We learn to kiss, we study the ways and techniques of kissing. What you need to know about kissing and how to learn to kiss correctly on the lips, with the tongue, passionately

If you have never had to kiss for real, namely with the tongue, then this does not mean anything. It's absolutely easy to learn! After reading our step-by-step recommendations, you will learn:

  • how to learn to kiss passionately correctly;
  • how to achieve yourself unforgettable kiss;
  • what mistakes should be avoided when french kissing.

How to behave when kissing passionately

Do not eat heavy food (meat, fish dishes) and do not smoke before a kiss, because a specific kiss is unlikely to be pleasant to your partner. Brush your teeth or use breath fresheners. Don’t get carried away with perfume either; in other words, don’t overwhelm yourself with perfume! After all, a strong smell can shorten the duration of a kiss or even discourage someone from kissing you.

Relax and don't think about anything. Extra thoughts and worries about how everything will go can only get in the way. Imagine a blue sky, and your thoughts are clouds that you disperse with your hands. Then just concentrate on the kiss itself and enjoy it.

Breathe through your nose when you kiss. This will not only make your kiss much longer, but will also make it more enjoyable for your partner. If you are used to breathing through your mouth, then urgently get rid of this habit. Practice in advance so you don't feel discomfort later.

Find a use for your hands. They should not hang like whips. While kissing, you can hug your partner's neck and caress it with your fingertips. Don't forget to change the position of your hands, move them to the guy's back or face and gently stroke him.

Trust your partner, don't isolate yourself. Just surrender to the beautiful moment.

Where should you start with the kiss itself?

First, lick your lips with your tongue and look the guy straight in the eyes. He will take this as a call to action. A passionate kiss, like any one, is better to start with a light touch of your slightly parted lips to your partner’s lips. This is a kind of light, gentle kiss (photo on the right). However, after this, you do not move away from your partner, but continue to press your lips to his, thereby showing that you expect him to continue. In order to “stimulate” the guy to further actions even more, you can also run the tip of your tongue over his lips.

Most often, after such preparation, the young man himself opens his lips, but if this does not happen, then you can slightly push the tip of your tongue between them. And take your time, the slower you start, the more exciting and enjoyable your further love play will be. In the photo we see how to learn to kiss passionately.

What we do with our tongue. How to learn to kiss passionately

You can caress your lips with your tongue young man, penetrate his mouth and even arrange some kind of competition, using his tongue. The main thing is not to stop, strive to explore your partner’s entire mouth. However, in classic version a passionate kiss dispenses with the tongue and is limited only to gentle biting and, as it were, swallowing the young man’s lips. While passion involves its use, which adds spice to the kiss and brings a lot of pleasure to both partners.

Let's take a closer look at the whole process of using the tongue in a passionate French kiss

Once your kiss has begun, run your tongue along the inside of your partner's lips. You can also lightly lick them. Then touch his tongue with your tongue. Next, move it across the sky, which has many nerve endings and is one of the erogenous zones. If you touch him with just the tip of your tongue, slowly moving it back and forth, you will arouse him quite quickly. However, remember Golden Rule: everything should be in moderation. If you overdo it, your actions will cause tickling.

After using one method, change it to another, for example, try the “mill”. This technique involves rotating your tongue in a circle around your partner’s mouth. It is also worth playing with his tongue, sometimes wrapping your lips around it, sometimes lightly sucking. Most men like the last technique; it has a stimulating effect on them. This method is successfully combined with the method of drawing your partner’s tongue inside your mouth. This is done like this: use suction movements to retract his tongue, then loosen your grip or release for a while and capture him again.

My advice on how to learn to kiss passionately: while kissing, imagine that your tongues are making love. If you have not yet had personal sexual experience, then remember stills from movies, stories from friends, or explicit scenes from books you have read. The movements of the tongues should be coherent, not chaotic. Follow the beat that your partner sets, repeat his movements. If he is passive, then set your tone. Catch the general rhythm, and then everything will be fine.

