Congratulations to my daughter born on February 29. Happy birthday greetings to those born in February - woman, man, girl. Leap year offer

February is a wonderful winter month,
After all, you were born in it,
It seems to me that you are hardened by frost, snow,
You can easily solve life's issues.
Please accept beautiful flowers and congratulations to boot,
May your birthday bring love, luck,
I wish you joy, goodness and inspiration,
May your days always pass
In a great mood.

Snowflakes are spinning outside the window,
The blizzard sings a song,
I don't care about the February cold
This snow will melt very soon.
But my love for you will not melt,
The only one, beloved, desired,
I wish you on your birthday,
May all your wishes come true.

Under the February lucky star,
My beloved was born,
I wish you with all my heart,
A lot of happiness, joy, kindness.
Always be so tender and beautiful,
Be always desirable, happy,
May fate be favorable to you,
May luck not forget about you.

With the woman I love,
Birthday in February
She deserves only happiness
And, of course, admiration.
May your personal holiday bring good luck,
And a sea of ​​great mood to boot,
Let life flow like a full river,
May a good angel protect you.

The last touch of winter is February,
The snowball is melting, it’s a bit of a pity,
Sadness changes to joy instantly,
When I remember your birthday.
I congratulate you, my love,
I wish you health, joy, good luck,
I wish you all the best, good joy,
IN good mood Be always.

February is the most best month per year
After all, he gave me the only one, the one
Which I've been dreaming about all my life,
Which I have been looking for for so long.
Dear woman, happy birthday to you,
Always be the happiest
Let your friends not disappoint you,
Let my love be a talisman.

In the last month of winter-winter,
You were born, my friend,
You are reasonable, smart, and sometimes strict,
Winter has hardened you with frost.
Happy birthday, girlfriend, congratulations,
Let there be a festive, cheerful mood,
May you have so much happiness
How much snow winter has given us all winter.

Let winter, and snow, and blizzard,
Happy birthday my friend!
You were born in February
A star has lit up in the sky!
May she protect you
And he will protect everyone from harm!
There will only be success in life,
You will be the happiest of all!

White round dances made of fluffy snow,
Cheerfully and amicably circling overhead,
And I want you to have summer in your soul,
And I will wait for this time next to you.
On your birthday February howls,
And I admire you - so beautiful,
May the universe expand opportunities for you,
You are my most close person and dear!

Born in February - everyone thinks with a cold heart,
And only relatives know how easy it is to warm up from it,
With you you can discover love and experience the warmth of relationships,
Without feeling the wind, creative pangs, and in feelings of deprivation.
You shine like a bright and tender star in the sky,
And know that your happy destiny is already close,
Just don’t give up, don’t be sad - look for her,
And you will receive the greatest gift of your destiny!

Congratulations on your birthday,
February will cover the window with white snow,
And the snow-white days fly by, as if in a movie,
But we don’t regret this time at all.
I want you to constantly admire life,
So that she lives in care, affection and great love,
So that you create more often and smile more,
After all, we were born precisely for happiness!

Happy birthday, dear friend,
Let it be February outside and the snow knocking on the window with sadness,
And today the blizzard will bring us only joy,
And for guests in your house, the doors will open wide.
I give you all my warmth today,
I want you to be happy every day and hour,
So that your heart is always comfortable and light,
And please us with your unique sparkle in your eyes!

It's February, it's angry outside and the snow is holding it together,
It's your birthday coming to your house,
He wants to congratulate you and wish you love,
Fuel your body with energy and give it health.
Today we will have fun and even sing songs,
We'll have a lot of fun - look at you,
Sit with all your heart, dear, you will live longer,
Very soon you will fall in love and find your happiness.

Pisces born on February 29 are charming, pleasant and diplomatic. Thanks to your attractiveness, you have no shortage of friends. Excellent social skills and smooth manners allow you to find mutual language with the most different people. You have an elusive quality that makes you appear less cheerful than you really are, and as a result you are often misunderstood. Although some may consider you a frivolous person, you are actually surprisingly ambitious and are not afraid to use your subtle powers of persuasion to gain the consent of others.

