Literary game based on the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm script. Brothers Grimm. B. Tale “The Town Musicians of Bremen”


The great German storytellers - Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm - are known and loved by the whole world. In the German city of Kassel, in the Brothers Grimm Museum, where they once worked as simple librarians and at the same time studied ancient manuscripts, their fairy tales, published in 160 languages ​​of the world, are collected. Here you can also see the personal belongings of the storytellers, paintings by their artist brother Ludwig, manuscripts, posters and even... candies, on the wrappers of which are drawn favorite characters from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm - Cinderella, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel... And after all, they were just boys when they began to collect fairy tales: Wilhelm was then twenty years old, and Jacob twenty-one.
The Brothers Grimm spent their childhood in a big happy family: dad is a judge, kind, caring mother, five brothers and sister Lotta. Everyone loved each other. But the young Jacob and Wilhelm were especially attached to each other. But the children in this family were orphaned early... When the eldest of them, Jacob, turned eleven years old, his father died. The boy became the head of the family. Like a child, he cried uncontrollably at his father’s grave and, like an adult, took upon himself the care of his brothers, little sister and grief-stricken mother...
By family tradition brothers Jacob and Wilhelm became lawyers. But they were attracted by ancient folk poetry, expressed in poems and fairy tales. They studied ancient legends and traditions, the history of their native language, German mythology and grammar, and published scientific books. But paradoxically, the most serious professors who created the new science of German studies gained popularity precisely thanks to the fairy tales they collected and recorded. It was a great gift for children for all times!

Based on materials from the "Magazine of Fairy Tales"


2. The birthplace of the German “Little Red Riding Hood” is the city of Schwalm. It was here that the Brothers Grimm wrote down this tale, and it is known to the German people in their telling. In the city of Schwalm there is a monument to Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf. And there is also very interesting tradition: all girls wear red caps on holidays, and boys wear wolf masks.

3. In the center of Germany between the cities of Kassel and Göttingen is the Reinhord forest. In this forest is the Zababurg Castle, which was built back in 1334. It was here that the Brothers Grimm wrote down the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty.” Today there is a theater, a hotel and a church where loving couples can get married. In spring and summer, guests of the castle are greeted by the heroes of the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty and the Prince and given a performance. And around the castle there are real prickly rose hips growing!

4. In northern Germany, in the city of Bremen, there are several monuments to the four heroes of the fairy tale “Bremen Street Musicians”. The most famous of them was built from bronze in 1953. Also, monuments to these heroes were erected in the cities of Sochi, Riga, Vidukle.

5. The plot of the tale of the Town Musicians of Bremen often became the basis for films, cartoons, musicals and theatrical productions. Here are some of the film adaptations: "The Bremen Town Musicians" - a Soviet animated film from 1969, "In the Footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians" - a Soviet cartoon from 1973, "The New Bremen Town Musicians" - an animated film from 2000, Russia, "The Bremen Town Musicians" - a musical based on the famous cartoon , 2009.




Solve the puzzle and you will find out
name of the friend of the seven dwarfs


Look at the pictures and remember which of the fairy tales listed below
there are depicted objects

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Hansel and Gretel. Mrs. Metelitsa. golden goose. Cinderella. Thrush King. Sleeping Beauty. Six swans.

1. Featherbed

2. Spindle

3. Glass slipper

4. Gingerbread house

5. Clay pots

6. Talking mirror

7. Ball of thread

8. Ax


Municipal educational institution

Secondary school No. 4

Literary quiz

based on the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm


Belova S. A.

Jacob Grimm


Wilhelm Grimm


    "The Bremen Town Musicians"

    "Pot of Porridge"

    "Puss in Boots"

    "Little Red Riding Hood"

    "Snow White"


    "Golden Goose"

    "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

The Brothers Grimm were born into the family of an official in the city of Hanau (Hanau). Their father was first a lawyer, and then dealt with legal issues for the Prince of Hanau.

Older brother,Jacob Grimm is bornFebruary 4, 1785 . (01/04/1785-09/20/1863), and the youngest -William Grimm-February 24, 1786 .(24.02.1786-

12/16/1859). The children grew up in a prosperous family, in an atmosphere of love and kindness.

In four years instead of the required eight years, the brothers completed a full course at the gymnasium. They received a law degree and served as professors at the University of Berlin. They created a “German grammar” and a dictionary of the German language.

We studied monuments, history and collected traditional folklore.