The main thing to remember is that no matter what method you use, you should always be gentle and attentive to your loved one's reactions.

TOthat's correctoh finishkiss passionately?

There is no difficulty in this, except that you should not end the kiss too abruptly. To make the process natural, you must first slow down the pace of tongue movement and then remove it from your partner’s mouth. It’s better to end with a short one, in other words, “smacking.”

Common mistakes made when kissing with tongue

1 .Don't push your tongue in too deep into your young man's mouth. At a minimum, this will lead to unpleasant sensations and possible easy withdrawal. And at most, touching the throat with the tongue causes tickling and a nauseating reflex in most people. If you do not want the kiss to end prematurely, then it is better to moderate your ardor.

2. Active and chaotic tongue movements"back and forth." This is reminiscent of the windshield wipers on a car. Sweeping, uncontrolled movements of your tongue are unlikely to be received with a bang by your partner. Relax him and caress him very gently.

3. Strong suction or intense biting partner's language. The imitation of a vacuum cleaner is good, but in moderation, without prolonged retraction. Tongue bites should be short, playful and gentle. Press lightly with your teeth, without force. Excessive manipulation can cause serious pain to a young man, because the tongue has many nerve endings.

4. Don't forget to swallow your saliva. It’s rare that anyone likes very wet lips or the squelching of their tongue in their partner’s saliva.

5. Lack of body and arm movements while kissing. Don't stand like a pillar. Move, press closer with your whole body, and then move away a little. Gently or, on the contrary, passionately (at your discretion) caress the back of your partner’s head, neck, shoulders, back, buttocks with your hands. This is very exciting and adds brightness to the kissing experience.

Finally. How can you achieve an unforgettable kiss?

So, if we have sorted out the question of how to learn to kiss passionately, then the task of achieving an unforgettable kiss still remains relevant. You can talk for a long time about how we kiss, about the ideal option, but still not come to a common opinion. The fact is that there is no panacea for all occasions. Having re-read and thoroughly studied all the kissing techniques, you will not find a universal option.

The whole “trick” of an unforgettable kiss is its individuality! Remember: in all centuries, the best seductress was considered the one who could find a special approach to a man. The stronger sex appreciates what it did not receive from other women. This is why a real lady never repeats herself.

This also applies to kissing. What one person likes may be completely different. For example, one person loves stroking the tongue, another loves gentle sucking, and a third prefers biting. That is why, during a kiss, try to listen to your partner, tune in to his wavelength and follow his desires.

What makes a kiss unforgettable is only the feelings you have for the person. Try to convey to the man all the passion, love, tenderness that you feel for him. Let this moment become a reflection of your soul. If you invest in it strong feelings, then the kiss for your chosen one will become truly unforgettable and endlessly desirable.

Passionate kissing is a very intimate and personal topic, but you need to talk about it and know what it is. After all, not all girls know how to kiss well and often get complex and upset because of this. So let's find out more about this kiss and how to learn to kiss passionately.

I also call a passionate kiss a kiss in French. Because everyone associates France with romance, tenderness and kisses. To learn how to kiss well, you need to prepare well, watch videos, look at various articles on how to kiss. You also need to have the right emotional and psychological attitude.

If you feel that a kiss will happen soon or will happen right now, then try to relax and enjoy this process. You should be calm and relaxed, your lips should be soft and sensual. When you merge in a kiss, you yourself will guess what needs to be done, this is a subconscious feeling. But, if you want to be professionals in this matter, then read some tips.

  • If you start to get nervous, you will start to lose the rhythm of the kiss. Under no circumstances should you think about how everything happens, this will only make your kiss worse.
  • When you are worried, your breathing becomes irregular. You will breathe loudly and quickly, and I think that the kiss will no longer work.
If you go for a walk with a guy and you know there will be a kiss, prepare for it early. Take care of your breath, buy refreshing candies, or a special spray for a pleasant breath. It is not advisable to use chewing gum; it will be awkward and unsightly when you start throwing it away at the right moment. If you smoke, be sure to immediately take the candy to make the kiss pleasant, especially for girls who have non-smoking boyfriends.