By nature, those born on February 29 are endowed good health. And yet, sometimes they are too attentive to the state of their body. They should avoid blindly applying newfangled diets and treatments, and depend only on proven ones. The development of culinary abilities will be very useful for them, since in the kitchen they can quickly see the concrete results of their work; at the same time, those born on this day should somewhat moderate their appetite. To regulate the nervous system, proper rest will come in handy, but daytime sleep can hardly be considered favorable, since it causes nighttime insomnia. As far as physical exercise Those born on February 29 should prove themselves in competitive or team sports. Women will enjoy dancing and aerobics.

It is difficult to disagree with the fact that those born on February 29 are much younger than those born on any other day of the year. In fact, if we determine our age by counting our birthdays, it turns out that people on this day are exactly four times younger than their peers - after all, February 29 does not happen every year. Therefore, we can say that those born on this day are forever young. As you know, February 29 is a unique day that was artificially introduced to try to compensate humanity for the fact that the year is actually several hours longer than 365 days. This 366th day was invented by the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar, who decided that February 29 would appear on the calendar only once every 4 years. However, during the time of Pope Gregory XIII, it was discovered that February 29 was repeated not only once every 4 years, but also in one of the four years that are considered the end of centuries.

Zodiac sign February 29 -

Element of the Sign: . Your zodiac sign is classified as a water sign, which is distinguished by the following qualities: open-mindedness, peacefulness, delicacy, dreaminess, giftedness, desire for comfort and beauty, empathy.

Planet Ruler: . Predetermines the gift of providence, faith. Neptune is favorable for doctors. The planet in exile is Mercury. Pisces can thank her for the lack of rationality, as well as the lack of healthy pragmatism.

Pisces - the zodiac sign of those born on February 29 endows its wards with pleasant charisma, charm, tact, politeness and diplomacy. Charm draws you to them a large number of people, many of whom become friends of those born on February 29th. They get along well with a variety of people, they know how to find an approach to everyone, which is greatly facilitated by polite manners. However, those born on February 29 themselves are often considered less optimistic than they really are, and they are not always correctly understood. It happens that they are also considered too careless, but this is a misconception. Those born on February 29 have serious ambitions, are not afraid to manipulate people around them, know how to convince them that they are right, and willingly use their gift of influencing the crowd.

So, those born on February 29 always have a youthful appearance. It seems that, like cats, they have 9 lives and have the ability to constantly avoid dangerous situations. Their actions can be seen as confirmation of the unusual date of their birth. In fact, those born on February 29 (and they themselves know about it) can do things that are more than strange, in the eyes of others, but they, as a rule, get away with everything. Quite early, those born on this day begin to understand that they are unusual people, but their perception of reality seems rather strange, but not at all stupid. Because their birthday is a rare and therefore special event, they tend to see something extraordinary in aspects of life that others would take for granted. At best, these people are like children who value simple toys; at worst, they are frivolous individuals who are always in need of something.

Those born on February 29, as a rule, rarely demonstrate their uniqueness to others, trying to “get closer” to ordinary people. For this reason, they gravitate more towards work related to normal human interests, allowing them to solve problems Everyday life. Their wild imagination and fantasy are expressed at home, not in society. And yet, those born on this day should not give up their individuality in order to become “ordinary.” At the same time, it would be a good idea for them to give up those habits that sometimes cause bewilderment among others. But if getting rid of their “shortcomings” becomes an end in itself for them, then the words “improvement” and “regulation” will be synonymous with the word “suppression”.

Most people born on February 29 try to compensate for their real and imagined shortcomings. Those who do this through ambitious aspirations for success run the risk of succumbing to the temptation to exorbitantly aggrandize themselves. On the other hand, those who consciously avoid life's problems can ultimately become romantic idealists who “take care of themselves” and live in their own fantasy world. Those born on this day should try to avoid these kinds of extremes and find a “golden mean” in their lives.

