Read to children good night. Short bedtime stories for children. What kinds of fairy tales are there for children?

Svetlana Novokovskaya, 4th grade student of the Kuibyshevskaya secondary educational institution, Petropavlovsk district, Voronezh region
Supervisor: Radchenkova Tamara Ivanovna, teacher primary classes MCOU Kuibyshevskaya secondary school, Petropavlovsk district, Voronezh region
Description: The presented fairy tale was written by a 4th grade student. This work can be used by primary school teachers when studying literary fairy tales, when organizing the creative activities of students, and by kindergarten teachers when conducting classes with children. The fairy tale will also be interesting to parents of children who instill in their children a love of reading, oral folk art, a literary fairy tale.
Cultivating interest in literary fairy tales.
- Form a special perception of the world, relationships between people.
- Develop children's oral speech, imagination, and creative abilities.
- Instill a love of books, a desire to read and write fairy tales on their own.
- To cultivate a sense of tolerance, a kind and cordial attitude towards people, a sense of compassion, the desire to always come to the rescue, to be a loyal friend, a sensitive comrade.

I’ll tell you a fairy tale, or maybe just a fairy-tale story that happened to one very capricious boy...
It was not about a fairy-tale kingdom, not about an overseas state, but about an ordinary small town that you couldn’t find on a map.

Once upon a time there was a family: a mother and her son. Mom loved her son very much, she read to him at night good fairy tales, often played with him, walked around the city.

But the boy grew up spoiled and capricious. He constantly cried, screamed, puffed out his cheeks and lips when he didn’t like something.

The boy loved to have all his whims fulfilled. Mom had a very difficult time with him. She worked hard to raise her son. All the neighbors said about the boy’s mother that she was a very good, hardworking, polite woman, and they also said that she was friends with the Kind Word. Good word never left a woman alone.

It was always there, giving advice, supporting. And when the mother tried to calm down her capricious son, a kind word encouraged the mother and helped her. And my little son really didn’t like it when someone bothers him.

He was jealous of his mother for the Good Word and did not want it to come into his room. The boy expected that his mother would only listen to him, always admire him and fulfill all his wishes.
One day, late in the evening, when ordinary children were already having magical dreams, our boy became capricious again. This time he really wanted a real star to burn in his room, on the top of the Christmas tree, which was now looking out the window of his room with a condemning look.

The boy cried, threw toys around the room, screamed, and then sat down on the floor and moved his feet on the carpet for a long time. Mom patiently looked at her son’s next whim and said: “It must be very beautiful when a real Christmas star is shining on the Christmas tree. But she can’t go down to everyone, son. Stars fall from the sky for good luck. And our happiness lies in doing good to others.” Kind Word stood next to his mother and nodded his head in agreement. And the baby continued to scream, not hearing his mother’s words.

Mom wished her son Good night, kissed his tear-stained eyes and went to her room. As soon as mother and Good Word left the room, the boy stopped crying. Why cry if no one hears you? He moved a chair to the window and looked into the sky, at a bright star. She seemed to be winking at him. The boy waved his hand at her and went to bed. In the morning he woke up, but no one came to kiss him or greet him. He lay down for a while and got out of bed. I wanted to eat and the boy went into the kitchen. But mom wasn't in the kitchen.

There was nothing on the stove. The boy could not understand why his mother did not prepare his favorite breakfast for him. But there was a very frightening silence around - mom was nowhere to be found.
Then he himself decided to go up to his mother’s room. When the son opened the door to the room, he saw his mother lying in bed. She had a fever. She moaned. And Good Word sat next to her and encouraged her mother, telling her that she had to hold on, that she was strong and would definitely overcome the disease, because her son really needed her.

And how we need kind words!
We have convinced ourselves of this more than once,
Or maybe it’s not words but deeds that are important?
Deeds are deeds, and words are words.
They live with each of us,
At the bottom of the soul are stored until time,
To pronounce them at that very hour,
When others need them.
And the boy stood there and didn’t know what to do. He really did not like the Good Word, which constantly accompanied his mother. The boy wanted his mother to be his only. He came closer and leaned over his mother.
“Drink,” Mom whispered quietly.
“Please bring mom some water and some medicine, it’s in the refrigerator,” said the Good Word.
“Bring it yourself,” the boy answered rudely.
“Unfortunately, I can only talk, give advice, support, but I can’t bring anything,” answered Good Word with sadness in his voice.
The boy puffed out his lips capriciously and stood silently near the bed of his sick mother. She moaned softly again, she had heat. Then the boy reluctantly wandered downstairs, poured water into a glass and took the medicine from the refrigerator. He went up to his mother’s room and helped her drink the mixture.