Watch how your lips look. In no case should they be heavily bitten or rough, or, for example, weathered. To begin with, the preparation for a kiss seems clear, now let's come closer to the issue of language.

Many people think that a kiss without a tongue is childish and simple. But there is also an opinion that such a kiss is much more intimate and romantic. If you don't know how to kiss with your tongue, then this type of kiss will prepare you for the next step. A kiss without a tongue is a gentle touch, biting your partner's lips, a tender feeling when you touch your lips. Such a kiss can last a very long time, you can enjoy it and revel in this wonderful moment. This good way study each other. Many also ask the question, where should I put my hands? Believe me, during a kiss, your hands will automatically find their place; they can hug your partner’s waist or neck, or simply keep their hands on your man’s face.

And the question arises before us, what to do with the language and how to control it? This kiss is technically more difficult, but it is the most pleasant and personal.
A kiss can occur when one tongue takes part, or maybe when two tongues touch. Your tongues have touched, try to lick your partner's lips, you can bite your lip a little, lick your lips from the inside. Also, when kissing, you need to breathe through your nose, this way you will relax more and be able to prolong your kiss longer.

Is it possible to learn to kiss passionately without a partner?

Girls are in a hurry to learn how to kiss, but there is no suitable partner yet. Many of these girls want to show themselves as experienced women in this difficult task, but guys don’t always like such experience. Most guys like it when he becomes the first person a girl learns to kiss.
Here are some tips on how to learn to kiss without a partner:
  • on fruit. For example, on peach or kiwi. Bite it a little, lick it with your tongue, imagine that these are your boyfriend’s lips.
  • If you have a mannequin or toy that looks like a person at home, you can try it on it.
Now you know a little about kissing, but remember that the best kiss comes from a girl in love. Because the kiss comes from the heart.

Passionate kisses, unlike simple kisses with the touch of lips, are not seen so often. The whole point is that the partners still have to come to such a kiss.

To master the correct technique for performing passionate kisses, training and time are needed. Let's try to answer the question - how to kiss deeply?

Perhaps there are no kisses more passionate than passionate kisses. This action implies complete contact of the lips of a man and a woman with each other, as if they merge into a single whole. The word “passionate” sounds rude, which is why many people call these kisses French.

France has long been considered the country of all romantic lovers, which may also be why the most passionate kisses are called French.

You can get comfortable with the technique of passionate kissing by watching various training videos on the Internet. In any case, one viewing is not enough; only after hard training will it be possible to achieve results. The psychological and emotional mood of both partners is added to the exercise.

The moment of the first passionate kiss is especially exciting. As a rule, both partners experience incredible stress before the kiss itself. Just thinking about the taste of a kiss on their lips makes their hearts beat twice as fast. To calm yourself down and relax, try to imagine the complete picture of the kiss in your head, and not just some fragments of it.

By showing restraint and shyness, you can achieve greater results by quickly winning over your partner. Your affection and femininity will allow a man to show his initiative. All you have to do is float along this flow of love, responding to his touches.

Some rules to follow before kissing deeply

  1. Before any date with a guy, especially before kissing him, you should take care of fresh breath. This can be done very easily and quickly using “tick-tock”, “orbit”, “dirol” or a special spray. But if you use chewing gum, you need to spit it out just before the kiss, and it can happen suddenly. Spitting out gum in front of your partner will be at least unaesthetic.
  2. If your partner does not smoke, and you do, then, at least for a while, you will have to quit bad habit. You need to respect your partner so that he also enjoys kissing you. Every man views his partner as the mother of his future children, so no matter what he tells you about smoking, no matter how loyal he is to it, he will still have hostility in his soul. Lotion will help temporarily hide the smell of cigarettes.
  3. So that you are not bothered by any complexes at the time of a passionate kiss, you must constantly monitor the condition of your lips. If you see that your lips have become hard, rough, or chapped, you can use colorless lipstick or lip balm before a date. These remedies will help get rid of inconvenience.