The Brothers Grimm became interested in collecting and studying folk tales back in their student years. Three collections of “Children's family tales” (1812, 1815, 1822) brought them fame as great storytellers. Among them“The Town Musicians of Bremen”, “A Pot of Porridge”, “Puss in Boots”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Snow White”, “Cinderella”, “The Golden Goose”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” - about 2000 fairy tales in total.

Some scientists believe that the Brothers Grimm did not compose fairy tales, but processed and creatively retold only those that were written down from the words of folk storytellers.

The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm have been translated into many languages ​​of the world, including Russian. They were reprinted many times in Russia. Subtle irony, slyness, and humor are inherent in fairy tales. Social relationships are very clearly visible in them.

Explanatory note.

To play the game, the class is divided into several teams. Teams choose a name and a captain. The winner is determined by the number of points scored. For a correct answer - 1 point. The winning team receives a sweet prize.

1. Presentation of commands.

( Each team names itself and says a motto)

2. “Warm-up” competition.

(Teams take turns naming the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, 1 point for each correct answer).

Answers:"The Bremen Town Musicians"

"Pot of Porridge"

"Puss in Boots"

"Little Red Riding Hood"

"Snow White"


"Golden Goose"

"The wolf and the seven Young goats".

"The Brave Little Tailor"

"Mistress Blizzard"

"Tom Thumb"

"King Thrushbeard"


3. “Guess” competition.

- Complete the sentence. What fairy tale is this line from?

    One day a girl left the house somewhere, and her mother put the pot in front of her and said: ...

(-One, two, three, cook a pot!) (“ A pot of porridge")

2) Once my mother baked pies and said to her daughter: ...

(-Go, Little Red Riding Hood, to grandma,

bring her this pie, a pot of butter, and find out

Is she healthy?) (“ Little Red Riding Hood»)

    Why are you leaving, Mishenka?” asked Snow White. And he answers her: ...

(-I must go into the forest - protect my treasures

from evil dwarfs.) ( "Snow White")

    One day she had to go into the forest to get food, and so she called her kids and said: ...

(- Dear children, I need to visit the forest, so

without me, beware of the wolf!)

( "The wolf and the seven Young goats")

    What do you see there, Gray? - asked the rooster.

(- What do I see? A laid table, and food on it,

and drinking, and the robbers are sitting at the table and

treat themselves) ( "The Bremen Town Musicians")

4 . Competition "Fairytale"

"Snow White"


"The Bremen Town Musicians"


"Little Red Riding Hood"

old lady

"Golden Goose"


"Pot of Porridge"


"The wolf and the seven Young goats"



Marquis de Carabas

"Puss in Boots"


Answers to the competition “Fairytale”:

1. "Snow White" -Rosette, bear

2. “Musicians of Bremen” -donkey

3. “Little Red Riding Hood” -wolf

4. “Golden Goose” -fool

5. “Pot of Porridge” -old lady

6. “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” -wolf

7. "Cinderella" -mice

8. "Puss in Boots" -Marquis de Carabas

Team No.____________

4 . Competition "Fairytale"

-What fairy tale are these characters from? Match the characters and the title of the work.

"Snow White"


"The Bremen Town Musicians"


"Little Red Riding Hood"

old lady

"Golden Goose"


"Pot of Porridge"


"The wolf and the seven Young goats"



Marquis de Carabas

"Puss in Boots"


5. Competition "Find the owner" (Each team has 1 question. The last question is answered by the one who raises his hand first)

-Guess what fairy tale these things are from?

    Boots, royal carriage("Puss in Boots")

    Shoes, pumpkin("Cinderella")

    Axe, glasses(from the woodcutter from Little Red Riding Hood)

    Roses, beard("Snow White")

    Knife, musical instruments("The Bremen Town Musicians")

6. Crossword.

According to a fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians"













    Which of these animals is the musician of Bremen: a turkey, a goat,rooster ?

    Which of these animals is the musician of Bremen: the bull,cat, hare?

    The tree under which the Bremen musicians settled down at night: spruce,oak , willow?

    Who lived in the house that the Bremen musicians liked: a policeman,robbers, chess players?

    Which of these animals is the Bremen musician: cow, horse,dog ?

    Which of these animals is the Musician of Bremen:donkey , goose, duck?

    Who is the owner of the old donkey: the lumberjack,miller , Sagittarius?

    The robber told his comrades that terrible people had settled in their house: heroes,giants , generals?