“Thank you, son,” my mother whispered barely audibly. For the first time, the boy was told “thank you.” He had never heard such words. His heart began to beat and his eyes lit up. He took his mother's hand and kissed her.
“The good deed you did will definitely help your mother,” said the Good Word.

No matter how life flies -
Don't regret your days,
Do a good deed
For the sake of people's happiness.
To make the heart burn,
And it didn’t smolder in the darkness
Do a good deed -
That's why we live on earth.
Now the boy began every new day with a good deed: he warmed the kettle and brought hot tea to his mother. For several days, the baby and Good Word treated a sick woman. And the magic star illuminated my mother’s room every night with a very bright blue color.

Mom soon recovered. The son continued to help her, washed the dishes, put his toys in their places himself and did not act up. The good deed did not leave him now. They became such friends that the boy could no longer live a day without doing a good deed.
And on Christmas night, when the mother went into her son’s room, they saw an extraordinary sight together - at the top of the Christmas tree a star was burning in bright blue. She seemed to be smiling at mother and son.

- You see, son, the star found you herself. And tonight is an unusual, fabulous night. This star will always fulfill all your wishes if you yourself try to fulfill the wishes of others, help people, be friends with Good deed.
-Mom, I liked giving you joy and helping you so much that now I will always listen to the advice of a Good Word, be friends with a Good Deed and try to live in such a way that a star will always descend on my Christmas tree on Christmas night.
Since then, the baby and Good Deed have become inseparable friends. Already everyone in the town began to call the boy Good Deed. This is how mother, Good Word and Good Deed live in this small town.

Fairy tales that teach good...

These good bedtime stories with a happy and instructive ending will delight your child before bed, calm him down, and teach kindness and friendship.

Good fairy tales for children from the series: That's it! It is recommended to read fairy tales with deep meaning to children from 1 to 101 years old, modern, interesting and understandable to children.

If you want to raise a kind and sympathetic child, help him act correctly in difficult life situations, then be sure to read to your child cautionary tales for the night.

A series of good instructive tales about a boy - Fedya Egorov.

1. Fedya Egorov’s meeting with Puss in Boots or Fedya’s new transformation into a mouse

Brothers Fedya and Vasya Egorov have long wanted to have real slingshots. Sometimes Fedya made slingshots for himself and his brother from aluminum wire. The boys used these slingshots to shoot paper bullets at targets, but they wanted to have large slingshots made from real wooden slingshots.

The brothers' passion for slingshots appeared and then disappeared. But this time it was definitely the last, because the events associated with slingshot shooting were extraordinary, they were not just events, but real adventures. And this time the guys had a slingshot not made of wire, but a real one made of a poplar branch with a leather sight on a wide medical rubber band. This slingshot could shoot real stones. Dad made this slingshot for his sons.

Having made his sons promise that they would only shoot from a slingshot at an inanimate target marked on the wall of the barn, the father and his sons went into the nearby forest. They took with them everything they needed to make slingshots: a knife, two leather tongues from Vasya’s old boots and a medical rubber tourniquet. By lunchtime, all three returned with a bouquet of flowers for mom, a glass of fragrant strawberries for tea, and two fresh slingshots.

Fedya and Vasya were in joyful excitement. They vied with each other to praise their slingshots, told their mother how far they managed to shoot with them in the forest, and even made guesses as to who would hit the target on the wall of the barn how many times. ...

2. The tale of how Fedya saved the forest from an evil sorcerer

In the summer, the boy Fedya Egorov came to rest in the village with his grandparents. This village stood right next to the forest. Fedya decided to go into the forest to pick berries and mushrooms, but his grandparents did not let him in. They said that the real Baba Yaga lives in their forest, and for more than two hundred years no one has gone to this forest.