How to kiss passionately without using the tongue?

Some people don’t consider kissing without a tongue to be real kisses at all; for them it’s just the touching of lips against each other. But if you have never kissed passionately, these are the kisses that will help you learn correct technique. Besides, as we know, each person has his own tastes. Some people like to use their tongue when kissing, while others find it disgusting. Thus, the technique of passionate kissing without the use of the tongue will definitely find its adherents.

What does a kiss without tongue mean? This is when you feel the contact of lips, their compression, sometimes biting and sucking. Any first kiss that shows the partners' attitude towards each other is performed without tongue. This is quite understandable because on the first date, when people don’t know each other well, they drown out all their impulses of passion within themselves, showing caution and politeness.

Scientists have proven that the manner of his kisses also depends on a person’s character. For example, modest young people who have been quiet in life are very sensitive when kissing. Temperamental people, on the contrary, kiss passionately and sexually and do not like foreplay and tender caresses. Therefore, you can determine a person’s character by a kiss.

How do you know if your partner is ready for a kiss? As a rule, he brings his face very close to his partner's face and lowers his gaze to her lips. In response, she can already close her eyes and feel the taste of the kiss.

Features of kisses involving the tongue

Now that we already know how to properly kiss passionately without a tongue, let’s master the technique with the tongue. The most exciting question for everyone is probably: “ Where to put your tongue during a kiss?».

In this case, it is the tongue that will play the main role in the kiss; its main task is to penetrate the partner’s mouth. Both partners, or just one of them, can kiss with tongue. Some people like to play with tongues without entering their partner's mouth. Passionate kisses involving the tongue are considered the most passionate and sensual.

Many men are afraid to open their partner’s lips with their tongue, but some adventurers do it technically and professionally. This or that behavior may indicate experience and good command of technology. After your tongue touches your partner's tongue, try making a few circular movements with it, maybe biting your lip lightly. Many men get very excited when a girl licks the inside of their lips with her tongue.

While passionately kissing, you can caress each other with your hands, hug each other by the neck, stroke your hair, or run your fingers over your face. Breathing should be balanced and only through the nose - this will make you more relaxed, you will not be afraid of suffocating during the next kiss. In terms of time, passionate kisses should not be too long, unless of course you want this action to develop into something more.

Is it possible to learn to kiss passionately without a partner?

If you don’t yet have a young man on whom you can practice passionate kissing, then you can master this technique yourself at home. To do this, some girls purchase a mannequin on which they test their practices.

But the mannequin will not be able to open its mouth, so you cannot master the technique of passionate kissing with your tongue on it. This problem can be solved very simply, with some juicy fruits. For example, a peach can create an imitation of male lips. Touch it with your lips, bite it, lick it. It’s better, of course, to do all these experiments alone, in your room, so that the people around you don’t take you for a crazy person.

Now that you already know everything, you can safely start practicing. Don't be afraid of anything, don't be shy about anyone, be confident in yourself and in your intentions.

How to properly learn to kiss a guy and a girl. How to learn to kiss for the first time with the tongue, in a hickey, in French.

Kiss... how much we know about kisses and at the same time we don’t know much. After all, there is a whole science of kissing that will help everyone who wants to learn how to give pleasure to their partner, ignite passion, show their feelings and confess their love without words.

Every kiss is unique and no matter how many books you read or romantic movies you watch, your kiss will reflect your personality. In this article you will learn how to properly kiss a guy and a girl on video and how to learn how to kiss for the first time with a tongue and in French.

In any kiss there are three important points:

  • - touch (touching the partner);
  • - taste;
  • - sense of smell.

Kisses can be different according to:

  • - strength;
  • — duration;
  • - passion.