    Who is the owner of the old dog: the lumberjack,hunter, tailor?

    What, according to the robber, scratched his face:a spear, knitting needle, bump?



6. Crossword.

According to a fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians"













    Which of these animals is the Musician of Bremen: a turkey, a goat, a rooster?

    Which of these animals is the Musician of Bremen: a bull, a cat, a hare?

    The tree under which the Bremen musicians sat at night: spruce, oak, willow?

    Who lived in the house that the Bremen musicians liked: a policeman, robbers, chess players?

    Which of these animals is the Musician of Bremen: cow, horse, dog?

    Which of these animals is the Musician of Bremen: donkey, goose, duck?

    Who is the owner of the old donkey: lumberjack, miller, archer?

    The robber told his comrades that terrible people had settled in their house: heroes, giants, generals?

    Who is the owner of the old dog: a lumberjack, a hunter, a tailor?

    What, according to the robber, scratched his face: a spear, a knitting needle, a pine cone?


    The place where the donkey placed his front legs, intending to scare the robbers.

7. Captains competition. (Each team has 1 question. The last question is answered by the one who raises his hand first)

    Why did the old lady give the girl a pot?(For kindness)

    What time did the clock strike when Cinderella left the ball for the first time?(Three quarters past twelve)

    Who was the bear in the fairy tale “Snow White?”(the king's son, bewitched by the dwarf)

    How many people ran after the fool and why?(7 people)

    What did the cat say to say when he ran ahead of the carriage?(This is the house (mill, garden) of the Marquis de Carabas)

8. Competition "Encryption".

Based on the fairy tale "The Golden Goose"

- What decree did the king announce?


Answer: “Whoever makes the queen laugh will marry her.”

Team No.___________________________

Competition "Encryption".

Based on the fairy tale "The Golden Goose"

- What decree did the king announce?


9. Competition “Experts of Brothers Grimm's Fairy Tales.”

(Each team has 5 questions from a certain fairy tale. The questions of the last fairy tale are answered by the one who first raises his hand)

1 team: fairy tale “Puss in Boots”

    What did the miller leave to his sons?(Mill, donkey and cat)

    What modest gift did the cat give to the king?(Ryabchikov)

    Why did the cat's owner end up in the river?(To get an outfit)

    Who did the giant turn into?(to the mouse)

    What did the cat become after the marquis's wedding?(Noble nobleman).

Team 2: fairy tale “Cinderella”

    Why was the girl called Cinderella? (The poor girl sat near the fireplace, by the ash box)

    Who was Cinderella's old aunt?(Good sorceress)

    What did the sorceress turn the pumpkin into?(Into the gilded carriage)

    What did the six living mice become?(Mouse-colored horses)

    What was the lost shoe made of?(Crystal)

Team 3: fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”

    Who gave the girl a red riding hood?(Grandmother)

    What did the grandmother shout to the pretend wolf?(Pull the string, my child, the door will open)

    What did the wolf offer to Little Red Riding Hood when he met?(I also want to visit your grandmother. I will go along that road, and you go along that one)

    What did the wolf answer to the question: “Why do you have such big teeth?”(To quickly eat you)

    Who saved the grandmother and granddaughter?(Lumberjacks)

Team 4: fairy tale “Snow White”

    Name Snow White's sister.(Rose)

    Who was lying on the floor by the fireplace next to the sisters?(Lamb)

    Who became a frequent guest in the house?(Bear)

    Where was the dwarf's beard tangled?(In a tree, tangled with a fishing rod in the lake)

    What did he do wrong?(Bewitched the prince, stole treasures)

all: fairy tale “The Golden Goose”

    What did the fool say to the old man he met?(-If you like my food, let’s sit down and have a bite together)

    Why did the tavern owner's daughters stick to the goose?(Out of curiosity)

    Who followed the fool and the goose? (Three girls, pastor, pastor's servant, peasants)

    What ship did the king order to build?(So ​​that he could swim on water and on land)

    What award did the fool get?(The king's daughter).

10. Summing up the results of the competition. Rewarding.

Quiz for primary school according to fairy tales

Scenario of the competition program for junior schoolchildren. Quiz game “Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm”

Competition 1. “Decide the name”

At the beginning of the fairy tale, determine its name.

1. “One owner had a donkey, and for many years in a row he tirelessly carried sacks to the mill, but in his old age he became weak and was not as suitable for work as before...” (“Musicians of Bremen.”)