Fedya did not believe that Baba Yaga lived in the forest, but he obeyed his grandparents and did not go into the forest, but went to the river to fish. The cat Vaska followed Fedya. The fish were biting well. There were already three ruffs floating in Fedya’s jar when the cat knocked it over and ate the fish. Fedya saw this, got upset and decided to postpone fishing until tomorrow. Fedya returned home. Grandparents were not at home. Fedya put away his fishing rod and put on a shirt with long sleeves and, taking the basket, went to the neighbor’s children to invite them into the forest.

Fedya believed that his grandparents had written about Baba Yaga, that they simply did not want him to go into the forest, because it is always very easy to get lost in the forest. But Fedya was not afraid of getting lost in the forest, since he wanted to go into the forest with friends who had lived here for a long time, and therefore knew the forest well.

Much to Fedya’s surprise, all the guys refused to go with him and they began to dissuade him. ...

3. Obeshchaikin

Once upon a time there was a boy Fedya Egorov. Fedya did not always keep his promises. Sometimes, having promised his parents to clean up his toys, he got carried away, forgot and left them scattered.

One day Fedya’s parents left him alone at home and asked him not to lean out of the window. Fedya promised them that he would not lean out of the window, but would draw. He took out everything he needed for drawing, sat down in a large room at the table and began to draw.

But as soon as mom and dad left the house, Fedya was immediately drawn to the window. Fedya thought: “So what, I promised not to peek, I’ll quickly peek out and see what the guys are doing in the yard, and mom and dad won’t even know that I was peeking.”

Fedya placed a chair near the window, climbed onto the window sill, lowered the handle on the frame, and before he even had time to pull the window sash, it swung open. By some miracle, just like in a fairy tale, a flying carpet appeared in front of the window, and on it sat a grandfather unfamiliar to Fedya. Grandfather smiled and said:

- Hello, Fedya! Do you want me to give you a ride on my carpet? ...

4. A tale about food

The boy Fedya Egorov became stubborn at the table:

- I don’t want to eat soup and I won’t eat porridge. I don't like bread!

The soup, porridge and bread took offense at him, disappeared from the table and ended up in the forest. And at this time an angry hungry wolf was prowling through the forest and said:

– I love soup, porridge and bread! Oh, how I wish I could eat them!

The food heard this and flew straight into the wolf's mouth. The wolf has eaten his fill, sits contentedly, licking his lips. And Fedya left the table without eating. For dinner, mom served potato pancakes with jelly, and Fedya became stubborn again:

- Mom, I don’t want pancakes, I want pancakes with sour cream!

5. The Tale of the Nervous Pika or the Magic Book of Yegor Kuzmich

There lived two brothers - Fedya and Vasya Egorov. They constantly started fights, quarrels, divided something among themselves, quarreled, argued over trifles, and at the same time the youngest of the brothers, Vasya, always squeaked. Sometimes the eldest of the brothers, Fedya, also squealed. The squeaking of the children greatly irritated and upset the parents, and especially the mother. And people often get sick from grief.

So the mother of these boys got sick, so much so that she stopped getting up even for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The doctor who came to treat my mother prescribed her medication and said that my mother needed peace and quiet. Dad, leaving for work, asked the children not to make noise. He gave them the book and said:

– The book is interesting, read it. I think you'll like it.

6. The Tale of Fedya’s Toys

Once upon a time there was a boy Fedya Egorov. Like all kids, he had a lot of toys. Fedya loved his toys, he played with them with pleasure, but there was one problem - he did not like to clean them up after himself. He will play and leave where he played. The toys lay in disarray on the floor and got in the way, everyone was tripping over them, even Fedya himself threw them away.

And then one day the toys got tired of it.

“We need to run away from Fedya before they completely break us.” We must go to the good guys who take care of their toys and put them away,” said the plastic soldier.

7. An instructive tale for boys and girls: The Devil's Tail

Once upon a time there lived the Devil. That Devil had a magic tail. With the help of his tail, the Devil could find himself anywhere, but, most importantly, the Devil’s tail could fulfill whatever he wanted, for this he only had to think of a wish and wave his tail. This devil was very evil and very harmful.

He used the magical power of his tail for harmful deeds. He caused accidents on the roads, drowned people in rivers, broke ice under fishermen, started fires and committed many other atrocities. One day the Devil got tired of living alone in his underground kingdom.