Kissing techniques are rich and varied. When kissing, you should pay attention to:

  1. — caresses with the lips, that is, the ability to touch, stroke, apply pressure, suck and even “hug.” Caresses should not be intrusive and especially not negative for the partner;
  2. - breathing, which is very important during a kiss. Feeling your partner’s breath, breathing simultaneously with him, this is what helps even greater contact;
  3. - light biting with teeth, which often further enhances the passion and excitement of partners during kissing;
  4. — the tongue is a flexible, mobile muscular organ that is perfectly adapted for a variety of caresses such as stroking, tickling, gentle touches, etc. Caresses with the tongue are considered more delicate and gentle than, for example, caresses with the hands.

Each person has his own personal idea about kissing. A kiss reflects the individuality of everyone, so there is no list of universal tips for kissers. If you want to learn how to kiss correctly, you should know that the main rule is to find out what your partner likes.

How to learn to kiss for the first time

A kiss for teenagers is a kind of sacrament that they each strive to learn in their own way. Girls buy magazines, but young people rely on their intuition.

How to kiss a girl or guy for the first time?

  • In the first kiss, let only lips participate.
  • When kissing for the first time, your lips should be slightly open, and the touch on your loved one’s lips should be soft and light.
  • A kiss should not be mechanical or insensitive. The first and all subsequent kisses must contain emotions and they must come from the heart and soul.
  • When kissing for the first time, it is important to use your hands correctly. Try to hug your partner gently.
  • While kissing, don’t think about technique, that is, about how you kiss correctly, just relax and give tenderness to your loved one, feeling his desires.
  • Let your first kiss be sweet, but not long.

How to kiss a guy, a boy and a man correctly.

The rules that will be given below are suitable for both male and female audiences. Below you will find a video example.

1. Practice is necessary.

In order to be at least a little confident when kissing a guy, boy, or man, you need to practice. It should be an enjoyable experience, so take the practice sessions seriously. For example, try kissing different parts of your palm, forearm, wrist different techniques. Try kissing gently and passionately, for a long time and with light pressure. Try kissing with your lips closed and then with your mouth slightly open. You think it's stupid, but try it anyway.

2. Show your partner your tenderness.

Show your partner that you want to kiss him with a look, a light touch, and even words.

3. Fresh breath.

Make sure your breath is fresh. There may also be a subtle aroma of perfume coming from you. Remember that not everyone likes strong scents, especially if you don’t know your man’s preferences.

4. A pause is necessary.

The anticipation of a kiss is very exciting and exciting. Therefore, do not rush to give in to the kiss, but on the contrary, enjoy the anticipation. During such a pause, you will exchange sexual energy with your partner, smell his scent, feel the touch of his cheek on your cheek, and hear your partner’s breathing.

5. Take your time

Start with light kisses. Your lips should be slightly damp, but not wet. Advice to take your time is very important in order to find out your partner’s preferences and get to know each other.

6. Sweet lips.

Feel the taste of your partner's lips. Just start kissing first upper lip, and then the bottom one. This way you can also learn a lot about your partner and his desires.

7. Nonverbal signs.

Of course, you can discuss with your partner everything you like about kissing, but this rarely happens. Therefore, pay attention to non-verbal signs when kissing. For example, feel how the degree of pressure on your lips changes, which indicates what your boyfriend or man likes more. The sounds he makes and the frequency of his breathing will tell you a lot about what he liked most about the kiss.

8. Connection when kissing the tongue.

Your kiss may involve your tongue. You or your partner can start this kiss. Remember that some people may have a negative reaction when using your tongue, so be careful and attentive. Start kissing with your mouth slightly open. You shouldn't move your tongue, but you shouldn't purse your lips either. You should feel that your boyfriend, boy or man is ready to respond to such a kiss.

9. Wet kiss.

Your lips should be moist but not wet. It's probably worth warning your boy, boyfriend or man that you have increased salivation.