2. “Once upon a time there lived a poor old woman in a village. She once collected a bowl of beans and wanted to cook them...” (“Straw, Coal and Bean.”)

3. “Once upon a time there was a little sweet girl. And whoever looked at her, everyone liked her, but her grandmother loved her most and was ready to give her everything...” (“Little Red Riding Hood.”)

Competition 2. “Guess by the first word”

Continue the title of the fairy tale based on the first word.

1. “Tom Thumb.”

2. "The Brave Little Tailor."

3. “Musicians of Bremen.”

4. “Torn down shoes.”

5. “Mistress Blizzard.”

6. "Straw, coal and bean."

7. "Little Red Riding Hood."

8. "Golden Goose".

9. "Hansel and Gretel."

Competition 3. “Choose the ending”

Choose the ending based on the beginning of the title.

1. “Twelve (brothers, months).”

2. “Red (rose, Riding Hood).”

3. “Brave (duckling, little tailor).”

4. “Golden (ball, goose).”

5. “Lazy (Hans, Heinz).”

Competition 4. “Correct name”

At the beginning of the story, choose the correct title.

1. “Once a rich man’s wife fell ill and felt that the end was coming for her. She called her only daughter...” (“Cinderella,” “Spindle, Shuttle and Needle.”)

2. “Once upon a time there was a girl: her father and mother died when she was still a very small child. And on the edge of the village she lived in a hut godmother...” (“Cinderella”, “Rosehovnichek”.)

3. “Many years ago there lived a king with his queen, and every day they said: “Oh, if only we had a child!” But they still didn’t have and never had any children...” (“Rosehip”, “The Worn-Out Shoe.”)

4. “Once upon a time there lived a poor man. One evening he was sitting by the stove and raking out the heat, and his wife was sitting and spinning. So he says to his wife: “What a pity that we don’t have children...” (“Tom Thumb,” “Rose Pine.”)

5. “Once upon a time there lived a king. He had twelve daughters, one more beautiful than the other...” (“The Underground Shoe”, “The Worn Down Shoe”.)

6. “There was a king who had a daughter; she was extraordinarily beautiful, but at the same time so proud and arrogant that none of the suitors seemed good enough for her...” (“Three Feathers,” “King Thrush.”)

Competition 5. “Fairytale numbers”

Which Brothers Grimm fairy tales have the numbers 2, 3,4, 6, 7, 12 in their titles? (“Two brothers”; “Three little forest girls”, “Three paramedics”, “Three spinners”, “Three feathers”, “Three leaves”, “Three lucky ones”, “Three black princesses”; “Four skillful brothers”; “ Six servants”, “Six will go around the whole world”, “Six swans”, “Six servants”; “A wolf and seven little kids”, “Seven ravens”; “Twelve brothers”, “Twelve months”.)

Competition 6. “Collect a name”

Which hero's name does the Brothers Grimm mention most often in their fairy tales? Make up this name from the letters: N A S G. Name these fairy tales. (“Smart Hans”, “Mighty Hans”, “Iron Hans”, “Happy Hans”, “Hansmoy the Hedgehog”.)

Competition 7. “In one word”

List the names of Brothers Grimm fairy tales that consist of one word. (“Rose Pine”, “Cinderella”, “Shepherd Boy”, “Snow Maiden”, “Ondine”, “Rapunzel”, “Owl”, “Nail”, “Brownies”, “Crow”, “Godfather”, “Man”, “ Bugbear", "Riddle", "Goose Girl", "Donkey", "Turnip".)

Competition 8. “Fairytale crossword”

Solve the crossword puzzle based on the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.


2. The owner of the glass slipper from the same name

fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. 4. The Queen's Daughter - "White as snow, blush as blood, and as black-haired as ebony."

6. “Snow White and...”

7. Sister Hansel.


1. A fairy tale about a beautiful princess who, despite all the warnings of her parents, pricked herself with a spindle and fell asleep... But not forever. 3. A bird whose name, according to storytellers, speaks of its royal origin. 5. The city where the old donkey went to become a musician.

7. “Mighty...”, also known as “Iron...” and “Smart...”.

Answers. Horizontal: 2. Cinderella. 4. Snow Maiden. 6. Alo is a flower. 7. Gretel. Vertically: 1. Rosehip. 3. Korolek 5. Bremen. 7. Hans.


Awarding the winners and presenting gifts.