Pisces man - born on February 29

Men celebrating their birthday on February 29th can be proud of the following traits: such a gentleman is generous, intuitive, sacrificial, romantic. Pisces men are idealists and dreamers; they are easy-going and comfortable people to communicate with. Politeness and tact do not allow men of this sign to show open aggression, which is often their problem. Pisces men fall in love easily and find it difficult to build strong, harmonious relationships. The main problems in love are associated with the desire for an unattainable ideal and building relationships with those who have a much brighter temperament.

Pisces woman - born on February 29

Women born on February 29 are endowed with the following traits: such a lady is intelligent, attentive, and compassionate. Pisces women are charming, subtle and mysterious young ladies who attract men with their vulnerability and defenselessness. Their femininity and weakness are their main trump card, creating an atmosphere of mystery around them. It is not easy to achieve her favor, and it is reason that sometimes forces her not to be led by emotions. The strongest traits of Pisces women are femininity and the ability to properly manage their signature traits - fragility and softness.

Birthday February 29

People born on February 29 under the zodiac sign Pisces look much younger than their real age. And this is completely justified from a logical point of view. After all, if our age corresponds to the number of birthdays, then those born on this day will have four times fewer such dates than other people, since their birthday comes only every four years. Thus, it turns out that formally the age of such people is reduced by four times. This is mystically reflected in their appearance.

Everyone knows that the day of February 29 was introduced specifically to correct calendar years, since in reality the period of revolution of the Earth around the Sun is slightly longer than calendar year. The difference between them is several hours, and in four years already a day has accumulated, which resulted in this additional day. Thus, people born on February 29 with the zodiac sign Pisces always look young. Their passport age is difficult to determine by eye. This unusual state of affairs influences the actions of these people. Sometimes their actions are difficult to logic, their behavior can be completely irrational. However, those around them are tolerant of this, attributing these oddities to their birthday.

Since childhood, people born on February 29 with the zodiac sign Pisces have become accustomed to feeling like unusual, special people, different from others. However, they perceive the surrounding reality quite adequately, only from a slightly different angle. Because their birthday comes only once every four years, while their peers celebrate it every year, they tend to attach special importance to things that other people consider to be nothing special. Ordinary, minor incidents can cause them to overreact. This may lead in the future to their failure as an adult, independent person.

Difference from others weighs heavily on people with a birth date of February 29, zodiac sign Pisces; they try not to stand out from the general circle and join the team. Therefore, they usually engage in social activities, performing ordinary, ordinary things. They give free rein to their rich imagination at home, alone with themselves. However, they should not suppress their desire to express their own personality and try to become like others. This will stop their spiritual development and nip their existing talents in the bud. However, it would not hurt them to get rid of their strange habits, which could give others the wrong impression about them.

Those born on February 29 with the zodiac sign Pisces try to destroy the slightest hint of shortcomings in themselves, trying to meet generally accepted standards. Some of them go to the other extreme, categorically denying any changes, turning into complete romantics.

Love and Compatibility

In close relationships, you are a devoted, loving and generous partner. You are romantic, idealistic, and therefore are looking for a lover who is as caring and tender as you are.

Pisces with Cancer, Scorpio and Taurus have good prospects for creating a family that respects each other. It is with them that these people are most compatible, they have the same views on family life, similar life priorities. A marriage can also be successful in an alliance with Virgo, Libra and Capricorn, the chances are, say, 50/50. They must immediately distribute responsibilities and duties, agree that they will accept each other’s freedom and give in. Marriage with poor prospects is seen with such signs as Aries, Gemini and Leo. Let's say, in these combinations of pairs there are very few prospects for happy marriage, they are unlikely to understand each other.