10. Pinch and nibble.

You can find out if your partner likes lip-biting kisses. Often such kisses cause sexual arousal and turn on a partner.

11. Talk to your partner.

Talking to your partner about how you like to be kissed is partly not comfortable. But it’s not only worth hinting, but also very necessary. Do what you would like your boy, boyfriend or man to do. This is how you can tell your partner what you want.

12. What to avoid when kissing.

Kisses can be performed in different techniques and different couples find their own special kisses. But in any case, try not to suck, sniff, drool, or make sudden movements with your tongue.

Watch how to kiss correctly in the video.

How to kiss with tongue correctly?

After you master the technique of classic kissing and get to know your partner better, you can try kissing with your tongue.

How to kiss with tongue correctly? Such a kiss is considered a kiss of passion and sexuality. Here's what you need to know before you start using your tongue to kiss:

  • A tongue kiss can be called a continuation of the classic kiss.
  • Be sure to check the freshness of your breath.
  • Start with a kiss on the lips and slowly move to a kiss with the tongue.
  • The choice of a romantic or cozy place is of great importance.
  • Touch when kissing with tongue is also very important. You can touch your face gently, hug your partner by the neck, and your partner by the waist.
  • In order to be sure that your partner will like kissing with the tongue, you can try kissing the neck first, other parts of the body with a light touch of the tongue. At this time, watch the reaction of your partner, you will definitely understand whether he is ready for tongue in his mouth.
  • Kissing technique: Use the tip of your tongue to find your partner's tongue. Your tongue movements should be playful, but by no means rude. Lips and tongue should be relaxed. Don't stick your tongue too deep as this may cause discomfort. Moderation in movements and strength is the main rule of this kiss.

The tongue in a partner's mouth can:

  1. - explore every corner,
  2. - play catch-up
  3. - lick,
  4. - caress your tongue and lips.

The main thing is variety so that kissing does not turn into a monotonous and rather boring activity.

  • A tongue kiss can last 20 seconds, or maybe as long as half an hour. In this case, everything is individual.
  • How to end a kiss with tongue? You need to put your tongue in your mouth, slowly lean back, you can kiss your partner on the lips. After all, any kiss, and this one too, should end beautifully and romantically.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment, get creative and be natural!
  • And the most important advice The thing you shouldn't forget is practice. After all, only by practicing can you improve in kissing with your tongue. During a kiss, strive not to receive pleasure, but to give it to your partner.

How to kiss a hickey correctly?

You need to kiss a hickey correctly. And for this technique there are some recommendations:

  • Start any kiss with a gentle touch on your partner's lips. The hickey kiss is no exception.
  • Take your time, because your little love game will become much more interesting and many times more enjoyable.
  • A hickey kiss is one of the variants of kissing with the tongue. Kissing technique: you must first touch the inside of your partner’s lips with your tongue, then lightly lick them. Touch his tongue with your tongue and begin to make movements that seem most suitable to you (“play” with the tongue, examine the mouth, but not intrusively). The main thing is not to rush and at the same time stop. Explore your partner's entire mouth with your tongue.

What can be unpleasant with such a kiss:

  1. - your tongue is very mobile and persistent;
  2. - your tongue makes erratic and rapid movements that do not give pleasure;
  3. — you bite or suck your partner’s tongue hard;
  4. - your hands are idle.

How to kiss in French

French Kiss- a kiss that is known all over the world. This kiss can often be seen in movies and every couple in love tries to enjoy it. The term “French kiss” came into Russian as an element of French culture, which has always been closely connected with the theme of love. In France, this kiss is more often called the “kiss of souls.”

French Kiss– this is a fairy tale and magic. This is an unforgettable and exciting kiss. French kissing is very popular, especially among teenagers and young adults.

French Kiss- This is an opportunity to express all your feelings for your partner. To get maximum pleasure from such a kiss, you need to know everything about the technique of this kiss.