The magical world of fairy tales.
Literary quiz with answers based on the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm for primary schoolchildren

Kondratyeva Alla Alekseevna, teacher primary classes MBOU "Zolotukhinsk secondary school" Zolotukhino village, Kursk region
Description: the material will be useful to primary school teachers, kindergarten teachers and children of different ages. It can be used for discussions, class hours and extracurricular activities.
Target: expanding and consolidating children’s ideas about the literary fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.
1.Introduce children to some facts from the life of the German storytellers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm.
2. Arouse interest in fairy tales and a desire to read and reread them.
3.Develop thinking, memory, attention, speed of reaction.
4. Identify the best experts on the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.

Preliminary preparation: hanging in the classroom corner a list of fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm that children can read for the quiz.
These are fairy tales:
"The Bremen Town Musicians"
"Mistress Blizzard"
"Seven Brave Men"
"The Brave Tailor"
"The Hare and the Hedgehog"
"Young Giant"
"Three Snake Leaves"
"Golden Goose"
"Three Feathers"
"The Frog King"
"Friendship of cat and mouse"
"Hansel and Gretel"
"The Straw, the Ember and the Bean"
"Tom Thumb"
"Magic Pot"
"One-Eyed, Two-Eyed and Three-Eyed"
"The Bremen Town Musicians"
"Sleeping Beauty"
"The Thief and His Teacher"
"Torn down shoes"
"Six Swans"

Questions are given in abundance, use them all on one class hour not necessary.

Introduction to the Brothers Grimm.
How many fairy tales are there on earth -
Different, different!
How many different kings -
They are not alike either.
This one is a coward, and that one is a fool,
And this one sleeps on the throne;
One king is always a king,
The other is when wearing a crown.
The king has plenty of land
And there will be more tomorrow...
Yes, only in fairy tales are kings
More pleasant than in reality!

Two gentlemen in frock coats,

With hats and vests...
Not often seen in villages
So dressed up like that.
What path brought them here -
And, apparently, not short, -
On the square of German villages,
To fairs and gatherings?
And what good is it for them to be on the road?
Among the crowded people?
They want to find an estate
For lack of it?
Or they decided to dig a treasure,
Buried under a mountain?
So why don't they have shovels?
And shovels with you?
At the beginning of the 19th century, in small towns and villages in Germany, you could meet two young people asking local residents about something. What were they looking for? The treasure that these two gentlemen wanted to find, rummaging through ancient manuscripts and asking people in all corners of the country, was not hidden in the ground. I give this name - folk tales. Fairy tales with fairies and giants, witty simpletons, princes and princesses and, of course, kings.
This is how Jacob himself spoke about his occupation:“Now is the time to collect and save old legends, so that they do not evaporate like dew under the hot sun, do not go out like fire in a well, and do not become silent forever in the anxieties of our days.”
Traveling around native land, the brothers wrote down fairy tales from the words of rural and urban residents. Over the course of 10 years, the Brothers Grimm collected more than two hundred fairy tales.
And in 1812 they decided to print them. These books were called "Children's and Family Tales." King Thrush, the king from the Golden Mountain, the king from the fairy tale "White Snake", the king from the fairy tale " Successful trading" - that's how many of them live in fairy tales collected by the German learned brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm.

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were born in Berlin, into the family of an official. They received a law degree in Marburg and served as professors at the University of Berlin. They created a “German grammar” and a dictionary of the German language. Their family was very friendly. Jacob and Wilhelm had three more brothers and a sister. Parents very often organized family holidays for their children.
February 24, 2016 marked the 230th anniversary of the birth of Wilhelm Grimm, the youngest of the storyteller brothers.
The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm have been translated into many languages ​​of the world, including Russian. In Russia, they learned the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm in the middle of the 19th century and immediately fell in love with them. The books were published in huge editions, and later films, cartoons, and performances were staged based on them.
The Brothers Grimm wrote many scientific works, but it was three collections of carefully collected German folk tales that made scientists famous. And although Wilhelm and Jacob did not compose fairy tales themselves, but only processed what was written down, as a sign of special gratitude, the folk tales preserved by them began to be called “Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm” everywhere.
Friends, let's talk now
ABOUT good fairy tales Brothers Grimm.
Didn't you think at first:
Did the Brothers Grimm all make it up?
In fact, these fairy tales
They have been living in the world for a long time.
And the brothers did a great job,
So that we don’t forget the fairy tales.
Today it’s hard to imagine
Our world without these wonderful fairy tales.


