawings.

After the celebration, print new photos and add them to the old ones. Such a composition can stay in the apartment until the very end of January. You will love this idea, and perhaps you will leave the photo on the rope, making them a permanent interior accessory.

Balls are everywhere

Ideas for the New Year are not limited only to the capabilities of the needlewoman. Use themed toys, glitter, industrial decorations to decorate the room.

Balls are a wonderful symbol of the New Year. They come in different colors, sizes, shiny, matte, with a rough surface, from different materials, expensive, cheap, vintage, modern, etc. A variant of the idea is to hang them on strings from the ceiling, fix windows in the opening in the kitchen and in the living room.

Do you want a holiday in your house? Start preparing for the holiday now and take advantage of our tips.

How to decorate your house for the new year

Make a plan

It is necessary to plan in advance what kind of Christmas accessories you would like to see in your apartment. It is advisable to start thinking about this from the inside of the house, gradually moving to the outside. Take pictures of the rooms in your apartment and the space around the house. This will greatly facilitate the process of planning varieties of accessories. These pictures should be taken with you on the day you go shopping for toys and other paraphernalia. So you definitely won't go wrong with your choice.

Find a use for Christmas tree branches

When you buy a real spruce, you inevitably have to cut individual branches from the tree before you start decorating. Do not throw away these trimmings, because they can be successfully used as a natural garland. It can decorate a staircase, a doorway, a fireplace, or even your family's holiday table. In addition, cut branches will be useful for lovers of beautiful Christmas wreaths. They are usually placed at the front door or window.

Pick a New Year's Color Scheme

The use of different color schemes for the New Year's decoration of an apartment is, of course, great. But during the organization of the holiday, we recommend that you draw up a specific scheme of shades that will allow you to create a bright and original evening. In the same color scheme, you can decorate the whole house. If desired, each room can be decorated differently. For example, you can use a red and gold scheme to decorate a festive tree, and a fireplace can be decorated with green and silver shades. In addition, you can use the listed tones to decorate the entire apartment.

LED lanterns on the facade of the house

If you own your own home and are drawn to the option of putting bright lights on the front of your home, consider using programmable LED lights that can change colors. On a dark snowy evening, such accessories can create a fabulous Christmas mood. LED flashlights consume much less electrical energy than classic lights. This means that you can easily decorate the outside of your home without increasing your financial outlay.


Christmas decorations are the most versatile. You can give free rein to your imagination and choose the scenery to your taste. Decorations that are traditionally hung on the Christmas tree can also be successfully used in other parts of the house. You can also use transparent jars and containers. They are stylish and cute can serve to showcase the bright accessories located inside them. Such transparent containers can be easily placed on the dining table or in the bedroom on the bedside table. You can be sure that you will be able to create a wonderful mood.

Similarly, detachable hooks can be attached to the bottom of shelves and cabinets for hanging garland decorations. Along the kitchen cabinets, you can hang a chain of bright rain accessories. Do you want to decorate the shelves in the living room? Do exactly the same.

Paper snowflakes

Another element that can cheaply and sincerely decorate a house for the New Year. All you need for this is scissors and white paper. A significant plus of such an accessory is that you can involve your whole family in its manufacture.

#2. We decorate the house for the new year - photo examples

At the end of the article, I would like to show examples of New Year's interiors that we really liked. There are several dozen photos and we arranged them in order: the New Year's interior of the hall / corridor, then the living room / hall, dining room, bedroom and at the end of the children's room. We hope some photo ideas will be useful to you. We wish you a pleasant and beautiful New Year's holidays!

Silver blue house decoration for the New Year

Ecology of consumption. Interior design: Thinking about New Year's design? Do not know how to decorate a room for the new year 2017 with your own hands? It's time to start collecting interesting ideas! The brighter and more varied the design of your room, the more accurately you will be able to convey all the beauty of the holiday on New Year's Eve.

Thinking about New Year's design? Do not know how to decorate a room for the new year 2017 with your own hands?

It's time to start collecting interesting ideas! The brighter and more varied the design of your room, the more accurately you will be able to convey all the beauty of the holiday on New Year's Eve.

New Year's decoration of the house should not be spontaneous and thoughtless: prepare all the materials in advance, design the layout, make sure that each accessory has its own place in the interior. Creating a harmonious and pleasant design for the New Year theme is not difficult, but this process also requires preparation.

How to decorate a house for the New Year 2017? The brightest and most stylish jewelry can not only be purchased at the store, but also made with your own hands using improvised materials. Let's create a fabulous environment together!