He built himself a kingdom on earth, surrounded it with dense forest and swamps so that no one could approach him, and began to think about who else to populate his kingdom with. The Devil thought and thought and came up with the idea of ​​populating his kingdom with assistants who would commit harmful atrocities on his orders.

The Devil decided to take naughty children as his assistants. ...

Also on topic:

Poem: “Fedya is a nice boy”

Cheerful boy Fedya
Riding a bike,
Fedya is driving along the path,
Stepping back a little to the left.
At this time on the track
Murka the cat jumped out.
Fedya suddenly slowed down,
I missed Murka the Cat.
Fedya moves on briskly,
A friend shouts to him: “Wait a minute!”
Let me ride a little bit.
This is a friend, not anyone,
Fedya said: “Take it, my friend.”
Ride one circle.
He himself sat down on the bench,
He sees a faucet and a watering can nearby,
And there are flowers waiting in the flowerbed -
Who would give me a sip of water?
Fedya, jumping off the bench,
All the flowers were watered from a watering can
And he poured water for the geese,
So they can get drunk.
- Our Fedya is so good,
- Prosha the cat suddenly noticed,
- Yes, he is good enough to be our friend,
- said the goose, drinking some water.
- Woof woof woof! - said Polkan,
– Fedya is a nice boy!

“Fedya is a hooligan boy”

Cheerful boy Fedya
Riding a bike
Directly off the road
Fedya, the mischievous one, is coming.
Driving straight across the lawn
So I ran into peonies,
I broke three stems,
And scared away three moths,
He crushed more daisies,
I caught my shirt on a bush,
Immediately he crashed into a bench,
He kicked and knocked over the watering can,
I soaked my sandals in a puddle,
I used mud on the pedals.
“Ha-ha-ha,” said the gander,
Well, what a weirdo he is,
You have to drive on the path!
“Yes,” said the kitten Proshka,
– there’s no road at all!
The cat said: “He does a lot of harm!”
“Woof-woof-woof,” said Polkan,
- This boy is a bully!

You looked at the site category Russians folk tales . Here you will find full list Russian fairy tales from Russian folklore. Long-known and beloved characters from folk tales will greet you here with joy, and once again tell you about their interesting and entertaining adventures.

Russian folk tales are divided into the following groups:

Animal Tales;

Fairy tales;

Everyday tales.

Heroes of Russian folk tales are often represented by animals. So the wolf always represented a greedy and evil person, a fox a cunning and savvy person, a bear a strong and kind person, and a hare a weak and cowardly person. But the moral of these stories was that you should not hang a yoke on even the most evil hero, because there can always be a cowardly hare who can outwit the fox and defeat the wolf.

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Russian folk tales also play an educational role. Good and evil are clearly differentiated and give a clear answer to a specific situation. For example, Kolobok, who ran away from home, considered himself independent and brave, but a cunning fox got in his way. A child, even the smallest one, will come to the conclusion that he, too, could be in the place of the kolobok.

The Russian folk tale is suitable even for the youngest children. And as the child grows up, there will always be a suitable instructive Russian fairy tale that can give a hint or even an answer to a question that the child cannot yet solve for himself.

Thanks to the beauty of Russian speech Russian folk tales read pure pleasure. They contain folk wisdom and light humor, which are skillfully intertwined in the plot of each fairy tale. Reading fairy tales to children is very useful, as it well replenishes the child’s vocabulary and helps him in the future to formulate his thoughts correctly and clearly.

There is no doubt that Russian fairy tales will allow adults to plunge into the world of childhood and magical fantasies for many happy minutes. A fairy tale on the wings of a magical firebird will take you into an imaginary world and will more than once make you break away from everyday problems. All fairy tales are presented for review absolutely free of charge.

Read Russian folk tales

The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell straight onto the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat her. The squirrel began to ask:

Let me in.

Wolf said:

Okay, I’ll let you in, just tell me why you squirrels are so cheerful. I’m always bored, but I look at you, you’re up there playing and jumping.

Belka said:

Let me go up the tree first, and from there I’ll tell you, otherwise I’m afraid of you.

The wolf let go, and the squirrel went up a tree and from there said:

You're bored because you're angry. Anger burns your heart. And we are cheerful because we are kind and do no harm to anyone.