Work and Career

Those born on February 29 do not like to stand out from the crowd, so they hide their difference from others by pretending to be ordinary people. Date of birth: February 29, the zodiac sign Pisces gives them stupid imagination and fantasy, but they show this only to relatives and friends; at work they try to behave like ordinary pragmatic people, alien to mysticism and hobbies of the otherworldly. However, these people must remember that they should not deny themselves and their own nature too much. strong degree, otherwise fortune will turn away from them.

You can also adjust your behavior towards social expectations and decent behavior in society. Outrageousness is not always your friend. The main thing is to maintain a sense of proportion in everything and not try to force yourself into the framework of normality at any cost. Otherwise, instead of what is important for Pisces (Pisces is the answer to the question of the date February 29 - what is the zodiac sign) spiritual development and self-improvement, you will suppress and break your nature, as a result of which you will become an unhappy person and will not be able to realize yourself.

Health and Diseases

These people are naturally endowed with good health. They risk ruining it with their addiction to fashionable dubious diets and experiments. They should be more discreet in matters of health and either consult with good doctor, or use only old and proven means. It is useful for them to engage in cooking, in which they can quickly realize their ambitions, but they themselves should control their diet and not overeat. To prevent your nervous system from letting you down, do not forget about regular rest. Try not to sleep too long during the day so as not to develop insomnia at night. Participation in sports competitions is ideal for these people. They are also recommended to take fitness and dance classes.

The “extra” day, February 29, which in a leap year is added to the usual 365 days, was called Kasyanov’s day in Rus'. They said about this saint that he has an unkind character, he is unkind, selfish, stingy, vindictive and brings people nothing but misfortune. He also appeared as Kasyan the Unmerciful, Kasyan the Envious, and Crooked Kasyan.

Our ancestors believed that Saint Kasyan spread his evil throughout the whole year: “Kasyan came, went to limp and break everything in his own way.”

We decided to find out whether February 29 and the leap year in general are as terrible as they are made out to be? Should we believe superstitions? We also found those who were born on this day and found out how life is for those who are considered the “chosen ones”.

“No matter what Kasyan looks at, everything withers”

The fact that a complete revolution of the Earth around the Sun is not exactly 365 days, but 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes and 9.76 seconds, was first noticed by the Egyptian pharaoh Ptolemy III. If humanity had not paid attention to this difference, the calendar year could have shifted noticeably over many centuries and would no longer correspond to the solar year. But then the Roman Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar issued a revolutionary order, who ordered that every fourth year - a leap year - be extended by exactly one day.

A special, “extra” day was taken into account. In a number European countries For example, on this day a woman could, without fear of sidelong glances and misunderstandings, propose marriage to a man. And in Scotland, if a man refused a lady, he was required by law to pay a fine of 100 pounds.

Catholics celebrate St. Oswald's Day on February 29. It is considered a holiday dedicated to love.

In Russia, this date is Kasyanov's day. According to legend, God deprived Saint Kasyan of his annual name day for his unkindness towards people. Among the Eastern Slavs, this day was considered one of the most dangerous and demonic. Our ancestors said: “Kasyan looks at the grass - the grass withers, at the cattle - the cattle dies, at the tree - the tree dries up”, “The offspring of Kasyan is bad in the year of Kasyan”, “Kasyan mows down everything with a scythe.”

Saint Kassian is the patron saint of leap year.

People tried to complete all work before February 29. It was believed that the sun on this day was Kasyan’s eye. Our ancestors tried not to leave the hut, so that Kasyan, looking with his own eyes, would not take away their wealth and health.

Leap year was also considered a dangerous year among Russians. According to popular belief, this year everything is “ugly and ugly.” Women die more often than usual from childbirth, and men from heavy drinking. Cows may lose milk, livestock will be left without offspring, and a marriage entered into this year will be unsuccessful.

And now most people are not at all happy about an extra day in the year, because they believe that a leap year brings only misfortunes.