Materials for New Year's decor

New Year's decor of the apartment begins with the choice of materials suitable for creating a festive atmosphere. If we are talking about decorating a Christmas tree, then standard decorations come to mind that can be purchased in almost every store before the holiday: glass and plastic toys, garlands, rain, tinsel.

But is it possible to emphasize the stylish and bright New Year's interior 2017 with the help of other materials? It is possible and even necessary!

For decoration, you can use:

    plastic bottles. Plastic is a practical and easy-to-use material for creating candlesticks, elements for garlands, small figurines for decorating a Christmas tree, and even mini-Christmas trees for decorating a festive table;

    textile. Since the fabric can be deformed, take care of a solid base or use felt: these materials can be used to sew Christmas decorations or garlands with elements on the New Year theme. From soft fabric, you can sew voluminous toys;

    decorations. Who said that ordinary beads and earrings cannot be used as a decorative element? Small accessories are perfect for decorating small artificial Christmas trees, and beads from unnecessary decorations can be used in the design of candles, candlesticks, figurines, Christmas tree wreaths;

    cones- A fairly common option for creating decorative accessories for the New Year. Paint them bright or white, sprinkle them with sparkles or artificial snow - and use them as a Christmas decoration or an element of New Year's composition on the table;

    sweets, cookies and fruits. With the help of edible gear, you can decorate a festive table or garlands hung around the room.

Any material can be used for decorative purposes. For example, from threads and glue, you can create voluminous compositions in the form of stars or snowflakes - and hang them from the ceiling. And from ordinary paper or cardboard, excellent drawings will come out for decorating walls and windows.

Show your imagination and do not be afraid to implement the most daring ideas: photos of the New Year's decor 2017 will serve as a source of inspiration for you.

Tip: when deciding how to decorate a house for the New Year 2017 with your own hands, do not forget about the harmonious arrangement of accessories.

The shade and shape of the decorations also play an important role: everything should be in moderation, so disperse the accessories around the room, stick to a single design style and try not to combine several catchy design elements at once.

So that you do not have to redo the work several times, plan in advance where and how the New Year's atmosphere will be created. Make sure that not only furniture, but also various surfaces in the house are decorated festively: this applies to walls, windows, doors, ceilings, window sills, individual niches and ledges, fireplace areas.

It is desirable that the decoration of the house for the New Year 2017 be made in the same style and not be characterized by an excessive abundance of conflicting shades: white, red, golden and green colors are considered the most successful in this design.

Table setting

The place where guests are coming - the central zone of the festive decor. Therefore, you should not save by decorating the table only with dishes and dishes. Considering that many accessories can be made by hand, you do not have to spend money on stylish serving.

Accessories used to decorate the table should match the New Year's decor at home. It is not necessary to make the table bright and catchy due to the appropriate shades: even in white and pale blue, the table setting will look stylish and elegant, since light shades are associated with the winter holiday.

How to decorate a house in the year of the Fire Rooster is easy to figure out by referring to the symbolism of the next year: red can be present in textile elements, food, jewelry and toys; The theme of fire can be supported with the help of candles or garlands with characteristic lanterns, figurines, drawings and New Year's candles with the symbols of the Fire Rooster 2017 can be chosen.

Candles will become the most striking decoration of the table: you can choose ready-made options for the New Year theme and even scented candles that will allow you to relax and enjoy the holiday.

If you want to decorate the table and the interior in the same style, you can make candles for the new year 2017 on your own.

To do this, prepare molds for future candles, melt the wax, pour it in - and wait for it to harden. Don't forget to pre-insert the wick. Finished wax figurines are decorated with varnish, paint, sequins, beads, napkins (decoupage technique), cutouts, ribbons and many other suitable accessories.

Candlesticks in the New Year's table setting in 2017 will play an important role. It is believed that the rooster loves everything bright and shiny, so why not pick up metal or transparent candlesticks that shimmer under fiery highlights.

Glass candle holders with a long stem will be a stylish addition to the classic table decor: they can be made using glasses and placed in the center of the table.

The decoration of the festive table will not be complete if you do not pick up textiles. The tablecloth can be white or have a bright shade, but it is better to use solid colors without patterns.

If you do not plan to decorate the table with a tablecloth, take care of the availability of fabric napkins: they can have a standard square shape, be openwork or embroidered.

Plain cloth doilies can be embellished with stylish grips or brightly colored ribbons. Do not forget that even food laid out in an unusual form (for example, in the form of Christmas trees) can become a spectacular decoration for the New Year's table.