Fairy tale "The Hare and the Man"

Russian traditional

A poor man, walking through an open field, saw a hare under a bush, was delighted and said:

That's when I'll live in a house! I’ll catch this hare and sell it for four altyns, with that money I’ll buy a pig, it will bring me twelve little pigs; the piglets will grow up and produce twelve more; I’ll kill everyone, I’ll save up a barn of meat; I’ll sell the meat, and with the money I’ll start a house and get married myself; my wife will give birth to two sons for me - Vaska and Vanka; The kids will start plowing the arable land, and I’ll sit under the window and give orders. “Hey, you guys,” I’ll shout, “Vaska and Vanka! Don’t force too many people to work: apparently, you didn’t live poorly yourself!”

Yes, the man shouted so loudly that the hare got scared and ran away, and the house with all its wealth, wife and children disappeared...

Fairy tale “How the fox got rid of the nettles in the garden”

One day a fox went out into the garden and saw that a lot of nettles had grown there. I wanted to pull it out, but decided that it wasn’t even worth trying. I was about to go into the house, but here comes the wolf:

Hello godfather, what are you doing?

And the sly fox answers him:

Oh, you see, godfather, how many beautiful things I have lost. Tomorrow I will clean and store it.

What for? - asks the wolf.

“Well,” says the fox, “the one who smells nettles is not taken by a dog’s fang.” Look, godfather, don’t come close to my nettles.

The fox turned and went into the house to sleep. She wakes up in the morning and looks out the window, and her garden is empty, not a single nettle remains. The fox smiled and went to prepare breakfast.

Fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"

Russian traditional

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman in the same village.

And they had a chicken. Named Ryaba.

One day the hen Ryaba laid an egg for them. Yes, not an ordinary egg, a golden one.

Grandfather beat and beat the testicle, but did not break it.

The woman beat and beat the egg, but didn’t break it.

The mouse ran, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke!

The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying. And Ryaba the hen says to them:

Don't cry grandpa, don't cry grandma! I will lay you a new egg, not just an ordinary one, but a golden one!

The Tale of the Greediest Man

Eastern fairy tale

In one city in the Hausa country there lived a miser named Na-hana. And he was so greedy that none of the residents of the city ever saw Na-khana give even water to a traveler. He would rather receive a couple of slaps than lose even a little of his fortune. And this was a considerable fortune. Na-khana himself probably did not know exactly how many goats and sheep he had.

One day, returning from the pasture, Na-khana saw that one of his goats had stuck its head into a pot, but could not pull it out. Na-khana tried for a long time to remove the pot, but in vain. Then he called the butchers and, after a long bargain, sold them the goat on the condition that they would cut off its head and return the pot to him. The butchers slaughtered the goat, but when they took out its head, they broke the pot. Na-hana was furious.

I sold the goat at a loss, and you also broke the pot! - he shouted. And he even cried.

From then on, he did not leave the pots on the ground, but placed them somewhere higher, so that goats or sheep would not stick their heads into them and cause him damage. And people began to call him a great miser and the most greedy person.

Fairy tale "Ocheski"

Brothers Grimm

The beautiful girl was lazy and sloppy. When she had to spin, she was annoyed at every knot in the linen yarn and immediately tore it off to no avail and threw it in a heap on the floor.

She had a maid - a hardworking girl: it used to be that everything that the impatient beauty threw out would be collected, unraveled, cleaned and thinly rolled. And she accumulated so much material that it was enough for a nice dress.

A young man wooed the lazy, beautiful maiden, and everything was prepared for the wedding.

At the bachelorette party, the diligent maid danced merrily in her dress, and the bride, looking at her, said mockingly:

“Look, how she’s dancing! How much fun she’s having! And she’s dressed up in my glasses!”

The groom heard this and asked the bride what she wanted to say. She told the groom that this maid had woven a dress for herself from the flax that she had discarded from her yarn.

As the groom heard this, he realized that the beauty was lazy, and the maid was zealous for work, so he approached the maid and chose her as his wife.

Fairy tale "Turnip"

Russian traditional

Grandfather planted a turnip and said:

Grow, grow, turnip, sweet! Grow, grow, turnip, strong!

The turnip grew sweet, strong, and big.

Grandfather went to pick a turnip: he pulled and pulled, but couldn’t pull it out.

Grandfather called grandma.