The fears are not in vain. History keeps memories of large-scale tragic events that occurred during leap years. In 1204, the Crusaders sacked Constantinople. In 1400 and 1448, the plague mercilessly decimated the population of medieval Europe. In 1556 and 1976, devastating earthquakes in China killed more than a million people. In 1896, a tsunami claimed more than 27 thousand lives in Japan. In 1908, the Tunguska meteorite exploded. In 1912, the Titanic sank. In 1952, the first American hydrogen bomb exploded. In 1988, a terrible, devastating earthquake occurred in the Armenian cities of Spitak and Leninakan. Also in 1988, there was a pogrom in Sumgait, which became the reason for the confrontation between Armenians and Azerbaijanis in Nagorno-Karabakh. In 1992, the introduction of free prices and “shock therapy” was announced; within one year, prices for food products increased 36 times. At the end of the year, inflation amounted to 2600%, and the mortality rate increased by more than 30%. In 2000, there was a fire at the Ostankino TV tower, and the nuclear submarine Kursk sank. In 2004, there was a terrorist attack in the Moscow metro and the roof of Transvaal Park collapsed...

How many tragic events did not occur in a leap year? Take the First World War, it began in 1914. Great Patriotic War began in 1941,” says historian Alexey Grebnev. - The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki occurred in 1945. The Challenger spacecraft exploded 73 seconds into its flight in 1986, killing all seven crew members. In the same year, the Chernobyl disaster happened... All these events did not occur in leap years. Wars, natural disasters, man-made disasters occur spontaneously and do not “adjust” to an extra day on the calendar.

“Birthdays in a leap year should be celebrated a day earlier”

- Is there some kind of magic of numbers? And why is a leap year considered unfavorable?- I ask the astrologer Alexander Zaraev.

During a leap year, the calendar rhythm for many zodiac signs shifts, says Alexander Viktorovich. - As a rule, birthdays in a leap year should be celebrated a day earlier. Old calendar cycle updated and works differently. It is because of this that many consider leap year unlucky.

Leap year 2016 coincided with the Year of the Monkey, when traditionally there are many changes related to politics, social relations, creativity, and business. I would like to immediately draw your attention to March 9, when the solar eclipse will take place. The period from March 9 to March 23 must be passed as “by thin ice“so that the entire leap year would not be, so to speak, “ragged.”

To eliminate “monkey labor,” you need to think about how to insure yourself against accidents. You, like a monkey, can stick your hand into a jar of nuts, but you won’t be able to pull it out. There are many pitfalls awaiting you this year.

The day itself, February 29, is not so scary, except for the evening. In the afternoon, the Moon will be in the constellation Scorpio, and Scorpio is a sign that requires a very careful attitude towards the opposite sex. At this time there is a very strong subconscious, uncontrolled reaction. Therefore, it is not superfluous to remember the proverbs: “The word is not a sparrow, if it flies out, you will not catch it,” “Silence is golden.” On February 29, you need to be very restrained with any people, with relatives, colleagues, and so on.

I agree with the astrologer and numerologist Vyacheslav Denichenko:

02/29/2016. Adding up these numbers, you can understand that you need to be especially careful on this day. This is an unfavorable day for travel, moving, as well as all matters that relate to long-term planning. On this day, you absolutely cannot rush; everything must be done sequentially, guided by the proverb “measure twice, cut once.” This day will be good for people who are in their places, but they will also have to apply wisdom. For Vladimir Putin, for example, February 29 will be a day of confrontation and struggle. Diplomats and lawyers will be “on horseback” on this day, and their chance of winning a case in court increases. For scammers, February 29 may be a dark day; there is a high probability that they will get what they deserve.

“All significant events in my life took place during a leap year”

According to statistics, there are about four million people on earth born on February 29th. Their fate was interpreted ambiguously by our ancestors. Some believed that a person born on a leap year would face many losses and suffering. Others, on the contrary, considered them “chosen ones” and believed that such people were destined for a special fate. The probability of being born on February 29 is 1:1461.