We decorate windows

Let's find out how to decorate the house in the year of the Fire Rooster, if you don't plan to stop with just serving. Even the window area can become a space for creativity: here you can apply some bright and interesting ideas.

The most common option for decorating a window is gluing plots cut out of paper onto glass. To emphasize the New Year's window decor, search the Internet for interesting pictures on this topic, print on white paper and cut along the contour. It can be deer with a sleigh, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas trees, houses, a blizzard, gifts, New Year's toys and other subjects.

Tip: you can show your imagination - and cut out different snowflakes: children really like this process, so connect them to creativity. To make snowflakes shimmer under the glare from candles and garlands, glue them over with a glossy film or paste them into a regular file cut along the contour.

If you don't want to spend time cutting out figures, make one stencil, lean it against the glass, and smear the cuts with toothpaste. As a result, slightly blurry drawings will remain on your window, which will look quite realistic.

Ordinary Christmas balls, fruits, toys can also be used to decorate the window. It is enough to fix them on long ribbons - and tie them to the eaves. This decor is suitable if your window is not covered with curtains.

To decorate the window sill, you can also implement some interesting ideas. For example, furnish the surface with toys and figurines on a New Year's theme.

With the help of durable paper or cardboard, you can create a realistic composition across the entire width of the window: cut out Christmas trees, houses, clouds, among which a sleigh with deer rides - arrange in several layers around the entire window sill and separate with garlands that will create a flickering light in the evening.

For realism, create a New Year's decor from foam: it will imitate snow. Using this material, you can also create some elements of a fabulous composition or toys for a cornice, garland, curtains or a Christmas tree.

Interior decoration for the new year 2017 can even be complemented by decorating curtains. Attach bows, cones, Christmas decorations to the fabric, hang rain or garlands - and your room will be perceived more festively.

Other areas of the room

Where else can you show your skills? Of course, improvised materials will come in handy for decorating the Christmas tree, because you can’t do without it on New Year’s Eve. In addition to the standard store-bought decorations, decorate it with candies, tangerines, homemade toys, ribbons, and even themed cookies. And don't forget the gifts!

For those who love regularity and restraint in design, the idea of ​​decorating a Christmas tree only with the help of garlands will seem attractive. Bright lanterns will replace multi-colored balls, and in the evening this area of ​​the room will become the most fabulous and mysterious.

As a material for hand-made, you can use light bulbs, paper clips, puff pastry, cones and tangerines, fabric, plastic caps, berries, nuts and other elements. You can create Christmas decorations from existing, but outdated ones: for example, beat a few bright balls - and prepare a shiny powder for new decorations.

Another area that needs decoration is the door. Even if it is not the main one in your home, you can apply several common decor options: hang rain and tinsel, draw a Christmas tree (or stick paper figures), create a festive wreath.

Attention! It is wreaths that have been considered a trend for several New Year holidays. They can be made from fir branches, small Christmas balls, berries, tangerines, cones, toys, candies, beads and other accessories. Determine the parameters of the wreath, focusing on the dimensions of the door.

If there is a fireplace in the apartment or house, do not forget to prepare New Year's socks or caps: you can put small presents for guests in them. Also, the fireplace can be decorated with candles, garlands, rain, toys, spruce branches. It is desirable that the decor of the fireplace matches the decor of the Christmas tree.

New Year's decor 2017 may also involve the appropriate design of furniture. You can stick themed pictures on it (like on windows), attach garlands or beads.

If you have chairs with backs, take care of creating stylish covers: they can depict Santa Claus, deer, snow maidens. The best shades for chair covers are red, white, green and gold.

To decorate the ceiling and walls, use beads, rain, electric garlands. DIY Christmas decorations 2017 may include home-made chain garlands, compositions from Christmas balls, ribbons with toys, decorative snowflakes, voluminous lanterns. The easiest way to decorate is to use ready-made pictures on an adhesive basis.

Good day to all visitors to our blog. Very soon, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will appear at your door, and of course you want to meet them in a beautiful house that is decorated with garlands, lanterns and other New Year's paraphernalia.

But we all live in reality and no one will decorate the house for us by the new year. Therefore, it was decided to provide you with a little help in this matter. To take part, so to speak, strongly.

I have some amazing ideas on how to decorate your house or apartment for the New Year. Almost everyone associates the upcoming holiday with a fairy tale, with miracles, with the fulfillment of the most cherished desires. And we will try to create this fairy tale in the house so that all wishes come true.

The easiest way to decorate your home is, of course, window decoration. They can be decorated with snowflakes or stickers. In the last article, I talked about how it is possible from paper.