1. In what century were the brothers born? (In the 18th century)
2. In what country did the brothers live? (In Germany)
3. What were the brothers' names? (Wilhelm and Jacob)
4. Name the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm (Children's answers)
5. 0 what did the hare and the hedgehog argue in the fairy tale “The Hare and the Hedgehog”? (Who will overtake whom.)

6. What does the fairy tale “The Hare and the Hedgehog” teach? (Do not brag about your virtues, do not make fun of the shortcomings of others, otherwise there will be someone who will laugh at you.)
7. Why did the old gray-haired man from the fairy tale “The Golden Goose” reward the guy with the golden goose?
(For his kind heart and generosity.)

8. What words did the tailor Hans embroider on his belt from the fairy tale “The Brave Tailor”?
(“When I’m angry, I kill seven.”)

9. What words had to be said for the magic pot to stop cooking porridge?
(“One, two, three, don’t cook anymore!”)

10. Which of the Bremen musicians played the violin? (Cat)

11. In the fairy tale “Hansel and Gretel,” the children approached a hut that was made of bread and the roof was made of gingerbread. What were the windows in this house made of? (from sugar)

12. What thread did the tailor use to sew up the bob (fairy tale “Straw, Coal and Bean”)? (Black)

13. Who bewitched the handsome prince in the fairy tale “Red Dawn and Snow White”? (Little dwarf)

14. What object did the king’s daughter drop into the well in the fairy tale “The Frog King” or “Iron Henry”? (Golden Ball)

15. Who did the king marry his arrogant daughter to in the fairy tale “King Thrushbeard”?
(For a traveling musician)

16. How did the shoemaker and his wife thank the little men (fairy tale “Little Men”)? (We sewed clothes for them and made shoes)

17. What was the name of the king’s daughter, who was “White as snow, red as blood, and as black-haired as ebony”? (Snow White)

18. With the help of what object did the king find the way to the hidden castle in the forest where his sons lived? (fairy tale “Six Swans”) (Magic ball of thread)

19. What did the cat and mouse hide in the church (kirche) under the altar? (fairy tale “Friendship between a mouse and a cat”) (Pot of fat)

20. Who did the stepdaughter end up with when she went down the well to get a spindle? (To Lady Metelitsa)

Summing up the quiz.

Identifying experts in fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm.
-What do the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm teach us?
(Be kind, help each other, don’t be lazy, don’t deceive anyone, love people.)
It can be difficult to live
The terrible hour is coming
But a fairy tale is a thread,
Connecting us.
Not every fairy tale is good
You'll find it at first glance.
But in every fairy tale there is a wolf
Weaker than seven kids.
Let's go our own way,
And then let's see:
Ernst August - who is he?
And this? Brothers Grimm!
Who is friends with the kids?
All countries and all lands -
Elector Wilhelm II?
No! Jacob and Wilhelm!
The king disappeared long ago
Like fleeting smoke
And you will open the volume
And you will meet the Brothers Grimm.

There are not many monuments in the world that are erected not to writers, but to their literary heroes.
The heroes of the Brothers Grimm also have such a monument.
In Bremen there is a bronze monument "Bremen Town Musicians".
On the pedestal stands a donkey, on whose back is a dog, on its back is a cat, and at the very top is a rooster.

No wonder that fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm so popular, because each of them is an amazing story about love and friendship, always with a good ending. They were written by authors who themselves believed in everything sublime, beautiful and eternal: true friendship, eternal love. And this is exactly what the brothers talk about in their fairy tales.

Grimm gave their positive characters enormous power. Everyone, Snow White, Rapunzel, Cinderella, and even all 12 daughters of the king in trampled shoes are incredibly beautiful both externally and internally. These are real princesses who will become role models for girls.

Choose a Brothers Grimm fairy tale to read

Grimm's fairy tales have a lot of interesting things for boys too. In every story, brave heroes fight for justice. And no matter how insidious the evil stepmothers and powerful witches are, the heroes always emerge victorious.

The Brothers Grimm always fight against selfishness, cowardice and stupidity. Such stories are especially relevant for older children, at a time when the main values ​​of life are being formed. These tales show how good it is to be honest, respect others and be generous with true friends.

All these stories were taken by the brothers from the folklore of their people. Grimm carefully searched for the wisest and most entertaining stories. And now you can read all these fairy tales online for free on our website.