So, on the last day of winter, in a leap year, the famous Italian composer, author of the opera “The Barber of Seville” Gioachino Rossini was born. On February 29, the creator of the first submarine for the American fleet, as well as a series of submarines for almost all fleets of the world, John Philip Holland, was born. On this day, the births of the author of the works that laid the foundations of biogeography and anthropology, Karl Ernst Baer, ​​as well as the creator of the first electric calculating machine, one of the founders of IBM Hermann Hollerith, were celebrated. The list of talented people can be continued endlessly. This is the American legend of jazz and swing Glenn Miller. And the designer of rocket and space technology Boris Evseevich Chertok. And Army General, Chairman of the USSR KGB in 1988–1991, Vladimir Kryuchkov. And also pop singer, famous baritone Yuri Bogatikov, actresses Alina Pokrovskaya and Irina Kupchenko...

Raisa Smetanina does not like to celebrate her birthday.

We reached out to the famous skier Raisa Petrovna Smetanina, who is also a “leap-year” woman; on February 29 this year she will turn 64 years old.

What should I write about my birthday? - the titled athlete was surprised. “And there’s nothing special about me myself.”

The skier, who took part in five Winter Olympics in a row, is distinguished by great modesty. Raisa Petrovna is from a family of hereditary reindeer herders. She grew up with five brothers and a sister. Skis were passed down from generation to generation in the family. At the first republican competition, she had to put on her coach’s huge boots. But years later, thanks to Raisa Smetanina, the whole world learned to correctly pronounce the word Syktyvkar.

You won your last award at the Albertville Games a few days before your 40th birthday. Then they said: “Years don’t take sour cream, it has more energy than 20-year-olds.” Maybe it's all about your unusual date of birth? You were born on February 29, a leap year.

What difference does it make - a leap year or not a leap year? He comes and goes. All!

- How will you celebrate your birthday this year?

So, does it have to be celebrated? I don’t celebrate anything at all, I don’t like it.

We also talked to other Leap Year birthday people to find out: is a rare chance bad luck or luck?

One of them is Dmitry Melnikov. He was born on February 29, 1980 in Ufa, but the family soon moved to Moscow. By first education Dmitry is a linguist-translator, by second he is an actor. He worked at the Quartet I theater. He remembers his birthday with a smile:

I was born on the night of February 29, but the doctors told my mother: “Let’s write down that the boy was born on February 28, let him have a birthday not once every four years, but every year.” Mom agreed with the doctors. The date on the birth certificate is February 28, but on social networks I put my true date of birth - February 29, and when the year is not a leap year, the administration congratulates me twice, first on February 28, and then on March 1. It’s also convenient for friends and acquaintances: those who didn’t have time to congratulate on February 28 see a reminder and have time to do so on March 1.

As Dmitry admits, his most grandiose birthday celebrations occur during leap years.

This always results in a large-scale event. Four years ago, for example, we had a fun trip to Moscow establishments. First, wearing aprons, under the guidance of an Italian chef, we prepared pizzas with various toppings. Then we went to sing karaoke. It was a gift from a friend, I must say that it was one of the most unusual. There was an excellent music library there. In the playlist, a friend found songs from Eurovision participants who did not make it to the final. Since we are all singers, it was a real surprise. Then until the morning we wandered along the embankment of the Moscow River, throwing fireballs into the sky.

This leap year I will turn 36 years old. There will be an anti-crisis birthday. I told my friends: “No gifts or flowers are needed. Come, throw your envelopes with money into a special basket. Let's have fun! "

Twin brothers Anatoly and Semyon Bondarev, born on February 29, 1988, were called “sunny boys” in childhood. They are still red-haired and smiling. Both live in Voskresensk. Anatoly, having graduated from the Faculty of Technology of the Kolomna Pedagogical Institute, works in a transport company that transports alkalis and acids. Semyon, having become a lawyer, works in the city administration.

The brothers see a special meaning in the fact that they were born on an “extra” day of the year.