So, how to learn to kiss in French or how to properly perform a French kiss:

  • French Kiss- this is the contact of languages. Sometimes both languages ​​can work, sometimes only one. Everything is individual and depends on the wishes of the partners.
  • Before kissing, lightly moisten your lips to give them an attractive shine and the necessary glide.
  • It is important to position the heads correctly to ensure maximum depth of the kiss and also to avoid bumping noses.
  • First, look into your partner's eyes, bring your lips closer to his and close your eyes. After all, this way you can focus on the kiss and enhance its effect.
  • Start the French kiss with a regular kiss (by touching your partner's lips). Do everything gradually and slowly, gradually opening your mouth.
  • Gently insert the tip of your tongue into your partner's mouth. Do everything gently and not forcefully.
  • Remember, the tongue is a very sensitive organ and therefore the lightest touches will be pleasant and exciting for you and your partner.
  • During a French kiss, you need to slowly explore each other's mouths with your tongues.
  • Watch your breathing. To avoid turning pale and out of breath, try using mouth breathing and air exchange techniques. This common breathing will bring you closer.
  • The French kiss technique should include experimentation and imagination. After all, there are no two identical snowflakes, just as there are no two identical kisses.
  • Alternate deep kisses with kisses on the lips, make them short and long. Feel your desires.

How to kiss a girl and a woman correctly?

In this section you can describe all the same rules that exist for kissing a guy, a boy or a man.

  • The main thing is not to forget that the kiss should be sincere, gentle, romantic, passionate.
  • You should not be persistent and scare your partner with your kisses.
  • Feeling the desires of your girlfriend or woman is very important.
  • Touching and hugging should begin and end with a kiss.
  • Whatever technique you use for kissing, start with a gentle touch on your partner’s lips.
  • Remember that in addition to the classic and French kiss, there can be kisses such as:

- a friendly kiss, when you gently touch your partner’s cheek;

- kiss on the ear;

- kiss with noses (Eskimo kiss);

- kiss on the eyes;

- fruit kiss;

- a dangerous kiss with a slight biting of the lips;

- a contrast kiss when lips and tongue alternate.

How to kiss correctly at 12-13 years old?

12-13 years - adolescence, the period of puberty, which means the period of the first bright love and attraction to the opposite sex. How to learn to kiss at 12-13 years old? What do you need to know at this age about kissing?

  • A kiss is an intimate, personal moment and at this age you should not give your first kiss to a person you don’t like or don’t care about.
  • Kissing is a shared activity between you and your partner. So listen and feel everything that happens when you kiss.
  • You should enjoy kissing together.
  • Kisses at this age can be different - with and without tongue. For teenagers, tongue kissing is that forbidden fruit they dream of trying. But couples in love, even in adolescence They prefer classic kisses.
  • Kissing practice is very important. Therefore, advice is often heard - try to learn how to kiss on a tomato. Don't laugh and try to hone your skills.
  • Kisses should be soft and gentle. Rudeness and strength have never conquered any heart.
  • When you kiss for the first time, relax, do not be constrained.
  • The principle “the deeper the tongue in the mouth, the better the kiss” is not correct, as it can cause a negative attitude both towards kisses and towards you.

Many people believe that real kisses at 12-13 years old are very unlikely, that for real kisses you need to grow up. But no one canceled true love and reverent attitude towards each other.

We can talk about kisses for a long time. After all, this topic has been interesting since ancient times and remains relevant today. Answer all questions and receive clear recommendations on how to how to kiss properly for the first time and what to do during a kiss if you are not 12-13 years old. Just as there are no clear instructions or step-by-step instructions how to learn to kiss with tongue or passionately. Top tip in any kiss, be natural, sensual and listen to yourself and your partner’s desires. Then your kiss will be the best, because it will be special.

How long do we wait for the first kiss? Having watched enough romantic films about love, we also want to learn how to kiss passionately. Sometimes standing in front of the mirror, kissing our hand, we want to imagine what this kiss will be like.