Do not forget what you are going to celebrate this holiday in. It is desirable that you do not have dark and dull colors. It is better to wear something bright, beautiful, but also so that everything is in harmony with each other, creating warmth and comfort in total.

Red is a symbol of success, wealth and prosperity. So make sure that red decor elements are sure to be present in your home.

Let's start decorating the house from the very first room of the hallway or entrance group. Most often, the door is decorated with all possible wreaths made from New Year's paraphernalia. It can be Christmas tree branches or cones.

You can buy a ready-made wreath on the door. There is a lot of this stuff at New Year's fairs. And of course you can try to make such decoration yourself.

To do this, it is enough to make a circle of solid wire and, with the help of threads, fasten branches or cones on the wire, adding ribbons and bows. Here are some great ideas for making a wreath.

So with the door sorted out a bit now you can move on. And then we have a doorway that can also be and should be embellished a little for the holiday.

Do not forget that mirrors are often located in the hallway, which should also not be forgotten, but this should be done to a minimum. It will be enough just a couple of decorative elements.

Have you ever thought that a refrigerator or a boiler in the kitchen can also be decorated for the new year? Look at how beautiful snowmen turn out. Just a couple of decorative elements, and what a beauty it turns out.

Optionally, you can also decorate Chandeliers and lamps in your home. Here are a few options on how to do it simply and tastefully.

We decorate the room for New Year's Eve 2019

Here, of course, the flight of fancy is practically unlimited. Decorate the room for New Year's Eve with almost everything that is at hand. There are options with minimal costs, and there are those where you will need to invest a certain amount to make your room more beautiful. In general, here I throw in several options, and you yourself choose for yourself what you like best.

Sometimes it is enough to decorate the walls with New Year's attributes and the room becomes warm and cozy.

I propose to add a New Year's fireplace to your house. Which can be made from a simple cardboard box. For your convenience, there is a detailed video instruction.

And one more instruction on how you can simply and tastefully decorate your home.

How to make a Christmas garland with your own hands

Of course, you can also use purchased garlands with light bulbs for decoration, but it seems to me that you can always supplement them with hand-made garlands.

For crafting you will need the following items.

  • Scissors
  • colored paper
  • Pencil
  • Skein of thread.

Manufacturing process.

On a square sheet of colored paper, draw a spiral with a pencil. Then we cut it out and glue the original rosette.

When you have enough flowers, string them on a string and decorate the room.

If you draw a spiral in a wave, then you can get such a beautiful rose with unusual petals.

Or if you want the garland to be straight New Year's themed, make a garland of snowmen.

To make it, you will need the following items.

  • Sample
  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue or a skein of thread.

Manufacturing process.

Save and print the template in the size you need.

We fold the sheets of paper with an accordion.

We attach a snowman template to the top and draw around the contour.

You can leave it like that, or you can color each snowman.

By the same principle, you can make a garland of Christmas trees.

How to festively decorate a shop, kindergarten or office

Of course, the very first to start preparing for the new year are retail outlets. Long before the holiday, they begin to decorate their retail space.

After retail outlets, schools and kindergartens begin to decorate. That's how beautiful it was last year in our city.

And this is our kindergarten, which my son goes to, so it was decorated.

This is how they decorated the office for the new year.

Here is a pretty creative option for decorating a window display in a bookstore.

And if you want, here is a small video selection of how you can still decorate your workplace and home for the New Year holidays.

A selection of ideas for decorating windows and doors

Once again, let us return to the issue of decorating entrance and interior doors. After all, they should not be left unattended, since the door is the very first thing that a person who comes to visit you sees.

Decoration options are also varied from simple wreaths to full-sized figures of fairy-tale characters.

Don't forget about the windows in your house. They also deserve attention. Here are small sketches, but if you want to know more about decorating windows, follow the link and.

Christmas decor for the Christmas tree

Well, of course, the green beauty of the Christmas tree will be the most beautiful element of decorating your home. She needs to be taken care of with special care.

You can decorate the Christmas tree with standard Christmas decorations, but if you want your Christmas tree to be different from everyone else, then you need to put your hands and head on it.

You can make edible decorations.

Or glue paper garlands.

And this is how you can put a Christmas tree if there is very little space in the house. An ordinary white banner with a Christmas tree print will help save both time and Christmas trees in the forest.

And this option is made very simply, but tastefully. How do you like this option for a Christmas tree outfit?

Well, dear friends, we have sorted out quite a few options for decorating your home for the new year. All that's left now is to put it all into practice. And then certainly your house, both inside and out, will be festive and not like everyone else. Happy New Year and all the best. See you again.