February 29 in 1988 fell on a Monday. It would seem that it’s time for us, like Mironov, to sing: “No matter what they do, things don’t work out: apparently, their mother gave birth on Monday.” But this is not about us, says Anatoly. - Many people consider leap year unlucky, but we are sure that it was it that neutralized the “bad luck” of Monday. We consider leap year our year. We have always been lucky this year. And 2016 is no exception. What I have long dreamed of is about to come true. I can’t tell you the details yet, so as not to jinx it.

Anatoly has a son growing up in his family, and his brother Semyon has a daughter. They live in neighboring houses and communicate constantly. And, of course, they celebrate their birthday together.

Even as a child, my brother and I decided that it would be dishonest to celebrate a birthday once every four years. It’s always a holiday, gifts, surprises,” says Anatoly. - That's why we celebrated it every year. Previously, it was not customary to celebrate a birthday, so we were congratulated on March 1st. And during a leap year we always had a holiday equivalent to an anniversary. And this day was always remembered. For example, on one of the “leap” birthdays, we plunged into an ice hole in Valdai.

This year the brothers turn 28 years old. Anatoly and Semyon wanted to celebrate their birthday at altitude, go to Kolomna, jump with a parachute, but circumstances are such that, most likely, plans will have to be changed.

And yet, when to celebrate a birthday if it falls on February 29 and the year is not a leap year?

Leap-winners who want to receive a cake and gifts every year should pay attention to the system developed by the German professor Hemme. According to the scientist, everything depends on your hour of birth. Anyone born in the first hours after midnight can celebrate their birthday on February 28th. Anyone who was born in the first half of the day - from 6 am to 12 pm - can celebrate their birthday for the first two years on February 28, and the third year on March 1. For those who were born closer to midnight on March 1, it is better to celebrate their birthday on March 1. Those whom the midwives received in the afternoon - from 12 noon to 6 pm - can have a holiday for the first year on February 28, and for the next two years on March 1.

As we have learned, despite the bad reputation of Leap Day on February 29, people born on this day live quite happy, varied and prosperous lives.

And we should rejoice at the opportunity to live an extra day every four years.

Not everyone celebrates birthdays strictly according to the calendar. A working person does not always manage to find free hours during the working week. Therefore, more and more often, birthday people are trying to postpone the celebration to the next weekend. This can be done by someone who happened to be born 29. As a rule, this is the first day off after a birthday, since there is an opinion that congratulating someone in advance is not a very good omen.

Between February 28 and March 1

If you still think that you need to celebrate your birthday strictly according to the calendar, keep in mind that February 29 in a normal year is the moment after February 28 and before March 1. That is, you can celebrate both on the last day of February and on the first day of March. According to the German scientist Heinrich Hemme, the hour at which you were born is important. The easiest way to schedule a date is for someone born from midnight to 6 a.m. on February 29 and from 6 p.m. on February 29 to 0 a.m. on March 1. The former can safely celebrate their birthday on February 28, the latter - on March 1. The professor suggests a more complex schedule for those who were born during the day. If the hour of birth falls in the first half of the day, two years after a leap year can be celebrated on February 28, the third - on March 1. Those born between noon and 6 o'clock have a different schedule - the first two years they celebrate their birthday on March 1, the third on February 28. The birthday boy decides whether to follow this rule or not.

Four years later - but for real

Usually those born on February 29th try to arrange a special celebration for their real birthday. Even anniversaries are not as important for them as the opportunity to celebrate their holiday on the very day recorded in the passport as their date of birth. This is a great reason to host a large gathering of guests. The birthday boy can prepare a short and witty opening speech in which he talks about a rare event in his life. You can ask guests to prepare in advance funny toasts, which will also reflect a special date. The uniqueness of the event can be emphasized in the design of the hall and dishes.

If you are celebrating a birthday at home

Decorate the room. For example, you can make a panel of balloons in the form of a circle, in the center of which the date is written - February 29. The panel can be made from flowers, real or artificial, and from paper stars. Order a large cake with the appropriate inscription. Create a welcome speech. It will be very good if it is written in verse. If you yourself do not know how to beautifully express your thoughts in rhyme, order a poem that will talk not only about the occasion that brought all the guests together, but also about the date, because not everyone has such an event in their life.