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for the turnip -

The grandmother called her granddaughter.

Granddaughter for grandmother,

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for the turnip -

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

The granddaughter called Zhuchka.

A bug for my granddaughter,

Granddaughter for grandmother,

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for the turnip -

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

Bug called the cat.

Cat for Bug,

A bug for my granddaughter,

Granddaughter for grandmother,

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for the turnip -

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

The cat called the mouse.

A mouse for a cat

Cat for Bug,

A bug for my granddaughter,

Granddaughter for grandmother,

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for the turnip -

They pulled and pulled and pulled out the turnip. That’s the end of the Turnip fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done!

Fairy tale "The Sun and the Cloud"

Gianni Rodari

The sun rolled cheerfully and proudly across the sky on its fiery chariot and generously scattered its rays - in all directions!

And everyone had fun. Only the cloud was angry and grumbled at the sun. And no wonder - she was in a stormy mood.

- You're a spender! - the cloud frowned. - Leaky hands! Throw, throw your rays! Let's see what you're left with!

And in the vineyards, every berry caught the sun's rays and rejoiced at them. And there wasn’t a blade of grass, a spider or a flower, there wasn’t even a drop of water that didn’t try to get its piece of the sun.

- Well, you’re still a big spender! – the cloud did not subside. - Spend your wealth! You will see how they will thank you when you have nothing left to take!

The sun still rolled cheerfully across the sky and bestowed its rays in millions, billions.

When it counted them at sunset, it turned out that everything was in place - look, every single one!

Having learned about this, the cloud was so surprised that it immediately crumbled into hail. And the sun splashed merrily into the sea.

Fairy tale "Sweet porridge"

Brothers Grimm

Once upon a time there lived a poor, humble girl alone with her mother, and they had nothing to eat. One day a girl went into the forest and on the way met an old woman who already knew about her miserable life and gave her a clay pot. All he had to do was say: “Cook the pot!” - and delicious, sweet millet porridge will be cooked in it; and just tell him: “Potty, stop!” - and the porridge will stop cooking in it. The girl brought the pot home to her mother, and now they got rid of poverty and hunger and began to eat sweet porridge whenever they wanted.

One day the girl left home, and her mother said: “Cook the pot!” - and the porridge began to cook in it, and the mother ate her fill. But she wanted the pot to stop cooking the porridge, but she forgot the word. And so he cooks and cooks, and the porridge is already creeping over the edge, and the porridge is still being cooked. Now the kitchen is full, and the whole hut is full, and the porridge is creeping into another hut, and the street is all full, as if it wants to feed the whole world; and a great misfortune happened, and not a single person knew how to help him. Finally, when only the house remained intact, a girl comes; and only she said: “Potty, stop!” - he stopped cooking porridge; and the one who had to go back to the city had to eat his way in porridge.

Fairy tale "Grouse and the Fox"

Tolstoy L.N.

The black grouse was sitting on a tree. The fox came up to him and said:

- Hello, black grouse, my friend, as soon as I heard your voice, I came to visit you.

“Thank you for your kind words,” said the black grouse.

The fox pretended not to hear and said:

-What are you saying? I can not hear. You, little black grouse, my friend, should come down to the grass for a walk and talk to me, otherwise I won’t hear from the tree.

Teterev said:

- I'm afraid to go on the grass. It is dangerous for us birds to walk on the ground.

- Or are you afraid of me? - said the fox.

“If I’m not afraid of you, I’m afraid of other animals,” said the black grouse. - There are all kinds of animals.

- No, little black grouse, my friend, today a decree has been announced so that there will be peace throughout the entire earth. Nowadays animals don’t touch each other.

“That’s good,” said the black grouse, “otherwise the dogs are running, if it were the old way, you would have to leave, but now you have nothing to be afraid of.”

The fox heard about the dogs, pricked up her ears and wanted to run.

-Where are you going? - said the black grouse. - After all, now there is a decree that the dogs will not be touched.

– Who knows! - said the fox. “Maybe they didn’t hear the decree.”

And she ran away.

Fairy tale "The Tsar and the Shirt"

Tolstoy L.N.

One king was sick and said:

“I’ll give half the kingdom to the one who cures me.”

Then all the wise men gathered and began to judge how to cure the king. No one knew. Only one sage said that the king could be cured. He said:

“If you find a happy person, take off his shirt and put it on the king, the king will recover.”