However, our expectations are not always met, and this sign of showing love and sympathy for each other does not turn out the way we would like.

Girls, if you are ready to kiss a guy, then you need to hint to him about it. The guy has a lot of different thoughts about how you will perceive this step if he makes it first. What if you are not ready for this or the relationship between you is nothing more than friendly, and he decides to kiss you.

So show that you want it. But be prepared for the kiss to be passionate and tongue-in-cheek, and not quite what you expect.

How to show that you want to kiss?

Touch him more. Do it as if simply and casually. Light touches on the arm or shoulders will show that you are drawn to him and you are not indifferent. You don’t have to hang yourself on your neck or get used to it with all your might, but if you haven’t seen each other for a long time, it won’t hurt.

A guy really loves it when a girl throws her legs over his lap while you're sitting on a bench on a beautiful sunny day outdoors. The guy won't mind one hundred percent. Before this, you can say that your legs are tired.

There is a boundary of intimacy, crossing which you enter the person’s personal space. When a stranger is very close, it causes discomfort, but when it is the personal space of people who like each other, then it is very pleasant, and immediately becomes noticeable and creates a special effect.

A common aura seems to form over two people, and it seems that the rest of the world simply does not exist. You can create such an aura by sitting on a guy’s lap. With such closeness, a kiss simply cannot be avoided.

Before kissing passionately, take care of the pleasant smell

You need to worry about yours in advance appearance, cleanliness, as well as smell and freshness of breath.

After all, if you are not sure that you look neat, and whether your breath stinks of something, then a kiss and just being nearby will not bring pleasure to both of you.

Of course, you can use chewing gum, but it will not clean your teeth and tongue. Therefore, it can only be used as a supplement for fresh breath.

Try to refrain from drinking carbonated drinks, because belching during a kiss will not leave a very pleasant impression.

To be honest, it’s easier for girls to learn to kiss passionately, because they just need to repeat his movements of the lips and tongue.

It's like a dance led by a man.

Here are some tips for girls to learn how to kiss passionately:

  • 1. Are you interested as it should or correctly learn to kiss? Don't follow the rules! It doesn’t matter whether you read them in textbooks or learned them in some movies! There are millions of ways to kiss with your tongue. You need to do this with feelings and forget about any advice, not to think about whether you are kissing correctly or not.
  • Try to rely on the guy and kiss slowly, let him lead. And it doesn’t matter how he does it: slowly touches his lips or starts with a passionate kiss.

  • 2. Don't be passive during subsequent kisses. Next, try to be active too, play with the tip of his tongue, which you will undoubtedly touch during a passionate kiss. Do it timidly and slowly.
  • 3. Help with your hands. During a kiss, in order not to look like a tin soldier, and also to add new sensations, use your hands. Touch your hair and back, put your hands in your jeans pocket or under your T-shirt.
  • Sometimes it happens that you cannot control the strength of the touch, since strong excitement occurs during an passionate kiss. And then you can find scratches or bruises on your body from the fact that he pinched you, or you pinched him, but you didn’t feel it.

  • 4. Watch a video of passionate kissing, which is presented at the end of this article.

remember, that a kiss is a kind of game in which you need to experiment with tongue movements and biting. But don’t forget about touching your hands and body.

It's easy to learn how to kiss passionately!

In fact, learning how to kiss with a hickey is easier than it might seem. After the first such kiss, you will understand this yourself, because at the genetic level this skill is inherent in us and immediately after the touch you will understand this by the movements of the lips and tongue.

How can I do this myself? You ask. But the answer has already been given. So don't be afraid. This is the coolest stimulating effect that nature has given us.

I'll be honest, my first kiss wasn't what I thought it would be. But then it became the most pleasant and exciting action.

Kissing video

To more clearly see the behavior of partners during a kiss, you can watch this video, where a young couple will demonstrate their technique to you.

I wish you new pleasant sensations and passionate kisses.

Positive video. A girl talks about her first kiss.