You were born in February, it's a wonderful time!
It's snowing softly in the morning,
And your soul is filled with happiness,
Today is your birthday,
We congratulate! Be happy, friend!
Let there be no separation in your life,
May your affairs always go well,
And may you be lucky in love!

Today is your birthday, it’s your holiday,
All your friends gathered at the table,
You are the February birthday boy, let's drink to you,
May your health be strong, like the frost of February.
We wish you happiness, success and good luck,
Beautiful mood and love to boot,
May life be as beautiful as crystal water,
All earthly blessings to you, peace and goodness.

February is like good Santa Claus for us,
Brought a joyful holiday,
Today is your birthday, friend.
May your dream certainly come true.
May luck always smile on you,
May you be surrounded by reliable friends
Let the mood be wonderful in addition,
May the Lord always protect you.

February day is frosty, clear,
But we are not afraid of the cold,
Today is dad's birthday,
We will have fun from the bottom of our hearts.
Let life be as pure as snow,
May every day be bright
May all the delights of life, its beauty,
It will be given to you as a gift.

February is the shortest month,
The blizzard is still raging,
A friend shares his joy with us,
Today he celebrates a wonderful birthday.
Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart,

May there never be disappointments
Don't let your friends let you down.

The shortest month of winter
Gave me, my dear, you
I loved February from the bottom of my heart,
And - with my heart, of course, you.
On your birthday, please accept congratulations,
Let your mood be great
May luck not let you go,
May there be many happy days.

On a frosty February day,
You were born
He grew up, became respectable and serious,
And better, my dear, there is no one in the world.
May your life be long and beautiful,
May fate be the happiest
I wish all your dreams come true,
On a wonderful holiday - a birthday.

You are the bravest, the strongest with me,
After all, you were born under the lucky star of February,
Happy birthday, I congratulate you, dear, from the bottom of my heart,
May all your dreams certainly come true.
Be happy, young and beautiful,
Always cheerful and full of strength,
May you be lucky in everything
Let all the problems be nothing.

In February, we have a special holiday in our family,
In the midst of winter and blizzards, we have joy,
Today we celebrate your birthday,
We present gifts and congratulations to you alone.
And we want any business or undertaking to
The result would exceed all your dreams.
Always believe in yourself, try to live honestly,
Be kind, fair and never give up.

Today is your holiday - your birthday,
In the middle of a snowy, harsh, cold February,
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you in this congratulation,
Only a happy, bright and easy existence.
So that all your important affairs and undertakings,
I was waiting for rapid, dizzying success,
And so that fortune, for all your efforts,
I would turn my face to you forever.

Let the evil blizzard rage outside the windows,
Let white snow cover the whole earth,
But winter gave us a best friend,
In the days of February a glorious man was born!
Let life be as pure as snow covers,
May your health be as strong as ice,
Let the blizzard break the sorrows, the shackles of problems,
Let life bring only joy and happiness!

In February we see off the winter with smiles,
But our hearts are also happy because
That today you were born - our irresistible one,
You shine like the sun through the winter chaos!
May everything always be in order in your life,
And may luck not let you down in your affairs,
And let all experiences and worries be brief,
Like snowy February in a non-leap year.

Our wonderful friend was born in February,
In the cold, snow, storms, severe frosts,
When the night blizzard howled in the chimney,
When the trees all fell asleep and the roses froze.
But when you were born into this world,
The world came to life and, somehow, came to life in a different way,
We wish you the best in your destiny,
All congratulations, gifts and smiles, only to you!

You were born in the bitter frosts of February,
And now you like both blizzards and white snow,
I wish there were only tears of happiness,
May you live a happy and rich life.
Happy holiday to you, kind and cheerful man,
Let the frost weave a beautiful pattern on your destiny,
And today we are bringing you a cake and a lot of candles,
And we wish you to remain the same, our eagle!