The king sent to look for a happy person throughout his kingdom; but the king's ambassadors traveled for a long time throughout the kingdom and could not find a happy person. There was not a single one that everyone was happy with. He who is rich is sick; whoever is healthy is poor; who is healthy and rich, but his wife is not good; and those whose children are not good - everyone complains about something.

One day the king’s son was walking past a hut late in the evening, and he heard someone say:

- Now, thank God, I’ve worked hard, eaten enough and go to bed; what else do I need?

The king's son was delighted and ordered to take off the man's shirt, and give him as much money as he wanted for it, and take the shirt to the king.

Those sent came to happy man and they wanted to take off his shirt; but the happy one was so poor that he had no shirt.

Fairy tale "Chocolate Road"

Gianni Rodari

There lived three little boys in Barletta - three brothers. They were walking outside the city one day and suddenly saw some strange road - flat, smooth and all brown.

– What, I wonder, is this road made of? – the older brother was surprised.

“I don’t know what, but not boards,” remarked the middle brother.

They wondered and wondered, and then sank to their knees and licked the road with their tongues.

And the road, it turns out, was all lined with chocolate bars. Well, the brothers, of course, were not at a loss - they began to feast on it. Piece by piece, they didn’t notice how the evening came. And they all gobble up chocolate. They ate it all the way! Not a piece of it remained. It was as if there was no road or chocolate at all!

-Where are we now? – the older brother was surprised.

– I don’t know where, but it’s not Bari! - answered the middle brother.

The brothers were confused - they didn’t know what to do. Luckily, a peasant came out to meet them, returning from the field with his cart.

“Let me take you home,” he suggested. And he took the brothers to Barletta, right to the house.

The brothers began to get out of the cart and suddenly saw that it was all made of cookies. They were delighted and, without thinking twice, began to devour her on both cheeks. There was nothing left of the cart - no wheels, no shaft. They ate everything.

That's how lucky three little brothers from Barletta were one day. No one has ever been so lucky, and who knows if they will ever be so lucky again.

Psychologists have long proven that a fairy tale is a special type of communication and transfer of love from parents to children. A book read by mom, dad, grandma or grandpa helps to form basic values, develops imagination, and makes the child calm down and get ready for bed. You can read fairy tales not only classic, but also modern ones. The Night of Good website presents the best modern works that are popular with parents. Only here you will find short and instructive tales about Peppa Pig, Luntik, PAW Patrol, Ninya Turtles, Vince and other cartoon characters. This will captivate the baby's attention and allow him to spend even more time with his favorite characters. A happy baby will be incredibly grateful to her parents.

How to properly organize such a ritual as putting a child to bed?
It is not recommended to eat before going to bed. The last meal should be two hours before meals.
You can drink a glass of warm milk.
Don't forget to remind your baby to go to the toilet and brush his teeth.

All needs have been met, procedures have been completed, and now you can read a fairy tale for children with a clear conscience. The baby will not be distracted, nothing will bother him. You need to read a fairy tale before bed in a calm voice. Psychologists advise choosing not combat and adventure works, but calmer ones that would put you to sleep and lull you to sleep. To attract attention, you can sit next to the child and show him pictures from the book. Or sit at the feet, so that the baby can fantasize more and imagine the characters on his own.
Remember, the child's psyche is not able to concentrate for more than six minutes. Attention will wander if you take too long to read. The optimal duration of reading a fairy tale for children is 5-10 minutes.

It is important to read fairy tales every day. This is not just a habit, but a kind of tradition. It is she who helps the baby create support and know that his world is stable. At the same time in bad mental state It's better not to read a fairy tale. Ask them to replace you or explain to your child that you are not feeling well. Otherwise, the baby may become “infected” with a bad mood without realizing it.

It is important to choose the right fairy tale for your child. After all, it carries morality. If the fairy tale is evil and cruel, then the child may develop an incorrect vision of reality. For example, the fairy tale The Little Mermaid tells that real love cruel and generally leads to death. Cinderella teaches that you need to wait for the prince. Very susceptible children may receive incorrect attitudes into their subconscious, which will then have to be treated by a psychiatrist. We suggest you find a fairy tale right now and read it for your beloved baby.